The Brussels Post, 1907-11-21, Page 8Pure
Olive Oil
'For Taking
When you have Occasion to nee Olive
Oil it pays to get the best. The sale of
Olive 011 a& a medioine has inoreased
wonderfully during the lash year or so.
We have an Olive Oil that we thick it
would be hard to bent, Imported from
France, it is a pure, clear Oil, almost
oolorlees, and absolutely without any
nauseating taste,
Price per Pint Bottle is 46e. Also
in any quantity as desired.
In Handsome Boxes
Nob Cheap Stationery iu gaudy
styles. If you get it hare it is right in
every way. We have at present a very
large number of new Boxes of Stationery
At 25c each
All New Designs
And by the way these make one of the
west useful Christmas Preeente.
We shall be pleased to show them.
Trains forme Braaeels Station, North
and South, as follows:
GorNo Booms Gourd 17oBmff.
Mail 7:05 a.m I Express 10:55 0,m
Express......11:25 8.101113411:44 a.m
Express ..9:02 p.m l Express � 8:51 p.m
Following is the 0.9. R. Time Table at
Walton: -
To Toronto To Goderioh
Express.,..,: 7:46 atn Express 11:52 a m
Express 5:85 p m 'Express 9:36p in Stii3s gums
A ohiel'B amang ye takix' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Thom good wheeling on the main
REAn the advertisements and save
BRUSSELS Monthly Horse Fair will be
held on Thursday Dee. 6th.
Tae looal hunters are book from the
North with s goodly share of veuieon.
BvD8OnIPTION price to all United States
subscribers i8 $1.50 a year, payable
strictly in advance.
CHRISTMAS to rapidly approaohing end
already the shrewd holiday buyer is
busy. Watab out for the bargain an.
noa0oemen69 in Tea Pon.
THE strayed yearIlog steer advertised
by 01. Doll last week belonged to Abram
Bishop, 8th coo. It pays to advertise in
a paper the people read.
Wait has bean declared on the English
sparrow in Michigan. From December
lel to February 28th the State will pay
2 mote a bead and a terrible slaughter is
WHY don't the young fellows get to.
gather and arrange fur a monk parliament
monk trial or something equally as In•
600686ing thin Winter? Very little ef.
fort ie made in this town to bring oat the
young men's 208011eetnal eide.
Tan Exeter paper toys :-Frank and
Mre. Durdle, of Brussels, arrived iaet
week and will remain for Several moathe.
Mr. third's, wbo is recognized as the
moat rapid ohioken picker fa Western
Ontario, has been engaged by Jones &
Clark for the Beason.
Sosut of the newspapers throughout
the o0antry are retinue their eabearipbion
and advertising rates to conform to the
inoreased octet of material and wages. It
ooata money to run a newspaper now -a•
days, the expense amnia having in
in leaps and bouode.
A RECENT OlrOahir from the Registrar
Gonerel'e Department, Toronto, directs
the clergyman before ooudaoting a fou•
eral service, to require the produotien of
the ',harlot permit" and request' the
a ergymen to report direct to theliegistrar
General any Ware to produce the same.
New Coven OF STUDY. -The dandle OL
the new oouree of study for Provincial
Normal eohoole will be announoed in a
few days. In the future inoreased at•
tention will be paid in these inetitatione
to the aoademio side of the work. With
the Normal schools will be affiliated an.
graded rural schools. The teacher train•
ing eoboole are situated in oitiee, and
there was no provision for affording in.
etr0ation of ungraded aaboule. Every
Normal school master will be required to
upend one week in eaob year in visiting
these rural eohoole in company with the
A Wournea.-The following speaks for
itself and should be taken ae a hint by
others :-To whom it may concern, -We,
Burley Hodgine and Earl hiur1ton, hem
by deolate that we are very sorry 'for
our bad behaviour at the entertainment
held in the Methodist church, 4th oon.
M.eG}illivray on the night of the 28th of
October, 1907, and we hereby promise
to behave to the fatnre 08 beoometh good
�- tlijizene and we also promise to pay im•
m,trwtgty the Sent of 41.0,00 toe damages
done to tae oharah Bed expeoeee in con-
neobion therewith, Signed,
ACCIDENT To R. G. WneoN.-While
working on a eoaffold in the Adelaide
Street Baptist Charob, London, on
Woodsy afternoon of last week, R. G.
Wfleon,00utraobor, met With an ao0fdent
wbieh might easily have twat him his
life, bat from wbiub he fortunately • ee-
°aped with but a few bruieee and a
severe :Making np. While working on
a eoaffold 0.p near the ceiling, which
of 26 0 80 feet -from the
ilr h
ld be a
floor, the boards upon whiob tie was
Branding are thought to have given way
on account of a big knot or defect in the
plank and be was preolpitated to the
flood beneath, hie downward progreee
being impeded by Several eoaftold braces
wbi,b fortunately prevented, him from
Oe08re injury and probable death. A
dootoe Wait Summoned to attend to his
injeciee and found that he bad swooped
without breaking any bongs, and that
bsyood a few eevere bruises he had come
t ,,ate .e suit ,taptely, The doctor any:
that he will he 'maned to hie hoose for
some days, bat that no 8801008 oompliea-
tions are likely 10 set le. Mr. Wllsob'e
many old friends in Brn0eele hope he
Will 0oen he 0, k.
HuaoN Go. Connell will OOlivene at
Goderioh on Tuesday attern000 Deo. 3rd.
A aim from this locality will take in
the Poultry Show at eeaforth on Friday
of this week.
A CAR of dressed, orated poultry was
u R bt. Thomson
for ed on Monday Winnipeg. y b y o
$1,851N advaooe secures Tae POST and
Weekty Globe, with illustrated m850Rine
Beaton, from now to Jan, 181 1909.
This le oertainiy a ainab you. should net
Fool BALL entertainment in the Town
Hail 'Thursday evening of this week.
"Doyle, the Tea Girl," will be presented
by the Firth Go, Plan of reeerved seats
at Fux'e Drag store.
ST. JOHN'S Ohuroh Anglioan Aeeoaia•
tion wilt give a Measuring Tea and
lllusioale in the Towo Hail, Brueeele ou
Tuesday evening Doc. 10th, 00mmeuaing
at 8 o'alook. A good tune is guarauteed
Teo week will fairly well wind op the
apple packing and shipping in this local
ivy. The crop was a long way in advance
of many proguoetio8tione made early in
the season. Sorou Go, ie hard to beat in
producing apples of A 1 quality and large
ANOU9 CAMPBELL, who bag 08n au out-
door skating rluk for several years will
undertake to supply ice (alms with beak
Frost) this Winter. He will have tip
old site corner of John and Eerkrt
etreate, opposite Victoria Park. Thr.
will be good news for the boys and girls.
SOCIAL EVENING.-Mundey evenfirg of
next week a 800,0.1 evening will be giver
by the Epwortb League in the eohoul
room of the Methodist (Murals, A moat.
oat and literary program will be giveu
and one of the 0 000 8 8110 9 feataree will
be au old fashioned spelling match.
Program oommenaee at 8 (Mock.
Toox A CAP: A ebort time ago Mre. N.
McLettay, Thomas etreet, hung revere)
fur article's of clothing on the clothes,'
line at ben home far an airing. Some.
body made it their business to take a,
Persian Iamb cap which has opt been re•
tamed to thie date. As ehe has a fairly
good idea where it has gone ebe upper
the missing 0016018 will be returned with•
oat the neoemity ut a enroll -warrant in
the hands of a constable.
LECTURE. Rev. A. H Rantou'e Leotore
wilt be given in the Town Hall Brueeeie
on Wednesday evening of item week.
The aubjeot is " From .the bar room to
tbe pulpit" and tb ie given under the
auapiee8 of the local. W. 0. T. U. Silver
collection will be taken. Lecture at 8
o'olook. Mr. Renton always drawe a
big hoose. Rev. A. 0, Wrebart, B. A,
will 000apy the chair and vooal 881800ionr
will be rendered by a quartette and the
Loyal Legion.
8e 's ueaatl f168111ul cru of 0be8200te.
Y p p
is nearer a failure this year than for two
deoadee. Dry weather during the forma
Live period is given as the chief reason
while mine daring the ripening teaeou
caused a great percentage of the ,man
yield t0 rob. The forecasters among the
New Jersey farmers say that this means
a mild, open Winter, and bank op the
statement by the fact that squirrels ere
not making great to hoard, A Warren
County foreoaet of a mild Winter is
based upon the die0overy during Fall
plowing that snakes were not burying
themselves at as, great it dietonae below
the frost lice as usual. It is a little early
yet for the goose bone prediotore.
RODUCTION.-"Dolga the Tea Girl" i8 a 'brand new
mueioai production which some of the
leading oribias have paeeed on as befog
the olevereet operetta prodnoed in year..
They speak of it as follows :-'"rbe
latest 38960888 operetta (Doyle, the Teo
Girl) ie the cleverest operetta that has
been written for some /rams. The story
ie oleverly written and full of situations
that give great mope to the 8otore in
both comedy and dramatio work while
the m08io is decidedly catchy, tuneful
and fall of daeb, the kind that one oarrl88
away with them never to forget. Unlike
meet playa the plot of "Dolye the Tea -
Girl" ie easy to follow although many
oomplioatlone arise which are decidedly
tunny and ean80 intense interest and
many a laugh," Town Hall, Brueeele,
Thursday, Nov, 21st, ander auspices of
Foot Ball Olub. Plan of hall at Fox's
Drag Store.
Sumer RareINO.-Daring the last few
years the rearing of cheep has not 0001
mended the attention of Ontario farmers
to the Same extent as it did previously,
Ooneeg08nt1y the Department of Agri-
culture baa made an investigation 0.o to
the extent to which the industry has been
affeoted and the oaa8e for its deoreeee in
popularity. The resorts of this inquiry
are embodied to a bulletin the fleet of
its kind in Ontario, just honed by the
department. One table ihdioatee in the
'last year for which figures are available
there were in the province 1,824,158 ,beep
and that for the four preceding yore
there bed been an average annual homage
in the number of 109,411. Reaeooa for
the lessening 00mber of sheep kept in
Ontario are given, They are look of
eaffioient prolate due to low prioee, looses
oaoeed by doge wowing sheep, Inoli of
pasture, difficulty it Oonflning sheep to
tended fields, 108868 from dieeaee at lamb
Ing time. The first Beason has been to -
moved and prime are on the Moreaee.
The bulletin °anteing a number of sag
goetions for the amendment of the Sheep
Proteptien Aet,
r -
()int Deposit J Vccunis
are a special convenience arranged for customers of THE
METROPOLITAN BANK. Money can be deposited or with. -
drawn by husband or wife. Particularly valuable for farmers and
town residents,
Q Money orders and drafts sold at lowestretes.
Q Formers' Sale Notes collected and advances made thereon.
Q SAYINGS DEPARTMENT -$1.00 or more opens an account, interest
allowed from date of deposit, and compounded FOUR times a year.
Q You may deposit or withdraw money by mail.
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid Up, $1.000,000,00, Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183,713,23
WEDNESDAY nightie wind .storm blew
down the emokeetaok at the knitting
factory but did not damage it very
Mn. LYE has not accepted the Brueeele
agency of the G. T. R. and instead, Mr.
O'Neil, who is now relieving ab Durham,
will be the agent. He is expeoted this
Tac, Westminster Guild of Melville
oborob will hold a Scotch imolai in the
see s
basement ot the oharah on T d y,
Daoember lard, $ootoh lunch will be
AUcmr•N sale of borne and lot, stable
and park lot, horse,.'
riga, household
furniture. &o, at the home of the late
Thoe. MoLanoblin, Tarnberry street
North, Saturday afternoon of thie week,
1' B. Suitt will be the auabroueer.
Two CHAMPIONoHIPe.-Last week the
Silver Cup, representing the ()uteri°
Foot Ball obampionebip for 1907 arrived
in Brueeele and is on exhibition, along
with the W. F. eilver tankard in the
wind ,tv at Fox's Drug afore. Brueeelite,
required no introduction to the latter as
this is the third time it was here bet the
Ontarioeilverware woe new to ns although
we nearly had our hands on it in a for-
mer aea8ou. The o0p is a large one with
three handles and stand's on a wooden
pediotal and has attracted coneiderable
attention. If we bad a good photo of it
we would send it to Green River so that
the "Makers" there would kuow what it
looked like.
the Ontario Hortfoalturel Exhibition at
reroute' last week prizes were awarded
in fruit ro Huron Go, exhibitors as fol•
Iowa ;-K. Cameron, Laokuow-let Spy,
let Baldwin, 2nd Ben Davie ; A. W.
Sloan, Blyth -let Flog, 2nd Spy, 2nd
Greening; W. Geddes, Morrie -2nd Bald
win; Geo. Laithwalte, Goderiob Tp. -leo
Ruaeet ; E. B. Jenkins, Tarnberry-let
Canada Red, 2nd Russet ; E. MoIiwain,
Nile -2nd Bing ; G. Fothergill, East
Wawauoeh-let Ben Davie, 2nd Ontario,
Sud Canada Red ; Hy. Corwin, Goderioh
Tp, -let Ontario ; R. G. MoGowan, Beet
Wawaooeb-let *resiling, and A. 0,
Variety ; F. E. Bingham, Goderioh-1.t
Snow ; F, Hogg, Seeforth-2nd Buow ;
J. B. Henderson, Seatortb-let A. 0.
Variety. F. Metcalf, of Blyth, and W.
Leis, of Goderiob, took charge of the
Couogy exbibit, A table 85 feet long was
loaded with fruit and Wee very doe, The
front was donated to the Sick Ohddreu'e
Hospital when the Exhibition oloeed.
DIED AT 102 YEAR,,-Mre. Holmes
probably bbe o•deet woman in the 0onn0y
ot Huron as well as the lougeeb 000ti000ne
resident of the county, died at her home
Hoimeeville last Saturday in her 102nd
year. The late Mre. HOlmee was the
widow of the late John Holmes, who
represented the Huron district in
parliameurin1887•having defeated the
Hou. Mr. Cayley. Mre. Holmes was en
rxoeptionally bright and intelligent
woman and notwithstanding her great
he n0.
age retained t e of her faculties al.
most to tbe laet. She hae however not
been able to leave her home for some
years. She was a lite long end devoted
member of the Methodist ohnrob and
generously oontributed to i00 mainteu•
anoe. Deceased was the mother of Dr.
Thomas Hoimee, Detroit ; Dr. W. R.
Ho -meaGoderiob, (former well known
Brueeelite,) ; John R Holmes, Holmes.
veleand grandmother of Dudley Holmes,
of Wtngham. Two daughters reside
with her, Mies Deborah Holmes and Mre.
Leech, Mre, R. W. MoKeuzie, of God.
eriah, also being a daughter. The frueral
took piaoe to Goderioh oemetery on
DOBoON-GLADE.-Mira Nellie Dobson
and Arthur W. Glade were married at
the home of the bride's 9006008, David
and Mrs, Dobson, on South Buokeye
avenue, Abilene, Saneae, on Tuesday
morning, Oot. 29th, at 7 o'olook, Rev. F.
8, Blayoey, The weddiug
was of a quiet nature, only relatives be-
teg preaent. The ring ceremony wa8
employed and at its oouolosion 0.o excel-
lent wedding breakfast woe served, Mr,
and Mrs. Glade left on the morning Santa
Fe train for Grend Island, Neb. Their
many friends wish them ail happiness.
Moe Dobson, wbo had lived in that
vi0iniby cur the poet five or six years, le
au accomplished young lady. She is a
graduate of the Abilene high eohool, of
both the eteuograph'o and oommereial
departments of tbe Central IIausae Busi-
oee8 College and is a fine musician. Be-
fore ebe had quite completed her work in
the latter eohool ebe was engaged in
newspaper work, Her repertorial work
hue been of a high order. Her judgment
end pleasant diepcoition has won matey
[rondo among people of all ages and in
both bneineee and sooiel oirolee. Mr.
Glade Dame to Abilene some four yeare
ago when tee Glade intereete
pat based a 000trolling interest in the
Abilene Milling Company. Be has bad
barge of the operation of the mi110 and
is Ouanted one of the beet miters of the
'taste, no email oredit. While he nae
always given Strict attention to business
he baa port of the tits played on the
looal ball team and hie ability as a pitch-
er has made him popular with the lovers
of the national game, Hie earnest, un.
assuming and einoere disposition has
made a friend of every aogoeintanoe.
The bride's p8reet0 wore well known
former residents of Bruepele and old
friends Will wleh . Mre. Glade end her
husband prosperity.
Ex -Police ieepeotcr Joseph Johnston
hoe been appointed Chief Liceuee In-
Rpeeter for Torudte,
Angue Maotioaald a young Nova Soo-
tian, woe killed at North Bay by a shunt
Mg engine,
John Hunter, an old resident of Ux-
bridge, committed suicide by patting hie
throat with a razor.
Business Locals.
Lon in Broeaele, a braes key, made by
Bergent & Greenerof, No, 684 A. 41.00
reward will be paid at Tete POST.
8080 of money lost by the undersigned
wbo will be grateful to have it returned
to him or left al THE POST.
Oraubrook P. 0.
De, Bomrrn'e VIeIT.-Dr. Butler, the
London Eye Specialist, will be at the
American Hotel, Brueeele, on Wednee•
day, Nov. 27th. Glasses supplied.
A Ionia ehop in a good town offers
to take a partner with $600 to $5,000.
This ie a rare Mimeo 8o do not delay aid
RS I hove a large number of new choice
modele made and tested in my line your
chances are doubled. T. MoGREoon, saw
g0mmer and flier, and improver on saw
tools and road:Ines, corner Mill and Main
etreate, Brueeele. Editore of papers
should oopy this it they wish to help
and 100000090 enterprise.
Ray. E. G. Powell was on the Atwood
oirouit last Monday evening, delivering
his lecture "The men the age demands."
"The treasoreo of the allow" was Rev.
Mr. Powells appropriate topic, in the
Methodist oburah Iaet Sabbath morning.
"Heaven" was the theme in the even-
ing of a very interesting dieoonree.
Rev. Mr. Burnett, of Molesworth, 00-
oapled the pntpat of Melville church last
Sabbath. In the morulas he discoursed
on "The seven golden oaedleetioks. He
oleo preached a floe sermon in the even.
The Anniversary Sermons of the Meth•
odiet oharah 89111 be preached on Sabbath,
Deoember 23rd. - On the evening of
Ohrietmae Day the anneal Tea Meeting
oomee off when a good program will follow
the supper. Proceeds will be applied to
a fund to be need next season in painting
and decorating theoharoh.
The arinoal Bible Sooiety meeting will
held in the Methodist church Broeaele,
on Thursday evening of next week, 28th
lust., oommeneing at 7.80 o'clock when
Rev. Mr. Haeaard, B. D., of Toronto,
will deliver an address which will be
illustrated by etereopiotian viewe. He ie
said to he a fine speaker, A. M, MaBay
is the local Preeident.
Huron Presbyterial is oompoeed of 18
auxiliaries with a membership of 141 ;
10 mission bands with a membership of
$18, combined total membership of 766.
Oontribated by aaxiliariee for 1907,
41673.64 ; by mission bands for 1907,
$288 26 ; total by auxiliaries and mission
bands, $2061.90. Valoe of clothing sentt
to Birtle eohool was $662 69. Oolleotione
at meeting's in Kippen $80.
LADIES' AID. -The annual meeting of
the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist oburoh,
Braseels, was held on Toeeday afternoon.
Following are the offi.oere for the stoning
year :-Preeident, Mrs, S. T. Plum ; Vim
President, Mre. R. Leetherdale ; Secre-
tary, Mre. Woteon Ainley 1 Treaearer,
Mre. R. Paul. Financially the results of
the year totalled $96.26, the large portion
of which wee derived from the mo0thly
10 oeut oontribution euoaeeefully worked
for several yearn and which will be con
tioued during 1908. Only one entertain.
ment was held last year. The ladies
deserve great credit for their faithful end
highly valued efforts. They provide. for
the iutereot annually on the Parsonage
debt, end also keep paring down the
Roy Emigh was visiting relatives at
Richard Patterson was away to Barrie
for a weak.
Mrs, (Dr.) Graham is visiting in Tor
onto with old Mende,
Moe. John Thomeon le spending a few
weeke with relatives in Seaforth,
Mre, G. N. MoLareo and obildren are
visiting with relatives at Midland.
Mee Eva M. Gilpin spent a few bays
with Mre. R. F. 11,10128reher near See -
Mre. J. Oster and her brother Mr,
Jacques, of Garde, were in town last
Fletcher Roe, Broaeelo South, has been
on the 8iok lief bat we hope he will soon
be o. It.
Herbert Wilton end hie sister, Miro
Baphemia, spent Sunday on the 14th of
MoKillop, -
J. R. and Mre. Miller, of Jamestown,
were visitor', with E3. O. and Moe. Wilson
Flora etreet.
Obarlee Broadfoot, of Seeforth, was
renewing old aoquaint8neee in town one
day last week,
Mae Henry will not go to Wingbam
bat will make her home at Bright whither
she went this weak. tt, -
A, A, White, teller of the Standard
Bank here, spent Sunday at the parental
home 10 Ailea Craig,
Mre, Bonnet has been real ill at the
home of D. Ewan, Brussels, but we trust
elle will noon be oonvaleenent.
Frank and Mrs. Derdle are holidaying
with rolative6 in Exeter since tremolo
Creamery °lotted for the 0ea0on.
Robert Harltne00 . wits at Tee:weber,
last Week visiting hie "brother who hag
been eeriodely III With typhoid fever,
trn`rmstIBHEtil 9ii75
Head Office - = - Toronto
In our Savings Department. Deposits of Si and upwards are received,
on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed.
No Delays in making Withdrawals .
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. giowland, Manager
Mies Myrtle Wilson is holidaying with
relatives in Toronto,
Mrs, (Rev) W. T. Olaff, of Stratford,
a former Brueeelite, le visiting her slater,
Mre. W. a1, Binolair, and other old
John Ritchie, who has been employed
as barber in Welland for the poet year,
bee taken a situation in Hamilton this
week. -
Mite Edna Speiren, of Goderioh, wbo
held a position clan in the Lrxoeleior knitting
factory here, returned to her home tat
week. She may be book again atter New
We are p'eaaed to notice that George,
sop of D. C. Rose, Brueeele, has 800009e -
fully paeeed the matrioulation exam
He is attending the Ontario Dental Col-
lege, Toronto,
Mrs.1'bompeon, (nurse) is regaining
her aoonetomed vigor her many friends
will be glad to know. She ie touting this
weak with her daughter, Mrs, J. G.
Smith, 8th con , Grey. '
Mine May Wood arrived home last
Saturday from a three months visit with
t'elativee in the U. S. It agreed well
with her ns, she added 30 poande to her
weight and Peale Brat class,
Fowler Johnetoe, younger eon of J.
Johnston, Turobrrry street, met with an
unfortunate accident a few weeke ago.
A trop door descended on bis foot, break
ing one of the toes. The little led ie Dow
able to get about almoet 08 well as ever,
A. and Mre. Morrison, of Port Anetin,
Michigan, are renewing old friendahipe
in and around Brueeele. They parpoee
removing to British Columbia where
they intend making • their home, Many
old friends will be glad to hear of their
returning to British territory end will
MEM them 8000688.
Fire did fifty thou:mud dollars' damage
to H. R. Ives & Oo.'s premises et Mon-
The frozen wheat of the West 10 not
steeping well and ehipmenfla deteriorate
ve'y fast. -
William McIntosh, a Cobalt drag
olerk, died from the effects of inhaling
the fumes of stria said, -
Counterfeiters' tools and over $200
in onanterfleit silver were totted in an old
hones being torn down at Montreal,.
James Simpson will run for Mayor as
the candidate of the eooialiet party in
George Lewis, an Englishman at-
tempted to eommit eaioide by inhaling
gas at Toronto,
Erskine Presbyterian 'March Toronto, , t
marked its seventieth anniversary by $g- -2aoya sz,A.xtemr- me,
epeoial eervio80. i( ---
Application was made for a reprieve of
Jake Suuffeld, of Hamilton, ander sen-
tence of death for warder.
While a loaded brink -wagon wa8 pass-
ingover it the mainfloor of the new Con-
f•deration Lite building, Toronto ool-
Skil the Chis !
D00'6.11a90 ohepped or roughened
eltitl-n0 need of it because Our
r. I '91x1 \....
mltltee ollnppiog intpovaible it
used regularly after the hands
and face are bathed. Delicately
perfumed ; delightful to toe ;
dries quioltly ; and mete but 6
cents per ounce
GAaaoiv.-In Goderioh on November 81h,
to Mr. and Mre, Charles Garrow, e
MoNAIR. Io Grey, on Nov. 9th, to Mr.
and Mre. Neil Mohair, a eon.
LotiO-R09e8LL.-In the R. 0. -°beech,
B'yth, en Nov, 2011), by Rev. Fr.
Hanlon, Mr. Joseph Long, of Grey,
to Mies Irate, danghter of Mn, and
Mre. Thoe. Bmooell, of Morrie.
sx mD.
GazeNDY,-Died on October 22nd, at
Carlton, Minniott, York, England,
Thomas Gatenby, formerly of Grey
towuehip, Heron Go., Oat., aged
86 years.
MoMoonAY.-In Morrie, on November
15th, Mary Youill, beloved wife of
Robert McMurray, aged 66 veers.
PATTEReaN.-At Auburn, on November
llth, Ella May Patterson, daughter
of Donald Patterson, aged 31 years.
avcT'xes'r sax,£.
SATURDAY, Nov. 23nn.-Bonee, citable
lands, live stook, riga and household
furniture, Toreberry street, North,
Brueeele. Sale at 1 p. m. Peter Scott
and Alex. Stewart, jr., exeootore of late
Thoe. Mat.eaohlin, P. 8. Soott, Aup-
TUESDAY, DIM. 10, -Lot 28, Con, 8,
Grey, 40 young cattle. Sale anreeerved
at 1 p, m. Thoe. Davidson, Prop, F. B.
800tt, Aoa. -
Fall Wheat
Batter, tube and rolls
Egg' per dozen -
Hay per ton
Floor, per bbl
Hoge, Live
88 90
55 60
78 80
45 46
21 28
21 23
14 00 15 00
4 60 6 20
6 40 5 50
• General Repair and Blacksmith shop,
tools,. eta. Good busiuees ' on01888100 at
once. Apply to lA, B, Mb9'FITT,
20.2 Wroxeter.
The !undersigned hue a quantity of
good Karn timber for Bale on his premises,
Lot 16, Oon, 6, Morrie, It .13. AI/0009,
I/0 00.
20.0 - F.
LJ rens of the undersigned, Lot 0, eon. 6
Grey, on or about October 20th, one rets..
hailer Spring calf. Owner is requested to
prove property, pay expanses and take her
away, 80081:0 DOLL, erlteoeie P.O. Hitt
(J x828 of the tinders gued, not 28, Uon,
31, Grey, on or about Nov. 4th, 8 head of
yearling cattle, 8 of them are Steers and 5
belle= Iu the number le a black and white
ted red and whihailer ny informathers ion led-
ing to their recovery will be thankfully re-
oeived. RIOHA14D 009, Oraubrook P.O.
Huron County Council
The Council of the corporation of the
County of Saxon will meet iu the Grinnell
Chamber in the Town o1 Goderioh, ole Tues-
day, the 8rd day of December next. oh 8
o'oloolr p m. A11 x0800068 against the Ooun-
ty, requiring settlement, mast be .plaeed
With the Clerk by Decelnuer
v. LANE, Clerk.
Goderioh, Nov,15th,1907.
4,4illlhpbPllr'tpl,'4,piI191�hi IIb,b111dipbhli 4111x1,'I,00%,Ib'11$.1011%,%'a10 40'1011,11'e1nr,Il'10n,l1l,Ilielie N, lt'n,'I,'tN,'apti b,','lu'ipyylpttloq,,lt'll'11,'11i'I part111,ab'i1111i 111'W'10,10. 1,1,1
At Reduced Prices
We will make a big cut in the prices of
all the Ladies' and Children's Cloth
Coats that we have left. ' Right 11ow in
the beginning of November we are will-
ing to sacrifice profits. They are all
in the height of fashion and for most
people will be just a.8 acceptable now as
earlier in the season.
Come in and see the Prices
they are Marked at.
.Mous' and Boys' Overcoats
Mediums and heavy weights in Tweeds,
Beavers, Meltoua and Heather Mixtures, in -
Chesterfield and Ulster stylt.s ; well made ;
good linings; right styles and perfect fitting.
Prices range from $18.75 to $15.00. We in-
vite inspection and comparison of our goods
add prices. -
The Now Fall Petticoats
We have a range in which there are
varieties and styles to satisfy any Fall Petti-
coat need. In J31acll Sateen, always a most
satisfactory material, we are offering three
special values :-
Ab 800 Women's Black Sateen Pettiooate, regular..$1 25
At 980 " n IIt' • 1 85
At 41.25 " " " ,' 1.50 & 1 75
Boots Shoes and Blubbers
We carry a full line for Ladies', Men,
Boys, girls and"Children.of the Celebrated
Granby Rubbers,. all sizes and widths.
At $1.60 -Women's hood quality Dongola Kid - Boots,
Blucher style with patent tip, heavy slip Bole, all
sizes 8 to 7.
Exceptionally good value -At $2,00 -Women's ohoioe
Doogola Kid Boots, Lace and Bluohor etylee, Bingle
and slip Bales, With self and potent tip, all sizes 2i
to 7.
Winter Underclothing
and Hosier..
Winter stocks aro now complete. You
will find all the wanted kinds for Men! Wom-
en and Children at,the very lowest prices.
Produce is very high at present. You may depend upon it
we always pay Abe Highest prices. -
Goods Right or your
Money 13t;ck,