The Brussels Post, 1907-11-21, Page 7f Of'Plill I'(11S(ININU. Workers in copy. 1' luiuors, falat110111, nlc,11 iOh< mid t < 1 l"'rsinl les- me rmn r foetuuate than Ilt.•e 0110 hove Io do with alhelr 1lutials, 'cud, fur t'xauPle, in plot ,ropier•-ua'h11Uc rapper, Ibet i lu say- is not 11 very dungeiwlts I1'1111, btalnnres ( pui•,uung icy it .ore w111l- p1itlively rare. 'neve Lave Indeed been casts of eopper-poisoning, trrth acute and cltrouir, I,ul Ili( ore infrequent, and the symptoms 'u'c• 1111131 n compared with those of poisoning by lend, sine or ori vriiQ. The symptoms c,t acute coppetepoiwm- Ing, by sulphate of peeper me those of an irritant of the digeslive trrtcl a metallic taste in the rnotllh, nausl'a and vomiting Calle and purging, foilowerl by fainting spells, pt•rl)'Wps delirium and cone undone, 'rho lest antidotes tis rappr'r-po'enn• int' are Milk and eggs, either separately cit• beaten up together, If these cannot be ot.litined ut Dere, snap may be given. It -should lee dissolved do water, but not gh en in the form of frothy suds, the air In which would unduly inflate the sto- mach, In chronic poisoning occurring as an industrial disease, the symptoms are mild, consisting chiefly in n metallic taste in Ute mouth, a blue line on We edge of the grns, sometimes ulceration and rei•eeaion of the gurus, leading to ex- posur0 end decny of the teeth. elle teeth are often of a green cater. "Barrs-foundelrs' ugue" is probabiy duo more to the poisonous aneen of the rine than to the copper. Tile symptoms oousist of a chill, with clammy sweat- ing, followed by nausea and vomiting. The workers also suffer from Moro or lees bronchitis and asthma. Milk is the accepted remedy for this condition; but the ease of inepirators by the workmen, ventilation of the shops, end strict attention to pet:snrlal cleenli- ness are imperative In (he prevention of further attacks and of chronic poison- inp. The fumes in smelling -works and ema- nations from the ashes removed from the furnaces am dangerous, as they are charged with oxid of copper, and may in link einem symptoms of chronic pc isoning.Youtli's Companion. MDS FOR SLIGHT HURTS, Instant Relief from Burn-Grefo a raw potato and apply to a burn; will give instant. relief. Relief for Neuralgia. --Ginger pont- flees, prepared in sante manlier as mus- tard, will relieve neuralgia and will not blister. Curo Baby's Chafed Skin, ---Pub on vaseline and powder well with butler's earth, on# of the lest heeling powders, and cheap. Prevent. Burn Blistering, -To keep a turn from blklcriug put plerdg of butler On Cad then anleraius or baling sedn. In an hour the pain, too, will be all gene. To Cure Autumn Cold, --Remedy for cold ret 11111fs ; Cover a cup of flaxseed well with water, and into this slice one lemon. Let simmer for len minutes, and sweeten to lnc,to, This taken hot /lout every half hour will relieve the most se- vere cold on the hinge, FRESH All) FACTS, Oxygen is alrsuluLely noce.5sory to the existence of aninnal life. Man gels oxy- gen been air breathed into his lungs. Besides introducing oxygen Into the hkood, the lungs act os excretory or- ans, removing undesirable elements from the system at each expiration. In ordinary 0r.uecon cious breathing, nnly len to thirteen per cent. of the air hi the lungs is changed al eaeh breath, heaving eighty to ninety per cent. of the lung 'warily filled with stale air. Forced or e.onsoious breathing of pure nor ventilates the lungs, allying out. the eighty to ninel.y per cent. of the station- ery or stale alr. All bedroom windi:w's anti dors should be wide open during sleep, thus conuet:ling the lungs direr with leo pure air of tine outsidt. woe:,.. THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. Terrible 'Pott 01 Lives That Has Been Exacted -16,144 Killed in a Year. The Russian revolution gees on with all its Ireglc, terrible, accompaniments. Just at present the Reactionaries seem to he in complete ascendancy. The new 1)nunut, preliminary elections for which wri'e held early in September, will meet , the middle ot this month, It will be un tilire-,onserveeve body i1 the eke lion hew is carried ofd ms its framers intendecd It to 1*. The peasants will have but, small representelion; the landlords el. wrest. everything. It 18 true that among. these Inedlords there ere many plogres- aye, libeled -minded men, bol 111e major- ity of them are opposed to anything but the most gradual change of the existing regime. Meanwhile Ihr "paciflcnti0(1" of the empire gongs on. Reports cf Jewish m Issneres continue to coma with Mart: - 141g frequency. Official statistics re_ gurding the revolutionar'y:1oysmen1 in progress during the past .yens show lend the Mint number of 11(0) ins of vio- lepee ensbeen 47,020, of whole net 4A weer killed There were 7,362 anti- Jewish ricks, 4,5.10 watt Armenian riots,,, P.103 mutinies, and 633 egreednn np- risinge. The rrvolultoniels ussessdllat•ed eighty-three generals or governors, sl\ly-ane prefects, and 8,070 omelets 01 verions other ranter, The Government, ter its pari, (gelled out sentences of oleate upon 2,381 persons, mei, ;Mee innunry I of the present year Aced, mere then 60,000 "110(1 0111x' to. Siberin. Such has been the mot in 0111na0 life of the norninnl suppression of tithesIll latest revolutionary movement. The Finns w' wed seem to he able to retnbn then' (deafly -bought Meliltes, The present yenr has Aeon new gentile made t0 the Finnish !Diet, including ((1e 001165.1 of friers, tonins, and ocher. expendlteees, 1'tte Finnish courte, (lee, hove 110vv the right 10 pass upon thecens1.11ul1onniliy o' even the tethered decrees, while the linesinnelppolnied ,judges In 100 dncily 1.113 notq h9 tlf lnisseft without the won•. sent of the Diet, , '1'1)10 is the one bright (velure of the revolutionary situation, 1111,x11 hale new involved elntost every crn•nee rt the :.vnpiee,-,teeltliev of tie• vier 5, A EAILl11Clt':3 'I'ttlell.S, SYrah and 1'8'orn Out 'through Over - Work and (41111, flours, The farmer's life i, 6106310 n hard ono, bol if he is weak or suffering it is newest llnbenrnble, 'no hours are lung and the wnrh 4,o hard that hone hut the Acumgest can slued if. An iliusirello l of the furl of 110111 WAN{ 011 the system is given by Mr, (ten, Itln isberg, it fernier t,f Spry, Ont. Ile says: -!'I have live! nearly ell lay life in 1114, 131'nleg peuinsuln, I am a fernier and have always had my share of hard work end Bila 0 good hinny other meet 1 thought there nine no weal, out to rely system. lit this 1 0118 111l4- tr0u n, for 'teeth, x uh n year and a half age i began to go gt'aduelly (town hill. 1 \multi fere til the least exerlien, my ap- petite failed me; 1 had a severe pain in 1,y side mid emend my heal'), Tho doe - lc. k ld me 1 was suffering from perni- cious nmlalnili; that 1 was uhnost bl0cri- less. 1 &Peeved far six moning, but In- stead of imprclving 1 grew 'so wenn that 1 mull hardly clove without as- sistance. I lost flesh till 1 was almost a skeleton, 'A ','lend (rola Slakes Buy told Ine of the great benefit she had de- rived from the use 01 Die Williams' Pink Pill.; and advised me to try therm. My sieter-in-law had also received great benefit from their use, so I deeded to give them a trial. After using the pills about n ninth 1 began to gain strength and from thin on 1 improved rapidly. New blood seemed to course theaugh MS veins; my nppedilc improved, ifee pain left my stele and beer) and 1 gain- ed in weight. Adler using about a doz- en boxes of the pills 1 01011 egain en- j;rydng the best of health. 1 have no- thing lett praise far Dr. Williams' Plnk Pitts as they cured me after 10411061 treatment had failed - 1 really believe they saved my fife." Good heed is the secret of health. 141 ep the blood pure and such diseases 'le anaemia, rheumatism, sciatica, in- digestion, heart patpitetien, eczema end the secret ills of woolen will not exist, 'rile most perfect blood tonne anu nerve restorer in the world is Dr. Williams' Pbdc Pills, Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 50 cents n box or six boxes for $2.50 from The De. Williams' Medicine Go., Brookville, Ont. KING AND SCHOOLBOY. - 111(1 Who Weote to His htajesly About Attendance Alecto! A touching little incident about a London SOblw boy who - wrote to the King regarding his school 'attendance medal was related at a recent meeting nl the London County Council. The P.duealion Committee had pro- pcsed that the practice of awarding modals ter regular and punctual attend - vice should be discontinued, but the Ptogre=sives were successful in moving that the proposal should he sent back, and further, that the tomruitlee should consider the possibility of extending the fundal system.. During the debate it was pointed out that these medals aro an exeeedingly populer 111$lihlharl 1n London schools, Qt ern Victoria allowed her effigy to np- penr upon them; and quite reeenlly 1Ciug Edward gave 0 special sitting for a like purpose, Consequently the award of modals Inas the very highest appro- va1, '1'ho syrslem was started in 1888, and in that year 4,000 medals were distrlbul- ed. Last yen' no fewer than 57,4ee scholars rnrne 9 them. Therefore, "`a n1edr11 system mustt exerelse a marked influence span the attendance returns, Air. Hastings Jay mentioned a boy who was marling for his seventh n10 - dal, but last it through .lalling in the pee:gra red anti breaking his leg, The Incl felt it so keenly that ho actually wrote to lho King that he had lost his medal, Ur. ,lay, apprehensive lost other little boys might do the same thing, ap- pealed to the Council to slop the system, A WARNING TO MOTi-i1RS, There are unscrupulous dealers who' for the sake of Iritldng gain ara willing to sacrifice the heelII-perhaps the lives-ot tittle ones. This Is proved by the fact that there are a number of init- iations of Baby's Own Tablets offered. The mother can protect her chill by seeing thnf the full name Naby's Own Tablets (111(1 tits four -lent clover with child's head on each leaf, is found 011 1110 outside wrapper amend ever'' box. Do not take anything else, as you In1ay. endanger y0111' child's life. if you can: 1101 gel, the genuine Tablets from your dealer send 25 cenls to The Dr. Wil - llama' Medicine Co„ �,1 it and of ilpost pa g t1 box by mall post pall. AGGRAVA'I'iNG MAN. "1 <lon'1ere hew you can have any fault t0 flrrd wills him." - "Why not?" "Bemuse he appears to he a man who is absolutely without ,nulls of any tort." l)tals just 11. y'haC; lits worst ii le" E s "A SPLENDID PRESCRIPTION, An eminent physician informs us Ilett. he has used the following pre- scription in his praetiee for n number of years, encs found it very seccesstfl in the lr'eattnent, of Kidney', Liver, Bladder, mid ail Minnie, affections. Ile claims ilial a vary few doses• will re- lieve the host severe pains in the eeacic, llt•ising f15111 disordered kidneys and impure blood: 0011 Oene0 of sweet spirits ot nitre, 0110 ougeo of \)dtnosa Compound, and four ounces of syrup of Irhuhnrb. These Ingredients can be °Hainer] el any reliable dreg st0ro. It 81On1(1 he taken in dessertsppeontill doses nbtee n8n18 and at bedtime In wake, 0. to unsurpassed for the ellre o1 rllaumaifsm1 driving the arta notch, onlieely neem the syetem: The ingredi• (ills are Inexpensive and harn1)essr and can be glean to children with 1 t hI1 \VAS INTERESTED. Landlady (reading), "1 see that Skin- ner', th'e'grocer, is adverb. Ing something new in coffee-pots. OId Benefice: "Whet isit-good cor- bel?" (.11(1; BR1'1'1S;(I i)I:P:ADNOL'(,I( Itu.sxinn AtImtrnll 1I PI f f BEE . *M.AKES BLOOD! 1921I•: 'I Althl: 01' Mired:. I In rl ease ]n Navy The nlm.'unrelnerrt 111 91. Petersburg Bad the Ituosinti Admiralty Mei c rdn'eid' a battleship of 22,11(14 tons to b,. ern. shorted at the Balite iron works Ibere. abpears In he promotive. Admire! Rosireut, the A ssielatit Meese r of Ile. rine, ears Ihnl the order has not yet beim glared, ns the phots 161' 11x! war- 111ip and' not yet ready. 'Ito Adndrnll3', 111, 11111cd, was 11, no hurry, 111111 m0u111 0011 111101 Iltfl (Minn .programme harp been approved, and the plans of wine shine Ind been finished, even lo. the smallest delete be intitd hennogeneau' pquadrens, r01- sisting of dote' beltleships, eight rrnls- 01s ruL1 the requisite number of torpedo heats unit other craft. The piens foe the ldt'st squadron are being prepared Icy Ito Admiralty, It is known that tine British battleship Dreadnought has been cslnhliehecl as n standard front 001011 111tesia11 designers cannot ilevlale very much. The tonnage of the Rus- sian Dreadnoughts will tat sa111ewltat less than 23,000. All orders 01' the week of reconstructing the Russian Deet will he executed in Rupert,- bar- ring an occasional order, judiciously npporlioneil between the foreign blidid- cre in order to keep up connection weth '1) 1' Adlydre1(3, however, tuts decried them, The Admiraity is aware that the re- ennslritcldorl of 'the fleet at hone ncees- hilnlcs radical reforms in Russian ship- building, but ell the rumors to lheeef- feet that the Government 1(1100ds lo sell Its shipyards to foreigner's are denied. On the other hand, i1 is staled on re. liable nuthori;y that the new Adml'atty shipyard and the immense lzhor steel armor works, which hitherto have ,bee purely Governmental institutions, con dueled on 1110 bureaucralic principle will teem the beginning of October b wine chnriered enmpanies, to he run o a strictly commercial basis in roger to peollis and losses, The Admiral) will own the sleek of these compan les, as it now owns the sloclk of Ili Piallic works and that of the Obuchov gun dounrlrv. Admiral Boslrem al, said that Ibc latest trial of the. Rurlk the Crst-Class armored Cruiser of 15,01 tens, built in England for Russia, her been satisfactory, she having attaine her contract speed of 21 knots per hoe r1_. _ n MALT IiEbet .ter has certain food- It the bice d elements which thesoon.,r the b o 11110y Can the health, a a d transform 1 11 t O healthy. blood the surer fico quicklyandwith body to combat the least digest- disease effoctive- ive effort, 1y, Boer, by some x� P S counted anintoz- S 0 leant, is not so -it contain a rnedi- is a blood -maker cal principle with barely which tones the enough alcohol nervus without in it to help the reaction, and so strppliesnervous 'stomach do its cnergyand saves work fax better, it as well. Beer with meafe B E E R* is good for 007 ' I as brewed in : people out of Ontario is made ` every thousand from choicest -andis specially Ontario barley good for women, malt, selected : Ask your own hops, and the put- doctor about it- ' est of water, dealt ; with under condi- , beer is probably ` t tions which insure good for you. purity and quality. WPM 1r a term ,rbluh 1urea 10 ;or, a1',, par tor, sad .wart,. od 1n OM median f enb,rlo Mtwarabeetle. l,,0.,'ar,y mels der moa 1T1lenin randltluae from Ontario Lunar (the ball t'e 0url11 Melt, 1,ep., and pure wear. r. TAUGHT 1Il1I A LF•,SSON, A young chemist:, assistant, who had heard the story of the negro wilt united for flesh -colored court -plaster end was given block by the observant shopman, pl11ued the 111011811 away in his menial e- slerehouse and decided Io use it at the n first opportunity. d After many months of waiting, his cp- Y porttmily came wheel a young negress one day walked into the shop where he e was employed. o "Ah wants Berne oou'i-pbastah," she 5o said, "What, color?" inquired the youth. !3 "Flesh culah, rah." rl fie handed the woman 11 packet of d thick court -plaster. 1., She mooned the packet with a delibera- tion that 10115 ominous, but she was uu- ruflnech when she noted the color of the n contents. i' "Ah guess yo' mus' a misunderstood - male ordah. Ah asked foh flesh culah - au' you've given me skin culah," The young man Is still a little dazed from the encounter, and he has firmly resolved to subject every joke to a rigid laboratory test hereafter before using. Nothing locks more ugly than 10 s tt person whesc hands are covered owe with warts, \Vtiy have !hese disfigure menls on your person when a sure re mover of all wards, corns, elc,, can Le found In Holloway's Corn Cure, NO CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT, "My goegl man," said the ,philosopher M the lafeira' who was mowing weeds (..n a vacant piece of real estate, "do you ever have occasion to complain til your lot?" "Ho, sir" answered the honest son of toll, "1 don't 9011 this lot." N"O sUBs'vrru'rp for The b d L Menthol Plaster, although servo unscrupulous dealer. may ray thorn is, lteuommendedb doctors, hospitals, clergy and everybody, for stiffness, plueriey, etc. e• HIS HIGHNESS THE BARY. Heir to Spanish Throne will be Enter- tained in Kensington Palace. Newington Palace, the birthplace of Queen Victoria, has heen chosen as the residence of the King end Queen of Spain and their sere while :n London, three morns of the double suite Le:ng rel apart for the baby, One c' (nese is a day nurser'', and to this every conceivable form of 1nda11tue arimee- ntend is being gradually imported. "Teddy" bears, soft fleecy lamb,. cost- ly rattling articles, such as all infants love, rubber toys, thick crawling rugs cf spotless while, the latest in cots and Infantile chairs --all these o oscine so fa', a confused but interesting bean to be by-an611y placed In order mid at- tractive form do readiness for the dis- tinguished small occupant. Sanitation in fittings and deemeatieas has been made a subject for much alm- b us care, and all has hien done io ensure perfection, The. ;menet of the walls Is of spotless white and soft event, hsrbortne no su$piclon 0t Microbe:: while the hnnging and rugs are 11050. lately new. Special .provision is also teeing made for baby's Spanish nur9'i-en-lemon- ed Member of his small Highness' suite. The children tit leo Petn •e end Prin. cess of Wales aro most inteiested in the visitor, and a grand rulnineging of treasures .ter the baby to play with has been taking place. Princess Mary, who was splln'li,i et - Ile motherly ways with her baby 1 re,- ther, is wondering whether she will he allowed to nerso her new relative, end all the children want to +Mine to Lori - den to see him. - 3' '1(10 CUSTOMER FLED, A gentleman in a restaurant th0 other tiny thought he would have a joke with the waiter, and asked him if he lead ever seen n sausage roll. "Yes," replied date wailer, "I have not Only scan a anllse re '011, but I hove seem n biscuit box, a table spoon, e. bicycle pump, a penny stamp, a chimney erveep, n chain link, a nosegay, a camera slide, a. garden fence, a sword. fish, it spoke allave, a wall lfower---. But when he got to "c tire escape" rho gentleman thought it Was time he es- eaped, too. As he 0819 going the waiter wont on with ---"a tap turn, a cake walk, a moun- tain climb, a sky lark, a honey comb- ' But by this time the customer' was hurrying down ' the street in -6 dated uondtldon, JUDICIAL. Towne: "You 10911 rather woary, old man," Browne: "Yes; I've had a trying time this past week." - Towne; "I11?" Browne: "No; on a jury," 01 (burse this W*r1d may l)o growhn(� better, but a let; 'Of new jails are ereete1 r w sa a eel every year, They are Caeefulhy Prepared, -Pills which diss'pale themselves in the sto- mach cannot be expected to have much effect upon the intestines, and to over- come costiveness the medicine admin- istered must influence the action of these canals. Parmelee's \'egeluhle Pills are so Made. under the Sapervislon of ex- perts, I1101 the substance in them in- tended lo operate on the intestines is retarded in aclton until they pass through the stomach to the bowels, "What is the most aggravating (115(01, in retied lite?" asked Dorothy, ",Some- times," sail the bachelor friend, "It's the husband, and sometimes it's the wife." A L'IR1E 5P1.BAA8 in dry grass, an does an inflammation in the throat grow down into the longs, Deal promptly with a cold as with a lire, and when you begin to cough use Alien's Lung Balsam, "If } never see you again," a teacher said, with much earnestness. to a gh'l whose scholastic career had come In 11 close, "I hope that you will never forget b, do your best wherever you may be, and that you will always be a1)11 honest, lboright woman- truthful and brave." "Thank you," said the girl, "and I hope y011'11 be the same I" ITCH, Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human 0l' animals cured in 30 minutes by Woi- forcl's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Hostess: "And 1 suppose you went up I.ha Rhine?" Affected Youth (who has been bothering the company with his travelling .experiences): Oh, yee, and many outer mountains," - A Slnali Pill, but Powerful. - They that judge of the powers of a pill by its 5150, 114001(1 consider Partnelee's Vegetable Pitts to be lacking. it is n Ht. tie wonder among pills, WhaL it larks 111 slzc it. makes up in potency. The remedies which it carries ere put up in these small doses, because they are so powerful that only small doses ore re- quired. The full strength of lite ex - leads is secured in this form end do their work thoroughly. WISE. "Slung 1" exclaimed the stranger. "Mosquito or mining stock 74, queried thn'man who lead experienced both. 1Naechlnl: "Yes, we aro in Beed of a peeler. Where were you employed Iasi?" Applicant: "In a bank, sir." Merchant: "Did you clean, 1t out?" Applicant: "No, 511. The cashier did that," ISSUE NO. 42-07, Matrimonial '11•uuble+. 01 airs. Florence Cl/4n14els Carefully Scheduied, t he mob! ucuh,I Ir„u1,h : of Mrs, t armee' iitalltn1e.. slnuuwne't her heeteeid at 1I,•,11pI d I r 11:011 Lot, rcr1, !:):glomi,jUilel ptiht lrtd cl.101t3, 111(13 lu'd le ('il (I til the Johowfng time oat le ef the hod Lu load's d<dnpe 111 Sept, 21, 1th tea -wUe;. . 1.30 nail. - -l)i ugh! 1, el' 1;3 the non and flung her to the 11. r r. 10 a.m.--'1111 ,t ): d hoc air) Illy beuil w lh ir,'s )lith amt )b1l"5l,'ns'1 her 01811 n cuurepan, 11 tern.- .s0' '-h ed her end "Now 1'11 da you i11." 11.!0.11 50 - `hnet )nlersul f'ji, slit, 14,? noon-. 'Thrall, her down ?11,in attain; threatened her 1vi1.11 a kn11' and i matin said, "1'11 do you in." Previous to (111; the weal;an hal had 1 I) r following erlades thrown at hme Pell Of water, Chny,pc•r', Jug ditto, Stones Loaves of breed, ; Con 11011100 her slkiry, Mts. Clements, held elle had been tlseauiled fitly tints. 1.1 than last six menih.s, the had gone away from her husband r,nre, but he Legged iter to return. 5110 diel err, wild within twenty-four hours he had fell- ed her to the ground, The husband Ihrn gave 1115 vels100 of the family disagreement, 11e eat(' he anti his wife got on very well until °!hers came between Ihenn. 11 was his wife's mother 1111,1 a em ng wormers 1110 clime there EIS n servant. There had bran no cruelly whatever: it w'ns nil a pack -'f ides. Ile was quite willing to he bound over for her. The bench adfourned the rase for a eek to heat' other witnesses. slid, P• and ! MEDICAL AUTHORITIES Say that eight pennons out of len to- at some time or other from p \i'helher the piles are bleeding or heeding, or itching or "blind," 7,till- 13uk gives Immediate ease, Mr, Neil Devon, A°ehwoQd, Ont„ suf- fered with piles eight years. A few' Loxes of %am -auk cured him. He since says: "1 have had no return of the lrou-1 hie, so that I know I ant permanently cured." lam-Buk cures Cuts, Chapped Wands, Ulcers, Burns, tote Legs, Als'eesses, Poisoned Wounds, Boils. Eeze1110 and ail skin troubles. Rubbed well in it is a splendid embr'-ration ter R1cun;uti: tn,1 Neuralgia and Scimllea, ere. 50 cents a box of all druggists and s'o80s ('r post-paid on receipt of price (rein the 1 Lam•Buit Co. 3 boxes for $1.25, Tom: "1 don't see, why you should feel insulted just because h:, said 3101,11 eyes were like stars." Belle: "You don't? Why stars keep winking al you all the time," net �1► h t It ES '� 'S TASTELESS ". IteGia trERED It is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing all the virtues of pure Cod Liver Oil without the nauseous grease, combined with .Phosphorus in the fora) of the Compound Syrup of I-fypophos• penes, nutritious Extract of Malt and hi' e Fluid Extract of Wild Cherry Bark. It will promptly relieve, and if its use is con- tinued, permanently cure chronic bronchitis, all pulmonary affections, croup, hoarseness, nervous disorders due to an exhausted condition of the system, prostration foll ,Wing fevers, debility at. change of life, or constitutional weakness at any age, and all blood disorders. We positively guarantee "Brick's Tasteless'' to do exactly what we claim it will do as printed on the label of the bottle, or any advertising matter, and every .druggist who sells "Brick's Tasteless "is authorized to refund to his custom- er the full purchase price if •'ne-bottle doe- not show a decided lmpauveta,cnt, which improve- ment will result in a complete cure if additional bottles are taken. • We therefore request you to try a bottle of - "Brick's Tasteless" on our recommendation, and if no improvement is shown after taking it, return the empty bottle to the druggist from whom you purchased it and he will refund your money. Can we be fairer? Sizes -8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00 .x Slit � Iles, l --r-•, 3111' ! 1008180(6 • 418 "01 '7(618,'_ -)-• Power, ; 'eat, Electric Light, to Lease f©r a Term of Years. Central location. About tete thousand wars Brat In four floors and basement. Exoolient shipp n,g facilities Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low Ensuranoa 1'ato. ,. MURRAY F. WiLv8Fl, 81 fitl®!aide St. Wi;ost, Toronto If your children moan and are rise GENTS INA t\1TED. ® yeg LvaLrkrm® leas during sleet), cuuphed, when MAKE Mio1dEY, Boys and Girls, tolling Ulta LADIES' �yy 7 CLEANING ouriug awake, with a lobs 01 appetite, pair Pons, writes lean words without dipping in Ink, flw 30I , JUIF5 ccun lenance, iNrking of the rias(, el Sa oj,Ioa 10 001,1, (divo,l, liir proms. 1151uable Om ba dem perfectly by our 0Oo oh rroaese. T» le Oil ILII depend prolniumslrea, adrdPG¢LL ¢a�8,, Auburn, N.V. aal'nae AMERICAN 0701130 10, i5ONTuEW.rs TORONTO, OTTAWA a (115800 PdACclittE6lt; FOR SALE. y 5 upon it that the pri- mary cause cf hj1' lisnrb'e is worms. Mother Graves"' \'arin Exterminator 01- feetually removes these pests, at untie relieving the littlesufferers. ` "1 didn't know the Melees kept a donkey. How long have they had one " "011, ever since 1 have been slaying with Mem I" d TITTLE QUIRT is the best et all filet, yet'' will not bake bone and muscle but "lrurr,vin" mill. Try it. All drug and general stol'e41, C1 Dunes, "Mnry 1" yeliecl the poet, "why don't you keep that kid quiet? What's the Matter with. him, anyway?" "I'm sure f don't know" replied his patient wile; "I'm singling one of your lullabies to the little darling." Rickie's Anteeonsumplivo Syrup is agreeable to Lhe taste, and is a cer'laid 'relief far Irritation of the throat that causes hacking coughs. If used ac- cording to directions it will break the most persistent cold, and restore the. sit passages to theirnormal healthy condition. There is n4, need to- recom- mend it to those familiar with it, but to those who seek a sure remedy and aro in doubt what to use, the sdvdceis ;-try Bickle's Syrup, \\resold -be Tenant; "But !here are holes in the roof?" Landlord: "Well, 1 can't help teal.. 11 you can't afford a fete umbrellas, don't lake the house." ONE Or THE, 141LST aid time remedies far all akin offec11004 such am Idozema, ltingw0rm, Scald. Isimilar oLnsogat le ead rn oitointment that eb Weaver's relief to thous,tuda, NEW W ES'I'i11NSTER ABBEY. Radical. Ghettoes Being Made in the 001 Struclure. Visitors to London next year w111 11111 lhnl a change has come over Wesimin ster Abbey, It is now being restored, a process of which it stood in great need; foe London's smoke -laden atmosphere had -played havoc with the stonework, which was scaling rapidly and fulling away. - 1'110 restoration work has been going on for some time, but it only now is apparent what the real character of the woJs .Instead f mrerepnhrtnhe finerk 0 ornamental stoneeparapetsly wgdhich, although of comparatively recant dale, had begun to assume the appearance of age, new parapets of the battlement type aro being erected by the cathedral authorities. . A good deal 01 criticism is being hurled oL the tends of thoso responstblo for this 011511110, though 11 is dcoln1'od Mel in erecting the bltlimont .style of. wallets Lhey are simply following the original dtxsign, Proof of this is shown in on engraving dated 1.720, which depicts ,ho Abbey, wdlilout its lowers, but with battlement parapets. 'rho Secretary of the Soeleiy ler the Protection of Ancient Buildings complains that when the restoration is complete people will say; "'This is not Westminster Abbey, but a .new budd- ing," Hobbs:: "Your brother 1s very aggres., sive. fio threatens to kick tae. What wwOoouldnaver youho adappviseeltrmo8,l `to do 6" "Sit down Veff Nieman 01uttrem,ed rad abanidnmaw "bout the wo"do,•ruI MARVEL. Whirling Spray Tr10 bow 1105("5p1 3''7 -1 ga Bmt-N Dal r cause mt. nt "nea"o tanur. Asa: your drnlnrlatfor it. rt ba cannot 8"00,' tae 05Aa11EL acolpt no 6Ubc, bat d sto 0 for 111000oled book-u,.Upd. rt alrm foil pprnaat�a,rta �and dtreoaw0 le. PaND9OR 1 t nets' 8 01, Rr minor, Ont. Goners' A6outn for Cabala "1 was going to ask you for a n4, helmet, dear," said the loving wife, "bu 1 won't. because I see you can't affor IL" "How did ,yen find out that, dear?' asked her husband. "Well," the lady relot*plied, "I look a lointo your cheque book this morning, and 1 sate you had only one Cheque left," DYNAMO a 600 lights, firs( -cities order. Will be sold cheap and must be gotten out ab the way owing to 0110 -light machine laking its place, S. FI'111111 Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. FAN BLOWER BuIlala make, number four, 940011'vac've 1v' tical discharge, 24 itches high; perfect - 1 condition. Superintendent, Truth Build d lag, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. A Time for Everything. -...The time for Dr. Thomas' Eckctric 011 is when creepy symptoms appear in the chil- 10en; when rheumatic ,pains beset the rid: when lumbago, asthma, coughs, cents, catarrh' or earache attack either young or 011; when burns, scalds, abra- sions, contusions 0r sprains come : to any member of the family. In any cf 'those ailments it will give cell, and work a cure, "Listen to this, Maria," said Mr. Stubb, as he unfolded his scientific pa- per. "'Phis at'ticle slates that in some olio Roman prisons that 118110 been un- earthed they found the petrified remains of the prisoners." "emulous, John," re- plied Mis. Stubbs, with o smile, "I sup- pose you would call them hardened criminals." "Tommy," said the young man (0 his prospective hl'clihi:r-inelm, aged live, "Will you be sorry when I harry your sister?" "Yes,' answered the little fel- low -1'11 he sorry for you 1" e G. arantee to cure your cough or cold No "ifs" or "buts" ---just a straight statement-Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough or cold and do it quicker than anything you ever tried, or your druggist will return the purchase price. Geta bottle to -day, and cure that cough or cold. 1 U�!' t�, 9 cures ecoids .3and coughs Shiloh's Cure la a stn o and surd i80ugh and cold niedieinC for ehildreli, Tl has been eilectng. cures for 34 years, .A11 dr'ug- loo„ and $r,00, FOR ANY STOKE The right meal oed:nsle„en, $re -n h, treautifis eoyiotelior, le cleanly and Joao alma! 5,,,,,,, 5006 a MUM is eadlr r,„1 up, anti corkno more thou the 0Ommo0 kind., Loam the facts about (PEDLAR c ��rT E, A L A 1'tl G S Mora chApp 2,000 dettant, suitable for every 0,e. Side -wills in equal NIkktSly to mach. Lc( u. end 1•eu a book that tells the whole tasty of tba (mane d oi,bow, no !came. Aldred- all The PEDLAR. P n4, pre (f,'12 unease )lontreal Ottawa Toronto Landon 1Vtnnlprg alatammaeommaraymimas N11 NEW YORK sn° TRE NEW FIREPROOF NAVARRE 7th Ave. and 58th 8t. 300 FEET WEST 00 BROADWAY, Maximum 'ot Luxury al, Mitil,anm Coot 171ttat Xocoaelblo Quiet and raga it, Within Fire filinutes''WVAl1c of Theatres, Shops und Clubs, Nev nutrb Grill. 1)00,0, Lest .50 •111ty, Cable nava Foss Rotel to 511rTtanrohda, ramparts Ylon, 150 per day without bath,' 42.00 per day 51111 troth. Suttee oa,10 upwards. Sona tor 1!.4,k et. BTI3RRNS11831), Props