The Brussels Post, 1907-8-15, Page 5amooleve •
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Scene =opt. Ord iu all departments
' 'f the (INN 1'1ZA tr BUSINESS
(11,1 1 t L, Yiuige end Cet•t•8rd
,. 1 nrooko, (hit' Catalogue ex-
plei„ r 1,, , nprunrity in Pgttlp-
1ueu1 1, 11 1{ot1tnds an,l1teautt0,
at 1(13,1,.1 10 write for it If
i11300) tnl w 1144 kind of nohool-
wart( which brings best 0 110008,
Addrrte -
t W. H. SHAW, Principal
H. Mo0EAO]I1 iq—
1 f e loeuor of litE ,, Lloonoee. Of.
are at (irooery, Turnberry otroot, lirueoels,
111(1oe in the Poet mike, Ethel. 00.4
L ,is prepared to give lessons on Plane
or Beed Organ. Torula on anplioatlon.
Po01ua108 addre80-Bruseel8, Resideuoo-
Lot 8,1300.10, Cray. Pupils may have their
loosens at their own ho,uee It preferred,
Teacher of Plano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Iiowick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
()Mee and Resldenoe-
Mete of Interest 51 per ant por annum , flret
Excelsior Life Insurance Compnuy
TIio Equity Fire Insurance Company
A1! bueinoso attended to promptly,
Clerk 4th Division Court.
A. nen, will eon for better prices, to
better emu, in lees time and lees chargee
titan any other Auotiuneer in East Boron or
he won't charge anything. Dutee and orders
c,0) alwayo be arranged at tide office or by
p .rsouat applloallon,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Tornio reasonable. Hales arranged for
at the ouice of Tun Poll, Brussels. 8510
1 •
l..A Honor 101ad0ato of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, le prepared to treat all tile -
eases of domesticated animals in a nompot-
out munuor, Partioular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Mill( Fever. Calls
promptly attended to. Office audiudrmary
Pour doors North of bridge, 'num:berry et„
Bruusels, '.1'3ono 17 k
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, alto.
(meaner to O. F. Blair. Oniceover Sten.
lord Sauk, tiresome. Solicitor for Metro-
Notary Public, Of4u-Stewart's
1 door North of Central hotel,
Solluitor for the eitondardBank.
W. 1110ODe'000,1f. 0, R. 0, RAYS
Clliooe-Those formerly occupied sty Messrs
Deuteron et Hole,
Oonen est, 0ttante 0.
Graduate of the Royal college of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Pirot,elae( Honor
Grud,fate of Toronto 'University. office
next to Brewer's Pbolograpl GA8erv,
pt r3
Fa 1 xoTomapns Ss
"c t. d1V41=3 t i ire; tAtAl
R . N
School b being the beet ling ft
bThis 6o a
leafiest Business eEruiu• et
the ge
iia bite in the Wont, Wo have 5 qv
donartmoitb t Cositamen Z. 01a, 180003.
o(118mom obi ielug nb)18 If interest.
a -
od i0 rite ler a 1011 o(al educa-
tion, write ler our now oatnto Uo.
at aseiel & M oe(tione.
fBrada as
I4LLI011 etc AtoLdofILAN,
i• Mi•( t,= -a6 845 1 1 a11
Better get "Genuluo" Itnelnese
Education new then 80018 1.411
,ler\1'111 l h
had t 1 ,.
i .
Fall Terni from Sept. 3rd
sed yen will undoubtedly get "genii,
1110"1/081120118 training -not the hut- a
tattoo" Islud, out of two l881adre9 and t
fifty cells for boolkeepor, etouograph.
ors, 4)00 , we filled only (Moon el the
Positions. Had no one else ready
when (Alla were misfired, Yes, It pays T
3 to attend thio school -11 doubly pay8, h�
Catalogue frost.
W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. a
no i Rtius tent
Frio quality and quantity ask your
dealer for the new big doge of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Ourrenoy" Chewing Tobae
0008, 46-18
DoN'T kneels. Help yourself along
by becoming popular, and peel your
friends with you. We very easy. Be
a good fellow and soon you'll have a
precession of followers. No man ever
helped himself krtookiug other people
down in character and buttnese,
Pilo get guide and mind(' relief from
Dr. Shoop'( Magic Ointment. Pleaoe
note it ie made for piles alone, and it8
a0tion ie positive and oertoiu. Robing,
painful, protruding or blind piles di0•
appear like magi( by it's nee. Large
nickel -capped glees jets 50 ants. Sold
by all demister.
Oen roads will lead to the general
improvement of the oouotrynide. The
farmer who drives to and from town
over a 0peeioal, smooth, well oared for
road will 'unconeoionely Dome to Week
corresponding improvements in the
management and operation 01 the farm.
Is here le a (Annum l0 boom buei0eee
boom It. Don't pot on a long face And
look as though you bad a ,tomaolaohe.
Hold op your head, smile and look for
better things. Hide yon, little ham
mer and try to speak well of others, no
matter how small you may know yourself
to be.
Pll atop your paid tree, to show you
first -before you epeud a penny -what
my Pink Pain Tablets ran do, I will mail
you free, a trial package of them -Dr,
Shoop's Headaobe tablets. Neuralgia
headache, toothache, period pains, eta.,
are doe alone to blood eo0geetion. Dr.
Shoop's he8da030 tablets simply kill
pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood
pre0sur8. That is all. Address Dr,
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers.
To O0n Snnsonmais,-Tie net of
white paper hoe iuoreseed very 0)0•
aerially durjng the tsar month, and
with other inoresaee bas made the
pablioatiou of a paper at $1.00 a year
8 more ditl'toult and expeooive under-
taking. Unless payment o0n be ee•
eared in advents°, and the net of book
keeping eliminated, the outlook for pelt
l3OAere is not very eneonraging. Stab
seribere eau relieve the situation by
pitying promptly in advance. Will those
who have not paid for tufa year kindly
do 8o at 0voe 2
Miss E. Virginia Grant, Plainfield,
N. J , baa been engaged to take charge
of the Shorthand Department of the
Wingbam Busiuere College, Mies Grant
ie a graduate of the Gregg Shorthand
School, Chicago, of whioh John R. Gregg,
the author, fe Principal. She has bad
six years toaohing experience in leading
oommsroial 0uhoo18 of United Stales,
and is highly recommended by Mr.
Gregg, Mr. Sp0tten menu( determined
to put the W. 13. C. to the very fore -
trout. We understand that eba will be
the eeoond teacher in Canada who was
trained by the anther. Wingbam Buef•
nein College enjoys an enviable repute-
tion.-Wingham Times,
To plane your umbrella is a raok in•
diooteo that it is about to ohaoge own.
etre ; an umbrella oarried over a we -
man, the man getting nothing but the
drippings of the rain, oignifiee court-
ebipl when the man has the umbrella
and the woman the drippings, it indi
Dates marriage ; to carry it at an angle
ander the arm signifies that an eye to
to be loaf by the man who follow° you;.
to put a cotton umbrella by the gide of
a silk One means ''exohnnge ie no rob.
bevy" ; to lend au umbrella may be
interpreted, "I am a foot"; to carry an
umbrella just high enough to tear out
men's eyes Aad knock off me0'e hate
eigoifteo, "I am a woman,"
CONTINUATION 0LA80n0,-The Edn58'
Hon Department last week leaped an
important announcement in oonneo•
tion with the reorganization and oon-
solidution of Continuation ela8eas in
the rural oahoole. The work will in
future be divided into three (lass
es, each ot which will be Haan0iaily
recognized by the Deptrtmeul, The,
equipment moat include library, Wen -
tide apparatus, maps, °harts, globes;
eta,, and drawing models. Towards
Ellie equipment the Government will
grant Oen per cent. Fixed grent8 of
from $150 to $850 per ann1tn will be
made to these classes. A grant of $10
will be made when the Webber has the
Minimum qualificetioua, and $10 ad,
dikiooal when the. profoeoional stand.
i0g ie higher. The new regulations
go in force at once and 11. H. Cowley,
Provinoial Inepeotor of Continuation
0leaee0, will tour the sohoole at the be.
ginning of the coming term.
I will mail you free, t0 prove merit,
samples of my Dr, Sboop'e Restorative
and my Book on either Dypepsia, the
beset oe the kidneys, Troubles of the
stomach, heart or kidneys, aro merely
symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't
make r r i
he mammon n m o er or of treating
eympdoma only. Symptom treatment dmant i0
treating the result of your ailment end
nob the rause. Week stomach nerves -
the inside 1308008 --mean Itomnob weak -
nese always. Aud the heart and kid -
nays a( well, have their controlling or
inside nor ea. Weaken these ° neryeg and
yon inevitably have weak Vital organa,
Here ie where Dr, Shoop's Reotoretive
ham made its tame, No other remedy
even claims to treat the "inside nerves,
Mao for bloating biliousness, bad breath
orcomplexion, uae Dr,Sloo 'a
live. Write we today for eamplo and
free book, Do. Shoop, R.aelne, Wio,
The Restorative i8 8old by all dentate.
Free for Oatftrrb, pet to prove merit,
0 trial glee box of Dr, $hoop's Catarrh
Remedy, Let lee and it now. It ie a
tinow•while, 0400my, healing aotiape.Lio
balm, Containing ouch healing Ingre•
dients se Oil Id'uualiptuo, 'rhymer, Men.
83,01, 0(0„ 10 gives ,natant and ittekiug
relief to 0atttrrll of the nose and throat,
Maize the free test and see for yourself
what title preparatiou eau and will so•
oornpliob, Addreea Dr. Shoup, Iteeine,
With Large jars 50 ante, Sold by tel
iyTlle oblbial Board inee1ing of 13rusoele
Methodist (thumb wee bed last Saturday
evening. W. J, I" woett was earned
Steward mo someee8or to W. IF, Stewart,
who recently moved Lu Cruelph. $850
war( voted ae the Pa06ir'8 eatery for thio
Centerlines year, B. Gerry 1180 nun
se Representative to the Wingham
Dielriot meeting MAO will meet at
Ripley on Sept. 10111. The question of
uaieu Evargelietio geeVi080 wail dimoueeed
and a 801011 committee appointed to 0043•
eider the question. Rev, 15. G. Puwell was
granted 8 weeks holidays, Harvest
Home eneiverenry will be oheerved in
September and arrangements ere being
made tor an outside miuinter for that
01,, ger .t Clene Complexion t
A clear complexion is the outward
evidence of inward oleaullneee. In bed
health the face beeriness a eign board,
telling of dieeoes therein. It yellow, bile
to not properly secreted ; it palid the
kidneys are faulty ; if akin le murky and
darts oiroles beneath the eyes, look for
constipation. Whatever the oaude, no
remedy compares with Dr, Hamilton's
Pill's which are mild, safe, purifying and
vitalizing in their adieu. They give a
marvelous rosy tint to the (leeks, bright
en the eyes and eetab:ieh beatth that
defies age and disease. Sold everywhere
1n 25o boxes.
]xt seer,
Flax pulling le the occupation of the
boyo now.
Victor Sanders, who baa been learning
the drag business with W. S. Cole
during the peat year, has saoepted a peel -
Hoo in London. Maurioe Bobier has
taken hie plane at Mr. Sole's.
W. H. Salter, wife and family, 0, R.
Salter and wile, of Toronto, and J. 0.
Salter, ted A. J. Salter, wife and eon, of
London, visited at the home of J. Salter,
The Ladies' Guild of the Trivett Me•
mortal ohoroh have engaged Jae. Fax,
the eminent comedian of Toronto, for
their annual Garden Party to be given
on the Rectory ground ou Friday, Aug.
The Canning Factory finished 0p on
peas and are busily engaged in .canning
being. The work will Hien let op until
tomatoes and corn are in. The outcome
at peas has greatly exceeded the expeeta•
tiooe of the company anti to see the piles
upon piles of (tanned peas i8 good evidence
that the company will be a 0000008.
Workmen are busily engaged making
alterations at the elation for the erection
of the new depot. The North warehouse
belonging to R. G. Sheldon was pieced
ou rollers and moved to the West side
of the track. The other warehouses will
oleo be moved. A new ewitob bas been
built olougeidethe oldelationand another
one will be 0ouetrueted over to the ,an.
Mug factory.
Mise Mabel Senior, daughter of W. 0.
Senior, of Toronto, won a eobolaship
founded by the pupils, past and preeeut,
and teaohers of Wellesley eohool, for
obtaining the highest marks 30 the En
tra00e examifalion. The scholarship
entitles her to a three years' 101161on at
any of the city dollegieto iusti41.11e6. She
.also won the prize given by the Daugh-
ters of the Empire for the beet away
ou the Empire.
The Carie or Bare feet
Examine them carefully and you'll
probably find mune. Whether bard,
soft or bleeding, apply Putnam's Corn
Extractor. IC's p51 1008, it's sure to
ours mud above all quick to not. Insist
ou only "Putnam'e."
Semi ortit .
Mies Carrie Freeman, milliner in
Kingeton, is visiting at her home in
Mise Ria Brine is holidaying in Bay.
field, the gnat o1 G. 11 and Mre. Parke,
of the White pity.
"Queen of Woodoliffe" owned by D. T.
Pinkney, won second money in the 2.25
trot at the Aylmer ranee,
Rev. Neil Shaw and Mostly lett last
week tor a month's vaea1iou with friends
in Rodney and Ridgetown.
Mies Belle Riohardeou, daughter of
Robs. Richardson, of Toronto, andfotm•
Orly of Senforth, was in town. Mise
Riobar00on has a position as teooher. at`
The marriage of Mille Grace Ellen M0•
Paul, of Seaforth, to James G. Mullen,
of the Canadian Bank of Commeroe,
Slur 1'ranoieoo, pal., was eolemuized at
Emmanuel Presbyterian °hurrah, Los
Aogelee, Oal•, Jaly 80th 1907, the eere•
mossy being performed by Rev. Dr.
Edge and (So(teridge, who were award -
ea the content for the mttoadami*ing
and Barbing on Main and Goderioh
stre800, will reoeivo 46,1 cents per square
yard tor tnaoadamlziug, material to be
furnished by OM town, Por the (nrhing
they will (8oeiv0 25 dente per running
foot, they to supply material.
A fatal aooident betel Walter Bruner
aged 19 yeare, wile is employed with Mr.
D0itrioh 3rd eon, of Tuakorsmith. The
aooident oecurred at Leonard Shot.
dion'e'barn where the young men had
been assisting in drawing in hay. He
war en the to of the load an in Mine
p b
manner fell off morose one of the beams
in the barn and received internal injuries.
He was pinked up in an nn0o0eeiolte
condition and removed to Mr. Deitriob'e
home where physicians from town attend -
ell him. On TAoreday he euffioien0ly
reouvered to bo able to assist with the
work but towards evening he wan 1i(ken
very ill, and an operation was (Madded
on ko 0880080,in the oauee bf hie sufferings,
Three doctors from town performed the
operation on Friday morning but their
effort to eavo the o n man
'a u s (ffe t re
Y g
futile, death ensuing in the
u , a a afternoon.
She young man's parents reeii10 at
TAsR antiin referred to n t
lid sol•
lowing rara
is well known tom
Sma[otth enigma having taught for a
time 0a deeded master 18 the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute. The' Toronto Globe
ea e • 'A rreteY
plane on Wednesday evening nt the
reeido a r
no of Wm, and Mre. Bain, Ddffer•
in street, Toronto, when Isabel, elder
daughter of Dr. and Mre. Ayleewortb,
woo married to .Crawford Trfooipel
of Riverdale Blgh School, Wes Maud I
Bain and Mlee Alice Ayleewortb, Meter
of thebr'
tde .out
d 00 ribbon bearers
Ibbo ar rs
while the groom vette toweled by his
brother, B. F. Crawford, of Ohioago.
A'b0 0leretiwt0(1, 1
Cuuon ].lpwuie,(Ym(]olaC„ ofng Po11ore Stalnley
and the Rev. J. ilio?, Scott, of Toronto,
0. G, Wilkineon, of St, John's, Que.,
played the Weddiug Numb and Mre,
Footer, of Hsmilkoo, gong during the
signing of the register, The bride was
daintl), gowned in white silk erne de
ohluo over taffeLla trimmed with old
rose point belonging to her mother's
eronseu1, Bite wore the conventional
vatl and orange bl0000ms, and oarried a
baguet et: bridal roses. Het only oru8•
0)001 wa0 the groom's gilt, an 0xqui8118
neoklaoe of amethysts, The mother and
sister of the groom were present from
Chicago, and the grandmother of the
bride, Mrs, Thomson, trona Teuton.
On returning from a trip down the St.
Lawrence, Mr. and Mre. Crawford will
reside at 870 Broadview avenue.
Luna A 'ruler In The Night
That's how pain acmes. We sit neer
an open window, get stiff peak or sore
book. Perhaps owl off to goiokly atter
exertion -rheumatism develops.
Spend what Sou may, but money can't
buy anything better than Puleon'a Ner•
viline. Ida penetrating power enables it
to retail deep tholue0,-that's why it
aurae aohee that all else oan't touob.
For outward application we guarantee
live timed mare etreugtb than in a»y
other liniment. Inwardly 1019 barmless
and to eine as the hereafter to ease at
one. Don't accept to eubetitute for
Polson'e Nerviline which is the one great
household panacea of today.
Fall Fair in Windham on Thursday
and Friday, September 25th and 27311,
Wingham's tax rate this peer is 29
mille, being 5 mills higher than Inst year.
J, Herbert and tire. Hall, of Paea
dens, Ottlilornis, are visiting Mr. Hall's
parents in town,
Last year 925 tigketo were sold at
Wingbam etation for Kiooardine. This
year 1,252 were sold.
A. Haslam left last week for the West
where he will visit for awned weeks
with his sone and daughters.
Alfred Newton, Don of Dr. Newton,
of Luakoow, who was • operat-
ed on for appendicitis at the Wiugham
Hoapil8l, was able to retard home last
week tally recovered.
The following wedding notice will
be of interest to Wingbam residents
"Oa Wednesday, July 81st, the mar -
rime of Mise Edith Le Lean, daughter
of Nioholae Le Lean, and Wm. E.
Grovee, Principal of Ryerson School,
took place at St. Peter's Church, the
Rev. Mr. Lynch officiating,
While driving into town Mre, Andrew
Gommill met with a aerioue aooident.
The florae the was driving took fright
and ran away throwing Mre. Gommill to
the roadway. She was brought to the
Mime of her brother, Wm. Ennead, in
town, (Ind.tho00 quite seriously .injured,
in now ,eoovering as well ae could be ex
peoted. The horse wait badly hurt anis
the baggy very much smashed.
Bylaw No. 564, 1907, fixing the rate ot
taxation for the 0nrrent year, was read
at the cannon and passed on motion of
Reeve Irwin m8t•(1onu. Nioholeon. The
amount to be raised for 0uanty purposes
is $2,073.90 whioh regoirm' a -rate of 1}
mills. For the public eohool there will
be $8,760 90, raised, the rate being 5
mill,. For the High ached, $2,68268,
a rate of 8,} -mills ; and for general town
indebtedness $18,595 64, requiring a rate
of 19 mille. A by-law was panted up•
pointing F. Paterson tax collector at the
tame salary ae last year.
Breathe Ilvonlei's Healing air dud All
Irritatimt Will be Quickly Cured,
The moat irritating and annoying form
of oougb is that termed bronchial.
People subject to bronchial troubles
whenever there is a change in the weeth•
er or they are exposed to a draft will
"cattalo" a bronchial (lough, whioh it very
disagreeable, irritating sad annoying.
13 ronohial troubles cannot be cured by
stomach dosing. The medicated air ot
By o mei is the only treatment lkat
reaches the affected parte and gives rellef
and cure. 1t destroys all tate disease
germs that are present in the nose, throat
and laugs, soothes and relieves the
irritated maoone membrane fa all parte
of the bronchial tubes and gaiokly over-
comes the irritation.
Brouohitie is really an inflammation
of the mucous membrane lining the air
.passages and is purely a local disease, so
that it needs a local treatment like that
afforded by Hyo met.
We do not wad anyone'e money unless
Hy.o•mei gives relief and once, and we
absolutely agree that money will be re-
funded unless the remedy gives 08810)a0 -
All drageiete should be able to sap,
ply you with Hynmei or we will tendit
by snail on receipt of pries, $1.00, and
every package ie sold with the distinct
understanding that it (cats nothing am
leen it eures. Boothe Hymnal Company,
Buffalo, N.Y.
Frannie Oheff, who lived at Chatham,
wag trilled by a Irick from -a horse.
Eight barna in the vioiatty of Kingston
were Amok by lightning and burned.
The O. P. R. line from Guelph to God•
mirth will be opened to the latter plane
Abgnet 26th.
A road toiler broke through a gas main
at Welland and the gas oaagbt fire and
blhzed Homely. Soon afterwards the
'Methodist church took fire Abd was
totally destroyed.
Claiming that at least three oomenb
milk( in Ontario are operating on Sunday
oontrary to the provisions of the recent
Lord's Dsy aqt, Rev. J. G. Shearer, and
Rev. T. Albert Moore, offioto
of the
Lord'( Day Alliance, galled upon Hon.
Mt. Foy, AtknrneY
Gsuet At
at the Par
ia out buildings. 'rite tilnee mills to
question are at Durham, Shallow Lake
and Laktfield. At weed the only
workings of a oement mill whioh can be
legally operated on Sunday seethe rotary
[mealiest, whib'h wonI
barn ont1
t leftt
idle for e. day, A11 other work, however
Must cense aecerding to the new act.
Their notion ie only typical of moat of
the oilier cement milt o e of the Provinoe
notable mentions being
the San, N1
Grey and lienee (OM tbo Imperial ell of
Owen Sound, (Aid Rev, Mr. Shearer
atter the aonfeeenot, "Adieu against
26 11 11Y, en 141on'H P'1118, P331'8 :L.ii11en
.liitudlsercllinl•0, \viol i ;nob 116113,
Nvoril, i st.h. (1 1 mule ri
atauly........................ .�
Big Bargains
All Over the Store
We have gathered special news from the several departments that must certainly
prove irresistable'to readers of advertisements, and wise folks all do read them. These
specials call for no talk. Every one does its own talking. All we need to say is this, many
of thein are in limited (luantitie' and should be hurried for.
The store should be crowded while these goods and priers hold out.
-26 ends Tweed Dross Goode iu light and
dark anions, our regular 600 and 000 linea. On
sale at
--80 ends Fine English incite Clambry, in
plain colors, sniped and dwells, worth Mauler jj
121 and 15e. On sale et.. ...
1. I
-5 doz. boy's extra heavy rib cotton Bose, will 1 J
gins strong wear laid porfoot dye, On sale a4,.
-5 dnaonly Ladies' Embroidered Cashmere- f
Hose, worth regular 85e. On stole at
-6 only Ladies' Priut Wrappore, made from
good quality print, waist Tined and ekiri with J n
inch flounce, worth regular 311.26, Ou Hale tit.. e7
-At $.80 per dozen -15 dozen pure linen Smelt
Bed Room Towels, good size, fringed endo,�f c e 0
worth $1,05 per dozen. 0n sale at A rl,f
-10 dozen Meta,' Wool Seeks, world bo good oim
value at 15c. Ou Sale at 2 prs, for t�
If your boy wants a suit don't wait but buy it unw and you will be Money in pocket.
We have pledged our word to get this stock run down as low as possible before the arrival of
our Fall clothing.
Suits at $4,50
-25 Boy' extra quality three piece suite. These -Boys' extra Hue quality three piece Suite. Niee
are the best selling lines we have. Very dressy range of pattoru. Well male and good linings used.
garments and right tip -to -date, Worth -regular $5.50. Full range size. Regular $5.00 to $0.00. Oa sale
On sale at $4,50, at $4.50.
Suits at $4 00
Suits at $3.50
-About 25 Boy's three piece Suits. Tweeds and
Serges. A fall range of sties. Worth regular from
64.00 to $5.00. Take your choice et $5.50.
26 Only Ladies' Three-quarter Rain and Bust Goats 1110btweeclleck1(,
all new this season. On sale at exactly cost price. Now is the time to bay a nice coat
for little money.
Dr}' Goods and Groceries
& Ross
Clothing Mode -to -Order'
mile in other perks of the country will
also be taken. I1 is understood the
Attorney General will correspond with
the alleged offending companies. The
Lord's. Day Alliance officiate also have a
case agai1eb the Grand Trunk. It is
claimed gravel wag hauled from near
Dundee to Port Credit on Sunday July
2Is1 and 0n the same day thirty men
wereset unloading ib. 'Regarding this
case," said Mr. Shearer, "Mr. Foy took
the seam view as we did and action will
be taken."
From Whom are
You Going to Buy ? I C •
Froin a reliable arm where you see
with a good Fly Net or Fly
Sheet We have them in Leath-
er or. Cotton and at prices to
suit everybody.
is just now in great demand—the Dubber and Solid Nickls
Trimmings are great favorites. We male all our Harness, both
Heavy and Light, and eau give you what you want.
For Trunks and Valises that will stand travelling you should
buy ours as they are built specially with that object in view and do
not cost you any more than the imitation ones offered by some
lt hips, Dusters and everything in the Harness lice in stocl(.
Repairs iu Collars; Harness, &a., promptly done:
Comfortable Rooms to let above store.
what you are getting or from some
agent who don't know one kind of
Granite from another and mores only
for his commission as agent ? We
employ no ngenle and guarantee all
• our work for five years,
Weak Kidneys
Weak Kidneys, surely po811 to weal, kidney
Nerves. The kidneys, like the -heart And the:
Stomach, And their weakness, nob in the organ
itself, but in the 818100) that control and guide,
and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is,
a medicine specifically prepared to reach these
controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone,,
is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money ng
If your back aches or is weak, if the urine
scalds, orfit dark and etrong lfyoultavesymptoms
of /Rights or other distressing or dangerous kid.
130 disease, try Dr.
Sndo 011
y y bRestorativeA moat]••+
Tablets 1 �Driggiser sem wend a east and Will
ibforyoa 1)ruggtatr'mcommoudand sell
Aare Ready for Summer Sales with a
Jock of Buggies that Defy Oorpetition.
The now Dash Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken
t o 1 ltas rota ram Baggy, and a
dashes can mem o any pt 10 o L t ggy, u( o
slack stays 08 110 have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping bade
stays. Our Buggies have improvements that no other'3nggieebnve,
Dr. Shoop's.
Deet r t
i' ... "
Likewise all kinds of Rubber The Buggies 0l1 hand. We fuvito in-
tending pnrohaser8 to inspoot'our etocit and buy a Buggy made by
Evan & Uo. in Brussels end move your money.
WenIs handle along pith onr Buggies,work of reliable firms
ouoh we Oshawa, Brookville and Brantford uggies
forauy ono re.,
quiring them.
Call and buy
tot Ewen k Co.'s, Brussels Carriagee Works, and
BUGGIES Re -painted, Tops Relined and Covered and made
as good as new.
Call 0)t1 l
d et our Priem
: to°s.
EWAN et Ca