The Brussels Post, 1907-5-30, Page 8BLUE STONE
When the ,Blossoms fall spray
the Fruit Trees, You will find
it to pay twice over. The follow-
ing formula is a good one :—
Blue Stone, 41bs,
Lime, 4lbs.
Paris Green, 4 tablespoons
Water, 20 gallons,
We have a Superior Blue Stone
at 15e. per Ib,
"Infant's Delight Soo"
25o per Bax of $ Oakes
Delicately Perfumed and con-
stantly used leaves the skin soft
and smooth.
Sltoll Brand Castile Soap
2 Ib. liar 85e
Axle tt17 Arms aW. 0. T. U. regular meeting will be
held on Friday evening of this week at
7.30 o'olook in their rooms,
A ohiel'e amang ye fakir' notal,
An' faith he'll prent is.
Maas=T prime keep well up the lad -
Haase ranee in Wiugham next Wed.
ueeday and Thoreday.
TRH POST eabBoription lief Continues to
grow. Do you borrow 119
Alm you ready for Sanitary Inspector
Oliver's visit at your premises -9
VFLLAGE Ormond and Oonrt of Revision
in Brussels neat Monday evening.
THE dog poisoner is busy in Brunie
A °BtRENT walk halt beau pat down from
the aidewatk to the residences of W. L.
Leatberdale and Robert Thomson,
Fox, quality and gaantity ask your
dealer for the new big -plugs of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Oarreuoy" Ubewing Tobao
colts. 46-18
8. BAILEY has parobased the house and
lot on John street belonging to Mies
Lizzie MaNaoghtoa and will get pos.
session shortly.
A. HIeLOP, M. P. P., is billed as. one of
the speakers ab Wtugbem on Friday
evening at the formal opening of the new
poet-offioe building in that town. A
and aevaral doge went to dogdom last mueioal program will also be provided.
week. Lamm hears from June 1st to Oot.
HowloE Mntnal Iuearanoe Oo. held ire 1 let :—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
afterna00B from 2.80 t0 5 O'0)Oek ; Toes
regular monthly meeting at Gerrie last
Forma Division Court will be held in
Brueeele on Wednesday of next week be•
fore Judge Holt.
GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobo"
and "Stag" °hewing Tobaacoee, in big
plugs. Quality always the same,
CONSTABLE OLrvsn has been pruning
the maple ebade trees on some streets.
The good work ehoold be continued.
BaussELs Foot Ball team played a tie
game at Olinton with the borne team
last Friday afternoon. Neither olab
MORTGAGE gale of the Patrick Kelly
60 acre farm in Morrie towuehlp will take
plane at the Queen's Hotel, Brueeele,
Friday afternoon of this week at 1.30
FRIDAY evening of this week the
Committees having to do with the Cele-
bration on Dominion Day here will meet
in the Council Chamber, at 8 obloek, to
report progress.
Baoeeeoe will play a foot ball match
with Atwood, in the latter plaoe, on
Thursday evening of neat week in con.
nection with the Intermediate aeries for
FAReeR8' INeoITUTE.—Oe Friday, Jane
7113, at 1 3 p. m , the entreat m.etiug
of East Huron Farmers' Institute will
be field in the Oonnoil Chamber, Brae -
eels, for the receiving of Anditore' re-
port; election of offfoers, &o.
FEIDAY afternoon of this week at 1,30
o'clock, there will be offered by mort-
gage sale at the Queen's Hotel, Brueeele,
the 60 acre farm of Patrick Kelly, 8th
non., Morrie. F. 8. Scott will be the
imal meeting of the Eau; Raton Conner•
vativee will be held in the Town Hail,
Bruesele, on Tuesday afternoon of next
week. Some say oandidatee for the
Oommone and Legislature may be named
that day.
Moines was A OoaxsR.--The storm of
800W, sleet, rain and wind of last Monday
was almost anpreoedented in thio section.
It seemed almoer impossible to believe
that it watt the 27th of May, The day
vote enough to (Mill a person to the bone.
Tender garden stuff Buffered. Some per-
son mutated that the North Pole expedi.
lion wee eaooeeeful and dieooverere were
fetching it home with them and that
thie was the explanation of the severity
of the weather.
annual excursion, from Kinoardine to
Henfryn inalneive, will be ran by epeoial
train to the Ontario Agricultural Oollege
on Thursday Jane 27th. Data was first
annonooed for Juue 2181 but the G. T. R.
could not eopply B trai0 benne the change
to Jane 2711). All tickets good to re-
turn by any regular train on Friday.
Reserve the date and go and enjoy the
day at the Model Farm, Farther par -
Maniere may be neared from posters
and dodgers.
DOING WELL.—W8 notile by the Olin -
ton New Era that Dr. William Gann,
the well known Surgeon, sailed on May
23rd for Glasgow, Boottand, where he
will spend a couple of months in the large
hospitals of tbat plane, as well as in
Edinburgh, London, Paris and Dublin.
lie was a000mpanied by bis wife who tae
many friends in the Old Land, His
praotioe daring hie abeenoe will be taken
by his partner, Dr. Thos. T. McRae, well
known to this tonality. We oongratolate
the young doctor in being able to manage
pooh a0 extensive praotioe es that of Dr,
Fox uP TEE TowN HALL,—At next Mon-
day evening's Council meeting the matter
of puttieg the Town Han in proper shape
ehould be dieooeeed as there dose not
appear to be any probability of 11e By•
law being earned into effect a8 to its
removal, We would enggeet among
thinge neoeeaary to be done :—A. new
shingle Or Carey root on the South aide at
least ; the whole exterior painted and
neoeeeary wood work repairs done
the obimney polled down far enough
to permit the inserting of tile to
prevent sweating ; the interior Meil-
ing and walls kaleomined and the
latter panelled between the windows ;
better stage arrangernente and inoreaeed
eleatrio light. Other work might be
done bat the above are a prime neoeeeity.
At the present time the Hall ie no
credit to the town and as little money
hoe been spent on it for years we believe
the 0000811 would he Showing wisdom in
rnallieg the only public hall in the piano
presentable to ttoee.who attend gather- it.
day and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9
A noon olean up of Main street was
made on Wednesday and the refuse
hauled away. If business people would
praotioe a little Dare in burning op
papers and other refuse the tidy appear-
ance might be retained.
VICTORIA DAs passed by quietly. A
good many visited oat of town, others
spent the afternoon Seting, attending
.pia-oioe and visiting. F,age flew from a
number of places and not a few were
oacried baok in thought to Victoria the
BLxxw Bees Ball team bas been eeo-
ured for D•,minion Day's program in
Brueeele. The mueioal oommi1tee has
engaged the Firth Oo., wtoee appearance
here last weekgave so much satisfaction,
for the Conoert to be given ou the even
fug of Dominion Day.
000170ILLOR BALL/AIM/it hoe removed
the feuoe in front of bre reeidenoe Queen
street and will straighten ap to the hedge.
Improvements in levelling op the street
have also been done by Mieeee MoNab,
Henry Haiet, 0. Howlett and A. Ellie.
B. Gerry has wire farmed a lot he has on
the same street,
BOLD Thema SHEEP.—J, D. Warwick
and his brother, A. M., who diepoeed
of their sheep in Southern Idaho, will
likely bay some laud in the Osuad,au
West. The former name to bis home iu
Brussels and will remain until about the
middle of July. Warwiok Broe. had
Some 2,300 head of sheep for which they
received a good prime. The purchaser
was James Laidlaw, who oame from
Scotland 15 years ago, and after working
around for a time gradually worked into
sheep ranohing. Although he is only
37 years of age he bas 22,000 ,beep and
le ee1ima1ed to be worth $160,000. This
ie a greet reoord.
EAST HnnoN FALL FAon,--LaettBatnrday
afternoon a -meeting of 110 Direotore of
East Huron Agrioaltural Society was
held in the Council Ohamber, Brussels,
President Jae. Bpeir in the oheir, to
arrange preliminarieefor the well known
East Huron Fall Fair, whiob will be
held here on Thursday and Friday,
October 8 and 4. Oummitteee were
appointed as followe :—J. Leckie and
Alex. Stewart to oversee some work at
the "Palaoe" and let the aontr801 of a
nue feooe between the Agl. park and
premises ot T. Bone, Jno. Smith and
Thus. MoLanahlio. Fence will be wire.
Hoo. President Ferguson, President
Speir and Secretary Kerr will wait or
the annual rneetiug of the Farmers' Iu-
etitate relative t0 the Exoarsion to the
Model Farm. Jae. Spam, Thos. Edifier,
0. Eokmier and W. H, Kerr will look
after special attraoti000,.Band &o. Two
jodgee will be immured for eaoh glass of
live stook. The large and oompreheneive
Prize List was gone over and Changes
and additions made making it better than
ever and the liete will be printed shortly
for distribution. Eaet Huron Fair for
1907 will outdo any of its predecessors if
the plans of the Direotore are realized,
Joint_Zkposit Accounts
are a special convenience arranged for customers of THE
METROPOLITAN BANK. Money can be deposited or with,
drawn by husband or wife, Particularly valuable for farmers and
town residents,
q Money orders and drafts sold at lowest tides,
Q Farmers' Sale Notes collected and advances made thereon.
q SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—$1,00 or more opens an account, Interest
allowed from date of deposit, and compounded FOUR times ayear.
CI You may deposit or withdraw money by mail
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Palo Up, $1,000,000.00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, 81,183,713,23
srtt cos®
Mies Roby Plum ie vieiting in Clinton.
S. B. Swale is here on a holiday trip,
Bias Mary Rose visited iu Loudonfor
a few days.
'1. H, Sperling, of Wbiteohurob, was
in town this week.
Mins Mary Morrie was vieiting old
friends at Wiugham.
Mre. Deadman was holidaying at
Ubatham and Durham.
Mre, R. Paul spent the holiday with
Irelativee at Orangeville.
i Barrister MaoDonald was in the
Queen oity for a few days.
Joe, Currie j,. Wag on the elok Ilan
last week With the mumps.
Mies Mary MoOiare spent the 24011
holiday at, her borne i0 MoKtllop.
Mies Olara Hueter was been from
Olintou fur Viotorta Day holiday.
Mies Dora Smith visited her Mater,
Miss Kate le London on the 24013.
Ronald MoNaagbtou was 01Bit105 hie
daughter Mies Maggie, at 0.intou,
Mies Lilitau Roee, of Meehan), was
visiting Edema Editll and Irene 'Poole.
Mies Edua Pugh epeut the Victoria
Day Holidays at Walkerton and Paieley.
Robs. Brown, of Brampton, epent the
24th with his Dieter, Mre. Harry James,.
N. B. and Mre. Gerry and obildreu, of
Blyth, were visitors to town last Friday.
Mrs. Robt. Johnston, of Wiuguem, was
the greet of Mre. D. 0 Rime last Sunday.
Mre, McGuire, of iugbam, was amt.
ing Mre. Rogers and Mre. Damao for the
aliei Lou. Roee wee vieitiag relatives
and frioude at Loudon during the past
I Mre, Geo. Birt has been on the eiak fiat
but we hope the will coon be oouvaee
Mre. Wm, Cameron and Mies Eva
'visited relatives lu Owe. Sound feet
Mee. W. J, Fawoott and Mary were
01811000 at Harrietou, with 08881,vee for a
'few days,
Mise Jean MoLauobliu was at Toronto
arid Hamilton for a few days on a
holiday trip.
Lorne Pring e was holidaying in Bone.
Bela for A few days retnruiug to Torouto
on Monday.
Mise Pearl Baeker was a visitor with
Ming Wiuuie Turnbull, at L ietuwel fur
several days,
Misses Liuda, Emma and Edith Colvin
were 018110rs with their Crater at Ethel
011 Victoria Day.
Aehiey Lowry is home from Toronto
and wlu aeetet hie father in hie 000tra0te
of brink laying,
Mies Carrie McCracken, who is teach
ing in Eima town,hip, was home Friday
Saturday and Sauday.
Everett Haien, of Atwood, is ill with
typhoid fever, He it a grandson of
David Hater, Brooeele.
Mies 0,ive Matnprize, of Preston, was
a vieitor with her stater, Mrs. W. H.
Stewart, for a few days.
Mieeee Berviu Grainger
Sampson, of Atwood, visited
Grainger on Victoria day.
Mies Sara V. MoLaaohlin, of Toronto,
Wan home for a short time under the
parental root daring the past week.
,,,T. Henry underwent a minor operation
on hie right eye in Toronto following the
removal of a oataraot imam time ago,
Lester and Mre. Greenwood, of Tor•
onto spent 2411) at the American. Mre.
Greenwood and Mre. James are eietere.
0. R. Perkins, wife and child, of Lon.
don spent the 2401 holiday With Angus
Campbell and family, Mill street, Broe.
Mies Maggie Baeker, who bee epent
several yeare In Winnipeg, arrived home
Wednesday evening and will reornit her
Lorne Danford and Will Griffith will
assist the Goderioh Band in their mill.
0ary mode at camp in London, going
next week.
Rev. J. E. Ranter and wife, of Har-
mu0y, were 01011ore at Jno. Hunter's,
Bruesele, while eu roots to the Methodiet
Oonfereuoe at Goderioh.
A. 0. Dames injured the ligiment of
one of hie lege the other day while driv-
log cattle and walks with a decided halt.
We hope be will soon be as well as ever,
Leelie and Mre. Callan, of Innerkip,
were reeewiug old augnaintauoea to
Brueeele this week. Mr, Callao i0 now
iu luminous an hie own a000001 ' at
A good portrait of Robt. Farrow and a
brief sketch of hie promotion in the
°totems department of the Government
at Ottawa appeared in last Saturday's
G.obe. He is a eon of Postmaster
Mies Sarah Forbes and her bephew,
Stewart Ferguson, are here from
Winnipeg,reaoting Brueeele Wednesday
evening, for a holiday vleit with relatives
and friends. The little lad le a eon of
Daniel Ferguson, a 000 time Brneeelite.
W. L. and Mre. Lealherdale were at
Gorrie to visit Wm. and Mre. Willson,
their nno+e and aunt, before they leave
for the West, Mre. Wneou'e health hoe
not been good and the effect of change of
air will be tested and we hope with
favorsele m.anit0. Calgary will be their
Business Locals.
House to rent. Apply bo MRS, J. R.
Wool WANTED.—Any gnantity, high-
est prtoee, Aleo large quantities butter
and egge. Guo. E. KIN,, Wingbum.
PIANO TONINe. Fred. A. Lewis will be
in Brueeele next week to tone piano%,
Ordere left at Walker & Black's will be
promptly attended to.
los CREAM PARL01i 0n and after date
for the eeaeou will serve Ice Cream of
superior quality, also lunches. Give as
a trial and be oonvivaed. MRm. HIRE,
Da. Bnurito'e Mann.—Dr. Butler, the
London Eye Specialist, will be et the
Amerioan Hotel, Brnaeela, on Weduee•
day, May 22nd. Gleam 'supplied.
COLLEGE students, teachers and others
deeirtug profteble employment for Som-
mer vacation should write to Hamilton,
Ont., box 288, for particulars,
Roam the baggy aud a Bingle set of
robber mounted harness for eale. May
be Been at the Manse, Oraubrook, where
particulars may obtained.
PAGE FENDING.—R. Oloee is now ready
with a large supply of fencing and gates
and if he has not on band what is wanted
he will Boon get it. A nerd will receive
prompt attention. R, OLonn, Hotel,;
BAIR Daoeexoo,—Bwitobee mane out of
000Uiug0 and cuthair. Ail ortiere . sent 1
by mail promptly attended to.
MRs, R. Emma.
Hill attest, Brussels.
and Laura
the Mieeee
Wee Lily Sharpe, who has been mist-
ing Dr. Gann, of Clinton, alt Nurse, is
home for a well earned variation with
relatives In Brueeele. The Dr. tram gone
to the Otd Land One trip., Dr, T. 'P
'Miami, hie partner, le in charge Of the
pra01iue anti will be maimed ay 1)r.
Margaret (loader, formerly Of tb,s tooal.
Mre. Geo. McKay, of town, who ie
over 80 years of age, has been quite
poorly last week with bronobibie. Her
heart also botbere her.
Daring the poet week W. Pryne, of the
National fluor mill, baa beep laid op
with an attack of pleariey but le regain•
ing his penal health by the prompt and
timely treatment,
Mies Claudia H. Brown, who is a
milliner at Brieeley, Ont... baa not been
enjoying her aerial good health of late,
nerve trouble being the came. The
young lady ie a grand daughter of Mre.
Geo. McKay, Brueeele.
Last Saturday Henry Ball, of Wine -
ham, and hie eon Jobn J., of Toronto,
were oalliug on old frirnde, iu this moat
ity. They were former reeiileute of this
neighborhood. Mr. Ball wee 80 .years
of age on that day. He is a remarkable
man for that time of life. We hope he
may be spared for many years yet.
Alex. W. omitb, of Roseland, B 0.,
arrived here un Saiurdey for a visit. It
is 3 years einoe be wad in Brueeele and
17 years einoe he first went Weet. Mre.
E. P. Murphy, of Winnipeg, and four
children are also. here. Mr. Smith and
Mre, Murphy are eon and daughter of
Mre. Walter Smith, Albert Bt., and will
be remembered by a goodly number of
A pio•nio was held on Victoria Day on
the bank,, of the Maitland ander the
aneproes of the Epworth League when an
enjoyable time was .pent.
"Ye serve the Lord Christ" wee Rev.
A. O. W,ehart'e text in Melville ohnreh
•eat Sabbath morning. II Peter 3 and 4
was the foundation of the sermon in the
So a. to aoaommodate a number in the
oongregatfon the Sunday evening ser•
vice in St John'e oharob, Brueeele, will
begin at 7 80 instead of 7 O'olook during
the Bummer months,
Next week Rev. Mr. Wishart will go to
Montreal to attend the eeesione of the
Preebyteriau Aeeimbly. Rev, Mr.
Umarou will pp
en 1 Melville ohorob
pulpit next Sabbath.
Neat Saturday afternoon, at the pre
paretory 880010, to the Communion in
Melville church, Rev. Mr. Ramie, of
Bolgrave, will preaoh, at 2.80 n'oloak.
The pastor will oonduot the escalates on
Rev. E. G. Powell end W. H. Kerr
are attending the London Conference of
the Methodist ohuroh which is meeting
iu Goderiob. The latter gives a Sunday
Sohool address in North Street church
on Sabbath afternoon.
Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. A., B. D. of
Gerrie, 0000pied the pulpit of the diet ohurob here last Sabbath and preach.
ed two good sermons. His morning
text wart, "Let your speech be always
with grace, seasoned with Balt, &o" and
in the evening the topic was Moeee, The
speaker was not a stranger having
preached here a number of times when
located at Ethel. Rev, Mr. Powell
preached anniversary sermons at Orange
Song SEnvpao,—Next Sabbath evening
a Bong service, entitled "The Prodigal
Son," will be given in the Methodist
ohnrob in this plane. The program will
be as follows 0—
"Praise God from whom all Musings
Congregational singing Canadian
Hymnal 64.
Leeson poke 16, 11-13.
Address 8 minutes "Riobone Living"
Eli Smith.
Choir, "What shall Harvest be 0"
Laeeon, Luke 15,14-16.
Solo, "Where is my boy tonight 2"
Miee Ttorea Gerry.
Addreee 8 minutes, "Want," Cheater
Duet, "The prodigal child," Mieeee
Bertha and Pearl Sharp.
Leeson, Lake 16, 17-19.
ouneregational Hymnal 113, verses
1, 4, 5.
(yluartette, "I will arise and go to my
Father," M,eeee Hiogeton and Wood
and Messrs. Riohardeon and Ranter.
Leeson, Luke 15, 20-21.
Addreee, "Father'e greetings,' 8
miuotes, Joe Hunter,
Chortle by choir "Y"e there le pardon."
Leeson, Lake 16, 22-24,
Address, "Rejoicing," 8 minutes, T.
Song aboic "Ring the Belle 01 Heaven"
Congregation, "All Hail the Power of
Jamie name."
B. Gerry will preeide.
MpNAm.—In Grey, on May 191b, to Mr.
and Mre. James MoNair, a daughter.
Riess.—On May 26th to Mr, and Mre,
Conrad Reis a daughter.
MaNN—ANDERSON.—At Melville Mance,
Broseele, on Wednesday, May 22nd
by Rev, A. 0. Wiehart, B. A., Mr.
George T, Mann and Mies Janet
Andereod, both of McKillop town.
SMITH RuTTAN.—At the reeidenoe of the
bride's parents, Lakelet, On May
22nd, by Rev. Wm, Smith, of Wood
stook, Mr. Milton Smith, of Blue.
vole, to Mies Laoy, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, Bennett Rattan, of Lekeleb.
W $TAKI$Hs'tt 1373
Head Office . Toronto
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household.
This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member
can attend to the banking when in town In case of death, the money may be withdrawn
by the survivor wiWout delay or cost. Write or call for farther particulars.
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
BANES—STEuoNAL—In St. Stephen's
ohnrob, (lorrie, on May 22nd, by
Rev, T. H. Farr, Mies Olara Biala
Stearma', of Howiak, to Mr. Wm. H.
Haney, of Blnevale
PAnL1N—MoMIOHAEL,—At the reeidenee
of the bride'smother on May 22nd
by Rev, J. H. Oiterhoat, B. D.,
Mise Eeie McMichael to Mr. Geo.
Paulin, of Wroxeter.
GowDr.—In Howiok, 00 May 20th, Jane
Nay, beloved wife of John G..wdp,
B, Ifo", Howiek, aged 40 year,, 0
months and 28. days.
KNOTeooN.—In Freepot, Ont., on May
27'h, John Bonet. n, formerly of
W' oxeter, age. 82 yr*.
WRITSIELD—In Grey, on MAy 29th,
Mary 0181,ldx, two, rid daughter of
Teutdale and Ruth Whitfield, aged
20 years, 8 months and 19 days.
FRIDAY, 311N0 14T11 —Farm, farm
stook and implem. nit, Lot 15, Coo. 8,
Grey towneblp, Sale at 180 o'clock,
Elizabeth Lamont, adminietratrix. F.
S. Soots, n0ationeer,
IB VSS£I,S M.&00. 'T6
Fall Wheat 75 '73
Barley 45 48
Nag 72 73
Oats 38 40
Batter, tube and rolls..., 18 19
Eggs per dozen . 17 18
Hay per ton 9 00 10 00
Floor, per bbl 4 50 5 20
flogs, Live , 6 60
Wool 24 26
Potatoes per hoe 40' 60
Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 50
Sit t, per bol., retail 1 25 1 25
anywhere from 10 to 20 years of age,
We have good openings for rade. mini Who
000e. to learn afLeIolae5 trade. Aonlyoor at
none. W. 8. WILLIE BHOE OO.,LxatlTEn,
Soalorth, 48-0
Braeeelaon Saturday last, gad the
name "Grate engravedon it. Finder will
much oblige by leaving t at Tan Poet. 1
0 for 8. R. No, 7, Grey Township (V11-
lage of Oraubrooli.) Duties to oommeuoe
after Rummer vacation Applystating sal-
eryaud experieaee, with testimonials, 00
or before July lot, to A MODI'NOLO,
47 4 ,Secretary -Trona., Cranbrook.
i .1 n Clack Collie Dog with wh'te and
ten on fila breast and mitten to the Dame
Brian " Any information leading to his
recovery will be gratefully reoeiyed by the
undersigned A suitable reward will also
ba paid to any one return!' g ,ho dog. 0 11.
FOBRl4-T, and Line, Mortis, Jameebown
P. 0. 47-tf
1 DEEB will 0e received by the under-
signed up to Jane 10th, for putting cement
5.,ors in basement of °reubr, ok eehool.
Specifications may be seen at McDonald's
010.0 Phe lowest or any tender not n6006 -
eerily accepted. Work to be oempleted be•
lore August let A, MOU 'BALD,
Bee -Treas., Oraubrook.
Rader and by virtue of the Power of sale
contained in a certain Mortgage, which will
be produced at the time of Bale, there will
be offered for eel.) by Piddle Aaotiou on
Friday, May 8151, 1807, at the hour of 1.80
o'clock in the afternoon, at the Queen's
Hotel m .the Village of Brussels, 3n the
Ounutyy of Huron, by F 8. Scott, Auctioneer,
the fOliowius valuable property, unmely
Being ail that certain tierce. or tract of
laud, situate, lyiug and being in the Towu•
chip of Morris, In the ()minty of Huron, for-
ward owned y Pabnok Hely, Suooiveut.
and being sae Weer taieu h the 80011) Huh
c1 t -et uunibe em urteeu lu the Eighth Oon-
ceaeion 01 too 00111 Township ul clonic, eon -
taming kilt., acres of land. The farm le
exo0110ut soil and in good condition. It is
uuder lease until the 1st day of .November,
A. L. 1007, upon terms which will be made
known ou the ...yid gale, or .upon applies -
010n tU the teutieraigued. Purchaser may do
Fall plowing. Tiler., 10 8 comfortable log
house and frame barn 81x62 feet with stone
Inundation. Terme of Sale—Tau per cent.
of the purouaee money to be paid to the
Vendor or his eoileitor on the day of Bale ;
the ualanoe lu tuirty days thereafter, For
iurbtier particulars and conditions of Bale
apply to either of the
b, B, iOUT7, A.B. dAODU
Auotioneer. 8olioltor for Mortgagee .
Dated at Brussels May 10111,1007.
We are. offering: souse
particularly floe bundles
of Rewuants at very low
prices, in many oases much
S below Dost. Nary suitable
for small bedrooms, dos-
ets, pantrys, &o.
is Inn of the undersigned, North i Lot
17, Coo. 7, Morris, a b'aok mare with white
hind feet. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay 58000800 and 1830 Mar away.
48.11 JAB. NICHOL, Brussels 0.0,
Tenders for Gravel
Tenders wilt be received by the under-
algued, Up to 8 oturday, June let, at p. m„
'm• suppling e0r0onedand uaaoreened.
gravel for the Oorpoation of Brussels for
stn season of 1907. Gravel to be got from
Miller Broe'. pit, The lowest or any tender
o ot neoeelarlly accepted. Work to be dote
at the direction ofthe street Committee,
48-2 F, B. 800'0T, Olerit.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of William H.
Hutchinson, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, deceased,
Notice is hereby given. pureuant to Revis-
ed Statutes o Oetarl,, 1807, Otap,190, and
amending Arita, that all ore,litorean't others
having a'y elation againaL the estate of the
.aid Wtniam a teutohinson who died on or
about the 18th day of May, 1907, are required
1111 01' before t•,e 00th day 01 June. 1907, to
Pend by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A. B.
Mood -meld, M the Village of Hameln, Sol-
loiter for A. George Welch, Ethel P O., and
Pinlay S. Scott, Brussels P.O.,' the N;xeaotore
0i the nand deeeaaea,their Cbrietiau a id intr-
namee and ,addressee with full partlonlare in
writl,tg of their Maims, the statement of
their 60800818 and the nature of the Emmy-
iii any) held by them.
And "ohne le further given that after the
said fast mentionedotieddate thesaidthe
will proceed to distribute the asset et of o1 the
dosoaaed nmongat the parties entitled there-
to, bating regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have notice and that
the said Exeentore 100111 nob to liable for the
assets, or any part thereof, to any person or
pereoue whose Maims notice shall not
have been
received by atomat the time o1
Snub distribution.
Dated at Brussels, May 28th. 1007.
47.3 8olIeltorlor Eaeontore,,
G. N. McLaren
An event so great that all previous efforts are overshadowed. Saturday, May 11th,
we inaugurate our First May Sale of Boye' and Men's Clothing and place before the
public the most complete stock of Boys' and Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing that has
ever been offered in Brussels. This sale presents an excellent opportunity to save
money. We guarantee the quality of our Clothing, They are all made by reliable
makers and are perfect fitting,
Boys' Suits, regular $3 and $8.50 for $2.69
-Boys' 2 -piece Suite, in lovely new Spring -
patterns, Tweeds, light and dark colorings, double
and single breasted, well made with good trim-
mings, perfect fitting. for boys 7, 8, 9 and 10 years
old, regular up to $8.50 ; choice for $ 2 69
Same Qualities and Patterns as above
2 -piece Snits for Bnye, age 11 to 16. regular
rip to 35.00; May Sale Price 8 49
Men's Suits regular up to $9 50 for $6.75
Men's Tweed Sults, single and double breasted
styles, light and dark colorings, strong linings and
perfeot fitting, nil sizes from 36 to 44, regular
values up to $9.50 ; May Sale Price 6 76
Men's Suits regular up to $13.00 for $9.76
—Men's Tweed, Worsted and Sorge Suite, sin-
gle and double breasted styles, light and dark
elia4ee, cut in the newest Spring 0ty)ea, extra good
lining and perfect fitting, all sizes 86 to 44, regu-
lar values up to 318,00 ; May Sale Price 9 75
Boye' 3 -piece Suits reg. up to $6.00 for $4.49
—Boye' 3-pieoe Suite with Knicker Pants, in a
big range of New Spring Patterns, light and dark
shades, tingle and double breasted styles, good
strong lioiuge and perfect fittiug,'for boys aged 10
to 10, regular values up to 416.00 ; May Sale Price 4 49
Boys' 3 -piece Suits reg. up to $7.60 for $5.69
—Boys' and Young Men's Snits, in light and
dark shades, Tweeds, New Spring Patterns, good
linings, made with long pants and are perfeot fit-
ting, Bizes 32 to 35, regular prioe up to 417.50 ;
May Sale Price 5 69
Men's Odd Pants
—Men's Odd Pante in 'Tweeds, Serges and
Panay Worsteds ; Speoial Values at from..31.00 to 3 00
Bo}a' Odd Ki,icker Pants
—Boys' Odd Bnioker Pante in Tweeds and
Sages a complete range in stook ; Special Values
at from . 26 to 1 00
Latest in Men's Hats are here
We have in stock an A 1 assortment of
Men's Shirts, Collars, Ties—in fact every-
thing in Men's Furnishings.
Spring Rain Coats and Toppers
Only a few Spring Rain Coats and the
Short Toppers left ; all new and choice pat-
terns. If your size is here you can buy one.
lit Wholesale Price.
Highest Prices for Produce.
Goods Right or your Money Back.
G. N. McLaren