The Brussels Post, 1907-5-23, Page 6NOTES AND COMNiENTS • One of the greateet Motors in the ad- vancement ef civilization today is the Of the joUrnaltatio peen, Man- ' eleekind is brought Lino eloaer: tOtioll Willi 1114 ICBMs thee ever before theougb the .g.genetvelly of: tbe preset WhichIs Mein* t tainted theaugh the gigantle efforts ef ". "'the jkghtest Minds of 'Image, The pros- 'tigetet the etainreen individual Is Pro" Meted' by the opportuntty the press at. t,11.d5 him 14 become 'informed, The press is not onlY an out of Useful in; , fornieteote, but le is an opportuntle for -persimal expression, the exehange et ,which tends to develop and elevate In1. lumen, al largo. it it were not possibLe Io' the individual citizen to voice bis •sentinients in regard to the government, ot which he Is a part, that goverrunent eMnid grow desnolic; and the individual +4++++++++++ 1 pet her 'tenths on hie breast. emettegly, and gazed. up at Mtn in het' most fasten. Ming Manner. 11 eoulthet be hard ott the Man who got me baek my beagle, you 0001" she hinted. "I'll make inquiries," .he repeeted. His Luau wus cold and format. led Lady Erlyotte, her mind eel et the lost lwacelet, did not notice Me lack ot peeper lover -like eagernese. "Ilandeonie • Dick!" she was thinking, "he's madly in love with Me. He'll do anything to get my bangle back -even tA buying me a new ono. I suppose beet A Bond Street Romance. ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. wh1tenwtasowonnefol°kt collin(117de abltIttiMerstawIt'sisrha°1(31371 1°'Irtattio°nSelphetirae4.(1 eyriaoltell.:310Pittvettisraceeer" It would rain, or sneer, or ball, or Ilium der --anything rather than pierce their marrows with this imen, dry wind, There was frost, in the aim and overhead the sky was leaden, The pavements were trtgld end oruel-lel' mere cruel, in their gritty cleanness, than when they are streaming with mud. Already the lights glittered In the wee- dows 01 the Regent Street ehops - for there is nothing which the West End sMesman dreads so much as the least deer of she sighed -Me have a man look after one's a tethr e Strangely enough, however, Dick Wes - tertiaries sleps were not diteeled towards Scotland Yard at all, but towards (Ile Bond Street croesing. It, "I know what emiee ve come to The strangely refined volee of tile who keeps to himself the treasures he suspicion of gloom. M tho a flower -girl rose faintly but distinctly . thids through study or analysts of things bonbon emporium a man and woman from the Pillow of the bed in the hos• presented to his view wIll become fa- steed, °hailing; a distinguished pair, pltal ward. every inch of whose attire, from their "Vve come because 1 recognized you," netieal and prejudiced, 14 Is necessary immaculate foot -gear to their respective Diek Westerinun responded gently, thea .we mingle our Ideas, sharing them silk hat and Parisian toque, Indicated bolding over the bed. "I recognized 16 we share other things. The great- wealth and luxury. the little Dora I used to know before veer Lady ier. 1 went out, to South Africa* the little est advancement history can record can "fern it deliciously as she Dressed Dora used1 to meet at the' vkarage, eine was murmuring only be deeived from ceeoperattve bram - • pressed Dora learned to love." her doll -like pink-and-whae cheeks work, and journalism as 11 stands to. day Is the greatest teeter of such a co- operation. against her costly mute I do love the cold." Captain Westerham laughed. it thought when I saw you in Bond Street; struck him that one might reasonably but I dared hardly hope—" • enough "love" the cold, when one could ,,i, too, was not sure," he said, "so Dig half a hundred. miles into the earth afford le wear five-leundeed-gulnea fur I came back to ask the constable at the and what will you find? The Hon. R. J.:chalks; but he refrained from voicing =sem, g There, I heard it really was Sheet, F. R. S, has gathered rocksate thoughts. YOU who had been knocked down by 1 "if you like the cold," he ettg- na all the world over, granites from ou rear, the cab, and I hastened straight on bo tgested, "let me take you home walku'le here, I wanted to stop at the time, but Cornwall and Rhodesia, basalt :rem Ithetead oe le the brougham. I couldn't very well leave''he hail' Greenland, the Victoria Fails, and Ira- "A, good idea," she said. "It is Met titled in embarrassment -'leave the , .-- lend, syetate from Norway, leudle from i the bracing weather for a walk."h See lady I ww as alking with," Mount Vesuvius, and bee estimated as ;spoke as though the halleolle or sus , "Yes, Lady Erlynne. 01 course .000 to her Belgravia mansion was a couldn't leave her.'' a result of prolonged investigations 111,0.3. 503,1031.5 athletic undertaking, "You know her name?" not more than one-thietieth of the total! Dick Westerham told the chauffeur at or guessed at unee that tt was she. 1 1 clume 01 the earth is composed t I 1 Lady Erlynne's electric brougham tituid, read the newspapers at a free library y 14 iltrelli and the s"mthfles, and in the society column reeks, which are Le be found on the sur- hlatdneededa‘ev•ealt ne elo face. As a result of his deductions he; Erlynne ot a'small parcel wlitch she was 1.111lid seen your name coupled with estimates that the depth of the earth's . carrying -an expensive box of 011000- 1.4 "There's no truth in that!" he broke crust is approximately forty-flm reties. lates-and the handsome couple moved in "Not now. I must. confess I thought This deduction coincides to a certain de. <I0 on their stroll homeward. , , fool that I was -that I cared for her. A handsome couple they made, indeed. Dere. it wee only e nessino fanev, 1 pee with the calculations of Prof. Milne, Westerham, tall. well set up, an intense- ' e. — - --- - • the earthquake expert, who has been ly manly man Lady Erlynne, slim, ex• investigatteg to the same end by the ' quistiely made, perfectly gowned, a observation of earthquake tremors and type of our hot -house aeistocraey. Wes - 1153'e 1110 h ad to lieten The gIrls eyes opened wide. "It's Ilickl" she gasped. "It's really dear ,eld Dick! 'Too good to be Irue, I have never cared for anyone but you, my little sweetheart -never forgotten you. I've tried to find out where you vanished to, when the vicar died and their speeds. Prof. Mae coincides that 10 her chatter; and, in some strange !left you penniless, while 1 was at the h ot thirty miles below the . war. And this afternoon. the instant at a dept hal this bend added curiously to his I saw your face, it. all came back to me earth's surface exist rocks whose phy- dignity. 'triune on the exterior. Mr. Strutt coin- g and sscninurgeb steal properties are simear to these Al crowded IthStereereette teshe hewesas, car7they Ld perforce to stop a moment pules the Internatioaal heat of the globe before attempting to reach the opposite to be about 1,500 centigrade at about side. As they did so, a thin, shabbily 1 grhib):Tn forty -live miles below the surface. Such dressed figure winch. sheltor- a heat indicates [he meitIng poInt of Iton, but it is considerably below the nielting point of platinum. which Dr. Harker fixed at 1,710° centigrade. 1114 isnudadecnsllymepru0shead nag way grward. It was a poor flower-gtri. "Will you buy a bunch of violets, sir?" she pleaded, in a timid, refined veice. ,Dick Westerham swung round and compassionately surveyed his question - What do the birds feast upon at. tbetr er. For an Instant he merely noted that dinner parties and belle? A remark- Ishe was miserably clad; that her tatter - able work has been in progress for the ed shawl was wrapped round her by the icy wind, and that the trembling last seventeen years under the direction hand whin held up the bunch of 'Men -and-- But tell me, are you badly hurt?'' '11o. ..no only shaken. And didn't Lady Erlynne dtscoyer her loss? That wasn't why you came?" "What do you mem?" Dora's hand stole under her pillow, and then came forth again, clasping something. "1 managed to conceal it when they brought me here." She opened her hand, revealing the dia- mond bangle. "I saw It fall," sbe explained falter- ingly. "I made a dnh into the street to pick it up. Cari you guess why?" A Mush suffused her cheeks, "Because It flashed acrees my mind that if I pick- et, it up before anyone else, il, would sive 015 then be able to understand me an excuse to speak to her, and. of Prof. Beal of the biological survey at lets was almest as blue. wit the co id Washington. It is no other than an ace " the flowers themselves. Then he what. sort et a wman-what 5001 01 a woman you were going to marry, Dick. SaW her face, and gave a start of 10.'curate determination 01 the harm or We women judge each other quickly, benefit aecruing to matt from the Vari. ems wild birds which share the land, During this period the professor and his iald,4mason lusarm•,, she was saying. ‘'Huste 13118111" he whispered, for her assistant have microscopically examen 1voice was wavering. "at silly apt - e creduk.us as on . you know. I know a good woman when He opemel his lips to speak; but were Ise* one, and I wanted to find out what Lady Erlynne's gloved fingers your future wife—" "Wen along. get iteDink,ross nose" Sure enough Th he contents of the stomachs of 00,a sede is dead mid buried. Believe me, ed t policeman was detaining the traffic, Dora, it meant nothing, even before I met you again. But now that I have met, you again. I'm going to claim that promise you made to me before 1 went away." Dora was smiling now, a wan, happy smile. "And you'll take back the diamond bangle to Lady Erlynne?" she said, Inconceivably laborious tabulation and rem pereen?' And before Dick could bending it to him. examination of the results it at length argue Nether. his ennmanion had be-- "I'll send it. not take it," he answer. good or harm or just wiet• eeeportioncdOuLlleide the hospital the fierce north dr y. berame possible to say elite Lew 131033113 gun dnintly te pick her way across the fer birds to see exactly what they had swallowed, It must be remembered that thousands of tiny insects and grubs bad to be recognized by eueh Infinite. sena' things as their hair or scales, kr, naturally, they Wert' not found whole In the stemachs of the captors, By and the roadway was clear. "1 want to buy .some violets," Dick protested starnmeringly. Lady Erlynna threw an indifferent glance at the flower -girl. "Buy violets In the street?" she said, with an unfeigned sneer. "What are you drowning of, Dick? I couldn't touch nny 11, so' re bought from a -from a pau- wind still howled shrilly; but Dora the , of both eesitated mementand is wrought by an ee- Itinds of flewer-girl knew that she need fear it &erne. eel to name and speak to birds found upon a farm (e. elmtalean.1-II "1 1oar- no longer. Those whieh do good. 3111? there are ner Imam. as fig egh repelled by her ie 1.1, e mune in am • • the many of them -by feeding upen harm. rieh sieter's itneencealed contempt. Bet When Lady Erlynne opened the reg- al' 'needs or, centairitylee, by demur- 1°Y Etrlynrite s•asee arterted,zil:iliell)efot;hale' lesileernredingPapoaksIg, esh.sell'imeirivehascicrmy lonfedbIlight. 'fletal inemels, ntay be len unmelested beli;nd. D"l'i'tk crime to a meek de- bed or collomwool, end sperkled he ing the paraeltee which emery the berm- eteeTilst tell'Perispraerl natictit bad neenteteste Her diamond bangle fell forth from 131 tits :g . even actlyely emeatraged 1:•y the farm- melon, and sprang after Dick has found it tor me already," her. 01' '111.11 man behind the gun is robbed teTgehteheierre, :hedhetithethireetneep.poteseietteehendat'heymtehee, " she murmured. "Hew clever of him, et his last 0)111311,'? (01'tedisechninate slaughter of the reale:Ted tolk. - CHINA'S SORROW. newed in again. But .A d I in:lag:fee this Is a note to say that pelmet:Ian's reed, even as It did se, there was a sudden ti going to call this afternoon and Aleut and the tremple of drawnem e"--- f, meneive his reward. It's rather a nul- nee but lies ' a dear good soul, and hoofs. An aenident had occurred. ' - ,- someone bed been run over, will adore no; and 1 oare say 1 shall West:N.1min stared back, but Lady Er- earune to look ,after 0.15_,, great sorrow overshadows. Mina, be more every with a nice strong male and has overstimiewed it kr centuries. • ere, 0,!it0. Dieter she 'cried. "Some- Imme draggee 111311 on, She unfolded the note, and commene- m Its name la the Heeareeho, 'nee is thing dreedkg h„, he:opened, 1 erie„,; eit to peruse 13. Her eyebrows rose. despite the frantic efforts of engineers 121 Tin no • o f, Iv an sp, Why Thig is what oh e reed: a mighty river which is for ever teeing, 1 ' 1 going 1 -I . d to keep it ben. Te prevent it frem n• . 0 ead- 1 I 1 't "Dear Lady Erlynne,-4 am glad In he slimed one look at tee:roes? TheM overfeaving. the river is embanlod and the stem ef 341(161." tight b til ug 1 . can . erieure able P., return your beamed to emu/etre- reetrained kr a lime, but in the end it with, cengratulating you on laming re - Nee tad le yield,. Aired with disaaree. gelned suet! a 1' 3(311111 (.1141.101 ‘0 triumphs. The sediment it. heave along amp taneeinuennee nett tet 50.111(3 3(1.1,» "1'4414'11Y' Y'rel meth -rt must of necessity be deposited glean 831,11.51tinylie18g 1(311(0' sure that konieteihere. and the ernbenkrrente ecieree th, '1,14;1 1111 ei tee W11'141111 W115 r11'1— it into depositing iteelf :deter the re"- Absurd! Hew -emild it be? Arid yet-- er's- bed. Thus, the I-Nein:alai it 11135178 He felt uneerrikteemit, elentlily mounting higheie If, in the . Five minutes tidee ee Teem et the deer gigantic earthworks, hundreds el miles et Lndy Erlyrine'e bouse, reel -to her . • lolong.g, them Xs the relates! weakneas, supreme astenishnienteetivelined to enter 3013. the 3,003131 is fatal to the lives ef thou- and 31,13.0eatuts. A tiny eran geowe into a leak, "DM but wet mitet• e.?,'• the leak into a rent, the rent into a "I de ee went te Mlle end shew tem greet breach, turd then 311" .011rutoust senvelting ((33)1,1.bOdY of water daxliee; tiewn upon the bloke off with 03'y of 41isrnpy. "My ' teeming plain below. 71'his is of tre- tangier - she 4111F; 333 1,,',' wriei-- quent occurntnee, and it is enz.".y to un- *my diamond benele gene! /1111`4 Pealitipa derstimil how the Uwe:iv-110 is China's live eett ii-eroppee it! wby did eorrow. I well: home hest:eel et driving? Dive, 4. Mete wind am 1 lo do? 441talt die of grief It I lose that t31333111,334d 1,;n 2133." LOSING TIME. een go and make inquime," Diet: of. Ceelniondely ; "You end your sister keel veguely. ere ere you not?" "Yee. Dielc, you'll find it Mr ree. e mm ariilianks t "We were when Wo V.0111" lett Pried, elnine et hie rad. 'were children. Now, hw oes er, she 13. Me "Irom 'll lre." he Pised- :veers 1'°3)' than I," "And :If 7003 find irw e her ee lineirel up le tile -"if yeti find it, 131.13,, thereet e leieWl. Nothing short of tttli-grown enr0833(1.ha rewind, you rewarel you by saying -11y enying 'Yes' Vera his jorii b. ta 1 an I ask me -a week a o" quake multi jolt a po .t, *feat grafter loose re, that otteetion men you 1 heor, the by. that 1 tun engaged Ye teemed. and that the wethilng 10 1,3'd ter an early dole next month. My fierwee end I have deemed red le js„ sue any 11.4 the needy is to be quite quiet.-Yeurs feithfully, "Bithard Weeterttairt." Liely Etlynne furiomly lore the 181. 3'r 1,1 elirede. 13 '1,Vit 304 till reed, cloy (1.,33, The fr,,,ten hud dis03pp0111'0d from 1101 brow. "Anyway. he bland my jpvt, 4.1 for me." 'Way, 1110 ;411e 140111iti1 with %opt, 010 wai; fildf, 3.1, (31111141 1.111 1)10/ him timed the jewel ter him- self, London Aretwers. 11E13 P1toTIAIII,14 relive kire. fleueelly "New, ray tiff ara fajta/Tail 111' 1111 eurtitner. r.r 4,3(11)' (11'').' MIS? 1 1,111,0ny "NIL 1.31 try 11). 1 elialmee 11 0:111 10' 1(0' te1 imiehee 3301111. NW (Mid Nnatr. 111011 5W1111,1 1031f" 3,1,5,' 11104. any. ileng ihie weld if a 104011P11 110,1 100 D31'f1a0 them to, ERSONAL POINTERS, Intereeting Gossip 'About Some of the Worlins Proteinent People, Prince Alexander of Battenherg, bre- therof .the Queen of Spain, Is rapidly making e nettle ter himself amongst lxis illustelotts relations as a singer ot comic gentle. Ile has a good voice, possesees Ili e tette Battenberet gift for muse., and withal has an Irresistibly Molt 50317 With 111111. It was 11115 handeome yeung man who whee at school., having ,pponjed to, Ma grandmother, the tate Queea Victor- ia, for some poelmt, money, and being justly rebutted for extravagance, replled later that his dear giendinamintt would: be pleased to leave his immediate needs had been satisfied, us he had sold her aulognaph for thlety shillings When Lord Weiseley-who %MS then famous as Sir Garnet -was in Natal some years ago, he called together a meeting of all the greet tablets, and sent a specied Invitation to the Zulu, moearch to be present. Instead of complying with this request, Calaway° caused a bag of 5013681 10 be despatched to Sir Garnet Wolseley, accompanied with "a notifica- tion thee the Zlllll WarrlOra were as nuinerous OS gnalns of wheat. Sir Gar- net, equal to the occasion, caused the corn to be ground, and In that form re- turned It to tee King, with a message to the effeet 11361 11 ho teetewayo) did not lake care, he (Sir Garnet) would have 11101 pounded like the wheat. This clever rejoinder had a terrifying effect upon the allegory -loving King of the Zulus. Prince Ferdinand, the "ruler" of Bul- garia, is In the unique position of being unable to find a wife. High and low has he searched for a PHneess to share hts little throne, but without success. WE WERE OVERLOOBED EXASPERATING, INSTANCES OF CAIIDI31) WEALTH, 018. Ten Tbeasanit Enatteh sovereign Thrown 1010 the Nile -Great Loss to Art. Sornewheett beneath the ever -shifting sands of the Nile lie two stout wooden netts, each CentainIng tea thousand English. sovereigns. Na less an individ. ual than Lord KtIcheeer of Khartoum, when a plain lieutenatilmolonel, Wh$ concerned In bumeng beyond ail hope of resurrection tuueh treasure, Just, atter the fall of Khartoum, in 1585, whoa the troops were evacuating bendy, on the Nile, vast stores of pro- visions, and general Impedimenta of an er1117, WON, for lack of treusport, and le prevent 1110111 falling into the hands oi the ordered to be destroyed. To Kitchener fell tee duty of carrying eta these instructions, and accordingly be had the cases caviled out to the mid- dle 0( 1110 river and dropped everlkard. STREETS FLOODED WITH BEER. PRINCE RUPERT S CAREER TOE MODEL frliF,otAn1.1(1.HADVIllieel'ItlIOLS etch of the Man After When; the New Britisti Corumbitt (illy 'Was Prince lettpert Notrilleadv.aria was the ne- phew of elharles 1, of 1411gland. At 10 lie. was already temples Ile a ramjet, and 31 Student. Ills reekless bravery in hat. 1,1t., his charm of meaner and his as a leader, won for world-whle reputation In contitieraal wars. In 1042, 1011011 the war between Charles and Par. liatnent broke out, Rupert, who was only e2, hurried to England, and offered hie servieee to his uncle. Cherlee made Mtn a general of cavaley, and he at once turned the full knee of his courage and bewilderingly rated military tactics on the Roundheads, With his cavalry he was here, there anti everywhere, alriking lightning WOWS a1110113 they win* least expeeled, hurling back an advancing Parliamentary army ity day and pursuing its retreating regtmente by night. Tireless, relentless, Rantingly ieckless, this 22-year.old youth became Eleven thousand barrels of good beer the emerge and dread of the whole were recently turned into the New York Parliamentary hose Ile would fight or sewers by the orders or a ems, Schmidt, pursue tor ei hours on a stretch, with - who had just taken over Messrs. Stein'e wOarilleaa (Well prudence, giving big bretveley in that 'city. leather than the Inc no ehanee to ivaeVer from the give a fresh bond to (he Government iiret attack. And victory followed hlm for 575,000 (tn old one having exetmn. attuoet, everywhere, and to save a threatened tax of 53.000 If the beer remained in her Mime, this PLOTs OF ENEMIES. eceentrte lady decided to turn her beer , He has sought the hands of numerous 313,5110 the drams. The,„058 seeerdieges „... king. whim 01117 24 he wasn him by made ta:1101'S Ware.showercK1 upo ladies, Au,strian archduchesses, ausetan done, and as the contents el the great me Fatherland, but without, avail. Last meter than it could run away under. grand duchesses, and princesses of the eaees flooded the 13011800 0.1331 pavements \13'i11(. Al the great battle of Marston Duke tit Cumberland and President et grotuld, the huge crowd whieh had hnl,ellt‘shensdr,-Iikl;evekli'lenrit,emeht,'sjSjeeteh, regi" summer at Idarienbad he had the mute possIbility of Ins suit being favored bY much geed liquor 'evinced their emotion "' 'Ike come am, was age to sound King Edward as to any gathered to \views, the weete er et, ,,,,,,v checked . y Princess Victoria of England, only to re- and dieapproval by deep groans. selves. Often he seemed hemmed in b the tronsIdes them- ceive from His Majesty the intimation by a superior force, but always fought that ins daughter dld not, at present at ht:?vre, 'lkseeebniassaeneerINhvVeenir kne.153'4'ionerenteTink`al Ms way 0111 10 safetY. In 1643, when all vents, intend to marry. H he as- that the king's cause Was hope - success In finding a wife is attributed to His "14 or- the 501)035 ot Ma oelleetion of Prt"leas lese. be wisely advieed Charles to make some inexplicable and amazing ancient jewlery, tapestry and modern oom - ge a promise with Parliament, But an pathy which he arouses in the fair sex. gems should he sunk off the coast of , or -Anglesey. He asserted that hardly an ken; le disegard the yeung hero's coun- The Rev. R. Moseley, preaching at the Rupert's enendes at court persuaded the ISB His first wife died in 1800. item In the catalogue had not been the 001 arid thus to throw away the un- . Guards' Chapel recently, told a pathetic: limey monarch's chance of restoration). story .of the late Queen. A young soldier ONE CRIME 011 ANOTHER, Three enenues, envious of Super s Was lying near death in one of the hospi- • tame, then Iceil: new steps to elite+ Mae tals, atild Queen Victoria visited tem, and for the sake et mankind at large He was sent le hold the town of Bets - The man had been in a hot fight, where it would be better il the whole let were tel. It teas attaeked by a large Paella - bullets were.flying in a terrible fashion, immediately done away with. Two Ihrraly army, and after a heroic do. and he got badly hit and fell. Although expensive lawsuits followed this (Teen- fenee of three weeks, Rupert was forcee suffering great pain, he managed to drag tric will, for which, in the end. the 1 te et:senate the place. Urged by the himself twenty yards and rested behind warts decided, and the old man's vaili- yeung men's enemies, the icing wrote a sangar. As he lay there he saw a oom. es were carried out in the pre.senee of le Rnpert from Oxford, depriving him rade fall, as he had done. The brave the executors from the deck of a yeah' of hie rank and °Mee, dismissing him boy, with the greatest pain and difficulty, a 111110 0101, at sea, one of the most de- tem the army, And ordering him to dragged himself to where his-itrinen Plorable losses to art ever recorded. ir.ok for a living somewhere acmes the Similarly. wben Mr. Joseph Biel:abet. , sea. comrade lay and brought him back to the shelter. As the great Queen was told the inventor of tee Nenpartel erenzungAS -A SEANIAN. the story she put her band on the arm jenny. died. the reading et the will of of the soldier, and said, "Thank you, elm of the riehest men in the 'North.( Feriens at this insult, Rupert mount - my dear son, for all you have done for Egrengaltandreperohte:edwaelhthlefottrereupttentoecter ''.frini.fri.thae.c,r sC'1_,Ieto-..k r,n.:17to,'Sxtriohrdor:SeA, nanarnd s117.0teldno16t. renal! me," 0)11.7 lay encamped between him ant sl with Mr. Rickaby's etplice tn- For few men has exile been made quite so pleasant as for Don Carlos, the Pre- sivtictions, his heirs destroyed rr,,p.,(1/1. i:11:8,1,e,s,r1e1Illncartioni.le lotengrifolyaglirtebuhicised. way s tender to the throne of Spain. Many or ery and plant to the value of £33O$117 trimmer: and rushed into Charles' pees - his years of exile have been spent in his For many years the big 1114111111.08in- s palace in Venice, where the great come had exceeded .4150.007 arm -teeny. anaTt.e:lesset,;,.):0rstnecett.talc,ifd dtheenmeenudeedtrft.tArialmainttd wealth which his wife, PrincesMaria ante - de Bohan, brought him, has surrounded thm e whole ef this et SUM ht.r e . way durieg, his lifetime. Beelees 'Mtery ceune.1 triumphantly acquitted him e it can be said that man has conquered him with luxury and pomp which are al- doomed plant, he left behind only 111,- and the king 0M70 more became recore most kingly. In Venice the 'tall, -stately NO fee his two nephews. ma cent:et:en eilee to the br.avest of his generals. But the air," said elajor Baden-Powell ire seen after Rupert wa,s captured by the addressing the 1111'11111e113 of the :Royal figure of the Pretender is a. familiar that they carried out the etriet leiter ef Ideleorological Society, 'London, recent - sight. either walking with an escort of his will. Even the dead mates elevere Wundheade rd ensent to France. There ly nn "'rhe Exploration of the Air." hie- gondola. But the Prince is a. restless whole 01 the inventor's .1„eoe.ed „eel, i 111-113 command of an English fleet, and due course the executere -redeem?, tee- lene, who made hen a marshal. lee tees' Gallery" was desireeme. end in lee won high favor under the French Government made the first diredble. air- "Twenty-flve years ago the Fromm his favorite dogs or taking his ease in One day he is in Paris, another in Rus- to scrap-ironl , Laren -II the BriUsh coast, (et/elm ,. ship," he said, "ane 11033' they possess a SWEAT SHOPS OF BADEN WHERE A DAret WORK MEANS Six. TEEN OR Slie'ENTEEN 1100515, Pate, limaatated Work -children AM Employed Under Six Years of Atte. The factory 1118330010)13 of the (learnt Duohy ef Baden, Germany, have pub- liehed a comprehensive report on the home Indtertrios of their emilltrY• 501110(3501110(3has attracted much attentien beeause ot the picture i1 penile of the nilsery and destitution in 511111411limp portion ef the population I(10136. It 18 recegneeed besides, that the pleture Ls only that which might be &ewe in any other Germ n 81 a he In these Immo Industries In flatten there are over 20,000 persons pmployed. (4. menet 04. pee mt. are females. Atnoag the thousands of children etn- ployed many are under sI yettrs old. The report says they look pale, emaci- ated and SPVIOUS, They are described also as Meld rind as generally com- plaining of '71113113 SCHOOL WORK'. With regard to* the number of hours worked by these people, the report says that days of thirteen and fourteen hours arc by nn means rare, and It not intre. quently happens that sixteen end seven- teen hours are worked. Them is no regular time for meals. These are eat. en anyhow, in odd Intervals. In the brush and china button Indus- tries women work usually unlit 11 o'clock at night. Cases are reeordee where work begins at 3 or 4 0110011 131, tho, morning in summer and 5 In win. tee Red lasts until. 9 or 10 at night - sometimes till after midnight. Women have come to the factory inspeetore weeping, to complain of their intact. e011'. earnings. Even. men in the watch Industry of the Black Forest work for fourteen ptennige (a fraction over 3 cents all hour, working (13180)1hours a day. 'flats makes a daily wage of something over two 11011(8 (50 cents), IN SEVERAL OTHER INDUSTIefES wages run from three pfennige Manny 1 oent) to twenty pfennige (5 mile} an hour, and in the concertina, erchestetere and similar Industries the wages of even skilled workers aveeage between len and eleven marks (52.50 be ee.75) weekly, IL is worth mentioning that in nee report the inspectors complain of the insanitary condition under 501110 most of this home work is carried' on. The work Is done In 1111 homes, on (1)110350ee111 are filthy with refuse, scraps of food, and dirty dishes, and the wee e made are transported brick and forward in baby nets 111 which eicic children are carried. This is even the case when the home workers are employed .11 pee. paring stuff for large jam and preserve factortes. CONQUEST OF l‚71111 Set1-Recording Instruments nt a ot Sixteen elites. "Wry little remains to be done before man, and rarely stak ys ng in one place. !trade, lereing parliamentary citiese, and elle' ifnot.mere' Mat seems he e slag and, in fact, the whole of Europe 215,000 ALWAYS IN THE 'WAY. &Armen' g Parliamentary shipping. 1-15 really practical tar vessel of war. 105, his home, until the time when he draws in earnest the sword which his Under a shed at Port Natal, during the I was cornered by a powerful fleet in a "Count Zeppelin has also produced in late Boer War. exposed to all weathers scription, "Draw nee not without right, laex. II, was always in the way. tea it Pe: fame he had wen on land. Return- „ : 1 Pertuguese harbor, but fougla his lea). Germany a machine which in point of nor sheathe me without honor. lout and continued to duplicate al, sea size as well as in speed has beaten all to Paris, he devoted himself to set- remSrmdsall balloons eltpable of ellaintiie, wife gave him, and which bears the in - for many months, lay a small ironband- "Tonenies" detailed for fatigue 'Mg Few men living have had a career war ' the greatest heights and carrying self - more roanantio than Mr. lames j. 13111, duty on the wharf fell over the ebelacie lettere unproven a gunpowder, and, it recording instruments have recently as - „to In the dim light and mimed vie.ereusly, ;Le said. Inventing the process of um- cended to the enormous altitude of 82, - Um American railway magnate, and missed by, rubbing their cierns. One iaciiint engraving. 000 feet, or nearly sixteen miles abeve now announces his intentlen to retire from active work. Born in Ontario daY• the fetere of the embarkution staff. He promptly ;5' Meng came an importunt member 1 ..I..r.hz 1eflerbirt.entimertiptebdricLtteloatEhlutt, fleet i wheel mcneeed that country. mid the surface ot the earth. Meteorological measured his length over the tron-hound i age 01 50 he Wt1„5 known as the best ee. the kites have been much improved in re- titled by road was carrying wood and freight on nearly seventy years ago, President of the Great Northern Rail - tax, and, exteaperated beyond meaeure, player in Great Britain, and in cent years, and instruments ordered a couple of soldiers Wending ' lemile kites releined by steel %elves have echo his back from the wharf at St. Paul, ally ascended to a height of folk miles. Minnesota, to the Mississippi steamboats They were about te obey, when prudence ' tern to "cluck the thing Mio the done •elekls, in mutt and in war held proem - struggling years as clerk and coal mem- e for two dollars a day before, after a few made the high °nicer give another er., I med.,' cif all adY(31110'011.5 }1011111a, Rapart lady irlirOCIllead illt0 the service. Men Re hod the eese carrit.d int,) hig 1 0mlinued hie inoleorie career, until there sweet over all compeliters. mile "Al Aldettehot kites have been regu- were flrst lifted by this means in 1895, chant he commenced in a modest way, C301% his amazing career as a railway con - in ma d coin , ra g„ 0 say i u i in strue.ter, which has made him rich be - the Where yond the dreams of avarice. To -day the had never been "shed by ofilce and opened. It contained 4:51000 I 164. wil.Pn he died at the ago of 03,, in that year I myself matie n. meatier einrgheeeertliteetemempeeenetedi.hat has peen:pit new et nscents up to 100 feet high, but. im- provements have gradually followed um it now men have aelnally gone up to • (leaving a name for brilliancy end date SEReTION at LAHORE. and so high as to render the aeronaut, it height o(8,3300 fect-rin elevation p'rac- twelly beyond the reach of rifle bullets, ex -porter is worth mare millions than he ties” can count on the fingers of both hands; his reelections of pictures and gems are among the finest the world; and horn Ms million -dollar house at St. Paul he can look down on the old wharf where Rebuilding of San Franciseo Thee - he once Wiled so hard, and ofal the root sands of Then. of the little 130101 111 which his wife, in those poor and strenuous days, tilled the The horse le baying his day in San Francesco even though the day must in. bumble role of maid -of -all -work. Cardinal Merry del Val, the Pope's evitably close with his death. The ory Secretary of State, has played a prorni- of Me Ciair.07.21/D. 111011'01)01iS (o-dey 11) nerd rote in the recent crisis of the 1101 for :Veniality, net eir tnoney, but Church in Franne. The Cardinal et said for horses, Itorries-tuul mere hereto to be an indefatiguble worker, a frugal Inte the kundeliens of the elly iPj liver, a, man of etrong likes end dislikes, with a hot temper that is often In evi- dence. but always under control. Tag and Mini of figure, graeeful mown, , be. glows the highest type 0( 3(10' Ando- 1ustan in every feature. As a .youth feria) ere lobs- let he eentract. The eon - was very fend of pranks. When the trects hew. all eerie, of -pretteinue ter Cardinal goes on his rounds he delves in time etived. Tbe. eonirnoor r.,,11111.; Um a vehicle, sombre and heave, drawn .hy premium by driving lilt: iterees denim two black steltione with Bowleg 1.110001. Half all wall( teem Nevem met ete 6 the first Cardinal to indulge in Keerney elreele tiny hem el the dee -golf, a game which he plays tweet weekly wifl letel you [4) 11 dead hem, (jam ee Oyer pelyale counse in the grounds of Ilit Itereeee- witeked 10 death, mhe ewe the Villa Derie-Purtlehili• His leisure Met tatty ar 11/1. 10183111' 'UtrIP is emelt at the Papal 1'011/01101' Ilai Yam which earry drunlotri min to ace •tif Cede) Gendelfo, which Ile. Iltthee jail. Government hes centielittei with the We. Atel nie 1(1411 Witrril! (I, ie. to curl by telephone for the menhir tem. Lritte fp.W .horip,Li 1(3 Nottif.fiaii (0' Ilia Cardinal. Hp a; /111 nay/. la/ IJIII Oa' oIrlIgidt, — Chief Court Sustains Conviction of News. alq;et iflnyvinisgibiline.echine has come to stet,. paper Mere Years ngo people argued Met it wee The, Meer mutt al Labor,., India, last vivs•laPs0stsairMslietrtsvileilet 1111115111"thesireitilamt141111P11 week upheld the conyietion and sen- telvectdes of the cause pointed .1 11 ,itt.hterei:ttstedintht,hritteJrtntriNfja,lirtiteeeteellit triteenthelaisge(,wehttliet blittredstittriengdwtleieere W114 no gainsayIngs 11111ft,t, that be mould have been Moused to N. ---.....-4,–. possible." te regime. The Chief Judge, remarked duet: the tientenee hed the prisoners ex- A VALUABLE BRAND, pate:eel 110111111km. %$,Ite : "Wqgld yeti meny die for me?" He ; "No, dear, I would not." She : '"Fliere I I thought yott would not, and yet. you la_.1_1101 love." dying sort." Ile; "e47 dear, my love is of tbe un. HIS EXPLANATION. HORSES WORKED TO DEATH. ably 1 5,0uo eraugItt hersee are beteg Itit11.41:11i.ti,eethl t11.1113xe tlito,rt•Ni‘eititlel.teeld'I!veyulittegtleeldiettil(110. igt,..,:heei,tt.e, nett; yielfelleiblolTrede .\\()Lilzaly/0(10. 1113e1iit,t)gmtliestios;.7.1j,%T.,111 worked le (Math. Retrieval rd debris and hauling of frill, 111 1101 eenviefe. The inel.• afterwards along Me hien, uhsttulling eyeey ,','In *1 European- eri. route, mete they were dispereed by the 'lite tetemittior ,,1 '1101 t,unjubt news, 311/1131' 1111 rebranty litIm 1.entehe0/1 to Iwo yeat.:;' miprimdmadit 111141 01 1111e ef lite !mom and 1111, ethlor lo nix mutate impri,..onalt941 and of 11:1, 21)11, foe egetotip, haired 11(311 3)1,1, (be 1:103 0rnnwril mid the blitropmin tyntimunlly, '1'10t nu'. /1000d 11111 puldiebtol 331 lbeir paper a idatoment. Ilda a blardponn oftwer 11I1,1 01101 0 11,101adia1aglaa p,,Inenam haetrivna 31(01‘ 111 all traairrn 1111,01..m1vitig 131111 aro,j .,1,1,11/:.„.,10,1,,,,fr 11P:0%1%ff:31:II 1,11111.0 11,1(1 , IIII31 1,113 j . ifiroduow.1 ifortlio 00/T111'..; 111114 1.30. 11.010 HI 0 101 m111 I '1"1. Ish'vutin 1 u13 '111':. tin" 1'1'1' 4)"I'Hyd .11"1;11ffiel'ih711:e::::"")111 (hull 1ju,j,'31 1101I. NIWPIOt111111 1)'.W Ni1119'i t t:ma:tr 11111'r 31111,1111031111,111101 nat rnglery, 1111; 11111.lIl+111141::•111 Eurepeite nemiteeett 031 rettlyee morally ifl hill, ,',011111ry, wbrre the Iguelt. l'711,1"1(:::t1.011,11111111110r11 11:.1 14,11:13;;1111';:l' 11130150(31 12071' 01Mo/illy 11a11. Dia of Ilia 111'1:111:1':',11/!1‘4;,,11:11.::111"1:::13,1';:::1:1''.;;11'1::,.11f111,'1:1111VI'1Y1:111;i11:1:'1111(1117,111;')jil';':11'll'iii;)(11111191'1"))1:13ii:1111.11:10;1511' 1:11I1 UP' rii.-,1,4111 I j1j/10. r11 event me 11011(1111)1, 14)31 4' i0'lpl'JniOr 1;11111)111/1111;40 7 1,111 .10.0f04 10;6 ilir1/11,0-011110/1 Lu bit nititdi(ll, • 1)1 )1:1(113S A I)V1( ltbadatte 11101 1.11010;. farther 43)313) ttard 1110 -being 411h11 ;dela to ,yedr1 11,10m, 110.01. 11ffraf”:, J 1/00. 1111 1111, ON -Q' 1.31.' Mr. Veldt, : "flew ilia 11. 'Menem tlelt pee, . The Ii.,,t:'- j,iib ie lad!. '1110y you 511)11'tor eltellimir" tee elm/pelt 1... the gen 1.8131NlilAt :the 11'"yi:g","'', ,0ruarlee. \Miele eller Ile 1(11,111 'et 1, .111111 1,1p Iwonifin 1 1 ., Iro, ,0 9 11 . 1,ot4t,! 11 10111 (10...v ;410%4..7 111 Av.„)! Thor, 111, OM/ (10hrir-, „ 101110' 01 3),''t'3;, 11,3' hill Ilf, .1., 1 1.(100 eel', ii. a Va.'s •.a.' "Ill,. 1 tar e ,ire tiemilleicie fer the meet tepee,' . 111110H/1P iri 3 1 ill'ilINIII lijlif :11(1111 111101• 111n1 11 lila, 1(0%.11 11/01 la. .1 ,' "1 11 100" 11, i /. :1,1,1, 11 10 1111. 1.01'tt' 10,1q)1.0 'Ihrolooi .111.1 fol'llt 01 y1310." • /mime. elm hint 111111,33 Om 1 I Policeman (th gentlernrin penetrate Oa the plate 1 "You ore illIOXICIlle(1, Sir." ercstrale One tindtgnatillyl; n1(3ed7 Nothing ot the sere 1 Was onte looking 111 1117' ‘1111 tell lo see 50110 the tele WaS and overbala_nced_myself," Favorite colors for spring m111 be pah grey, beige, rind a MAN' 1`080 for often noon gowns. For slecet Wear 11101'018 fl 111(0,13)rtishagpll eititireb tivell;te1)10!..heeehitsiebgel.glit, but tool Mak Twain, when in London, dirge! 131111 e literary club, one et whose eules Is that each mtertbee shell Intro:ince Ma guest to the company formally anti In set phrase. This oustom appealed to Twain, and on being neked lo return thanks he referred to it "I 111m 11," he drawled, "for It reminds 1110 of Ilia lime I lectured in ft litilo town hi Ilia Itnelette. My chairman WaS 11 „'1311-131-318 'coeveptmoltere wile tomul the situation evidently lel:same. hald I (11)111 111.' ettemdtr.buetthtle 705' man nye, boys,' he id Min only say tWo things in 1118 18001', One le 1.11t1 110'8 never bea)1 In jail, auel the other is that I don't knoW Wilt:" Then he sat doWn.