The Brussels Post, 1907-3-21, Page 3Ikeeweeoo-o-o-coceremoom-0-0-04:00.0.0 LYOUNG FOLKS cents-ocestnee> ose-o-asso-eseetees GOLDEN RULE Allr11IMISTIC, "Phil," whispered little Kenneth Reticles, I've got u secret to tel.) you after school." "Nice?" risked Phil. was the answer; "nice for me." "011," said 11111, and his eyebrows fen, , He followed Kenneth around behind the echoolhouse after school to hear Mei scarce "My Uncle George," sold ICenneth, "has given me U, tick11 to go and see the. man that makes canary Mitts clo 001111081, tricks. Ever see them?" "No," said Pell hopelessly. "Well, its nese-rale, and my ticket will tele° nee In twice," said Kenneth, meting a litho caper of delight. "Same thing both elms?" asked Phil. "No, sir-ee, new traits every Wee. 1 say, Phil," Kennettt continued, struck with the other's mournful look, "won't your Uncle George give you one?" "1 ain't got any Uncle George." "ThaVe a Met. How about your mo- ther?" "Can't afford 11," answered Phil, wall his eyes: on the ground. Kenneth took his ticket out of his podia and lonlied at it. It certainly promised to admit the bearer into Me - zeta Hall two afternoons. Then he look- ed at Phil, and a secret wish stole Into Ins Tierra that he hadn't said anything about his ticket; but after a few nio- ment's struggle, "Phil," he cried, "I wonder If the man won't change this and give one two tickets that would !eke you and me in one thne?" Phil's eyes grew bright, and a happy ism(lo crept over his broad, little face. "1)0 you think he would?" he asked eagerly. "Let's try," said Kenneth, and the two little boys started off for the °Mee win- dow. "Buis Kenneth," said Phil, slopping, "It isn't fair for nee to take your ticket." "It is, though," answered his friend sthutly, "'cause 111 get more fun from going once with you than twice with myself." This settled the matter, and Phil gave • "So you want two tickets for one time?" said the agent. "Yes, sir," said Kenneth, taking oft hie sailor hat; "one for Phil, you know." "You do arithmetic by the Golden. •flute down here, ddn't you?" asked the ticket. man. WHERE CANE SUGAR Gnaws. VVotild you like to come with me to visit a sugar plantation in Hawaii to- day? Away we go on our ponies. There are no side-saddles here, but, the ladies evear a long, flowing drapery which Nis over the feet and floats out like wings, when they ride. This Is a gierit sugar plantation. It is live miles square. Yes, it looks just like a. field of tall corn, but break off a stock end taste of it, Now you know it is sugar. The men are cutting it as Pear the ground as they can, for the part nearest the root contains the best tripe On these sugar plantations the very best modern steam ploughs, steam har- rows and steam cultivators aro used. Even steam engines, which draw wide- spreading cars In which the cane can be taken to the 10111, are used. These en- gines and ears are run ()Irby railways which can be taken up and moved from one part of the field to another. They are made in small parts which four men can lift, and are laid on the Lep of the giound. These portable railways help the men to send the cane to the mill very quick- ly The cane will spoil if it is not ground very soon after it is cut. Thbre le so much to be gathered the trains are run very fast over the roils. Some- times the tracks get moved a little, then the next train .of cars that comes speed- ing over them goes flyIngover the fields and the cane is tossed in all directions. The men only laugh at such an ascl- dent, Mak up the scattered cane, pack it up again end go on as fast as ever. 'When the cane reaches the mill It is ground and then boiled away until it is madeinto sugar. TRACED BACK. "I don't know," said the old man, "wbere Jelin got lils literary turn; I ain't literary; en' it's mighty plain that you ain't." • "I've been thinkini about that myself," said the old lady, "an' I've 'bout traced it back to you." me?" "Yea, Don't you reckollect when you an' 13111 Jones had the light in the el' si t tin g -room?" "Didin't he knock yer head sideways with Johnston's Dicttonary." "Bilieve he didl" "An' didn't he finish \in with, 'Pll- grlm's Progress' en" the 'Book Of Psalnie'?" "Ahl that he did." "Well, takin' all (hat in considiera- tean, it's 710 phi as anything that Jelin Urine by his welling power nat-rall" vn "You'd make a pretty geed clerk," staid the employer, sarcestieelle, "11 you only had a Mlle more pommon Sense." "Ind -evil" replied the clerk. "But 11111 11 ever occur to you 111111 11 1 bed a little more common sense 1 weei.in't be a clerk et an?" A, well-known Goletilal fudge, who la an Irishmen, recently told O. \OHMS, • who Wee seinewhat verbose in his an. Mara, to "held his tongue and give his evidence clearly." Tranip-"Yes, modem, I've been a so. teeter for nigh nvenly yeare." Mrs. Isarniyard-PA eolleiterr Tramp - "Yesim 1 solicits breed art" meat," "Johnnie, you shouldn't have eaten those preserved teethe, They Were nitre. ea on the table merely le fill Upe "Well, ma, thafAi Just what 1 used them (Orr WEAK AND WORN OUT. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Rive New Strength to Overworked Woman, The life of a demesne Is a hard one. Sho toils from early aiming till late at night; her work is never done. Often oho is 100 busy to gel. out of doors Mr .brealli of fresh air, Unless her blood le kept rlch and pure this close rine- finernent wears on her health. •Her strength will fail; she may lose her ap- petite, become pale and dyspeptic. In Met she Is in danger of a general break- down. Such was the condition of Miss Marie Anne Fleury, of Ste. Anne de 1a Perade, Que., before she used Dr, Wil - limns' Pink Pills. She says; "Por number of years I tra.ve been a sevent. Up to a year ago 1 alwoys enjoyed the best of health, but .suddenly 1 ivies seiz- ed with pains in my side, my appetite left me, 1 became dyspeptic end lost all strength. I COnsulled a doctor who told, rlie I was suffering from general debil- ity. 1 was forced to stop work and for three months 1 fonowed the doctor's treatment, but without benefit. 1 was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as 1 had often rend of the eases they cured, 1 decided be do so. I only thole eight boxes before I WEIS OMNI, and to -day I am stronger num 1 ever was. My digestion is gond and 1 elm now go hout my work without fa- tigue. 1 owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Inc what they have done for me and I strongly advise other weak sickly girls to give them a Mal." Miss Fleury's case is one of niany that Dr. Williams' Pink Rills have cured after doctors' help had !ailed. The success of these pills Iles in the fact that they strike right at the root of the trouble -the blood. Other simply act on the symptoms of a trouble-anci may relieve, but they do tot cure. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, rich blood -that Is why they cum dyspepsia, rheurnallenr, anaemia, heart palpitation, headache, backache and the ills of W0fl17'rb cli three are caused by bad blood -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure them all because they make new blood. Poe sale at druggists or by m1111 at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, frees The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.; TAKING PRECAUTIONS. "Save mei save mel" she cried, as her head rose above the water, and she grasped a plank floating by. "1 beg your pardon," he replied from the hank; "but really I want it under- stood that I'rn a married man with see. en children." "Yes, yes; save met" she shrieked. "Then. there'll be no falling Into my arms and calling me preserver, will them?" "Oh, no, nol" "And you won't insist on marrying me for nry heroic conduct?" No, no; only save mei" "A11 right, I'll tackle the job," he re- sponded, as he threw aside his coat. "You see," be explained; just before diving in, "1 was caught by one of these dodges once before, and that's wbY married; it makes me a bit particular now." HEALTHY BABIES. Healthy babies are good babies -it is only the stele child that cries all the lime, Mothers, if you want to see your little ones smiling end happy give them Baby's Own Tablets -there is ri, smile in every dose. Tablets cure all the little ailments of childhood arising out 01 a disordered condition 01 11)8 stomach or bowels. They are good for all bee. bis and are sold under the guarantee oi a. government analyst to contain eo opiates or harmful drugs. Mrs. F. D. Kirk'Dumfries, N. S., Sayel-"I always use Baby's Own Tablets for the ail- ments of any little ones and find them a splendid medicine. A few doses al- ways restores them to perfect health. 1 would not be without the Tablets in the house." The Tablets ere sold by druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co Brockville, Ont. ' A leacher of natural philosophy. once asked the bright boy of the class bow many kinds of force there were, and was astonished to receive the follow- ing reply: "Three, ma'am. Mental force, physical force, and police force," It Reaches the Spot, -There ere few remedies before the public to -day as ef- 11eactous in removing pain and in allay- ing and'preventing pulmonary disorders tie Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo 011. It has demonstrated its powers in thousands ot instances and a large number of tes- timonials as to its great, value as a me- dicine could be got were there occasion for it. it is for sale everywhere. • Earthquakes aro rallter more com- mon at full moon than at any other time. Overworked Persons, elthor mentally or physically, should try "Yorroviin," the world renowned nerve and Mood tonic and they will ljlbUllly IPonver strength and health IN NO HURRY. "P0111111 1110 to oiler my umbrella, ma- dame? "Thank voti, sir, but I'll be 8.1 home in two minutes." "Oh, Wo could walk sloW, you kriewe, ISSUE NO, 11-07. STORY OF INGRATITUDE DENIM SNELLING SUFI:MUD FOR FIFTEEN IMAM, Is Now Cleared by Tardy Confession of Man Whom Ile Ilnd Befriended Years Before. Atter having had fifteen rare of his life darkened hy public suspicion that he Was an embezzler and having nearly died from grief because he wire unable to prove the seepicion fate, ilenry Snelling, a femme gas company man- ager, of firavesemi, England, has been 01(81511 by means of a letter reerevea from Galindo. In lids letter, an orpiran When) Snelling befriended y0110S ago, eonfe.sses that he wus the real embez- zler. The story which thus reaches tis final chaplet', is a remarleable iilustralien cif Aesop's fable of Tile FVO7dill Adder. When Snelling accepted 1110 pesition uf manager of the Northilvel & Gravesend Gas Company more than twenty years ego. he extended a helping hand to an °Miran lad by giving him work in his office. This lad proved to to en nnuere ally brIght, intelligent youth, and with- 'inafyears ltmzy trigalheo m a11a- gersL;czcapainpht4stop1,)- Imote Mtn le a no:ellen in the company second to himself, A few years later, j SinellIng received a series of threaten - I ii g letters and he de...ewe:set Hint simi- lar letters were being forwarded to the clearman of the three:ors and that state- ments had been made that he had eni- bezzled neiney and FALSIFIED ACCOUNTS. The accused Manager asked that the fullest inquiry be made, but before this could be undertaken, the office was brakes Into and some of the kerma books were stolen -this apparently strengthening suspicion against the ac- cused manager. A most; thorough in- spection was al once made. of the few booles that. remained, but they failed. to show anything wrong with Snelling's accounts. Feeling, however, that sus- picion still rested upon him the man- ager resigned his post. Meanwhile, the young man, against whom not the least, suspicion seems to Wive been directed, was promoted la the managership. He did not hold 'the position long, however, for a year cr two afterwards, in 1893, he vanished from Gravesend altogether. Snelling, in the interim, seems to have been driven almost demented by the be- lief that people regarded 11111) es b. rogue. Before long he had acute congestion of the train, and for some time It was not believes) he would live. Upon recovery, moreover, the burden of unjust suspi- cion weighed so heavily upon his spirit that be never tried to obtain a good position, but Peed A HAND-TO-MOUTH EXISTENCE. Now he is a happy man, in conse- quence of the letter from Canada above referred to. Writing from Seskatche, wen, the befriended orphan says it was to cover its own fatets that, he enemy- anously accused Snelling, the best friend lie had In the world. "I write this as a duly before God," he aclded,,Pand I am sorry err having been guilty of anything so Mean, but the influence of Salen had fast hold of me and I believe I 18011111 Have done you all the injury I could. I hope you win forgive me." --- SOME nowLErts1 Entertaining Efforts et Callow Youth at Friends' Schools In England. In the February number of Past and Present, a journal for old end •young scholgts of Friends' Schools, of Eng- land, there is a long nnd "absolutely genuine" collection of "howlers." We quote a few specimens: - A long tene ago England \vas once ti foreign country. Becket put on a camel-lintr shirt, and his lite at once bemire dangerous. Saladin was a lizard in Egypt. The Britons painted themselves with wood, and sometimes came out green. ClIve had to blow himself out in In - 1110, but -fortunately for Englund, it explode. 1n heel by ordeal a man had to carry it ree-hot piece of Iron for five years. The Anglo-Saxons 110(1 ,110 drains, and so used to disperse their broken vitals into the middle of the road. The Spartans had to get their living al the age'•of nye by shooli»g at it on a pieee of string. The Spartans had two kings to cheek ene another,. The religlon of China occupies halt the house. • Southampton is noted for exporting people to South Africa. England has much coal beds. When the coal is flnished we shall have to use our brains for fuel, and It win be scarce. • The potato is not only used for feed- ing pensarnse-but goes So more import- ant things, such as whisky. . Rese-adored spots-03'th° bodies of children Po 0014061ms mistaken Inc Measles, The trouble May be ropooln, with loonl disease Of rue skin Promptly cured with Weaver's Comte. SINGING ICETTLES. 1110 japaneSe, who know so well how tc odd little Unexpected attractions to every -day 1110, manufacture, In a great variety of forms, iron teakettles which break int osong when the water bolls, The song may not be a very perfect melody, but it is perhaps tiS agreeable as the notes produced by some of the insects which the Japanese also trea. sure for their musie. The harmonielle 8001110 of the teakettles ere produced by stem bailees escaping from beneath 111111 sheels of iron fastened close 'to- gether nearly 81 1110 baton ot the ket- tles. To prodlice the best effects some skill Is required In regulating the fire. The eheracter of the mends varies with the ferm et the Amine, These tinging kettles have been used for many cern threes. A hive 01 5,000boes produces about 50 pounds 01 honey 11 year. The Mals. Thal Tells , PM 4. 497/e I _.141144,,, ..Iill SHRINKABLE* 1' pude yon( Trademarked the: in variety of styles, fabrics and mime for women. man and children, Form Fitted. Dealrra are authorised to !replace instantly and 07 001 cost, any PemAtutio or meet faulty in material or at akin ir. 100 Pen -Angle trade- mark (in red) On every Pon -Angle garment, tells you it will Sit and won't shrink, -your own d eel er so guarantees it,. Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, more liexible, better wearing. r11.11011 20 r Pr 217.: UNDERWEAR. W. A. Mitchell, dealer in general. menthandise, Martin, Ga.,writes: "My wife loe10811in weightfrom 130 to 68 pounds. We saw she could not live long. She was a skeleton, rio we ((on - suited an old physician. He told her to try Peruna. "She gradually commenced im- proving and getting a little strength. She now weighs 106pounds. She is gaining every day, and does her own housework and cooking?) BIM INTIMATES A FLOWER. A remarkable bird found in Mexico is the beegnartin, which bas a trick tf ruffling up the feathers on the top of ,is head into the exact semblance of a beautiful flower, and when a bee comes along to sip honey 110111 the supposed flower ft is snapped up by the bird. DIFFICULT FEAT. Mrs. Gasser -"I was outspoken 1n my .sentiments at the club this after- noon," Mr. Gasser -"f can't believe it! Who oulspoko you, my dear?" MOTHER'S GRATITUDE TO ZAM-BUK ' — IT CtitED HER BOY OF PAINFUL SOLES. Nothing Ls more enpleasant to the eye and more painful to the sufferer than boils and ulcers. At this period, of the year ninny adults suffer acutely from these painful outbreaks. When boils, ulcers, etc., occur on children 11 is piti- ful la see the. little ones suffer. Mrs. E. Ilnbmes, of 30 Guise St„ Ham - Mon, is grateful for whist Zam-Bule dIri for her llIlle boy when in this pitiful plight. She seys;-"I 'wish to express my gratitude tor the benefit my child received from your famous Zarn-leirk Balm. 'He starved from Spring emo- tions and then boils broke nut on his neck. 1 Nod blood purifying remedies. salves end olnimmts of all kinds, but nothing seemed to do him the desired good. The boils got noise and became so loathsome and unsightly that I could not, send him to school, as some of the boils and ulcers could notconveniently bo GOV-fired. About 1)113 tirno ft sample box of Znin-Tink was given to him lied 186 tried it. The small &reline did him a little good, so I bought a 50 cent box. The result \vas really amazing. In- d week's time the boils had begun to dry up, and in a very short time indeed every one of them was healed." 11)7)1-13)111is n sure cure also for ecze- ma, scalp sores, ringworm, poisoned wounds, chronic ulcers, chnpped hands, guts, cold soves, oracles, festering sores, ieruptions and pustules due to blood poison, etc. It slops bleeding and cures piles, fistula, etc,- Is antiseptic; an 81e- r:client "first, ald." Every borne and farmstead should have its box of Earn- 13uk. All druggists end stores at 50 cents a box, 09 from Zani-Bule Co., Toronto, for price. 0 boxes for $2.60. Send lc. sIamp for trial box. Lecturer (with a good opinion of him - sell) -"Ila, my, mail, I rather think my voice will fill this hall." Hallkeeper (eanclIdly)-"II, strikes me, sir, it's much more likely to empty it." • if a cough makes ;our nights sleep. less and weary, it Will worry you a good deal, and with geed cause. To dispel the Worry and, give yourself, rest try Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrep, Tt exetes a soothing influence ON the air passages and allays the irritation tliet leads te) inflammation. 11 will subdee the, most stubborn cough or cold, end eventually eracliceto it from the system, as a. trial of 11 will 110080 to yeti. "Queen City" ra better than o pure Manitoba flour-lt b better than a pure Ontario Ilour-being blended b combines the best qualities of both. "Queen City" is an all-purpotes flour. D"Ill`nlgjgrh`" Xs* your groom for The Campbell Campbell's Milling Co. te.cus Toronto Junction, Onr yueen City 11 Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about 'these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Tefer CA Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, 2t6 CORISTINB I3UILDINO, MONTREAL. Miss Robinson (to stranger at men- tion) -"Do you see that p)alil-looking girl over there? She has just got Mar- ried. I'm sure I wonder what her hits-. band married her for." "I Have no doubt he married her for her money," replied the stranger. "Oh, 1 wouldn't think so badly of him as that," said Miss Robinson, "But I ought to know," replied the stranger; "you see, 1 MD the man who married her." Suffer no More. -There are thousands who live miserable lives because dys- pepsia dulls the faculties and shadows 'existence with the cloud of eepreasion. One way to dispel the vapors that be- set the victims of this disorder is to order them II course of Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills, which are among the best vegetable pills known, being easy to take and ere most eMeacious In their action. A heal of them will prove this. Smithson -"We had 0 ensational case of Idenapping In our house late- ly." Wilson-"Reallyt How did it hap- pen?" Smithson -"The baby -slept 1110 whole night." Tearing Down Signals does not delay storms. Oplurminden "modalities do not cure, When you begin to cough take Allen s Lune Balsam, Leo from opium, fall of healing power.. TELEPHONES FORETOLD IN SCRIPTURE. Some genius has found 53 passages in the Bible, which be claims as pro- phecies of the telephone, because, for- sooth, the language seems to flt into telephone vernacular. Here are earn- pies: - "The line has gone out into all the earth." "The land shall be divided by lines." "Wo have n0 right against this great company." "Charge the people." 'I understand the number." "I said in my haste, 1 0111 ea off." A Recognized Regulator, -To bring the digestive organs Into -symmetrical working is the aim o1 physicians \Vlien they lincl a patient suffering from sto- mach irregularities, and for this pur- purpose they can proscribe nothing bet- ter than Parmeleet Vegetable Pills, which will be found a pleasant meet - eine of surprising \deism in Winging the refractory 01'0i1§ into subjection and restoring them to moeinal eetion, in 'which condition only can they perform 'their delles properly. English copper Ore averages only 7 per cent, of the pure metal, •FAC1NG A WOUNDED TIGER. ' Experience With a Wounded Tiger in on Indian 1001110. The courage and good nature of al0. pliante when engaged in tiger -hunting are the subject of comment by -Gen, Thomas Gordon in hes book, "A Varied Lite." ile gives -an ne.count, of tbe pue- suit of a wounded tiger In the Indian jungle, The tiger had turned back in howling fury looking for a victim, He first made for .Davieon, but 'eaten ing sight of my head as irty elephant desieeirlei into a dry watercouree, he chopped ane erawkd In the grass, and tried to spring on me in the howdah. He was on the right side of the ele- phant's head in a nememl, and In trying to retell nee broke the friett Oft rI of the howdah with a blow of his powerful fere paw. The elephant was badly bitten and elawed on the trunk and head, and her Lght eye was blinded by the eyebrow being torn down over it, She gave , N'Clee to suppressed screams of pain and ' rage, and made the most violent efforts to shake the tiger off. My BIM gun -barer behind Inc in the regarding the situation as des- pne°, slid down the elophani's hind quartere and took refuge in 0 tree. All 1 could ere was to wait an opportunity , lo fire without injuring the courageous elephant, At last I had a safe chance to pul the muzzle against the ligees shoulder. One shot, --it was an tnlpOnd- tng j bullet„ -end with a great growl ef agony team the tiger and a trumpet yell of rage from the elephant, the whole of 1 us nem struggling loose in the high . The riephant was coaxed to erne foe - ward to the dead tiger, and after feel- ing cautiously with her outstretched trunk, she gave the body a kick of con- tempt and allowed It to be tied on her back, to he carried hack to our ramp. No time was lost in attending to the elephant's eures, but preparatory to handling them She was fed with a stiff mixture -of coarse molasses and flour, with opium and brandy thrown in lib- erally, after which she took an intelli- gent and good tempered interest in the proceedings. Willi the tent-pilehers' repairing, needles and stout threed, and ihe hetp of the mahouts and their aseistanis, her cuts and wounds were stitched and salved, and many yards of native cot- ton cloth used in swathing her torn trunk. - She was fed by band for sev- eral days, and seemed quite to under- stand that this was done to keep the bandages on the damaged trunk from being displaced by her use of it in feed- ing herself. • THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but het] Ile hunted in the "Ternagarn1" region he would have been a mightier one. Nim- rod' hunted far glory, but Temagamians hunt for game. Those Indians who made the first canoe of hlrch bark long ago, were our greatest benefactors, The children of these Indians know the oanoe, and they -know how to use it, and if you go to Temperi this sum- mer they will paddle your canoe intheir own superb way. They will be the best guides you ever had. Students 8110 crimp In the summer along the Temagm mi lakes are able to do two years' work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of access by the Grand Trunk Railway System. For information and beautiful descriptive publication sent free apply to J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Grand Trunk By. System, Toronto. Finn:Muff-leas that charming widow any properly?" Ketchum -"Yes, con- siderable.' Pluindulf--"Real estate or personal?" Ketchum -"Personal. She has .six ohndren." • Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminater because they know It Is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. "They ;say that 51111101' is ten years ahead oi his time." "Well, it's not true. I'm his landlord, nil 1 know heS just six months behind." " The 1) L," Menthol Piasters are Marva gotta in their quick antlon when tmollorl to Pomo backs or stiff rheumatic muscles or joints. They sire itnmediate relief. "Reeler," said the tshrewd-looking men, "haw many feet of gas does it lake to kill n man?" "That's rather a queer question," replied the doctor, "Why do you NIT'S11 to know?" "One of the guests at my hetet used enough of it to kill himself, and I want to send in e. proper bill to Ins executors." Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure -safest regulator for baby, PreVEWAS colic and vomiting -gives healthful rest -cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing Opium or other injurious drugs. 4a Cures E-nt drurotores. National Drug & Chem - D. larrhoea—ioe, Liamited, menirel. RIVALING THE NILE DAM. The government of New South Wales is about to begin the construction of a dam at tarpon Jack, on the Murrembid- {me River, which will form a resenvoir. 30 miles In length, and containing more 1)107) 33,000,000,000 cubic feet of watee, or 50 per cent, mere then :Sydney har- bor contains, This hnineese ertifielal lake, which will be but little inferior les capacity to that created by 11)0 gseal. new dam on the river Nile, is to be used for ireigatioe. The dem will be .situnkd in a gorge cut by the river through ,1 grarthe ridge, and its height will be 200 feet.77 eveman may be afraid of the book, hut a. man isn't-unleas she's his wife, ,1411/1•1•11. DOOMS USING PATENT MEDICINES The Honest Physician is Anxious te Cnre and Uses the Best Avail. able Remedies. The dieounsion of ithe 11111 now before the Dominion Parliament for the re- gulation of the manufacture and sone of patent or proprietaey medicines le one of the utmost importance, and to receiving a great deal of attention, nob only by the proprietary 701311101015 11)0.1110 f8.0tUrnra, but sato by the retail and wholesale druggiats. Every manatee. turer of reliable and high cities re.. mediae welcomes tha bill as a step in the right direction, The discussion hese Proust -A out the fact that tiro best peysleisos in Canada mid on the eon- tinent approve of and prescribe chine In oases of the most difficult character. In e, recent instance of very eerlOtte throat and lung trouble the patient had been using Psyehine. Two leading United IStates speelalisto W6IX) consuited in addition to two eminent Canadian phyafielang, Upon learnin' what the patient was using, a sample of Poychine was taken and analyzed, with the result that the physickirs advised its continuance. They prescribed no other medicine bat PaYehine, with the result that the Pa- tient has fully recovered and 10 entendld walking and talking adver.. tisemeni :for the wonderful curative power of a remedy that will "stand up" before the keenest professional criticism and analysis As a builder up of the system and restoring all wasted conditions, Psychine has no equal, and the best and most earnest physicians recognize this fact. "At the age of 25 my tunes wore in e terrible state. had la grippe year before: it settled on my lunr and I kept steadily growing wor. till I got down so low I was in be for six weeks. I ho4 a coneuits.tIon of doctors, and they said they could do nothing more for me, Then I start- ed to use Psychine. I took the medicine for score than a year. It certainly slid wonders for me, 3 ant now as strong as3 was before )11.1, siokness. "MILE. IL HOPEI, "Morpeth, Ont." Psy'ohtne, pronounced Si -keen, is tura greatost of tonlea, building up the eye - tem, increasing the appetite, purifY- Ing the blood, aids digestion, andacts directly upon the throat and lungs, giving tone and vigor to the entire system. At all draggiets, 56c and 21, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 175 Xing Street west, Toronto. g3EIN'EEIL WANTED -3 years' expert. once, littudy at ad. -setting, good chance for improving, steady eity job. Apply, Nonni 10et01n11. OFFICE, 110 Doll Building, Toronto. FOR SALE. 5O -acre farm, seven miles from London, brick house, two frame barns, soil, day loam ; on the gravel road, one half-milo from school. Prim $4,500.00, Por further particulars itonly tor - THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EX' CHANGE, Limited. Mom, 696. 78 Dundee Street, - London, Ont. FEATHER DYEING Monolog and Curling and Sid Moroi °loaned Thee, eau be /mot by poet. ia par 00. ruo Mat place le BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING MN monsmn.a.t. STAIVIERERS The ARNOTT RETHOD Is the only logi- cal method for the 0806 07 Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT. and insures natural speech. Pamphlet, par - tinware and references sent on request. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE SHRUM, ONT, 0A0, — EASTER ULY EASTER SUNDAY' Send 10 Cents Wiif send yott Ewer' Lily lifulb,1Tuberose,t Gladiolus, 1 Olnnamorr vine,' exalts Otto 300 dlf- ferent kinds afresh, finest' grown seeds, including, Patnaka,Petunlos,Phlox, /Wm, Stook, Sweat Prue, Casmos, Balsams,. Nacturttums,MorntugGlo- ttce,Verbettas,Yortulaca. Thin fine collection of ecru, and Bulbs for 1.0e, Silver or 2c. SlaRIRIL f QUAKER CITY sup co.. pnliwkiplii.. t!o. Melted butter Is a very good substitute for Wive oil in alad dressing. Many, prefer the butter 10 1118 oil. Where can I get slime of Holloway's Corn Cure? I was entirely cured 01 911 eerns by this remedy and 1 wish semel more of it for my friends. So Writes Mr. J. W. Drown,Ohicago. Mrs. A, -"The doctors have just dig. covered an extraordinary thing about Professor Stute; they say his heart be on the wrong side." Mrs, 13. -"Ah, he always was an untidy man." Dear Mother Your little Ones are 8 constant ears In Fall and Winter weather. They will creels cold, Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it him done for so many? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases ol the sir passages in children. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to tae. his guaranteed to cure etyma money is roamed. Tho 1)1100 171 25c, per bolt, and all dealers in medicine sell 314 SHILOH This remedy should bath every household% E ItIrtde-oe Hirsh Carbon Wire, -we'll move 11 to you, C0ITa0)-nob crimped. This padk09 11 81111 btronges in to vioo. It eters WM Painted WRITE otos honyy IZ*t GWZW0NCE POMPAN1t. EAR BEST!' eideanisineeenst meet. Preporlosteeil deralear to oreebia lishati alibi oleo 000 set In merit, Rot liketrated booklet and Mos 1)010118 before baying A 1ntilakillrWill111110 4VOIPIRABB/Pa toiNliehtS4114114o St. 341/0/1140