The Brussels Post, 1907-8-15, Page 6CATTLE WAR IN IRELAND .01IASS FARNIS RAPIDLY GOING BACK TO SMALL FARMS, .Worof Dish:1'14110os Athenry and Loughrea-Some Armed Coldnolo. A soisool lour in tho omith and wool snosigthom ilto (minims that tho dayo of Poe calm. ram:hors too immlorod and Mai ninon tt motoorabo, U1110 1110 Vast gilisS !mak will he up and shared 1.1111011g the 'Mai are l'aIW thing in tio. hogs and on poor and un- prodootivo Waling!: \\rib's a DuStia eorresPoitibmt. (nag.. farm after grass form loing fin on up. Obeying 1110 •tiontands of tho eopie, Om graziers too undoptahing, .surrt,nor stances. 1 1 worthy or th,ta that 010 otthor aboroloning .ands cts against Men M110 Were tried by l'eation- Niagioirates and acquilloil. This BRii AIN s FAcioRy LIFE dolorinination loss arEillSed 1110 people. who doclaro that tho iloveramont will not get a jury M convict imi000 they soul the ousos for toial ill 0111side 0.1111- '10S, W111011 inifirOlnihle, Kings' county and Sligo ow' itio only co:1111'0o tho western provimm 11P0o a 1,1.0011 110o stint moo to joil for cottlo raiding. oral tho proomors tho 11,11,0, ,ose wore loon oent More from tho County of llos. Cellaw .11, In 1110 1110011111110 1110011 and mow pony ars being Moon fool, Oboe district., Roil sonl 1,, tho disturiod novae mho entire s.osoo hoo aris Oir ronitito, litoy tinit it had Mom. whereas a fow opals( ag.i erowils or yuting. 00.13 v..-011141 11,0.0 11,1,0ti to It& itopoL to rbt tht, moot.01. 11 ts round, 111:11 10111.. tt10,1, „.1 mon woos', mom, eon" on the 'isouiting eon tot\ o ontigratol. und of niaso I'm aro lo the ox4tice in the prosioa eirouni- them. 'rho farmers limo 'dread:: woo many viotorks and thoy aro confident Unit they Will lie sipecs111111 all along ino line, and thitt tho oinoty prairies o Bed, IMscountion, Sligo., Nictoot aml woy soot 1.0 poopiod with condorLablo lormeto in tho iinniediato Moro,. 0043 chango of consolorablo note lots occurred. Whon Me Into Govoramont WaS in power a solvion undestolcing was given that if tiny potato was kismet to !tato by stress of agitation the Land Com- mis.oionors would have nothing lo with. it. Tho peesent Govornment has oltoted that and is prepared to deal nu- modiatoly with tho outtle ranchos tint have been thrown vacua since the anti - grazing war started. It would Iola the itmlits police foreo of all (reload sta- lienoil in throe counties alone to ora - toot the graziors there, and it is reeog- nized by Dublin Caollo 11011 it would be quito impoosible to stop Pie wor by the „ oneurrenOes In tho Land That Reign: too of the ordinary force tst the disposal of the Crown. Deno° drivos are of fre- Supreme In the Commorcial ouent occurrence, and the landlords and graziers look upon their case as hope- lestS. Sad believo that if they stand out against the will of the people worse evils may bolall them. molly rot -miters Mid it extromely dint - coil piok up mon .in what waS llie 1110s1 prolitio recruiting groond in the kingdom. with the wool!, that tho Irish regent:Ms aro degenerating, Slew eausoo account for this- emigration and n \veto. sowad atili-onlionnota sruozukt that hus loon waged in koland for five yoars. litneo expired soldiers lire rim en• via:raged eame back fo I/1,10 faiodjo, or districts when theiaterm of service is up. ,o— IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT /0 1IN DULL AND IIIS PEOPLE. TI1E WORST DISTRICTS in the rogion of disturbance aro Athen- or and Loughrea, whore tho people do not lose time in talking but set to work in a spirit of the greatest determination. Unlike the agilaloro of other parts they are not coctient to drive tho cattle off the farms but -have, taken. sitems againot ths herds and the owners of the stook. The boycott IA rigewously applied and within the past few weeks shots have boon flood through the windows of the dwellings of mcm who otand out against the agitation. A few nights ago a body of cattle drivers mom into collision with the po- lice in the dark, the constabulary lying in ambush to prevent tim drive, At iirst tho people skirmished agninst the eon- stabko with stones and inflicted injories upon swot -al of them. Then fire:arms . were brought into play and the oon- stabulary replied. 'rhe police did not Worn!. best in London, l'eollirCS all its em- ployees to be dean shaven. Novel -reacting, oxcept in the wores of classic writers, is said to be decreasing among the Landon public. Throo lumps, of coal, together weigh• fog threetons,have been taken from Me Earl of Elkesmercss collieries, neat' Monehooter. Me Robert Wallace, K,C., the chair. man, said, in opening the Cloriconwell Saosions, that, compared M twenty ovals> ago, crime had fallen off twenty. tivo por cent. It IS the dictum of a Brightoo town couneillor, who is oho a member of the Brighton Eduontion Committee, that "A girl of twelve should not leave school till she is sixteen." The dealh has occurred al rfamplon Dill, Middlesex. in her eighty -tend yoar, Of NIIS.5 Marianne lIonogon, who sorved through the IsranomProosian war as ono ol the head nurses. Asked by Capt. Craig In the Houso attempt to natio any arrests and °I co:11111ms why flagstaff had boort hrought tho (lotion to a close by shout- as'elod at the Wor Ofiloo, Air. Haldane ing to the men that they wore commit- replied that it was to fly a nag on. hog an Illegal set by firing upon the 'Mr. Haldane is ao awkward man to otTito2r3 of the Crown. 'rhe crewed got handl". away in the dark, having portly moo A prisoner in Wilmslow police sta- coaled in their cattle. drive. Up to the Lon picked the ce11 lock.lsith the snivel present the constabulary have taken to, ‘5 ,-.11 the end of his boothtee. Ile notion no:Mist ihoso who were present., 151), walking out of • the police 6tation although thoy say that they know oes.-, \\Mon he was seea and recaptured. oral of Ihe men. There is an unprecedented nember of TUE SAVEATED A111,1 WORKED ANO FLEECED 11'1' FINES, Etiolates Aminual Publication on 111e Daewoo of Employment Tells a Painful Tale. Tho 0111111111 1411(.10 pill11011 1100, i(11111iii.l'siTs'141134,119 1:!t7t1111141isi:-;111''11.111-17- ollterwoo: tho tomort of the 17111,1 iospoo- tor of. factooioo ono worotoo.possions. Pions- 1110011 the sonot painful 11110 11`,. S,IYS the London Daily Ni:Ws. Many iiiipiv)Veniellis are 1101.11, hilt. 011 Hie Ita study of lito 31:4 paps clook000 a torritilo slak, of ollairs-- workers boilig oilseruoutously ground down by elliployers, 11111.1 their health unit lives jeopardized 1,y insanitary eon- ditiono tool unprotedod intwhinory. The Moo look may openi4 tit random-- tWarly ever), pago unfolds the same ghost ly roe' ruAlss it",01..0titigithisoLnieligoif the moot. Painful contorn womon (not children. 'rho roport, of 11:0 elliel laity inspeAor heartronding doeunient. Of tho child lace wimliers in Ntiss Sepitre writes : "'rim tiowiters' complaiitt that Ihe scloal children aro slavos' is not unfounded, '9110 hood Witcher of ono school lokl me that to oarrying out the sight tests proocriloot tloi education nontorily She W115 amazed at the dela). oiglot 110 children. . , . In visit- ing 0110 hire WOrkS11011 1 55115 surprisod, when 111 answer to my question whether a girl of 13 had corlilloale. fov total co: - emotion, she replitol that hor eyes were so had that she had been excused from attending at seliool, The girl sous draw- ing ltiee." "ALWAYS TIRED" CIII.L.SREN. Miss Paterson. reporting on the half- time .system nod half -lime ochool in Dundee, pot -yeses this picture: "Nalion they two in the mills in the morning they haw no opportunity lo boor dinner until after ochool closes for tho (lay. . . Narrow -chested 0111141mm sat on backless bonehes. . . A nnorow, stoop Stair 1011. to the school -rooms, and Move \ono 110 sort of playground, nor uny lime to 1150 it if Hume bad been Defoolive eyeolght preventod a certain pooportion from seeing what was written on the lauckboaril, NN'e. were sorry also to find ct elaso of children ooeupiod in noticing bution-holos." Miss Martindale drew an equally snit picture. of the hail -Lime children of the Irish flux mills : "Tho head toachor in ono of the half- time schools renituked um that these chile -Iron Romeo 0155531S 110010; that during the remealion period they pre- ferred oating down in the playground to running -about. . . . Tho children wore undoes:toed, roond-shouldorod anct deli- cate in oppe•oranco." The chief insprelor reports, however, that the emptoyment of children as half- timors is becomiug nior0 ond more' rare, though. in cortain towns, for extunple, Bradford, lite number havo inoroused, chiefly owing to the raising of the age nt which full -Lime employment, is (11- lowiol by the local authorities. The large muulom of childron employod has con - skit -stably increased during tho last two yours also in tho weaving trade of North -cast Laneashiro. Nlany child A fow night's ago in Ilk'. Howe of , salmon in the Upper Wye this seaoon. workoro, of course, are :wonted at Cinutims ilto Irish Chit..1 secretary Rowney fifiy-one, averaging 13SO ibs, home. 'ries is what Sir. NicOnglay oaw complained Mat. the glaziers and lona-loath, were taken by rod and line nog- Bolfast lords did not take steps to protect their' loss in the vicinity of Bain wcus "In tho poorest. and most onhealIhy of can dwellings this variety of homework own proporty. I have been in touch! alone. wilh ooveral important landlords in thoi midsummer day statioties have shown folrowing hinollcorehiefs) is caroled oh to disturbed awls cold shotated tots point! po, borough councils that the exodus on iikoneeivoldo extonl, and in some with Mom. They pretond to see in the from London hays- considerably Melons. streets ono could hardly enter a house Chief Seerolary's words a hint, that 11)4'3'1 oil. Taking London ns a. whole. [hero without seeing Iwo, three, four or 1110r0 should keep arined parties 011 their pro- aro now more than 50,000 houses childron, varying in ago from stx to porties und say that the (lie Socrelary twelvo smaro, round a tubio, all intently buoy trying to cant a. inioorable petal-rm." Ness Paterson also has oomelhing to sa,, about the omployment, of children as label -slicks in thread mills : "I found about, 40 Milo -girls, 21 of whom wom hatelintoro, licking and moisloning lho adhesive labels by mouth. Tho mond cramitly of labels moistened in this way by Each girl is tdout :ifi gross a day. .. The tongues of most, of them had tho polished tip choweloristie of labol-lickem, mid the root of the longue coaled with the brown gum." must rat be surpotood in Ihe near fu - hire if he finds the cattlemen ohooling Mk the crowdS 11110 Shooting for results. 'rho writer raid a visit to the De Froyne estato in Roscommon. This pro- porly of Lord Ile 1Freyne is a mere agri- cultural shoo and the peasants live in Um direst poverty on palettes of bog hind which only produces in. response to INCESSANT HARD LABOR. It ts one of Ilia most congestell dis- lrielo and ono of the poorest in Ireland, and three years ago the Sheriff was busy there evicting peroonnts who found it impoosible to pay their rents. The Gov - moment has docided la take the majority of the tonants away from the ostato and plant 113401 on grass lands In other parts of Rootountrion, Mit those whoso neigh- bors they aro to become. doctor* that they Will not allow this (Ind will drive them book to FY:network. Thoy sny !hey want no' land for ihernselvos and will not uliow strangers lo erono in told take up any part of it. This asitect of . ease gives the Estates Commission- er> some concerti. It would be almost impoesible to drive through a more -mournful, deserted and &pressing region than thoso midland murales of brown bog and empty 110310 after hour ona passos along by mulatto -led peat land (moored with reeds ond grozing land tended with slones and nettles. The ilia country ohsochos from horizon to horizon, and now and again one comes to the Milo eltilo cabin of the peasont who \\motto bowl tiny nfloo day on. the little patch tissignod lo him trying to make ends moot. Al lho niontont nio Nast hogs ore (hoary waolos savo for 1.110 bito of fool Cu: from them by 1110 poosonts, but in no. near foluro they may he Mo. 11100115 of bringing riches to lloi eounlry. A proopooling fatly of Gorman ond Irish ongincors aro al work on the 1109 (1 A111111. 'Choy say that lho solar:110mi s of powee foon pont hos boon most sioo cessful. Goratony and Mut Ireland ofiors water amp() and a promise of 4,19gor mtottwt 111:111 tot,t 1,1100414A tho industry in Me fallietland. Accordingly ihoy lay, made linol olsonfoomoots t,, float a company whioh will 1,4' homily Minnood in Gnomon' for Die of tho logo In hull d000n fits, Not tio-s calcolato thot oildiflon to too rovemio cheap powor m Lohlo in tho ado of Mo. by-products will oiolit con.>iderable wealth, BEGAilDING TIM GTIAZENG WAII oho A tiornoy.GetiOrtil 1100 doported from bl. elision: up to Mt preami, by ()odor - Inge bills to be pro -sailed at 1110 aSsizes emploo At Moakley., Otero is a cook who has been with one family kr twenty - ono years. The approcialive family Ita1 gioen her a gold watch and. allowed hoe es give ti ports( to her Mends, every- ltdop: being provided. 'rho friends numbered thirty-seven. Foreign eggs and poultry are to be roarkod with Ilm 1101110 of -their country ond origin if the resolution of a room, soidativo meting i3O producors and poul- terers, held ta the Great Eastern Itotel recently, is waltzed. A 13111 will prob- ably be introchiced. „ ostrich 1111111 took plow at Corbar, 13031on. Escaping from its attendant, the bird hopped over a hedge and made off amiss the fields. The owner und his friends mounted their horsto and went allor it. They got IL cornered sevorol Moss, led it wus too quick for Mem, and many hours elapaid before it was cought. The landlord look away the [root and back doors of a house at Lytchott oter, Dorset, bocause the tenant, a WO - limn, hod not left on the expiry of no- tice to quit. Fearing theft, the wo- 1:1011 WaS unoble to go to bed, and scam of hoo possessions wore spoiled. Sho has beim awardod 10s. damages against the landlord. Ileinforood eetnent nOW 1110 favor- ite inaterlid with British builders ot large chimneys, One already completed eri London to 250 feet 111911, with n baSo twenty feet &more, and a projected one al Northfield will be 247 fcel. high and otgla arid a half feet 10 diamelor, with a foundotion of eighteen feet square. the village! of 1111,41:0111-1044,11, in Lincolnshire, wah o population of 080, has forty -cite 1o:skein's over oeventy years of age. All Ilios000ptnagenarinos, eiologenarinos, mid one oontoomiarian woro Moiled to a garden Forty, and tt:Irly came. Their total combinoil ogos wero 2,279 years. 1,011i1011 11118 yetir faller of visitorS than 11 hus ovor boon below. Tipsy tiro largely American, but Mere is also uni111:11 3111111ber of Gorman and holies itto 1,110Wir. ed to their tantool, and it is quilo poos11,11, to got t, loam (if ally of lho big hololo in Control Loudon unless ft to boolcsil for some clay!: loiforollinol, in vomooloonco of Me erowthol olute Poo loOolo mons' IlliVellerS Moo had to lo lodgings lbe Bloomsbury 1091,1011 141111 01101'5 hose gone to 1110 1,4,90 dis. ond Scotland, 111toncling to return toter on. A 50-1011 gon costo SO0,00(1, and MO shot Costs $375. 111AINING BY FINES. Astounding is the tyranny exorcised !Pt YOur seat You walls across the over poor women workees in the matters 'pageant ground; both before MI after „f ono, deductions and oilier impost. lho performance you- mingle with the ^ thoy onowd, le: floe fact that leado was hod, that joins PAS1UNG THE RUSSIAN CUSL'ONIS, 110),1111,11 s1101111.1 011011' 111011 2d. in overy 111,00 where, lauodry work is pert,,rnil),1111. 1.10 OF LIMON, Mitig Tracoy throws a Ittokl light on Tho 0110 &cad in all the homes Sarnia 10 he lila inspection Ina), Mead 11 olooloining ot disoiplino and e -toning of teo moral hold tho sopa:Mrs have 415.11' ale initiates. , . 1 SilppoSo 1115 silent syS11111 certatti advan- i11144.1,41.1-41.. lilidlt\,\:-.0u,1011ftesi (11110 tela17,,fli,,50,; gonorally vuotte, but tho orto .11(4111, 4-aw to wine), it had too tocioted for soot,' years 1110 almosphero was alto - 1.:41 her different anti homeiike. 'rhe trenio youth (if 111011), 01 (lie n11110.105 IS Very disloesoing feel ure of many of 1110 homes, and it lo griovialo that ilie sino of othors should bo henvily visited upon Masa puOr Children, In wholli ille 51111910 110101111 joys of 1101110 life aro now dontoil, for nal home tiles can nevor atlainest in tho ilk of "it honk," possibly soosido fospoollon luny opon lho doors and widon this atmosphero altogether, dit ordinary laundries tho porind oniployintott has loom as (linfoult to chock ns evert AlashitlerY• ttle solY, 1.4 being largely introducool laundress, and 0110 noticed by a MAY bospoclor can iron '3.000 collars an home. IL can ho worked by two girls, with seats 01,- 100110d to the nowitino. Its cost was X.100, but it saved inowages over .C2 a week, Tho extraordinary di:sot-T[1rd oani- tary comlilions is still to be noted, and Miss Vines reports a pottery works Mato "lho only meal -room Provision was an unwormed lavatory," NIANUFACrUBING SAUSAGES. Tha most, unfortunote feature of un- sonitution, however, is lhat it is most often met with in food manufacture. There is EllWay5 a good deal of "jungle," ist this blue book. Ntention is frequent - to made of the conditions of sausage nomufnetuse. ln ono town in Lanca- shire one nom, ten Or INV'OlVO smock by fool!, contakod EL sly In whiell pigs were kept and killed. All tho subsequent oPerations of situsogeonaking were dir- tied on 01 010 oarne room. A join fac- tory vS4ittol hod walls splitsbed shouldeo high with "slate jam," which tho manu- facturer suggested had properties enab- ling it to fulfill the function of linie- wash. Many jam factories and bake- houoes were found to be cleaner than formerly, but in some neighborhoods In South London "tho practice of hanging up the family washing in the Niko- hobsos is itecoming more' apparent, and in one eine every available opal, VMS 0050red ill 11115 way," Leal poisouing eaOes numbered 280, the highest number sinee 1001, whon 206 were reported. Til0 riso tho earthen- waro and chino, trade is attributed to carelesoneos in the oboervonee of special rules. One of thesaddost etSoole of lead - poisoning is the dire poverty to which 11, tykes, and some distrossing instances professionals on. their way to moseow Offaly Officials and Posters Examine 105001100-.00111110 Paosporls, The onion] of tho 1 litsalfin cusleano con only Ito doocrilied as fearful and womilerful-froln ony point of view, A scoro of onleials and twioo ns ninny otioolal porloro, wrileo airrospondeol of. tho London Evening Sionilard, went ,systomationIty through ova's' Moot' of higgago, Diego. 00 small, of 'every has. Siolgor, Three °Bleeds unit Iwo pOrlerS 1110 arcrage composition of tho small tonne's that proem -tied solounily el woad 1110 grout 11011 on .1ho (Mar shei 00 the countor which all our loggago W110 diSplliseil, With Ila 051Wel• 4111 Or 1111310us iiii5sengers befOr0 11. "Ilave.you anything?" "No, nothing.' Thou anothor °Metal puts it nuother way: "Ilovo you anything new?" Iso which tho natural reply wits.: "Won. weat do you think? eVo come :straight horn London," From overy pm:googol:to luggago something or 011101' Wila Clin. Sell at random and Immo tiff in triumph to lho asoessen's table. So far as could ho soon ovorything wits ("awfully weigh- ed told handed Lack to the owner on. production of passports, Without charge. led tho cosfainly earned their PIS, whatever it might be, if tolly hy Mes exquisite acting of Moir ongraleful pare>. Getting tho paosporto W115 another boson 10 Itussian onielohlorn. As the train entered tSe station all clears were tookcof one j10 One WaS pernatted to doocend until a gondormo with a couple of ;satollites had proceeded thiough all the compartments ond extracted a pass- port. frotn each person. These were being dealt with in tt .soporate r00111 whilo we underwent tho ordeol of the eustoms inspection, After about an hour a little tioloot window opened, and WO 0115115d tumul- tuously nround 11, shouting out olio names, a trying thing ,for an English- man to do ln a public place. As bod luck would have it, quite three-fourths of the pasoengers were sion-Ttuosinns. Ball dozen Britishers, the same num- boo of Frenchmen, ond perhaps a doz- en Russians; Lilo rest, quite 1101 a hun- dred, had names W111011 were either German or 14 wbh, and often both. Passports were handed out with eX. PaOrtlillary freedom, and many a man returned the paper he received with "Not mine" In vortous lartguagos. For toe disteibuter was a half literate and not \vitally sober genclarme, ruby 1105001 rind truculent, whose struggles with the' 13ftbel 01 nantes-all written one way and pronounced quite another- nocessitated the intervention of an of- ficer, who mode betkr hand of 11, hill 1101 much. Filially the non-Russian possports wera from hand to hand till they found the right owner. - Among the few Russian names called out woo the magic one of "C•ount Tol- stoi," and in its recipient I recognized the gentleman who, half an hour be- kre, had helped a couple of English girls coa of trouble with the omotoms. They were evidently "song and dance" 1 for the first time, and had all their aro given, stage wardrobe with them. As most of TLIE PAGEANT FEVER. was silk, and they could not speak a word of anything hut English, the Ail England This Year Going to the customs people- NVC15 disposed to make Great Outdoor Shows. a haul, under the impression, appar- ently, 'Mat they had to do with French You would Mink if you had 800.11 orto smuggling trade goods. pngeant that you would have had quite Count 'Nista!, happenin,g to notice ,onouglo you would think if you had the dilemma, went to the akl Of lite girls, that you would have had inore than and a couple oP words to the chief soon vitough. You would think if you had set them free from all trouble. teen to both lionises' and Oxford that ,o— you would oot have the least dosire to lo Bury SI. Edinu»ds, Not a bit of GONE FOR '1'119 MISSING LINK. 11. The more pageants you SOW the 1110re — WOirtail Explorer and Scientist Will Go you'd want oeo. You would catch She pageant fever, tho fashionablo epi- to Dm Island of Java. donne which has broken out alt over England Iles summer nod is still rag - MI, in spite of the untoward weathee. There ore lots of others besides tho leroe mentioned above. There is SI. Ai - loins and goodness knOWS 110W ninny 411000 Ulm litive been -or are goleg to be And just think of 111 At lioniseY Shore were only three performances announced and a fourth had speedily 141 be avrangeill for; at Oxford there Mrs, Margaret Selenka is going to the island of Java to try to find traces of Ille missing link for which her husband, the lato Selenica, had made a la- lotrious search, before las death in Munich three yoms ago. lt Is well known in selentilk circles, that, more than ten years ago, the Dutch medical man, Eugen Dubois, found fos,sillzed remains on tho shores tim Solo river in Trinii, Java, which -One. six performances and a grand lie named the Pithecantropus .erectus, eland to hold 5,000 pcople ancl yet on and whicn lie flrfilly believed to be the 11.1141. last day seals were at a premium. missing link beloomen man and 3110.111C0 T° what is it dile' then, this lasahat" A llveTy controversy was waged oveY; tien of the pageant.? It is not the fact the matter in which learned man took ief Is being a gorgeous display of dress- opposing sides, Professor Virchow n magnificent spectacle, full of stir- nmong those who assailed the thoo- long incidents. is the intimacy of the otos !whole Ilitng in Spite of iho fact that 'SS pa/essay &tenon, who NV0S 'eml- fs carried out on such a oust scale. ro mcdogisi: sided with Dubois. mos, Solonka had often assisted her huoband in his resenrches and expeditions to the Dutch Indies. She knows these parts of the world nnd its inhabitants wed and decided some limo ago to proceed with Mr hunt for the missing link. The Dutch Goveroment has promised MPS. Selenka substontial help and aid in (ivory way. Two sooners and a groat number of Kuno oro put at her dis- posal and all governmont employees in Mo. regency of Mactioln. whom Trinil IS situated, are instructed lo help the expedition by nil .100/1n5 W110011 their pONVC1`. 'The Academy of Scionoe in Bets lin is interestod in. her work and is deo fraying part of her expensos. It is first time in its existonco Mat, tho Royal Prussian Academy has thus honored a \\minim with Its approval und substan- toi1 help. The wortc of Niargnret 84'10111m is well leriown nnd opprociatod 10 the scientific iv...a1(1, When 8010 NV115 in ,Ilooneo with 1101 husband, for the. ;special study of the development of the anthropoid npe, Professor Selenka fel) ill and• had to W- enn home, When tho cooplo arrioad in India they heord Mat the laborious. ly collected onibryos of the anthropoid 9pes lind been lost At mint owtng gr000 enrelesonoss on file port of Ihe prople. who hod beton ontruslioll with tho tronsport of lite vtilutiblo collodion. Nolin»g daunted Moe Selenka left boo hosIould nod whilo he procoectiol on lito wny Himont). whew lie had ongago- monis to fill that Could not he post- pontol, 0110 volurnod to Um wilderness, Thew, (Ohm ihrco gtiorfers of a yoinso bard work olib.-the Only whito women among the obosIgines-ouweoded it] 9(1,11119 a collection togother in every way as good as the lost ono. A womon of stioit onpobllillos is the rigiit neroon at the hend of a great, ex- pedition imil romoino to be soon it 11r. Sfax Mookowskl, who nisei wont to Java offer 1110 missotg Mile, will work with her, or ID direct opposition to her. meets in Paris don't seem to." llono, lit a earilboard box foolory, 111 Similleld, a girl, who worked 4eS, hours On 0110 (lay, had five hours woelc de- dorlool frorn•hor wagos for toughing and forking on live owasions during that [Imo. A. W0111511 ill Ireland W110 earnoti Is. 4d. a day Mut 2o, 4(1 deducted for be- ing a few minutes into in lhe morning, Pis rmult, being nrrived nt by a com- bination of 1110 locking -out system and itio looms oystom being lost, ancl fine of a quarlor of a: day's wage being im- posed, ln the pollorieo n, majollieti pointwoo. who earned lls. per W001i, 55115 sobjoet to the following wookly de- ductions : Washing of morons and cap, 3d; stumping firneo number On 3(1 ; coolcing, ; mossroom, 2d ; lavatories, id oweoping and hot wnlor, , :id ; is, 2d. ln many muchinists' tradoo, 011y8 Nliss Putorson, the oystion of lining 0001115 ontirety to lako tho pIaco of ony nothing. Tho young worker it: put on lo piece work almost. at first. fine gill. who was paid .1Xid for Moro skirls, Mituagool one of the 18 ports coin- prisoci In the Moen gorntonlo„ nnel she was moot 1110 \\Moho 13u1, worse than this strange "training" systole is one doseoilool by, Miss Vines tts "ollowonco syslom "By this method of paymool, fly work - oro fito nmotoro eilitio" a pervert. Inge on tholo erarningo or so much in 11501'y shilling thoy take. For inoloneo, in nip aorographing. dopashnont of ono (1,oliery) works, Ihe wornen and the foitio 'allow' to 010 410111 on what Hwy earn oil follows "Isl. year, .ict in the Mailing; 2nel yonr, ild in the, ohilling: 3rd year, and after, ed. in this ohilling. "lbe distant in tho ease of appronllimo 11157 porimps he untiorslood, but lim worlcom ohmild voodoo Moir nominn1 wage. The syslorn made its oppOnr- atom aloott 70 pow op at a timo when It was proposed tho masters, owing porformers, among whom are often some personal friends; no footlights act as a barrier between you and 1110 scene of action. .40 the horse of tho messen- ger who brings ill tidings dashes pert- lously close to yott the hond of the small schoolboy silting next to you tightens on your arm and he holds nis bionth in sympathy with the boy from one of Me schools (minded by Edward V. who bravely stumbles through his speed1 of welcome to Queen Elizabeth. To him Boadicea is no lon9er II none that is hard to pronounee and harder Mill to spell, but a splendid queen, a root woman NV110 can drive her chariot tual spirited steeds with one bond, ond is jolly glad when her 1,01,dy uncouth warriors bosh the fat Roman Faustinus on the bend till 110 is killtd aocl put his contutious nod fea§t- ing friends lo flight. The schoolboy is a -not in the least deceived by the bits of red Paner Shot two stuck on to St. Ed- neiritt's white Ionic to simulate the blood Mal, is supposed to flow from the vocunds modo by the orrows, but all too sumo he is •40 impressed by sooing intudored body of Glowsoster borne along on a bier that whon you look tor 11:43 figure of the noblo duke in the lido lenu ho witiopors in your folk, "Ito can't cm& on ogees he'o Sload," Yes, all the onfoonts hove 1110 55010 nobly and intimary, Inn oneh has 11 quality of Its own, llontsoy is the 111611, dramd1o, Oxford tho mosl kaimed, and limy Se Edmund's 11)0 finOot us a opee- tack. MISUNDISIISTOOD. Friona "I suppose, Mrs'. Counoup, your daughlor who ts rihroad undo. - stands French," Nit's. "Yeo, toit. olie 'tootles Mat Whnt puoztos her is flint the people she FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND .1.••••••••• NOTE$ OF INTEOEFtT FROM 111311 tiNKS AND IIIIAES. Whot Is Going On In the Mal:lands and Lowlands 01 Auld Scotia. 'rho bell of (Iarniinioack fIarl,s11 thurrh 01.1111 siX huncleed yoloo; Loot liuthvon, who hao just. entoroil his Sevelialli C011111S of a istoo which has Loon prominent in seottisli IttotosS. Ono of ltlo nitioolors Nvt15 1111 110100 111 MO (loath of Rizzi°, and anothor King James Vf. al we fatuous CE0Wrie 0011S031'lley tigninst A shepherd's viol (without whools) mod os a roolootlico tho primitive toot - Aldo hamlet of iloisworth filorsol), the loneliness of whloli is itunoolalized by Nir Thomao Eaton' in his Wossex to1o, 91.10 Distroded Proother," Tolograins 111'3 despatched front tho coustgocted station. According to the records [Mom al, the Glasgow Obsorvalory, last Juno was leo coldest 011 ocoord in 8001111nd. For tho first twonly-ave duys the temperature was four degrees Isolow lho avorago ;lune tompeodure In the last forty poles, 111101 1011-1111'181,1YW111‘1‘0011 4111e1195e('C'1111011 011(1110°W0/001:1111 tt'licCI10;151;,1,1els01 recoolod. The rainfall for (he ounall up Ini 1110 20111 amount:3cl to three and a. hall Multi's, compared with 2.05 inches for the covrosponding month during the post forty years. It is pointed out Inat enconragIng feature of Gaelio progress is tho fact that nearly all the younger members of 1110 old Scottish families 000 10 some ex- tent studying the language, anci oevoral of them 1151'0 attained considerable pro- ficiency. Them is hope, Moreton, Mg a talented band of writers in G111:110 11111y arise, people of culture and travel, with a broad outlook people who have the imaginative facility, wraors in fact who givo their best gifts and talents to the service of their 0141 country, Mr. George Brand, a nativo of "Auld fleekie," and a resident of Baltigitle, Is tho oldest golfer in Great Britain, and ono of the most picturesque Scots to boot. IL is almost, ninely-soven years ago since lie nest, saw the light, of clay in a little bouso, long since detnolisheci, which stood neat' hy Bruntsfield Links. Edinburgh-sthe hub of the golfing uni- verse that, lime, for Alussmlburgh, and even St .Anctrews, were thon in the Infancy of their fame as golfing centres. A Scottish National Exhibition is to be hotel in Eilinbuigh next year. IL W110 originally intonded to hold it there this year in coloboation of the union of Eng- land and Scotland; lna it. \vas found necessary to pos113(1110 it. for a year. Now there is goOd prospoot of it, Moo- ing out a succoss. Workman are busy with the 110W road to Soughlon from the faun line al. Ofurrayftelci, and it is ex - Noted that the exhibition prospectus will be ready in Nlny next year. IL is recommended that oxhibits be grouped into soetions giving prominonee to tellingurgh, Ocasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen, oo any other Scottish city or district, lollowing up \vith English, Welsh and ooloniul and continental exhibits. Tho main buildings cum to inoludo n hall of indusnies, machinery boll, concert hall, fine not, prdace, winter garden ond band-slarol. Something like fouoleen thottsand pounds will be silent mosie and entertainments. It is possible that a moclol gayly city inny be erectod, and 1110 fine art section is 10 bo devoted en- tirely to cm exhibition of Scottish plc- tureo and setaphom. There will also bo an educational section, an artisans' and a woinan's section. PERSONAL QUESTIONS. 'Jennie: "A young girl should be very careful in selecting an oscort. You moor know when you may find yourself with a 1'001c -the -boat fool. Henpeck says it's easier for n. married man to slop a runaway horse,than his 1A•lie's tongue. tic:*crt in this land of the free no man ha.s the right to take unwarranted Libor- - Meekly : "'Yes, we're going to move to Swamphurst." Doctor; "Bin the climate Moro may disamme with your wife," Meekly : "IL wouldn't dare 1" When El Mall makes up his mind that he Ion! nover run to catch a env again, he has tattoo the first, step towards be- • coming a philosopher. "Why do you o—bjed to my marrying your dmightee?" "Because you can't snoport her in the style to which she hos boon aecoistomed all hey life," "Now do you know I can't? I can start her on bread-andonilk, scum as you did 1" "Getillenian of the jury," quertod the clerk of the comt, "111150 you fully (mood lo diotigree?" "1,Ve have," am sWered the foreman. "The lawyers have bungled tho easo op so Mal. we don't 1010W any more about it than they do 1" It is. usunley so—pi—moat that I3olgium, with lior 580 persons to 'the square mile, 15 the mosl, etowded country in Europo. but 11145 15 not the ease. 1110 ilanso Towns district of Germany boasts the amazing populatton of 3,327 personis to 111;h8r(loupas7iremi1110;n—orerI Clive on the hun- dred nnd 11111eth annivorsor,v of the Bottle of PlasSeO. A 'special Clive. les - 5011 55115 given in all etc schools. Al Minket Drayton, the town nearest, Ms birthplace (Slyelle Halle the business eolablishinents \_verl. Oceanic(' wit( flags oriel bunting, The present Lord Clive lo Me flfleen-yonroolcl son of Loyl Powts, Lord Lieutennad of ShropShire. "I hod tho honor to be Slapped by Quoon Victoria," was Lho boast cif John Edwards, a Devenport Naval' Yeternn, who luis diod, aged eighly-eight. Ile W/15 a cabin -boy on a Warabln When William IV, was King, olid spilled a glow of wino ova' the visittng Prins eeSO Victoria's dress, This was -hod enottgle hut 11, 'WAS only what he at-, tompled to 00000 0110 5011111 nwity with 01 010111 W01011 1011.1 111001111,), SP011 1050V100 !bat he was rewarded in the man»er indicated, YOUNG Gin EVANGELIST 1 1AS MAGI= TO TOOUSANDE IN; ENGLAND, Drool Stony Own TIteio Conversion to, Efforto of Fronds Bradley Story. The Ielest reernit lo 1)10 reolcs of child preaollem is a Done:islet. girl, who. eleetrifyitig Yorkshiro, England, just as Evan Itolools ronsiol Walos, Fronoes Bralloy Stow ls the name of lho How ovangelist. Sho tho doughte.r of a worlcing vonnon, who is id prooent tho Police Court missionary at Downs - toe for tho British Woman's Temperance iNssociations. trito child's 'Atop -hailer 18 /1 lalmeor employed in tilo- town at tho Groot Northorn Plant \\looks. lliero can bo 110 queotion about tho wonderful work Mot this gifted child is doing, Although she Was only 1.2 yours old last Soplember in ono month alone she has addrcosed more than 5,001) poople, nod it is saki that sonnothtng like 300 men and \\moan aro to -day sgilicniildien,golitilket4-15111:\MerisetUelnlug.result cr 1101' WHY SHE PlIE,OCITES. "Why do you want 10 preach?" she was askod. Timm was no immediate response, but the mother supplemooted the cptesienn welt another. "What do you think is the geanclest sigtit you Can SOO 011 earth?" she asked hoe, and the largo expressism eyes lighted up with a fire of enthusiasm, mid tho answer was given. wile breath- le.os eagerness. "011, I thInIc it, is to see men and W0,- 151011 converted. That is what I wanted mother to lot me preach for. And I shall go on pronohing. I never have any troubto what to say, the messogo iseems to bo given, and 1 cleaver it." CIIILDISIILY AWKWARD. She is no actor, and whon asked to stood in tho attitude in which she would address an audience, sho became soli - 'conscious and almost awjcward. But sho holds her mother's Bible in a very: natural way, with the finger between the lettves of the closed volomo at, the place whore 1110 1030 11'0111 55111011 5110 is speak- ing is to be found, Somethnes she vides tho pose, and tho book is pressed to lho side, while slight omphasis is seemed t3 enforce a pateleular sentence by a- tittio raising of the left hand. GOSPEL LIGI1T. ' A favorite illustoatinn ol her subject, when she i.s reminding peopM that tho Gospel light is always shining, is to say: "Whoa you go into a train you don't notice lhat there' is a 119111 in the car- vInge, lid when you run into the dusk- noos of II tunnel yott sco it, and feel glod it is Mere, becous0 tho dareness. hao 001110,." Portions tIte secret of the child's sue- oess, awe from any stiotionaltwal Moony, is to be found in her molheiso intense dosire that ono of her children would ho gifted to help her in her reli- gious work. "I usod pray," said Mrs. Storr, "Mat it might, be." tho mothor spealcs the Milo cyan- gelist glancos at her with a look of doop affection, and it io quit(' clear that sho is, glad for tier inotheiso solce that her - preaching has boon so successful. AN EXTEMPORE SERMON. Asked to write what Oho 55001(1 say to an audience, tho Mlle evangelist took o, shoot of paper and set down a few words booed on 1100 favorito subject -the story o( Naaman, lho loper. We read (the Mlle sermon ran), that Nannum NW1S man of valor, a. mighty 11150 of wor, bravo and full of callous'. His name was next, to the king's. Downs captain Of the armies of tioi king. Tho Lord had honored him, and had given him delivornimo to Syria. 13110 thoutte NE101111111 was so 1O11511 honored and obeyed by all, lie WOS knee, nint oh 1 how this spoilt every- thing. Naimoli was a leper, and. Ito he raccloepv,e,i,v11.1eans to go down to the grave: to be cut off from all frionds on(1 rola- ttons, to go down to the ground will nettling to loots forward to, no hopo of Isor when leprosy first begino it workS its deadly wny to the vital parts, and then death alo.no con bring deliverance to thoT,OsurcLeclop. LETE EDUCATION. And so she tells out her meSsage, and the people undenstancl hor, and dookie that sho is bid the nonfilipieco of filo Great P0050000; and accept (no lesson she is teaching. Tho mothers life has always been one of hard \VOA'. P.1\1011 1100/ Mrst Sn100 scrapes and 05505 in ordor Met her claughles education may be complotod. Sim generally aceonoponies Lim small evangelist on her mioSIon work, being Snown as "Sister Starr," Already thiS wonderful Mao girl has preached in oeveval counties besid0 Yorkshire. Sho has more engagements lhan she ought to fulfill if her studies are to he completed. Mon gossip ju0s01,505519111.0011 no, MO WO - Men 110. Only 1110 n1011 dOn't 1101d 011 their hands mid sny: "Land salcosl" The worst thing about WOrk, 10 that somo men do too much and others not enough. lead) yob to play pitch -told -loss I" shotited an enraged father, flog you foo an Mow, I will," "MithOrt" M510'0013( roplied the incorrigiblO, ao baloneed cent on his thtimb and finger, "111 toss you to maim it two hours or nailing.' Customer ; "Com you r000mmend this as n. good Mood purifier?" Drugged, • "Niaclani 0110 (1000 01 11100 W01.514 C1100 015 eruplions of Mount Neestioltis 1" •--- Manotnelswor (lo chnirmon of com- mittee of workmon): "Whitt now? Did I not raiso your wogeo Mot month ? Am I not paying you moro num onybody else in Motto?" Chalrmon "Yos, , oir, 11114 wind, is the 000 00 lowing moro roomy willsont more! 1.11110 1.41 oposol it? WI; Want another slay a weal< oft.'l .4 .c. 1 t '1 .g.