The Brussels Post, 1907-5-2, Page 5t1 +c4assBCilf CENTRAL. $Tl3.ATFQRD. ONT. Wee total: mod tcenty yearn Argo Awl fly Bo thorough work and honor. s able depdugo with its putrone bee boppne uem u of the largest and must J iii wl1110 known , the dome.' e.' p epee i in the imannu o Pott here an ppU - ya us for yuwwurolul to where and ot- 61 il 900 rttgleta,1ttl rya t o e 4 g t y xee oa the 'i 1 J supply. We oBefat gradautrI to pts'- 4{ Clone, Students aro euterlug yeah a week, eeta'ogue free, ELL IO U 1 '1' JIHLo AU tf l AN Li I'( t`r' Yrruutpulq, ' .-•gMSC R2 -ffo=J 1< f: lJ MEDICAL CARDS. Ula, R, A. 13UB,NS— Dno41ess02 90 iter. J. A. ,MeNa0kblun Brussels, Ontario firadpate et 0Vlyohute rude Graduate School of Modielhe and Barmy, Now York. Member of Oldham of P•hystolaus and Burr wee of Ontario, Onion and residence same us formerly oar envied by Dr, MON011gbteu, Diseases of Women a specialty,. 'Phone No. 21, BUSINESS CALSUS. vvx. MoORACKEN— • issuer 01 Marriage LloenleB. 01. Ace at Groomy, Turnuorry street, Brussels, WM. SPENOE CONVEYANUEIt AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSEES Office In the Pest Ounce, IBihel. 10.4 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG le prepared to give ieseoue e4* Plane or Beed Organ. 'Terme on applicattuu, Poste/hoe address -Brussels. Roelueuoe- loot 8, Con. 10, they. Pupils may nave their 10800119 1%0 chair own howea a preferred. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO -Pupils prepared for the Toronto n er Uo s vatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company OISce and Rosldenoe- WALTON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INOURANOR, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 10 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTIOIr- 1' • alta, will eon for better prioe6, c. better men, in lees time and lees charged than any other Auctioneer In East Huron 01 he won't. Charge anything. Dates and order, Can always be arranged at this office or 0, personal appnoatfon, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLI)EVALE -. ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reaeonebte. Bales arranged for at the °Mae of Tua Po0T, Brunets. 0201 VETERINARY. GA. • A. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor oradua.0 of the Ontario Vet- erinary College. 19 prepared to treat all die - eases of domeetiea0ed aulmale n a eompet- tut manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Ooutlotry and Milk Mover. Oahe promptly attended to. Oldie and lnnrmary -Pour doors North of bridge, Taruberry et„ Brussels. Phone 47 k LEDAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— .• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Rte. Buee000or to O. P. Blair. OlUoe over Stan- dard Bunk, BrxOoele. Solicitor /or Metro- politan Batik. WM. SIN CLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, Jco. Ofaoe-Stewart's Block 1 door North. of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BAR1UBTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIO, BTO. W. PnoanraoT, K. 0. R. 0. BAYS 0. F. GLAIR. 011ll000-Those formerly occupied by Beane Cameron & Holt, OoDEltton, ONTdnio. DENTISTRY. DR. R. P. FEILD. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Firet•olaeo Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, t=trz;let:at=tfattf=al t=; i S=1 q� NOW I8 A GOOD TIME TO l�91 f• at ENTER THE ELL KNOWN �''iTt�l,/f/ TORONTO, ONI''. Canada's Sign Crude Commercial and Shorthand Sellout. Our grodu- a008*oro always quooeselut. -Thole enporior training 011110101 thorn 10 ggpt and hold oxoellont poeltiono. BohSoh .tophi who te froour oohare i4* thegraduhigbtae( air beet boot r./yy sense trained for Business Lite. No It vacations. Oonimeuue now, Oata- at t''1 togoo free. Y1 A B1.,ANI£ pp 'Cation P' o ni 1 01.111 er,lilp l4* '110 I fuel rn 0. nH.4, ke '1'r,Vu lig '4,1.0- I _. I) •-1,4* I m NTAA 13110ZSS C01,14G Of l' row t, from Jan.2ud next, 10. .0104* wdh retlll,d hal - 'lumate o 'lieg II e;Vq.11Li0HeH 10 he • Iii„p1'.,, iv111 1,0 0 tit lilt by -return snail 0 rtide-' of Iriend u,' la ter Witte .0- hey to W. 1-1. l-n8w, l'ritcleat Y .-ge & Gerrard ets., Te malts, foral Raps gums lemma will be pushed mous with a .nab now that the weather has impruvee. luxe is the time t11 hued up the 80000M with Rival Herb Tomato. Sold by bulb drug wore 1n Brunetti ; W, G. Nee , Walton i and A. J. M. Heim, Oreubrook. IN a diesotroue fire at Pon Mem 11 . April 18th, among those beruet out was W. J, liuir, brother au .aw of Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, a nue time Brueaehte. HILTON Pelham, eon of Dr. Bolmee, of Goderiott, anti a former resident of Bros• sale, telt fur Owen Sound, where he join • ed the eteomer Alberta as purser of that vessel, Min DOLLY Strew, slater of Dr. Shaw, of Omen. tor flume tune with Hudgeue Bros, to Gtoderich, leaves u0 Saturday ur Wia'ipog, where she has Hepured a good el-0attou With ltoberonou & 1o. AMEX Bran, of Wiugham, formerly 01 Bruges's, narrowly, escapee having nue en ate feet Crushed. He oud two inhere were currying a larks atone weighing about 600 pounds when it slipped tram beer hands end tail 00 one of Alex's feet. GgORoE TERRIES, a boy of about even. teen, wee neutOUOed to tour mouths' im pri0oumeut m the ouauty jail by Judge 1)oyle'Tuesday of (ant week. The charge wee indeoeut a6ea0li 011 a young girl tamed Modarttn and the prisouor woe emit up from Bewail fur mat. "Meng to walk oh" in what the mann tauturero say of Oampbol,'e Vermeil titans for naming and Varu.ehiug &ors, woodwork and furulturo. W ell, it they will stood being we,ked apou, they /Duet tie made of a varnish that to all right Why not try u eau 1' For Bale by bio BAT & BBA1. Nos Catarrh, let me send you free, just t0 prove merit, a trial size box of Dr. Shuop'e Uatsrrh Remedy, 19 i0 snow white, creamy, healing anli8epti0 balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free lest and nee. Address Dr. Sloop's Raaiae, Wie. bergs jars 60o each. Bold by F.;R. em ob. • CLINTON SALT WELL -The Clinton Now Era 'Jaye :-A tio0ple of menthe ago Owe, was a Oavedu severest hundred feet below the euafaoe. To aleau snob au ubetraction out ander ordinary oiream. Mannas is always a difficult Leek, but oue misfortune Ilea been followed by another and to•daythere are two este of too a 1111 the well, to nay nothing of the first °eve in nouns fotiowed by cabers. For weeks pant an expert to ibis Class of work has 000,1 trying t0 eheau out bat so far hie efforts have been entirely uusuooeaolal, and there 00ema to be very lithe pt tweets of ultimate Mimeos. Thee may mean that the work of mannlaetartug east here will be abandoned. Owning well, at Brussels and Goderioh Mr. Rauoford wail piobably work ihoee plau1a instead of 11D ve4tiug more money i0 emkiug another well here. The news -Nu Pure Drug Cough Corr Lawn woald be needed, tf all Cough Cores were like Dr. Sboop'e Cough Cure M- aud Ioe been for 20 years. The Remit. el Low now requires that if any poteou0 enter into a 000gh mixture, it most be printed on the label_ or package. For this reason mothers and ether., should Wee oo having Dr. Bhoop'e Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop'e Whale- s/id none in the modi*ine, else it mast by taw be on she label. Aud it's not Duly aide, but it i0 said to be by those who know 11 best, a truly remarkable ooag0 remedy. Take oo change, partioulariy with your children. Insist o0 having Dr. Sboop'a Clough Cure. Compare oaretally the Dr. Shoop package with others and see. No poison marks there 1 Yon can always be on the seta nide by demanding Dr, Shoop's, Cough Cure, Simply refuse to 00oept any other. Sold by F. R. Smith. PROM TED. -The gentleman referred to in the following notice ie an uncle to Mrs, Neil MnLanoblin, of Brussels :- Edwin Tingley, who baa joet been apt pointed Superintendent of Game and Fielieriee, the new position provided for under the soon! Aot, has been an ta9en80 and ardent lover of field epee in Canada for over fluty years. During that period be has aootionously through the press told otherwise advocated the more adequate proteoliou of fish and game birds. He was born on July 81e8, 1833, in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England, in the midst of that 6eetto0 known a0 the "Dnkerlee," from the number of dukes that abound there. He came t0 Olinda in 1868, and settled in Hamilton, whore he Iles ever eine reeid ed. For thirty eight yearshe served the old Great Western Railway, and atter $be amalgamation, the Greed Trunk, io the aapaoily of engineer, and wait probably the beet known Offiuiat of the road. 'Record good, conduct eatiefootory," ap- pear./ on hie discharge Bigued by Mr. Seargaot. He beoam° Chief Game War. deo ie 1895, the poenden bavmg been plevio8Oly held by the late A. (3, Stewart, t Hamilton. Mr. Tinsley was mewled what, odes in England, hie lire wife, however, only living a eher6 time. Bus eaolid wife was a widow, Mrs Jessie rowers, Dee Obishelm, The issue of this marriage coronale of thirteen obildren, our girle and nine boys, one of whom e soperimendens of the Palmtop Car Uompauy'e worke e, Pohmae 111. r. Ttueley dues in Aberdeen avenue, Hamilton, and goes every morning by rain to Toronto, retorting' to Hamilton, n the evening. Mena in an iudireot way opine no lie oolmeatiou with • hie old" un, Hie faeorile sport ie modem* helium,. at whieb.he in an expert. To I• sfforle 111111er. Bur. J. M Gibson and Bun. Dr. Ilea -time WM me ere largely othe • M ra''1' W. J. EI, I.IOT'I', Principal 4 J Gen, Tenni.. AND AL11RANDalt Are. 1.1 •h vast iuiprovementa that have taken playa In game protection during the haat len years, GtLtarrrii Can BeCured. K101 Ilio fret tn9 by flrf'ntllllg Ilyun'i , Myra Qnlrlf i,ehra'. Many people who have euffered wih oolarrh nor yeses ua,ure.ly heal that the dioua,e oauaot Ice oared and bosoms dla 0uurag0d, 'Their failure to get relief le due to iha foot that they have not owed the right t romony, Catarrh 10 au afleoti0n of tie need, threat and lenge, and cannot 0, wired by Monteith tinging, 'i'be oily ewe. ;fin ami natural treat 122013010* 80,00 1*1100800 i0 Ilyunlo,, whioh is breettied through a nest pocket mintier so mat u4* hewn; mpmoaien'air reachee 1te meet 101110)0 air petite Mile all wittier) getout, aid .umbrae the m10u0ue mem rine Of the twee, throat and lunge to a beghby Oondatipn. ne d0 4100 10111 enyen0'O m0ti09 unleoo BruWme, glyoe rel of anti cure, and Wt ebeo-uiely agree 'hitt money w1" be re u• del awe it the revved) gives node,. p.. Ail druggiete bhumd be able to eupp you with Ilv me' ur We will amid it by road u receipt til prior. 81 00, and overt' peak tee le a0.,1 with the ei0ttout n,110t etalldlllg aIle, ti (1 rete nothing union,. 1. uarr•„ Booth's Hyomet Uompany, Bul aro, N Y. 13e grave Naze -8 aerloaue of rook elm square ,tuber nave be. it ehtpped how the G T. R ,tet,on.-Joe Wilkinson 1. • ampro,ing Omely after his Isle 11 a 10. M. Vaioh Ilex been eulleriug from a le -on on 11.1 theme •- Qu, e 1. numner of the L•'dlrs' A,d grtheren at . the pardoned, no minion ihrsf room.. and 00l pet d one. -Mrs. J. T Bilden hag been 40,1008e Il•, We truer she will won retain her anus' health .lgaiu. -U W Lawrence and daughter, Mrs. Bea , of Buffaro, are visiting Matinee and !.,stile i,, and trnaed Degree. - Wee. Cisme, who ties been under quarks true four week, owing to 00arlet fever in he Melee, to 'notated -The excavation .or the new eobool hinge le done, and metered i, -being rdpiitly Leat dow , that the uoutraotor wan s0 an with his work. :ioniser Ch. Rev. A K. Burke was in Landon at tainting the London Conference exam !einem] W Houthuete, jr. who is staying at he Queen's Flute. bed a bioyole stolen f rum the betel. vluEwoo & Geiger, of the Beatorth flog mrd, are having a large area 0010,1 wlih flee this 000000. The pay roll at the Bell Engine aha thresher Werke in Seafortb amounts to about $8,600 per month. Nies, Thompson, Sperling titres!, But. fired from a paralytic stroke and has been in a very oritioai condition hinge bat t me A quiet wadding was oelebrat.d in St .1.me8' °herah, Senfurth, on Toeoday 23rd 'net„ Rev, P (3orooran received the mutual consent of marriage between Jerre, Pureed, of MoKtllup, and Mar groat Olennao, of Seoforth The groom ,vee assisted by Jae J. Mot) nekey, of N, Killen, and the bride fly Mise Nellie Pretty, of Sealorth. 131',' T, W. Scott, meneger of the Bonk of Htimdton, has not nest enjoying the deet of health of late and has been re• rued of duty for sex menthe. OBIT -J. Taylor, who lived here for a oumner of years but who be bean Iv1na with hie daughter, Mrs. Thome) G••sman io Morrie, for some lime passed way hie week after a lingering illness. r-...ee left to meati him are a loving wife end daughter, Mrs. Goaman, N. a1 ant1 Wm , of Morris ; J. Andrew, prrroi• pal of the Winghom high soheel; Alexander, of Port Stan'ey, and James who ,e to the Western Staten All were ere.xcer.l the latter. The funeral took phloem F,iday to the Union cemetery, Ur [OaLea,t and Ree. Mr. Sw.II con 'tweed the 0ervio'0 G. & G a NEARING 00mPLOTXON -The Gae,ph Mercury 8ntardey Ap, 20 It said : -The party of th 0. P a °moiale; iu u flank General Snperenteo1eni 0 ,Cru), Superintendent So hvau, D.v,ei..nal eupermtendaht, Murphy, D,vtaionel E•,gineer Fairbain, Geier E..g'neer Peterson and Col. MaoDoneld, who made e tour of inspection of the Gi n'ph end Goderiob road, returned haat ,vetting peeing through the city about 8 o'elook The special train went right tbrougu to Blyth, which ie one about fifteen miles from Goderiob. Tho roils are all in pa (lion 019,10 this point and the bailee, nig has been partiahy completed, On Monday au additional gang ,1 laborers will 0ommen00 o8 the work, which it is proposed to rush through with ail posse ble sped. The stations all a ung the line are Competed end Mr. Oborwe seated yesterday that it was hoped to be all) to open the road to Blyth by the first of Jute or during that mouth, life Om Made the statement that the G. and G. when aeropleled will be one of the Aneet if no Lha 8nea1 piece of road in the Dominion, t ilettun,.. Three deaths took plheo ,t the $ogee til Bofugo on lihnday of last week, whloh is the ereeet numbsr et any one nay 0lpoe the Boogie oplbed. bite other day while Hiram hill was pleetering a pelting, some of the liquid time lee was aging dropped into lila right eye, bowling it 0avereiy. The 16th Anrlua. Convention, of OOde Joh Drew lot Wome,'o Ml0Oionery Sooloty will be held in Ontario et„ Cherub, O io100, Thare,tay. May 10th. Unntrmite fur the improvements in the town hall leve been let as follows; -De uolating the auditorium, J. Copp ; eve i r0nelnog and renal'ing the roof, Da in &. Rowland. The wale of Wesley Qhnroh have pot chased en lndivideut emme ium earvtn , o•'usisiinv of 240 pieces, 8t it eget of $60, wine) wit be u -ed at the fortheoml, g -comments oervtle on the let Sunday In May An roma o of the Rouse of Refuge, ,• mrd Haines, eh o,.me here fel m E m anvil;,-, died on Sunday of Wit •'eok sun wad burtpd 04* doudav after noon, at the Hou'e Orruet• ry. Rev. Mr W .,ie or minuted .11e 8Orv,10 "Pnxvs0T709" will promptly oheok u Conn ur the Grippe when token arlt a, rhe "en0r1e stage." Prevention one seated wilds as well. Prevention are 1110 candy u.,ld ours tablets, and Dr 8h,.np, Rauuie, Wis., will gladly Med you samp'es and a nook on edits fres, .1 you will write. 'I'Ite sample.. prone ioer11. Ohecli early poido will. Prevent ex rid ,,up pueumnupt 60114 n' 6e anti 25, boxed by 1r R. Hmith. I"o 8'tfwtelt. '''tie Epworth League is making preparation luta grand sinew! on May 24,11. Joe. and Mrs. J011net00, Of Brussels,. visited tweeds i4* town on T'oaeday of Wit week. Rue.. Downey left for Palmerston where be bee secured a posiliou on the Spectator mail. Russ Bell io making his annual visit .0 Fururvlub Hd open the Wtuter with hal Bun in Pekoe A bort, Bask, W. A. Urwb, of Srarmlb, ceded on F. Adams, Mr. Orich intends 010001on a now renitence thio Stammer to be built on the same plan 0e bar. &dame', G, 0. Walkey jr, ben armored a good pu0iiaon i4* Palmerston with Mr. Wool. ridge. Alto. Waikey is 010iti0g Berrie. ton Image prior t0 eettliog in the rail• arty town, The Duminiou Government are put in spawn of scam 11 trout, bleak base end lake white fish i0 the lake at Lakelet. I1 was through Dr. Chisholm, that ilia ham been obtained. Jubn MuLeod recently porohaeed a even of geldings, rising three years old, .:ear Seefurth for a ram pries. The team weight' 2920 pounds and is one of elm best io Huwtok. Be retu'ed 8600 for thew. J. J. Gregg, W. J. Wallace, W. J. Strung, H. W. Laird, Jas. MoLenghliu and H. Collins are putting in a privet° ,elephune Niue to Sprtnebanit and wit neve Connections with the Bell Telephone (Jo'm nee here. Hot. Strome is drilling a well for Fred. Adam, an his new property. A. S. 8tr, m8'O men are ex00v8ting the toad. daticu fur hie new re.idence. Mr. Adams ie a buoy man looking after theee 111mge end his beetles. Geo. Mathews departed this life on Friday 19th lust , i4* hie 10th year, after five weeks' serious ilium. Be wee taken II with pneumonia of whittle he reoovered but a aompltaation of diseases eel it, which termivated fatally, Interment look tame au Sunday of seinen in Ford wish cemetery and service was held in ,ho 018thodtal church, Rev. Hr. Huseer 000daowbg the service, I.tooeoweel . The late Reuben Armstrong, mer- chant, of Toronto Jonottou, and former. ly of Lietowel,left an estate valued at $14,866 35. By the terms of hie will, flied for probate, the entire property is eft to his widow. It inn+odea slobt bun. deed shares in Cobalt minae, the coat i rice of whiob avertgen 64 ciente. W H Arm..fro, g, of the Maryb'r0n4h boundary, came nearly lotting the eight of one of hie eyoe. Wh, 0 in Wright'e blacksmith xh.1p at Tramp, a eperk from the 01101 flew into his eye burning it aud at the name time 0008401 iateu08pain from the irritation. He bud to drive to town and have a dootor re. move the iron, The D. Hibner Co„ of Berlin, have been inoorporated with a o8pital of $200,000 Ae the Chair Factory here ie owned and operated by the Cumpony, the ieaorporatioh may have au imporIobI bearing on oue of our principal irides. tries. The ereotdon of the addiwon to 'be factory will be proceeded with this Leeson, and Henry Horn will have charge of the work. The new addition will be LMILLINRY] AVING O1:-PENSED with the Formal Opening, we 1ieh to announce to our Customers that we are again prepared to show the Newest Styles in all classes of Spring Millinery procured from the most up -to -dote Warehouses on Toronto, Chicago aiid Detroit, We fee* convinced that we can suit the most Fastidious tastes. If you wish to secure the season's beat give us a call. We have also a lull line of Pnncy Straw Braids, Un- trimmed tibapcs, Flowers and Ribbons. Miss 1, Strachan built' of briok, and will be three olorlee high. efr 0ibner is 01111 oonanvd to his houeu with tela 1.g, and Ben only hove clout Wail, 11,0 aseletanoe of erlitOhQO, 'Pito standard 'aye :-'1'110 Western Ontario Portland Cement Co, of Atwood, has got heel into difficulty. Prank Davie, on hellslf of hhn-elf and Other . ahereho0d.r8 tit the company, hso entered 1 !.oil, for $1.4 000 'needed by thew, it le auder0t00,1, againot three direotorv, S. Lenard', I) A. Itold and T. G. Bal. lenlyne, of Atwood, and also against the company heel!. It is alleged' that time directors used the mooaY inv a Cod by other eharobolders to pay for their own stook. Licensee were granted the following hotels and ohope no North Perth : - StratfOrd-Ar'Ingloo, H. Maier ( Albion, Anderson & Cherry; Windsor, Thou. Gilieepio; Rvyul, J Fricke Quoeno-- if J. Corrie; Commeroiil, J. J. He marry ; Mansion, Rinor Bros, ; Ontario, H. J. Miller ; Or, ton, R 'MOArdle ; Amerioan, Geo Riehordo"n ; Vaotoria, C Oaeoon ; G. '1' R. Roaraurant ; City Hotel, Peppier Bros. ; Bmpire, Jug. WII 0111 Derninlnn, 111' Purley ; Welsh ter; Ii Em'edo- '1rW ed I;'i'n1m, F. GQroup1prk, , Jlninpe11r R ol.ardsn,, tura Mart Wrna'e1d r, John Dodd E•m), E Grundlnbereer, Angus! Boyer, ,'itvertn,,, Ohne. Ritaer, Gen. F. Paoli North Easthope, Henry Hite r t', W. Miller. Mor forint, Jnoob O'oheae, liaehe' Vlulo.'hey, (la•harino Giese, Ch's D"telly, John Fond!, P. Deere m, J•,iln Groop, Alex Bnlltultytie. Lttetvei, Mary Monnet. I' Ritter, Joe I 13Wallin',o Ino., G. P. N 20.9 Paul,Okel. y( , R lei,e1, shop. 1 IN [or Si Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. L Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. ALLAN MAIL LINE TURBINE STEAMERS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Ionian Friday, May B May 31 Virgiuian stay 10 Jape 7 Tunisian May 17 June14 Viotonan " May 24 June 24 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Corinthian Thursday, May a June 19 pretorian Thursday, May 10 June 90 Sloil an " Tbulsday, May 28 Jima 27 Numidian Thursday, Muy 80 July 4 For ea:tinge, lists and felt information apply to W. 11. name, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. Synopsis ofCanadia') Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANT' even numbered section of Dominion Lauds in Manitoba, Baskatohewrn and Alberta, 0xoepling 8 0011 26, not reserved, may bo bemeeteaded by any person who le the sole head of a family, or any mule over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 mires more or less. Entry nue be made personally at the local laud otllue for the diutriot in which the laud le situate. The homesteader le required to perform the oouditiono connected therewith under one of the hallowing place and cultivation six the la uad iq residence upon three years, year for (2) If the tether (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader 1000000 upon a farm in the vic9 ity of the laud mitered Lor the requirements as 60 raid. deuce 'nifty bo ea idled by nen person re- siding with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has lie permanent reel - donee up8u forming land °weed by him in the vicinity of hie homestead, the re- quirements as to reoidouoe may be satis- fied by reeideuoe upon thesaid land. Slxmouthe' n'itioe i1 writing rhoold be LandOtaatissioner to ion s aOawintention toapply for patent. W.W, (MRV'. Deputy of the Minister of interior. N. It, Vo8uthurined publication of this ad- vertisement will net be paid tor. Brewer's Reliable Art Studio If yon are visiting in this neighbor- hood it would be worth your while to look up one Studio. We are seooud to none and our prices are lower Chau other towns. We would be p'eased to hew) yon call end gee samples, ciao 080 our large esoortmout of views on Post Cart's. They make good Souvenirs. Don't fail to have some. WE FRAME PICTURES Enlarging done in first -plass style- Cr,you or Water -color. Give 1119 a cull. H.R. REWER We buy direct from theuarr q y and emx ploy ng agents B rkl 01.71t RTO"K BEFORE YOU BUT FROM AEROEEN SCOTLAND We have received a car load of the best Scotch Granite, Also to ear load of best Vermont Marble, Ba118rue11nn . CupraWte)d In our work, Wilson . $4 Ito 'ter 1:It1Ih 8 It 08' 17 WELL BRED STALLIONS', KCLPLAN 2.052 AND COSTUMER Will stand for service for the season of 1907 at their own stable, BRUSSELS ONTARIO I� APLAN is ne of the Neese Stallione standing for service in Canada and he is also a good •gaited horse, having got hie mark in a race without hobbles and only trained by a trainer for 2$ menthe. No other horse got so fast a mark with so 01101) training, There is no other horse bettor bred to produce epeed, Eighty ot the horses with 2,10 speed trace to his g, g. dem Clara. Replan hoe a right by inher- itance to produce speed and will surely do so. (` OSTUMER—You who have been using him know what he has produced and .1/4) tboee who have not done so can see what he is producing, He ie bred in one of the most fashionable strains at the present day which is the Hambletoniane and Morgans, KAPLAN stands at $26.00 and COSTUMER at $16.00 bo insure, Zoott & Wa,rwio1, Proprietors P,• a c oT WISHES to thank his Patrons of the last 80 years for their patronage in hie blaok- emithing business and hopes to give satisfaction in the future as he hes tried to do an. the past. Particular attention paid to shoeing both heavy and light horses, He keeps a first-class man in his employ to eonure eatisfaotion to all customers, FURNI RE WALL PAPER PICTURE FRAMING q,adt''Ir4rgru, n'rhrl,.y,ryr9,'gvq,'i. To the people of Ethel and surrounding country we beg leave to say we have opened up a Furniture and Wall Paper business at Ethel. We also keep a supply of Window Shades—orders for i.peoial sizes and colors promptly attended to, We cordially invite you to call and see our goods as we feel certain we can please you both in quality and price. PICTURE FRAMING DONE TO ORDER We would also kindly tall your attention to our Undertaking Department We will keep a good supply of everything necessary in that line constantly o4* hand and all orders left with us will be carefully and promptly looked after by MESSRS. WALKER & BLACK, Brussels. Wreathes and Funeral Designs also supplied. WM. H. LOVE, south Side, Red Brick Block, ETEEL Do you like goal Breaa and :entry If so you must bake with good Flour. I have in stock DOW the Celebrated Puritan Br nd Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour Mills Co., of Winnipeg. Also the well known Five et>r:;l use the output of the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Co. A trial will convince you of the excellence of these Qualities. All kinds of heed kept on hand and sold at Rea- sonable Prices, ALF. BAEKEIR, EenussELS