The Brussels Post, 1907-11-21, Page 1Vol. 3S. No. 20 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, New Advertisements, M1., Kelly that this meeting do new adjourn to meet in the Clerks office, Bluevale, oh Monday, Pee, t6th, 1go7 at 10 o'clock a, m. JOHN 13nROESs, Clerk, Key lost -Tan Pas'r, Strayed -Richard Cox, For sale -A, t4, Moffitt, Pure Olive Oil -F. R.. meth, Money lost-Dougald t Taggart. Barn timber forsale-1 a. B. Alcock, Best situations-Wingham Bus, Col, xstrut Betas, JAMESTOWN Miss Annie Ross. of Brussels, was visiting Mrs, Duncan McDonald for a few days, WALTON A shooting match is on the program for poultry on Friday afternoon of this week at Walton, Walton Couucil No. 362, C, O. C. F. held a special meeting Friday evening Nov. 35th, Friend organizer Madill had been with us for a few days and bad secured four new members. '19iis is not at all indicative of Friend Madill's ability, many circumstances combining to make it uphill work. After the new members were initiated the Friends with their families sat down to an oyster supper. Great credit is due the ladies for the most excellent repast. After speeches had been made by the Friends present and a general good time spent the meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem. The evening served to stimulate the member to greater efforts on behalf of our Council and many vowed to be more regular in their. attendance in the future. ATWOOD Miss Mabel Kidd, who has been ill for some weeks. is now able to be out, Miss Jennie Hodgson, teacher in the public school. spent Saturday and Sun- day at her home in Mitchell. Fred, W. Thomas. travelling secre- tary of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was the guest of Rev. H. P. Westgate. The special, meeting of the share- holders ot the Cement Company an- nounced for the loth of November has been postponed to the 25t1, Considerable indignation is felt over the quarantining of a case of measles in the village, while in a neighboring town no quarantine was made, where a number of cases existed. The annual meeting of the Atwood branch of the Bible Society will be held in the Baptist church on Friday evening. November 29t11, at 7.30. Rev. W. E. Hassard, field secretary, will give an illustrated address on the work of the society. BLYTH Who will constitute next year's Municipal Council is the question some are asking ? The monthly Horse Fairs will be continued this Season as in former years and will be held on the 1st Friday of each month, First one will take place on December 6th. Blyth and locality were sharers in the prize tickets at 'Toronto last week its the fruit display. A, W. Sloan and F. Metcalf, R, G. McGowan and G, Fothergill were among the winners. Delegates will be elected to re- present Blyth at the Liberal Nominat- iag Convention for the Legislature in West Huron, to which the village belongs. The date of Convetion is Thursday, Dee. 5th. LEADB(JRY George Dundas is 00 a visit to friends in the Queen city for a few days, Solomon Shannon and Sylvester Stitt have retnrned home from the ` West this week, Albert Dundas is laid aside with a sore back the result of a runaway ac- cident which happened some time ago. Robert Reid had the misfortune to have his hand badly cut with the planer in John McDonald's mill, Wal- ton. The measles are very epidemic in• - McKillop at present and as a result it is feared some of the schools will have to be closed. The annual meeting of the Leadbnry Beef Ring was held in the school house Tuesday evening. The busin- ess of the season was closed up show- ing everything to be satisfactory. The beeves averaged close on 490 lbs, and along with the very competent butcher, John Watt, the ring has bad a very successful season, The old of- ficers were re-elected and the tickets drawn for nein season which will start the first Tuesday in April. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1907 W. H. KERR, Prop NORM The sale of the farm and stock of the late Robert Farrel tools place on Tuesday afternoon, everything going at a good price. The farts was purch- ased by a Mr. Farrel, uncle of the de- ceased. A big crowd is looked for at the library concert which is to be held Friday evening in the Town Hall. Jas. Fax comic, Miss Mabel Manley vocalist and Miss Lucy Jeffrey dancer will be present. What might have proved a disast- rous fire had it not been 'checked in time, occurred last Thursday afternoon in the residence and printing office occupied by Editor Carr, The fire was caused by a defective stove pipe going from the office through a bed- room above and when discovered had almost destroyed the contents of the room. A number of willing workers were however soon on band and pre- vented any further disaster, SEAFORTH Robert Steele has returned after spending the Summer in the West. Mr. Steele reports a very pleasant Summer, and considers the crops about the average of other years. POULTRY PRIZE WINNERS.--SOlne of the local lovers of poultry scored well at the Berlin•Waterloo Fair last week F, L. Willis won three first prizes, one second and two thirds for Columbian Wyandottes, Miss Bona Case a third for White Wyandottes A Soole one firstandtwo seconds for Colombian Wyandottes. P. Daley four firsts for Golden Wyandottes, j, L. Brown three firsts and two seconds for White Rocks, j. F. Daley one second and one third for White Wyan- dottes. 29 birds were sent from here and a1 took prizes. The exhibit of fruit from this county at the provincial fruit show has attract- ed the attention of many of the dele- gates in attendance there, The Globe itself gives this county credit for be- ing one of the best fruit -growing districts in the province. Of the apples in particular a most excellent collection was sent from orchards in this vicinity, which despite the un- favorable Fall for fruit, bave furnish- ed for buyers some ot the finest Winter apples this year that one could desire to see. Some buyers consider them as good as they have ever seen, BELGRAVE Mrs. Pritchard, of Wyoming, is visiting her niece, Mrs. (Rev.) Rivers, at the Parsonage here. She is ac. companied by little Louise Polley, a cousin of Mrs. Rivers. Eli Smith, of Brussels, conducted the services at Sunshine and Belgrave, on Sunday last, in the absence of Lev, G W. Rivers, who was preach- ing on the Ashfield circuit. Re -opening services in connection with the Brick church, Belgrave Cir- cuit, were held on Sunday and Mon- day, Nov, 17th and 18th, and were very successful. The church had been closed for about a month under- going repairs and being decorated by Messrs. Waltbew & Welter, of St. Thomas and on Sunday the church was re -opened with appropriate ser- vices. Rev. T. E. Sawyer, of Luck. now, -preached earnest, inspiring sermons at 1r B. m. and 7 p. n. to large congregations, the evening con- gregation crowding the church to the doors. In the morning special music was rendered by the Brick church choir, while in the evening the splen- did choir of the Westfield church took charge of the service of song. Monday evening an excellent enter tainment was given in the church be -tore a large audience. The -pastor, Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A., B. D.. oc- cupied the chair. Again the West- field choir furnished the musical part of the program and their numerous, well rendered selections were much enjoyed by all. Addresses, full of interest and instruction, - were de- livered by Rev, -J. J. Hastie, of Bel. grave, and R. E. Saunders, of Wing ham ; readiugs, conic and pathetic were given by Miss Harrison, of Bel - grave, Mrs. J. Pattison, of Brick church, and Rev, G. W, Rivers. The proceeds of the re -opening ser- vices amounted to over $56, in addi- tion to about $lSo previously sub- scribed by the congregation, Many thanks are due to those who so kindly assisted in making the anniversary a success, BLUEVALE TOWNSHIP OF TtRNaERRY.-Min- utes of Council meeting held in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, Monday, Nov. 18th. Members of Council all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting and of special meet- ing read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Moffatt and Kelly, The Council decided that on account of the 15th day of December being the Sabbath no extra percentage will be charged ou unpaid tax collections until after the [6th. The fol- lowing accounts were passed and orders on Treasurer issued t -Andrew McKngue, error, road work, $3.Oo ; John Porter, work, road machine,. $4.50 ; Jas. 'Porter, inspecting tech Cott, Drain, $te,00 ; John Jewitt, Drain, Wawanosh bdy., $t6,00 ; Paul Powell, part salary, $5o.oO ; Richard Wilton, inspecting McDoug- all Drain $s7.5o ; Robt, Devell, cover- ing culvert $2.00 ; Jas. Williamsou, drains and culverts W. 'P. P., $12,00 McKinnon Bros., gravelling and cut- ting hill, $E14.6% ; Robt. Muir, in- specting gravelling and cutting hill, $to.5o ; Mathias Willis, culvert, Culvert bdy., $6.50 ; Stephen Ring, culvert. cons. 4 and 5, $4.00 ; JohnC Sillick, drain W. T. P., $6,25 ; A. Jones, engineer's expenses, drains. $64,45 t Robt, Hogg, inspecting gravelling, $3,00 ; Theo. Hall, adv. Court of Revision ;` Duff and Stew- art, drain, 12th con., $s25.00; John Musgrove, McDougall drain, $6,00 ; W. & W. Elliott, tile McDougall di'sin, $53,00 ; Lattimore & Cook, conLract McDougall drain, $87,6o ; Dire, W. 17, Smith, Board of Health, $t.00 ; Chris. Jobb, Board of Health, $4..00 ; Wm, H. Cruickshank, Board of Heslth, $6,00 ; john Mosgrove, Board of Health, $6 eo ; John Bur. gess, Board of Health, $8,00 ; jas. Elliot, Board of Health, $te,00 ; Dr, Agnew, .Board of Health, $22 3o. Meyed by Mr, Moffatt, seconded by ETHEL R. A. Richardson, of Toronto, is a visitor at the Parsonage, Ethel gjheese factory has closed down after a successful season. A car of fine Winter apples was ship- ped by R. Thomson, of Brussels, on Tuesday. Miss Susie Pearson has returned from a visit with relatives in Clinton locality. Several interior improvements are being made in the Methodist Parson age here. The Public Library purpose having a concert in the near future, Particu- lars will be given later, On Monday night a cow, whose owner does not live more than two miles from the station, was put in pound for persistently being allowed to run on the railway cad feed from the agent's haystack. Some tall talk teas the diversion for the evening. Everyone should give liberally to Horne Missions this Fall. UNDERTAILtlG,-Prompt and care- ful attention given to all orders for Undertaking. Our telephone No. is 28a and a call will have our im- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable and satisfaction always as. sired. Special attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming fol which we hold diplomas. LEATHERDALE & Sow. Law. -L. L, Longeway, formerly of Ethel, now residing in Elma, is issuing a writ against the township for $292,82, the bal- ance claimed by him for original contract on the 6th con. drain. • The Council has not paid amount because Engineer Jno, Roger has not sent his certificate as to the proper completion. Contract was for $6,725. At the Christian Endeavor meeting on Sunday evening, an excellent paper was given by A. H. Macdonald on the topic "Wanted men for Gideon's Band." It was full of helpful sugges- tions. The Christian Endeavor meet- ings and also the weekly prayer meet- ings of the Presbyterian church to this place are exceptionally well attended and we believe that much good is be- ing done. LITERARY SOCIETY. -The Ethel Literary Society was reorganized Saturday night and the following offi cers were elected, -President, Sam, Campbell ; vice pres., Telford Keffer ; sec.•treas., John M. Davies ; critic, john Pearson ; ushers, J. K. Brown, S. S Cole, Debate Committee, A. Smithy Semi. Campbell, R. Kreuter, John Pearson, T. Turnbull, Noble Milne Judges, Rev. John Henderson Jno, McIntosh, Alex. McDonald, Pro- gram committee, W. Spence, Bert Grimes, Dick Davies, Elsie M Pome- roy, Alice Davies, Edith Milne., The first meeting will be in township Hall on Saturday evening Nov. 23rd. The subject for discussion will be "Resolved that money has more influ ence over man than woman has," The affirmative will be taken by John Pearson, assisted by A. Smith and Miss Alice Davies and the negative by Noble Milne, assisted by W. Kreu- ter and Miss Pomeroy. A choice program of music and recitations is being prepared and a full house is ex- pected. WROXETER Miss Ora Johnsou is the guest of relatives in Gerrie. Reeve Harris has returned from a business trip to North Bay. Wm, Thompson. of Strathroy, is the guest of his sister, Mrs, R. Black.. Miss Nellie Sleek, of Harriston visit- ed over Sunday at her home beieee Mrs M, McLennan has returned from a visit with friends in London, Harry Brawn returned. from two weeks hunting in Muskoka on Monday. The Rev. W. Howson preached an interesting missionary sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. A number of young people attended a box social at the -home of John Mc- Naughton, of Turnberry, which was held under the auspices of the Blue - vale choir. POLITICAL MEETING, -A public meeting to discuss. some of the lead- ing questions of the day from a Lib- eral standpoint will be held In the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 27th. Addresses will be given by Arch. Hislop, M, P. P, and Liberal candidate for the Com MOBS in East Huron ; W. FL Kerr, of Brussels, standard bearer for the Legislature in the Riding, bull others Chair taken at 7.45, Ladies will be made Welcome at the meeting, Township Council willbold its next and last meeting for zgo7 on Monday, December 1601, The 15th is the statutory day but that date being Sun- day meeting will convene tile following Monday. A new barn has been erected on the feria of John Robertson, Lot 34, con. 16 upon cement stabling. It is 56x 56 feet. Mr. Robertson did the cement work and did it well. jno. Petah did the carpentering. He is a good hand. One day last week Mrs, John Mc- Kinnon, 8th con„ had the misfortune to fall through a trap hole in the barn and damaged several ribs besides re- ceiving quite a shaking up. Her many friends hope she will soon be as spry as ever. The trustees of S. S, No. r have re- engaged Ralph Langdon for the com. ing year at a salary of $500. Mr. Lengdou;has done well. The 5 pupils he sent to the Entrance Examination last Summer were all successful. We wish the school continued progress. A number of cattle and dogs are bothered with something akin to pink eye which has caused the death of several animals. The ailment causes s swelling in the head and neck, sore eyes and the beasts affected grow quite stiff. Veterinaries do not appear to be sure of what to call it. An accident occurred on Nov. asst. by which Geo. Machan, 17th con. was wounded in the leg by a rifle betng ac- cidentally discharged at the shooting match at Andrew Meehan's. The ball went into his leg and struck the bone between tbe knee and ankle. .It was a premature discharge. We hope he will soon be all right. AFTER PHE GRAIN AND POULTRY THtevas.-At the Municipal Council last Monday a resolution was passed authorizing the payment of $2o.00 for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons found guilty of stealing fowl or grain within the town- ship of Grey. This was brought about owing to various depredation sthrough- out the municipality of late. The local Board of Health of Grey met Monday and decided to issue a writ against Samuel Holmes jr„ and wife and Joseph Holmes, who were residing on lot 32, COs. 2 daring the small pox epidemic in that part of the municipality last Spring. for the sum of $tzo,00, for medical and other attendance, which they refuse to pay. The Rae and Bradford families, who were also laid up with the disease, offer to pay their share of the expense. These cases cost the township so far $454.1s. The Carmunnock Beef Ring held its annual meeting in the Moncrieffschool- house on the evening of the 5th inst. There was a good attendance, Henry McNaught, the retiring President, oc- cupying the chair most acceptably. Past season's business was settled up very satisfactorily. It was decided to kill heavier animals next year. Fol- lowing are the new officers for the in- coming year President, jno. Mc- Taggart ; Secretary -Treasurer, Wm. McPherson jr. ; Inspector, Henry Mc- Naught ; Butcher, Geo, Snelling. Secretary -Treasurer Moffatt did his work last year In a most commendable fashion, - MORRIS GREY Walter Savage, 6th line, intends Oaring up farming and will go into the livery business. John and Mrs. Mooney, of Mortis, were visitors with Lorenzo and Mrs. Frain last Sunday, Mrs, R. Docket is visiting at Mount Forest and Pronton, She will spend. a week at each place, Mrs. Wm, Bray, t6th con., keeps quite poorly but we hope a change for the better will ensue. Willie, son of john Hislop; [4th con„ is back from a trip to the West. He was away for a couple of months and enjoyed the outing, There is an agitation for a move next year to have the Beatichampaditch properly cleaned out so that its fall benefit may be secured. Revival services are in progress at Roe's church under the direction of the pastor, Rev. J. Henderson. A short service was held Sunday evening laet also. Quite a number of farmers iu this neighborhood heave been losing their fowl. There are, a few 'young men who had better look out or they will gat behind the iron bars. The C, P. R. is gravelling at what is to be McNaught station, 1 miles West of Moterieff sideroad, Some think the station would be handier at Me- Natight's hill and would be much cheaper to the township, Abram Bishop, 8th con, wlio had his leg broken some weeps ago, was able to get to Brussels on Wednesday, Although still compelled to use crutcli- esin walking, We hope he will 'soon be able to throw them away. Mrs. Holmes, of Loudon, Ont. Can- ada. Blyth and Seaforth papers will please copy. Last Monday Nelson Maunders ar- rived home from Saskatoon loonlity, where he has been farming, on a short visit, He has located in what is called the Goose Lake locality and had a few acres of crop this season for the first preparatory to a larger hoped for harvest next year, He will spend the Winter at his mother's, taking charge of the stock, &c„ until their proposed auction sale next Spring when he will return to tbe West. Mr. Maunders looks as if the country agreed well with him. MATRIMONIAL, -Wednesday morn- ing of this week, at q o'clock, Joseph Long, a well known resident of con. IT Grey, and Miss Kate, daughter of Thos. Russell, of the 6th line Morris, were united iu marriage in the R. C. church, Blyth, by Rev. Fr. Hanlon, of Clinton. The bride wore a becom- ing costume of blue. Miss Harriett McCaughey presided at the organa Mr. and Mrs. Long will make their home on the groom's farm, East of Cranbrook, accompanied by the best wishes of many friends and ac- quaintances for a happy and prosper- ous life. Mrs. Haley sister of the bride was home from Saginaw, Mich., for the wedding. PASSED AWAY. -Friday of last , week Mary Youill, beloved wife of Robt. McMurray, 4th line, paid Nature's debt, aged 66 years, She had not en- joyed robust health for some time. The funeral took place Sunday after- noon to the Brandon cemetery, fol- lowing a suitable service in Trinity' church, Belgrave, by the rector, Rev. Mr, Hartley, of Blyth. There was a large attendance. In addition to Mr. McMurray a`son and a daughter (Mrs. Richard Proctor) survive to re- member most tenderly the lite of a true wife and a kind mother. Mrs. McMurray enjoyed the esteem of a wide circle of friends who will share their sympathy with the bereaved. GODERIOH The death occured Sunday at his residence on the second concession of the Township of Colborne, of Charles Giesler at tbe age of eighty years and four months. An old resident of Goderich in the person of john Beacom passed away Monday morning after a long illness from cancer. Mr. Beacom had been a corporation employee for years. Andrew Duft, librarian at the God- erich public library. is very seriously ill at his home on Stanley street. Mr. Duff is an elderly gentleman, and bas been troubled with his heart for years. He was formerly a school teacher but gave up the work for the benefit of bis health. His children who are living away from here have been sent for. An unfortunate accident occurred here Tuesday morning on the G. T. R. which resulted in the death of Brake- man Durst of Sebringville. A switch- ing crew, while taking tourteen empty cars down hill West of Goderich yard, struck a cow on the track, derailing four cars and throwing Brakemen Durst underneath the train, killing him instantly. The accident occurred at 8.25 a. m. The death occurred Sunday morning of Mrs George C. Shannon at the age of seventy-one years. after an illness of some length. The deceased was formerly Annie Lambert Watson, a daughter of the late Jas. Watson, a prominent drygoods merchant in God- erich at one time, having his place of business in the old Bank of Montreal building, now occupied by Dr. Mack- lin. She was twice married, the children of the first marriage being Dr, Chas, Hamilton, of Cornwall ; Cayley Hamilton, deceased, and Miss Hamilton, of town. Her second hus- band was the late Geo. C. Shannon, M. D., who died in Goderich a few years ago, his son, Dr. j. c, Shannon, passing away not very far in point of time from the death of his father. Mrs Shannon is survived by two sisters, Mrs,lElwood, of Goderich. and Mrs. Chas. Shaw, at present in Eng- land, FooT BALL. -A Galt reporter says : -No matter in what seriesof football -Galt enters it always makes a strong fight for the pennant. A couple of weeks ago the Galt Collegiate Institute sent a team to Clinton to play off for the Hough cup and the boys from the Macbester of Canada won the laurels. Saturday they played against a dial. lenge Goderich Collegiate Institute team and won by a score of 3 to o. The field was rough, caused by recent snowstorms, but this bad no effect on local boys. From start off they play- ed an excellent exhibition of football and had their opponents dazed. The team was neva!' as strong as this season and both defence and forwards did their portion of the playing, The visitors played poorly and considering their size they should have won easily. In proportion they would look to be fit to play our intermediates, but they could not do the trick, The local team has now won the Hough cup and will harbor it for a year and it is not too much to say but that it will take some time for the seekers of this magnifiaient trophy to win it from the boys of the Galt Collegiate. Referee D. McLachlan, of Stratford, refereed very satisfactorily and one thing to his' credit it is that he is no lover of rough play. The following is the line up .- Galt -Goal, McCallum ; backs, Ferris, and Burgess ; half backs, Roose, Mc- Donald and Dandendo ; forwards, Tilt, Colvin, E. McDonald, Bisonette and Todd. Goderich-Goal, Dean ; backs, Durwin, Wightman; half backs, Kilpatrick, McKeerie, Me Naught ; forwards, G. Darwin, Cur- ran, W. Kilpatrick, Mattheson and Cant bell. Referee, D, A. McLaclt- ridge Rogerson, of Sharon, Pa„ and led, Stratford, Next Council meeting will be held on Dec. !nth to close up the business of, the year. Miss Maud Bryans, 4th con., return- ed last week after spending a most en- joyable visit with friends in the Queen City. A tew more new steel bridges will require to be built in Morris towuship in igo8 as some of the old ones are de- cidedly shaky now. 'Pax Collector Proctor turned in $2,36o to Treasurer Brandon as the result of his first round of notification of this year's taxes. There is over $16,000 to collect. It is said Miss Milligan will assume a position at Dashwood public school after New Years. She is at present the teacher in the Anderson School, 3rd line, where she has many friends. The Cole Drain, which starts on lot 7, North half con. 7 and empties into the river Maitland on the Arm- strong farm, 6th line, and whose length is 6,37o yards, has been let. at - 22 t22 cents a yard, to Messrs, Mc- Quide & Matthews. Total expense of drain will run about $1400. The work will not be completed until next year. ee° DIED. -Robert C. Rogerson died at his home, 17 Cowden Place, James- town, N. Y. on Thursday, November [4th, 1907, at 3 a. in., at the advanced age of almost go venal. He was born in York, England ; came to America about the year 1854 and lived in the vicinity of Blyth, Ont., until the year 18go, when he followed his sons to Jamestown, N. Y. He was married twice, his first wife being Elizabeth Simpson, was the mother of his ten children. The second wife, Mary Fear, and five of his children survive him, They are Robert, of Wheeling, W. Va. ; Jabez, of Bradford, Pa.; David, of Jamestown, N. Y. ; Mrs. E. Sherritt, of Victoria, B. C, ; and Mrs. T. A. Hawkins, of jamestown, N. Y. Twenty-six grandchildren, fourteen' great-grandchildren and one brother, Solomon Rogerson, are living. The funeral service was held at the hone of his eon, David, on Saturday, Nov, T6, Evangelist D. Pellatt, of Brooklyn, N. Y„ orncl>iiting, and the remains laid to rest in Lakeview cemetery, Jamestown, The singers were Miss Maggie Vau- ban and Miss Florence Sweet and the pall bearers were his three sons, Robt„ Tahoe and David and his son-in-law Thos, A. Hawkins. Those present from a distance were Robert Rogerson, of Wheeling W. Va. ; jabez and Mrs, Rogerson,of Bradford, Pa.Victor anti Mrs, Rogerson, Gra ace acid lld- The Goderieh model class entertain. The hlitnhell Advocate Biqa ; Ttle ed the class of teachers-in-traininga t the Clinton Institute to an "at horse" Friday night. The reciprocatiou of such courtesies between the two model schools of the county has been a custom for years and the Goderich Modelites enjoyed the hospitality of their Clinton friends a few weeks ago. Friday night's event was held in the Temperance hall, which was prettily decorated with flags and bunting for the occasion. A good program was given, interspersed with numerous promenades, and all seetned to enjoy themselves heartily. The Clinton young people were accompanied by Principal Hartley, of the Clinton Model school, and his wife. Atter refreshments were served the visitors started on their homeward journey. Tnis will be the last of such affairs here, as this is the last term of county model schools. ORANBROOK George Spading was a visitor at Clinton last week. The Cameron cider and apple butter factory is still running. Miss Ethel- McInnes was visiting Mrs. James Brown at Ethel this week. Ben Whittard has secured a job with Thos. Dunn, South of here, for the Winter. Tax Collector McNabb has been rak- ing in the coin and should soon be through. We were reminded of olden days by the meeting of the Municipal Council here last Monday. Dr. Turnbull, of Goderich, who married Miss Jean McNair, of Cran- brook, will remove to the Pacific coast. At the special services in the Meth- odist church B. Gerry, of Brussels, took charge last Monday evening in the absence of the pastor. Win. Smalldon moved recently to his newly purchased property formerly owned by Joseph Knight. Mr. Small - don has uow a good too acres. jno. Lamont, 15th con., and Harry Attwood, 4th con., have exchanged farms each taking possession of the new premises on Tuesday of this week, We wish them both well. One day last week Samuel Balfour bad the misfortune to lose his driver. Tt fell dead on the road while he was driving to Leadbury. The mare was a good one and will be quite a loss to Mr. Balfour. Mrs. Joseph Knight, who left this locality a short time ago to, reside with her daughter in Illinois, is re- potted dangerously ill, little hope be- ing entertained for her recovery. We hope a change for the better will soon ensue. Archie McNeil, who has been re- siding in East Wawanosh for several years, purposes selling or renting his farm and will come back to the hornestead on the 14th con. and take charge thereby- relieving his father of the burden of the work and per- mitting him to holiday if be sees fit to do so. We will be glad to welcome Mr. McNeil and family to Grey. WELL KEPT, -DEAR EDITOR. -Hav- ing business at Cranbrook last Monday with the township council I was struck at the orderly and well kept hotel of this place, Everything is tidy, meals well served and an absence of rowdy- isrn either on the part of the proprietor or his patrons. There would not be much need of Local Option it all houses were run like Ivor. Long's. Am sorry to say I know some where the very opposite is the case which can only have one result. Yours, RATEPAYER,. Wednesday morning Mrs, John Brown, loth con., left for a short visit with her son, Robert and his wife at Harpers, Corners, near Ham- ilton. Mrs. Brown, jr„ has not been well for some months she having had the misfortune to trip over a sleigh tongue and in tbe fall did herself ser- ious injury which confined her to bad for weeks. She will accompany Mrs. Brown back on a visit to this locality in the hope that the change of air and scene will prove helpful. Mrs, Isaac Lake is a sister to Mrs. Robt, Brown. 7 SHORT OF A DEPUTY REEVE, -The Statute calls for r000 names on the Voter's' List in Parts I and II to en- title a municipality to a Deputy Reeve., In Grey this year, owing to deaths and removals to the West, only 993 names can be counted hence. this Municipal- ity will be minus one representative at the Co, Council in 1go8. Reeve and too bad Councillors t wewt be elected. be so It is near and yet so far. It is to be hoped the present Deputy Reeve, John Grant, will continue to be a member of the Council Board and thereby preserve the Board intact for next year, • drinking of whisky le fast falling off Moe aur hotelmeu raised the pride. H. A. and Mrs. McNaught, of Car. tnunnook, lett to spend a few Weeks with friende in Termite and Jamestown, E. Y. T. H. Roos, of lliitobell, hoe received an invitation from the Canadian Club of Toronto, to be the guest of the Club and address its members on Canada's relations to the Imperial geestiOo, at a luncheon to be held on Deo. 2nd, While operating one of the maohinee in the clothing department of the Bur- en Hosiery Go., Mitchell, Mies Susie Simpson met witb the miefortene of heviug one of her hands severely lacerat- ed by coming in oonteot' With a large needle, The Mitchell Advoaate is authority for the following :-Everything points to John Benneweis being the next Conserve. live candidate in South Perth for the Commons. He is a remarkably strong mso'and we doubt if there ie a Grit in the Riding who oeuld defeat him. Last meeting of Mitchell W. C. T. U. , wee held at the 11o03e of Mrs. F. A. Campbell, One of the business trans- aotioue was the donating of ten dollars to the mieefon for the lumbermen. Mrs. A. Dent gave a very interesting report other recent trip and of the Domimon W. 0. T. U. convention which she at. beaded at Winnipeg. The farmers of North Easbhope Town- ship held a public meeting to disease the desirability of having the portion ot the Avon River flowing through their town. ship straightened and cleaned out. The oast of the work will amount to 615,145, according to the report of Engineer Rodgers, of Mitchell. The report was read and it was dsaided to petition the county unman to proceed with the work. A special meeting of the Perth County °nonoil wan palled for the pnrpoee of making arrangements to secure the one- third refund from the government under the Good Roads' Aot for ooaetruetion work done on the oonnby roads daring she Summer. The Reeves of abs various townebips are enbmiiting the engineer's oertifiaatee which will be forwarded to the department in anticipation of the one-third refund. Another old resident of Mitchell, in the person of Mrs. Ward, relict of the Ihte James Ward, was laid at rest Tuesday afternoon. The deceased lady died San. day at the ripe age of 95 years and 8 months. She was a devoted member of the Methodist church and also of the Saeday Sobool Home department and was able to study the lessons every week, so good were her fatalities. The funeral was largely attended and took place in the Methodist cemetery. Bev. R. J. Garbutt officiated. • Canadian Newer. Woodstock electors will vote on the power by-law in January. Trade returns for the lae6 seven months show a total of 8381,823,814. _ Seven men were trilled in a collision on the 0. P. R. near Bass Lake. Alfred Ullman was killed by an elec- tric, shook at Medford Mmes. No more raoiag or athletics contests are to be allowed on Toronto streets. New Weetmimiter Liberals nominated Robert Jardine for the Commons. The Government has appointed four additional male factory inapeotore. Brantford Conservatives nominated W. F. CookshabtM. P. for the Commons. West Hastings Liberate nominated . lid. B. Morrison, M. P. P., for the Legisla. titre. Oscar Lemey, who was abet by high- waymen at Montreal some day s ago, is dead. The body of Charles Dawson, aged 70 ' ysare, was Nand beside a creek near Burford. Frank Hall, of Drnmbo, drank Paris green daring a fit, but a physician caved his life. Fire destroyed moat of the ,buildings in Dominion Park, Montreal. Loss, $170,000. (Merles Raymond, a °lark of Montreal was charged with forging six °hooks and. remanded. Toronto ratepayers will probably be asked to vote $2,000,000 for a power die- tribnbing plant. Mayor Oostewortb announced that he ' would not be a candidate for a third. term in Toronto. Pani Bisbilko, a Galician, shot his brother, Maxim, without a word of warn. ing, near Selkirk, Mao.' The official annoanoement of the ap- pointment of H. A. E. Eeut as Registrar of West Toronto was made. The Provincial Government will con. eider the appointment of an agent -gen. aryl for Ontario in England. George Vance was committed lot trial at Bt. OaIherinee on a charge of murder in eonneotion with the death of James Pattison. Riobard Baptiste, numerate Indian, was killed in a fight and hie eon -in-law, Jacob Boon is in jail awsiting the inveeti- getfon of the affair. A young man was drawn into a ma - shine in a Brantford faobory sod his Mottling stripped off completely. , He eeoaped with a few broisee, The tailwey Commission has given the railways until the first of the yeas to file new rates on East -boned braille from Windsor, Sarnia and nearby pointe, Wm, Mitchell, of Grimsby, was nerd - tutted for the Legislature by the Liberals of Lincoln. A etroug resolutionagalneb the Government's power policy woe - elee passed. By the snapping of the noble seven men were pteoipitated one hundred feet down the shaft of the island waterworks tunnel, Toronto, Four ars dead and three badly injured, A panic hoe Mends the farmers 'in the tear 0f Addington over the probable shortage of fodder and there was a whole- Bale slaughter of stook, meat and hides being sold at moot ridiontottaly low prieee. A farmer says mote Was 10 stook bad towered unaeoessacily than will take rho text five years to tedseru, redder is fairly plOotiful and paettira$a hoe been unttenslly good ali Vail. Perth County. Little Harry Coppin, of Mitchell, was eeriosely i11 last week with an attaok o1 paralysis, Albert Goebel, of Mitchell, wee in Boston last week exhibiting one of hie dogs at the World's Dog Show. Dr. Beath, enperintendent of educe. Mon, was in Stratford and inspected the new Normal school and expressed hie eetiefaction at the progress being made. Fifty big waggon loede of turnips, top., ped, harrowed and drawn by two teams in one day to pit or root•bouee is "Beekley" Coles latest record at Rnesel. dale. Glave Irene eldest dangbter of Jas. and Mrs, Robinson, Fullerton, died en Sun- day at the age of 1 year and 6 mouths, and was buried in the Presbyterian cemetery. Rev. J. W. Molntoeb offieiat. ed. Hugh dampbell, eldest don Of F. A. Canmpbell, of Mitchell, has gone to 'Bb. Thomas where he hes aceepted a potation as jtioaes clerk in the Merobenbe Bank, of whish Ii, 13, Holtby, formerly of Mitchell le manager,