The Brussels Post, 1907-4-4, Page 6NOTES AND COIVIMENITS
s The infant prodigy Is at a diecount.
Preectity is regarded iss liSpeehis of
brain deformity. Plants and animals
may be forced, and Wauseal anddriterest-
' Mg results may be produced by forcing
but people no longer wish a son or a
daughler to he a prodigy in one diree-
lion at the cost of normal development
.111 other directions. Perhaps the most
vallattile coutvibution to the science 01
education has eerie, theeugh < tudy of
the laws which obtain in the growth. (mil
developinent of the lade, and the Con-
ditions under which that growth rued
development are most, healthy awl com-
plete. There are times and seasons for
tIic developsnent of the mental end
moral faculties, as there aro 01 1110 phys-
ical •faculties. While such times and
seasons are not precisely Me same for
all children, we Ilia that all attempts at
premature development not only tire
worthlees, but, are permanently injuri-
ous, The physiologists say that the brain
cells develop as do other physical
organs, not only through thought, but
through muscular activity, and the exer-
cise of our senses. Accordingly, El
healthy and timely growth of the brain
is to be promoted by an education in-
volving a great variety of activity, skill-
fully adjusted as to quality and quan-
tity to the mental anti physical status of
the child.
One of tee largest and most interest-
ing typewriting competitions that ever
have taken place was the recent one al
Paris, when 157 competitors, mule and
efemale, rattled and banged at their
machines for four hours. Those who
were present describe the noise as a
miniature hail and thunder storm. It
uthce at the bottom of it -some secret
says much for feminine nerve and endur- enmity.
"I cannol think that," replied Car-
miehael. "So Inc as this lad is con-
emed I don't even know him. But I've
heard him play, and, yes -1 say it in
full acknowledgment of his gifts -he is
44++++++++++++++++++++ lifinientasy Bee It Is lie who 1ift pale
-4- ' for' the boy's musical eduention; 11 le he
who arranges all the dates. They have
4.• no agent, but there is a kind of advance
DIE f1PY.1.1.21ifv:: EiTrig76)::engtall.;C:111,-"7:11(<11ullYo
supplieit the iniorniallou himself over
several drinks til. ii neighboring hostelry
-to find out our dates, so that, anothet
t hall may be. secured In the same town
++++++++++++++++++++++ for the soot' day?"
"What Is the lawyer's name?asked
The strains of the "Moonlight Sonata" Levy, quiekni,
!loaded the room, swelling out. Mtn the "Leurenee Wheeler," was the reply.
grand plans waves of haeteuraials Both alerted 331. tile 7111111P, and We
SWIM], evoked by the touch of a master. face of the woman flushed with W111911
The 1111111 who played was lost in les color and the melee Nee weaseled,
music, his soul -away from the world, "Laurence Ilehester," lie muttered, un-
eneuriling a ladder of eters, ond respon- der his Wane 'ow 1 unaesstene_yes
sive to his mood, the full -toned insists 1 unifier:Med it all now."
went gave forth deep, fine notes tied As soon as he had imparted bis in -
spoke, of inehtmihsey and he., over timed. ferination Iliehardeon \'u no bounded eut
ing and mingling together. cif the room once, more, intent upon fol -
The linee of thought and sadness in lowing his inquiries,
1131 inaWA foes were sIlloothed 'out, the Lucy glauced at carrnielmel espied -
Sine eyes liglited up --he sat in to spell tinny, and their pyr ILA
"111 the past this nom and I both
which his own skill had created.
Paul Carmichael was iiderrupted In loved one women," he said simply. "Ile
his playing hy the impetuous entrance has Meuse hated me for this reason,
el a short,
dark man, whose round, and Mut 18 why he .1s1 striving te ruin
commonplace face was twitching will) me nem."
nervous excitement, whose arms were Ilia eyes were dreamy anda sterilise
strekilied out in a wide gesture, and smile was on his face. For a moment
whose 00100, when lie spoke, betrayed les mind had escaped back Into the past.
extreme irritation. "Which did she love, this Wunli111-
"11 is most unfair, it is really mon- which of you two?" aelced the girl, in
F.:enlist.' Ile exclaimed. "Last week at low tones,
chellon, this week at Derverton, next /10 dreW WM Self up. His smile W118
xi eel: at Rigstown, and, yes, 111311 111011111 redline, his eyes shone.
even in London -the best hall !seeker' "She loved me," he seiel, in a clear,
ever our heatls. And a boy --a mere triumphant voice: "she hived me!"
child! Yet the public flock to the doors, He spoke still with thie raid look en
Ithing up every inch of the place, and his Mee, seeing tefore hen with Mc de -
leaving ils to survey empty benches. It eeit1111 eleaelless of 0 mirage Picture
0101333of lost heaven, when the presence
Is disgraceful."
Ile flung himself down in a chair, 01 the beloved had made all the world
bloom fadeless Dowers
wiping his heated brow.
"My day is over -that is the mean. And when he came back to enrlh lie
Mg of It," responded Carmichael, with found that Lucy Arrington had slipped
a sigh. 'They warship the rising star. quietly from the room.
It is but natural." •
gal\„ehiayr.dson Vane shook his head ne- The girl h
hesitated a moment outside
the old-fashioned hotel; then, as if sum-
moning up certain degree of reeolu-
'Shoe wouldn't -explain this persistent
attempt to cut the ground from beneath lion, she walked through the open ea-
sier feet. There must be some private trance (1001` 111131, giving her emit to a
wailer hovering near, WEIS some mo-
ments later shown up into Mr. lichee-
tcr's private sitting-roten.
Laurence Ilchester stood there wailing
for her -a handsome man, a man with
II strong. flue face that yet had some-
thing in it of unflinehing determination.
His hair was slightly touched with grey,
but there was all the force of youth In
WS bearing.
"Nee- this of all surprises is the most
weleomei" he exelairnee, taking itie
&Se hand in both of hie.
"You 61101 guess what has brought
me here," she said, the color rising,
:slowly to her face.
"le couldn't do that in a theuennil
tries,'' lie answered. "Yon know the
one thing beyond all others in the whole
world that I would like to bring you to
me. Lucy, one thing I would like to hear
yoit say--thal you regret rejeeting me.
But I eannrd think It is Ihnt which has
brought you to me now; would to Hea-
ven that I might!"
He had tried at 111,1 10 speak lightly,
but his VOie0 had deepened, mei his cold
ryes and austere face ishewed foe one
moment that both could look warm and
She ',aught her breath a little sharp-
ly and shook her head. "It wns not
ta speak of myself that brought me
ilbeornele,:t srlsi e a wakd‘Ndme s „ewlit3111151? gurae
you bent upon ruining Paul Carmichael?
It is unworthy of you, Laurence Itches -
ter -unworthy,"
"Why should you imagine ouch a
thing as this?" he asked..
"Oh. ils is net ininghintion," she De-
buted, quickly.
He hiked al, ber steaeily.
"No; 31111 ore right." Ile said. grimly.
Ills tone had changed, his brow darken -
mice that it was a WOn1111.1 gained the
first place. 5111e. Gabrielle Revert, a na-
tive of Bordeaux, at the end of the four
hears was 2,000 words ahead of every
one else in the room. How formidable worthy of the fame be has alreutly
was her victory may be imagined from 'von."
Cnrmichael rose and, bending over
the table, loolced at the sheet which his
eecrelary had placed SEere. Against
every date which had been booked for
C.emmerce. At one timo, indeed, this his pros -halal concert tour was another
gentleman had gained some hundred name, indicating, a rival attraction in
that, town, and in every ease the name
worth. on Mlle. Revert ; but she soon
pulled up with a brilliant finish. The. \\Neva isidteirmAit linupteLt nfluusscreoall, ‘11,1011e,d,atiel.iset
judges had given scene chapters of "Paul boy N'hose great girls seemed divinely
and Virginia" as the test -fairly difficult
prose, as all the world knows --and whe.n
the bell was rung for a finish Mlle.
. fievert had written 17,000 words in the
four hours, or. at the rate of seventy
words a minute. An amusing, if some-
what pathetic, incident of the cempell-
bon, seas an old fashioned scrivener,
who would not, admit that the pen could
be beaten. The contrary was proved be-
fore he was half an hour at hls task.
the fact that her most dangerous oppon-
ent all through the dictation was a M.
Perez, secretary of the Paris Chamber of
given, a heritage that had come to he
direct 310111 heaven.
"It eall be nothing but chance," said
Carmichael, musingly, as he glanced at
the paper with thoughtful eves. "Sure-
ly it can he nothing else. Why should
this 0111131 have the wesh to injure me -
this little Italian lad? It is an amazing
coincidence, that 133 all. Beekess,
need not be so pessimistic; my public
will come back to me."
Ifo spoke cenfldently, but there was no
confidencie in hls heart.
lea the past ten years he had been
accepted as the finest pianist of his age,
his position unchallenged; for len years
he had basked in the sunshine of po-
pular favor, and It was bitter to feel
The dodoes are rechristened ; [hey
are 10 be immunizators. Our blood eon- that he must resign that position, stein
tains red and white corpuscles thut float aside that a child might take his place,
111 a yellowish fluit, plasma, or serum. raiercaeipt dAelfiedatsoantvolthglesvoonfaaglumngee
There are 500 times ns many red corpus- sell-eeteem was threatened. Carmichael
des as white, hence the Color of the had set little value upon the money
blood. But the while corpuscles or lee. that his art had so easily earned for
him Sfl 111M 71010, with no savings lo
toeyles ar3 the soldiers of the system fall lack upon his prospect for the eel. "It is s•endella between us, You
sown hatred be -
greens. There seem to be In the serum Respell and those people who 31001'O 11011
e be -1 141between Paul Carmichael and
of the blood other agencies wren resist hind the boy were bent on hunting him myself. It is well for your 01011 slew,
811(1 1<111 bacteria, and the while corpus-wn
from toto 101011 with a fresher at- peeliaps, that you elicited realize this
McLellan to offer his own public. man's characteIh
r. ni. his faillilessness.
eles swallow the slain and carry them Gloomy thoughts passed throngh his cruelly, may be revealed to you."
off Ihe field. These defending and pro- mind, and he ecarcely gave ear to his She glimecti littek at him in ',amaze -
feeling powers within us may be seeretary's reiternted lamentations, but mut. Surely it must be of seine other
strengthened indefinitely. Sir Almorth a sharp knock at the door roused hen. man lie was speaking -it (mule not be
'Wright recommended inoculation for MI, thee is 'Miss ArrIngeori," re- the Punt Carmichael 0110117 S110 17-11010,
arkecl one. "She wants you to hear whose disposition 1051 one of 01(1(0110typhoid some eleven years ago, and now e503310 songs elle is anxious to try al to. whose actions one whose
it is practised successfully in India, It nimeew's cencerl." were directed by a mind uf lIno
"In the Iting ago. Lucy." he went en,
slowly, "when seer wen 01111 a child,
I Mid a sweetheart whom 11113 man stele
clean me, enuring like a dusk elindow
dividiug Iwo lives. But I ceuld hove
that help to resist the disease -bearing future would h'e dark indeed is Rupert :smut know W011hliS
Is not necessary, Lowever, lhat we be
immunized against all the hosts of germ
digeases that flesh is heir to. Againet
many of these ills most, of us ore im-
mune; but.the doctor, the mediae im-
munizaier, must lind out what are the
bee1 vaccines or alexines, otherwise re-
eisiers, to Mee us when disease shows
• itself. That is the duty that lies before
us, says Dr. Wright, It is a neer science
Enid a new art, of unbounded sotentiall-
Court Awards Workman Who Lost Arm
45 Per Cent. of Wages.
A 0.171.1«110 has been derided In
Augsburg in connection with the Ger-
man Employers' Liability laws, A
workman named Glaser, employed in a
color and varnish works, 10118 biltim 311)
Me arm by a moscriiito. The bite he -
toed, bleml-polsoning set in and the
1173311 had to be amputated.
Ile brought his erise before n mixed
etemen of employers and workmen's
represenIntives, which decided fluffiest
111)0on the ground that this was an
(as Sleet to which anyone might have
Carmichael nodded. Ile always ex-
erted a contrsilling influence upon the
musk; played by the other members of
his smrill coneert-parly. He called out
admittance and, the door teeming, 1,11
extremely pretty girl came into the
room. She 'wag tall and slim, and car-
ried herself with disttnetton, with sere
grache e. Scame hurriedly forward,
her dark eyes shining will) iedignalion.
"It is an infamous (hingr she said,
her rich voice breaking, the silence. The
11,33311311131)smiltel, and litcherdson Vune
nodded approvingly. •
"I 311)511011) 3031 have just read the an-
nouncement of Respell's calmer( which
Is being placrieled all over the town
Carmielluel looked up, 'Ills was 1110
secrehiry's master SUPpriSe. Ile had not
until now mn
etioned thath
tis boy 10118
ill Met very lown---a town where Car-
michael had never failed to draw an
overflowing audience.
The girl nodded. "Yes," she saki;
"1I111'-1-1I11took in a deep brutal'. heti
tribe expresoing a fine resolution -1'
would make 11 my business, Mr. Vane
If I were you, lo flint out exactly what
smell underhand melhods meant."
The „secretary smiled quietly, and pick.
Ing up Ids hat he bade them good morn-
ing and made 0 fussy exit 113313 the
room, When he had departed the girl
turned lo Carmichael. Terse was an
eepeessien of genuine dielress upon her
Seen liable', am1 was in no wily ()melee- hir0.
esi with Glaser's work. Mosel' appealed "You are annoyed and worried by
13 the arbilielors. which the law pro- lies revs," ,she said. seethe. "Do not
. vides, raid the cnse was finally cleeeded let us trouble about those songs lo-
in his favor, lie will lie inlid for the Ony."
rest of Ills Ilia im 1111111113 aineunting thit he insisted upmi her trying them
to 45 per cent, of his 30s5,14, 0001, rind lold her W1cili ef them lei
The arbitrators derided ihat !nested- soieferred, They had Just finished run-
kies in paint and 'enmesh works in 511 111115 through neon when \3( no returned,
probability were snore poisimene than Ills thee 10/14 flushed and hie eyes lind
ether' mossquiteee, and that the oral. iriehipland gleam in them. Ho hewed
try rule applying to mosquito biles did wit 1) goseideuremid mockery to Lucy
8101 apply in Glaser's e11.50. 7\10.111glon.
"I look sner ndeler," he sea, "And
'1. 0011111(1 the Mgt hedt-hour linvo frimul out
rill there is In 1-70 k110011 (111(1111 the boy
There are at present over 500.606 mites thrspoli. Ile IA the peolrige of an Bng-
nr railways in lhe world, of which very listinian- a lawyer, a shill mane I ant
early half 311400303131)0,
141 (11-011 flare wheel glowed (luny in the
night sky.
A iirel -and not far off, A eouple of
streets farther on be mune In full view
of lt, and SOW 111111 it was Ille Unicorn
Hotel, the prIneiptil hoetetry In Mal
small town, that was really 110 MON
MU an overgrown villnge.
"She lire bad gained geed hold al -
neatly, 01111 a cmowd of yokels, roused
from slumber, bad gathereil outside.
Carmichael agked a few questions, and
P appeared that everyone had succede31
M (seeming from the lintel,
Turning his eyes froin the burn-
ing building 1118 gaze fell upon a num-
her of Men 1018( 070101 Slurping 0‘7,17
301110 Olifelt1 ut their feet, PlISIling 111S
way in the direetion he elneted back,
rind a wave of color swept over his sen-
sitive fenteres when be saw tbat ((will
1.1111r01100 10110,01e1' 0110 lay Melee Up-
pnrently Injured, Theie eye5 met, and
ilehesier railed to him faintly.
Approaching 111m, Carmichael bent
deem Ro cakes lhe otheres whispered
"Listen!" muttered Ilehester, in et low,
strained voice, 'There Is (still someone
In that hotel -someone 011001 you must
rescue, $11100 I have tried and failed,
lieum of wood fell upon me and my
01111 is broken, I think. And-und 1333 -
pert -the boy is still In there -in a rnrau
1 ,111c back -exactly al, the heed of 1110
stairs. You nntst oave hine" lie were,
on, his voice geowing fainter with in-
creasing wealmess, "foe this boy is your
own son -yes, the child wee del net
tile, as you were told. No more -believe
what, I tell you without question. Act,
nian-explanations will came afier."
He Pell back, and et that moment
the local fire brigade &eve up.
Carmichael, every nerve in his body
tingling with amezement, stayed bul
for a moment to fasten on a borrowed
heimet, and though 11, seemed madness
le plunge into that torrent of blinding
smoke and ecorcleinie name, yel not ter
011e second did he hesitate.
Guided by them remembered three -
Hone, he forced his way -now through
flame that licked and scorched his face,
now through air that was dense with
heated smoke -slowly up the staircase,
a perilous ascent at last aohieved, and
1):1ii;siititliciltiedeflofic11111.111.1 himself before a boy's
Not knowing whether he was dead 014
living, lie lifted him in his 001118; 111011
gare a glance at the door, to realiee
that escape by the way lie came was
cut off. The staircase had fele)), and,
gathering fresh fury from this added
and splintered fuel, the fire wes sone.
Ing like a furnace, and where he stood
the heat wns tee -riffle.
Ile etuggered with the boy still in IDS
er1118 000008 to the wIdlow. Glancing
back Ink) the room he couel detect
Ihrough the murky ntmospliere the out-
lines of a bed, and dragging off tee
clothes he knotted ehects and blankete
together with incredible swiftness, told
made a life -line by means nr 011(011 lie
WO< enabled to pass that limp end 315I1811 -
less body through the window, and 50,
010(1 10111101 1110 flames licked at the
improvised rop33 down to hands welting
to receive the Meld.
Then lying one end in the bedstead,
and realizing whilst he did so that es-
cape fee himself would be little less
lhan a Miracle, 1)0 went amen eiewiy,
hand under hand, through the waves
f flame.
Suddenly he had ti sensation of slip -
:11h:: through space, as if the earth lind
diesolvcd to its very venire, and ihen a
SUilden jerk, and a darkness that seas
like. the darkness of death closed over
Ile sieved Ilis eyes nieny days later
to find himself in a privele ward of
the collage hospital. Remenenence -
came flooding oveli his mind, and gaz-
ing eagerly mune he SSW n man's form
slowly approaching 111111. Surely it, was
Ills old friend -yes,. friend again. enemy
no longer, for the coldness and the hat-
red lind gone from his face, and his eyesi
Wel'e softened and eslunned. One of
his arms WaS earrled in a sling, but
with his oilier hand he took Carmich-
ael's and field it in the firm, warm pres-
sure of 11111,0,31 friendship.
"1 have wronged you, Paul," he .snid,
simply. Ills voice unsteady, "nnd it will
be hard. perhaps, for you to forgive
me. And what alcnoment elm 1 1)111ke3
'et hear mo, for 1 vivo found out many
things within me Iasi few cloys, 1 know
the truth miss 'Inere was a women
who loved you, but to whom you were
indifferent -Stella Darline-yeu serum.
bei' her? Slte wins mud Ninth 100101.18y
111 your marriage, end it wile she who
went to your wife during your absence,
when yore: ei115115ements compelled you
forgotten [hue 111011511 he was my 11'I 01111
la be away from home, and poisoned
end betrayed me. yet In lime 1 cottio her mind egninst you,
have fureiven Mire if lie had but (reel-
ed her well.
"Bel he WOR cruel to lier-Ileld as a
thing of no value 1110 W011Iall who land
13300 111 everything to me, ll31 turned
from her to dhotis, let. her for weeks
1111)1 rumithe Mune, all but abandoned
her, nntl thls within a year of their
mi vela 50,
"Dying she sent Inc me'mid in 11101t
last hone Ruined front the love lied
pawed ibelf hese to the love that 10118
true. She 111111 no friend except myself.
and the one whos0 place should hove
been by her side mins absent, for mine
was the bend that 1101(1 hers as ber soul
este] on ils last long joininey, and It
was to thol 1101' Iasi words were spoken.
cell you wonder that 1 hele Paul Gar-
nishee], or Mal, 11010 11 IS 111 1113 pOWer
111 8)8(11 his reputation and ruin his 101'-
1111131', I SlinlIld 3301 hold my hand?"
He latike off, walling for en nussver,
11111 Imes/ wee mule. Any defence of
Csrmirlinel seemed for 1110 moment, mit
ot the question; end 75110 1000 relieved
wood ribruptly away from the
when Ile 11
subject mid spolco of other melees.
13111 she left the hotel a little Inter,
not quite eonvineed of the (nusielan's
cellous laseillessness, yet perfectly cer-
tnin thet, Ilchester was quite honest in
his Intheel, and IL wns difficult not to
fret that it was justified.
Cernaehteit lurned nway from (ho con-
cert 111111 deptessed end disheruilened.
'the hour wits late, his 01101 recital over
some time ego. --n recent which hnd
been n financial failmic-a scattering of
people doing little teem lhan emphasize
the general emptinese of the hall.
About lo turn towards his temporary
home. the eoble of shouting at 607110
told, making n large income 0111131 Par. 111110 dielonce •usvuy draw his attention
"When she was dying she sent for
me, still believing ull that was vile
egainst you, n11 Heal this limitless WO -
Mall had told her, convince(' that you
were 1111111 loos and had ceased to love
her. end so. inneecint of malice, she
Made me lieltive the 501110. 1 took the
(Mild at her desire, end bribed the peo-
ple there to reptesent to you that 11110(1
died at birth, my plass succeeding per -
frailly. lent -but it was not 1111111 your
boy !showed bbs .genius that the idea of
using lien to avenge the wrongs whieli
I imagined had been done to hie um -
thee ()relieved to 11107
"1301110 IOW days letek I came upon
Stella Darliee-an uneepecteti meeting.
found her a weman with re,
1110080 101' 1110 1111Sellief 13110 Nt 133115111
yeals ago, and sem renfessell In 1110 1170
001101 11078 ehe hati used to deceive your
"And now, you will forgive me, Mil
feleud-you mu/re-there 111(15 plionling
to Ws Vutol, whirl) carinlehael coul31.
nut, hear ilinneved-lor I em giving
tank to you -y0110 0011 ann, Whom I
have loved .as if he were ley own. Aud
-1111111113 own life will be a lonely one
now -terribly lonely, for the boy has
made sunelene In It; also one othr'ehone
within I had -a hope that might 1111VP
made 013 pathway radiant with light -
bas left me aft wells"
sriin white face, dot understanding
those last words, looked lip 311 )1(11) with
the old 1)031011 smile of yestee year, the
14111110 of complete forgiveness.
A week 111ter I101107Sler WOS 17110131 ID
London, wanting towards his chambers
in the Temple.. Ills life seemed 811<111533 -
by Inioicen Off, purpose. 1 eicy
Arrington had vanished when she had
learned that Carmielinel WOS 111 le
danger, but Ilebester 1005 eerlain that
she loved the musician. For whnt Mee
ehould explain the interest see Mel
eliown for him, risked himself, need -
teeing the eall she had paid 111111 11 the
lie ascended the stelyeasesend paueeil
for a moment outside his 1'fm1118, 8111.-
priSed 10 see Mat the light lied been
turned on -move surmised to find Mal
a visitor was them, standing in the
centre of the room -Lucy herself.
There was confusion in her (100 and
a soft flash upon her cheeks, the 1080'
110.411 of deep emotion.
"1 thought you might 11)10 to give 1110
mile tea," she said, in low tones; "Mal
ems why I called, being- in the neigh.
She came formed trennilously, 'her
bands held out nntl the color in her face
end the eperkle in her eyes; her very
nttitude made the ninn's henrt, bent,
Then with a cry that, was one of joy
eintog1 beyond belief he drew ber to
him, knowing that it 1VOS :111111S011 ;4110
laved -himself, not Caernichael nor any
other man, but himself.
cecececeosecec, o-ce•oo oots-c>04
Ted seas crying as if his heart would
break, mid Ted did not often cry.
Usually he was a brave little boy, who
hied to make the best of the things that
had. to be. 13111 to -day he was really cry-
ing, and 11 3008 all on accoun1 of jack.
10.011 011118 only a donkey, with short
legs and long ears, am) a funny little
nose that be used to three!, into Teens
band when he wankel to tell him how
!fleet' he loved bim, and into his pocket
11 110 thought there WOS a bit of apple
"But there are donkeys anti donkeys,"
as l'ed often said, "eel Jack is the
snutelest that ever was." Ile could nol
eenetly talk, 1)011 1)0 had a he of different
brays, and each one meant, something.
'red had Owned Jack for two whole
yenrs, nntl he had taken care of him the
best, he knew how, and loved him, oh, so
11111011 ! And now Jack lind io be sold.
There was nu help for it, either, for Ted's
failmr had died, anti he and his mother
were leo poor to keep Jack. So Ted
could only throw his nons nboul. his Mile
neck and whisper 111 MS
"You 1411010 I woulen't let you go If 1
ceuid help it, ;trickle. 1'11 Share my last
let of bread with you. Only a bit of
bread would neve!' fill your elourach,
J ackle."
And Jaelc gave the 10Cly that meant
"Yes, 1 uncleestand," and rubbed his
nose on Ted's sleeve.
But when they mine to lake jalti away
Ted slipped off and cried by lihnself, lic
tried to think how comfortable Jack
would be in his 11110 new home, foe a rich
man had bought him to be a playmate
foe his little loy and glee
"elute? 111 soon get over caring so
awfully much," he told himself. 1081. be
went lo bed with a heavy heart, and it
seemed qo better when he got up next
morning. He did his work as Well RS
0001`. 111011g11, and when the water wns
brought title the. wood chopped he went
out lo hoe the garden. Presently he
lie3trd n most awful clatter, and down
the road came Jack, trotting as fast as
hls sliest legs would go, while behind
him, bumping and banging over stones
and ruts, was a pretty Mlle wagon. A
boy aud girl were in the wagon, and
such a funny sight as they made, The
buy lind lost his hat, but lie still held on
11 the reins, tugging at them with might
Mishicss-i"Why, Meryl You're in an awful state. 11,11 take you
half n day to dean 11 1111, What en earth have you been doing?"
51ary-"Yons two daughters have been 'showing me how to boil a potato
‘aceerdirig to their cook boolt,"
end inaln, while his little sister Clutched
wildly at 1110 C011 1 (PIS,
"Iltall putt you Phil," She said,
Me words being lately joggled 0111 01
1103'. "011, 10111 110 over ((lop? Ile's
ilulehe got 110 7411-11111., fur jUSI7 111011
jock l'etle110(1 1)10 gate. and with ,11 bray
1)11,1 soeineil say, "Thorn, hOW, I've
(10110 11," (nine to a standstill so mai.
dimly 111111 l'hil mid Noll bolls tumbled
over haekward ; hut in 0 50001111 they
WOre 011 111011' Suet again.
"(Ivo I Whol a Mlle 1131101 1'' sew phie
In disgusted tones, us he wiped his dirty
face on 11 ((1(33,1)' 03,133,33 "SYliere use 030
at, anyhow 'r
Nell voted not tell Min, She was too
busy getting her breath, Gosides, site
had bumped her head so hard that she
felt more like "1') 1115 1111111 anything else,
Then she saw T'ed hugging Awl( just 11147
hard as lie could. for it had uot Mien
him lung to Mop his hoe mut run oul,
"Selly, do 3/011 101010 our dunkey 1" she
"I(1100 him 1" repealed Ted, his eyes
shini»g, "1 guess I do. lie 0118
donkey until yeelertley."
"Well, I wish he'd been yours Mesa
last ten minutes," reinarloel the still WS --
gusted 331111. "Gee I Didn't lie go,
though ?--just, Illte Hail Columbia !"
"But he knows how to stand, loo,"
t\ildeNt11,,,Neeello, n ;ye aw e,c) tut .11hyot1116:0,1,1(14.1 11101
anti we wanted to go back again, but
;leek just wouldn't do it. lie was as
811117110r11 118 S1.1.111110011, 011d We had the
iteenlest, lime. We coaxed end pulled,
but he wouldn't elir tin inch. Ile just
wolkee els twee ug Roe down ums ‘erig.
gled his Para, 1110 he was toughing al, us,
and slued perfeetly still. You'd a
thought be was plaided."
"1 should say so,' romineuted phil,
"I don't believe en automobile could
have moved him. I know I felt like an
idiot sitting there, waiting for that stub -
Nall little beast, to go."
"13111 when lie did go," said Nell, with
It shake 03 (31(11' head, "II, was the sudden-
eet thing, and, gracious 1 how he did
bray 1 11 seemed to go everywhere, 11.
was so loud. 'Then he made one (Mete
and Pell just, had Imre to grab the reins,
when mvay he went, bumping and bang-
ing along the road, getting muddy and
everything else, phirn liat flew off, and
117: a wonder mine didn't, too. 1 'epose
he just meant to come here all the time."
Whereepon Jack, who had been quielly
listening to the remarks about, himself,
gave a funny Mlle bray, and rubbed his
nose over Ted's shirt sleeve.
"Now," said 331111, "the question is, how
will we ever, get that little bong 110100.
I won't drive him. Thees certain. The
exercise is too strenuous for 1110,"
"And for me, too," added Nell;
maybe Tel will drive him fur us. I'm
sure he can manage him."
Ted's face brightened.
"Oh," he snicl, "l'd like to, and 1.11 ask
niollier if I may."
Of course Ted's' mother was willing -
indeed, she was glad flen he ceuld be
with Jerk again, even for a 111110 while.
So 011 three climbed into the 111 Ile
gam Nell holding on to the seat with
bolli hands, for she didn't know what
(1115111 happen. But she need not have
been afraid, for jack weet along as
obedient and gentle as a little lamb.
"Well, he can go just right," she said.
"l'd just love hire it heed be like this all
the time,"
Noire father laughed vele, much when
about 11,011 morning's ex -
p"1 suppose, under ordinnry eircum-
ssblities, Jack (night to be 33U1113111031,"he
"Oh, but you wouldn't," begged Nell,
for Ire heart was very lender. "Ile just
wanted to see Ted, yeu know, and that
was the only way."
"That's just it, little girl. And Irn in-
clined to think Jack will always be want-
ing to sec Ted."
"And hall go to him, too, papa, I see
IL in his eye"
"if the desire remained in his eye, it
wouldn't, melee so nmele but 11's apt to
travel to his legs, and then there'll be
snractiling doing. Now, suppose, instead
of letting Jock go to Ted, WO let Ted
come to Jack. John tells me that a bright
boy would be a great 11011) about the
stable, and I have an idea Mist Ted
would like very well to earn some moues,
hy coining here every day, taking care of
nick end helping---"
But he 5(11 110 further, for Null pounced
111:ani 1111111.
,0 ,ou
' 1. 3 dear, chilling, lovely, old
Melee," she said. giving 111111 a hug that
&meet squeezed the breath out, of him.
"nem plan Is the 111051 sertunbunklous
that ever was, mid len going 1-15111 out
arid tell ;leek all about it."
And jack liked 11. so well that he never
leek the children en such a strenuous
ride again.
Forecast of Whal the rotor° May Bring
-Private Telenraph Lines.
The following foreenst of the tele-
graphic depelopments which, will pro.
tnbly ennui lido being in 31011330011011
with commercial work is given In
/tenant electeical journal.
Tliti big business houses will have
their private telegraph 1111e8 to the yews
est office.
A typewriter telegraph inettiument, be-
ing placed in the inerchant's office, a
typist will typo messages previously clic-
teted, and these will be received on a
minting nmegne at the post office.
The dropping of an indictilor will
worn the operator thni e massage is
welting; it will be taken from the receiv-
e!, and despatched to Its destination
without delay.
If the message Is an order to nnother
merchant, the latter will In a few min-
utes see 11 signalled to his office, and
going to the receiving ineloneent, will
simply abstract it, amt. acknowledge it
In a eimilar way. .
No fuss and worry. No wailing to pci
On the telephone, with the loss of time
and temper. Everything working
smoothly, and quietly, awaiting the 033-
111'008h of the Millennium,
In Australia 04,000 tons of ore ere
mined for one ton of gold; in California
70,000 tons.
Rem and (1 hell pensons per 1,000 of
the World's inhabitants are eithee deaf
and dun% blind, or mentally.afflicled.
Cornwall and Carmarthreshire claim
the lawas1, poem renle of any
They Wero Merely Witnesses (0 Declara-
tion In Cerefientes
'Prey Iseued. .
l jtIreinecilngaSeutplinhcIvrt
en • the border Mr professionelly 3011110834
1(5 the uniting of couples by Scoted
law, Ile commenced Ms meta at IlIgge
7117-11.0 Gr011111, end les sticcess soon
£ ('o 115111 111e1 a 111-11 11(1 the persun uf an
old soldiee called 00311011, 111110 erect-
a I oil in 0111 11101110<1 n !Unary uniform,
ece13011 li 131, jackboots ,sen stet 1111)10 ((1131,.
1(001311,When Gordon WaS asked by
whet authority be joined persons in
wedlook he boldly answered: "I have a
Apecial license from the Government for
eidell 1 pny lifly pounds a year." 11011310-
1(1(1 common people grew to believe that -
some such privilege really existed,
ees a matter of Met, snys a. correspon,
dent of the Weetniiiister Gazette, writ-
ing, of the clandestine merriages that
were perfooned north of the English"'
1101,101 11) the tatter part of tbe eighteenth
snd the first half 01 11)0 nineteenth cen-
turies, althougli the Gretna Green
"priests", played at officiating a rite,.
either to 51111513, their own vanity or toe,
humbug the censelences of the brides,
they were careful not, to claim any locus
etendi alxwe that of having "acted- es
professional witness to a legal declera-
Sion ln the form of certificates which
they issued. When Gordon died there
arose several aspirants for the °Mae or
priest" end the Eon's share or
the plunder fell to the lot of Joseph
P55103,, fisherman, smuggler, tobaccoe., 1e
nisi and reputed blacksmith.
The follnwing smerimen of Pasley's.
marriage. ((Paint:510 shows how he beg-
ged the queslinn of being in any 0003'
11,301180<1 to act, while it also demon-,
strates the ifille.rateness 01 (110 nien W110-
hellfied the office: "Thls is lo snrlify
all who mny be eoncerned that on —,
— from the parilsh of —, and --,.
from the parish of —, In Englerel,
and bolls comes before 111e, and declayr- res
eel themselves 1010 single persons and 71
hereby now nierried by the form of Om I.
Klek of Scotland, and ngettaible to no -
Church of England, and therefore given
uneer my halide."
Pnsley ollielated front 1760 MI liese
death in 1811 at the nge ol 84. His first
residence was at elegies 11111, on thee
green between Grebe( and Springfield,
in the latter of which villages Ile re -
)(bleed in 1782. lie never was a 1117171107
F3111711, this deseription of 111111 arising
from the mythological ronceit of Vulcnie
being the forger of hymeneal chains,
end Ile 1100e1' held the ceremony in a
forgo For 1110113( years he gave a false
name in attesting declarations of nuirrt- „
age, till a solicitor advised him that it.
would be snfer if he signed his Own.
Pasley's refeme formed the golden
((us of the Border village. Ile estab-•
lishee a code of signals with the poet,
boys, who thus leL him know what his
clients were good for; he was reputed
often to. earn SHOO a week rind to ralco
In a sleady income of „
000 013 11700 A YEAR,
71.16 wag an arrant coward and went in.-
conslaet fear of prosecution by the au-
thorities. while to keep up his courage
he consented two quarts of brandy a
day withal]1 eveti appetlring drunk in
Two persons °teemed to succeed Pas -
ley -Behest Elliot who said that he had
inherited the good will by marrying the
"blacksmith's" granddaughter, and
David Langwho posed as nn ex-pedler
alihough under cross.exnminatton be
confessed lo having been a tramp, fi11-
Ike, who died at a greet age in retire-
ment, °Mended as 11 priest till the early
'405. tri February, 1843, he wrote to the„,
Times stating that 110 had married 4.-
4,14 persons Mom 181 1 to 1810, the lnrgest
number in any one year being 108 and
the smallest 42; Elllet was 1110 nollum
Of 11. rare 11111e book on Gretna Green
merriage customs and describing Me,
aristocodle runawny marriages which
bad taken place there.
John 31110003', the son of a slater, suc-
ceeded lo his share of the business, and 314
offleloted at Allson's bank toll house,
odjacent to which and nn the English
side of the border he built Um Sark 'Bar -
inn. David Long was submenaed ns a
witness in, the celebrated Wakefield ab-
duction (else hied in 1827 and which
concerned all °Icemen'. with a ware in
chance,,y to Gretna Green. He died nt-
'York on his eeturn home. Among the
proseceting counsel in that ORSOwns
OfItirWards Sir, Filmy Kelly, cre-
ated Lore Chief [broil of England le
1800. 171 September, 1850, a few months
beim the act clime into force, IS0113,,--
then Solicitor -General, married bis sec -i
o nd wife te 331.0111 Green.
David Tang was succeeded by his snn
Simon, 'WW1 dlod in Apr11, 1870, at Fel-
ling. near Newcastle, the sole survivor
of the Icing line of
the Gretna "priests," It is told of Meath S"
that the last ceremony he ever perform -
00 wils in complete dishnbille-shIrt. nod
drawers -the 00001110113/ being perforce a
very hurried ono. Mlnor priests in the
"Mlles" were Thomas Blythe end Tens,
'Mo. For ten years previous to the pess-
ing of the act Ilia einnual number of
inarrtages evernged 100. The arelne
"prteets" Matinee to have kept vecasters
of all marriages ,perforined by them,
but, a "priest" confessed undo, tines -
examination !het "it (1le )mppensome-
times tbal n wineries° wns nol entered," ••
What has become of Moto regis!ers
scants, however, 10 lie 0 mystery. The
Ode,) records are said in Nye been ne-
ol 11031 151)3' burned. ln 1587 the registee
of marriages which tonk place nt Ali,
6011'S toll bar, 8,000 entries, wns repent,
ed le be in the cuslorlS of il Cluilisle so,
liellor, The "prle.sle never neglected to
give the woman her "1111111115e 11001'."
It the 'sWain ltrid forgotten In I:ring 11
rblig the '!Priost"' turned 0 ring 71111 of
tobacco ned placed it on Ihe women's
finger, After Pasley'S death ne "(Most"'
succeeded 000111(1(4 33301'431 Mem 0 neeb
est. Competence, for llie ,pestloys, 11,,-
001111ng ewers' 01 their power, 10111011,1,11
hall Ow mai,cbga 1305,