The Brussels Post, 1907-8-8, Page 5,
are wanted badly by our Canadian
Railway Oompaniee. They are
forced to odvertioo for them to -day.
With 3000 miler) new road build-
ing the demand will be otill keener.
Why not got ready? Tho work is
010114 and nice and the eatery very
good. We, prepare you gluohly
and at little coat. Write up for
free particulate, CENTRAL TELE-
ollarti Souoor, Gerrard East, Tor-
onto. W. H, Sfidw, President.
• Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Of.
llue ut Grocery, 1'urnberry street, Brussels.
0811ce In Hie Post. Mee, Ethel. 60.4
Is prepared to give lessons on Piano
or hoed Organ. Tarim on application.
Postoinoo address -Brussels. Residence -
Lot 8, Lon. 10, 'Only. Pupils may have their
least 88 attheir own 11011100 it preferred.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the 'Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howiok Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Office and R801810800-
Rata of interest 6t per cent per annum, Bret
Excelsior Lite Insurance Company
The Equity Fire Insurance Company
All business attended to promptly,
Clerk 4111 Division Court.
• lion, will Bell for better prices, to
Ur 1108 men, 10 lees time and lase charges
than guy other Auctioneer in East Huron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau elwaye be arranged at this omce or by
p -re ,nal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for
at the efnco of THE Pon, Brussels. 98101
k.A • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Collage, le prepared to treat all (Re -
eases el domeetloated uulmale in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to.
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk.Fever. Calls
promptly attended to, Office and Infirmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Turnborry st.,
Brusoels.. 'Phone 41 It
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta.
8uceeesor to G, F. Blair. Ol60e over Stan.
Bard Sauk, 180088010. Solicitor for Metro-
r r • Barrister, 'Solicitor,,00aveyaveer,.
Notary I'ablie, Ric, Ulnae -Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
du Bolter for the Standard Bank,
W. PROODIrooT,n 0. BLdIR. 1i, C.'HAIo
former yyroccupied by Monera
El epicures, - 0888nIo,
Oraduateof the Royal Collegea o} Dentaltal
Brgeonoof o and IleumGraduato ot Toronto Uuivoreity, 00100
next. to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
l.a,.a.c43 twT2i l,"a E�Fpa
Opus Sa, tambar 3
Fa11 Tarin 0 p a
r :#9/•
dq Thio Soaool whioh 10 on old and
ib well eotabliehed one acanthi to the
forefront the gro&ol nommerotal
and Shorthand an
in the West. 19
t� od in
t,4 Our t0aah0rs are rotighenb q�
n cal, rWoonraot thorough and pool- hY
tfone We midst ur free too al pool-
IY, tions. ILLIO231 & alo.LA ala lie. 11
�' Prluoipale.11
0'44 r45P1.47.-11W-1=IVANg44
metier get "110uu1uu" 11011uaee 9ry I
E0llenllen 11114' 1111111 tYINTI yell/ 0,1
had llrlbrw'lltile,
Fall Term from Sept, Brd�
and y,0 will undoubtedly Lot ' seen•
i u" pt181 fain traInhhnet too'imt-
tution Idd, 0,,4 el two bu',.1re I and
Day e.1 0 for buokkoup00'l, 8tenugr tph• ua
ors. '•tat, wo 6IL•d only {Mono of the
rolltlnne flail no ono 0880 rea•ly a
oY when 0,1110 we' 0 re0-8vd,8. Yes, It IIVVA py
0 attend this 00hoel-it 4,ub.y ppye, tk
181 Catalogue free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinotpal.
Con Yonne Ann anexANDRit tlT0•
i)Tatri t 4,103s.
Fos quality and quantity auk your
denier for the new big plugs of "Babe"
"Stag" and "Currency" Chewing Tobao
0000• 46-16
Plies get gniok and certain relief from
Dr, Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please
note it ie made for •pilee alone, and its
action ie positive and oertain. Itching,
painful, protruding or blind piles die•
appear like magi() by hie nee. Large
niakel•oapped glace jars 50 oents. Sold
by all dealers.
Mortimer Clark, K. C., Lieutenant
Governor of Ontario has been reoeiving
the congratulations of hie fellow direo•
tore on the Board of the Metropolitan
Bank on the question of hie being knight.
ed by Hie Majesty the King in reoogni•
Eon of hie many services to hie native
provi000. Of all the financial inalitu•
thine with whioh Sir Mortimer to identi•
fled, there ie none iu.whiah he takes a
deeper interest or a greater pride than
the Metropolitan Bank. •
Tins following ie a list of Fall Fairs.-
Toronto Aug. 26 Sept. 7
Listowel Sepl. 4-5
London ... . Sept. 6-14
Exeter Sept. 16-17
Walkerton Sept. 19-20
Seaforth Sept. 19-20
Blyth Sept. 23-24
Mi:dm•uy Sept. 23-24
Ripley Sept. 24-25
Goderioh Sept. 25-26-27
Wiogbaro Sept. 26-27
Looknow Sept. 80-0Mb. 1
Atwood Oob, 1-2
Teeswater Oct. 1-2
Tiverton Oat. 2-3
Brueeele Oot. 3-4
I will mail you free, to prove merit,
samples of my Dr. Shoop'') Restorative
and my Book on either Dyspepsia, the
heart or the kidneys. Troubles of the
stomach, heart or kidneys, are merely
symptoms of a deeper ailment, Don't
make the common error of treating
symptoms only. Symptom treatment ie
treating the result of your ailment and
not the ranee. Weak stomach nerves -
the inside nerves -mean etomnon weak.
nese always. Aud the heart and kid•
ueye aa well, have their controlling or
inside -nerves. Weaken these nerves and
you inevitably have weak vital organa..
Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative
baa made its fame. No other remedy
even claims to treat the "inside nerves."
Alco for bloating biliouenese, bad breath
or complexion, use Dr, Shoop's Restore.
tive. Write me today for sample and
free book, Dr. Shoop,Ranine, Win.
The Restorative is sold by all dealers.
[Intended for .last week.]
Mieees Susan and Beatrice McNair
were visiting friends on the 16th con.
The many [Honda of Peter McNeil will
be sorry to hear that hie health is not
Jae. A. MoNair intends taking a trip to
Arcola, where he will visit his sister,
Mre. Jae, Hislop.
Stauley Duncan hoe returned to hie
home in Eetevan after visiting in Grey
and Elam for a few weeks.
Mre. Calder and ohildreo, from near
Bright, were vieitore with lure. D. Mu
Nair leek week. Mre. Calder ie a niece
of airs, McNair.
Haying is over now and the crop was
mvoh better than was -expected Boma
months ago. A good many farmers have
invented in bay loaders this year.
I'll atop your pain free, to show you
first -before you spend a penny -what
my Pink Pain Tablets pan do, I will mail
you free, a trial package of them -Dr.
Sboop'e Headache tablets. Neuralgia
headache, toothache, period pains, eto.,
are dna alone to blood congestion. Dr.
Shoop's headache tablets (imply kill
pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood
pressure. That is all. Addreee .Dr.
Shoop, Enable, Wie. Sold by all deplore,
GARDEN PARTY. -The Garden Party
held at Henfryn ander the anepione of
81. David's Episcopal ahurolr was entire.
ly eucceestul• Mrs, Rowland's lawn pray.
ed an ideal piece for the event, •ttnd bad
the weather remained fine, the crowd
would have been even larger. Tea was
served from 6 to 8 p. m after which an
excellent program wag rendered. A
heavy rain storm came up about .9.80
p. m., driving all to the shelter of the
hall where the remaining portion of the
re .
vendsd The Listowel
program was
Orchestra furnished expellent mneio
during the evenink, Thefollowing ae•
dieted in the program :-Recitation, Mies
Ida Cole, of Alma Ladiee' College ; colo,
Mice Spence, of Ethel ; address, Rev.
Mr. Bourne, of Listowel; Bolo, Geo. Cox •,recitation, Miee Floaeie Donnelly, of.
Newton ; solo, Mise Spence I recitation,
Reginald Neil ; solo, Geo. Coxa The
reoeipte totalled about $53. The ream,.
Rev, H. P. Westgate, acted as obairman.
Talir of holding an Old Boye' Reunion
in Exeter le again being revived,
The Grand Trnok Superintendent and
several other'oflioials were here Tuesday
of last week looking after the alterations
being made at the depot.
John Charlton, who had been quite ill
at Hanley, Saab., with typhoid fever,
returned borne Monday evening of last
week. He brought witn him two ane
specimens of Seotoh Meg bounds.
Win. Grigg, 4xoter'a venerable gentle'
Man celebrated hie 87th birthday Mon-
day of loot week by entertaining the tour
local olergymin and their w'vea, Al.
though advounod in yours Mr, Grigg. 8100
fairly good health and is able to take an
outing eao11 day,
.Among those who were eu000eeful at
the recent entranoe examination of the
Toronto College of Rutile was Mine Jennie
Pickard, of Exeter. Mies Pickard petaled
in hietory, oeoond examination with first
ohm honors, history, first examination,
first Maga honors and 0e0i0r rudiment')
with tirot oleos hectare,
Ever Have Cramps
Kind of fierce to be tied up in a knot
at midnight with oramps. Keep Ner•
viline bandy. Ten drape quiet orampo
instantly. Used ineasionally Nerviline
prevents this trouble entirely. From
Stratford, Ont„ Wm. Dee writes :
"Nothing I know of will give anon goiok
relief to (tramp', polio or pain in the
etomaoh ao Nerviline, If you feel
equoamieh or molt, put len drops of Nor.
thine in water and you're well next
minute." Think of the protection and
oomfort contained in a 26o bottle of
Nerviline and gab it to day.
ilt.t W 00 (1.
Wm. Porterfield, Oth don., is recovering
from hie severe attack of pneumonia.
Some exciting g0m08 of bowls are being
played on the green eaoh night and the
members are getting quite expert.
Another old landmark ie gradually
disappearing in the old Forrest eaw•mill
whioh is being gradually diemantled.
There is some floe timber in the old
Lionel Holmes, eon of C. H. Ho'm'e,
merohont, had the misfortune to break
the wrist of hie left hand. He fell off
the gangway at the grist mill, while
playing there.
Alex. Morrison had the misfortune to
lose hie driver on Wednesday morning
of lent week. The animal was pasturing
on the street, and it ie ouppoeed that
another horse kioked him and broke his
Tumidity night of last week two of Wm.
Broughton's valuable horses in come way
got on the G. T. R track and a special
train going through killed one and in•
jured the other ao that it may die also.
Mr. Broughton's farm is right beside the
The offioere of Atwood Lodge No. 332
I. 0. 0. F., wore installed a short time
ago, by P. G. D. G Anderson, acting for
the District Deputy. The following are
the elective officers : N. G., T. G. Rat
aliffe; V. G., Jae. Newbigging; Roo.•Seo ,
Ed. Hook, Fin.•Soo., S. Watson ; Tams.,
Angus Dickson.
Cure the Indigestion Which Is so Liable
to Lead to Apoplexy.
Rush of bueineee, eating too feet and
too mach, exoeases of any kind, soon re
exalt in 'indigestion. Then when the
digestive organs cannot care for the
food properly the coats of the blood
vessels in the brain get little nourish.,
went, become brittle and finally yield to
the fierce blood 'pressure. One ie Then
said to have a "shook." to be paralyzed,
or to die from apoplexy.
People suffering from heodaohe, giddi-
ness, palpitation, eleeplesenees, bad taste
in the mouth, drowsiness, coated tongne,
aigrette after Baling, speaks before the
eyes, and any other of the many dietreee
Ing resells of a weakened atemaob,
ehovld print by the discovery of Mi -o na
etomaoh tablets,
In recent years the greatest advance
in medicine has been in the study of
diseases of digestion and nutrition and no
other preeoription has proven itself of as
much value es Mi•o•na. It is relied upon
as a certainty to day in relieving the
worst troubles of digestion and aeeimila
tion and making a oomplete ours.
We absolutely agree that your money
will be refunded should you buy a 50o.
box of Mi o•no stomach tabiete and not
be eatiefied with the requite. Mi-o•na is
eoldby drnggiete everywhere, or will be
sent by mail on reooipt of price, 50 cents.
Booth's Miona Company, Buffalo, N. Y.
G oderich.
Wednesday will be civic holiday in
H. W. Thomann bag sold hie drug
business to F. J. Bvtlend, of Toronto.
The Goderioh lawn bowling tournament
opened at the West street green on Tues.
day afternoon.
Goderioh is having an nnnaually large
number of gatherings of ono kind and
another this year.
N. J. Morrissey, formerly of the Huron
hotel, Goderioh, has purobaeed the
Cabinet hotel at Stratford from M. I.
An awning over the window of one of
oar banks ()aught fire and was thoroughly
destroyed. The blaze started from a
cigarette 'Rub thrownout of anupetair
41 the sale of ex•mayor Tilt's property
on Huron Road fourteen Iota were sold.
They are fifths and were bought by
Messrs. Kirkpatriok 5, J. Yonill 2, A. P.
Walker 2; H, Janes 1, Ed. Robertson 1,
and Brahman 3. The price paid 0verag•
ed nearly 588 per lot.
At the meeting of the water and Tight
oommieeiou a pride of loo per thousand
gallons wee matte for the water to be used
by the Guelph & Goderioh Railway for
their engines rip to January let next, the
commission to put in a 1•inoh pipe, or as
advleed to the G. & G. lank.
Lest Fall a gold medal was offered by
Victor Lauriston, of Chatham, the weal
known anther and poet for the pupil from
Goderioh public sohool tobtaining the
higheet marks on the highoohooi en-
trance examination tbie year, Tho
winner it Mies Oral Stoddart.
The shop of Stoddart & McKinnon,
Hamilton street, harneso•makers and
implement and carriage dealers, wan
broken into a couple of night() ago and
the oontente of the Dash bag ebolen. En-
trance wag obtained to their oarriage
shop and the thief then undertook to out
his way through a wooden door between
it and the harness [hop. This evidently
proved too tedious work and the expedient
smashing of a window was adopted.
The culprit"was apprehended Saturday
by Provincial Oouetable Phelan and,
Chief Sande,of the ton fora'). He ad -
milted hi
e nilt town
Police Magistrate
Butler Saturday afternoon and was
committed for trial. The young mane
name la Fred Steele, and he was a for-
mer employee of Stoddart & M6Kinnon,
Moe, Will, Priteley hes gone to Detroit
for it vigil with her deters before leaving
for her future name, Prince Alberta,
Jas. and plre. I'ril:4'ey and child left
for Ninga, Man , where they will visit
Pare, Frilzley'o old home before proceed.
ing to the Ooaet.
The by-law to guarantee the bonus of
the Maitland River Power Company to
the extent of $150,000, woe defeated at
the pone Saturday the vote for i0 being
801 and 351 against. Thiel means ac-
cording to the statement of Mr, Moyes,
that so far as he and lila friends are con -
turned there will bo no development of
power from the River Maitland and no
building of eleotrlo railway') in this
county. A former by law g00ranteeiog
8150,000 bonds of the Maitland River
Power Company, whioh woe oarried by a
large majority, still stands, but me it gave
the town a mortgage on the whole of the
saute of the 0ompany it was objeotional
to Mr. Moyee end the financial men be-
hind him and the new by law was sub-
mitted, making the town and bondholders
joint mortgagees.
A Question Often Aalied
Why ao many people feel worse after
taking pills than before? Tronble ie
that draatio pills are need- No remedial
aotion le obtained, the bowels are irritat•
edand dreadful onusbipation follows. In
ming Dr, Hamilbon'e Pills you are
scarcely conscience of having taken
medioine. Although very mild, Dr.
Hamilton's Pills do regulate the bowels,
stimulate normal action of the glands,
and create neither nevem, griping or
violent action. Positively guaranteed
for billowiness, indigestion, etomaoh,
liver lied kidney ills. For a safe family
pill rely on Dr. Hamilton's, 25o per box
at all dealers.
The Masonic block, whioh looks
somewhat the worse of wear, will re-
ceive eons improvements this amnion.
Archie PaoMiahael left on Wednee•
day morning of last week, for Qn'Ap.
polio, Sask., 10 look after hie interest in
his horse ranch there.
Wm. Marek, who some days ago had
his leg fractured below the knee and
also reoeived a severe crush of bie ankle,
we are pleased to say, is doing nicely.
The Trneteee of S. S. No. 6, Howiok,
have Bemired the eervioee of Mies H.
McKee, of Harrietoo, me teacher for the
next robool year at a eatery of $500.
The Police Traeteee will run the
cement walk West of lbs Albion Hotel
to the next corner and probably from
the bridge to the bakery and put in
two 000801ng8.
W. A. Edwards has purchased the
old factory alta from Walkey Bros. It
is his intention to erect a large ware.
house, two storeys high, on the old elope
wall and a workshop, three storeys high,
in the rear where the old engine room
and dry kilo stood. He will put in a
good stook of furniture and keep an up.
to•date furniture emporium.
Herb. Manger, who left Fordwiob
about two years ago, wee a visitor at
Mre. McCurdy's. Since leaving here
he hue travelled through the United
States and Mexico. He leavee iu six
weeks for a trip through Europe, Alia,
Africa, Australia, South America and
home through Ibe Canadian Weet.
Clare Hatobieon,of Toronto Junction,
is taking an enforced holiday at hie
home here. He ie musing a scalded
arm, wbiob be reoeived on an engine
In London. After reoeiving the injury
he shovelled five tons of opal in 21 hours
in the ran from Landon to Toronto, a
distance of 114 miles. In that time
they made several ')tope and waited on
eidingo for passing trains, The injured
arm is healing well.
Resign Prom The Worry Club
Lite is a rush, but we can't all get
there together. In consequence, we
worry -Can't help it beoanee nerves are
weak, vitality is burnt up and there ie no
staying power left. Ferrozono is a moat
strengthening nutritive tonic. Fills the
blood and iron, auppliee building material
for worn out organa, generates the sort
of vitality that makes you want to do
thinge. No medioine more helpful and
useful for men, women and children who
need strength and slaying power. Try
Ferrozone, 50o per box at all dealers.
131v tit.
David Cowan loot hie cow killed by
the C. P. R. train in the evening:
Wednesday of last week a load from
town:attended the Summer School in
Mies Mabel and Beatrice Soarlett, of
London, ere the guests of their friend,
Miss Etalka Hamiltou.
The Vetere' Lint of Blyth for 1907 are
printed. 832 voters are on the list, and
the total number eligible to serve as
jurors le 100.
A new, Ogee threshing machine has
arrived on the 0. P. R. for Elam Living-
ston, and with his traction engine wilt
have an outfit hard to beat.
Mien Mary Forsyth has purchased the
knitting maohinery and buoine0a of Goo.
Dawson, and it will be removed to the
Woollen mill where it will be operated.
St. Joseph's (thumb, Clinton, was the
Nene of a wedding on Tuesday morning
of Iasi week when Rev. Father Hanlon
united in the holy bonds of matrimony
MIEN Snoannah MoLaaohlin and Harry
James, both of Blyth. They will take
op their residence at the home of the
GUELPu-Gonnato» NOTE(). -Sir Thos.
Shaughnessy elated at Guelph last week
that the`railway is already doing a fine
local freight bueineee between Blyth
and Guelph Jnnotion, showing the need
the groat o •
t atiou and h
e rn
for its don g �
venisnoeit must prove to the 000ntry
it traverses, Frequentlythe mixed
troika whioh are now hauling poseengere
and freight, carry often twelve or four•
teen oars of the latter, Indeed the traf-
fto is already snob that with the open•
ing of the road to Goderioh the proposal.
in made to put on a way freight. In
that case, the train crews will run be.
tween Guelph and the Junction, whioh
arrangement will leave those now living
here to continue doing go,
EXCURSION TO Gna1rn: The Guelph
Memory of Wednesday of Iasi week
Gays :-Tho first formal visit of the reel•
dente of the towns' along the Guelph
& Goderioh Railway, wbiob are now
linked to Guelph, is being paid today.
anion i
onba wbiob
The can
Halon to
is a
t i with oome
•1 ed
a t0. n wl
art by a 4010.1 vp
five or Aix bundrod plowmen this morn.
Ing. The train was mode up at Blyth,.
where almost every Orme of bneinee4
woo closed up, and the reeidenta came
G. N., McLaren
Up to $8.50 Boys' 2 -piece Suits for $2.50
-Boys' 2 -piece Suite in light and dark colore,
Tweeds and Serge'), for boys 5 to 10 years old ;
regular $3.00 and 53.50. July sale price -Your
choice for 2.50
Up to $6,00 Boys' 3 -piece Suits for $4.60
- Boys' 3 -piece Suite with Knicker Pante, in
light and dark shades of Canadian Tweeds, well
made with good linings and aro perfect fitting,
for boyo 10 to 10 years old ; regular up to $11.00.
July sale price -Your choice for 4.60
Up to $9.00 Men's Tweed Suits for $6.60
-Men's Suits, light and dark shades in good
qualities of Canadian Tweeds, strong linings and
perfect fitting, all sizes 80 to 44 ; regular up to
$9.00. July sale prtoe-Your choice for 6.60
Mon's Odd Pants, regular up to -
$1.50 for $1.15
- Alen's Tweed Pante in light and darlr
abides, strong Canadian Tweeds, all sizes 32 to
44 ; regular up to $1.00, July sale price -Your
oboice for 1.15
A Soft Snap in Soft Front Shirts
-Men's and Boys' sizes in Soft Front Cambric and
Madras Cloth Shirts, mostly iu light colors. All sizes from
12 to 17 in the lot. Regular priced 00o and 70o. 4 Q C
July sale price -Your choice for LL77
12),-c Fancy Mullins for 8e
-5 pieces Fancy Mastitis iu light shades, satin
fiuished stripes, just the thing for children's
dresses and waists ; regular lip to 124o. July
sale price -Your choice for per yard .08
15c Ladies' Black Cotton Hose for 10c
- 20 dozen Women's Black Cotton Hose,
Seamless feet, fashioned and fast black, all
sizes from 8 to 10 ; regular price 15o. July Bale
price per pair
50c Boys' Straw Sailors for 25c
-2 dozen Boys' Fancy Braid Straw Sailors,
with silk band ; regular 50o, for 25
75c Men's Canton Sailors for 50c
- 3 dozen Men's White Canton Sailors, with
leather sweat bands and good silk bands ; all
sizes ; regular 75o. July sale price
$1.00 Men's Canton Sailors for 75c
14 dozen Men's White Canton Sailors, fine
quality with leather sweat and silk bands ; reg-
ular $1.00. July sale price
Goods Right or your Money Back.
Next door to American Hotel.
G. N. McLaren
almost in a body, to be joined by others
at the different pointe along the firm.
On arriving at the oity they boarded
the et'eet oars and were taken to the
College, where the morning wee spent
before going to Riverside Park for lunch,
Many otthe prominent reeidenta of Blyth
were among the visitors, and it bad
been the intention of Hie Worship and
AId. Sbrntbere to tender a formol wel-
come this morning, but the train ar•
rived earlier than anticipated. Ald.
Lyon and several of the civic officials
and aldermen are at Riverside this after.
From Whom are
You Going to Buy ?
From a reliable firm where you see
what you are getting or from some
agent who don't know one kind of
Granite from another and aures only
tor his oomtilisaiou a0 agent 1 We
employ no agents and guarantee all
our work for Bye years.
'Wilson & II u .ter
1010 U
Stop That Cold
To check early colds or Orippo with "Prevention
means sure defeat for Pneumonia. To stop a cold
with Prevclltics is safer then to let it rim and be
obliged to cure it afterwards. To be sure, Pro -
unties will cure oven a deeply seated cold, but
taker early -at thesneeze stage -they break, or
Thead off those early colds. That's surely better.
hat's why they are called .revalues.
• Prevontiesore little Omit. Cold Curds. No Q;1ft-
Ino, n0 physio, nothing sickening, Nice for the
c11i1dren-and thoroughly age too. If you feel
chilly, if yon sumo, if you 00118 all ovor, think of
7raventios, Promptness may also save half your
Usual slolrness. And don't forget your child, if
there is foverlshnas0, hightot• day. 110000n prob.
fr1r.ably lips Proveotios' greatest elHeioney. Sold in
ytovo lice. Insist 010 300r d uestate givii of
rev::' TICS
with a good Fly Net or Fly
Sheet. We have them in Leath-
er or Cotton and at prices to
suit everybody.
is just now in great demand -the Rubber and Solid Nichle
Trimmings are great favorites. We make all our Harness, both
Heavy and Light, and can give you what you want.
For Trunks and Valises that will stand travelling you should
buy ours as they are built specially with that object in view anddo
not cost you any more than the imitation ones offered by some
Whips, Dusters and everything in the Harness line in stock.
Repairs in Collars, Harness, &o., promptly done.
Comfortable Rooms to let above store.
I. 0. Richards
Ewan &
Are Ready for Summer Sales with a
Stock of Buggies that Defy Competition.
Tho new Danb Supporter is a long felt want. No more broken
dashes can odour to any purchaser of a Ewan & Go. Buggy, and no
slack stays as we have the remedy to prevent loose, flopping back
Mays. Our Buggies have improvements that no other Buggieehave.
Likewise all kinds of Rubber Tire Buggies on hand. We invite in-
tending pnrobasors to inspect our stook and buy a Buggy made by
Ewan & Co. in Brussels and save your money.
We also handle along with our own Buggies, work of reliable Syms
such ao Oshawa, Brookville and Brantford Buggies for any one re-
quiring them.
Call and boyat Ewan & Co.'s, Brussels Carriage Works, and save
money. 1;
OLD BUGGiES Bo -painted, Tope Relined and Covered and made
as good as new.
and get o lir Prides