The Brussels Post, 1907-5-2, Page 3HEALTH
1 a
Conjunclivilit is an inflammation of
the Conjunellva, or mucous membrane
covering the front surface 01 the eye-
ball and lining the lids.
it may be of any degree of severity
end due to many causes, varying from
the mildest form of levitation up through
pinkeye in the most violent inflamma-
tion, resulting sometimes, through ex-
tension to the deeper structures, in de -
emotion of the eye.
In the simple Gino of acute conjuno-
tivilis the eyes are bloodshot, the mem-
beano lining the lids is red. the edges
of the lids are reddened and swollen,
and there is a sticky, more or less yel-
low, secretion, which quickly drles and
gums the lids together. The eyes burn
and smart, and are very sensitive to
the light; there is often a feeling as if
a 13010 or a grain of sand were in the
Bacteria e f some sari are almost al-
ways l0 be found on microscopical ex-
amination of the secretion, but 11, does
not follow that conjunotivflis necessar-
11,, results from contngion. Bacteria are
almost always present in, the folds of
the conjunctiva and nwaiL a lowered re-
sistance of the membranes, resulting per-
haps from dazzling light, irritation from
dust or cinders, or eye -strain, in order
t0 take on renewed growth and excite
the membrane to disease.
Recurring attacks of conjunctivitis, ac-
companied perhaps with• an occasional
sty, almost sorely result from eye -strain,
and are to be prevented only by the
wearing of proper glasses.
A mild attack of acute conjunctivitis
will usually get well of itself in the
course of a few days, but if neglected
it might go on to a more severe form
el inflammation, causing suffering and
serious inconvenience, and it may he
even endangel'Ing the sight.
The subject of this trouble should slay
iu a room, not dark. but with the light
dimmed a little; and if he is obliged to
go ottt, he should wear colored glasses
while the inflammation lasts.
should never be bandaged.
The utmost cleanliness should be ob-
served. The eyes should be bathed sev-
eral times daily in boiled water con-
taining a little table salt or in a so-
lution of boric acid. If the lids are loot
and swollen. much relief may bo ob-
tainer) by Ihe application of emelt
squares of linen kept while not in use
on a lump of ice and frequently changed
when they begin to grow warm.
This treatment. will usually suffice for
the ordinary case of conjunctivitis, hut
if a cure does not lake place in a day
or two, Ihe physician should be con-
sulted, for delays in eye troubles may
be dangerous,—Youth's Companion.
If mothers would insist that their
daughters, and sons, too, use a nasal
douche with salt and water every morn-
ing before going lo school, or every
nigh) before retiring, much of the head=
ache that is now causing suffering would
be eliminated. This cleansing of the
nasal passage is simple and, after the
children learn how to inhale, most ':,f
them like the sensation, for it is sooth-
ing, and will relieve a cold in the head
almost immediately. This wash for the
nose end throat should not be too strong,
of salt, for that stings and is'somethnes
unpleasant. To a tumblerful of luke-
warm wale.' add a quarter of a table-
spoonful of salt, and when it has dis-
sc.lved pour the solution into a deep
saucer. lel the child bury its nose in the
hath, and inhale, first through oto nos-
tril and then though the other. This
treatment will help slight catert'hal af-
fections and cure colds. But if the ca-
tarrh has been allowed to get into the
system the best plan is to grotto a phy-
sician for advice, for cnierrh of the ste-
n-teen generally follows that in the head,
end then indigestion, besides headaches,
annoy the sufferer.
IL is pretty certain that attacks of in-
digestion cause attacks of asthma In
those subject to then. So all aslluna-
tics ought to avoid cheese, pickles, cel-
ery, sardines, pastry, porter, !rode, and
such fruits as nuts, Between the attacks
one eon only try and live quietly and
without much excitement. As to'cli-
mate, lite sick person, whether a child
or an adult, shoed live, if possiblo.
away from fogs, dust, and smoke.
A good household remedy for a bruise
Is a piece of beefsteak, which is band-
aged with a handkerchief over the part
that has come to grief. A "black eye"
wilhout any :wounds of the stein can re-
ceive lie better treatment than a good
fresh piece of raw gravy beef, in it
piece of clean gauze, bandaged over it
People who suffer with sluggish liver
would derive hellcat from lemon -juice.
Take Ute juice of one hall a
tumbler of cold water without sugar
every morning fasting.
Nothing is better for heartburn than
a quarter of a tenspaonfnl of baking -
soda mixed In a little soul' 11tH), and
Laking it will give instant seller.
11 yotl are )coarse, letnon-juice squeez-
ed onto soft sugar 1111 11 is like n syrup,
and a few dro)ls of glycerine aided, ce-
lteves th.e hoarseness at once.
She (superstltlous).; "1 should never
propose to a girl on Prickly -11's un-
lucky 1"
it-hlci(y:1" Ile (cynical): "NoL always. 'f
one; {ilew a fellow who did 11 and the
girl refused him."
Phubhashankur D. Patient Wiii 'Visit
Ehpland 'I'hls Season-.
Among the vts(tors to Englund Rem/
Indla this season will be 1'ral.lhashank'er
D, Putlant, the most prolnincitt states-
man of the day 1n 411111 part of lndle,
which is blown as rho prineiplllity of
Kaliltawad. lie holds .11ie responsible
post of Prime Minister In the Slates et
Bhavngar,'wliich has often been classed
with Mysore as "the model States" of
Among his principal Achievements :n
office have been successful tonsures of
0(liet in caping with two famines, the
launching of the first exleenol loan by
art Indian Slate for other purposes than
railway construction, and the opening
of the only port along the western coast
of India, between 110mhey and lturra-
chee, In (10E10 countries work like this
would have brought the doer a crop of
decorations, but Mr. Paltani has only
the satisfaction of having gained the
enmfldenee of his Prince and the esteem
find gr511111 0 of the people who have
benefited by his administration.
Mr. Patient is it profound thinker on
lu cltnn problems, andwrites and speaks
English with fluency and distinction. In
his picturesque costume he will be a
striking figure at official and'social en-
lerlailrments this year,
Iteveels Age, Tenement -0M and Char.
ruler—Can't Predict Atlppenines
In the !Future,
Dr, Vnsehide,. a most serious psycho-
logist, of Paris, trend, publishes 1n the
dignified "Review of Philosophy" an
elaborate study of chirolunney, the art
e''r practice of furelollitig the future of
a person by inspecting the lines and
lineaments of the hale. lie (;ivis re-
sults gained by his 10150Ui)c study un-
fittt• lest conditions,
Dr. Visschlde soy's the hand alone, the
;\'list and Hedy being hidden, reveals
the sex of the person ninety times out
of a hundred,
The hand alone reveals the age of the
person with special exactness at ages
which marl( definite periods of organic
development—that is, in. trying to de-
termine a person's age from the hand
chlronlanrers make fewer errors when
the person is thirty years old than at
twenty years, a. forty and at sixty. At
ages intermediate between these
Vaschide ends that the face helps chits
omenaces in divining a person's age
and intellectual pursuits. But the hand
alone gives them, and correctly, a'knov-
ledge of the temperament and character,
including the ruling passions and the
slate of the .moral conscience.
Of fifteen persons with hysteria, ten
•showed it in their hands; of twenty-five
possessed by fixed ideas, fifteen displayed
it in their hands.
Of the claim that ohiromnncers eon
predict, happenings in the future, the
learned investigator finds little proof.
1f three is any, he says, it is certain
that the probability that a prophecy will
be verified diminishes in proportion to
the remoteness of the dale announced
for the future happening.
Prediction of death made by chiro-
mancers which came under Vashide's
notice gave 110 scientific result.
"Such predictions are all chance," he
v a know sae that t i T now of predictions
of death which provoked mental and
physical ills and brought death by sug-
d' -
By Dr. Williams' Pink Pitts After Six
Doctors had Failed to be of Benefit.
That gnawing pain in the stomach,
sometimes shooting up into the chest,
often producing a choking sensation in
the 11u'oat; fierce pains around the heart;
a feeling of drowsiness end a distaste
for food—that's Indigestion. Its vic-
tims are numbered by the thousands,
TO them life is a burden. Dr Williams'
Pink Pills have done more towards re-
lieving this suffering than any other
medicine. Often they have cured after
all other help had failed, es in the case
of Mr. Willis Merman, of St.Catharines,
Ont., who says:—"I had been .afflicted
with indigestion and stomach trouble
for years. At times my suffering was
almost indescribable. Sometimes for
whole days I was unable to touch food.
1 dieted and at 'different times was treat-
ed by six doctors but they did not help
me; I only grew worse. For a slime I
was living in New York and while there
consulted a specialist, but ho was un-
able to give me ally relief. I then de•
oided to try Dr. Williams' Pin]( Pills,
and in less than a month I felt some
relief. I continued their use for a cou.
plc of months longer and gained In
weight; my appetite improved; lhepains
left me and I now feel better than I
have at any time during the post twen-
ty -live years. I will always gladly re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
other sufferers believing that they will
surely do for others what they have
410110 for 3110."
When you use Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills as a blood builder and nerve Ionic
you aro not experimenting—they have
been tried and proved successful in
thousands of cases. It is their power to
actually make new, rich, red blood that
enables them to cure such troubles as
anaemia. indigestion, rheumatism, kid-
ney trouble, St. Vitus dance, partial
paralysis and those special ailments of
girlhood and womanhood that cause .so
mucin misery. For sale by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box,
or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mr. Ghoul; "All my money cannot
give me health, doctor." Dr. Bolus:
"No, perhaps not; but IL is of inestim-
able value, nevertheless. it gives your
physician great confidence"
. A Clear Healthy Skin.—Eruptions of
the skin aid the blotches which blemish
beauty are the results of impure blood
caused by unhealthy action of the liver
end kidneys. In correcting this un-
healthy action and restoring the organs
to their no'nlal condition, Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills will at the same tine
cleanse lite blood, and the blotches and
eruptions will disappear wilhout lenv-
tng any trace.
The weigh of the transgressor de-
i i nds on whether he Is buying or sell-
A job on ,your hands is better than two
in your mind.
ISSUE NO. 17-07.
Travelled Fifty Miles Throu(ils Forest
and Fen to .(let Medicine,.
The hardships of pioneer We were
forcefully illustrated at the 111'. $iooun
ollicos to -day when they received a let -
ler from Mi•, Oohed Campbell, of Bar-
wick, Northers; Oniul•10. Air, Campbell
Wrelo that, requiring Psychine in his
fnurfly, he sent his son to a drug store
at some dist/nitre to ohlnin it. The store
tvus out of 11, presumably because the
demand for it in that section of the
=nifty was larger than the dealers
nnlicipaterl, Ifo would Luke no substi-
tute, and so travelled to lite next drug-
gist's, with the since experience, Fuer
drug stores were visited, but the de-
mands an their sleek and the difficulty
r1 getting goods into that country in
midwinter 1111149 it Impossible to obtain
11, and no substitute would be accepted,
ns Mr. Campbell )mew there was no-
thing could take the place of Psychine.
After travelling over filly miles .lo ob-
tain 11 he had to seed his order to 'Pa-
rente to have 11 mailed to him. People
who have used Psychine consider no
tioublo loo great to obtain 11 when
needed. A prominent citizen of the
west says:
"1 suffered with pains in the back and
shoulders. I coughed so 1 could not
rest. The doctor said my lungs were
affected and he had came loo late. I
was as weak as a child when I started
to take Psychine. In a fortnight I was
back at work in the woods.
"Reeve of Mission, B, C."
This tells a thrilling story, in a few
words. Psychine, pronounced Sikeen,is
a guaranteed cure for coughs, colds, la
grippe, bronchitis, catarrh of the head,
throat or stomach. chills, night sweats,
pleurisy, pneumonia; strengthens thestomach, aids digestion, restores run-
down conditions, and is highly recom-
mended, and in many cases cures con-
sumption. At all druggists, 50c and $1,
or Dr. T. A. Slocum's Limited, 179 King
street west, Toronto.
Civil Service Estimates Run Away With
Over $150,000,000.
Great Britain's Civil Service costs
more and more every year. For 1907,
the estimate, according to the official
return issued the other clay, is £30,107,-
034, an increase of £700.405 over 1000.
While Ihe Foreign Oilice vote remains.
Thirty constant, the votes for all the
Home Departments show an increase.
That for the Board of Trade has in-
creased from £i78,000 In 1898 to £274,-
484 in 1907. The Home Office vote has
increased in the same period from £119,-
'1193 to £198,735.
The vole for the Secret Service is
$50,000. It has steadily increased since
1$98 from £25,000.
The vote for the maintenance of
children in reformatory and industrial
schools gives interesting comparisons
between the theca kingdoms. The
amounts for the coming year are:—
and Wales. Scotland Ireland.
;2172,000 £58,400 £107,300
11 will be observed that Ireland's
share is quite out of proportion on the
basis of population.
Criminal prosecutions will cost the
country an estimate amount of £.16 ,276
for England, (1.15,500. for Scotland, and
£13,000 for Ireland.
In the revenue Departments the up-
ward tendency of recent years is main-
tained. For the coming year the esti-
metes are:—Customs. £058,000; Inland'
Revenue, £2,200,300; Post Office, £17,-
Since 19418 Ihe total has increased by
over £5,000,000.
The nation is pledged is en expendi-
ture of £2,100 to defray Ihe cost of a
memorial to the late Marquis of Salis-
'i'he cleaning :and repainting of the
Britis12 Museum is estimated at £6,150.
Mothers can find sure relief for their
suffering 1ORDe ones in Baby's Own Tab-
lets. These Tablets are a gentle laxa-
tive that do not gripe the little one, and
cure all the minor ills of babies and
young children. They are pleasant to
lake, prompt in their acttmn, and un-
like "soothing" stuffs, they never do
harm, aid the mother has the guaran-
tee of a Government analyst that they
contain no drugs harmful to even the
youngest baby. Thousands of mothers
give their title ones nothing else but
Baby's Own Tablets when. constipation,
stomach trouble, indigestion. colds or
worms bother the baby, orwhen the
dreaded teething lime comes. Mrs, Jos,
Mercier, Plessisvflle, Que., 'says: "My
baby was a great sufferer from consti-
pation, but thanks to 13aby,s Own Tel/ -
lots the trouble has disnppenred.' The
Tablets are sold by all druggists or by
111011 fit 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co.., Brockville,
In Scotland in a civil case jurymen
get len shillings a tiny for their ser-
vices, and the litigants must in addi-
tion provide them with lunch. If two
cases are tried consecutively on one
day, and the sane jurymen °Melale,
they gel len :shfllings for reels case:
says Oharnbee's Journal. But (11e most
important, difference between an Eng-
listh and' It Scelch jury is this: An
tDtglish jury when returning their re-
did intoe be unanimous, and if they
foil to agree after n certain length cf
111110 they are dismissed and the whole
)prrn�ecclings are begun again de ndvo
before a fresh jury. This is a most ex-
pensive nin(le of administering justice,
In civil cases, in order to avoid this re-
sult, 1110 liliganls sometimes novae lo
nercpt Ihe verdie, of 0 majority. In
Sentinel the jury con ahvnvs give, a ver-
dict by a: mn•inrity, ha ('1011 CMOS after
the lapse of three' hones•
The beech is less often struck by
lightening limn any etier tree; 54 oaks,
are slruelc for one Welt.
Hessian Parliament Das Passed a Law
to That Effect,
A tax on bachelors hes been imposed
by the. Lower House of the Hessian Par-
The bill provides, In view of the pre-
vailing dearness of food, rent, etc., for
an annual supplementary grant to be
given So persons In the employ of the
State whose Incomes do not exceed $500
per annum. The grant varies between
946 and 960. As the bill stands, how-
ever, bachelors who have only personal
responsibilities aro to 'receive one -hall
the grant,
A clause in the original bill ordained
that persons in the employ of the State,
who neither are nor have been married,
shall receive only half that amount;
but an amendment was passed grant-
ing the full sum to bachelor employes
who maintain a
home TorA wren
is re -
halves or adopted p 1 chtdren.
The hessian Government does not.
favor Ihe amendment, as it will neces-
sitate enquiries into the private affairs
of employes, hut it will probably ac-
cept the situation if the Upper House
agrees with the Lower House on the
It is staled that locally the preference
thus shown to married over bachelor
employes of the Stain is approved. and
considered fully justified, as officials are
manifesting nn over -growing disinclina-
tion to marriage.
Fine muslins, dainty lin-
gerie, iron easier, look
better, last longer if the
laundress uses the only
cold -water (no boiling))
starch that really
saves work and really
won't stick. Try it. Get
"I see Lacey advertises something
cheap in dress goods, papa."
"It's a humbugging ad„ daughter.
I've known many Women in my EMS,
and there's nothing cheap in dress
"Can you recommend this phono-
graph?" queried the prospective pur-
"I can, but it isn't necessary," replied
the dealer. "It speaks for itself."
Client (to matrimonial agent) : "You
showed me this lady's photo last year
and told me she was twenty-five; but
after slaking inquiries, I find she is
over thirty." Matrimonial Agent : "Well,
you see, her father died lately, and that
aged her very much."
DO NOT ALLOW yourself to bootee alarmed
because you have lost your appetite and aro lasing
nosh, but commence taking ' Forrovim " the best
tonic. It will build you up quiokly.
Give Holloway's Corn Cure a lrint. It
removed len corns from one pair of
feel without any pain, What it has
clone onto it will do again.
Money \1111 c10 a great many things,
but it will not remove the freckles Zoom
a man's consulence.
Tho average woman seems to think
she is responsible for all her husband's
joys, but that all his sorrows aro due to
ever hear of 511111 fern?
13e there a Will Wisdom Points the
Way.—Tho side roan pines for relief,•
Ma he dislikes sending for the doctor,
wlhich means bottles of drugs never
consumed. He has not the resolution
to lond his stomach with compounds
which smell vtllninously and taste
worse. But if he have (Ile will io deal
himself with his ailment, wisdom wilt
armelo ' Vege-
: his attention to P s e
reel g
Pits which, ns a specific for in-
digestion ane! disorders of the digestive
organs, have 110 equ91.
Po•ru•na Strikes at the • !toot el 1110
Mr. S. J. Massey, formerly a resident
of Toronto, and a well-known business
man, writes from 247 Guy street, Mont-
real, Quebec:
"1 01/131). to testify to the good results
1 have derived from the use of Peruna,
fIaving been troubled for several
years with catarrh of the head, 1 de-
cided to give Peruna a. fair trial and I
can truly say I have received greatbene-
Pt from its use.
"It evidently strikes at the very root
of the trouble and good results are soon
"I have also found Peruna a very
valuable remedy for stomach trouble
and indigestion.
"1 have no hesitancy whatever in re-
commending Peruna as a reliable ca-
tarrh remedy."
There are several kinds of indigestion.
The trouble may be duo to sluggish-
ness f the liver,derangements of the
1 h pancreas, or
bowels enlargement o t o
it may be duto 1)le ,stomach itself.
In nearly n art ail cases of stomach Indi-
gestion catarrh is the cause. The only
permanent cure is to remove the ca-
Peruna has become well-known the
world over as a remedy in such cases.
Train stopping at a small roadside
station. Irritable Old Gentleman ; "What
on earth do they stop at a station like
this for?" Objectionable Passenger
(alighting) : "To allow me to get out!"
Irritable Old Gentleman 1 "Ah, I see it
has its advantages, then."
Mount Clemens is famous throughout
America as an all -the -year-round health
resort,and thousands of people bear tes-
timony to the benefits derived from its
mineral waters in cases of rheumatism
and kindred diseases. For bilious and
liver troubles, digestive troubles, nem, -
cos disorders, general debility, etc., the
efficacy of its waters is wonderful. Sev-
enty-five per cent. of rheumatics are
cured and ninetyper cent. benefitted.
Write J. D. McDonald, District Passen-
ger Agent, Grand Trunk' Railway Sys-
tem. Toronto, for handsome descriptive
booklet telling you all about it.
Mistress: "I should like to know
Betty, why your latest young man keeps
so silent when he is with you in the
kitchen?" Pretty Maid: "Oh, ma'am,
n; yi1 the poor feller is so bashful, he.
does nawlhin' but ale 1"
A Cunard liner was making its way
from the docks when its passage was
found to be blocked by a barge.
The second mate was ordered to hall
the craft and clear the way. Leaning
over the rail of the monstrous vessel Ihe
officer looked down with a frown and de-
ma)tcled the barge to make way.
"Who are you?" cried the bargeman.
"I'm -second mate of this ship," replied
1130 other, threateningly.
"Oh, indeed," answered the man.
"Well, I am captain of this vessel. Do
not attempt to give orders to a superior
otteor C'he
And proceeded slowly to clear.
It is an Officer of the Law of Health,
—When called in to attend a disturb-
ance 11 searches out the hiding -place of
pain, and like a guardian of the peace.
lays hands upon it and says. "I arrest
ycu." Resistance is useless, as the law
of health imposes a sentence of perpetu-
el banishment on. pain, and Dr. no.
mats' Eelectric 011 was originated to
enforce that sentence.
"Henry," whispered Mrs. Smithers,
straightening up in bed, "what's that
noise in the library?" "I\lust be history
repealing itself," muttered Henry drows-
ily "Go to sleep 1"
I'1't:n, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Heti on humor;
ee animals cured in 30 minutes by \'i'ol-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. 1t never fails.
Sold by all druggists.
A 1110n may be a failure without know-
ing 11, hilt if 11e is a 51100058 he not only
knows it himself but lets everybody else
know it.
"Perfectly Trn two'tty"; is Ihe charac-
ter of Ilickles Anti -Consumptive Syrup.
1t can be used with the utmost confi-
dence that it will do whet is claimed
tot i1.. It is sure in ils effects, as the
use of it will 0lenr1y demonstrate, and
can be relied upon lo drive a n
the system mete effectively limon nnv
other mediefoe Try fl 01111 he rolviured
thnl it is what it Is claimed to be,
Was TI ylnq to Bolla Villa in Fashionable
The police 111 Paris have arrested a
Parisia.l "liallles," but, curious enough,
he Is a "Rapes" who knows no Fretted,
1ta was arrested in the small tutors
of the morning as he was el)nlbing the
garden wall art a villa b; 'VlnCOnnes. 110
wore a Reek coat end. (rouses of ex.
cement out, made by a London Jailer;
11 silk 1101 andgray suede 'gloves.. Ile
01111'1ed a cane, which 011 examination
proved to be hollow and to contain s
complete and exoellont ou1At of burg-
lars' tools,
The man wore a suit of chain mail
underneath his :well-tli'ting clothes, end
was found to Imre 11 101 of money on
him, several hundred pounds' worth of
n111 silver, three loaded revolvers' and a
dagger. itis 6111( lint contained an ,in.
gcnious little machine for blowing up
safes and opening difficult locks,
The mysterious burglar has relltsed to
give his 1111010 and address. He. will an-
swer questions 111 liussinn, German or
English, and the police think that they
have captured Ilse leader of a large
gang of international burtars.
Teething Babie
are saved suffering --and mothers
given rest., -whoa one uses
Narses'lad,letbers' Treasure
Quickly relieves—regulates the
bowels — prevents convulsions.
Used so years, Absolutely safe,
At drug,,tereo, 28e. 0 bottles, 81.26.
1Quttexal'Srug St Chemical Co.,. limited,
Sole Proprietors, Montreal. 41
She wished to break him gently.
"I have decided," she said,"to return
your ring." "You needn't bother," he
replied; "1 buy them by the dozen."
Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it.
as a worm medicine; the name Is
!slather Graves' Worm Exterminator.
The greatest worm destroyer of the age.
"Waiter, this portion of turkey is
very small," Waiter : "You will see
what a time it will take you to eat it."
A SKIN THAT 31I11:618 with emote*, and h
,00vered with eruptions that discharge a thin ((515,
maybe made smooth and sightly with Weaved..
lOerate. nut this external remedy Mould. be used
tin conjunction with Weaver's syrup.
.YOmeed onoURteal-.1.000 nith fR'blrah 'UNE data and '1Rvw,R
tend 7nu. pe, piclaro 01 pof your are from the crN,-
to Ma All mend Waffles*, lore,
mar -
Mara and 5,0lth, Mainly nM 1+7 (A. 000,101101
AlIrolererll,lna, 00,rem unml.h-d,nd 0111.0,0,
PROF. 0E0 SCDol- 18. 911110EPORT; OM
A pure, hard
flour for bakers and others demand-
ing strength, color and uniformity.
Before deciding where to locate
in the West, let us tell you
about these lands. The best
wheat fields, the richest grazing
land, are in this province.
Write us for full information
about crops, climate and special
railroad rates.
Local representative wanted in
each county.
Telt®r & Osgood
Eastern Selling Agents,
That Telis
de PS
Tale eti (1031/ in a
variety .1'.st1Am fabric, and
priced forwoman, men Red
children, Forts Fitted.
Depicts are aulhodr,d to
Faplace innately and at our
cal, 407 Pen -Angle ear,
menta a I(�4 n 5, material
o 6
Pen -Angle trade/
mark (In red) on
every Pen-Ang1Q
garment, tells your
it will f)aalndwon'O
brinlc,-- 70348
own dealer 8o.
guarantees till •
Underwear thuro
trademarlced in
potter, warmer,
more flexible;..
bettor wearing,
', .47M' 'rva,. y+ 2
ol,or,ier end Oerlmr.nd Kir.V.= olean.5 'rbala
.an b. wet b71001, le y.0 13.01 P1aeo I.
1M91 1661x.
"Mike," said Plodding Pete, as tel
climbed into a freight. Car, "1'01 glnd de
government doesn't own de railroads.
"Wiry? "Because when we tale a free
ride now de worst flat happens is to be
put off. 13ut if de government was ren-
nin' de
unnin'de lines we'd be arrested ler graft*
111', sure."
Old Hunks; "Didn't you marry me for
my money? Answer me that, madam 1"
Mrs. Flunks; "Certainty I dirt Apd we'd
get along just lovely if you were not $o
stingy with it."
Gook into, this
roofin question
Get book on
"Roof ing
Right" and
see how little
roof an
risk you take
when you
building with
Soldunder a plain GI?ARANTE1.
• that keeps your roof good for 25
years. With decent care, an Oshawa* 1
Shingled roof will last a CENTURY::
Easy To Put On
With a hammer and a snips
(t -inners' shears
anybody can
put Oshawa
Shingles on
Locked oh
all four
the side lock?
It drains the
shingles so that
water can't seep
under. Top lo c k
(see below) makes
whole roof practi-
wally one piece and
sheds water quick.
Made in one grade
only-28-guage semi -toughened st tel,
double -galvanized (saves painting).
Wind - water - and -fire:
PROOF. Keep buildingsl
safe front!'
Cost only'
$4.50 a
square (10
ft. x 10 ft.)
Send for book-
let and learn,
how little a RIGRT
'roof costs. Address
Of Oshawa
Montreal Ottawa
MIS Craig et, W. MLs Sussex Et
Toronto London
11 Colborn 8t, 69 Dundas 8b
Winnipeg Vancouver
1 80-82 Lombard 80. 616. Poador 8t
• WithAlsolute Security
&batarices subject to cheque
are the Attractive Conditions
,under whi ch your
SavinOsAccountwitt be carried
14 .,
. fI+IMIT13lU
174178�B,�YS. TOR
Atiderof High Carbon Wiro,^wo'11 prove it to you. (101016D -not Primped. This
!makes it sun stronger 1n service. it stay" taut. Painted Winn over heavy
�IfYR. P, CrZ,_WZ!tE „i'xr, H'CA COfl1'darlY,E.IM8Tt01DL
13alvnolzing--reef proof. 111rperioneed doglorn to erect. it, Londe all in ,mote
500. --no in inert Get illustrated b"oklet and 1907 1!rirks before baying,
W83l5ersrlUo. 'Jrorosto, Rliostroui. St. jobs. Wtaslupe%