The Brussels Post, 1907-3-14, Page 5/ \
• :..if•^- "GuGaLif8d¢M1OTeIGRedtteEiWirF rWYWA 3r
e Pf
Spring Tors Opens April 2nd
An expellent time to enter
the Meat '
Canada's Nest 800801 of Business
and eboothand Training, Demand for II
f� our graduates is far greater man the
iJ 'apply,. 1riaguldeuub 00301ogue 1•Rnti. Li
10Gur vow ulu1 bo 1 tar0(3 so 11000)10
,, gaud p MId. ll to Elle BOwnlor Or To
1'1!11 No Mid-,uu,nlar vacation, qQ
TsW. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, 04
dY 0en Venom ANl) A1a(A(Dan ars, 11
DR. B. A. $URNS—
Successor to Dr. J. A. McNaughton
Brussels, Ontario .
Graduate of I'olyoliuie Post Graduate
School of Modioiue and durgury, Now York..
Member 0) College of Phyeiotaus and har-
poons of Ontario.
When and resideuoe same its formerly oo.
copied by Dr.. AlaNaugitou.
Lieeimus of women aspeoialty,
'drone No. ',.'l..
wB.. MoOliAOKl;N—
• Issuer of Marriage Lieene0s, ui•
dcO at Grocery, Tatnberry street" breams. ,
011leo in the Post 0)1iee, Ethel. 30.9
.10 prepared to give tensors 00 000uo
or Reed Orion. Terms ou appliOatrou,
Postoffi'° address -Brussels. lieelneuco—
Lot8,0ou.10, Grey. Pupils may have their
1eg80ne at their own hennas it proferred..
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurahce Company
Office and Residence—
1Net1RAN1E, -
• man, will. eoll !or better prices, to
better mon, in lase time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
Le won't charge anything, Dates and order,,
Dan always be arranged at thi8 office or by
. 110reonal application,
Auctioneer' for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Bales arranged for
at theMillie of„TRE POST, Brussels, 2201
�� •
Honor 011,111111.0 of the Ontario Vet
erl0ary College, Is prepared to treat all die.
eases of domeotluatod animals in oompet
out rummer, Particularattentionpaid to
Veterinary Deutletry and Milit. Fever. .Cells
Promptly attended to. 011iaoand ludrmary
Pour doors'North of bridge, tnrnberry et.
. 'Barrister, 8olioitor, Notary, Eto.
8ocoesaor to G. F. 1311011'. 01800 over Stan-
dard hank, Brueeele. 8olioltor for Metro-
V r • barrister, Hulloitor,,Oonvoysu00r,
Notary I'ablio, Eta, Oifloo—*tewart'0 B1o011
1 door North of Oeutral 10000!,
dolioltor for the litaudord Bank.
b Al010IBTAfltB, a bOLI01'PU11B, OT kit fiats
YU131d1), Prl'0.
W, 1'ltounrcom,. . O. U'. 1100111.1L. 0. Heys
0lhoes—l'hoee formerly 880np(e11 by 0l00ers
0aulor0n & not,
00018100, Onten30.
Uroduate of the Royal College of Dental.
Burgeoned Ontario and ifh•ot•olaso Honor
Graduate of "Toronto University, Otllon
nor” 00 klr0Wer's Photograph Gallery,
13100 8 8 818,
SWUM. yf/
lq is reeogus004 to ire 0110 01 8130 lendl8S Pf
U Uotnmoroial SOhools of Ontario. Oar d9
3r oour000 are thorOu(h and profitieal,
(1 stash department la in th0 houde of Li
oXp0r1Oneed i"t00ru00or0, Our grade'
1 etas aro in dement( and are meeting
a with great 0uee300. Many Reding
1301111000000130800 employ Our grotto -
it(1000 as tette/ten, Write for free nata-
l logua. 8'01 may angor at any time, is
1]LL1U1.'7) it MOLAOHI.AN, tIt
,l rriuoip0le, Ayvp
b 3tgi8 1 Vii wgiWYti t. a( t,1
IME,m1E7n Xi$ AT Or'
Tun POOT 11118 made arrail emonta t0
club with all the leading Weeklieo and
Dailfea and ether Journalo of every die-
'11111 PDeT and the following 'mined
papers will be sent for one year RR 001.
0310 -
Poor hod Toronto Glebe 51 85
" 0 Mail' and Empire - 1' 76
" free Preto1 80
"' " Family Herald and Star,: 1 80
"' '" Montreal Witness 1 05
" 0 London Advertiser 1 80"
Weekly Sun 1 80
' llarmove' Advocate 2 85
Post AND The News $2 35
" Star 2 80
u n Globe• 4 50
Mail and Empire 4 50
World B 10
" " Advertiser .,.... 2 35
When Premiums are given with any
ofthe above named publications you tie,
onre them through the olob with Tin)
Call at the office or remit the amount
by 13, 0. O,der,,Lxpre00 Order or Reg-
istered letter, addres0fug
Brussels, Out.
Goderiok District Ep-
worth League and Sunday
School Convention.
Good Program and Interesting 8003101)0.
The annual Convention of the Ep•
worth Leagues and sabbath Schools of
Goderi00* District was held in the Meth•
odiet church, Blyth, on Thursday and
Friday of last week and the seeeions.
W800 moat' interesting and in0tru01ive.
Tasty deoorabioue were arranged to
the tors of white draping: and email'
flags, portraits of King Edward, Queen
Victoria and Rev. John Wesley and a
neat displayof. fiowere, -There were
oleo large suggestive mottoes :—"Look
up suet Litt Up" ; "For Christ and the
ohuroh"; "Work I am with •thee
eaith the. Lord,' and "Obri0t is all and
in 'n11."
A vely cordial reception was given the
40103at00 by the' Reception Committee
and the hospitality of the. Blyth people
could hardly be outdone. -The majority
of the obrouits 011 the District were retire..
eeuted and dolegatee parried book with
them many useful ,and helpful hide
that wilt be put into premien in the home
Leagues mud Sabbath Schools.
The first Berme 1.46 by a
prayer and praise service led by Rev. S.
Anderson, of Blyth, owing to the Preei•
dent 'beiug called to the telephone.;
Later President Reid took the chair.
Mies Bell, of Lundeeboro', and Mies
Pearl Gidly, of Blyth, aided as 80-
oompaniate during the afternoon.
The election of the B0e1ue98 Commit
tee resulted, as follows ;—Rovde. Currie,
Audereon and Reid, Mr. Gould and
Mies Swann. The first topic "How to
make the Junior League a snoods" was
raked by Mise Brownell, of Se0forth,
'who tools the paper for Mise Ada L.
Beattie, who was absent. A few things
the ea000asful Junior League needs are ;
(1) a good leader or superintendent"
(2) well definedplans of work. In the
Sestorlh League the first Tuesday was
s connotation meeting, the children
answering' with a verse ; the pledge was
read I the second Tuesday was devoted.
to Temperance, the third Tuesday
30 Mi881ode andthe last .Tuesday de.
voted t0 literary 0r scold work. Where.
there are five Tueedaye the meeting teas
entirely different from ally other. The
whole memberehip should be. a Look.,
out Committee• iuoulcate hebite of
promptness and regmmri0y ; have the
Juuiere help you to plan for sua0000 ;
cite Superintendent should not do the
most of the worts let the Juniors do it ;
do riotnegleob the boys,; let the 011)8.
dren 001001 their favorite hymns.
This enbje01 brought oat a number of.
excellent pointe by different„ delegates'
durlug the dieooeeioo.
Rev. A. E. armee, of Auburn,' gave au
excellent address on "Pteeeut Progreso
and Outlook of Fipworbh League." Io
hie address he went back to the time
when the League was fire" formed in
the year 1889"in Ootober in Toronto.
In the first 9 years the enrollment of
League wee 82,000 members but dur-
ing the next 4 years 14,000 mamba's
were lost, The nest two year0 2,400
were addedand last year the gain was
5,600. These galas were brought about
largely by the Forward Movement. The
three tbiugo Losgueeshould look after
are :—(1) Inetruution; (2)• Training ;
(8) Action and advice. During the past
year the Ilpworth Imago's] gave $45,000
t0 Missions. Rev, Jones .dealt with
the whole work of She League and should
it they work, the League will advouoe..
Be spoke at some length of the Forward
Movement that Dr. F. C. Stephenson
hoe made snob a eu00000. The Read.
lag Girdle an4 1110 social evening were
important in the L80goe.
The verbal reports of Solidity Sohool
work in the District from the delegates
showed that they Were in a flourishing
condition and that good work was being
done. •
Dr. Emmerson, of Goderiob, nob being.
able td attend Rev. Mr. Corry, of Loudes
bow', took the eobjeot ""Phe Teaoher'o
Preparation of tho (3111,11113 School Lee•
on," The teaobere should be dont'
carefully and those who fail to prepare
their lesion Din against God and man.
Some teachers study as they go to Sun'
dayeuboot, while some do not 'Rudy at.
all. What a teacher should do, (1) Love
the cause forit demaode time and
patience, (2)Study the lemon before they:
teach ib, (3) Make a eystematio study,
beginning at tbo first of the Week. The
way to study the lesson suggested by a
doted writer ie t0 take a pencil and paper
and two bibles ; one for 1130 lesson and
the eeaond one for refe00uoo and then
writs the 430001ons that the o*ildten
would likely ask and answer them, The
teacher moat pray for strength 16 have
the power 00 give the lemon to their
A disodeeion took place on the atlbjec1e
given by Betide. Illeaere. Jonas and Curry
after whtab the afternoon meeting wag
dosed by flinging tho'Doxology and the
deleliatee 00palr011 to the hospitable
homed of the Motbodl8t people of Blyth,
pilo evening 00001031 opened at 7.80
the Myth pastor oopd10t3o
the opening•ekyi0ea, After a nitration from the
ellarob 011eir Rev, Mr. Jolifl0, of 0liubon,
• ddr000ed the Convention on "The in.
duonoo and power of the Ugly. Spirit,'
which woe greatly enjoyed by the an.
d.ento. In the abeonoe of Rev. 1410.
Sleadmau, of Bayfield, Mies O'fotior and
Mr.. Wilford, rendered a dust In good
voioe. Rev. Dr. Stephenson, •1110 W01)
anowa prOM03,00 01 1110 Forward Move.
meat, wa0 not able to attend end hie
pace was token by Rev. Dr, Woods.
worth, of Toronto, who dealt trenehenlly
with the vital (medbian of Ohrlsbian
Stewardship, He appealed for it 0101)3
ruuud the banner of 0yatemath, giving.
A fine 0010 woe sung by Norman Moroh
and was a littiug close town evening of
epirituai enjoym,
Friday morning the 9e0eion opened at
9.15 "with the usual devotional exeroige0,
Then followed an addrooeon "The Tela.
"fan of the Sunday Sohool to the. Ep.
worth League, by Rev. Mr. Corry, R. A.,
f Walton, It was full of good things,
Mr, McMillian, of Geduld], iotroduoed
be important topio "The value of
Deoision Day and the beet method of
u„ndaoting'it," an intere0ting dioousaion
lodowing. A apleudid and 'replete ad.
dress was given b Alfred Linfield,: of
I/8 Nile, 0n "The pworth League 00 a
Mieeiouary Foroe."- 'The Epworth
League as an Evango1{etio Foroe" was
oriefly bat pointedly dealt with by Rev.
W.'18.Karr, of Clinton. A pam00r .of
praotioM pointers were eubmt0004 in the
ineanesioue. Session dolled 'by Rev. W.
U, Graham, B. A., of Goderiob, pro
uognoiug the Benediction. Afternoon
session opened with siogiog and prayer
by Rev. A. K. Bird, L. L. 13,, of Bea
,,rth, who i0 Obairman.of the Di00riot.
Reports from the officers of the District
organization were given which, 'on the
whole, Elbowed inoreaeed growth, larger
Stationary giving. and real practical
•ork. Rev, Mr. -Clement, of Goderiok,
ave a comprehensive addre80 on "The
Sabbath Sohool Literature, its national,.
doodad and moral influence." Mr.
!!lament filled the bill. Au open Con
feren00 on Summer Sohool. for 1907,
wag introduced by Rev. W. H. Gro)i m
and no animated dieouseion followed. A
resolution was carried empowering
,be Executive to meet with the
Exe00live of Wingbom Db0lriot se to
nulding a joint Summer Sohool next
summer. Albert Wilford. favored 'the
*03)0000 with a aboice solo. Mise Carr
pv0000004 the report of the Resolution
committee. It dealt with the dletriba
tion of the balance of money from the.
"Stone" yacht fund turning it over to the
Forward Movement. Advised the hold-
ing of a Dretr101 Summer Sohool ; re.
uommeuded the adoring of pbotoa of
Rev. T. G. Barlow, missionary at
Clayoquo0, B. 0., who is assigned to
Goderiok DbecriotLeagues to support and
each League asked to: secure one for their
drurch; also that arrrongemeote be made
with Mr. Barlow for a quarterly.' letter,
odes of the game to be Bent to each
League and the District press. A strong
resolution woe passed oondemniug the
3/5 majority demanded by the present
Looal Option -Law and Leaguers asked to
press the,Legielatore for the removal of
the objeotionsb a olanee. All were pawed.
by the Convention, "The importance of
Epworth League readiugeworse and beet
method to oonduot it" was the topic in:
nodded by Rev. A. Fl. Brown, of Varna,
fie gave many praotioal hints of value.
Rev. Dr. Woodeworth gave the
iaet address the aubjeot being
"Christian Stewardship," He was
much at home on the theme.
A large and interested audience aasembi.
ed at the evening meeting. Rev,. B. G.
Powell lead in the opening eervi000.
After. President Reid had spoken briefly
the Business Committees report waa
presented by Rev. W. P1. Kerr. The
oflioers for the next year were introdnoed
ae follows :—Honorary. President,. Rev.
A. K, Birks, L, D. B. Seaforth ; Presi-
dent, Rev. 5, 0. Reid, B. A. Nile ; let,
vine, prep., Mies K. Swann, Holmeeville ;
and. vioe pre.., Mies 13. Greene, Clinton ;
3rd vias Ores., Mise A Carr, Blyth ;
4th doe pros„ Rev. G. N. ERROR, Goder
ich ; 5th •vio0 pre., Mise A. Brownell,
s0ofor0h ; Secretary, Mine 01, A. Bailie,
Nita ; Treaanrer, Midi A. Bali, Londe.
bore' ; Con'f.'Reproseutative, Itev, H.E.
Curry, The church oboir gave a good
anthem. W. Id, Kerr, of Brussels, gave
an address ou Sabbath. Sohool effort ;
W. Harland, of Clinton, sang "'whore is
Semen," in. hie -usual able manner ;
Rev. Dr. Woodeworth delivered the third-
undress on "Christian stewardship;
dealing with "God's challenge" i J. Kerr
rendered the ahoioe solo '"Ang01 Land."
After hearty_ votes of thanks were pawed
as the Blyth people for their hospitality ;
the Billetting Committee for the ex
oollent way they did their work ; and tC
the Preeide"t for his efficient ina000r ill
cadet) lie did his part. A. T Cooper,
of Clinton, wag iutroduoed and dealt out
hot elicit on the Temperance qu000iou
of the day, • relating to Loans Option
Mr. Horland'a eeoond solo wee - "Jesse
Saviour pilot me," whioh':was most ap
predated "God, be with you till we meet
again" and the Benediction by Rev. Dr
Woodoworlb, brought the most st ooesafal
oonv0)0ti0n ever held in Gederieh Dietrlol
/0 01 Opn01ne100,
""Pnr'-veda'1po". will promptly oheoka
gold or the Grippe when taken early at
the "edema rouge," Prevod1ioe ante
Oeated OOlde 10 well, Preveniios are
an y qabd dare tablets, and Dr.
Sboep,Raofne, Wie., tvill gladlyy mail
you samples and a book en eel de free,
1t yea will write. The aomplee prav0
merit. Cheek early colds w1411 Prevent•
Os and atop pneamonfa. Sold in 6o sad'
25o boxes by F. 13, Smith.
Presbytery of Maitland.
Proobytery'of Maitland met in Wing,
ham op the 5th of Maruti with the Rev,
John Radford, Moderator, iu the chair,
'1'be meeting was the beet for attendanoo
and interest in many years, There was
ud ospooiallylarge attendano0..of ;lidera,
whiu4 is very gratifying.
Rev. D, T. L, Mu1errll, and Ipspeotor
011101101m were appointed members of
the Synod's Committee on bills and
Reeds, D. Petrie, R. W. Craw, A.
;Miller, and A. 0, Wished, miniolere, and
Peter Creator and Juo. Rtherford Elders,
were appointed oommieeioners to the
General Assembly. The 9e00ione to the
North Kiddie, and the Ripley and B, -r.
vie chargo have 1130 privilege of nominal.
tog daub a Oommieeioner.
Rev. A. Miller was appointed a mem.
bar of the Aesembty'e Committee on Ville
and overtures.
Report on Oboroh life and work woe
given by Mr, Craw, 'It iudioatedthat
the congregations within the bounds ate
eujoybug 'general prosperity, A very
1111. resting dreouesioo 01 apeoiai evangel
istto effort resulted from the reading of
the report, gr the oonolusion of which
the thanks of•the Preebytery were tender-
ed Mr. Oraw,`
Report on Sabbath Baboole was red
doted by Mr. MoKerroil. Disoassion on
11110 report, in accordance with the new
Order of Bnefneso, la deferred till the
May meeting,
Mr. Mailmen made a statement re-
gardiug S. S. Institutes, and on his
motion it was agreed to hold snob In.
dilutes towards the end of May in Kin•
oardioa, Luoknow and Brussels. At
oaoh there wie be an afternoon and.
evening Conference, and an address
from the Rev. J. 0. Robertson, the genet.
a1 Secretary of Sabbath Schools. It is
hoped that all teachers and others fn•
tereeled in Sabbath School work will
avail themselves of the privilege, and
attend these 1)0001)00000.
In connection with the recent parotaee
of a manse by the Luoknow congregation
the Presbytery expressed appreciation of
their a01100, and their cordial support io
the manner of financing the same. They
alto highly commended them for .their
0000000 in paying' off an indebtedness of
over 95000 .within 2 years, The Luok'
now congregation hue been greatly pros•
pered 811208 the settlement of their Inez
eat pastor, Rev. D, T. L, MoKerreli,
about two years ago. They have ever
since been growing stronger in every way
that growth is possible,
Rev, A, Miller and the Ashfield don
gregatiou were likewise congratulated by
the Preebytery upon their having re-
oe0tly built a new church, 00Btlug 97,000
which to -day stands free from debt,
This speaks well for both pastor and
people, and ebowe what dao be done when
a greet effort bite been made,
Mr, west presented a petition from the
Blnevale 0dngregation for permission to
build a new (thatch on the ate of the
present building. The petition wag
granted and tie pastor and people Dom.
mended for their motion.
Mr,. MaoNab reported for the dalogn•
tion appointed to visit Pine River in
accordance with the General Aaeembly'e
insinuation and etated that the informa•
010n elicited was to the effect that the'
congregation had suffered the lova of
mealytamiliee in recent years so that
they are now far from being numerous,
and do not feel able to increase their
contributions for stipend, and that in
view of all the oironmtanoee they bad
advised that they make application
for help from the Augmentation
ocmmittee. 1t: was agreed to 1000108 the
report, consider' its recommendation,
and thank the Committee.
Atter ooneiderable disouaoiou it was
moved by Mr. 'greet, eeoouded by Mr.
Perris that 'a giant of $800 be asked
In amendment it was moved by Mr.
Tait, and eeoonded by Mr. Wishart that
a grant of $150 be asked for.
The mutiou woo carried. Later in the
day a motion Wa8 made by Mr, Miller,
seconded by Dr, Murray, and parried
that owing to special oironmetanaes the.
Presbytery strougly •re0ommend the
Augmendatiou Committee to consider the
Daae of -Pine River as favorably as
A oommunioabion woe read from the
Assembly's Systematto Beneficence Oom,,
and wits referred to Presbytery's Com„
on Beneficence for ooueiderabion, and
with metruotbone to report at the May
Meagre. Wishart and Damian were ap.
pointed to address the Presbyterial
W. F. ill. S. at their afternoon meeting
inLuokuo,y on the third Tneeday fn.
May. It was greed that the next regular
Presbytery take piaoe in Luoknow on the
third Tuesday in May, at 1 p, m.
The following resolution wee moved by
Mr. MuoNab, 0doonded by lOIr, "fait, and
McKay & Shaw
Bolton your trade.
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tario, including the Village of
Orders for new connections,
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On Salo doily ''til Ap ril 80111 to pointe Sn
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sleeper) for 00oommodatlou of settlers tot -
yelling with 1130 Stools. Paseonger0 travel.
ling .without live steer should take Grebe
leaving Toronto daily 1.46 p. M. or 11.80p. m.
For full information as to rates and tic-
kets call on
W. BERRY, Depot Agent.
carried ;—That we, the Breebytery of
Maitland, of the Presbyterian ohurob in
Canada,expreee our entire diaapprovol
of tbo ehsnge made in tboLiquorLioenee
law, which requires a three fifths major.
ity vote to carry Local Option in any
municipality. We oaoeider snob re•
quirement to be unfair and mischievous,
inaemnob as it pate a lower value on the
votes of one eeotion of the people se ag•
alma those of another eeotion, and there-
by thwarts the will of the majority and
it has the effect of bottoming the liquor
trafio, notwithstanding its admitted'
reepooeibllily for much of the -poverty,
0rfm0, disease, and death that aurae and
devastate our civilization. Nor do we
aoneider this injustice to be repaired by
the requirement of a three fifths majority
vote tot the re-establishment of the
liquor traffic in municipalities in which
uy a similar vote it has been destroyed,
since it has recently been shown in
municipalities where attempts have been
made to have it re•establiahed that it is
an almost impa801b1e thing in any in.
stance to 000000 even a bare majority lo
its favour. And inaemoob as the Prem•
ier of the Province hue recently deolared
that the three fifths majority is nob de.
madded because of the impo0aibility of
0ntorofug the law when it has behind it a
simple majority, we express the hope
audprayer that the Legislative Assembly
may, at, an early date, so amend the law
that, *00 formerly a bylaw prohibiting
the retail stale of liquor shall become law
1l it is approved by a majority of tne
electors voting.
It was moved by Mr. Duncan, e000nd•
ed by Mr. McLeod, and carried, that a
Dopy of Chia resolution be smut to the
Premier, the Provincial Secretary, the
leader of the Oppoeitioo, and to the
leading daily. papers.
When the Presbytery's ordivary brei.
nese bad been disposed of a moat inter•
081108 and illuminating dieouseion took
plane on Church Union. This waa in•
nodded by Mr. Perrin, Nearly every
member expressed himself on Ghia im•
portant eabjeob, and although no formal
vote was taken, it wee evident that about
one halt' of those present favored the
organic union of the three negotiating
gburobes I that most of the other half
were in favor of a federal anion, some
with ultimate organio union in view and
a few seemed opposed to anion of any
So far as the statement herein re•
adding (batch union ie concerned it 10
not digital, hob is given as the impression
made upon the writer by the discussion.
Wbea the olook indicated that 10 p. m.
had almost arrived, the Court adjourned
to meet in 'oakum on the third Tnee•
day in May, at 1 p, m.
A110011113 M0061A8,
Clerk of Presbytery,
Nov1° Cure For Colds.
Healing. Medication tIult 10 Itroathcd,
eying quick relief.
It,eeeme just as ridiculous to pat
medioine into the stomach to ante it
oold in the bead or lungs as it does to go
OM in the rain if we want to keep dry.
The right way to cure a oold in the
head oe a Dough and irritation in the
throat and lunge, ie by breathing
Hyomei medicated air, Pnt a few drops
of Hyomei in the neat pocket inhaler
that oon100 with every outfit and breathe
this healing air for a few timee and
immediate relief will be noted. The
medioation goes tight to the spot ' where
the dieeaea'germs are located and renders
them ha001)000 in the future.
At the same time the soothing and
healing effeote of Hyomei on the irritated
muooae membrane give quick relief and
the dough or cold ie broken ap,
A ootnplete Ftyomei outfit, coneioting
of a bottle of Hyomei, the inhaler and a
medicine dropper, ooete but 91, while
extra bottled of Hyomei, if needed, Dan
be obtained for only 50a. Booth's
Hyomei Company, Buffalo, E. Y.
Pon Catarrh, let tne send you free, jnot
to prove merit, a trial Bine box. of Dr.
BBhoop"s Catarrh Remedy. It is snow
whits, dreamy, healing antiseptic balm
that gives instant relief to catarrh of the
nose and throat. Make the free teat and
gee, Addreoe Dr. Shoop'aMoine, Chis.
Largo lore 500 eaob. Sold by F. I1,•
From 00 3o
Virginian. . ... Sat, Mar,10
flat, 28
Vioiorllnr, aA
Paxtaisun 8ab,h!Bat, Apr, 0
1st Cabin -2530o $80 aad 01pwarda, 0000rd-
Ing to steamer. Parisian (iutounedlate
end Cabin 8 3 892 6O and $45 a000rding. 00
Brd 01031@327,50 and $241.74.
Mongolian from Portland Thins, Mar. 21
Laurentian from Boston There, Mar, 28
2nd Cabin—$05 and upwards
Third Class—$23.80 Eastward ; Westward,
For 8pmmer mintage, Liverpool. Glasgow
and London ger vices, with full information,
apply to
Agent Allan Lino, Brussel%
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
8 USS R1
The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
)hold for the sen0ou as followo ;
THURSDAY ..,...APR. 401, 1907
Leading Isocal and Outside
Buyers will be Present
Art Studio
If you are visiting in this neighbor-
hood it would beworth your while to
look up our Studio. Wo are second to
none and our prices are lower than other
We world be 'pleased to have yon
oall and see samples, also see our large''
assortment of views on Poet Cards. They -
make good Souvenirs. Don't fail to
have some.
Enlarging done in flre0-class style—
Crayon or Water -dolor.
Give us a call.
Do you like good Bread and Pastry
If so you must bake with good Flour.
I have in stock now the Celebrated
Puritan Brand
Manufactured by the Western Canadian Flour
Mills Co., of Winnipeg. Also the well known
Five Roses
the output of the Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Co.
A trial will convince yon of the excellence of
these Qualities.
All kinds of Feed kept on band and sold at Rea-
sonable Prices.
'Tway Mey gof
0 0 0
All these odds and ends.
Our policy is to clear them out at any old price before
they get stale.
Better to sell these odds and ends when people want
them and get part of a price than keep 'them till people ,
don't want them—and all the time after and let them ge.
to waste on our. shelves:
That's not our way.
We keep our stock clean by carving the prices when
we want to see goods move quick.
Prices like these show what we mean by "carving";
Men's One buckle Overshoes, regular $1.05, reduced to 11 $11
Women's Buttoned Overshoes, " 1.85, " 1 48
l3oys' Overshoes; one buckle, " 1.40, '" 90
One ease Children's 'Rubbers, odd sizes, r 25
All our Winter Goods at Bargain Prices to Ileal' balance out.
I. C. Richards