The Brussels Post, 1907-10-31, Page 4lye )iT',lxss.et£i f .ostt T.HU.I,' DA:Y OC S .fr , 3 ]., 1907. Faaernkam Ooeelmau, of the Agrietth tural Oolloge, Guelph, Metes that about 800 OOudente, of whom 58 are freahoneo, are taking the long aourae of four years, and 800 fl re the abort aourae at the G, A, 0. ;4boat 20 stadent8 come from Great Britain, and about as many mare from Germany and most parte of the continent, THn trade figure° of Gouda for Sep. tember show a large inareaee of expo0te over September of last year. The inn. porta for September totalled $28,897,460, an increase of $1,176,794 over September of last year. Exports for the mouth amounted to $27,822,977, an increase of $8,040,664, the total duty collected dur- ing the six months being $81,052,801, au income of $5,655,240. AT a meeting of the Dominion Cabinet the date of the opening of Perliement was set for November 280h, It had bees hoped that the departmental reports and preparation of the legislative program would have been euffroiently advanoed by this time to enable Parliament to open on November 14th or 21st, but on. avoidable delays and the absence of [leveret of the Mioietere in Europe on beeioee& Of state during a large pert Of the Summer have reealted io holding back the opening for two weeks. AN exoelieut work on "The Fruits of Ontario" has been issued by the Ontario Department of Agriooltore. It deale with all the pri0aipal fruits which intermit Ontario hor0iouituriets, and writ prove of math interest to growers, Not only will it help to the eeleotiou of good varieties to plant but much information is farniehed as to the Dare and mantra of orchards, and detailed etatis0ioe of the extent of the industry is given. It may astonish many to learn that Ontarioorahardiete have no fewer than 14,089,156 trees, 10,878,806 of which are bearing, produaiug 15,187,790 bushels of trait, valued at $4,863,845, and that 266,015 aures are devoted to orchard culture. There has been an 000r888eof nearly 4,000,000 in the number of trees planted since 1901. !(..tach 0308 been done in recent yeare to secure to farmere and others their rights me against the large and - power- tul oorporatione. Six years ago the railway companies charged just about soh rates of freight as they saw fit, and dieorimivated against the Oanadian 'shippers in favor of the American ship. per-. By the appointment of the Rail. way Commission and the powers in- vested in the commission, Chia diaorim• fuation has almost entirely ceased. As an example ofwhat has been done, the average coat Of ehipping cattle by rail in Ontario today is at beet 50 dente per head lees than it was before the com- mission was appointed, while the rate on tender fruit ie from 10 to 25 per Dent. lege, and on all grain shipped there i8, on an average, a saving of one trent per baehel. Six years ago a farm- er could drain his land ones a rail. way property, only by weasels of the railway Company and on terms fixed by the latter. In one ossa it cost two farmers ap in Lamb0o0 $200 to oarry a common drain ander a line of rails. Ta -day railways are opmpelled by law to allow each drainage, and are, more. over obliged to pay that portion of the coat which ie doe to the existence of their tracks ; all the farmer has to meet is the expense be would have to bear if no railway obstructed the way. Six years ago, if cattle were killed on the railway track, 00 matter it the fault lay wholly with the railway, the owner of the animate found it praoti gaily impossible to recover 8 oopper in damages. To -day, it a killing occurs, and the company cannot prove negli woos on the part of the loser, dem- ote can be recovered. These are gam - plea of praotioal and troth! legislation, all ot wbich bee been long advocated in these oolumne, and there is more yet to be done. R. TRUAX NOMINATED. lbe Liberal Convention for the South Maung of Brno to e8leot a candidate to (omelet the 0oue0itnenoy in the approaoh log elections for the Peoviociat Aeeembly wee held at Walkerton Thursday after. noon. The day was fine, the roede in gated shape, and these fads enabled delegates to attend from the remo0eet oorners of the riding. The farmere were busy taking op their roots and pinking their apple., bat eo great was the carica its to Bee and bear the new tender, Hon, A. G. MooKay, that all Over the riding the armere dropped their work rather than m100 the convention. At first the intention was to bold the gathering in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, o room large enough to ad0ommodate a fair sized aodianse, but the Chairman had hardly called the meeting to order before it was dieoovered that a larger building would have to be secured, and it wag deoidod to adjourn to the Opera Home, Before the general bueineee of the eon• ventioo was entered upon F. G. Inwood, the General Secretary of the Provinotal Libera1,&ee0ata0ton, who had been ad vertieed es' one of the speakers, and who had come all the way from Toronto to deliver an addrese, wee given an op- While some Stratford 8oholat'e in the portenity to speak in order that that hei High School wereexperimenting in the m'ght eatahthe Toronto train, I melting of oxygen there was an ex. At the gonalueion of hie address the eleetlpn of ollioaro were proceeded with resulting to the choice of J. G. Aadereou, of Luokuow, as President, A. W. Robb, of Walkerton, Seoretary, and 13.13eiaga86. nee, of Formosa, Treaaaree, About hall a dozen name were placed in nomination es candidate, but atter making brief addressee all withdrew ex• opt R. E, Truax ex.M, P., of Walker• ton, and Jae. Bryan, of Luokuow. Ou a ballott being taken it was discovered that Mr. 'Preen had carried the uouveu- tion by a eubatsntial majority. The announcement Wae received with mob cheering, which wee renewed when Mr. Bryan moved to make the aOmivatton tuuuimous. Mr. McKay was then introdooad, and spoke for an boor and a halt. Hie speech wee au eloquent and forceful one and was pronounced by everybody 8e one of the beat ever delivered in the riding. He reviewed the history of the Whitney Government and showed how they had gone baok ou their record, end how they had broken nearly every pre -08090u promise they had made. By his effort here Thursday afternoon Mr. MaoIay has won the confidence ot the Liberals of this riding, The feeling is that he is the right man in the right plane, and that 80 a leader be is a winner. The Liberals were never in better fighting trim, and ft ie a foregone oonolaeiun that Mr. Truax will carry the riding by It large majority. Grey Council Meeting. The Council met pueseenl to order in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Mon day, Ootober 21st, at 10 a. m. 114am- bete all present, Reeve iu the ohatr. Minutes of last eneebiug read cud passed. Moved by John Outt, seconded by Jae. Mall'adzean, that tbie Oounoll grant 95.00 to be expended by Councillor Cott to purchase wood for Mfrs. Oder. Oar• tied. On motion of John Brown, eeoonded by John Grant, the following scoots were paid :— John Coate, bal. on contract, Love Drain $ 165 00 John Ewen, on oontraot Ewen Drain 90 00 Neil McNair, oeleetiug jurors 4 00 Beak of Hamilton, oe order of Louie L. Longeway, Silver Oorner'e Drain improvement., 895 20 Lorenzo Frain, farm bridge, Jaoklin Drain 15 00 W. 9, MoKurober, premium on • Iuearance Twp. Hall 2 00 Municipal World Buppliee2 21 John F. Bairnee, Commutation Statute Labor 2 00 Jeeeee Wilbee, gravelling and spreading gravel lot 8, on. 668 13 Jobe McIntosh, postage and stationery 15 00 (Theis. Skiu, gravelling S. R. 1, con. 5 35 86 John Lowe, gravel 15 12 D. W. Dunbar, Lenart viewers award (Cox Jt Buttery) 2 00 Edward Jaaklio, gravelling lots 6, 7, 8, con. 1, and lot 4, Don. 2 84 56 Edward Jaoklin, gravel 8 24 Job L. King, two harm bridges, Balfour Drain 20 00 Robert MlaDoneld, gravelhug on Mill Road 5712 Thomas A conk, Gleaning Mo• Taggart Drain 68 00 Jae. MoFadzean, letting sou tracts and inspecting MoTag• gart Draio 3 00 Henry Al000k,' farm bridge, Ewen Drain... 15 00 Jno. Beirnee, rep'g,culvert draw - lug plank, McDonald Beale2 00 Marto Resell, gravel 32 John Rann, repg. 00108 t, S. R 3, con. 12 6 00 George Olark, gravel 4 24 George Olark, contract gravel 8 20 Dan. Savage, cutting lime kiln hill, none. 8 and 4 16 00 John Storey, cutting 2 hide, 8 R. 6, sou. 8 18 25 Alex. Campbell, Award Drain E neo 1389. and replacing tile Grey's share 6 37 Wm. Granger, gravel 3 20 Alex. McDonald, approaches MoOartney'e bridge 27 00 John Mo0aeh, lighte at Duke's Bridge , 6 00 Wm. Riley, gravelling Grey and Morrie bdy 88 75 Wm, Riley, culvert and plaoiug tile, Grey and Morrie bdy...,. 3 75 Wm. Riley, cement oulvert, S. R. 3, oon. 6 2 00 Wm, Riley, cement culvert, 5, R. 1, ooa. 4 2 50 Alex. Bryaoe, inapeoting gravel ling Grey and Morris bdy, twp. and oo0traotor'e share2 50 Samuel Snell, inepeating gravel ling Grey and Morrie bdy, twp. portion only 1 50 Wm. Steveueou, culvert, lot 27, con. 10 0 00 Wm, Steveneou, repairing S. R 6, con. 11 .. 4 56 Wm, Stoveneon, gravel 14 08 Wm, Stevenson, form bridge, Oox Drain- 12 00 Robert Rose, jr., part payment gravelling oontraot 5. R. 5, con. 7 70 00 Wro. Fraser, inspecting farm bridges, Balfour Drain,......, 1 00 John Brown, inspecting farm bridges, Cox Dram . 4 50 John Brown, iuepeotiug farm bridges, Luve Drain..,. 50 Thumae Meacham, jr., culvert lot 8, con. 6 1 00 Peter Baker, gravelling, lot 19, 000. 12 48 14 Samuel Duon, oo00raot gravel8 80 Jae Cumminge, part payeneuton 00ntraat, B. R, 6, on, 16- 58 28 Jae. Tarnboll, mamma planing clement the covert lot 6, eon.4 1 00 Jae. MaFadzean, inepeotingfarm bridge, Ewen Dram 50 Samuel Burke, gravel 8 96 Thomas Sttaoban, sr., oontra00 gravel 5 44 Wilnam Bowman, farm bridge Lamont Drain 18 00 John Cutt, tweeting farm bridge, Lamont Drain 50 Neil MoTaggart, gleaning Mo Taggart Drain 80 00 Moved, eeoonded and carried that the Contrail do now adjourn to meet at Oran - break oo November 18th at 10 a. m. JOHN MOINroan, ()leek, p'oeiop, and Wallace Brown had hie hands out by the tlyiog glade and Cara Laeltwortby.receiv08 some cute on her 00016. 11,1p 1 e.4.. Gordon Montgomery hi visiting frtentle a0Nurt Hope, eliuhigao, Angus i0lartyn, tuwnehlp olerk, is eel. tering from nu attaok of rbentnatiem, Mrs. John Welsh, of Hamilton, is visiting her easter, Mire, D. E. Nimmn, J. S. Robertson hoe leased tire Agri• 010100 al Soaiety grouude fu,' three yore, Rev. A. Miller is publishing a three hundred page book entitled "Eleaveu and Hell Hera." Mies Martha Gulling herr returned from Winnipeg, where .he bets been visiting her slater, Mre. E. A. Mitchell, Wm. Arnold, of Kinoardine, was in town last week end ie preparing to buy a number of heavy horses for the West. It is 859801ed that Nev, J. M•1, Horton will prowl a sermon to the Orangemen of Pio River, on Nov, Ord, at 3 o'olook p. M. Chas. Marlyn, of the Traders' 13ault, Cargill, ie having a few weeks' holidays, fibulae has not beeu iugood health for some time. Dr, J K. M. Gordon was in town lest week, Ile wee aoo0mpauied to Graven• hurl, by Mre. Gordon and family. Pheir hoasehold effoote were shipped last week. Fo rd while. Geo. Walkey jr„ has moved his house. hold effeote to Palmerston where the family hoe taken up their residence. The members of L. 0. L. No. 645 have received au invitation from L, 0. L. No. 767, Gorrie, to attend divine service in St. Stephens' .church, Gorrie, on Sup• day, Nov. 8, Mies Blythe MoLaughlin has been en• gaged ae teacher of S. S. No. 3, Howlett, tor 1908. Miss McLaughlin should make a good teacher. Mies S. Padfield, the 9080800 teacher, has been engaged to teach iu Orange Sill school next year. Here are the figures for Howiok town. ebip for the past two yearn : 'Total as. easement for 1906, $2,881,595 ; taxer oolleeted to 1905, $25,507,76 ; total as. eesement in 1907, 92,882,682 ; total tux for 1907, 827,576 51, 'au lnoreaee of $2,067 76. The grain house here bee again been opened for buemeee by ,Broeklebaok & Elowsou, of Wmgham and Arthur. Wm. Gibeon will be on hand to pay the Isrgeet prices for all grain being marketed here. The intend to versa I the o u building, putting in an elevator and making other ue0e98ary ohaugee. A Storehouse For Poisons Yon may not think so, but that's what you become when the kidneys are effeot ed. These organa cleanse the body ; they are the filters that remove from the blood the waste matter that eats like deadly poison on the vitality and health of the eyetem. Dr. Hamilton's pills stimulate the kidneys, expel fermenting matter from the bowele, reetore the liver and stimulate all exore0ory and e0aretory organa. This enables the blood to quick. ly replenieh itself and establiehee perfeot health. No mediotne does sob lasting good as Dr, Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternat Pile, 250 at all dealer., Pee water. Mies Alwilda Hill, of Toronto, is the guest of Mies Lottie MoMlllau, Wilbur Millian, of Brantford, is visit ing hie mother, Mre. Geo. Millie(, of town, ed. and Mre, Grimes, of Toronto Jnno- tion, are visiting the latter'° parents, Geo. Nixon mild wife. The Rivoredale hotel has changed bands, Damian Blue, formerly of Tee.. water, having taken obarge on the 22nd. A, M. Robluecn, manager of the Bolt of Hamilton, le taking hie annual vaoa - tion, and W. G. Reid hae charge in his au°0(100. Donald McKay, who orient the Sam mer visiting hie eons at Keuors end with frieode in N. Dakota, hae returned to town. Hugh' A. MoKagae and wife, who had beau at Saekat000, Sask., for the Sum mer, have returned t0 Oulroee and are egal0 on the farm, 8th line, The Messrs. Loutitt are getting out timber for their new baro on Jas. Hark• naso' farm. The timber and lutnber are being out by a portable eaw•mill, Oounoillor Ed Kuntz Ku tz hae h eu , e i,row• iog b g potatoes this year. He brought three to the King Edward Hotel the., weighed 69 lbs. As well as being big these are 0m0oth, Thomae B. and Mre. Aitken-, whcee marriage wee mentioned in theee oo - emue last week are speeding the houeymoon at Noxville, Pa., and New York Otty. They intend being away two weeks. tainton. A. R. Smith was in Toronto last week on bueineee. The Thresher Oo, building is being rapidly Flailed forward. Miele Vanetene, of Wingbam, was the guest of Mre. Harry Bartliff last week, Harry and Mre. Bartuff visited Brtt09ele Mods Sunday and Monday of eat week. Mre, J. D. Kitty, daughter of Mre. R. Irwin, left last beak to join her hueband to California, Will Wiseman, son of John Wiseman, was brought home from Sandwich last week, ae ho L0 suffering with fever. Wilfrid Hudson won the watch at the competition et the shooting gallery, and iu the more 00000 competition Herbert Glezior won the pipe. Masers. Walker & Rose have received their new hearse from the manutaotarere at Ingersoll. It's a very haudeome vehicle and hae rubber tires, etc. Thos, MoKenzie i0 Oohing forward the work on the Rettenbury Hobe, and it ie expected it wilt be ready for the travelling publio before Ohrietmae. The workmen who have been employed iu borne a new well at Stapleton struck u bed of rook gait on Wednesday Of last week at a depth of 1150 feet. Mre. Cherie° McKinnon left on Tuee• day of met wtek to join her Selfhood at Edmonton, Alberta, She Wes uoaom panted ao far as Winnipeg by her mother, Mre. Johneoo. The magnifioen6 driving shed for ontari0 street Methodist ohnroh which hag been in 0000ree of erection for eevera, weeks is now complete. It is certainly credit to the congregation. Norman Joniffo, the well known bari- tone, who has been amp oyed as a eoloiet in one of the' Toronto oharehee, hae been engaged to Meg io Sherbootne et, ohnroh eta ooneidere,ble increase of ealury, n-e,,,goorseegsmooteectestunotgoUTO t,tY of hug hs Children Especially night coughs. Na- ture needs a little help to quiet the irritation, control the in- flammation, check the progress of the disease, Our advice is- -give the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. We banish eloohot hem our modioluoo We urge eoneult yourou s doctor If you think constipation is of trifling consequence, just ask your doctor. He will disabuse you of that notion in short order. "Correct it, at once!" he will say. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. —Mede by the J, 0.14000o., Lowell, Mese.--. John Stephenson got .his left hand caught in the planer at his faotory last Wednesday and lot half an inch off hie index finger. The little finger oleo was jnl about severed at the Bret joint but the doctor has hopes of being able to save 'i t. The final bowling tournament on the local green, North ve South, was oonoltld.. ed on Saturday last when the South won out by eighteen pointe. This means that the North meet pay for the supper which was held at the Oommeroial hotel on Wednesday evening of this week, Before Police Magistrate Andrews, Clinton, Reobeu Graham, of the Graham Lintel, was charged with selling liquor after hours. Graham pleaded not guilty, but after hearing the evidence the magistrate imposed a fine of $100 and costa, it being a second offence, The. °nate were 96 65. Crown Attorney Seeger, of Goderich, noted for the prose. cotton. W, and Mfrs. Jaokeon and Dr. and Mre. SOWN, returned S e an Saturday,19th, from om their trip to Winnipeg witthe Ticket Sellers' aspersion. They had a swell time, the Westerners treating them with whelk -hearted hospitality. Mr, Jaolteuu muted as eearetary for the excursion and just as usual, the arr00gemeute were per. fent. The Winnipeg Free Prase publish- ed a photo. of Mr. Jackson during the stay of the exoureioniete in that oity. *Edward Henry, of Roaeendale, Man., son of John Henry, formerly of Clinton, hes been in the hospital at Portage la Prairie, Mem, for the poet three weeks and will likely have to remain as much longer as the nen t of an accident he met with. He was returning home from lioGregor and as he eat in the buggy with a loaded 14 calibre rifle soros hie knees, he turned to speak to a passer by when the rifle discharged, the bullet peuetratiug and chattering hie right arm eo that he had to be taken to the hospital for treatment. He ie a nephew of Mre. H. Routledge turd Mre, D, Steep, of town. NOTABLE MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Of Special Valle to Many Herc in Briissels. The progress made in mediuina during the last few year0 has been au a whole general rather than epecifio. 008 of the moot notable disooveriee and one that undoubtedly appeals more than anything ales to many people here in Brneeele is the combination of etom0oh remedies in the ail o ua treatment. This preeoription has worsted woutier0, and there now is no excuse for anyone ant teeing with indigeetion or week etomaoh. IE ante epeoifivally'upon the monies of the atomaah and bowele, strengthening and stimulating them eo that they readily i take oare of the foot that is eaten. It also inorea0ee the flow of gastric jnioee, thea gutting from the food the nouriehment that La necessary for health end energy. The ey'mptome of indigestion are num °roue, 80003 as distress after eating, flute entre, heart horn, Mak headaohee, (11001 600 end irritability. These are all diopelled by a few 4000 of Mi 0 ea when the trouble is reeeut, but just as surely n0 in long standing and ohmic Gases if the treatment is followed for a rea,ouuble length of time. Do not think because of the goiok benefits derived from the nee of Mi o•oa that it is merely a temporary agent, It is a remedy that ores by making over the weak etomaoh into a 60r0n5 one. Mi 0-08 le Bold by droggieta every- where for 50 cents, and we positively guarantee to refund your money ehoald yon purohaee a box and be dissatisfied with retinae. Write for free sample, ENTER ANY DAY Commerdial Oorreopondonoe among our ntudente at Win ham, 0liuten, Walkerton, Orangeville and Gods. flab, We have iuoorpperated the 00un6el0 of our TWl9LVel BROADLY LrDUOATSD, WIDELY k1XPER1EN- 0E1) TEAUBE108. Gregg Short. hand taught by a graduate of the Author John It. Gregg, Individualinetrualion, We Invite comparison and Ol0Be invedt1g,atioe, Otto ,hall eetlreeo 'lfen011 Tot In Your Own dome. Write for partieulare,l Winghani Business aolle._ e f� GEO.8POTTo5, Principal eddreseing Booth's Ml,o.na, Box 977, Buffalo, N. Y, Per Us County. Holy. NapeoN MONraiTn Toa 011nioa.— Hon. Neel aotr Mo Reit t b was our l'u 1Ired a - a0 Mitchell, the lulanimoae choles of Iiia Liberal Ooneervalivee of South Perth eo their oondidate in the next provinoial election, No other name woe tnen0lo,0 and the despatoh with whloh the nomi- nation nartuft ehnwrd that no other mule wad thought of, It waif deoided to leave the choice of a candidate for the Rouse of Oommone till a later dote, the feeing being that there wee no pressing need of ironing a standard-bearer and that more deliberation might be well, Tile meeting was marked by enthusiasm for the reuse of Mr, Borden, There were abort 125 nocrodited delegatea pre-. ent, John Bennewiee, Logan, President of South Perth Liberal Conservative An - etiolation, preelded and with him on the platform were: Hon. Naive Monteith, Minister of Agrioulture ; Hon. W. J. Fianna, Provincial Secretary; Richard Blain, M P., Peel ; W. F. Oookehutt, Ml. P., Brentford and J. Welton Peart, St. Mary's, eearetary of the Liberal-Oou• servative Association. The epeakore of the afternoon were : W, F. Cookshntt, M. P. ; Hou. Naleon Monteith, M. P. P. ; Dr, Stelle, l'ovietook ; Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Seoretary, and Rich. Blain, M. P., Peel. In the evening a masa meeting nee held in the opera bonne at St. Mary's under the auspices of the Young Ooneervative Olub. There was m good attenditnee and the .speakers 08oeiv. ed an attentive hearing. Dr. Spoke, of 81. Mary's, aoted a8 oboirmen and with him on the platform were Hon. W. J. Henna, Richard Blain, M. P., Hon. Nelson Monteith, Dr. Steele, Mr, Ding- man and others. EOZEMA Skin Itches Intensely, Becomes Hard, Cracks. Bleeding Sores Develop. Pus Is discharged. The prevalence of Eczema is doe in every ease to the preeenoo of humors and poisonous aside in the blood. Thede poisons Dome from fermentation of undigested food in the upper bowel, or from discharged fecal matter in the lower bowel. It is a smite of time to employ oint- ment or washes. No lasting benefit oan be had from doctoring the skin when the canoe lies in the blood. Rich, pure blond will bring new lite to the akin—will surely restore beauty and Helloes of onmplexion. I/erro r:net is the beet trealrnent. It nate an the blood instantly, note with s purifying healing effect— neutralizes' the acids—destroys the poieone—drives every humor from the bleed, - So rioh and nourishing dose Ferro• zone make the blood eo 000rand healthy, that the aoree are healed—itahioeee is soothed away—every- trace of eczema poison removed. If Ferrozone won't core then nothing will—in all blood dieordere its effeot ie inetant—Cure guaranteed. Try Ferr• ozone, thousands . it hae cured. Will our0 goo too, In 600. boxes at all deal. ere. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Alexander McIntosh, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, farmer, deceased. Notioe is hereby given. pursuant to Ravin. ea 8tatutee of Ontario, 3897, Obap. 129, and amending Acts, that all creditors and others having any claims against the isolate of the o aid •Alexander MOulneh, who died on or about the 7th day of October, .1907, are re- quired nu or before the 19th day of Novem- ber. 3007,10 scud by post, prop aid, or deliver to William Fraser, of the' odd Township of Grey, Molesworth Post.Oisos, Ono of the Ex. center of the said estate, their name° and ud5resoeo with full part180lare in writing rf their claims, the statement of their ao- co0nt0 and the nature of the goon rte an held bythem i es if duly verified a t affidavit. any) rv. And notice 10 further i y van that aft, cthe -aid lase mentioned date the Executors rhe 0,111oproceed to 01 the niepar the aseettle of the t,.o having g regar the 07 100 eitcla thero- wi havlug regard only to the claims of wl•ioh they shall then have natter and that Exerutore will not be liable for the os, e0s, or any part thereof, to any person of lv ose eloina they shall not thou have notice all perenu of whose olalms they &hall ho thou hove notice shall he excluded from tb• beneath of aped distribution Dated this 16611 day of October, 1507. J. E. TI]RHUNE, f the Town of Lletowel, in the County of Perth, Solicitor for the Executors; Wil- liam Fraser, John McEwen and John McIntosh, 16.4 lodge Barron hoe banded outjadyment on the 0, P. R, ve. Township of Morning• ton re the appeal on the MoOloy druid, The judgment eaetained the report of the engineer, but the code were to he aeeeeeed on the drainage arca, The local hotel men, of Mitohell, met at the UolI•eon Honse to (Honeses pro- posed ohangee in the tariff of prose, with the following result ; Stabling one horse, from 6a to 10o ; teem from 10u to 20o ; nue drink, barrel whiskey, 10, or 8 Inc 250 ; °Need geode, 15o or two for 2501 beer and light wines will remain the same ae et 9008801, 60 a glees. 0.1 a0 oouut of distillers and brewers raising their privae and hay and oats boing ex pensive, the hotelmen found it neaeesary to make these e' angels, and they moo into effeot on Monday, Brewer's STUDIO Will 118 Open ou Thanksgiving Day A good time to secure 11 Photo. of Yourself or Family. Bodmiu Lime Works, BELGRAVE STOCK FOR SERVICE. O.11OR, SER1rICG,.,-THE UN-. ormemNan will peep for eervlce on Lok)7, Gan. 8, tiros, a thoto' bled Tam- worth bog, Terms 80,00, to bo paid at tang t dor len wll1' rt vilgo of n v 1 t, returning 4t nu exa 1EOB'L', efaDD D -� ao ry , N4J, , Prop, 10.4 IMPORTANT NOTICES 3 U 11 E BREI) LETCES'ra1lt ▪ Bain Lambe for mile, Lut 22, 00,, 7, Grey, NOBLE A. MILN14, Ethel P.O. 164. rr W 0 HEAVY DRAUGHT Foals aFilly and ;Gelding—for Male, O 100 6 pigs rea,lvfor weaning. Lob 0, eon, 10, Grey, er Itmooe's P, 0. 10-01 L. ROLLIN GBH, rrEAOHER WANTED FOR UN. 1006.8.80.11, Walton; male or fn, ma'e • duties to eumnene0 on opening of school In 3006 Applluabinas received up to November 010. Applicants 1,0 state ealury expected. Apply to THOS, H. BOLGER, Sueeretary, Walton 2, 0. 30.4 1:1 OUSE ANI) + ACRE LOT, JL for Bale—Albert street, comfortable home in good repair. Small stable, Gaud well. cistern, 50. Possession any time. For nuttier particulars apply en the premises to S. 010AW:FORD, Bruesol0, 48.00 RICK STORE TO RENT ]3Y February 160—part of Smith Block. 20880 lout ; Out door from Amorivau Hotel ; lately Bead as tattering and goute' furnish.. It g eotub110ilmeut. For further purtleulare apply to llB. MoHELVEY, Brussels. DOU!El acolo. ANI) out k fortaAC1bli,oE OF hr dtvell- tug; barn and sunwater under cover ; ap. Pie, plum and (Merry trues, the, 200000erou can be geveu at cum Pee prove, terms, ,wu, call at SBF] POe'1'. IT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE —The undersigned offers fur sale her , 110008 and lot nu rut'uberry greet, Bru8- Is headquarters for First-class Bole. Possession mould be given at once, Lime. Write or Telephone 00Lniie, Walton ll, O., or to TuIOPooT. ' A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS t5"6Vill meet teems from a distance a Oeutral Hotel, Brnesolo. MONTHLY For rice, terms da., appl to M08. b' K. o. T. M. 13000904 Tont of the Maccabees, No. 24 hold their regular meetings In the Lodge Room, Broker Moak, on the let end 8rd t Tumidity oveui008 of each month, Visitors always Welcome. A, 8011E108, Com. 4, M0GU11EE, 11.30. pR0PER.CY FOR SALE.—BE. ▪ 1000 part of Lot 24, poo. 8, Grey, ()en- ing l6 acres more or lege Un the premfeos aro two barn 9 ( all label u 1 two U ul 4 W svelte. Land i1 good foto of 100bol villa • very conveniently situated to Wel village. For price and tonne apply on the promisee to B, cmiamek;1(5, or to Ethel P. G. 7-00 FARM l+'UR SALE—BE+ING- Lot24,Con, 18, Grey, containing 100 acres. 40 aures clewed ted balance hard wood bueh Bud swamp. Good brick house with !dtohon, driving shed and stable , good wall, o rchard, Sq ouproeieee, Place well fenced, Ponhos,ler) could be given atter crap le off, For OOrthor portfoularo as to price, terms, So. Apply to Jo. 0. MONr111,, Lot 2J, Con, 14,Grey. or 1lonurfeff P, U. hORSE FAIRS 13 Rd U t•._7 S e ' J_J iS The Regular Mlonthly Horse Foil's will he held for the season as follows : THURSDAY, DEO. 5th, 1907 JAN, 5,,d• 1908 P3513. 6th, 1908 MAR. 50, 1008 APRIL and, 1908 Leadirg Local and Outside Buyers will be Present. L Farmers or Storekeepers by coaling to the Brussels Salt Works eau get any hind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. for Sale Just received a car load of No. 1 White Limo. D. A. LOWR BRUSSELS. NATIONAL Roller Flour Mils Every good house -wife knows how necessary it is to have good Flour to make' her Bread and Pastry palatable , ie Loaf Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have used this brand you will want none other, CHOPPING 5 OE'NTS PER 5AQ t 'All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand, WM. ,J SII., W e Ali PRY BRUSSELS VOR SALE OR TO RENT.— The uuderetgued offers her 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, lion. 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable huu00, bank barn, orchard, wells, die. Farm to only } of a mile from the stir*ing village of Cobol. Fur ler- thee partl0uler0 apply to P. 8, Booth, Bros - sole, or M1t8. li5i010 HOLLAND, 7 Peter Street, Toronto, 87.3m l.('ARl2 FOR SALE.—THE UN- nan0lanun offers Lie 100 more farm for Osla, being Lot 80, 7th Liue, ,Morrie. Thorn is a frame hones, bank barn and bay house, 8 embattle and a never -tailing spring. Farm will roe sold in one or two parts to suit pun chaser, posseselou tumid 0e give, tins Fall. Four aures of Fall wuaat fu Farm in gran except 10 acres, WilL be sold ou easy tame. For lurther par1lou.ateaa to pride, terms, k8„ apply o1 the premises to ALL'. BUTTON, or Brussels P. O. 1141 lARM LABOUIIORS 1 AND DOMIaSTIOS— Ihave been appointed by tho Dominion Gov ern Merit to plume Imamlgrao to from the tinitod Kingdom in eneftions as farm lab - 003080e or domestic 00rvante in this vicinity. Anoti- fy ma by loboor stating fullyithe grind of holp required, when wanted and wages offered. The numbers arriving may not be sugleiout to supply all requests but every effort will be made to provide anoh applioaat with help required. F, 8. 80OPT, Canadian Government Employment Agent 82.1y BrueeO0 P. 0. Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS) ANY even numbered section of Dominion Laude in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, exoonting 8 and 26, not reserved, may bo homesteaded by any purlieu who is the Dole head of it tenth y, or guy male over 18 years of ago,to the extent of one-quarter section of 100 mores more or lose, Entry may bo made personally at the localland office for the district 1n which the land is situate. The homesteader ie required to perform the aouditiono UOnnoo1ed therewith under one of the following plane: and,oultivation of thmonths' land in each (year for throe years, (2) If the father (or mother, if the father ie deceased) of the homesteader resides upon n }arm in the vicinity of the loud entered for the requirements a0 to resi- dence may be eatiefled by euoh pere0n re- siding with the father or mother. (8) 1f the settlor ban his permanent resi- dence upon farming laud owned by him In the vlolnity of his homestead, the re - ointments as to rooldenee may be antis - fled by reatdonoe upon the Bald land, Six mouths' notice in writing should bo given to the Oommisoiouer of Dominion Laude at Ottawa 00 intention to apply for 'pa0ont. Deputy of the Minister Interior. N.B. Unauthorised publioablon of this ad- vertisement will not bo paid for, A.LLI N MA> LINE Mood Gatos now in Mot MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL 'runieitn Balla Bildey, Nev. 1, 9 a m Vlotorian ends Thursday, Nov, 7, 10 0 m (Joretottn Maine Friday, Nov, 10, 9 a In Virginian Sa119 rkiday, Nov, 21, 10 a in MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Corinthian Saila Thorn/lay, Oot,Bt Pretnrlan Satln Thursday, Nov. 7 Grampian (now) Sails'POur.day, N0v,14 81oillau Oaile'I'bursday, Nov, 50 For Balling, 'lista and lull Information apply to - W, 0. ih11(11, Agent Allan line; Wimple wi it 1r 1 alb q Y 1 wok 1