The Brussels Post, 1907-6-13, Page 644,4.., _...._ _. .......... 010004,04.1a.004:>%.,041.0.00-00040004) YOUNG FOLKS Qoo*o09l'OietD4}oO ac>o A SUM ANDA SIN, How Bessie Jones hated arithmetic! And she couldn't seem to learn it, either, The very simplest sum in the book was a puzzle to her. if Big Brother in joke would say, "How much are Live and two, Bess?'" poor Bessie would be quite as likely to say "live" or "eix" as four. Then Big Brother would patiently take two pieces of something which was handy cBesie preferred candy from BIS Brothers pocket), and put it with two other pleoes, and show stupid little Bessie bow they all together made four. "Oh, yes;" Besslo would cheerfully say, "of course it is four, Brothel'; 1'11 be sure to know the next lime:" Then when the next time cause it would be the salve old wrong answer, Bessie wasn't stupid over her other lessons. She could spell as well as any one; indeed, she was the star speller in the school, and sometimes when cam - pane came, at home, the family were tempted to "show off" Bessios powers along that line, and R was very funny to hear her spell readily quite long and sometimes difficult words. Also she was fond of her geography, and sometimes could tell where places were whilh she had studied about and which her mother had forgotten. This only proves that, just because she couldn't add and multiply and subtract, Bessie was not so stupid, after all. But 11 made her feel badly to be dull and slow at figures, while her chum, Daisy, was quick as quick could be. "Never mind," said Daisy, sootbingly, "you know 1 didn't know where Den- mark eves, nor even what was the capital of Ohio. One little girl can't know every- thing, and it you know all about g'og- raphy, you can't know 'rithmelic, too,' Still Bessie mourned, because arith- metic appeared on the blackboard and the other studies didn't. When the other little girls were called to the blackboard to "do their sums," Besle was always left behind, and for that very reason it seemed the nicest thing in the world to be able to stand up at the board with the others. One day Bessie came in et recess to get something from her desk, and there on Daisy's desk, next to hers, was a scrap of paper with some figures on it. Bessie looked at it, and there in neat little squares were the next day's sums ell figured out, in Daisy's best figures. Maty I ain't Daisy smart?" sighed Bessie to herself. "I wish I was smart, too." Then something seemed to whisper in her ear : "If you copy Daisy's figures the teacher will think you are smart, tae." As swift as the thought WES the act. PALE AS A CORPSE, Pr; Williams' Pinto Mlle Brought Back ' the Buddy Glow 01 Health. Thousands 0! young growing glrls have, pale, pasty campleaions; disiress- Ing headaches; backaches and stdeactles. Sometimes they are unable to sleep; their nerves are unstrung; they are lan- guid, breathless and the heart palpi- tates violently at the least +exertion, -- that's ananila--and it may develop into consumption unless promptly attended lo, Amimia (11ean8 bloodlessness. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills make para, red. b:ood—(hat's the secret of their success. Miss Winnie Alton, Montreal, Que., says:—"1 was so weal( and run down mai. my friends Thought I was going into consumption. 1 was as pule es a corpse, had no appetite and did not sleep well. The least exertion tired mo out and if I walked a few blocks I was almost breathless. 11ly sister ed- viserd mo to take Dr, Williams' Pints Pills and alter using them ter a few weeks t am again enjoying good health and have a good color. 1 think every weak, sickly girl should take Dr, ,W'il- Items' Pink Pills." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills melte new, riot blood and in this way shrike right at the root of such troubles as amnia, Indigestion, rheumatism, St. Vitus dance, the secret ills of girlhood and womanhood and a host of other every- day veryday troubles and cure them, But you must get the genuine with the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple" on the wrapper around every box —imitations never cured any one and sometimes they do much harm. If your dealer does not keep the genuine Pills they will be sent at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., jlroekville, Ont. 'WITCHCRAFT KITE. Sho snatched the paper, and, sitting down at her desk, hastily copied a few of the sums on to a piece of paper in her own book. When the time came for arithmetic, and the teacher called for some one to do the first sum on the board, up went Bessies hand with the others. Out of surprise at seeing her hand the teacher asked her to work It out on the board. • Carried away in her heart with the boner which she long had wanted but never before received, Bessie forgot the way in which she had gained what she knew. Bessie started for the board; the very switch of her short skirts and toss of the big bow of ribbon on her hair spoke of her pride and joy. Once et the board she spread open her book as she had seen the others do, and copied off the figures from her slip of paper in as neat a way as she could. When the teacher stood tc examine the sum, she saw that it was wrong. "Why, Bessie, dear, this isn't right," she said. "It's the right answer," replied Bessie stoutly. "The answer Is right, but the way you have figured it would never give that answer ; how did you ever get it so?" "I d -d -don't care; It was the way DA -Daisy had it," elultered Bessie, be- ginning to be frightened. The way Daisy had it? I don't un- derstand you," said the teacher, looking closely at the trembling Bessie. "1 think you had better stay after school and tell ma ail about it." Poor Bessie1 Where was the glory now of showing off how much she knew 10 arithmetic? When the teacher faced the little cul- prit after school, it was a very tearful, very humble, little Bessie, and IL was a very pathetic little story of longing, temptation and yielding. "You had better learn the lesson now, little Bessie," said the teacher, "than wait until you are older and do some- thing more evil than this from the same cause. Nothing which we gain dishon- estly ever, ever makes up for the sin of so getting 1t, and 11 is better to be known as slow and dull in arithmetic all your life than pass oft some one else's work es yours,' And Bessie remembered, and, although she is grown up now, 8)141 is still slow in arithmetic, she has never tried to "show off" in something of which she knows nothing. Girl's Body Stolen From Grave, Bones Pulverized. The Naples (Italy) Municipal Council is being prosecuted for ghastly crime committed by unknown ghouls in a cem- etery. A little girl was buried there in July, 1005, and twelve months later it was arranged to transfer the remains to a niche in the little mortuary chapel. At the exhumation suspicion was aroused by the extraordinary light weight of the coffin, which, on being opened, was found to contain only the 'child's skull wrapped in straw, with the customary bottle, contaling particulars of the de- ceased. Professors Antonelli and Fiml- ani, who examined the head, declared Mat it had been ruthlessly torn from the trunk soon atter death. The police investigations have resulted In the discovery that the girl's body was disinterred and the bones pulverized to serve for the rites of necromaney and witchcraft which are still so much in vogue among.superslitious peasantry of that region. As the actual malefactors have not been brought to justice, the parents are prosecuting the Town Council. MAGNET IN EYE OPERATIONS. In twenty-seven years Dr. 3. Hirsch- berg, a German oculist, has used the magnet in 347 operations for removing particles from the eye. in the eight Sears ending 1903 he performed the op- eration 64 times, securing good and per- manent vision in 36 cases. In nine of the 36 cases the bit of iron was removed from the viterous, in 27 from the re- line; 22 were fresh cases, and 14 were old. In 22 of the 64 cases the injured eye had to be taken out, the iron pieces being large or blood -poisoning following the injury. In four cases the magnet tailed to remove the particles. SAFETY FOR C}IILDREN. Baby's Own Tablets contain no opi- ate, no narcotic, no poisonous drug. The, mother who uses these Tablets for her children has the guarantee of a government analyst es to the truth of time statements. This medicine can, therefore,. be used with absolute safety, and ft ahvays cures such troubles as indigestion, sour stomach, constipation, diarrhoea and colic. The Tablets cure simple fevers, break up colds, destroy worms and make teething easy. Mrs. W. H. Young, Roslin, Ont., says:— "I have used Baby's Own Tablets as need- ed for more than a year and would not be without them in the house. They are just the thing for teething babies and other minor ailments." The Tab- lets cost only. 25 cents a box and may Lc, had from medicine dealers or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont THE SCOTCH JUROR. In Scotland in a civil case jurymen get 10 shillings (62.501 a day for their services, and the litigants must in adds. hen provide them with lunch. If two eases aro tried consecutively on ono day, and the same jurymen officiate, they gel le shillings for each case. But the most important difference between an Eng - fish and a Scottish jury is this f An Eng- lish jury when returning their verdict, must be unanimous, and it they fail to agree after it certain length of time they are dismissed and the wholo proceedings me begun again "do novo" before a brash Jury. This is a most expensive. mode of administering justice, In 01811 eases, in order to avoid this result, the litigants sometimes agree to accept the verdict of a majority. In Scotland the jury can always give a verdict by a majority in civil cases after the lapse of three hours.: Chambers' Journal. What a slovenly old world this Would be if vanity were eliminated MOWS= DOWNFALL OF SOUR LAKE TEXAS OIL TOWN AI/HOSE BOOM HAS COLLAPSED. Land Sold There at 6500,003 rut Aero Once—Used AOain for Growing Cotton, The glories e1 (ho oil boom days Of Sour' Lance, 'Texas, are passing away. Now the big frame building known as Millet's hotel is being removed, says a writer in the NOV 'York Sun, It was erected at the height of the boom, when fabulous prices were being charged for everything, In those days much of the business of the town was carried on in lents. Tenses where the price of a night's bed ranged from $1 to $5 were numerous. (von then the best bed WEN no 1111r010- forlaltle rot. But when the weather WES had the lents were better than the open air, and the taverns Made small fortunes for their keepers. Then came lite period when the boom- ers thought dont Sour Lake was destined to become a great city. It had elreadS' grown from a village of perhaps nifty inhabitants to a town of probably six thousand people. The erection of more substantial structures had begun, and one of the first of these Was \Tiller's l total. The oil field was producing Minder ds of thousands of barrels each week. Land values went up from 35 an acre to ns ;nigh as 3500,000 an acre. The latter sum is not as high as the price which some of the land in the Spindle Top field, e near Beaunthe h'ydalnnl, reached in heyday Y of its oil excitement, but it was a pretty stiff price to be paid for land whidi only a few months before could have been bought for $5 an acre. THEN ITE COLLAPSE. The town grew to such itilpor•tance that the Southern Pacific Railroad built a branch line here from Nome, and an- other railroad, the Beaumont, Sour Lake and Western, was built, here from Beau- mont. The irnllta in on and general supplies was heavy, and all the people of the town felt that it was secure In the commercial position which it had at- tained as if by magic. Then came the salt water. Sour Lake was exulting over her prosperity when the news came that salt water had ap. peered in one of the wells which had been giving litany thousands of barrels of oil regularly each day. The well was ruined. From Lvell to well the salt water spread, and many of the best producers wen} out of commission. One oll con- cern after another had to quit business. Well after well was abandoned. Der - Nees were removed. Land and town properly values col- lapsed. The tented city disappeared al- most in a night. Business buildings were vacated and the town dwindled in population. Land that was once dotted with all derricics is now devoted again to grow- ing cotton and other produce. The history of the Batson and Humble oil fields is a repetition 01 IbaL of Spindle Top and Sour Lake. The Sour Lake field is still producing oil, but the quantity is small compared with the output in the boom days. COMING OF }TALLEY'S COMET. As everybody knows, the famous comet of Halley, the brightest of all comets known to pay periodical visits lo the neighborhood of the sun, Ls ex- pected to reappear in the sky within a few years. Astronomers all over the world are now interested in the prob- lem of predicting the precise time of its prehelion passage, or nearest approach to the sun. Several predictions have already been published. • The latest is that made by Messrs. Crommelin and Cowell before the Royal Astronomical Society In January, Calculating the probable effects of the interference r.f the various planets with the comet's progress in its orbit, they think Mat the date of the next perihelion will tall before the middle of May, 1910..The last previous perihelion passage of the comet was in November, 1835, PAPER PAiLS FOR MILK. Latest London Contrivance for Securing Pure Mille Supply. For years London's milk supply has been blamed by medical men and health officers for a great deal of the infant mortality. Now the dairy companies are to deliv- er milk at the doors of houses in paper palls or pitchers, which are said to he absolutely proof against germs and wit ler. The paper pails arc being made at a new factory at the rate of 50,000 daily, but they will require to be turned out lit therate of some millions daily 11 the demand is to be met. These milk pails, made from wood pulp, can, of course, be used only once. But they will be cheaper (bon steal pails, pitchers, or gloss bottles, fox one mason, because all labor of cleaning and sterilizing will be saved. The pail is a simple contrivance, twelve times lighter than the ordinary milk eon, is strongly made and is fin- ished oft, atter being rendered water- proof, by being sterilized in a furnace heated up to 500 degrees Fehrenheil. Every pail has a close tilting flanged cover which can be quickly adjusted, and when fixed, effectually seals the milk from any outside influence. lSStfg NO, 23--07. Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure --eaf set requlieter fort baby, 1 t'evente (olio and vomiting -a -gives healthful raft —cures dfarl'11oea without the harmful effects Of mmlielnea cozotsfalug opium or other fujunous drugs, / alt ares204,a! drag -,tore.. Natioltel Drug & Cham• last Co;, Limited Diarrhoea Asanlre.i. rine muslin, dainty lin- berie, 'iron easier, look etter, last loner if the laundress uses the only cold -water (no boiling) starch that really ss,ves work and really won't stick. Try it, Get re 206 Galvanized Stell The cheapest good They do shingle is the cost Rae "Oshawa. "Good for a century's weather -wear. Guarauteed for 25 yyears without your even painting--" Oshawa " double -galvanized shingles need no paint to outlast any rooting there t e Make roofs fire -pr , too, — guaranteed in everyway you want. i Cheap n first cost as com- satpn wood shingles, yet More durable than slate. Sold under A written guar- antee t somethingto the buyer. With a hammer, Easy to a snips, and horse - put On sense anybody eanroof buildings right with "Oshawa " Gal- vanized Steel Shingles. They necd no cleats. They lock on all FOUR sides. Made in only one grade— of 28-guage semi -hardened sheet steel in the pat- ented "Oshawa" way "Oshawa" Shingles are on Invest- ment, rot an expense. More than 100farm Ltjlthiin1 buildings were proof, too damaged in On- tario alone last year by lightning. Not ope of them would have been harmed if they'd been "Oshawa" -roof These ohmggles Insulate abut d- ing --make it cafe againsteveiy element. Let us tett you what it will costiyouto roof the "Oshawa' way. Get our free in$tt Eight before y o n Roota Thing Ina Tit.. redlarretple ®f Oshawa Montreal Toronto London 151-3 Craig W. 11 Colborne Qt Dundas Ottawa Winnipeg Vancouver 44 Sussex 7e Lem hate 015 Ponder i}�r, '�''�".4. vflsiklcltlxa`sg SAVES MONEY. "Do you find it more economical to do your own. cooking?" "Oh, yes. My husband doesn't eat half so mucin us he used fol" Thos. Sabin, of Egltugton, seS's: "1 have removed ten corns from lay feat with Holloway's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. „Mr.Nurich (engaging valet): "1 warn you that I em frequently 11l.tempered and gruff" Valet (cheerfully) : "Thars all right, sir ; so ala 1 I" In `Nature's Storehouse 'There art Cures. — iledical experiments have shown conclusively that there are medi- cinal virtues in. even ordinary plants growing up around us which give them n value that 00111101 be estimated. 11 is held by some that Nature provides 't cure for every disease which neglect end ignorance have visited upon man. However, this may be, 11 Ls well known that Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, distilled from roofs and herbs, are a sovereign remedy in curing all disorders of the digestion. Bystander: "Should you say that pic- ture was taken from life?" Critic : "I don't knew; but the world wouldn't suf-. fe. if the lutist was." Mirrors are a nuisance in the holm* of a man whose face is brander( with eczema. His own reflection shames him. ].et him annbint his skin with Wearer's ()orate and purify his blood with Weaver's Syrup• Wile—"Percy, 11 a man were to sit on your hat, what would you soy?" liusbencl—"I should call him a con- founded silly Ass." Wife "Then don't sit on 11 any longer, there's a deaf." Cucumbers and melons are "forbid- den fruit" lo molly persons so .constt- 1rled that the least indulgence is fol- lowed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's content if they have 00 hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a medicine that will give im- mediate relief, and is a sure Dura for all summer complaints. A woman derives more salisfaelion tram the things she suspects than from the things she is sure of. A Cure for Costiveness.—Costiveness comes from the refusal of 1he excretory organs to perform their duties regularly from contributing causes usually dis- ordered digestion. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills, prepared on scientific prin- ciples, are so compounded that certain ingredients in them pass through the stomach end act upon the bowels• so as to remove their torpor and arouse diem to proper action. Many thou- sands are prepared to bene testimony 1c, their power in this respect. A miner, accompanied by his mate, who was rather deaf, was walking along the railway line the other day near Wawa. A train approached, and on nearing the men it gave forth en ear - piercing shriek. A smile broke aver the deaf fan's face. "Man," he said, "that's the first robin I've heard this spring. \\'LIEN CIIPMUNKS SING. Vocalize in Spring nt a Rate of 130 Chirps a Minute. The chipmunk is not usually consid- ered much of a songbird, but according to Ernest Thompson Seton lie is quite a success in a vocal rale. In Manitoba the chipmunk comas above ground about file first or second week of April, says Mr. Seton in Suc- cess. Mounted en some bi;r log or root, it reiterates a Loud, chirpy ."Chuch- chuck-eta:cid" Other cbiprnunks run IErth into the sunlight, and seeking swine perch add their "Chuch-ehuck- chuek," to the spring salute. They are active from this time of the year on, and their sunny morning chorus is not by any means confined le that original outburst. On April 29, 1905, at Cos Cob, 1 heard a chipmunk in full song. Ile kept it up for eleven minutes without, ceasing, and uttered 180 chirps to the mimeo. Ho got no reply, though he worked very hard and seemed tired toward the last.. On May 28, 1905, at Cos Cot , 1 heard a ehlpmonic singing. Be kept it up far three minutes, utter- ing three chirps to the second. 13ertie—"Father, what Is an egotist?" Father "He is a man who thinks he is smarter than anyone else." Mother —"My dear, you ara'scarcely right. The egotistis the manwho seys.that he is Smarter than 4nyone.,else -all Merl think they area' TUI: ROAD TO 1'ORRTUN7.E, Here Pointed Out (lore Especially to Boys, but the (load Is Open to Ail. lb's )lata work," sold lha boss, "to get r0all anybyodywell s 101 do std evenIokeep rho slrnplest things on doing them so; and I do love to meet people who d> the work they have to do, :no hatter what it lney be, thoroughly, and who have, besides, Iho sense and nerve to keep at it that way steadily, "it Is a positive delight to me to find a boy that makes ft gond jab of sweeping out the store, who is not snlislled with giving it a lick and a promise—sweeping out the thick of It from the middle of the floor—hut who digs into the eorner:s anti sweeps clean along the edges and makes a good, thorough, workmanlike job of it all 'auh "Nolhtw, Istagt, sort of job of sweeping is a positive help to the business ; 11 hakes tho store attractive, it actually gets into the atmosphere of the place and helps b, draw people who would as surely be repelled if not driven away, by a slope slackly kept. And now suppose this boy keeps right on so, unflinchingly ; suppose he shows that he's really got the stuff in hen; wily, he gels the fh'st chance there is for a step up, for the de- mand for mem W110 Dns do things Is greater Men Iho supply, and then if he will only keep an doing things the way he began, lee's got his future in his own hands. "Wild is true of the boy sweeping the store is equally true of every other boy, to whatever worlc he may be doing, ab. solutely ; for the whole secret of suc- cess lies in doing whatever your Rands find to do well and faithfully. "Tits is an old, old, oft -told story I know, but there's a fresh crop of boys coming into the field daily, to whom, ever, it must be new, and if but one of each day's crop would lake lite old story le heart, the world in general would bo better off and the boy himself would pro - tit by 11 greatly." HAD HELPED ONCE. "Oh, o tr. Mllyunsl" Well "Do you think a rich man can go through the eye of a needle?" "I don't know, my boy. However, 1 will soy that my whavdragged mo lhrotfgl] 50100 vlaeryyers small loope holes;' ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human es animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never tails, Sold by all druggists. Mrs. McDuff—"Tills paper says that mice are attracted by music, but I don't believe it" McDuff—"Why not?" Mrs. McDuff—"Because t never see any mice around when I play the piano." McDuff. —"Well, that's TIO reason for doubting the peeper's statement." Mother Gloves' Worm Exterminator has no equal for destroying worms In children and adults. See that you get the genuine when purchasing. Fever the Curse of the Tropics- In the slow and (odious reaoverls3 from this and all other Monne Eerrovim" 13 the best tonic). Itomem- bar the name, " 1'LSRR0VIM." 110: "I dm glad you have taken off That horrid veil." She : "Why, Henry?" He : "11 was like a piece of paper around a lump of sugar:" It is the Farmer's Frlend.—'l'ihe farm- s,' LvIlt find in Dr. Thomas' Ecle0lric OP a potent remedy for wounds or rains in the body o1' for affections uI the respiratory organs and for house- hold use generally. He will also find II a convenient friend in treating :0 - lured horses, cattle, eta., or relieving them when attacked by Colds, coughs or any kindred aliments to which they are subject. i'P ESTERN BUSINESS - IF YOU want a western business write us ; large lists ; hotels, livery stables, stores, and others. The. Minton Mansell. Co., business brokers, Saskatoon. FOR SALE --GENERAL STORE BUS!- NESS in progressive town of Pow- assan ; stock about 30,000 ; will either sell or lease store. Apply Box 75, Pow- assan, Ont. A .young man who had a silent ad- miration for a young lady went with the intention of proposing to her one night. He sat gazing into her taco for a long while, but. at last, looking clown sudden- ly, he exclaimed :—"'There's a feather on your dross, Mary 1" "No wonder," she said ; "I've been, sitting next a goose all night 1" FEATHER DYEING Cte.000 bo,0001,iooitalo Dad ozlothe Leeat p 00001, fR1TISN AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL, QUEBEC STEAN'SHIP OONPANY Husband : "My colleague is the most insatiable man 1 ever saw. He wants everything he sees." Wife: "Can't you Introduce our daughter to him?" LIMITED. Rim and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. "Oampana," witholectrdo lights, electric bells and all modern comforts, BAILS 1111111 h1ONYILi9AL cm MONDAYS a0 4p m., Brd and 17th Joao tat, 10th and 29th July, 12th and 28th August, alb and 20rd September, and fortnightly thereafter for Eldora, N.S., cap- ing at 1300100, Gaspe, Mal nay, Porro, 004502,Covo, 0rand rimer:, Bummareido, 8,16.0, and Marla(- tetown, SuInmor F9ionreions, 08', by Iho now Twin Screw S. Bermudian", 6500 tomo. Sailing 00, and 19th June, ard, 1701 nr d 0181 Judy, 14th and 20th August 4011, 14th an( 26111 September, 66h Pith and 26th Ooteh*r, 0th, Ifth and 2711, Nevem. bar, Tomperulure 000lod by Boa breeieo seldom rias, abo0o 80 degr00s, 'rho finest tripe of 01,0 Wilson for health and comfort. Quebec. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Q A. E. OU'rERBT1IDGC as CO., Agents, 20 Broadway, New `lora Ono kind of underwear, en di only one, fila right,. wears out plowmt, and salla" firs ,ou from the day rap buy It, 'That wad is trade. marked (as above) in ted nod guaranteed to you. by storm that sell ft and )bo rr eaple wjm make it. Made in many fabric. and sty/ea, al varloua piece, in formfitting 445 for women, men and children, Look for the PEN.ANCLE, yes" B088 AND 07151.8-8IDNII NAME ANI-' addroyo on ai pootonrd and we w1n caaaa you by mail,.laosteo. c1 a0 elaroonooplu dews td sell al comate .00h, Tor which we allow you A. 111,orai' oolnmisoton, Tha Art Novelty OompariYr 85rathruy. The Cream of the (OOTENAY If you arooburr booklin et• Ito it II'$Ne write OaDBRMID et rIctIARDY. Nelsen, B.C. Api>wre, (lard latasj.Ol3a flour for bak9.rs an!4 otliers,df�rla45 ing strength, colo► and un (or (ty. STRONaill I "E A YOUR GROSRK DEALERS EYERYWHCRI SUPPLIED WITH F LOyR A 140 FCCD,l1 WRITE US, WE AL70 MAKE 'QUEEN CITY! A MENDED FLOUR THAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR ASA GENERAL H000CHOID 'ALL roam05EM FLOUR. MADE IN CANADA 2 and 4 Cyclo, !Engine* Complete Launcher) HAMILTON MOTOR. WORKS, Ltd. HAMILTON, ON T. GIVE r ;E STRE GTH This is the cry in these strenuous days, when business makes such de- mands upon us. Exercise and fresh air are necessary if we would be strong, but the ten, dency of life to -day is towards conveniene s and modes et living that deprive us of She very means of keeping our strength and health unimpaired. Wo sit more, we sleep less, we eat richer and more artificial foods than formerly. 'rhe natural remedy—the practical means of withstanding these inroads upon our safety— Take the fresh air and sunshine when possible, that is—when going to and from work- 3E1.Z9:DFD .. 3mXCO"2rCCIra 11I]. THE MASSEY "SILVER RIBBON "—CLEVELAND—BI1ANTF0RD—PERFECT-. IMPERIAL—RAMBLER and BLUE FLYEI% will keep you fit for daily rounds. Manufactured and guaranteed by Canada CyclIe and Motor Co., Limited Toronto Junction, - Canada, Branches :—Wlnnipcg, Van couver, Melbourne, Aust. SAFEGUAIr, j Your SA' l t,�' GS and at the same time obtain 4 per cent. interest by opening an account by mail with THE U 10°4TRw ST C 114- 1716 Say Street Motley to s Willed 'Go, eitth9 Canada One dollar deposited each week will amount to $293 in five years. r' Write for Booklet, "Banking by. Mall " ✓I Loan Safnty Deposit Vaults to cion 11 21tade"at urgh Carbon Wlre,—we'll trove 10 to yon. corm].-tir,0 (Thered, '.Chia makes 10 .till stronger In service. 11 slays taut Palated WRITE over heavy �C1kIC.. P ,c,,.E..,1i1/XiLE Ir NCH COASP.111N'SIsL.RTedS' AG les 200 Rna f niceit, Get It uy ^oiod marionette i,1 and to 10117 eleca before beyii f[f 'bYielllorvllio, '5'Droeste., neom4roa,3, St. Joam, 4Wllosslars0