The Brussels Post, 1907-3-28, Page 1E3RUSSELS, ONTARIO; THURSDAY,
MARCH 28, 1997
W. H. KERR, Prop
New Advertisements,
For sale -John i i'rttrecd.
Shingles -John 1\•l, Donald.
Fururture—\Vat 11 Lave.
Sealed tenders—Fred.'Gelines,
House for sale ---Mrs. F, Shiers.
Slaughter sale—Carey Shoo Co,
For the gentlemen—A, Strachan. •.
Beautify your hume—F. R. Smith,
Nutice to creditors—W. M, Sinclair
Mxstrict Ban.
John Heist has some white Rock
hens that are establishing a record for
big eggs, He got one that measured
685 Inches and weighed a quarter of a
HYMENEAL. --Phe home of Jno Rion
was the scene of a very pretty wed.
ding Wednesday, 13th lost., when
his danghter, Miss Jeanie, was united
in marriage to Frank Story, of Mc-
Killop. Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford, of
Brussels, officiated and the contract-
ing parties were unattended. The
bride was daintily gowned in nuns -
veiling, Mendelssohn's wedding
march was played by Mks Mamie Mc-
Ewen as the wedding party ., took
their places an the parlor. After the
ceremony and congratulations, im-
mediate friends and relatives to the
number of about 5o repaired to the
dining room where a sumptuous wed-
ding repast awaited them. In the
evening the bridal couple left for their
011,101nr. !MG
future home on the groom's farm,
where a reception to zoo friends
wits given, The evening was very
eo)ovably spent. Chas Goldie, of
Seaforth, efficiently acted as doer
manager, while Messrs. Hawthorn,
Grieve and Galbraith supplied excel-
lent music, The bride was the re.
cipient of a large number of beautiful
and serviceable presents, which testifi
ed to the esteem In which the young
couple are held, The best wishes for
a long life of happiness and prosperity
are extended by their many friends.
Jacob Long has been on the sick
list with bronehihs but we hope he
will soon be o, k. Garfield Long is
home from' Brussels.
Dr. and Mrs, Turnbull, of Goderich,
were here attending the funeral of the
tate James McNair on Tuesday. Mrs.
Turnbull is a neice of the deceased,
Among those who have gone to the
West this week are Peter Blair, whose
home is Halbrite, Sask., and Ed, and
Will. Switzer, whose farms are near
Battteford. The former has been 25
years in the West,
Owing to selling their farm Neil and
John Duncanson and families have re-
moved near Walton. Their many old
friends in this locality wish them many
happy years and hope to often see
them back.
A meeting of those interested in the
Cranbraok Beef -ring will be held in
the Foresters' Hall Saturday evening,
April 6th, at 7 o'clock. There are a
fete shares unsold yet of which par-
ticulars may be had from A. McDon-
ald, Secretary.
During January and February the Wingham Business Collette had
. twenty-five times as matty calls for Stenographers, Telegraphers, Book-
keepers, and College Teachers as we had graduates to send.-
Attendance 15 always smallest during April, May and Sane, consequent-
ly each student gets more individual attention, This is the beat term of the
year for the tudent.
Learn of the encases of our graduates by writing for n handsome -cata-
logue of the
The "backward" or "rusty" feel at home with us, as each student is
instructed at his awn deck by it painstaking, sympathetic teacher. Gradu-
ates guaranteed situations. Eater any time,
(Affiliated with Clinton Basiuese College,)
Our Millinery Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
will take place
Mar. 26 27, 28
We Cordially invite the Ladies of Brussels and
locality to call and see our Fashionable display.
Have engaged the services of MISS HYKE, of
Toronto, who comes very highly recommended.
Our Millinery is Up-to-date and Bold at Reason-
able Prices.
11i'lir'IU'IYed4dlh'lu'hALIV,IIIldhnl,aldll. _ .
To the people of Ethel and surrounding country we beg leave
to Bay we Lave opened up a Furniture and WallPaper business at
-Ethel. We also keep a supply of Window Shades—orders for
special sizes and colors promptly attended to.
We cordially invite you to call and see our goods as we feel
certain we can please you both in quality and price.
We would also kindly call your attention to our
Undertaking Department
Wo will keep a good supply of everything necessary in that line
constantly on hand and all orders left with us will be carefully and
promptly looked after by MESSRS. WALKER & BLACK, Brussels,
Wreathes and Funeral Designs also supplied.
South Side,
I, Mn H. LOVE,
Red Brick Block, ETHEL
Last Sunday James ti'leNair, a well
known resident, paid Nature'adebt iu
his 8411) year, Funeral tools place
Tuesday afternoon. A more eztended
notice will be given next week.
On Sunday evening, April 7th the
annual Union Sible Society ineeting
will be held in the Presbyterian church
here when Rev. Mr, Wishart, of Brits
sels, will give an address, Wm.
Cameron• will preside in the absence
of the pastor, who will preach in the
Methodist church, Brussels, A collec-
tion in the interests of the cause will
be taken. A. j, Helm will be the
collector of the funds this year again
Township Council on April 15111. '
75 cents secures THE Pas'r to )an-
uary 1st 108.
Maple sugar and syrupmaking is on
the program of Several Grey farmers,
SHINGLES.—lust received a car load
of B, C. XXX red cedar shingles at
Walton saw mill
Mrs. Daniel Shine left last week, for
the West whither her husband went
a few weeks ago with a car of settler's
Tuesday Robert R, Houston, )6th
COIL, left for Winnipeg where his
brother David is a resideut. We
wish hint success.
On Sabbath afternoon, April 7th,
Rev. E. G. Powell and A. M. McKay,
of Brussels, will deliver Bible Society
addresses at Union church. Special
music by the choir. Collection in aid
of the Bible Society.
'Instead of the usual preachipg ser-
vice in Bethel church on Sabbath
evening, April 7th, a Bible Society
address will be given by W. H. Kerr,
of Brussels. Acollection will be taken
in behalf of the cause. Dnets may be
sung by Misses Bertha and Pearl
Sharpe, of Brussels,
The Duncanson farm, 14th con.,
has been purchased from Albert Car
re•,.by'1'hos. Lem•mont who is now
in possession. The latter has hacl
Mr. Carter's farm, nth con., rented
but Richard Mitchell has purchased
the faro) and moved to it this week.
We hope: all will do well on their new-
ly acquired properties.
Drainage 13y Lawshavebeen print-
ed for the McKee, Michel and Ewen
drain schemes. Court of Revision
will be held at Ethel on April r5th.
There are said to be some more drains
on the program yet. Grey township
Council certainly has had a wide and
varied experience in this line of mun-
cipal work,
Tuesday of last week J. Hislop and
bride said -Good-bye" to relatives and
friends and left for their home at
Arcola Saskatchewan. They pur-
posed making a few calls en route.
Mrs. Hislop was Miss Jennie, daughter
of John and Mrs. McNair, who was
married on•Marelt 6th. Many good
wishes accompany thein for their
future happiness and prosperity,
Mr, Eislop ltae been in the West for
several years so knows the country
Owing to the demise of his wife
Wm, Mitchell, Lot 14, Con. 0, Grey,
will hold an aect1Gn sale 01 his 50 ' acre
farm, farm stock, implements, &c„ on
Friday afternoon of next week, com-
mencing at t o'clock, F. S, Spott will
he the auctioneer,
AT A Goon OLn Acrt,—At 2.30
o'clock Wednesday morning George
Patterson, an old and highly respected
resident of the 14th con,, passed over
to the great majority in his 88511 year,
The funeral will lake place en Friday
afternoon to Cranbrook cemetery at 2
o'clock, service at 1.3o at the home.,
Mrs, Patterson, who is well advanced
in years has been quite poorly of late
A more extended notice of Mr. Patter.
son will appear next week.
This week Albert Carter, a well
known resident, left for Inuisfail,,
Alberta, where he has a half section
of land, 6 miles from the railway, It
is a long trip 96o miles from Winni-
peg His sons Alvie and Jim so-
compauied him, a car of stock which
included 5 horses and other effects. be-
ing taken, Mrs. Carter and sons Rus-
sell and Bert will spend a few months
in Brussels before proceeding to their
new home in the West. Many good
wishes will go with them for their
future success.
Township. Council will be held en
Monday. April Sth,
Menno and Miss Maud Jackson
visited Listowel and Molesworth
last week.
SHINGLES,—Just received a car load
of B. C. XXX red cedar shingles at
Warton saw mill.
Wm. Little has changed his mind
as to going to the West and has taken
up residence at Bluevale.
A number of emigrants have ar-
rived this Spring in Morris being en-
gaged to assist in farming operations.
William Taylor. 9th line, wbo usual -
Iv draws the lines over good horse-
flesh sold a heavy draft mare to John
Denholm, Blyth, for the sum of $3oo.
She weighed )Boo pounds. Phis kind
of animal always finds a ready sale.
Mrs. Allan Adams, 5th line, was
visiting at Washington City during
the past week. She accompanied her
father, Wm. MoKercher, of Wroxeter,
who has a brother resident In' the
Capitol city, The trip is a delightful
one and Washington is a city well
worth seeing.
An auction sale of farm stock, im-
pletnents. furniture &c, is announced
by John Kelly, at South ball lot 12,
con. 7, for Tuesday, April 9th, F. S.
Scott, of Brussels, will be the auc•-
tioueer. Mr. Kelly purposes taking a
trip to the West hence the sale will be.
For the
Ghxi$ty '
Landon Hats
are so popular that "OURIS'i'Y STIFF" is a house-
hold word used for bard Hate of all mattes, If yott
want the Genuine Christy see that it has the ac-
companied registered trade mark on inside of hat,
Also remember that they make SOFT Hate of the
same reliable character as their world renowned
STIFFS. We have them in black and colored.
liew Spring Suits and. Overcoats
As well as our reguler.liaes we have something very Stylish
and Up-to-date in the "Piccadilly" Brand, These Suits will
compare favorably with Tailor Made goods inregard to quality,
style and workmausbip. See our Special Snits in the "Pio-
nadilly" Brand at $73.50 and our Natty SprIug Overcoat(
51 $8.50.
A. Strachan
AVING DISPENSED with the Formal Opening,
we wish to announce to our Customers that
we are again prepared to show the Newest Styles in
all classes of Spring Millinery procured froti the
most, up-to-date Warehouses in .Toronto, Chicago and
Detroit. We feel convinced that we can suit the most
Fastidious tastes. If you wish to secure the season's
best give' us a call.
We have also a full line of FaneStrawBraids, .. i
y 3ds, Cu,.
trimmed Shapes, Flowers and Ribbons.
Miss Minnie Walker, 4th line; is
speuding the Easter holidays with
friends at ("bailee', Tupperville and
Councillor Cutt will spend Easter
with relatives in Godei'roh.
Last Sabbath evening Robt. Shaw
took the service in Victoria Hall.
Owing to sickness Wm. Holt has
returned home from the North. We
hope he will soon be as well as ever.
Thos, and James Strachan and Mrs
Strachan attended the funeral of the
late James McNair at Crenbrook on
Tuesday afternoon,
"Resolved that travel is more edu-
cative than reading" is the subject of
the next debate in Victoria Hall.
Jamestown is to oppose Ethel, and as
a consequence two able speakers
in the persons of R. M. Simpson and
ex -teacher Juo. '1'. Strachan are to up
hold the honor of our town, The de-
bate was to ltatve taken place last
Tbursday, but as one of the speakers
could not attend, it was postponed.
Watch for further particulars.
Wal ton.
SHINGLE,,—Just, received a car load
of 13 C. XXX red cedar shingles at
Walton saw mill.
On the evening of Gond Friday, at
7.30 o'clock, Rev, Mr, Lang -Ford will
conduct service in St. George's
Don't forget the Lecture and mus-
ical and Literary program in the
Methodist church next Monday even- I
ing under the auspices of the Ladies'
Monday evening, April ret, a
musical and literary entertainment
will be given in the Methodist church
here under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid, In addition to local talent Rev.
E. G. Powell, of Brussels, bas been
secured to give his witty,- practical
and popular Lecture entitled "The
mail the age demands." Musical and
literary numbers will also be contrib-
uted by a number from Brussels Ep-
worth Leagne, A good time Is prom-
ised to ail who attend,
NEWSY Wala,'KLrs.—Miss Hoegy, of
Brodbagen. has been visiting her
brother, Geo. Hoegey, for the past
week,—Mr. Dowling and family, of
Winnipeg; whobave spent the Winter
with friends here returned tbis week
to their home.—Miss Sibbens. of
Stratford, is at present visiting friends
in this vicinity, Miss Sibbens' father
was for many years a resident of the
14th con , of McKillop.—Mrs, Dement,
who has spent the greater part of the
Winter at Rock Island, Que„ returned
to Walton this week, Mrs. Denant is
Mrs. (Dr.) Menzies' mother.—On Mon-
day evening last the Young People's
Circle met at the home of Wm. Denni-
son. Aftera good program. consisting
of songs, recitations, etc., a taffy -pull
was given, which added much to the
pleasure of the evening. This will be
the4ast Circle of the season.—The C.
P, R. telegraph construction gangs are
now erecting the lines along the rail
way. This week a steam shovel is be-
ing placed inMcNaught's hill and as
soon as possible the ballasting will be
started,—Word was received here
Tuesday that Wm. Easton, who went
to the Toronto General Hospital four
or five weeks ago for treatment, was
dead, having undergone an operation.
The body was brought to Robt, Hen-
derson's, Brussels, from where the
funeral took place Thursday afternoou.
interment was made at Brussels ceme-
tery.—Some days ago Mr. Calvert,
Manager of the Sovereign Bank, re-
"ceived word that his mother was very
lots and very little hopes for- her re-
covery, . On Wednesday the tnany
friends of Mr. Calvert here were sorry
to learn of her death. Mr. Calvert's
home is at Dandamin, near Sarnia. ,
Mrs, George Imlay and Miss Eva
visited in Brussels on Monday.
Miss Eva Imlay is spending the
Easter holidays in Wingham and St.
Next Sunday the pastor will preach
on "Death's defeat" in the Methodist
A seamstress' would do well here
as those we have can get more to do
than they can do.
A very interesting letter,' written by
T. Watson concerning Calgary may be
read on page 4 of this issue,
It was people's opinion that a livery
would not last in Ethel but John N.
Lamont has no trouble in keeping
five horses going.
We are sorryy to report the seriouss
illness of an old and well known resi-
dent of this locality in the Person of
Malcolm Lamont, Ills many friends
hope for a change for the better.
Last Sunday night Mrs. Wm,
Mitchell, whose home is West of bete,
died after a short illness aged 72 years.
She and her husband had resided on
their 5o acre farm for a good many
years. The funeral took place on
Wednesday afternoon to Brussels
cemetery. Rev, H. M, Lang -Ford con-
ducting the services. ']'hey have uo
surviving children.
GONE Hotta.—Early Wednesday
morning the Master's call carne to
Helen W„ eldest daughter of Robert
Barr and her response was of willing•
tress to depart and be torever with the
Lon& During the past year she' has
been in failing health despite all that
conid be done for her, She took a
trip to Kansas city In the hope that
change of air and scene Would prove
beneficial but such was hot the case
and her father went for her and
brought her bonne. Deceased was
bornere u
h and van well aud fa
kuoWn in the cothmunity. When her
mother passed away about a year ago
Helen responded 50 tbe call to assume
new responsibilities in the ltotno, It
connection will) the choir, Sabbath
School and Christian Endeavor of tire
Presbyterian church she has proved a
true and faithful worker and her
demise will be sadly felt, Alhotrgh
recently rthdah
possessed woman)ypassingher unitsipth biof characteyser
coupled with pleasing manner beyond
her years and made friends wherever
she went, The community will be a
unit in extending their sympathy to
Mr, Barr and family. Funeral will
take place Saturday forenoon at 10.30
o'clock, the service being a half hour
earlier. Interment will be made in
the family plot at Brussels cemetery.
MUs1CAL SALTS,—Laughter is the
harmony that silences the dissonance
of care. Humor has done much
where medicine has failed. It has
been satisfactorily demonstrated that
music may be used as medicine. Music
attacks the uervous system directly re-
acting and rousing where physic and
change of air can neither reach nor
rouse. The vibrations of sound induce
a sympathetic yibration on every nerve
in the body, The cause is found to
the fact that the auditory nerve is
closely connected with the great ner-
vous system, Half of our diseases
come from disordered nerves, stag-
nation of the emotional life or the fati-
gue of overwrought emotion. .The
ruin of life is ill regulated emotion
which makes, unhappiness, checks en.
terprise and spoils success, The Greeks
understood how sound regulated
emotion for not a procession, soctal
gathering, gymnasium or important
oration was thought complete without
music. Music will bring into harmony
this disordered emotion for music is
harmony and harmony is the Music of
repose. This recalls to us the most
perilops condition of our modern life,
the lack of repose and harmony.
Consider the repose in Nature. You
can perceive it in the rising and setting
of the King of Day and in the forest
depths of woodland music. 'I'he sound
of falling waters and the gentle mur-
mur of a bidden brook will fill you
with a grateful sense of repose, a
serenity surpassing words. The music
of Nature in this harmony appeals not
only to the eye and ear but to that
mysterious part of the man called the
soul. The soul feels tbe repose of the
lofty mountains as they meditate in
cloudy silence, of the winds bellowing
through the lofty pines, and the low
voice of the waters chanting a vesper
to the evening star. Let us tune our
lives more to the music of Nature and
rejoice in this sweet repose, There is
repose not only in the harmony of
Nature but in the music of man. An
observant physician speaking of it as
a theraputic adjunct says "melancholia,
insomnia, hysteria, business reverses,
delirium, pain and fatigue are helped
by the beneficent influence of music."
When the bells of the spirit of man
are jangled out of tune let us make
"undying music" in the world and
restore harmony and repose to the
growing life of man, E. F. A,
Morris Council Meeting,
Council met on Marsh 110h as.
cording to adjournment. Members all
present, the Reeve in the chair. Min-
utes read and passed. A request wee
remind from Rev. A. MoNab, of Wel
ton, caking for aid to the Pnblio Library.
On motion of Taylor and Shaw 05.00
was granted in aid of the said library,
On motion of Shaw and Campbell the
Clerk was ioetraoted lo•notity the Grey
Omani! that we require the completion
of the Lamont drain in Morrie on or
before the Bret day of Ootober neat. A
copy of a proposed Byraw of the County
of Huron in reapeot to the good roads
movement was presented sod on motion
of Taylor and Shaw the Oonnoil appeov.
ed of the passing of the said Bylaw by
the County Council. Accounts were
ordered to be paid as followe :—F. Gut.
ridge, Dement tile, $10.50 ; Mnnioipal
World, blank • aeeeeemeut and collector's
roll', $4.60 ; Jas. A, Anderson, bail rent
for Division Court, $8 00 ; Corporation
of McKillop, B. line account, $16.69; P.
Venelone, gravel on North honodry,
$28.86 ; Jae. Henderson, gravel on North
boundary, $8.76 ; Jae, Fowler, gravel on
North boundary, 06.90. A copy of the
engineer's report on a proposed dram in
the township- of Grey, known ea the
Ewan drain wait handed in by the Clerk
of Grey.
On motion 0 of Mo utoheuo
and Capbell the (toenail then adjourned
to meet again on the 8th day of April
neat at 1,80 p. m. at whioh meeting the
report on the proposed Ewan drain will
be read. W. Crane,Clerk.
Neat Sabbath will be Easter Sunday
and the church services will be In keep-
ing with the day.
Service will be held in 8t John's
ohnroh on Good Friday at 10.80 e. no.
Rev. Mr. Lang•Ford will oondnot it.
"A servant of Jesse Christ" was the
text from which the meter in Melville
church preaohed last Sabbath morning,
The union meetingof the Bible Society
wan held in the evning,
Rev. E, G. Powell preached last Sab,
bath morning from "Jonah's prayer and
I0s snit's!". Owing to the Bible Society
meeting being held in Melville oborob
the evening service was withdrawn.
Monday afternoon the minuet meeting
of the Executive met at Tae Pim
Publishing House and re-elected the
the oflaere of the paet year, appointed
collectors for the branch and arranged
for outlying meetings at Oranbrook,
Ethel, Monorieff, Union, foe's and
JAmeetown as in former yeare.
Neal Sabbeth morning Rev. E. G.
Powell will presoh a epeaial eerm.o0 to
the membere of the Sebbofh School.
The S, S, Orchestra will lead the singing,
In the
overalls there will be an
Praise Service consisting of hymns,
anthems, solos, duets and ehornees end
an address by Jho pastor. The anneal
colleotion foe the oboie will bo taken.
The Lerd'a Day Allianoe work will be
dealt With by the pastors of the chamber
in Brnesele on Ssbbatb, April 2101,`
There Will be High Mass, and a err-
moa on the "Reegrreotien of Christ"
in the Catholic Menai, Brnseeie, next
Sunday (Easter) et 10 80, P. m.
BmX,a 8oermr2,—The aunnal union
eerviee in connection with Bruesels
Branob of the Upper Canada Bible
/Moiety waa held Met Sabbath evening
in Melville church which was crowded to
the doors, Rev, Mr. Wiebart presided
aod'gave a abort address bearing on the
history and memos a Bible Society.
work. Rev. E. 0, Powell followed taking
the word Bible in aoroetla farm, It was
(1 a bright Book ; (2) ars iguored Book ;
3) a benevolent Book ; (4) Book et Life ;
(6) an everlasting Boolt. The closing
address was by Rev. H, 8. Lang -Ford on
"The Bible the world's Book," Miss
McKinlay eeng"The Master stood in Hie
garden" with good affect and the choir
rendered the anthems "Beek ye the
Lord," end "1 will magnify thee 0 1
Lord•" The oolleotion totalled 012.75.
The three sddreesee were very appro•
priate to the occasion and should in-
°tease the interest in this good work.
People We Talk About.
Mies Fannie Macon, of Blytb, was a
visitor in Brnesele on Monday.—Bart.
Lott is home from the Institute for the
Blind at Brantford for the Feeler vaca•
tiou.—B. and Mre. Gerry were viaiiing
in Sealortb for a few days 'last week
with Chir daughter, Mre, W. H. Willie.—
Wee Carrie Edwarde is spending the
Beater holiday vieitiag friende in Strut•
lord.—Reeve Lenkie was bothered Bor-
ing the paet week with lumbago. We
hope be will soon be o. k,—Among the.
non-residents who ware here to vote on
the market site Bylaw feet Monday were
Dr. Holmes and hie sou, Hilton, and
Edward Speiran, of Goderioh 1 A. J.
Luwiak and Fred. Adams, of Fordwioh ;
B. Cochrane, of Wingbam ; and J. L,
Kerr, of Blyth:—Ed. Nicholeon, who
has been is charge ot Geo. Thumeon'e
bakery for the peat three yeare, talks of
leaving town. He ie a eteedy going
young man whom we would he glad
t0 see remain in Broseele. We have nos
learned where be will locate.—While in
Toronto last week THE Poor eoribe mel
with old time Brasseutes in the persona
pt Mieeee Sara V. McLauohlin, Elsie
Jackson, May Deadman and Elara Mit.
shell, Dr. G. L. Bail, Herb. Williamson
and Joe. Alexander, the "Lion." The
latter is now a resident of Port Arthur
bat ie as big and jolly as ever.
We also spent several boars with 'Earl.
Warden, Robt. Miller, formerly o1 Wrex.
eter.—mise Nina Rogers, of Mount
Forest, was holidaying for afew days in
town with relatives and friende,—
Ooenaillor Beaker took in the horee show
at Lietowel last Friday but .did not in•
vest, --P. and Mrs. Ameut were at London
attending the funeral of the for•
mere brother•in•law's father, Mr. Thom.
eon. The ofd gentleman bad been ailing
fore some time.—Mieeee Elsie Wilton,
Gerernde Roes, May Smith and Mary
Dark are home from the London Nor.
mai Seboo! for the Easter vacation. The
young ladies will complete their term in
June Mise Zetta Ferguson, of Tees -
water, was holidaying with old friends
.in Brnesele and locality.—W. L. end
Mre. Leatherdale are visiting relatives
and Maude, at Galt and Brantford.—R.
W. Jewitt and family, of Constance, who
said their store and business, have re.
moved to Warwick, Mre. Jewitt'e parent-
al home for a time. Mr. Jewitt may
take a prospecting Soar through the
Wert.—E. McAlpine, who ie pnehing the
organization of a clothing manufactory
at Lucknow, has been visiting in town.
The By law dealing with a loan to the
Company was carried and they get the
Town Hall for their factory ae soon as
Me Carnegie Library building ie o0m•
pleted.—Miee Edna Speiran, of Goderiob,
ie enjoying a holiday with old friends in
Brnesele and looaiity,—Mise Cash, of
Seafarer, ie visiting her eieter, Mre. A.
T. Carrie.—raise Helen D. Ford wilt
spend her Barnet vacation at her home
in Essex. She nae given a good scooting
of herself on Brussels Publics School
etaff since aiming to (owe last January.
—Mise Clara Simmons, who has been on
the sick list wag able to be brought down
town on Monday and enjoyed the fine
Spring-like weather. — Mies Hazel
Lowry was vieitiag al her uncle's,
Lorenzo Frain, in Grey.—Mine Eva
Gilpin opens a few days at the home of
R. Finia oK ro r
y M e be near Seatorlb.—
Mfs. Teenie Kelly, of Tnokeremitb, is
the guest of her oonein, Mise Stewart,
Church street.—Mies Carrie Hingston
will spend a few weeks with friends in
Hamittoe.—Andrew Flats, who hes been
home from Detroit toe the peel 8 or 4
weeks, has gone West to Frobieher.
Wee, Currie went with him. We wish
them both euo e — ie i a
o se, ill a Lily Sharpe
has gone to Olieton to complete a course
of training as a professional nurse. $be
put in two yeare at the work in fugereoll
and should do well se rhe has apparent.
ly epeeial adaptability for it. We wish
Mies Sharpe suaoese,—Mise Mabel Zim•
mer will spend Easter with Toronto
friende,—Mrs. Jno. Pugh and Mrs. Joe.
Forbes are enjoying a visit with Mre.
Jno, Donaldeon, formerly of Brussels, -
now of Goderioh,—Mre. W. i1. Stewart
and sou Arohie, are away to Peeeton ' to
spend a few days With Mise Olive Main-
prize, the former's aietec.—Mise Kate
Barbottle nae gone to Weiland where
rhe will make an extended stay. Her
mother bolds a position in the dame
town.—Mise Julia Bartliff, of Clinton,
was visiting Miss Vinie Cardiff this week.
—Mies Jennie Sellers is visiting relatives
near Obetham,--h1rs. Thos, Bone has
gone to Poroneo for a holiday viola.
An tlneolicited inereaee in tbb wages
of aondaotore and motormen ot the 08•
Iowa Eleotrio railway war, annoatloed
t e
a a k
e sot May
let neat.
bund ed ma t io"
o r tete at the
Grand !'renk'a Point St, Charles chops
have made prepaeatione to strike unless
their demands for an inoraaee of pay