The Brussels Post, 1907-6-20, Page 8NEW CHINA
This is the Royal Vienna China, The decoration is
very beautiful and is entirely different from any pat.
tern we brave lead before.
Just the Tiling l'cr Vroarling '1:oe(011t$
or any of the pieces make a very valuable addition to
a Chins, Collection. In the lot are Chocolate Pots
with Cups to match, Bread Plates, Bead and Butter
Plates, Salad Bowls, Spoon Trays, Bon Bon Dishes,
Celery Trays, Biscuit Jars, &o.
The Prices are Surprisingly Low
We have also sorted up our Stock of Liinoges China in
the rose pattern. When looking for a piece of China
see our line,
60130`13E5N EETENBION W. 0. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, ea follows:
GOING SCOW °onto blown.
Dail 7 08 a.m 1 Mixed 10:08 0.00
p.m I nixed 1.44 a.m
Expreee 8:02 pan laxpress...... 8:51p.m
A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he 11 prent ie.
Moura are still basy,
liner the grass out on the etreeta.
A. 0. U. W. Lodge Friday evening of
this week.
Scow ns the fellow who was crying
about the cool weather.
TENDERS are asked for the hay on the
Agricultural Park, See advt.
I2IPROV02IENTS are being made at the
Agricultural Park in this place.
EIGHT oars of salt are being shipped
to various points from Brossele Salt
Works this week,
INSTALLATION of ofloere will take plane
in St. Jobn'e Lodge, A, F. &A.. M., Brus•
eels, next Monday evening,
GIANT TRIOLET0 "Conaway" "Bobs"
and "Stag" Chewing Toba000ee, in big
ploge. Quality always the same.
Tan Volunteers arrived bones from
Loudon Camp last Saturday by speoial
train and report having pat in a good
THERE was not a quorum ab the School
Board last Friday heuue no meeting al.
though there was business that should
have been attended to.
.0. annuli of the shareholders of Brus-
sels Oil 0o. will be held here oo Friday
28th inst., for the purpose of presenting a
report and diso0ssiug the eitaation.
Jo. 13. STnatTors, who went Wesb a
few weeks ago, hae disposed of one of bis
drivers he took with him at a good figure.
He hots also invested in some Calgary
property we understand.
Barr tiros. and W. Jewitb Inst 4 bogs at
the ehipptng pens at the G. T. R. owing
to the intense beat. Old Sol's perform•
an0e coat these shippers about $50 by the
eaeridoe of pork.
Hasa HURON Runnel meeting of the
Conservative Association will be held in
the Town Hail Brueeale, Friday afternoon
of this week, oommenoing at 130 o'clock.
The Executive will meet at 11,30 a. m.
Hon. Mr. Matheson, Provincial Treasurer
will at.end the after000n session and
deliver an address.
DECORATE -Don't negfeob to do poor
]bare of decorating on Dominion Day,
Hang out flags, banners and bunting and
make the town look gay with the outward
diepley of loyalty ou this 40th conniver.
Bary of Confederation, The various
L'olgee and Societies should aid in this
work as they have done on former oo.
0&8ione, Deoorate, il000rate.
BUTTER SOLD. -W, W. Harris, propria•
tor of Brn.sels Oroamery, disposed of his
Mey make of better to Mr. Ayer, of
Montreal, at 20i cents per pound. The
improvement to the pastures in lane bas
largely increased the supply of cream.
Mr. Hartle will have the tidiest and most
up to date premeee to be found in the
countryside when he bas completed the
improvements he hos lo mind.
Hutton 011 Boys' Assooiation of Tor.
onto will ran their 7th anneal Exoorsioo
to Wingbam and Goderiab, per G. T. R,
on Satardey July 6th, tickets being good
until following Monday. Trains leave
Toronto at 7.60 a. m. and will leave
Wingbam on the return trip Monday, et
6 p m. The return fare for adalts is
$175 and ebild's ticket 90 (lents. It ie
expected there will be a large Dumber
patronizing this annual outing to the
grand old Co. of Huron.
I, 0. 0. F. DECORATION. -The annual
decoration eervioe under the aaepioes of
Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F.
Brussels, will take piaoe next Sabbath
afternoon. Brethren will leave the
Lodge room at 3 30 o'clock and mania to
the oemetbry. Persona interested are
asked to contribute flowers for the o0
nasion, The ceremony is an interesting
one and will no doubt be largely attended
it the day is favorable. There are over
20 graves of deceased members to be
WILL Rewire xo GIIELY&.-W.F, Stew•
art, who has spent over 19 years in
Brnesele and who recently dlepoeed of
the National Roller Flour Mill to Messrs.
Pryne, bas pnrahased a Flour, Feed and
S ed booteeas from J. T. Ohittiak, of
Guelph, and will take p055555100 on July
let. The fetidness in the Royal City is
well established and with Mr. Stewart's
long experienoe among floor and feed
stuffs be ehonld competently broodie his
new parohase. No email regret will be
felt at the removal of Mr, and Mrs.
Stewart from town. 'Especially will
their going be felt in the Methodist
badroh cirelee where the farmer held
official position and Mre, Stewart was
the indefatigable President of the Ladles'
A11 for years and leader of a erase of
young peep15, Mr. Stewart sat in the
town ()outwit here for several terms ma n a
is highly eatsem d. he
Guelph people
will findtien&tizes worthy oftheir
beet confide( os. We hope to often eee
them baoll 10 Brnesele,
Go to Guelph on Thursday,
50 GENTS in advanoe eeouree Tan POST
to the let of January, 1908.
Arras/non onset has been graded and
is receiving a coat of gravel.
A Nousme of sports took in the borne
races at Wingbam last week and were
vieitore at Seafortb this week.
Tan Central Hotel has been eold to
Wm. Emigh, of Blyth, it le said, pos.
session to be gives ou August let,
Fox quality and quautity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "0urrenoy" Chewing Tobao•
0058. 46-13
Foe ADOPT/ON.-The Children's Aid
Society have a number of little children
for whom they would like to find good
homes. Anyone desirous of adopting a
child is requested to oommanioate with
the President of the organization for
Huron, James Mtbobell, Goderioh,
Buenas Junior Foot Ball team de.
feated Wroseter Friday evening on Vie.
toria Park here by a score. of 3 to 0.
Our lads have a game on with Fordwiah
in the near future. The boys play well
and will no doubt work into the chem..
pionsbip oirale.
evening of this week, 22nd inst., et 6
o'clock, °entree& for gravelling on the
Gravel Road, between Walton and James-
town, will be let by publio auction at the
Queen's Hotel, Brands, The total
amount to be expended will be 9300.
BRuamELa Bonen&e Examivatione will
be held in the eohool on June 26th, 27th
and 28th. The following program has
been sent to the prinoipals of the various
sahaute by the Department of Education :
Wednesday, June 26112.
8,45- 9 00 -Reading instructions.
9 00 -11.00 -Composition.
11.10 -11.55 -Spelling.
1,80- 3.80 -Geography.
Thursday, bane 27th,
9 00-11 B0 -Arithmetic.
1.80- 4.00 -Written reading,
Friday, Jane 28th,
9 00 -11.00 -English Grammar.
11.10 -12.00 -Writing.
P. M. -Oral reading may be taken
either Friday afternoon or at eaoh other
honre as are oonvenienb.
Beleotione for Memorization.
Lead Kindly Light; A Palm of Lite;
Flow Gently Sweet Afton ; The Herit-
age ; Elegy written in the Country
Obarohyard ; The Barefoot Boy 1 Ye
Mariners of England,
LONEx-ArNLRS.-A very pretty wed•
iug was that wbiob took plane in Listo•
wel reoently, when Miee Eleanor J,
Ainley, only daughter of Joseph and
Mre. Ainley, became the bride Harry
5. Laney, only eon of John and Mrs.
Laney, of London, and an employee of
the Stratford Beaoon. The bride, who
was given away by her father, was prat•
tilt attired in a gown of white silk,
carrying white roses and wearing a bridal
veil and orange b,oseoms. She was
attained by her cousin, Mies Eva Smith,
Of Toronto, who wore a gown of pale
gray silk and lace. The groom was sap.
ported by Bert Persona, of London,
The ceremony was performed in the
parlor under an aroh or evergreens and
palms, in the presence of a large number
of 10vtted goeete from Toronto, London,
Stratford, Brussels, and other points.
Daring the entrance of the bridal party
the Wedding March was played by Miss
Buelah Brace. Rev. D. N. 3lo0amus
was the ofioiatiug clergyman. The
groom's gift to the bride was a sunburst
of pearls ; the bridesmaid a pearl ring ;
to the groomsman, a set of military
brushes, aid to dies Brnoe a pearl
br000b, A reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents after whioh
Mr. and Mrs. Laney left for their borne
at the corner of Duro and Front
street°, Stratford. The bride is a
niece of Watson Ainley, of Brussels,
DISTRICT LoDSS.-Wednesday atter•
noon of last week the annual Dtatrbot
Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F, Lodges in this
dietriob was held in the fine Odd Fellows'
Hall, Wroxeter, W. H. McCracken; D.
D. G, M., of Brussels, presiding, and J.
Dodd, of Wingham, Seoretary, There
ars only 4 lodges in the district viz Bras•
sole, Wro eter, Wingbam and Teeswater.
The bretll'ren preeent were Bros, Martin,
Pram, Jones and Kerr of Brnesele ; EI.
liott, Moore and Alderson, of Wiugham ;
and George Paulin and Rev. 5. H, Oster.
hour, B. D , of Wroxeter. Work assign.
ed the va,ioue committees was promptly
attended to, reported and accepted. The
Same ofliaere were re eleohed for the en-
suing year. ;Dotal membership for the
diabriot i5 about 350. The eearet work of
the initiatory and 2nd degree was well
done by Bro, Elliott. Bro, Paulin
handled the let with neatness and die -
prat and Bro. Me0raaken demonstrated
the 3rd with his onetomary aoeeptability,
Rev, Mr, Osterhoot grove a short, eon•
gratalatory addrosee and expreeeed his,
regret at having to leave Wroxeter lodge
owing to his removal to Kintore. The
outlook for this year in 1. O. 0. F. cirolea
ie very encouraging and the. probabilities
are Degree team work may be pat on at
different pointe in awakening new
interest in the best a of Ord
ere. Wroxeter
lodge room is fitted up id very tasty
style and the other lodges in the dhotiet
have comfortable and oommodiooe
1.. .... �.,.naW,rt«;,yaw.+tw:.«..,.....M..•�.,..w,e�+em,��,,,,w�.w,,�r.,w�
The tan
._...etre p ` ri
Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund and
$Ir000,000.00,ev k Undivided Profits
Every department of Banking Conducted with Satisfaction and
Absolute Security.
Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations Solicited.
Savings ,Department
$1.00 or more opens an account, interest allowed from date of
deposit and compounded FOUR times a year,
No delay in withdrawal.
To Our Patrons
A' have entered on our second year
delivering milk to the people of
Brussels we wish bo thank all who have
favored us with their patronage and to
thank those especially who have been
regular in putting out the empty bottles
as it 80V08 u8 a lot Of trouble. To our
regular customers milk will be 5o. a quart
the year round, but to those who only
take it in Winter when milk is soaroe and
takes so much more Labor and feed to
produce it it will be 6o. Our aim will be
to please our patrons and give as good
value as possible. 48-tf
TEE regular monthly meeting of the
W. 0. T. U. will be held on Thursday
eve0iog Of neat week instead of Friday,
Tax changes on the 0, T. R. and extra
passenger trains are a great improve.
meat. See the correction& at head of
Octal column. Freight trains do not
Darty passengers now.
LieTowsL RAans; -There are nine
races with fall fields of fast horses in
eaoh at the Listowel race meeting, Wed-
nesday, Thursday and Friday of next
week, June 20, 27 and 28. The Lietowel
meeting has become an established
Baotou and is well attended both by the
horsemen and the general pabiio.
Mamas of this week W. H. Kerr, of
Tan POST, purchased the reeideuoe of
W. F. Stewart, on the bank of the Malt -
land, the latter removing to Guelph on
July let when possession will be given.
There are 6 lots in connection with the
property, The preeent home of the
editor, on John street, will now be for
LADIES AT TER BAT. -The young ladies
of town have organized two Base Ball
teams and are figuring oo having some
rare eporb. A practice game was held
m the Public School grounds last Fri-
day evening but the future matches are
to Dome off on Victoria park, we under.
stood, where the grounds are better
adapted for good ball. These games are
not ran on the "fob" principle with the
apron gathered up to corral the sphere
bat will be managed in the latest and
moat eole0tifio modes. The present
line-up is designated Soolob and Irish
but these nabionalitiee are eeriowdy
mixed up in the 18 maidens whose
names are appended :-
Somas Urea
Mary Forbes Mamie Cardiff
Maud Qaerin Eva McCracken
Mildred Scott Grass Stewart
Maggie Ameot Pearl Leatherdale
Nettie Brown Ella Delwin r
Bertha Sharpe Flo. Boobanan
Pearl Sharpe May Wood
Jean Habkirk Mildred Pryne
Lona Dunford Alta Pryne.
Tam Posx would adviee the Sports'
Committee to some these fair base
ballots for Dominion Day program even
if they have to hand out tan 10 Dent
pieeee to eaoh of them, talent cannot be
prooared nulees the pride is paid.
STnwART-ROBeoN,-000 of the prettiest
weddibge of the season took piane on
Wednesday evening 12th inet., at 28
Northoote Ave., Toronto, the home of
Geo, and Mrs. R&tbbons, when their
nieoe, Miss Mary Violet (Joao) Rohm
and Iarold Leokie Stewart were united
in marriage. The bride was aeeiated by
Miss Ella Stewart, and Athol Stewart
attended hie brother as best man. Little
Miss Bessie Robson, deter of the bride,
was flower girl. Rev. Dr, Rose, of Port
Dalhousie, an old friend of the groom's
family, conducted the ceremony aeeisted
by the Rev. R. F. Oameton, of George.
Bowe. The bride who was given away by
her father, T. R. Robson, wore a hand.
some gown of Dream lace over chiffon
taffeta. Her tong embroidered tulle veil
was caught with a wrea'bb of orange
blossoms and She parried a Shower
boquet of white roses, Lily of the Vahey
and maiden heir fern. The bridesmaid
wore Dream silk orepe over taffeta and
carried pink rotes. Dr, Norman Ander.
eon played the Wedding March and
while the register was being signed Mre.
H. W. Parker sang the Bridal hymn "Oh
Perfect Love." An Oreheatra furnished
suitable masia, while 000gratnlabions
were being resolved. The groom's gift
to the bride was a beautiful pearl ens.
buret ; to the brideemaid a pearl oreeoent
to the Bower girl a heart ehaped locket t
and to the groomsman a signet ring.
The bride's mother wore black silkgreoa•
dine with yoke and trimmings of white
lace. Mre. Rathbone a handsome gown
of pale green silk and hoe. Mre. Stew.
art, the groom's mother, a most boom-
ing sows of mauve silk voile over taffeta
of the same shade, trimmings of velvet
and lane, Thq large rooms were beaati.
fully decorated with palma, ferns and
pink carnations. RefCeeh menta were
served from a buffet in the dining room.
After toasts, epeeobee, &a, the bride and
groom left later for Detroit, Cleveland
and other Amerioan cities, the former
travelling in a blue Salt with tab to
match and grey feather boa, Mr. and
Mre. Stewart on their return will reside
ab 47 Gowan Ave., Toronto. The out of
town guests were Rev. and Mre. Roes, of
Port Dalhousie ; Rev. R. F. Cameron, of
Georgetown ; Mre, Leokie, Master Jaok
ie and Mrs. J. H. Cameron, 0
rookie a am f
Brussels ; Mies Ranaingboe, of Dundee
Mrs, and Mies Robson, of Norval l Geo.
Hamilton, of Galt, and Norman Hamil.
ton, of Alymer,
Business Locals.
CLEVELAND feriae wireat $2 85.
Maltex 0 8aew,
Two oomfortable houees for sale,
Apply to W. A. GRawes,
Wool WANTED, -Any goantity, high-
eat prises. Also large quantities batter
and eggs. (leo, E. KINo, Wiugham.
Pas Ur.-Ae I am removingfrom lawn
in the near future I desire all indebted
to me to settle the Jame at once.
W. F. Sumer,
Tan "Martin•Senoar 100% Pure Paint"
re guaranteed absolutely pure and sold
eubjeot to ahemioal analysis,
48-2 Moxas & Straw,
Dn. Buxton's VieiT.-Dr. Butler, the
London Eye Specialist, will be at the
Ainerioen Hotel, Brueeale, 0n Weduee•
day, July 17th, Glasese supplied.
0302 GIVE a Meoxo Tunoa,-When
reapers and mower] are dull you owns
and see me as I am, ready to eharpen
ten thousand or more, Yours T. Mo•
Gnmoon, corner Mill and Main 'streets,
Brunie Ont.
MIsTAAEN.-1f ie was me Brunets
Marble firm was alluding to as the agent
who did not know one kind of granite
from another bat cared only for the oom•
mission, he f0 greatly mietaken es I
have severe) plates of granite on hand
and am prepared to give Guy informa-
tion required. I do not keep a horse
nor intend to hire one to canvas the
country So have no expenses to keep up
nor do not intend to make a living by
selling monuments. Am caking no 0000'
mi.sion excepting enough to pat in a
good Dement fouudetion. I have been
told by parties to whom I ]old mann
menta that they have eared 20 per cent.
by purohaeing from me. Come and in.
speot my work and save money,
.mother Great Discovery
A well known gentlemen fu Black Bay
Ont., Mr. John Cowart, has discovered an
absolute spedifla for rheumatism, and
writes I "I watt effected with cootie and
chronic rheumatism whioh I connoted
years ago. The disease bad a great bold
in my blood, and it was hard to make
any impression on it, Reading of Ferro.
zoue I was oonvioaed of its merit and it's
certainly the beet I have aver tried.
Why it pet drove away the dogmatism.
Even (stiffened old sufferers will ex.
perie0oe quick results. The reason is
that Ferrozoue Rote through the blood
and thereby destroys the mune of the
disease. Prise 50a per box at all dealers.
Oandien Order of Foresters will at-
tend the annual eervioe in Melville
aburoh on Sunday, Jute 80th, at 7 p. m,
Jas. Btraoihau, jr., sang a eolo, "Jesus
Saviour Pilot Me," in Melville ahorob
last Sunday evening. Mrs. McAlpine
also aeeiated the choir Sunday,
Leet Sabbath morning Rev. A, 0.
Wishart spoke, is Melville ahuroh, on
the work of the recent Assembly. In
the evening Rev. Mr. Horue, agent of
the Upper Canada Treat Sooiety, ad-
dreeeed the congregation on various de.
partments of the Society's work and
made an appeal for fluaooiai aseietanoe
for the promotiou of this work.
Monday evening the Epworth League
enberbaioed the League from Ethel in the
sabool room of the oburoh, The visitors
presented a short and well executed pro.
gram with Rev. E. F. Armatroug, B. D„
in the chair. Ib was es tollowe : In•
°tratnenbai by Mies Bernice Slemmon 1.
reading by Mies Pomeroy ; solo, Mies
Olive Baynard ; reoltation, Mies Lizzie
Chambers ; quartette ; recitation, Mies
Susie Pearson ; address, Robt. McKay.
Lunch was served at the aloe° and au
enjoyable evening spent.
DAR Samoa ASSOOIATION.-Thio will be
herd at Port Dover, Ontario, July I5-20
Inclusive. The stuff of lecturers and
their topics are Rev. D. Johnston, Mon
treat, Old Teetameut Oottiuee ; Rev.
Dr. °etude-, Toronto, New Testament
Outlines ; F. Traoy, Ph. D., Toronto
University, Sunday School Pedagogy
and Oldid Study ; J. A. Jaokaon, B A ,
Sunday Sobool History and Organize
tioo ; and H, W. Brown, B. A., Sunday
Sobool Methods and Management, The
eobaul will epee on Monday, July 1503,
the Iteb lecture being given at three
o'clock, On the following days of the
Week the hours of atady will be from
eight o'oiook until noon, the afternoons
being left free for enjoying the boating,
bathing and flailing privileges for whioh
Port Dover is famous, The evenings
will be devoted to Oooferenoee on praa•
Waal Sunday Sobool bopios in oharge of
Mr. Ysllowlees and to addresses of a
somewhat popular character by mem•
bets of the staff. Writing of loot year's
eohool, W, E, Groves, Principal of Ryer.
son, the largest Pablio Sobool in, Tor.
onto, a teacher of the Bible Claes in St.
Peter's Sunday School, said :-i'I had
the pleasure of attending the Sommer
Sobool hold under the aospioee of the
Ontario Sunday School Association, It
was a amine of constant regret to all
who were present that there were not
four or live hundred teachers there to
receive the benefit of the admirable
coarse preeented. The Sunday Sahoola
of the Provinoe are paoret in power by
no inoonsiderable amount through so
small aercenta a of the teacher° bolo
p 11 g
r e t t t echos - finer r t elf
ae n a he I. n e
to its value was received from
Rev.. 13 W. Merrill, B. A,, Baptist 1ao•
day 130bao1 Field ,Secretary ; Rev,
ICfs7'Ael,I81Hg19 11170
Bead Office "' ". Toronto
.In our Savings Department. Deposits of $I and upwards are hived,
on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed.
No Delays in making Withdrawals
interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches,
J. L'. Rowland, Manager
Derwyn T. Owen,'Ourate of St. James
Cathedral,'Potent° i Mrs, Amelia John-
ston, M, D,, and many othere. There
ban be no doubt, therefore, as to the
helpful obaraoter of the School for those
who obtund, The expense is not Targe
as board and lodging can be obtained
in Port Dover at rates ranging from four
to eight dollars per week, It would lit-
erally pay hundreds of oar eahools to
reward a faithful teacher, or Superin-
tendent by giving them a brief holiday
and bearing the e;tpaneeeinoidenb to at
beudanoe at the eohool. For eyllaboe
and full particulars write J, A. Jaokeon,
Booms 99-100, Oontederation Life Build-
ing, Toronto.
School Inetitnbe was held in Brussels on
the 3Iet alt., 000duoted by Rev. J. 0.
Robertson, General Secretary of Sab
bath Sobools, andtheRev. D, T. L, Mo.
Kerroll, the Presbytery's Convener o!
Sabbath tlohool Committee, This was
the fourth Institute held within the
bounds of the Presbytery within the
week, The eubjeobe disouseed were all
of vital importance, and the dieonesion
woe quite informal and exceedingly free.
Everybody seemed to feel or home and
unafraid. There seemed no doubt as to the
benefit received by all wno were moment,
If the General Secretary had no other
duty to perform than to visit the Pre°.
byberies of the aburob and hold snob In.
satiates there can he little doubt that
his appointment wop)d be abundantly
justified. The disouesion of "The Place
of The Bible and Lesson Helps in The
Sunday School," ted to a motion whioh
was unanimously carried to the effect
that this Ioobitoe expiates the desire that
the 8ebbatb Sobool Publioabions Com-
mittee eboold-publish a series of lesson
helps free from the lesson text. This
was done with the knowledge that the
Committee ooald not immediately (tarry
out the purpose of the motion, but with
the bops that other Institutes would
pave similar motions, so that it might
soon become oommeroially possible to do
this. Those who attended the meetings
will be very sure, if spared, to attend
those of the next Institute held in Bras
eels, and meantime the stimola° re.
oeived will be imparted to the Sabbath
Sahorde represented,
Bouswe,-At the reotory, Listowel, on
Jane 11th, to Rev. and Mre, N. A. F.
Bourne, a 50n.
Conant-Ia Atwood, on Sone 8th, to Mr,
and Mrs• George Carrie, a eon.
EnsaINE-In Atwood, on Jane llth, to
Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Erskine, a
RnseoLL -In Saginaw, Mich , on June
16th, to Mr. and Mre. Tboe. ROeeell,
a 0011.
Saonnxon.-In Grey, on May 31st, to Mr.
and Mre Wm, W. Sholdioa, a eon.
Tnens.-In Monition, on Jane 10th, to
Me. and Mrs, Andrew Terry, a eon.
S,S..a.RT'Z xE£.
ORowISLL-RantaNN•-At Knox Church
Manse, Listowel, on Jane Mb, by
Rev. J. S. Hardie, Mr. Warren
Crowell, of Peimeretoo, to Mise
Catherine Reymann, of the same
Gow-Crowell--At Knox Church Manse,
Listowel, on June 6bb, by Rev, J. S,
' Hardie, Mr. John V. Gow, of Lieto.
we', to Mise Mary Crowell, of Grey.
MaEwsN-Srou0aaN,-At Argyle Farm,
Grey, on Jane 19th, by Rev. A. 0.
Wiehart, B. A., Mr. P. S. MaEwen,
of Turnberry, to 'Mist! L'zzie M ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jae.
:ox>= 23-
MaNEm,-In Grey on Jane 18th, Oether•
ins, daughter of Laoohlin and Salah
McNeil, in her 47th year.
03R-C7M5 ,B 2.6ARKN7'x'P,
Fall Wheat 80 82
Barley .... ....... s,48 49
Peas 70 71
Oats 40 42
Batter, tube and rolls16 17
Eggs per dozen 17 18
Hay per ton 9 00 10 00
Floar, per bbl 4 60 6 20
Hoge, Live 6 60
Wool (washed) 20 22
Pobatoee per bus 50 60
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 60
Salt, per bbl., retail 1. 26 1 25
iS sure to cornea° wily not
be ready for it 2 There's
no greater.' comfort than a
nice Hammock ou a Sum,
mer afternoon. We are
showing a splendid line of
thong this season at prices
Ithat will bear comparison,
They run in value from
'75c to $6.00. See them
removed no another hold 280 miles
distant I have 10, sale a' good driver, buggy
and cutter-aegood as new.
00.2 18. F. ARMSTRONG, Ethel.
will be received app to 0. p, m. duly
let, for the nay on the Agricultural -Park,
Brunets. The contractor has to out all
weeds on the Park. For further inlorma-
tion apply to JAB. BPEIR, President,
59.2 or W, H. 1110ii1t, Secretary,
Eyesight Specialist
Friday, June 21st, '07
,Arnaerica,u, Intel
A11 Errors of Refraction Corrected. Glee-
s& prescribed only when required.
Royal Hotel, Ethel, June loth.
G. N. McLaren
A Beier Store Stoch
._._.and Greater Values that. Ever
Money Talks, does it not ? We offer you a chance to save
money on June Specials Listed below.
30c and 25o Corset Covers for 190
-5 dozen Ladies' White Corset Covers, nicely
trimmed with lace and embroidery, well made, in
all the wanted sizes. Regular price 80o and 25o
June Speoial
15c Black Cotton Hose for 10e
-10 dozen Women's Blaok Cotton Hose, fash-
ioned, with seamless feet, fast colors, sizes ed to
10. Regular prime 15a. June Special
Regular up to 30c White Vestings for 19c
-A ohoioe assortment of patterns in White
Vosbiogs. Regular prices up to 30o. June Special
Regular up to 60a Caps for 38e
-4 dozen Ladies' and Girls' Gaps, this season's
newest shapes, light and dark shades. Regular
prices 50o and 60o. June Speoial
25c Silk Derby Ties for 198
-edema Men's Derby Ties, good quality of
silk, light and dark shades.. Regular 260. June
50c Dark Duck Shirts for 39c
-7 dozen Men's Working Shirts, in blue and
white and black and white, all eize5 14 to 17,
Regular 50o. Juno Special
25c Wash Collars for 15c
-12 dozen Ladies' Fauoy Wash Collars, nicely
embroidered with wash silk, Tab and Torn -over
styles, is white and colors. Regular price 25c,
19 Julie Special
25c White Wash Belts for 15c
-6 dozen Ladies' White wash Belts, good as-
sortment of patterns, all sizes. Regular price
10 250. June Special
Regular up to 10c Embroideries for 6c
-White Embroideries in good assortment of
patterns, assorted widths. Regular prices up to
19 10o. June Speoial
$1 25 Black Sateen Underskirts for 898
-3 dozen Women's Black Sateen Uuderekirte,
nicely made and extra full widths, Regular
price $1,25. Jane Special
Up to 75o Shirts for 48c
-16 d zea Men's and Boys' Soft Front Cam -
brio and Martin's Cloth Shirte, light and dark
shades, all sizes from 12i to 17. Replier prioes
up to 75o, Sane Special.,.
$1.50 and $1.75 Men's Odd Pants for $1.25
- 29 pairs of Men's Odd Pante, good quality of
Tweeds, light and dark shades, all sizes, Regular
prices 31.60 and 91.75. June Special 1 26
$2.50 and $3.00 Ladies' Black. Skirts, $1 95
-23 only Women'm Blaok Vaonna Cloth Skirts,
all Sires in the ;lot. Regular prices 92.50 and
98.00. Jane Special 1 95
$1.50 Women's Pebble Lace Boots for $1,20
-30 pairs Women's Heavy Pebble Laoe Boots,
solid standard sorsw solea, self tip, all shale 8 to 7,
Regular 91.50. Julio Spaniel 1 20
$1.85 Men's Heavy Split Boots for $1.45
-80 pairs Men's /loamy Split Blucher Boots,
large eyelets, all sizes 6 to 11. Regular pride
91,86, Suns Sp:Miai 1 43
Good Assortment of Ladies' Rain Coats-
94.00 to $10.00
See the 13. C. Corsets-
They aro Perfoob Fitters
Highest Pricer for Produce.
Goods Right or your Moi
G. N.«aren
• v�