The Brussels Post, 1907-3-21, Page 2CURRENT TOPICS.
A perplexing question has arisen to
disturb 'the Fj'uOh eleamber of 'deputies,
It, is proposed to impose a tax of $2 a
year on Upright Nimes, of $4 a year on
horizontal pianos, and See a year a
grand organs. It was assumed in France
sert Most artistic country—that this
"woild be a movement in the direction
heth of reVonue and of ate. Tho first
objection raised was that the fax was un-,
democratic, einem it "struck an instru-
ment of labor." Temporarily 'hie ubjee-
tkui made a I/1'010011d ill1p1.08:11011.
But it neghl be argued that aside from
the revenue aspect of the ease this is an
excellent argument 10 favor of the tax,
since it is 11 illetinet advance along the
lines of art to abolish the piano as tm
instrument of /oboe. The labor features
of plano'playing, the foul exercise of the
mechanicul instruomet and the merciless
thumping of the protesting school girt
eml chord poueder, are essentially the
nuieancee that should be kept rigoronsly
within bounds. It is conceded also that a
“Ilorizental Plano," so-called, under com-
petent physical manipulation, will make
just twice as much noise as an upright,
„ while the grand organ similarly handled
produces five times the din caused by the
larger piano. Hence the varying and
discrimMating tux. And it in equally
plain -thaf as only persons of large
wealth can own grand organs, while
well-to-do people possibly procure such
horizontal pianos as baby and parlor and
concert grands, the minithum lax should
be imposed on the poorer classes that
must be content with the modest up-
What is true of Purls may be true of
other cities and towns. The piano, whe-
ther employed as an instrument of
artistic pleasure or of manual or pedal
labor, has not contributed much to muni-
cipal revenues or in any way atoned for
its misdeeds. However it may be es-
teemed by the assessor, it is held In tri-
vial regard by its owner the minute It
is considered as a taxable asset. And in-
Those bold spirits who deliberately
walk under !adders [nay smile ; In in
Cornwall the Ilsherfolic Mill believe in the
powers of the pixies for good and evil..
And 411 the little fishing port of Perth-
perran nearly 'v -r3 l was firmly con-
vinced that Ted. The oen had been 111 -
wished by the pixies.
His mother tit any rate. was sure. of
it. In must -Cornish collages strips of
seaweed, locally called "ladies' tresses,"
are hung up as a preventive against lire.
Al the age of live Teddy pulled down this
Mind' of dried seaweed to play with.
IL was ironing -day, and a sheet airing
1 a. wooden, horse caught ave. Only the
utmost pennplilude averted a cal -
1 ,01 tho incident clearly proved
two things—fiest, that "Imilestresses"
de really prevent are, sine() one happen-
ed directly they WON removed; and,
secondly, that some evil influence must,
be ruling Mlle Teddy to prompt hins to
do such an unheard-of thing as to pull
them down and to play with them.
The years rolled by, and he grow up
s mischievous, healthy tad.
One day his mother was making the
beds, when suddenly she came over
"that bad," as she expressed it, that she
crept downstairs for water.
In the garden, through the open kit-
chen -door, she espied Master Teddy in-
elustriously digging up a rosemary plant.
Now, everyone to Parthperren knows
that to remove a rosemary plant from its
owner's garden always brfugs about the
owner's death. Angrily she called to her
son to desist, and felt better at once.
"But who," she asked a neighbor, "but
a pixie -rid child would dream of doing
such a thing?"
When his father heard the tragic
story he said that his son should go lo
sea with him to-moreow, to keep him
out of further mischief.
"Father," objected his wife, "Ted bo
my boy, and Lord forbid I should speak
against nty own; but what mayn't hap-
pen to 'ee, my man, with such an un-
lucky child aboard?"
Her husband laughed at her fears.
The boy, he pointed out, must learn to
earn his living, pixies or no pixies. But
on the followtng evening, at sundown,
he sought for his son in vain. Teddy
asinuch as there are few families so re- was nowhere to be found. Not till his
&Iced In circumstances as not to acquire father's smack had put to sea did he
a 'piano of one description or araeher, "1 be afeard of the sea," he explained.
and this without reference to personal "Afeard of the sea. 1" she cried.
musical attainments, it follows that art "Ay 1" And shamefacedly he carried
will Le served and noise will be appre- alliis supper "pasty" up to bed without
other word.
clably diminished by a tax that puts a Next night he was thrashed and drag-
restrietion on inordinate pleasure and a ged on hoard. All the time the boat was
PenallY on an uncompromising nuisance, out he shivered miserably in the stern,
That it would diminish the stock of and was painfully sick. Night after
night this happened. He was always
• pianos in perilously unmusical quarters frightened and always sick.
is a consideration that should operate in His father was nghast. It was Moon -
favor of the tax. ceivable that the child of a fIsherman,
_ whose.people, on both sides, had been
fishermen beyond remembrance, should
• Thus it is that. the workings of the be sick and afraid of the sea.
French law will be watched with lively 13u1 eventually they made him a fish -
interest and that the expected hermit- jowster—that ie, they bought him a pony
and a cart, and sent him round the
cences well stimulate a spirit of emula- countryside selling such of his father's
: /ion in other countries. A piano is a fish es were not sold i bulk,
blessing or a plague and a torment ae. In this way he grew into manhood un -
cording to condition. 1310, whether It is eventfully, and his parents ,began to
Ifiroopnei I.ianti hnilins 1 rgege‘neLess , IntBdut p 1 employed for genuine artistic advance- assed
nieni, for vain ostentation, or as 011100115 they learnt suddenly, one day, that he
of railing the neighborhood its posses- was more different than ever from lies
sion is worth $2 or more annually for the rest of ltis kind.
Pilchards, though almost exclusively
gratification of the varying emotions,en
'--- en English Ilsh, are eaten almost entirely
France, ever forward in the cause of abroad. These huge catches of which
art, we continue to look for practical one hears so notch are all sent to the
suggestions and example. shores of the Mediterranean, pickled and
pressed. It is not surprising, therefore,
14 that in many of the Cornish seaports
there are fish factories for the curing of
SOME DAINTY DISIIES. pilchards owned by Italians.
Teddy Trevorne divided himself once
Bachelor's PuddIng.—Take one egg, its and fur ever from the rest of his kind by
weight in Chopped suet, flour, minced falling In love with the Italian fleh-fac-
apple, breadesurnbs, sugar, and cur- tory owner's daughter.
rants. Stir in a little baking powder, For a Cornishman—a • race that calls
mix well, adding a Mlle milk. Grease a an the English-speaking people not born
mould, 1111 three parts full with this, and in Cornwell "foreeepers"—to Tall In love
boil hest for three hours. Flavor with with a real foreigner. it buxorn, Week -
ground ginger and nutmeg it required. eyed beauty, who talked Milian and
Gingerbread WaMrs.—Take one pound English "nineteen to the dozen," was
of flour and into it work half a pound 01 unprecedented,
caster sugar with three quartees of an Poor Teddy found himself in dlIncul-
ounce of ground ginger. Whisk im two lies all around, Ile was now e 110114 -
eggs to a stiff froth, and mix into the some, upright, stalwart man of twenty -
flour, ele„ 50 es to emu 8 elm paste, three, 01111 the charge of being "be -
Bell out very thin, cut with an ornamen- witched" had begun to annoy,
tal culler, and bake in a sharp oven fur Caterina was the only one who under -
five minutes. . skeet him. Only she could sympathize—
To Use Up the -Remains of a Tongue.— theugh she did not share in -1118 instinc-
mike paste The leasi and keep IL Le a live hatred of the sea, There was some -
jet, with a Mlle butter poured over it. thing peculiarly akin between his Celtic w
Firs' cut up all the P1111, remove alt the dreamlooss end her swim Southern ot
gristle and stringy pieces, add enough lempeeineent. She loved him wildly, and .
eta& to make it into a paste, after „ , , . .. "D
Im. elutoet worshipped her.
pounding In a mortnr. Place in a -stew- nut, tier illtIliV, A widower, made IL 1
pan, add a little lemon juice, pepper and things difficult. Sixteen prosperous
salt, spread this on hot buttered toast, eedis residence at 1 orthpeertm had
and send to table in a muilln dish, made him jsroucl.
Savory Ilice.--Wash one ounce of rice Murry his Caterina to a man who
In cold water thoroughly, put, it. in a jar bought fish on the corny arid sold 14
with one pint of stock end one onion round lite villnge? Not he I
sliced and fried In dripping. Add a sliced Directly he WIIS SIIVA how things W01.0
tomatoepepper and salt. lett 0 e0Vel' 011 going, he packed hes back to Genoe.
the jar, and place In the oven, When an II.
is 1101, add hall an ounce ot butler, and
allow the rive In cook slowly for 1100
110111'0, 01' 1111111 1110 1111110r is almost ab-
sorbed, and the rice quite fender. Do not
stir the rice, but shake occasionally.
Servo very led l'i int meted cherem 00
all -.,,s of liard-loiled egg,
here Sham Mohammed omtld not come
to 1110 ,1111:1411111:11, the mountain would
turn the conventionalities upside down,
And 00020 to iduliairmied. She would
join the next linee calling at Genoa for
Shortly after the sailing Of the boat
whiett was bringing him a bride spell
of fog enveloped • ihe Cornish coast.
Teddy was very unhappy.
The night ailer the boat was normally
due, he could 1101 sleep. lie hail spent.
the day loafing about Plymouth, wailing
ile arrival in vain. At last, on the ship-
ping agent's 0I1V100, 110 had returned to
EDWARD II HARRIMAN tile Illinois •Central, the Ching° and
Alton and the Kansas City Sollthern,
TRE BRAINIEST RAILWAY MAN IN The great directing forces In all Owe
tirtIls, II1v. Harriman, ls not a construe -
live railroad man. Ile 11110 InerelY fair-
- ell (111111 was already in existence, de-
veloped le given better service, treated
What the Bl g New York Trial Means the people of the West railer, It Is saki,
—Interesting History 01 so far as mollifies for transportation ave
concerned, than ever before. From Ole
I orthperran for the rughe The ageot the lUlul. • immense trade so developed, eldest by n
great boom In business, Harriman hos
Just now a tinge part of Me popule. ece,2 ma IsLocks 0/. his companies in.
1511:1 SUN 111l1 bout could not arrive before tion of this continent has as eyes fixed ' —
crease 10 1111111/e1011S figures. This is a
_morning : but something—seine impulse en New York, where the United Stuk's put ee a scheme to divert trade 12020
that would trot be denied.,..d" 111111 out hUerstale Hallway Commission is 111•
upon the cliffs. vestigatIng the Conduct of 111t'Harriman's . adversary, James J. -1 1111,
E'thvard I he latter has been forced to gyve t rte.
Ho paced the name- pants cautiously, HenrY Harriman, claimed to be the ,.,
It gon o
I11'1111 there—safe on lond—he was brainiest railway man in tee United save hts trade, for [lateen= Is emleav-
frightened or met Nridep, imo.,inspiping States. Mr. 111113`11111111 WU born en oeing lo corner 11111 at every polite
mode of wales which the fog was hiding' Felt. 25, 1818, tIlld consequently, says
110211 11110. l'he Philadelphia Ledger, he celebrated THE MANNER OF TIIE MAN.
Gradually the neat became, thicker, and his fifty-ninth histbday by appearing be-
llow gp,e)tmentindk, durinbistfunal ttvhelher it were wise' for Lite Commission lo explain how "What manner of man is 11110 who
and why he acquieed coetrol of a great hes altraeted the attention. of 1110 worker
Porthperran is somewhat strangely port of the refit/owl systems of the 'Who is he who has drawn the lightning
situated. 1110 one of the, most dangerous United Stales, Thd Commission hopes fuen the While House on his heed? For
parts of one of the most dangerous k learn enough Mom Me. Harriman and I
(11.1008 story does the financial, rallwne,
sharp, 1
coaete in the worlds A bele of low, 1 othees who will be brought before it to and politleal world all stand agape?"
, eenfige11 rocks rims almost Paral- i enable it to request the Attorney Goal Ile Is the sort of an Episcopalian rec-
len w'ul me Maid land, The ree1111001-1 Yel of the United States to Meng pro- . tor, whose lot was Indeed a hard one
channel is einuous to an anuening de- , et etlings against Mr. Harriman and his ' 01111111 relative who died made life's • bur -
gree. Steamers, oral even fishing' associates 'ureter the Sherman anti-trust den easier- by 11 small bequest. Rom
smacks, always take care to keep "001-1 Jew, In Ilio event of such proceedings in Hampstead, L. I„ 20 miles from Now
side." Them is plenty of water, York city, and later a resident of Jersey
zigzag course of the channel makes its -
and, in ! il will he held that Harriman et al, are
ioncled together in restraint of trade, City, Mr. Harriman's life has been epent
a senee, there is plenty of room, but the,
ordinary navigation impossible. end, to Speak plainly, for the purpose about the metropolis. He isiarted In
As NM Trevotme stood there, he heard 00 11 Sighteleedlitlgr alt Ilia
litilliea/ n'IN(''1111.1PlYnPoctledgeuoatilet ititerearlyllialitaantn°Y)1*tche'17)111;1001115', 11111118(11 re 1107-
A 00100 as lbi sea—the noise °1 a Mhip' l'edMSS upon the part of the people, pired to. Ile es about 1i, feet 3 inches In
Iti the dense fog he could see nothing— height, and 11ot of striking uppearanee.
not 0500 a suggestion of her liglits. The Government proceeded along the
She (0110 "inside"—right 1 1,1 11 1 1211e0 it 10 now following in the case Ills gestures are len' and devoid of
terrible chain of rocks, StstUTtelliin51—a- of the Hill merger, which was dissolved meaning; his voice remits nothing by
some strange affinity of lovers' souls— Court. Ti C ' 1 '
by decree of the United Statee Supreme tones, There is 00 dignity; there is no
,r, ii pied the presence"; there Is no outward showing
told him that his CaterIna was on board. te ommess on in% s e
Inward quollty. His eves attract
"Oh, God, what can I do 1" he groaned, conduct of the Northern Securities. Gam- 0!
they had got thus tar ; It meld only be patly, the holding concern of the 11111 Y, Ur nollee, at times; for he has n trick
rs,,tds, and this was followed by prose --
faint. with horror. 11 was a miracle that ot staring aL you from beneath drawn
Gen. brows in a disconcerting, because puz-
a question of 001011ds before they struck. eutione on the part of the A.ttorney
All uuconscious of their danger, they eras against the merger of 1110 North- 7/ling, insilion: He is enigmatic. Not
were proceeding on their way. There
was no wind, and the dense fog dead-
ened the slight sound of the lide. As is
often the cnse in fog, the eat was as
"smooth as glass."
Suddenly light carne to Ted Trevoree.
He knew why he (lad been called to the
cliffs that night.
Trembling all over, he eerambled down
to the shore and nun to the nearest boat.
Ile sprang In. The fear of the sea W11$
DA Min even 111111. As he lugged el. Ms
oars. he shut his eyes lhat lie might. not. did he flash upon the financial world
sea Ina still, inky waters. rule and be allnwed to carry out nis so as to dazzle it And the great things
And he never ceased pulling till he ideas. When Union Pacific recently in. he has accomplished have all taken
bumped against the shies of a huge cseased its dividend no one of leo dire°. place since 1887. The last ten years
tors knew what the rate was to be un-
it Harriman spoke. Ho did not even
confide to them. He talks but little
and is busy at all times devising new
schemes and looking for Nerds to as-
sault. In addition to his railway lines
the Harriman syndicate has steamship
lines to China and Japan, on the Pacifie
coast, and also steamships on the Atlan-
tic Ocean. Controlling Pacific Mall, lits
utleinsts lie in Panama. ffe has re-
lhe molten himself was in chaege—a cently,opened a connecting line with the
Mlle 1111X1011S about the accuracy of his
, new- Tehuantepec Isthmian Railway. His
dead reckoning and the whereabouts as
Rummage Sales Ore Interestlog — 600
Sacks ,olf,eifitacinia,51111n.on Peas
Anyone desirous of beholding Ate.
climes!. essodation of the sublime and
the ridloulous, the come' mut the met -
finch*, the queer mei common-
place, should hie hen to 1110 eundon
docks 1.111111110g0 $11 Is, W11101). 1)(111111,
roughly speaking, about every quarter.
Truly, there is nothing like threw col -
Motions cm turtle When the greet Lon-
don dock cot -internee come to clone out
their warehouse sheds, about every gum,
ter of a year, they find a vast horde of
uncon.selered, foegot ten linelaitned stuff
that some might, call fresh, and with
which nothing can be done but sell to
1110 highest biddy. al those funny rum-
mage auctions. So bills fire pelt-00cl and
sent throughout the likely quarters —
WaPPing, RaIelift, Stepney, Liniehouee,
Poplar and 13ermondsey—they are eager-
ly seamed In every detail by the deal-
et's, and on the dale appointeil the tul-
le!. are In the fore in force, each will
his eye on the pateicular piece of jet-
sam foe wiech he has found a customer
l.y mnch solicitation somewhere up In
the junkeehop quaeter.
Once coillned corpse, the remains
of rt 1111111 etho died at sea or abroad,
came to the docks, The consignee W118
notified to come for the gruesome par -
el. He never responded; perhaps be.
/muse he thought the burial would cost
more than he cared to pay. The com-
pany anxiously waited, but le the mul
Newspaper Men Who Qui, Smelting
Years Ago Divulges the Secret
O "00 yotl eilloepiusentitUlchlg Ilavo
you filed 41111, Don't despair, 11
14 1110 easiest thing In the world et give
lunputttleirert.yeed, Or any bad hetet for that
TheY were two 1WWSPaPer Men. -0110
had S11101{011 for twenty years aim had
suddenly given up the habit without, tho
yleast cituifilgeitvilelyt—Iptlaiendo lnhiemt:aybsit (it to tiled u
"Tell nur, how did you do It?" asked
1110 smoky, "You 1111181 have an extra-
ordinary will power I"
"My dear boy, will power has nothing
whatever to do with il."
nnt\ovoel{rilnngis 11.11)11sisef.riend, the smoker
"No, believe 112P, 11 is a mistfille people
make. They try to eye themselves 01
bad habits by will power, hut they can
300eiti-e1a.ilsuaenocenecit inr that way. Let me tell
"Do, by all means, 1 went to lwar all
about. how you stopped smutting with -
'out using will pewee."
"Well 1 111 tell you. AU you -need is
a Mlle menial euggestion. A few years
ago 1 knew a very talented young man
who was going to pieces because of Ms
insane desire for whisky. Ile realized
1115 condition, did everything he could to
stop, but to nu purpose. Friends de-
seeted 1111/1, Ills talents served no
longer and lbe street seemed to be his
only refuge. Ono day he found himself
in Boston, after a stolen ride on a
freight, rune while wandering aimlessly
had to bury the unwelcome corpse at through. the streets, an amiable old man
ed and talked to him. The old
wedern roads. In case of the effort that he speaks in riddles, however., Ile Wide own expense. As one of the dock- Mein)
Is, on the contrary, direct and •sticks men grimly remarked: "It'd a puzzled
Is hoped for one thing to gel the
owe subject; he der
dperaeltlyrsplaockflaigide. a customer for yon -
against Mr. Harriman being successful
great Southern Pacific system out, of his the ono you mayPaYs little attention. le 'Twouldn't a fetch -
close to his subject, but It. must be his
introduce. He is per- Yr much at the sale, I guess,"
competing react.
grasp, and to have 11 run again as u
One of the strangest "left -avers' on
him 11 record al the docks conststecl of 600
sislency itself. So agree all who know
of Canadian peas, which came
over from Montreal some pens ago,
consigned to a. well-known corn -factor
le the eily. They were duly ware-
housed in one of the sheds—and for-
getten. A careless clerk in the mer-
chant's ollIce turned over two leaves of
his book together, and the peas were
lost stein of, the order. scored off as
non -arrived. Ono day the merchant
was down at the docks looking after
some goods when he noticed on the
the name of a ship. That name started
a train of ideas; be remembered the
consignment of Crmadian peas.
"Wile, bless ine," he said, "what's
this?" and very soon the great pile of
sacks (yes shown to contain none other
than the long -lost pees. The merchant
had not, been 11011110cl all those years
because the peas had not eaten up
their value in dock dues, but the dock
rats had eaten up an immense quantity
co the pees in the interim. What the
rats had left was removed to the mer-
chent's premises.
Among the marvellous assortmen 1 of
goods can be found gems ta the rough
from India, plants and vegetables front
the fecund valley of the Amazon, W1111
names 10101%11 0111y 10 scientific men,
and used for the queerest of purposes,
rich dye stuffs from Java, hides and
horns of arnmals that look like freaks
0! nature, sharks' jaws, elephant tusks
from MandalaY, clothing front oilskins
tc baby irnen, umbrellas, Zulu assegias,
and stuffed monkeys.
Somebody is always found W110 W111110
the 5111(1, 110 mutter how odd it may be.
Edward H. Harriman is an enigma
In friend and foe alike. He is secre-
tive and never reveals his plaus until
he Is ready to strike the blow. Ho must
Edward H. Harriman M a direct C011-
tradiotion of the Osier theory. Not un-
til he had passed his torlyeeighth year
steamer going "dead slow." The shock
knocked him from his seat, and fortun-
ately the noise attracted the lead.einuies
at lention.
1-10 was hauled on board. Tile first
face he 8025 was his Citlerina's. She
jumped with surprise and opened her
arms, but he passed her by unheeded.
Like a men possessed, he rushed on to
20 C clestone light.
"Do 'ee know where '50 are 1" demand-
ed Ted.
Hie manner impressed the caplaim In-
stead of resenting the question, he placed
los hand on the engine -room telegraph
and snapped out;
"Inside the rocks_of Porthperran." •
"Rubbish!" the enplain cried, paling
ambition is the world end its transpor-
latIon facilities.
What is known as the Harriman group
or rallsoads extends Mom the Atlantic
to the Pacific Ocean in continuous see -
vice, something that Is not equaled by
any other railroad combination. in the
tinned Stales. Edward licory Frani-
man and his associates can start al. Bal.
nevertheless. "We couldn't got there 1"
Mal s whete ee are! Cuptaln, tee fineere end go direct, without change,
Lord has watched over 'oe to -night. over lines 0101 they control to San. Fran -
/eve got where no boat 01 11118 size ever cisco or other points on the Pacific
got before." coast. They can ride over then- own
"Come into the chart-room—quick I" lines bout the Gnat Lakes to the Gulf
He pointed to the chart, ef Mexico. By a Mane arrangement,
"There! That's Portherran Channel. brought about by a stook interest, Mr.
Can you point out where we are?" Haerfman's line Is further extended
Ted looked carefully. [10 placed his from Philadelphia, whore 1110 E00101.11
finger 011 the exact side The captain possessions end, to Jersey City. This
glanced at the tortuous 11no of sea be- le reached by the Heading and Jersey
I ween the rooks and the mainland. Central linen. So, in fed, the 1101-0.
"However did we pet through 1" he man sys tem nnennl a icinittsv tettl'inet ingarlesatorAs nblectill!
"God guided 'ea, 1 reckon," said Ted, (.1alen °Cenetnitninsent. What is known as the
solemnly. "And He has Salt me to get Harriman-leithn-Loeb ' eggregation eon.
'el'sefliu-oL'You a. pilot?" inquired the eels- capital stock of $1,700,000,000. 11 is the
trots railroads for 27,340 miles, with n
15!1.1*.uft you know the channel well 1" ie the United States are Needed oul.
N most imposiant of the groups info
which the 211,000 miles of steam railway
Ted paused before replying. „, ft approximates in 10013111 the Gould-
sweelheestes aboard, so '00 may be sure the. Lackawanna, un,
"Ill take 'ee out,'' 110 said et last. '`51Y Rockefeller group, in syslitt.ehviaintel
Wa nac)tatstIre
I shall be careful." 811051cl anti Texas -Pacific systems nvo
The captain shivered. Included. IL exceeds the Vanderbilt
"if nos man had net been on. the look- tines by some 6,000 miles, ancl the Pen.
out for his lady love," ho said to the nsylvania group by 12,000, It is a more
ileet male, "we should be" be" a total '1 combinatMn than the Hill -
wreck before dawn." powei u
eforgan group since lhe dissolution oi
• • • • 4 •
the Northeen Pacific merger, or the
Calerins glanced ,uP a tile figure 01 Moore -Rock island group, with its 25,.
liee lover on the Wedge, which she could 000 mites. The Hemmen holdings nye,
jllSt dintly CHS001'11 1111'0001 1110 fog. She 5,000 miles in orceoss of the mileage of
hoard his voice rapping out melons, Great 13rilain, Mr. Harriman has con,
rdartioard 1 Steady ! Port--steadv l" ti ot the Baltimore & Ohio, the Unfurl
Pacific and Southern Peale systems,
onderingly. she inquired the meaning
things from one of the officers,
eller a Mile pressing he . told hee.
met Myra the other pasengers. Keep
yourself." Ile hurried away to pre-
pare the lifeboats for emergencies,
She csept up the Incidoe to the bridge.
The captain saw her, but he did not send
her away, ilex lover felt her presence,
but. ho did not turn his head.
"Hard astern --dead slow ahead I Slop
the stattoind engine—revesse the pert
engine -I"
A twelvemonth sped—a wonderful year "
for Ted Trevernn, lie prospered 111110Z,
(uterine and lis corresponded seeNtly,
511111 It 11101. el'ed MIS 10 511I'12 enough
to pay his tarn to Italy. They tt ere to
riven," crumb 0(1111110 relkes. ee pour inarry, ....turn in Porthlwvonn, and fling ,,
Menteelves mon her (11 11,1", mercy. If 'de
.00er ab"de bread (;r002bs talettell nnlk er pravodinn \'o01(1 II0 W"
water to /ewer end let 5112(111until sell 111115)1,se e nee.
,Soneeze with the hand: unth ns (he, as ri• 111 II 111110. wlett7-washed A
possible, With a fol11 or the fingeee eetteee 1(2 ;see,
is'orli 0)3 tbe erelabs 111111 11 ligIll, thdtY ericti out for 141' 11, 1118111s AS 111111;
1111105, {115C11rdillg, 1111 101101 (Tusk and tiers cried nu( for him, lini. alas I (be 111)2
_other 0°00,4 W11,10.1,1 1101 111'011,e 8011, 1, 11 ('1141,1.1R,11'1'n 111011. awl he roared UV gal
To each 01111at 1/10h0 NI•el crumbs mid 1 ,ea, Ile row (etched iiim,eli, reviled her
' cop sour milk, 1 cgir, 1 level 101151,0,01 soa, 0'''',l 1,11 0110 I1 int,c11,11111 it WII 1,I1 Ivo
soda, and eufficient flour to metre n lei, ewer/ ludrod of 1111'
enthee thick bailer. Hake 011 (1 hot ocenn 1111/1 1,..v11 plaided in his son) 111 0(211
dth, allow -Mg them morn time to cool( 14111. noel he simpl,y could not (IWO its ma
Man other cakes require. Excellent for danger's.
breakfast with butler and honey, Al.i...111y lie 0 role lo his (:1111111111eon- 1 111
fe,sing his cow miler ; 1111(1 his dent
110121.1y 111,101 will joy whet, she rote
[hal she underelood, aml dirt not des -
000y 11110,100 llPi* said to longest; ;use min, 5%,/,)
1e811 come 2(1151 111 141115111 oI liM. hill' commended hint to send money 1.0 ri
There." said Ned Trovnene at lase
eng the perspirellon from his tote-
d. "She's in the open pow, c,an
anchor 00 130 on, 118 'ect think 0051."
Ilo turned lo les Caterina and fainted
111 her arms.
Icon wns 10 more talk of objection to
marriege afier liatheeLonelon Ans-
n heel/tram blotting for work took
stand in 11 gb/up at the gale of e
40 engemselog establiehment. fly
by the foreman dime up to 01e
(1151 nskelle -"Are there any drillers
es" "Yes," veld Pal, stepping for -
rd. 11<1 goi the job nt nnee, but ho
I not horn working long ut the 0111'
(0 When it beeke &gyn. 'Tile fore.
ti, 111 anything lee plensant mood,
11 ftiquired 4-.." \Vieille man del you
kern Melling?" "In the Millite," was
Pat's reply,
limy. rt yo11111 who would soon lo
tr. second imnd 010110/s is flying on
and-fnedlown reputation,
have been lively in the life of Mr, Hy-
riman, and it would seem as if them
01'0 11101'0 MU'S With exciting eV.0111,5 be-
fore him. The man is regarded as an
enigma even by his intimate friends.
11c began his business career as a clerk
M. a broker's °Mee, where he had an
opportunity to Marti the ways of the
Stock Exchange. Many lale.s are told
en Well street of the way he came to
be able to buy a seat on the New York
Stock Exchange, which he did on Au-
gust 13, 1870, One is to the effect that
he was plunging in ,the ninteset, with
all he possessed during the celebrated
"corner in gold" engineered by Gould,
Fisk, Kimbor and others of their kind,
and that he tool: his profits on "Blnek
Friday" and Invested the whole of those
profile in a seat on the Exchange. He
married early in life, and married very
well. His wife was Miss Mary Aver -
ell, of Rochester, whose father ems a
capitalist and a successful !annal
men. This marriage coneideeably
seengtheeted the hand of Edwasd if.
Ilarriman for tho battle of life. 11 has
been fa every way it Very torltinnte and
happy marriage. The story of the man
from that time on is almost purely
financial, and 11 is the great moves In
that life that llm Commission Is now
enquiring into.
Tess—There goes Ursula Hope with
Jack Timmid.
Jess—Yes; she's setting her cap at
Toes—"Do you really think site cares
for him?"
Jess—Yes, indeed! You know her full
11)11114) IS UN41.1111 May Hope. Well, she
signs all hee letters to him now, "U.
eitty Wipe."
Dontor (lo parventa.7"1-fave you really
done everything you could to make the
01111d sleep? It can ofte11 be done by
singing a lullaby." Parvenu—"Ali, 111
engage ea opera -singer
A. train. whistle hos been heard in es
balloon, four miles above the earth,
Greet, Britain consumes yearly 11,000
13.10,4 of woodin the shape of matches.
The amount of cheese produced yen',
y by a good coW Ili Cnnadn is estimated
Ili 815 worth.
Of the 1,263 bishops in the Roman
Catholic Church, 130 hold sees in the
&Well Empire,
During the Great Plague of '1346 lo-
custs spread the disease, and al Beg -
dad 10,010 petstma died in 00 cloys,
In Brazil 800,0110 people are engaged
In looking eller 23,/ million acres of
00 ffee pianta (tons.
In 1800 Australia hiel 160 miles of
railway. Now the island continent has
over 12,000 miles.
The United States has for many years
poet produced two-thirds of the woven
co lton.
Railways use one ton of coal In every
nine raised, and gasworks very nearly
as much.
A war automnbile burn, for 1110 0er02a1t array is driven by a four -cylinder engine of 60 to 60 hose -power, the
metive power supplied by 'benzine, and the ignition being electrle. The car is coveted with nickel steel plating over
en inch In Illicitness, and is equipped with a MIMI' quiek-firIng field gun of Iwo aud one-half inchee calibre, As will
be Seen by 1111 /sketch, this 11111c cannon is Mounted on a high pedestal fixed at the bottom of the ene, and ffinti
aVer 1110 heed nt the chaeffeue, who SOS in the Usual, place and steers the car through a cootie 01 loopholes provided
for the purpose.
gentleman had seen al, a glance that here
NV115 a man whose face slinwed ability,
and refinement, but, on whom
had taken hold so tightly that wreck and
ruin. were upree him. The old men
learned everything of the young man's
desiee to stop drinking and his 1111017 lack
of power to do so. Ile said to Min
"Don't be discouraged. take you to
a man right now—a Hinder) philosopher,
who will tell you how to eine the drink
habit without difficulty and in a very
short, time.'
'In due time they arrived aL the house
—0110 of those old-fashioned private
houses In Boston. They were aL once
useereci Into the emelt, where the Iiitaloo
—a tall, dignified men, a Past mid-
dle age, met them. He was one or those
men from India who do mystic things,
credited with mngfen I power, but, ally
all, there was nothing of the black art
about him. Ile wile a man who believed
that clean habits brought the most hap-
piness and that mental suggestion Was a
great aid In bringing about 50011 a con-
(11"11'111'1O'll' ng man, you have exhausted
your will power,' said the 11111d00, after
hearing his story. 'ee'llat you need is a
Mlle mental suggestion and you will be
a new 111f411 in a short time. You can ap-
ply such sugestion smersole Let me tell
you how NOW, keep right on drinking,
but whenever you non about to swallow
o glass of whiskey think of something
nasty, diegusling and disagreeable in
connection with drink, ion see. a had
habit is usually based on the false
neirpil, that you ore getting enjoyment out
"Wow, the next drink 3,01.1 lake just
think of something very unpleasant in
connection with it, Think, if you with of
the starving mother and children waiting
at hoeinetemfotDRUNKEN I IUSBAND ;
think of what a disgusting thing a
drunken nian is to tho person who is
sober. Think of yourself, of what your
end will be If you continue, Think of
what you might be 11 31211 let. the liquor
alone. Just do these simple things and
in a very 811001 time you will have no
inore taste for liquor. Use no will power
whatever. IL isn't necessery mei IL will
do"SYlillinslingp°1°eth'ailvice flest made the
young man laugh but the earneetness
of the Hindoo anehis new found elderly
friend impressed 111m, was so simple
and It cost nothing lo try. He would.
de it. '
1115 night he earned a dollar doing
an odd job for a saloon keeper, and he
proceeded at once to spend the money
02 1110 bar. W1111 his first drink of whis-
key he thought of the degradation of
drink. the poverty, the wretchedness and
the vice which accompany it. Ile kept
on drinking with the AIIITIC 111001n1 pic-
tures before him. SOW ho drank unlit
he was too drunk to stand and Was
kicked otit Ilie plitee, only to bo an,
rested and pul. in a cell.
"Ile l'AlS discharged, uncl entail setight
the saloon. Those eleink pictures' were
still with Itim, Ile persuaded the bar-
tender to give 1111(1 a drink of whIslrey,
promising to sweep the floor or do any
111 ile job 'for -Strange to say, Ito
telt a. disgust for that whiskey, but 110
(Will< 11 down anyhow. Later in the
clay he again went into a saloon to get
another drink. Ile the glass, pet
it In les lips, but could not drink It. it
seemed Mut a miracle, but It was never -
Melees a fact. From Ihre day on tlint
man has never touched a drop of 1)211201',
1)1)11 ho stands to -day high in his profes- '
Mon, bonored and revered 17y all who
krif." 111111111[ES IT F011 SMOKING.
"Well," sahl the newspnier man,
"when I heard Ilits story froin him I
thought 1 would try it and apply lo my
SMoking halite thirdly del not think
very seriously 41110111 it, 11)11 my curioelly
was aroused mei 1 wanted to eco what
theaseen 11 111151111(0.
0tt5:01'ry111 cigar 1 thought
of a cuspidor In it salonn the punning
niter. iMw clisgesling 11 looked with lle
cigar slobs and tobnet`oJoico 1104)3211 ('('(1
all over it, 'then 1 thonght of the men's
eabin on ferry boat, hew 111111y 11W118,
end how it emelt, 1 kept right on smok.
Mg. Weil, do you Tomer in a very shott
ihno I got, a disgust. for siedri»g. 1 re-
menther Ono morning elghlIng a cigars,
leking a few puffs and ihrewing • It
owny In diegtest. '1111 wns m1)1°1111115
eenthrIclible with me, Lair', in the dny 1
111 nnother`eigne, but could Tint smoke
it. I wits absolutely eneed (11 11(0 1)11
jost by this 111110 mental eligesthee I
have not smoked end that is len
yams ago, and rimer: nee the Iceet de-
sire ever to smoke egafse" •