The Brussels Post, 1907-3-14, Page 8'resoxi tioEIS
We give very special atten-
tion to this and fill them at the
most moderate cost.
Bring in your Prescriptions
and Becipes to us. If we do not
have all the ingredients we pro-
cure them on very short notice.
Away O'
When you are compelled to
hold the newspaper or book
"away off" you know that your
eyesight is far from right and
Glasses should be procured at
once. Proper Glasses will en-
able you to read for a much long-
er space of time without trying
your eyes.
rota!, •.etvs gums
Head Office - - - - Toronto
Interest Paid Quarterly
on Savings Bank Deposits
B t, ssel s Branch W, J. Fawcett, Manager
�r aaffta
ender the parental root, Mill street,—
. Mise EmmaLovis, of Clinton, io visiting
AN OP11UlAN. relatives mud friends in towo,—Alex. sod
Mrs. MOLeI nen have been renewing old
friendehipa in Brneeele.—Lorne Pringle
A ahiel's among ye takiL' notes,
An' faith he'll prent u.
R, GRAHAM has another car of ooro to
A DOUBLE deal of bogs wee shipped on
Tuesday co Uotliagwood by Wm, Jewitt.
NEXT Sunday is the ever eventful Bt.
Patrick's Day, familiarly nailed the 17th
of Ireland.
THE snow storm of Tuesday afternoon
of last weekwas a bad one while it was
et iia worst.
1, 0. 0. F. AT Home Thursday even.
ing of thte week in tueir Hall. A ohome
program as pre noeed.
Tun wad storm of Sunday week blew
down tbeemoke stack at D. Ewan & Oou.
Carriage works, Bruese•e.
SOMEBODY bas been defacing plate glass
windows with a diamond or other eharp
instrument and the authorities are alter
the wrongdoer.
D, A. LOWRY and N. F. Gerry have
purohaseu Monbare yearling colts that
they expect wall develop that quality
•known as speed. •
Do not fail to consult with Mies J. J.
Allan, Refueling Optician, on Friday
March 22ud, at American Hotel, Bun-
sen. Oousal0ation free.
A. 0. U. W. careI, hold their regular
semt•mouthly meeting on Friday eveuing
of this week. This is an important
messing andthe members should attend.
THREE leafed Mover br000h u
atm etld
of brilliants with emernida to the centre,
lost in Brunets, en Oen Met, Owuer will
be very grateful it cue finder will leave it
FRIDAY evening of this week the local
Conservative Aeeuo,atlo0 will meet in the
Connell Chamber at 7.30 o'clock to meet
the'Ridmg Presldeuc, Barrister Dudley
Holmes, of Wtugbam.
Ease Hum; Leueuse Commiesioners
suet at the Central Hotel, Brunetti, test
Saturday. Juo. Cardiff was re•eleoted
Ohaumao and Lnspeator Clegg Beoretary.
Their next meetiug will be in April.
PoBLr.0 dLEETING.—At the request of a
number 0t property 0W08re in the vii•
loge of Brunets a pabuo meeting will be
held In the Town Hai on Monday ev'g,
18th inst., at 7.30 p. m. for the purpose
of disarming and expialnmg the Bylaw
to be voted upon a week later in connec-
tion with pree6nt market square site and
Carnegie Library. J. LEoazs, Reeve.
CAoIPBELL'a Varnish habitue are the
original Varuieh Status. The maoaiaa•
Inners offer 2100 to any one who oat die.
prove that olatm. These Steins are bet.
car thea any other varnish endue because
the makers have improved them each
year since they were firet offered to
houeekeepere. Made an 1011 beautiful
Wades. For sole by McKee & Strew.
Simians thanker Utuo name into
aoLliolou with the Ring row of Blyth
sphere experts with the result that our
repreee0cative0 got a bleak eye, the
score tieing 13 to 6 with 7 draws. The
Bunsen 0011iegent °unstated of Jno.
Habkirk, J. H. Cameron, ELL. Jackeou,
A. Stewart and Geo. Swoop. Better
luck next tune probably.
—Tueeuley eveniu0 of uext week Prof.
O'Brien, who bee already stent nearly
two weeks in Brussels, wail deliver a
Iooture to the Town Heti on hie epeaialty
—Phrenology and Palmistry. Award.
ing to press mitten from °thee towns he
goes into the 0nbj001 %nonentity and Ma-
rianna from all ata o dpucnta mei ug a large
fund of Information. A0 stump's inter.
vale dnrlug the evening :Jodame O'Brien,
who hi a omt0red May, ace a trained
5000020, will 00ntrr0050 vital eons.
Further particulars may ne read Le .Prof,
O'Brieu'e adv[. en %Moat 1.54*it,
Home er Bement f OX1r:rsn-- ,—Hoose
of Refuge Committee 0500 as I.GLO0IC on
Meech 0121., and spent ermazerelme urn
looking through the Lls.00w ae_-. L3e.eenees
and are satisfied %Lai the 1r. s:tot,
Keeper and Matron are a;tng ;btu Leet
to keep the Louse 01050 000 Com{triable,
80 that the 90 inmates ate being 00 5502
oared for ae oiroutnetemees wilt permit.
Six inmates have beet eamitted during
the minter. Tbe 0omittmeut papers are
properly filled out and signed. One in -
mato has been discharged. I0 is under.
etood that if the bead of any muuloipal-
ity regent the Ieepeotor and Keeper to
allow au inmate from enol mauioipal•
ity, to leave the Hunee for any period of
time the Iuepootor and Keeper may do
e0, 'The memento ler the quarter were
audited and approved, and emanated so
21300. 1'o preveno further settling near
the center 0t the new building 11 was
decided to man an iron p111ar in the
woman's sitting room, this to be put in
under the direction of Ina/Actor and
Roper, There 1e difficulty 1n' properly
dryleg the olothiug of the inneettee atter
Whig waehed and the keeper ierequeeted
• to procure catalogues and other lutorma•
tion 90 that the matter may be °wielder -
ed at next meeting. Thb Committee in.
etraeted the Inepeot0r and Keeper to
arrange Ido a eaftioteut supply of water at
once mid it found n0oeesary purchase a
now pump, guaranteed to bupply the
gaahtlty required for the House and out
bnildange, The Inspector mud Matron
aero empowered to enure the 8500100,
of 0 81i100b,0 woman to 'aeeiet in eeWing
and mending,
DR, BUTLER'S VISIT.—Dr. Butler, the
Loudon Eye dpeslaliet, will be at the
Amerman Hotel, Brusoole, o0 Wedeln.
day, .nay 8o0. Glenn supplied.
Fon 30 Doss.—Dar,ug cue ears 30 days
I. U. Rmuarde wid offer speotai muuuue•
menta to purohasers of Harness. Rupee
and horse blaukete below met to Blear
oat ell Winter goods.
A dnevEL hatntng bee was on the pro.
Dram oil Tuesday and Wedueedsy atter-
noo0e the material beteg 10teueed for a
new clement stable at the MecuodOlt
Parsonage. G. MuDowelt was awarded
the connect tor the clement work ale be-
ing the lowest tender.
JUNIOR LEAC:MRS.—Monday evening of
vet week cue auu0al Junior League
eotertalumeut was held in the Sammie
School, room of the ,Metboulet church
and panted off very oucosestauy. Rev.
E. G. Powell, the pastor,, oouupted the
chair Most ocmpeteutly. The program
was well reudered sud was au foamed ;—
Opening Hymn ; prayer, Min Carrie
Himgetou ; opeutug address, Rev. Mr.
Powell 1 ohorue by League, "Hcaauna" 1
recitation, Fanny Stubbs, "Tee Minnie.
cry ben 1 eoro, Vera Alultey ; reottetiou,
Wilfrid McDonald; "What to arum";
readug, Iianel Straehau ; duet, 011a
Armstrong and Elate Flact 1 [imitation,
Harold Lowry, "Boys weaned" ; mice:two, Myrtle Friendship, "'1'be fires
cake ; " song by tour boys, "rho sweet
story of old ; Bible min ; re01lauoa,
Laura Boteuoau, "Baby w uhurou" ;
duet, Stella Garry aud Joe Hab2rrk,
"Debtor and Creditor" ; Roll cue ; uborue
by League, "If ImOme Do Jeeue" • tau.
14acioo, George Edwards, "A 8221,0 boy's
lecture' ' reautug by Stella tetuubs,
"Wes it Jub that bee warts" ; sore, Cato
Armatruog, "Alt for Jenna"; t>oneetuu ;
song, by °eye "Jonuey ,milker" ; recita-
tion, Hazel Simmons, "Baby's login"
girls ohorue, "We tun 00attee sane:nue,"
reaeiug by J0sei0 Cunningham, "A brave
boy" ; drill, "'Tee tempereuce menu"
reaitatt00, by Hazel Lowly, "Liuspy
Tim" ; solo, "A little buy's aimed]," by
Mtudred Mercer. The treasury at the
Juniors was Snpplemeuteu by about 212.
as the remit of the entertainment. ,Hien
T'harse Gerry and Mre. W. L. Leather -
dale, who are the Saperiuteudeuts are
to be cougratalated, as wail ae nue y0U0g
folk, on the suitcase attending the pun
Richard Hingeton arrived borne laic
Saturday eveuiug atter au exceeded
visit in Manitoba end Chump. He looks
as it the trip agreed well with him,—We
are sorrow co bear that Mrs. Jau. Hay•
croft, wbo to spending the Winter web
her daughter Mrs. D. Fergana, 'Teen•
water, has not been los welt as usual.
Mrs. Hayorott has p0500.l her 83rd bush•
day and hes been a remarkaoly 003art
peretn: During the past week three
well known reeldente •have pond an.
other milestone Lu lire's journey. Post -
mann Farrow oelebraced ole 74th bulb•
day, Jas. Patton hie 76th, dun d. Craw-
ford his 73rd. THE PosT wishes them a
good many retmus of she day. Au are
active.—A. M. JlaKay was off duty for
a few days time week thump 11luees, an
unusual occurrence for him—Miss Kate
Smith has been 011 the sue It80, Her
many friends wiab her a speedy oouvat•
eeoenoe.—Mies Mobel Colvin returned to
her milhtiery posttio8, at Crediton, Fri-
day of last week. M,ee .Lada, is en•
gaged with the Minn Habkirk for this
season: Mre. Thee. eDuufcrd returnee
to her home here last week after se en-
joyable vaso; at the home of her eon,.
James, formerly of Brussels, at Clinton.
—Mn Pryne, who reoetly purobaeed
the National Floor Mw, Brussels, bee
teased the Fred Adams hOase, Mill street,
and wilt move his family from reroute
to towd.—Albert Hughes from Bluevale
eicariO3 spent a few days with Jobe
Baseman, Alexander street,—Mise Vain
Edwards to home from several weeks'
may at the Standard Blyth one has re.
joined TEE Pour staff.—dre. eloNmbul
has beau quite 01 at the home in iter
daughter, ,vers, W. L. Beaker, Johu grant,
bat ie regaining her health we are
glad to stale, -31205 Jean MaLaucblin,
was in Teeswater for two S. 0. S. oou•
eerie and at Belgrave fora L. 0. L. oou•
Cert (mat week. fine wan the pianist and
ee00mpasiet• Mies Mao. is a competent
hand.—Robe. Dark bail One on the sloe
Mit hat we hope be will exon be o. It.
Mee. Dark continues to improve in
health.—Oeoil Day and hie moiber, of
Gerrie, were visiting ,n Brueeeo tbie
week.—Thos. Wetton, wbo hue reoeuuy
returned from Calgary,. wan calling oil
old frfonde in Meru, He met Dan. Mc.
Gillioady while In Calgary, where he is
editing a new deity.—'lhoiL Maxwell,
John' meet, has not been very Well during
the woo Lew weeks but we hope he win
nem be bettor.—Byrou Bummouo; of
Loudon, was a visitor at duo,. 11m03ou5'
tune week.' The geutiemou are 000ther0.
—R. Leatherdale was laid aside for a
few days trona au at15ok of lumbago, but
is back to the wore again weave pmaeed
to uotice•—A. E, Beadwin; formerly of
the Blyth Btendard,has severed hie Done
neOtton W1th Toronto
Saturday night,
and le now general manager of the (:[alt
Reformer.—Percy limhardo was in teen
Mr a few (Jaye doting th8 past week,
He I5 ropr0000lIug a Toronto 0}100 house.
•e-hire, W. halt, of .711101, •la glutting
is here from Toronto on it short visit,
Next Sabbath evening Rev, E. G.
Powell will continue the aeries of eerm0n8
he is preaching on Jonah when his topic
will be "Lessons from the storm."
Rev. Mr. Spence, of Milverton, will
midget the Lenten eervioe in Bt. Johne
cherub Thursday evening of this week.
These weekly visits from outside olergy•
men are highly appreciated.
Rev. Mr. Wtebarl preached a fine
sermon (set Sabbath morning o0 "Christ
the pattern of ideal life and character."
Evening text was "Let every man be
fully persuaded iu his own mind."
"Persona, Heroism" Wm Rev. E. G.
Poweli's theme last Sabbath morning in
the Methodist church. It was a very
practical disown -6e. He presohed on
"Jonah, the rn0away prophet" at the
evening service.
Rev. Mr. Bourne, of Listowel, conduct.
ed the special Lenten eerveae in Bt.
John's ahureb Thareday evening of last
week, [slung for hie text Matthew 4th
chap„ and 3rd verse, "If thou be the son
of God, oommard'that then sterna be
made bread,"
There will be High Maes and Veepere
in the Catholic Church, Brussels, next
Sunday, March 172h, at 10.30 a. m. and
7 p. m. Sermou both meriting and even•
ing. On the followingMouday there will
be epeoial Lenten services at 9 a. m. and
7.30 p. m.
At the Goderiob District Epworth
Leegne Convention, held in Blyth, Iasi
Friday, it was drained 10 have their
Sammer Sobool Executive meet with
Wiugbam Dietriot Executive with a view
of arruuging for a Union School to be
held as Goderieb.
Tbe text (Munn by Rev. Mr. Lang
Ford last Sunday morning was foetid in
lad Timothy, let chapter and 5th verse,
"When I 0011 20 remenbra,.oe the Iln
teigued faith shat i, to time, adieu dwelt
first in thy grandmother Luis and thy
mother Eunice, sun I em persuaded that
In thee also." Iu the evening hie
teat was taken from Revelation and
chap., 18th verse, "And auto the angel oI
the church in Tkyatire write."
Business Locals.
Greven and Timothy seed at Mc.
llnaeemenn.a. — Mrs. M. Woodley ie
prepared cu take in dreasmakiug and will
give ourefa, attentiou to all orders. A
share of your pan oeage suliuited. MRs,
1 all. WUUDLEY, It, , .ar, r,, Bi mutate.
Great Success in
Brussels of
l Er.113
and the only Genuine SCIENTIFIC
PALMIST who has ever visited your
own town.
Everybody i0 delighted at his graphic, instrnalive, interesting. scientifin an1
trnthfnl delineations - which they claim to be a revelation from the uon0swaoal elap-
trap practised bele in the past by uneducated muuutebunke,
Speoulatore and those contemplating a change tri business ebould not mins
consulting him. Call sod see the autographs of prominent people who hove be-
e elle rich and others holding prominent positions through hie practice] and round
advice. Prof. O'Brien's work w all done on a scioutitio basis. hence the truth.
Porsute should bring their children and and out what they are best ad •pted for
to be a SUCCORS is life. Pewter's New York latest phrenological chart used,
Y•,ur PAST. PRE -ENT and indications of FUTURE EVENTS ns marked
on your hand by nature correctly delineated.
Marriage adaptations explained.
Charaoter reed from photos.
Terms within reach of all.
As thi ie your ettly Chance to consult such an eminent man in his profession
ie your own tem]. yon should not miss the opportunity given you. Everybody
lutows Prof. O'B'ien and tris ability, Au examination Prem him now will be worth
th,tieande of dollars to ,tuyunr• in after years.
OFFICE HOURS, 10 a. m. to p. m.
Tuesday Next, Marsh 19th
At the request. of several prominent Ladies
and Gentlemen in Brussels
will give his most 'intbresting and
With Chart illustrations on
at 8 p: m., in the Town Hall, assisted by
Late prima donna soprano, from Milan, and principal 001100058 it, Europe, who
will render a choice selection of Web, Scotoh and Engli011 songs in he, meet
artistic mud fiuiehed Ituliau style. Studeute of eiugiug should not ,vias tbi-
great treat. As Prof, 0 Brieu'e object lit giving this lecture istotto make money,
but to instruct the 0300808 in [hie meet useful science, which has been so mush
abased by mountebanks and confounded with the Vulgar fortune telling he will
charge ten note only to defray expenee0. Come and investigate and learn. Don't
be olleptical of what you don't !mow anything about, HIis lectures are always nt-
tended by the learned and intelligent. and hie patrons are amongst the IaMO. L
addition to the educational benefit It will be an entertainment t0 be enjoyed ; a
lot of information of great interest to doctors, soieutists and the public in general.'
You will be instructed and smutted. D n't miss it. Remember It is only TEN
CENTS. As Professor O'Brien will only remain a very short time in Brussels in-
tondiug petrous should °all et mice, or make appointments if possible.
Private Office at Central Hotel, Brussels
See what the Ingersoll "Chrooiole," June 1411,, 1906, said "Salentine
Palmiotry" was the eubjoot of a highly instructive leoture by Professor O'Brien,;
Canada's Greatest Phrouologist and Scientific, Pelmiet, in the 'l'owu Hall, last
night, The audie.ros was a large mod repreueutatiVe' one and very ,nppreeintive.
That the visit of Prof. O'Brien to Iugoreoll has aroused univorent hustled, wee
domuuotrated by the large attendance bud the attentive hearing which ile ane
given. P.of. O'Brien ioa stuttered aid exo,'s,Osly 11sloaing epealter turd impresses
all hie hearersthat he ie a nWster of his profusion. 1n addition to the able trd
fuetruo•IVe.nddro,e by Prof. O'Brien there. were 0090,121 delightful solos by Machines
O'Brien who captivated the audience, flee program numbers were Kathleen
fyLanvourneou, "Una Voce" from the Opera The Barber of Seville ; Itobin Adair
and Home Swept Homo, Icor efforts elicited hearty aid continued eppinuee, and
in reopoudidg oho sang, ' No Sir" and Edinboro' Town, oolection0 which were .loo
greatly apprclutod, Madame O'Brien late s au]trniugstage I
resotce and herr
501ee is of exa0 lent
rouge and ,'e,nerllable sweating and 10 under perfect control.
&dawn indeed du 1800r5011 mush -deed have the Opportunity tit homing 8nolt a
talented vomiter, as SI 'dame O'Brien, and those who were absent, last [light missed.
m genuine tenet," DON'12 FORGET TUESDAY NEXT.
This bank makes a specialty of discounting Farmers' Sale
Notes at lowest current rates.
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
Two comfortable houses for eale,
Apply to W. A. Gilman.
SEED grain for rale, Oate with little
barley. JLBEPH ENGLER, Ethel.
The news—No Pore Drug Cough Core
Laws would be needed, if ell Cough Cures
were like Dr. Sloop's Cough Cure n—
eed hue been for 20 years, The Nemo.
al Low now requires [bet if any poisons
enter into a cough mixture, it m06t be
printed on the label or package. For
this reason mothere end utberr, should
feslet pi. 1150100 Dr. Biaeop'e Gough Cure.
110 power, mark. oil Dr, Bbeop'e ,ebels—
aud *tone in the medicine, 8100 1. 03001 by
law be on the 1abee. And It's not only
safe, but it to said to be by those who
kuuw it beet, a truly remarkable cough
remedy. Take nu chance, par,iomarly
with your children. Iueaet on having
Dr. 811oop'0 COU,) Cure. 'Compere
carefully the Dr: Shoop package' With
others and Dee. Nu poison markt there 1
You can alwoye bo un Ibe sale ems by
demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure.
Simply refuse to aooept any other.
Sold by F, R. Smttb.
]INIGaT.—In Grey, 00 Marob 3rd, to Mr.
and hers. J. M. Knight, a 000,
LiviNs —In Ingersoll, ou.Marob 4th, to
ad r. dud Mrs. Levine, a sou.
STEweiT.—Ii Brunets, o8 March Sib, to
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart, e eon,
BoOEnTRGN—MooRE.—At the home of the -
bride's brother in Uuntou, 'oil March
6,1., by Rev. W. E. Rerr, Mr. John
Ruberteou, of Grey township, to Mase
T Moore, of On"tou.
MmHer,—.iot1PBEL4.—Au the residence
of M,. Pe,e, H. McNeil,Grey,on
lila[ ,h byV
Mann, 12 Rev. E. F. Arm•
strong, B D., of Ethel, Mr. Albert
,w iuhet, of Alberta, 10 Mree Annie
Campbell, daughter of Mr. Angus
Campbell, et Grey.
ANnEnson.—In Morrie, on- Mereh 8th,
L,zz,e, el0es[ daught, r of Quiutin
min ere. Audereon, aged 28 years,
7 er,"uhe and 4 days.
1,.o .1 to ,•.,.aur, on March 10th,
E. K1..g, 1., oft 50.1) year.
UNDER A0OD—In Wrmxeter, an March
Lwnea Underwood, wile of
John Underwood,. aged 75 years, 2 -
menthe, 20 days.
1A. 7 TxQ 5
TUESDAY, Marion' 19Th;—Farm stook,
imptemeuts, &o., at Lot 12, Con. 14,
Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m. Neil
Duncanson, prop., F. B. Beott, au°.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 —Farm stook,
impwrneute, &o., et Lot 14, Con. 10,
Grey Sale, 11211000000d, at 1 O'oleek. A.
E Fox, P'op F. 8. Scott, Ano.
WEDNEDAY, (31222206 27Th.—Cows, home -
bolo 1821 but., &m., Int 19, Con. 12,
Grey, Sa'o at 1 p. m, M. Reymann,
Prop. F S Scott, 3110,
THURSDAY, MARCH 28Tn--Farm -stook,
implemenie, &u., wt 80, eon. 12, Grey.
Sale u"rreorved at 1 o'clock. Jennie
Hanna, Prop. F. B. Scutt, Aum.
Eye -light Specialist
Friday,. [arch 22nd
..merica.2. Motel
All Errors of Refraction correct -
I ed. Glasses prescribed only
when required.
KKife ,.
For Cows i", my
Don't forget Kow-Kure ' 1
is a Medicine especial-
ly' for (Cow troubles—
nothing else. That's
why it cures,
60c per package.
Drug Store
03RT7'SSTx.S 116ARx 2SI•I'S,
Fall Wheat 69 70
Barley 44 46
Peas 76 76
Cate 36 30
Butter, ton and [orae,.,23 23
Eggs per dozen 15 20
Hay per ton 9 00 10 00
Flour, per bbl,4 50 5 20
Hoge, Live 6 60 6 60
Wool 24 26
Penalise per line 50
Bale a limited quantity of good seed
peas at Grain Elevator, ROB eels.AM.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
F, brnary let—part of Smith mock.
22E85 feet ; 2nd door from American Hotel ;
lately tined as tailoring and gents' furnish.
ii a oatabllebmout. For further particulars
apply to DR. MoKELVEY, Brussels
t7 SALE.—One was a year old in January,
1906, and the other 10 mouths o1,1 Prize
animate and in good condition. Terme so
suit purchaser. 3431018 SPE1R, Lot 80,
Oen. 8, Morrie, or Bruesele P. O. - 10-tf
`, Lnt16, Cou. 16, Grey, oontaloing 100
acres, 82 of which are Bleared and halauso
elm bush. There 10 a comfortable brick
house, a beak baro 62x66 foot, ,,[chard, woo 1,
Ric. Property well Pouoed. 2i mhos from
the village of Oranbruok. Pooaooelon can
be glve0 March 16th. Por further pardon•
lure ea to price, terms, R8,, apply to WM,
WOODS, Proprietor, Ornubtook P. O. 2&00
� lust Arrived
New Dress Goods, New Laces and Trimmings
New Prints, Ginghams and Muslins
New Curtain Muslins and Lace Curtains
New Easter Neckwear
Ladies' Fancy Collars, strictly new, special at 25e and 50e
Men's Ties,'the latest, special at 25e and 50e .
.Aew Reath/made Skirts and W'fists •
New iieo?dym,'ade Clothin6, Buys', Youths' and ,Men's sizes
New Boots and Shoes for Ladies, Men and Children
Men's Stiff Hats
We have just received our new `spring styles in Men's Stiff Hats,
fine English Fur Felts, the correct ltiockp, Imported direct, special 2 00 }} UO 2 5
New Caps for Ladies and Children
New Cups for Nen and Boys
Just in, first •hiprnent of'the New Shirts
for Jlh.m—Sof't and Stiff Fronts
Our Stock of Staple le Goods is complete and the
� p
Prices are Right.
Call and Compare our Goods and Prices.
' � 1,
the Ai h st Pricesfor
Pay � � Produce
Next. Door ,to
American House