The Brussels Post, 1907-11-21, Page 4JnMateo reserved ttgjt$ritSgte 00I the $2,250,00 suit of f3petel ue et fu I
agaiust Booth et Ottawa.
William Batas was sentemoed at Wood•
°took to three years in penitentiary for
stealing one dollar. He ie regarded as
T.II'URSDAY, NOV. 21, x907..
Bona of the would•be opponents of
Longboat,the speedy Iudiau eprinter,
wheel they can't beat him by their limbs
seemed determiued to do to with their
"wind," '.Tis is oheap sport and Delle
to mind the feat that bluff aid bloater
fa only a device to work off the saneness,
"Tom" won't likely lose muoh eleep
over it however.
An Essex deputation has waited on the
Provincial Government aekiag that the
$25,000 levied agninat the Michigan
Central over the recent dynamite exploe-
jou at that town be banded over to the
town Treasurer. This looke lair and
ehould be done ae no other place tae ae
good a right to it as the spot where • the
damege was done. Eeeex would not rune
for another each blow up even if guaran-
teed $50,000 we believe.
Wei rather admire Dr. Beattie
Nesbitt!° nerve in resigning a $9,000
registrarship, in which be says he had
nothing to do, with the intention of onoe
more taking a hand in politieel affairs.
No doubt Premier Whitney would have
been as well pleased if lie had stayed at
his job ae the Dr. is not easily controlled
when he takes a notion to do or saysome-
thing. It ie hinted that he may aspire
to the Mayor'e ohair in Toronto but the
oitizene ehould be able to eeleot a better
representative as their obief adminietra•
A GENTLEMAN 010109:00 a Toronto etreet
oar was put off inan unceremonious
faebion because he declined to uncross
hie limbo while seated in the oar. We
remember an oifioiooe underling in the
Parliament buildings ohamber, Toronto,
calling on a number of spectators to
"'morose" or retire, It'e asloniebing
what big heads some fellows get when e
little authority ie planed in their hands.
If the toe of a No. 9 boot were applied
with the necessary force behind the boot
to the anatomy of these 30 oeut tyrants a
lesson might be taught them that would
Berea a good porpoee in the days to Dome.
On December 5th the Liberal
Nominating Convention for the West
Riding of Enron, in oonneotion with the
Ontario Legislature, will be held. A•
moog the names mentioned ae probable
candidates are ed. G. Cameron, the pres-
ent M. P. P., Warden Currie, of East
Wawanoeh and W. Proudfoot, of Goo•
erioh. Thie trio is well known, to the
electorate of that Riding and each
will no doubt have a good following.
Ron. A. G. MaoRay, the Opposition
leader, will attend the gathering and
deliver and address.
Tan Annual meeting of Beat Huron
Liberals will be held in the Town Hall,
Brussels, on Friday, Deoernber 6th, eom-
menoing at 1.30 p. m. Atter routine busi-
ness addressee are expected from A. G.
MacKay, F. J. Inwood, Seoretary of the
Provinoial Liberal Association ; A.
Hislop, PCP. P. i Dr. MacDonald ex -
M. P., and inhere. On the evening of
the same day a public meeting will be
held in the same Hall at which a pro-
gram of addressee and mueio will be pro-
vided. Chair will be taken at 7.45
IT looks quite 0 bit ae if the Railway
Commission were getting down to busi-
ness in real earnest and if the work of
the past year is an index of what may
be expected then the intereete of the
Dominion are going to be materially
aided by the investigations of the Clam -
minion. There are many matters of
importanoe to be brought before them
yet and as the public prove their desire
to emancipate the enthralled they will
venture into the oombat with the
power, that be in the hope of receiving
a goodly measure of fair play. While
many Oommiesione might ae well have
been throttled the day they were born
the Railway Oommieelon appears to
give good reason for its exietenoe by the
energetic life it is leading.
TAB POST does not object to eee olear
headed, olein banded men going to the
truest°° of that institution is to be per-
petuated, out thinks it is nefair to the
great body of the eleotorate to fill the
vaoanoiee with men wheats already hold•
ing seete in Parliament. It blookadeo
the way of other deserving Individaale
oaneee the expense and turmoil of a bye
election and gives too •maob honor to
persons already in receipt of it, There ie
ac opinion Meld by a good many that if
the Senate were elective the probabilitiee
are a lase anoient olees than eometimee
sit on the benohee would get there.
When men are unable to get to Ottawa
or in0apable, tbrohgh age or infirmity of
attending to their dhtiee when tbey are
there there should be some easy way
open to grant them the privilege of re-
maining et home and open the way to
Competent men to do the work. If the
bneineee of the upper abamber is ae ins•
portant as the neoeeeiby of the Senate de.
ntande then those aonetituting it ehould
be chosen foe their Mines rather then ae
a political reward, Some used to argue
that the older the appointee, are the
menet will v00a0oie8 00000 but this is
bad neatening.
It was 03noonoed tint the list of
munieipalitiee iu Ontario which will
vote ou tbe Looal Option By-law .In Jan -
eery has now passed the hundred meek.
Of the 101 now in line 35 are iuoorporat-
ed towns. The total umber of liquor
Iioeneee sainted le almost three bun -
deed. AN of these planes, with the ex-
ception of five, gave majorities for pro-
hibition i0 the refereudnm. Following.
ie s complete list. Incorporated towns
are indicated by an aeteriek f-
Aldborongb, Aluwiok, Anoaeter, Ar-
ot *or, Asphodel.
Barrie, Bastard and Booth Burgess,
Severely, Bexley, Stanford, *Beaverton,
*Beeoebridge, Brighton, 'Brighton,
Brook, 'Burk'a Falls, Burleigh anti
°Oaieter, Crosby South, Camden East,
'Uampbeliford, ' "Oanuiugtou, Cheffey,
*Ooiborue, *Oreemore,Oulroee.
Dundee, *Durham.
*East Toronto, Eiden, Elizabethtown,
Erin, *Erin, Etobieoke,
Ftamboro East, Fismboro Weet, Floss,
Grand Valley, Graveuhuret, North
Hagereville, Hamilton, Harrieton,
Harvey, Hioohiubrooke, Yollaud,. Hrw-
sok, Hanteviae.
Heouebeo, Kinloss.
McKellar, MoMurriob, Malabide,
Mare, Medonte, Ieledora and W,.od,
Minto, Milbrooke, Mt. Forest, Malmer,
Nelson, Newoaetle, Norwood, Nor.
wioh, Omamee, Willie, Oro.
Peieley, Palmerston, Parry Sound,
Perry, Pittsburg, Plympto0, Poet Dal
hotline, Bort Perry,
Sahfleet, Boarboro', Sobrieber, Say•
moor, Siduey, Somerville, South River,
Btidi'g, Streeteville, Stephenson, Sot.
Tay, Tbedford, Thorold, Tilbury Weet,
Weinfleet, Walpole, Welford, Wrox.
Yarmouth, York.
When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney
nerves get weak, then these organs always
fail. Don't drag the etomeoh, nor etim•
elate the Heart or Yidoeye. That le
simply a makeshift. Get a preeariptlou
known to draggiete everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Restorative. The restorative is
prepared eapreealy for the weak inside
nerves. Strenetheu tbeee nerves, belie
them up with Dr. Sheop'e Restorative-
tablete or liquid -and eee how gmokly
help will come. Free eample test sent
on regaeet by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
Your health is surely worth this eimple
test. Sold by all dealers.
()aunty Clerk Lane, of Goderieh, and
Frenk Metcalf, of Blyth, were in Toronto
tteuding the Provincial Horbion'toral
Exhibition, in obarge of the exhibits
from this 0oonty. They had two busy
days reoeivmg and preparing the coned
G• Ott thetown t
ba Loos ea o b Go. ow and hoer
who eaw the samples are confident oar
twentywould be amongst the beet of the
17 oonnty exhibtte made at the big show,
The following is a list of the contributors
and their eamplee, those marked with en
aeteriak being entered for the oounty
oompetilion ;-
Gonnuou TOWN811I9
Geo, Laithwaite-Baldwin, mann,
Mug, Canada red, 20 ON. pippin, go,den
russet, ben davie,seek no further, spy",
piste of pears*.
Henry Ourwin-Ontario, 20 oz. pippin,
8 plates of pure".
F. Bingham -Snow.
Ohae. Wella -Seedling
pears", onione*.
James Breckenridge - Blenheim
W. Warnock -Spy", 3 plates pears".
D. H. Martin -R. I. greenine, baldwin
mann, spy, ben davin, pewaukee*.
W. Geddee-Spy, mama, baldwin.
J. T. Brydgee-20 oz. pippin.
A. Peootor-Golden roeaet, spy, Oen'
ada red, ben davie.
T. Black -Ben Davis, baldwin, golden
menet, spy, Oaunda red, wagner.
R. G. MoGowen-Baldwin, R, I.
greening, snow, spy, Canada red, ben
davie, king, mann, Ontario,
1WE8T w10WANoen
James Johnston -Golden meet, ben
davie, R. 1. greening, baldwin, plate
apples, spy,
A. Sootl-Roxbury russet".
W. Ohamney-Bueeien epy, Sphzen-
F, Hogg -Snow,
B. Byres -Ben Davie, Canada red,
Oaterio, Pewonkee".
S. Godkin-King.
J. B. Henderson -Spy, mann.
T. Sproat -Mann", R. I. greening*.
Jae. MoDermid-Spy, golden russet, R.
I. greening, king*, plate peare*,
Harry Penfound-King; baldwin,
mann*, seek no further".
W. Slaok-Oeyuge, ribeton pippin*.
3, Orten-Baldwin, Roxbury russet",
American G. russet", Ontario*, !rooks*.
E. B. Jenkioe'-Goldonrdeeet, baldwin,
Meade red, spy, talman sweet, Winter
3. Barr -Baldwin", snow".
F. Metcalf -Seeding apples*, 2 plates
J. B. Tierney -Snow,
A' H. Jacobs -Ben Davie, baldwin,
A. Eyore-Spy*.
A. Sloan -King", epy*, baldwin*, ben
davis*, R, I. Greening*.
The following additional exbibite were
0001 direob to Toronto by the owners
A. Sloan, Blyth --Mann,
John Knox, Wruxelet--Rpt, hive, (3
recent, euuw, ben davie, Ouueda red,
W. Cameron, Luokuow-Ueddwiu, G.
russet, phoenix, spy, oayega.
W. Wateon, Nile -Spy, baldwin.
Joesph $ethertngton, Nile -Ring.
3. Taylor, Nile-Belitwiu, king.
J. W. Edgar, Gorrie-•utario, king,
ben devie, spy, greening, scow, 20 ounce
pippin, phoenix, G. rueset, Mann.
J. Stewart Estate, Beniniller-Seed-
F. Haokstsp, Blyth -Seedling.
R, Mollwain, Nile -King, emeriti, spy,
Exeter Gunning (30.-Diep'ay of claimed
J. H. Brown, Blyth -Evaporated
The Presbytery of Huron niet on
Tuesday muruiug of last week, at the
mauve, Kippeu, Two only of the min
ieterial members were ailment and these
unavoidably so, The following elders
were present :-Meeere. J. Wileoo, of
Seaforth ; Motay, of Yippee ; Strang,
et Exeter ; 'Somme, of Bly tb ; Gem
mel, of Bruoefield ; Leigh, of Kirktou ;
Turnbull, of Grand Bend ; Dousall,
of Hensel, and J. Contain, of Hille
Gracia, R, J, MoJSay, of Orumarty,
a so was present and wee invited
to a place with the Presbytery. A
rate of fourteen ornate per family was
agreed to, to Dover au expeneee of
Preebytery, The annual report of the
Presbyterial W. P. M. B. wan re.
oeived and a committee reported a
resolutiou of aongratolatlon and en.
oo0ragement which wee adopted by the
Preebytery and conveyed by Mr.
Small to the Society then in senior)
at the church, The report of the
Some Mission committee in regard to
Me bolding of mieelonary meetings
was received and approved. It re
commeuded missionary_ addressee both t,
by pastors to their own people and by
exchange of pa pits:
A rests utio0 of sympathy with Dr.
Stewart, of Gunton, iu hie severe ill.
nese was onanimouoly adopted, Mr.
Larkin proposed a reeolutiou to .0010•
newton with the death of Rev, Mr.
Barr, winch was approved. Newts,
Martin, Dr, Stewart and A,dereon
were appointed a etanding committee
on Temperance and Morel reform.
With Dr. McLean there were e0sooi•
ated in the matter of statistics Mann.
Anderson and Hamilton, 0ooeider.
able time was epent over a plan for
the settlement of vaoanoiee proposed
by Mr. Carswell, emending a similar
plan prupoeed in Owen Sound Pres-
bytery. Flnai diepueition of the mat-
ter was poetpoued until next meeting
of Preebytery, to be held in Clinton in
January. A dieeueaiou on ahuroh union,
begun by lrlr. Anoereou, of Goderiob,
'tatted forth some vigorous epeeobee
both for and against. All seemed to
recognize diffiooltiee in the a000m-
pliehment of union, but many felt that
at was absolutely necessary iu order that
the world- might believe that God had
seat the Son.
When Long 'breaths Dort
Yon SCOW then troubles exist which-
hichneed quick attention. Proper action
oorieiets in 0 vigorous robbing of the chest
and aide with Nerviline which shake into
the tissues where the pain is seated, and
gives relief iu a few mmatee. No Fels•
rnent so Glean, an etroug „so powerful.
Reunite guaranteed witb every 250 bottle
of Poison's Nervdline. Get it
Perth County.
George Pollyblank, of Granton, has
been appointed public eohooi teacher at
Valley Oity, A berta,
The Epworth League of the Methodist
church Bt. Marys, have decided to pun
eha.e an organ to aeiiet in the Youug
People's meetings.
A plan is underway to eetablieb a
Canadian Club in 8t. Marys somewhat
Mang the lines of similar organizations in
Toronto, Landon and other aittes.
After prolonged Buffering for four
weeks eiooe the death of her beloved
husband, Mre. Alex. Kirk, f Kirkteti.
'Amerced thin life on Friday Nov. Sth,
At the meeting of the Official Quarter.
ly Board of Trinity Methodist ebnroh,
Stratford, the pester Rev. J. H. 'Kirk.
nod wan invited to remain a !earth year.
Mr, Kirkland thauked the board and ac-
cepted subject to the usual oonditione.
Stratford is about t0 lose one of the
beet known and most popular oitizene in
the person of J W Ward, the re.
epeoted and euo0oeefnl general sem etary
of the Stratford Y. M. 0 A. Monday
Mr. Ward received a good offer of the
eeoretar$ebip of the aesooiation with fine
new $50,000 building at Edmonton,
Alberta, and at a special meeting 'if the
Exeoutive Board Mr, Ward handed in hie
resignation, the same to take effect ou
Good heavy 'file of toll sizes can
be bad at tile Henfryn l3l•i0ll and
Tile yards at the followiig price,,:
2}Iuch.,..9 9 00 per thousand
g ,.• ,... 00 " "
4 '• .,.. 10 UO "
6 " 22 00 •'
f1 .,.. 30 00 "
7 .,., 40 00 "
8 " ,,,, 50 00 'a
10 " .,.. 80 00 "
Bi?I C1
Auyoue building will find it to their ad -
ventage t see the Reniryu Brio*. This
is the beet standing rod brick in the coun-
try -does not fade bat gate brighter.
Prices right.
S. a COLE,
1.9.8 E'THE L.
Foreman in the yard,, Henfryn,
Machines may be Seen int
MoKAY & SHAW'S Hardware
Store, Brussels.
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordheim-
er Piano.
,BR,USB H15.1S
The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will
be held for the soa0ou as fellows :
THURSDAY, DEC. 5th, 1907
JAN. 2ud. 1908
...,..,,,FEB. 8'b, .1908
" - MAR, 511t, 1908
APRIL 2nd, 1908
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present.
Xmas and
THE popular idea of the day is to send
your Photograph to your friends
for Xmas. We are all pleased to receive
a nice Photo. of our friends at any time
and more eepeeially et this Beason of the
year. We have some ,sloe assortments of
P•oto. mouute suitable and most artistic.
Don't fail to nail at my studio and look
over my samples. I will give you an ex-
tra finish in the most up-to-date style.
Poet (lard and Sunbeam Photos, until
after Midas seaeou, loo each. Other
sizes in proporti u,
Picture Frames made on shortest
notice. Prices reasonable,
Always welcome at our Studio.
Deo. 16th, on whioh date he will leave
for hie new field. He will receive 01,500
a year and a free home.
A 8t. Mary's Gnu Club was organized
at a meeting held in the conneil chamber,
Town Hall. J. A. Johnston wee elected
president and J. D. Smith, eeorrtary.
Tile club will meet for trap shooting
every Tuesday on the Rogers' property,
near the switch.
It was arranged that a missionary
banquet ehould will be held in the Central
ehurmb Stratford, on the evening of Deo
12 to be addreoeed by N. W. Rowell and
J, W. Flavell°, of Toronto ; and W. J.
WE have now in stock a large rtt.nge of Ledide' Fur
Coats and are prepared to supply you with a warlu
u 1 pl yy
and comfortable Jacket for the cold weather.
- Plain Astrachan Jackets,
- Astrachan with Alaska Coon Collar and Revers.
-Astrachan with Alaslla Sable Collar and Revere.
-Canada Beal Blouse with Mink Rat dollar and Revere.
-Also a few epeeist large ekes in beet quality Plain Astrachan
Ladies' Fur=l ned Coats
Fur scarfs, Ruffs and eaperines
Prices are the very lowest possible for Reliable Garments.
are available with renewal of it1 tie.
trial eotivltt. o fu early ePIt1Nte, It
yob desire one you must outer NOW,
Short, Slurp, mainly oollroee for
Dion whose num ur m0000 is limit.
od, cue Otte broudost tend moat eons.
woul lel attain rmore than those rllery
01AIL OOVItSIOSin Oommeroial,
Sterni omen y, Telegraphy, Civil nor.
vloe, Matrloutatiou, Paumunehlp,eto,
Write for parlieu'are,
Business College
GED. SPOTTON, Principal
Ferguson, of Stratford. A eimilar
banquet will be held the following even
fug et Listowel, to be addressed by the
same speakers,
The attend meeting of the Conservative
Aseooiation of Nerve Perth will be held
in the villaaa of Milverton, on Wednee
day, Nov. 27th at 11 o'Wloo ( a In., for the
election of ofiiuere and general business.
A. F MaaLaree, M. P., and James Tor
ranee, M. P. P., are expected to be
present, and addre.e the meeting, Wm,
Bell, Ptee.; Wm. Wherry, secretary•
A tiokliug cough, from any cause, de
quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Gough
Cure. And it is so harmless and safe
that Dr. Shoop tells m0there everywhere
t., give it without hesitation even to very
young babes. The wholesome green
leaves and tender enema of a .long•heal-
ing mountainous shrub, furnieh the
curative properties to Dr. Shooe'e Cough
Cure, It ohne the cough, and hea'a the
Bore andoeneitive bronchial membranae.
No opium, no ohtoroform, nothing bareb
need to injure or euppres0. Simply e
resinous plant escrow, that helps to heal
aching lungs. The Spaniards oat' tine
shrub which the dilutor uses "The Seared
Herb," D mend Dr. Shoop'°. 'Take no
outer. Sold by all deulere.
lEo e-d•ovieh.
B. B. Gook will have hie new house on
the Mosure property ready for o0oupauoy
abort the Bret of December.
Sunday evening the annual Missionary
meeting will be held in the Methodiet
ohnroh•wh. n Rev. M. J. Wileoo, B A.,
of Teeewater, will preaoh and take the
mosnouary tiering.
Milton Gibson end Mies Matilda Tilker
were matrimonially united at En x
ohurott man -e, Listowel, on Oot 16'b,
by Rev. J. 8. Sandie. The happy mime
are making their home in Fordwiob et
Geo, W011tep, jr., of Palmer -ton, for•
merry o! Fordo, oh, and Wm. Peel, have
pnr0ha.ett the MoQutbbao mill in
Harrieton and will inert running shortly.
George had the mlefortuue to Mee a
finger on a buzz saw the other day, which
' I
will lay him off for a taw days,
The followiug °Moore were sleeted e eo ed in
oonneotion with Trinity ohuroh Society
of Young Peop e :—Pres., Won. Wal lace ;
viae pre,., Victor Foster; Bea., Mies L.
Donaghy ; Treeo., Nike Barber ; Look
Out Qom., Mrs. W. Wallace, Mre 0.
Wade and Mies T. Spence. The meeting
will be held every Friday evening,
The sari news of the death of Fred.
Smith at Bnekat000, Bask., was received
here 00 Tneeday eight of last weak The
remai08 were interred at Beaohv, le Out.,
his old home. 3 J. and S. G Greg at
tended the funeral. The lave Mr. Smith
wee battormaker at Springbauk !eatery
fur eeveraleeason0.
The Dear Made To Hear
Dearman batman eouahy due to oatarrh
is quite curable iu a thousand oases this
is proved absolutely true. Buooeoe in
variably anemia the nee. of Oatarrhozone
which bee cured catarrhal de0lneoe of
twenty five years standing, Penetrating
through the passages of the ear, the
soothing vapor of Oatorrhoz'ne •relieves
the Infiemmatlon, destroys the seeds of
Catarrh and thereby allows nature to ea
assist, hereelf. Try Oatarrhozone your-
self, 25o and $1.00 sizes sold by ail deal.
Oaanet(.ti,e,u IN e way.
The old Oatholio oliuroh at Longue
Pointe was burned ; lose, $75,000.
Fondue Liberals nominated G. F.
Hodgins, of Shawville, for the Commons,
Daniel Mooney, of Smith's Faun, fire•
man,, was killed in a eotlieion at St. Chet,
It is reported at Ottews that Arob.
0ampbrll and N A. Beloourt have been
appointed to the Seneca.
G 13. Miffetyre, M. P., woe nonan.
aced for the Commons by the Liberals of
South Perth, and the Legislative nomiaa
tion wee offered to Valentina Stook,
who malted for time to consider.
The eteameraw e' '
N a carried awe
the gates of the canal at Montreal, and
the great rude of water ewept two or
three vessels down info the riverwith
great turas. The barge Regina was
euuk and about $50,000 damage done to
shipping in general.
The grand jury returned• an indict.
mein for maneladghter against Engineer
Hedge and Conductor Grimee at the
a.eizee at Brampton for ceasing the
Oaledon wreok on the 0. P. R. in Sep
tember when acv n people were killed.
La Presee and Le Patric Montreal an -
DPP one that, dating from Saturday
Nov, 16th,' the prise of their epooial
Saturday editions, with illnetreted enp-
element, will be inoreuoed from one bent
to two bent0, and the eubeoription pride
for the journal eons by Mail will also be
Weed to $3 60 a year. The reason
given le the general inoreaeein the prioe
or Material, wages and other expellees.
Mrs, Bernabue Devitt, one of tale old
set reeidecte of Waterloo County, died
no Tuesday at Waterloo, aged 90 years.
She woe born 10 Pennsylvania and had
lived in Berlin 78 years, She ie stir
vived by feet sone and - twd da0khlere,
thirty one grandchildren, twenty 'great
grandobildren and one gent great grand
Hair Germs
Recentdiscoveries have shown
that falling hair is caused by
germs at the roots of the hair..
Therefore, to stop falling hair,
you must first completely de-
stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved formula,
will certainly do this, Then
leave the rest to nature.
Does no! change the color of the hair:
' va Prymula wth ooh
himabout It,
- j then da a* he aeye
Recent discoveries have also proved that
dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp.
Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing
to do is to completely destroy these dan-
druff germs, Here, the same Ayer's Hair
Vigor will give the same splendid results.
—Matto brand. 0. Ayer Oct., Lowell, Mese,'
The stave and heading mill at Forest
was burned. Lees, 98.000
Harry Rowland, founder of The On.
ford Tribune, died at Iupereoll..
A young eon of John McMaster of Al.
vineton was drowned in a pail of water.
Building permits last month fell off
0768.040 as compared with a year ago in,
Edward Liptrott, of St. Catharines,
was caught in a shaft and hie leg torn
off He only lived a short time,
Leonard H. Collard, a So. Oatherinee
banker, was swindled out of $200 with a
forged note by a fair adventurer's, calling
barest? Mrs. Lillian Hamilton,
While working in a big trench a con.
enaction gang of Italia] navvies, on
the Goderiob & St. Marys Railway, had
an experience last week at Woudetook
that only a fortunate chance prevented
being turned into a horror, resulting in
large lose of lite. Ae it was, only dee-
perateand etrenuoue labor on the part
of a rescuing party averted a tragedy.
A long line of men were down in the
trench exnavating, cad were working all
neconeOio0sof any danger, when aboul
30 Feet of the embankment on each side
oaved in and nearly a dozoo of the work
men were. almost totally buried, All
were in as ter as the waiet and some
deeper. One unfortunate wne oovered
all but the top of hie head. The other
men hurried to the'eoene and Bret lib
orated the head of the ma] who was
buried, and it was rally two hours be
fore they were released - from the ins
primping earth. Many of the prisoners
were in a very weak condition when dug
out, and although no serious results will
f now, some of them will be off work
for a few days. The reaeon given for
the eine in is that they struck a soh
spot in their digging and the weight of
the harder earth above precipitated tone
of dirt into tbe trench.
Something Should Be Done
R9tat fs Causing 1 Increase C he ut,reas t
ff eU
Catarrh fu Brussels 1
In spite of the beet efforts of medical
men, oatarrh tr0Iblee are increasing not
only in !detonate, but all over the 00(10.
Catarrh is a germ disease, and to cure
it germ life in the breathing organa
ehould be destroyed, and to do this no
other treatment has eu0h positive and
beneficial action 90 Byomel.
When the mucous membrane is ir-
ritated end raw and the tissue weakened,
there le an ideal lodging plane - for
oatarrhal germs. - Breathe Hymnal and
eee how gniokly it eoctbee the mem..
brains, vitalize, the themes and destroys
all the disease marine, tendering catarrh
no louger possible.
There i, no deagerone etomaoh drug•
ging, when Hyomet is used ; no tablets or
in xtnree, whereby the digestion
is often destroyed end intestinal trouble,
added to the horrors of oatarrh.
Breathed through the neat pooketin-
haler that email with'every Hyomei erne
Ht, the healing balsams penetrate to the
moat remote air Delle of the throat, nose
end lunge. destroying the catarrhal germs
so that quiet' recovery follows.
We positively guarantee Hymnal', for
ehould you buy a complete outfit, pries
$1,00, and be diosat'efied with regatta
your money will be rotunded. Hyomei
ie sold by druggists everywhere Write
for literature, Booth's Strome' Go.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Joel Sellers,
late of the Township or Morrie, in
the County of Huron, retired farmer,
Nettoe is hereby given, pursuant to Revis-
ed Statutoe o' ()uteri ,, 1897, Map. 129, and
Aute that all creditorsI
1010 others
havingairyS llers, o diedthe 00 or ab of the
raid aye' Sellers, October, 8 died on or about bite
befday ti 0tda1907, are mbero190, or
before the 80th day of November, 1907, to
scud by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A. B.
Macdonald, of the Village of Presents, Sol -
kilter for Joseph Salient anti Joseph le Sal
tent, Bluovale P. O , g00800ore of the said
estate, their names and addreosee with full
particulars In writing of their claims, the
statement of their moenuuto and the nature
of the eeenrit ea (if any) held by them..
And notice is further given that after the
said last mentioned date the 00xi caters
will proceed to rlistrtbu'e the asset the
daonam l amongst the parties entitled Mere.
to, having regard Duly to the oldies of
which they shall then have uotioe and that
the hxeoutore will net be liable: for the
assets, or any part thereat, to any person of
whose ei him they shall not then have notice
andall versant of whose olmms they 901011
not then have notate abet' be excluded from
the benefits of fetid distribution,
Dated this 8th day of November, 1907,
18.8 Solicitor foritlxooutote,
A. will keep for 0003100 03
Lot 17, Lou 0; (Stay, a thorn' bred Tam.
worth bog, 'lortne 81.00, to be paid 111 time
091300710e, with privilege of toter/deg if
necessary. 10013T, MCDONALD, Drop, 164.
Bothnia lime Works,
Is headquarters for First -elan
Lime, Write or Telephone
A. Nicholson & Sons
I Wfll meet teams from a distance at
Ceutral Hotel, Brussels,
and a Y,rkebire ling for sale, Lot 30,
Con. 0. Morris, or Brunets P. 0, JAMES
0 591112, 10.0!
A- Foals -a Filly and ;Golding -tor sale.
A500 8 page ready for weaning. Lot 0, Don,
10. Grey, or Brneeols P. 0,
1541 L. 11RLLINGEB,
for °ale-AlbertANF) k °trentAC, coEmfortabOTle
home 10 good repair. Small stable, good
well, cistern, eta.-Posseedeu any time. For
further purtleulare apply ou the premises
to 8. 01RA WIi'ORD, Brussels. 48.01
F. hoary 1st -part of Smith Stook.
02E85 Leet • end door from American Hotel ;
Lately um(' Its tailoring amu gouts' furntsh-
L g eetubliehmout. For further purtioulare
apply t0 Dlt. MoKMLVEY, Brussels.
11 land for sato, oumfortubls dwell•
ing; Lara aunt 600 water nutter clover ; ap-
ple, plum and o0erry trees, &o. Possession
nam be given at time. Dor prim, terms, dc.
call at 11414 POST.
uuderslgueu has l0 hie poseselou a
bound. pup, yearly white 111 color, within
came tr him on or about November 11th.
The owner le requested to prove property
andlr..? for this notice. W. 14. DON IAN,
Pun 8ALE.-Two of them are rising 2
years and tbr,•0 rising 1 year old, Two (a
filly and a gelding) aro bred by Boyal Park •
a filly and gelding by O000laud's Hope, and
a filly by Bu, stir. Apply ou Lot 30 Oou.
4, Morris, to ALEX, MoLAI3UHL1N, Pro-
prietor, or Brussels 1. 0.. 17-01
K. O. T. M.
Brussels Tent of the Maooaboes, No. 24
hold their regular meetings iu the Lodge
Bum, Seeker moos, ou Otto 1st and Ord
lueeday evenings of each month.
Visitors always welcome.
Lot 24, 000, 10. lirey, containing 100
moms. 40 aurae cleared end balauoo hard
woodbust n10d swamp. Gaud brink house
with kltoheu, driving shed stud stable , good
well, orebind,&o, op PI emisee. Place well
fended. Poseee•ioo amid be given alter
(role ie off. For turtbet• particulars as to
pilo°, termi, &o. Apply t0 JNo. D MONEIL,
Lot 04, Con. 14,Grey, or Minima( P. U.
The undersigned offers her 100 acre
farm, bolog (0000, Ulm. 7, Grey, for sale or
to rent. Comfortable house, bank baro,
orchard, wells, .4o. Farm le only i of a mile
from the stirring village of Bohol Fur fur-
ther partioul re apply to F. S. Soott, Brue-
eels, or 01BB. HATE HOLLAND, 7 Peter
Street, Toroato, 37.3m
DENNSIONED often Ida 150 core !arm for
sale, being Lot 10 7 a
is a frame held 'batik baro and bay
3 orchards and a med.:ailing spring. Farm
will or' sella in Duo or two t be gi salt tine
chalet, Possession f sown be givwl this
Fall, Four elutes of Fall wueatiu Farm is
erase except 10 aurae. Will be sold ou easy
terms. For further portion areas to pries,
terms, &a., apply ou the p00mte00 to ALF.
uVTTUN, or Brussels P. O.
I have been appointed by the Dominion
Government to 01000 immigrants from the
United Hingdom iu pooittone as farm lab-
ourers or domestic 0ervuut0 11.1 this ylntuity.
Any person inquiring snob help ehould noti-
fy me by letter etntiug fully the kind of help
required, when wanted and teems offered.
The oumber0 arriving may not be eul8oieut
to supply all requests but every .effort. will
be wade to provide melt applioeut with
help required. F. B. 84 OPT,
Oauadiau Government l4noploymeut Agent
32.1y Brussels
Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest
ANY oven numbered section of Dominion
Laude to Mohttoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by 0uy person who is
the bole head 010 family, or any mala over
18 yours of age, to the extent of nue-quarter
8000108 of 180 aures more or lees
nutty may be made personally at the
Meal land aloe fur tbo di001100 in which
the laud is eit0ate.
The bouteeteader is required 00 perform
the aouditiooemenet, ted thorewlth under
one of the follo,viug plane :
(11 At least six months' roetdeuoe upon
and oult(vatiou of the laud in each year for
three years,
(2) if the father (or mother, if the falba
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon a farm lu the vicinity of • the land
entered for the requirements as to rest.
deuce may be initialled by muoh person re-
sidleg with the father or mother.
S It the
deuce uod amilaud permanent
In the vicinity of bit homestead, the re-
quirements as to redeemer) may be sans
tied by residence upon the grid land. '
blxmouthe'nntlou in writing ohotttd be
giv001 to the Ootnmiseloiter of Dominion.
laude at Ottawa of intention to apply for
nuUigilinffteN, B,Deputy
morze pbictoolilad
ver0ltomout will not be paid for,
Mood Raton now in Rf'eot
Virginian Salle Fridays 801. 21,10 a m
1' ' _•
1 ts,
�y l
Sicilian SailsTLntsday, Nevi 90
For sailing°, list* Guo full information
apply to \
Agent Altai Lino, 0000,610.