The Brussels Post, 1907-3-14, Page 3eweV•11:.•1.Q.1..1.101,.10:•‘1.9 5.-e•C.W9tf. HEALTH *Is gilifetoteseeseetseeetetetseresseateresSiketAl ... — SLEEPING OUTD0011S. Many persons, with the best will in Me world to live in obedience to the laws of heelth, make a failure of the open-air night, of which one now heat's so much, and, which Is, in fact,the chief depen- dence 10 Ilse treatment of tuberculosis. Thera aro Several reasons why the ale tempt to sleep butdoces, wbethee literally or in a eviclempen• 00001, results in fail- ure. 1I, is such a 401101 departure will) so many persons Mal they do uot hays tho first, idea how to start A, A Intel many of Mem ileve at Me back of their minds a ape of lingering impression that diseeinfort Is a part, of the treatment; that to become hardened ono must be wretched, and that, misery and virtue are boon companions. As comfort is not: ex - peeled, Mere are no plans suede to cap- ture it, "The would-be disciple of health steeply themes up all Me windows, gels into bed with the usual coverings, per- haps lies all night with the uncovered head in a direct draft of air, shivers in serni-wakefulness for hours, and then, on rising in theme:ening chMed and de- vitalized, perhaps coughing and sneez- eng, condemns the whole scheme as a esnare, returns the next nights to the closed -window plan, and launches him- self upon society as the prophet of stein- ness. This is all wrong, and A little thought will show why. If the night air 1st° be breathed as it: comes straight from out- side, as it should be, preparations must be Made to welcome it, and a room in which the" temper num Is •leventy degrees or thirty degrees Fahrenheit cannot be occupied in the stone clothing as one kept at sixty 'degrees. Down coverlets are invaluable for these cold, fresh -air nights, for they are as tight as they are warm. Many persons are averse to heavy bed -clothing, and they are right. Weight does not neces- snrileeimply warmth, and it is foolish to use up vital force In holding up heavy weights dmeng the hours consecrated to rest. Tho sleeping gement itself should be of some light anl warm material, pre. ferably woollen. Special thought should be given to the protection of the head. People, at any rale In this part Of the world, 010 001 accustomed to going bare' headed in the open air, and Mere is really net reason wily they should expect to do so with impunity ler seven or eight hours in cold weather at night. A soft cap cut tn cover the ears and to hung down the back of the neck should always Ise worn. This shape closes the Mlle space .between Ilia cap and the bedclothes, and inci- dentally prevents molly a edit neek. A hoLovater bottle Is a good friend on O bitter night, and is worth more than , many top spreads, /or the bottle gener- ates heat while the spread only retains A.—Youth's „Companion. THE HOT WATER BAG. A little intelligent care given the hot water bag will make A last longer. In preparing it for use, the weler should Ise below boiling point anti do not 1111 the bag, half full beleg the right, quantity. Place the bag on your lap and carefully press out the steam bake% putting in the stopper. This mnIces the bag softer, tis it is retie sed of.the pressure the steam makes. When not using the bag drain out the water and hang it up bottom side op for a, little while, until the last deeps of ir.oistuee hove dropped out, then take It down and blow a little air into it, just enough to keep the Inside trom com- ing together as 11 will do if there is no air in the bag. This means destruction ta lhe rubber 11 11 had.to bo pulled apart. Never fold a rubber bag after it, has once been used. Rubber in any form is not pleasant to the touch, so the rubber bag ehmen have a cover that is eaeily slipped on and off as required. The softness of fleecy eiderdown, gatheeed into the neck by means of a ribbon makes a gratify- ing cover for the patient to come In contact with, or the cover may be .crochelecl with son zephyr. HEALTH IIINTS. A Good FomentationS—A most effective ,fomentation is rnede of dried poppy heads. Take four ounces, break into liille bits, remone the seeds and put them into four pints of water, and boil for fifteen minutes. Strain ancl keep the water for use in making the MA' fonsen- tation. . Poultice for Chilblains.—An excellent poultice for chilblains is made by scrap- ing the pulp out of a baked white turnip end nincing it with a. tableinoonfol-of salad oil, one of mustard and .one 01 grated horseradish. Place the mixture on 0 piece of soft rag and apply. Value of Bed flammocks.—When con- valese,ence has begun, a patient usuelly suffers much Irons the restlessness which is generally a symptom of this stage of ue siceness. A bed learinnoek will be felled a wonderful relief in cases where the patient is tired tef one position, while iL 100105 a good stepping stone to the -next, period, wben a couch is permis- sible. SOL Cures, — The curative effects of sell, have term, been known es. they shoald be Soreand inflarned eyes are relieved by bathing with salt Water. tore throat yields to a gargle of the same. The most obstinate mos of con- stipation can be absolutely cured by the persistent use bf 11011 a teaspoonful of inn in a, gless of water, taken just be- fore going to bed, o1. the first thing 111 the morning, - A rivAnKABLn TUNNEL. • From the point of Vice' .01 the engin. 00e., one of the most interesting of all undertakings in the tvey of tunnel -build- ing is the new railway Emmet just com- pleted under thellialsort 'River between Weehawken and Now York, Its peen., liar interest arises tease the fact. that the tunnel net.only„ had to pass through son -flowing river inud, Or ,silt, bet that there wee 110 firm, eramovetble 10000111- 11011 to work upon. Overhead was the .grealor river, with its tides and its 10 11011)00111110 shipping, and underneath, not solid reeks to be penetrated, but a vast deposit of sort mud, too deep le enetble the engineere to lay the tennel en Us bottom, Yet, it hes been conpiet- ed within centred Ilene, in lea than three years, and 10`belisWed. to be avail- able for the I3e01IC111 lr4 of rtneway lea file, SALT 11111131JM CUM. . Hy Dr. Williams Pink Pills After Doctors' Treatment Had Palled. Skin trouble IndIenles Met the blood Is In a poisoned state. It is the pOlson the blood Met causes blotches, Pimples, Noma, bolls, salteheum or bad complexion. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make tech, red blood teat banishes these trouble. • Mrs. Osborne, wife of Andrew Osborne, clerk of the Toweship of Kennebec, Pronto= County, Ont., mitre: "1 caneol, simile too highly el Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, for' they did for me wbat doctors failed to do. Some (Tore ago I waS attacked by sell -rheum 10 the hands, caused by a run-down eon:Mime of my blood.. I endured tee tortures of this terrible disease 'Sr some time, and only those who have Iseen similarly afflicted eau realize i»y suffering. At limes my hands were so bae Mat I could not comb my hair. 1 was helpless. I consulted a doctor but his treatment failed to benefit me—my case seemed incurable. Winle in this condition. I reed of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to give them a trial, Soon I began to improve, and by the Moe 1 had taken_ about a dozen boxes I WAS completely cured, and 1 have not sinee had the slightest return, of fee trouble. I can beartily reeominend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all similar suf- tereas." You can't euro eczema, salt -rheum end skin eruptions with .salves and out- ward applications. These troubles are rooted in the blood and can only te cured through the rich, red blood Dr. Williams' Pink feills actually make. This simple medical fact should' be known to everyone. Dr. William' Pink Pills not only core slcin disease, but all ether troubles caused by bad blood, such as anaemia, wifn its Steaclaches, side - aches and backaches, heart palpitation. indigestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, SI. Vitus dance and the special ailments that afflict so many women and grow- ing girls. You can get these pills from your medicine dealer or by man at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $250 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. . .1, A FALSE ALARM OF 111111111. Abinister of 4he Gospel Attempted to Lower One of flie Routs, lt was on board the Northern Liget, says Captain Osbon in "A-Sallor of For- tune," that a false alarm of flre was sunded and disaster prevented -only by prompt action. A passenger looking down through Me boner hatch sato the reel -painted boiler fronts, und seeing the 1101110 -like color amid a cloud of steam, sbouled "Filet" Immediately tbe whole vessel was in an uproar and a denger- oils panic was imminent. I was one 11 the undemilicers. The climax came when the quarter- master saw a minister of the gospel on the rail trying to lower the bow of one '1 ihe ship's boats. I ran to him and orderer] bine to come down on deck. The minister paid ,no attenUone end I seized his coat tail to drag him down by force. • Perhaps it wae an old coat, for Um seams parted, and a second later I had the ministerial coat tail in my hands. Hu came down then. Ile \yes angry, and was likewise a spectacle to look upon. He started to call an indignation meeting, but most of the pasnengers had recovered from their fright by this time, and were inclined to be merry at the reverend gentlemen's exPense. He went raging to the captain, W1111 summoned me to appear. I came, still carrying the coat tall in my hand. "Mo. Osbon," he said, "what are your ordors in case of a false alarm of tire?" "My orders," 1 said, "are 'to stop 11 by any means necessary. I may kilo& a man down, throttle Min, or split 111111 wide open," Tlie captain turned to the irate min- ieter. "Those are Mfe Osban's orders," Ise said. "You are fortunate that IL was only your coat that was split open," The danger from the false alarm of Ilre on ship -board is second only to the real thing, and is phony's a peril to 00 Ma promptly, , SAVED BABY'S LIFE, There Are many mothers throughout Canada who do not hesitate to say that Baby's uwn Tablets have saved the lives of their Mlle ones. • One of these 1, Mrs. 115111 Shortill, Georgetown, Ont., who says; "I have no hesitation in say- ing that I believe that Baby's OwnTab- lets saved my little girl's life. From the time my little girl was three months old she cried all the nine with indiges- tion. She was frail and puny; her food al her no good, and I w us lhi ted e rnolly worn out taking care of her. T ler treated her for some time, and fin- ally told as he Oolifd do no more for her, and we did not expect. sho would get, better. It was then 1 learned el Baby's Own Tablets and decided to try them. Before I had given her a box of the Tablets there was a great im- provement. Het0. digestion was much impreved, and her bowels, which had beenterribly constipated, moved regu- larly, From 'that tine She began Lo thrive jsplendidly, and is now as heal, thy a ehilel RS you could wish lo See. We ere 110W never without a box of the Tablets in the house. Baby's Own Tab- lets will promptly are all ihe miner ailments of babies and young children, and the mother has a guarantee of a Gaverritnent, analyst that this medicine contains no npiale or harmful drug, Sold by all medleine denims or by mail at 2,5 cents a box from Tim Dr. Wil - lions' Medicine Co, BrOokViiio, 'Ont, SHADED ROADS. The majority of (Ise highroads in Bel- gium ore now planted with frees along the way, to the great pleasure of travel., lees and to 1110 advantage of the country. n, total &Mimeo of .abeut 4,775 1111105 there are no less than 800,000 of these roadside trees. Among them ere 111- o:tutted 900,000 elms, 1704000 OAS, 10,000 evergreens, 76,000 5511-trece end 41,000 MepleS, -- There are about 'thirty " tunnels' In Epgland of a Mile Or 11103e in Ilene% THE CURSE OF LEGENDS THERE IS PLENTY OF MATERIAL f08 INVESTIGATION, Strange Fulfillment in Case 01 the on - (ague Family-- InStanee Er0111 133111111, Ghosts have been made a •subjectof careful scientific inquiry ; we wonder 11151 the Psychical Research Soeiely does not enlarge lis sphere and investigate Me failure or fulfilment of prophecies and curses, hereditary or otherwise. Many families rinist have very curlews legends to tell or Oils character, and in not a few cases, as the curse or pm- pliecy lies passed or been supposed to have pueeed from ono genevation to another, there is ,plenty of material for investigation. One of the most singular recorded In- stances of the apparent fulfilment of a curse, says the London Chronicle, is told of tile Montague family, the original pos- sessors of the Cowdray estate at Mid - lima, now in the hands of the Eai:1 of Egmont. The Cowdray peraperty be- longed ln the days of Henry VIII. to the Roman Catholic Church, being a depen- dence of Eeasebourne Priory, some por- tions of Which are still to he seen. AL the dissolution of the monnsteries it was confiscated and presented by the King to Viscount Mnntague, who, though him- self a Roman Catholic, had no scruple in accepting IL The prioress made a dignified protest against the spoliation et the church, and finding protest vain she cursed the Mon- tague family with 1110 "00150 01 1)30 and water" and FORETOLD ITS EXTINCTION. So long, however, as the Montagues continued Catholic the curse appeered liespelenive, but in Ole eighteenth cen- tury the Wen Lord Montague married a daughter otthe famous Countess of Hun- tingdon, who Plunded the Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, and under her Influence became a, Protestant. Tales are told of conventicles held In the famous Chestnut avenue In Cowdray Park, but efforls to hold similar meet- ings in 'the chapel always failed, owing to Ilse lights being mysteriouely extin- g The first Protestant.. Montague, how- ever, reverted on his deathbed to the ancient, faith ; and perhaps this was the reason Mat in spite of the curse Ise died peacefully in his bed. His son did not live to enjoy the estate. Ile was drowned in the Ilhino trying to shoot the falls of Schaffbausen, and the story goes that, the messenger, consink post haste to England with his evil •lidings, \MIS met at. Calais by another messenger with the news Mat Cowdray House had been burned,. to the ground. The tragic fulalment of the 'double OUrSO of "Ilre and water" was such a severe blow that no effort appears to have been made to preserve the half ruined mansion 'from further damage or te restore it i;any way. The family re- moved to a lodge in tile park, which has since been much enlarged and become the present Cowdray House. The estale passed to 1110 sister of the drowned heir, and not many years later tho curse of water was again fulfilled ; her two sans were drownad by the cap- sizing of a boal before the very eyes of their parents. The title went to the next male Montague in Me succession, who died without 'heir, and THE FAMILY BECAME EXTINCT. 111s certainly a story full of strange coincidences. A somewhat similar story of a curse coming true was related to the writer by a gentleman who was per- sonally acquainted with all the people eoncerned. Three. young officers belonging to a regiment at that, time stationed in the Punjab decided to build themselves a house on a hill overlooking the Sullej river, and In doing this they trespas.eed on the sacred ground eurrounding 1110 tomb of some half-forgotten saint. An old Mohammedan 1)'II0 had charge•of the tomb endeavored ID persuade them to move Ike site of their touse, but finding Mem obdurate, cursed them witlesOrien- lei fluency, declaring that not ono of the three should die In his bed and 11101 1)10 house week] river stand. 'The curse was disregerded. The hoese vvas built. Shortly after one offi- cer was kIlled'out tiger shooting, while nether met his death playing polo. The third fell so dangerously AI that it seem- ed as if he would break the prophecy by. dying in Ins bed. He was sent home, Ifewever, 0500101011, and returning to India two yeans later, WEIS drowned go- ing up the Gengee in a boat. On the same day, se 11 13 told, tho Meer Wei •overilowed its banks and washed' away the house. , SWEDISH HANDICRAFTS. flome-Made Articles Outnumber the Factory -made. Sweden is the home of the Medi - crafts, In addition to Joanna' training taught in scbools, the most exquisite handwriting, lece-moking, bress work, even pottery, is dense by LIM peasants. Each district hen 'Rs Own Phtterns, which tho peasants 'make and wear deeming it unpatriotic to have aught', to do with patterns of -other localities. Because, of the handierafts, Sweden has not many textile faetoeles, says the 111011.1111011, allhoegh there are some whets conditions of work are, for (he most part, good, The people, lioWovci, ere encoeraged to continue hand -weav- ing nod to Med to their thne-honored Industrie! customs 0511100 than to talco the risk of a 'disturbed economic order due to a market glutted with shoddy trash, In all Sweden there aro to -day only abeut 10,00) feeMeles of all kinds, employing in all a little mote than 205,- 000 workmen—not, a great millibar out oF n total population of more eban 5,- 001,100 TLID, REAL THINCt. Cholly 1 "I'm doosiel worried, yiknow. My dootah says inn sellertng installs fag." deck : "Feel sort of eloudy in your Inthel?" Cholly "Pweeicely." ' lack ; "Cheer up, old elle% That's not brain itig--K$ Only brain fog." NOT WORTH HAVING, He was employee] by a city firm of dealers in brie-a-bree and Old furniture to scour rural districts in eearch el an- ' and signieniy he espied an old- fashioned cottage nestling 01 1118 foot 01 a hill, Surely here, In this old-world spot, there would be something ill 11IS line, ISa knoeked sbarPly at tile door, and O weary -looking weman answered "Do you happen to have any antique furniture, 'madam?" he inquired, "or any old ornaments .113011 05 heathen Or 'theme?" The 1001111111 loolced puezled far the MeMenl. "1 think I'vo got one," she said at length. Agog ;Oh expectation, be followed her into the Melee end le a 1001111 where lay a hulking fellow who was fast asleep on a COUR 11. "There it is," she replied, pointing to ilie couch. "He's the only idle thing I've got in the place—hasn'l done any work for Years, lie may do for you; but he's certainly no ornament." THE GOVERNMENT AND ZAM-BUK SURVEY OUT F117)-11 FORT 'WILLIAM TAKES A SUPPLY OF TIIIS USEFUL BALM. Zarn-Bule, the favoiete liciusehold balm and salve, is now adopted as "the .Doe - ter" by leading parties engaged in sur- veying Various parts of the Dominion lands. M. Henry Hall, welting from Fort snis; "Having proved how beneficial 'earn -1311k is in cases of cuts, skin injuries and diseases, I determined to Iceep a supply handy. Being engaged le go on a survey, I thought it. would be 'a most useful thing to take along. 1 obtained a supply in. Fort William and very well it WaS I did so. I may say that pretty nearly every day It was called into requisition by one or other of the piney for cul, bruises, burns, or some Injuey or other. It. Is wonderful how quicely Zam-I3uk takes the sore- ness out of cuts, burns, bruises and in- juries; and on our survey it earned golden opill'ene from all who Ised oc- casion to lry it. I have found it very ftno for skin disease, and I cup strong- ly recommend 11 as a household balm." Mr, Lasecites Scott, one of tele lead- ing Government analysts, sum 1 have nu hesitation in certifying the entire purity of Lam-Buk, which in my opin- ion Is excellently 'adapted for skin in- jeries and diseases." Zam-Bnic cures cues, scalds, burns, bruises, eczema, scalp sores, ringworm, ulcers, abscess- es, chapped place, Spring pimples, blood poison, chronic abscesses, etc. As en embrocation it relieves rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. All druggists and stores sell at 500, a box, or from Zam-Bulc Co.. Toronto, for price, 6 hexes sent for $2.50. Send lc. stamp and we will mall you free sample box. She (after breaking the wish -bone). "What did you wish ?" He : "I' wished that you would let me kiss you. What did you wish?" Sha: "I wished that, what you wished would come true." Mother 1 "Why did you let him Ids you ?" Maud : "Well, he was so nioo about 11. He a5ked-1 "Tho idea I haven't I told you you must learn io say 'No' ?" "That's what I did say. He asked me if I'd be very angry 11 130 kissed me I" A Benefactor to AIL—The solaier, the sailor, the fIsherrnan, the miner, the farmer, the mechanic, and all who live lives of toil and spend their existence In the dull routine of tedious tasksand who arc exposed to injuries and ail- ments that timee who toil 1101 do not know, win- ilnd in Dr. Thomas' L'elec- Mc 011 an excellent heeled and* bene. (511101' in every Woe of need. Teacher : "Is there any connecting link between the animal and the vege- table kingdoms?" Bright Pupil mum ; "there's hash," Spots and 'imamn on the face and neck are often merely signs of foul blood. 'Apply Weaver's Comte to obtaln immediate relief aud take Weaver's Symtp to vitt the blood of pollution. Fortune Teller ; "I see by your hand die when you're twenty-seven." \Vilna : "But, my dear woman, I'm twenty-nine now." Fortune Teller, "Why, my good man, you shduid have been dead two years. You're liVing under false pretences 1" ' Blekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup Is an Unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs, influenza and diseases of the throat and lungs. The fame 01 1110 me' 111011113 rests upon yeans of successful 'use in eradicating these affectlens, end in protening • menkind from the fatal ravages of consemption, and es, a neg- lected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to fight It ill itS early stages. Sickle's Syrup is the wsa pen, uso it. -- PARTLY WILLING. Maiden,Ledy (reeeued from drowning— to her rescuer): "How enn I over thenh you, noble young man ? Are yoti mar- ried?" Young Man ; "No; have you got a pretty daughter?" komulsion (DM SLOCUM'S GilEA'n SCIENTIFIC EMULSION OF GOO LIVER OIL.) Is the greateet food and tissut builder known. It has no equal as it eure for all wasting diseases, and ihroat, chest end lung 'troubles. 11 Is n gem destroyer and strength peach* or, nourieleng and restoring the vita, organs. A is a perfect, food and Yalu, able medicine combined. 11 Is pleasant le, take, it Is predigested 4nd easily :borne by the most delicate stomach. Doctors Prescribe it Many of the most prominent medical seen prescrlbe IL In their regular prac• noes in preference to all others. Dr. Norman Allen, of TOronto eny.: "An a stimulant to nutrition In wasting 411000105 Cod Liver 011 Aro 'deism Is the beat Sainte builder. In Dr, Slocum's Osotouttion ell nauseating Mate and omen are avoided, whIlo retaining all 131,o medial. nal value of rise pure oil. Dr. Bruce L. Itiordon, Pile/Mtn and Surgeon to the 0,1.18 says: "Some of the Cott Liver Oils on tho market aro Yfallelekilt 00 58001.1110 of pro- cesses to render them tasteless. Snub proceedure removes the active principle of the ell I look upon 5/00530'0 Oxonlizision as blots best, for the (000031 0303 it Is mode of tho pure oil in the very highest :Mato of emnision, A. an emulaion of pure Cod Liver 0111 consider (Mom alarm perfect." Dr. a.`. Wylie, Grand Medical Iraandner, S0119 of Scotland, says; "It affords me extreme pleanure to bo in a potation to be aide to reventmend Slocum's OxotnitIsIon to inviable affected with oebsumption, scrofula cm wasting d iseasesmf any kind. I have preserlbed Ozonnilsion for years vath great pleasure to myself se well as comfort to , my patients. 1 And almost universally adapted, to children and the aged with whom dm digestion is feeble and the lymphatic conditions below nor mat." If you need Cod Liver 011, or are weak 'find run down use Osoinulaton. At all druggists at 35e and $1.00 per bottle. ."Clmeen City" is betty, than a pure Manitoba Sour—if is better than a pure Ontario flour—being blended it combines the best qualities of both. 'Queen City' is an ill -purposes flour. Ara .21Isk your grocer for The Campbell Campbell's Milling Co. timitul 'Toronto Junction. Ont. Queen City gANTEn Two or Titre good Turners CM2Iff=0111=MER5 ppLy STANDARD BEARINGS, Niagara Falls, Ont. Dyeing 2 Gleaning! For tho vary boat rand tons work to tb• EMITISti eteiERIGAH D8'511110 00035 10? .0003 1,, your zown, or sood:Ilroots. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quotas:a, 11•1•01.0•13=01 THE 01IEAT NORTH COUNTRY. Ninsrecl was a mighty hunter, but bad he bunted in the "Temagansi" region he would have been a mightier one. Nim- rod Mulled for glory's but Ternagamians hunt for genie. Those Indians who made the nest canoe of birch bark long ago, were our greatest benefactors. The obildren of [brae nclians know the canoe, and they know how to use it, end 11 you go to Temagami this sum- mer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb way. They wilhbe the best guides yet) ever had. Students evil() camp in the summer olong the Temage- 1111 lakes are able to do two yeara' work In one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of access by the Grand Trunk Railway System. For information end benuntul descriptive publication sent free apply to J. D. McDonald, H. P. A., Grand Trunk Fly. System, Toronto. "Now, then," said the teacher of arith- metic, "what is 'above.par'?" "I think 1 know," ventured a small boy. "Well?" esked the teacher. "It's me," The superiority of Mother Graves, Worm Exterminator Is shown by its good effects on 1110 children: Perchase a bottle and give A a trial. The largest winged insect in the world is the Atlas moth of Central Brazil. Hs wings eXtend fourteen inches from tip to tip. When Yon Have a Coldt the alr 0011S 0.00 Rona,' vete moons or phlegm. Allen's Lung Balsam, 13, outing a cold, clear11 the they air. Damages and hoala the bronchirst tubes. "Stop playing thin trombone, sir, The 'man next, door says Ile enn't read," "Never heard of seell ignorance. Tell him I could read when I WIIS five years old." Corns eanSo intolerable pain. Hollo- way's Cern Curo removes the trouble. TrY 11, and nee what antonet of Pain Is saved, Mrs. De Fashion (to her new C1111'050 cook): ,,Joho, why do (he Chinese bind the feet of their women?" John : "So they not trete* 'round kitchen and both- eree cools" IllS BEST STOBY, After an unsnlisfeelory banquet the ef 1110 evening was introduced by the 1.0001inneter as f011owS- "Gontletnell, we have with 'us tomIght Profe•sor Long.nowe, "who Will tell us 0110 of his best and biggest atter-dienor stories," Andel loud applause Professor Lettg- IloW8 VOA°. "Mr. Tonstinaster rind gentlemen," he said; to begin with' my biggest elory Id t mei, 111 yeer how Iltereughly I helve enjoyed yoUr banquet" A kangaroo eonetnnes as Much genes as tout le 5111 sheep, 'DID GOOD WORK IN NORTH ANNUAL REPORT OP THU NORTH- WEST MOUNTED POLICE. Nothing Yet Received ler Capture of Train Ilobbinn Gang in 13rItish Columbia. The annual report of the Department 011130 Royal North-West, Kneeled Pollee eves presented to Parliament, the other day hy Sir Wilfrid Laurier, The total strength of the tome on Dec. 1.st last sae 6411 inen, 11731 h01'581,and .55 dogs. • Commissioner Pe.rry says lnsperlar Howard awl the detachment Under his tOininand, consisting of six men, have performed eseellent service In the Arent regions. Five whaling ships. with crews iitunbering 230 men, Win- tered at Herschell Island last Winter. The presence of Inspector Howard anil 'his constables at that point was MOSI, kleslrable, bath for the unfortunate tiews and for the preservation or low ved order. The crews ol the flve whal- ers were evidently a bad lot, and some stories are evidently beyond , the 1001100 of fact details contained in lespector Howard's practical reporL The eapteln of the American ship Olga 81101 and killed his engineer. An in- vestigation was held by Inspector flow - tied, but it is a qUesfron whether the 'murder was committed In Canadian wa tors. • CAPTURE OF TRAIN TA0313E0IS. Attention is called In Commissioner Perry's report, to the capture of train robbers in British Columbia. Rewards of $5,000 were offered by the Dominion Government, and the Canadian Pacific Hallway Company, and $1,500 by the British Columbia Government, in an 811,51111, fcir the capture of the robbers. On behalf of the members of the force who effected the, capture the commis - Smiler applied for the rewards, but 1 e 'had not received any portion, nor had he been informed v.tellier they would he paid. The convictions Ill 110, 'We provinces of Alberta and. Saeleatchewan bad grown from 1.250 in 1901 to 4,256 m 1 0)0. During the year 34 members of the Ione were dismissed for bad con- duct, drunkenness being the cause In nearly every caee. Sixty -lour men pur- :chased their discharge for tbe purpose or b.:timing hie conditions. . There was tt marked falling off in the number of applicants fur engagement. Na special effort was made to recruit. ROSS RIFLE SHOWED DEFECTS. The commissioner says the Ros.s rifle was put to a severe test at the annual tarot practice, and serious defects were discovered. As soon as they had developed the practice was suspended, as it WaS thought some serious acci- dent might happen. The Colt revolver, v Welo was issued lc the men 01 13)10 seine time LtS the Ross had proved to be an admirable weapon, end there was A marked improvement in revolver shooting. Sixty-one remounts were pur- chased during the year at an average price of 0113. .14 EVOLUTION. "Don't you believe in evolution?" ask- ed the scientific man. "Certainly," answered Miss Cayenne. "No change that centuries bring about in natUral history can be more remark- able than that which a woman under- goes in a single day as she progresses from curl papers to evening gowns." They Wake the Torpid Energies.— Machinery not properly supervised and Wt. to run itiselt, very soon shows fault in Its working. 11 15 the same with the digestive organe. Unregulated from time to time they are likely to become torpid and throw Me whole system out el • gear. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills were made to meet such cases. They restore to the full the flagging facet - tins, and bring into order all parts cf the mechanism. Ida "George is so poetical. He says my ears are like shells." Irene: '"Did he say whether he meant cocoanut or oyster shells 7" Chemists Have Tronlile in 50001,1 Iron into such a state that the system will absorb, and benefit hy it, In "Serrovint," the bast tonal, perfection hos been achieved. It builds and strengthens. Mrs, Henpeck (who insists on buying her husband's clothes): "I want some- thing Mee In trousers." Assistant tevith a merry twinkle): "Yesn. Would I em18 anyw here near your ideal, mum?" Sure Regulators. — alandrake and Dandelion are known to exert a pow- erful influence on, the liver and kidneys, restoring them to a healthful aellon, in- ducing a regular flow of the secretions and knparting to the organs complete power to peefoem their functions. These valuable Ingredients enter irdo the com- position of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, and serve ,te render them the agreeable and salutary medicirte they Are. There are tow pills so effective es they in their ea01:11:nd 110 bas been drinking heaVily Glndys 1 "I reinsed Feed Iwo weeks since," Ethel: "Isn't 11 .about Wile 110 Mopped celebrating?" Put 111) In Si Yam Tho famous 0" Menthol which cure Minh/tub, backache, solution, neuralgia etc., ATO Raga put Up in 1ma yard rolls for physicians andInmity use Dafifs st Lawrence Co., mantrool "ile's a good friend of yours, isn't 1101" "011, only inedium," "What do you Moan by medium 1" "011, 110 listens while I tell him all of my troubles; but hi, also wants me to listen while he tells Ma all of his," 611001E87 NIE CURE BMA., Appliance. New. FOR diatiovery, Wonderful. No Obnoxious aprIrtga or nada. Ausomotsa Alt' Cushion.. Binh rind Omni be broken Porto together do trod troettld to brekon lirnI, loo ainvett. se 154101101. 005 116a. Dor, able dbefig. Pet. Sept.10 01, seri' ttni Titutie eat:40MM Fkaas 4 g. 640084. Se4, gaoke tom. PEN-ANGL 0011 130110 in a varisty of styles, fabrics and prices, for women, .I32 and children. Form,.fitted. Pen -Angle Ender. wear Is form -knit eoe 0)01117 help 40 fitting your figure; —it' s Made Of long etibred wool , so it won't shrink —and it's guaran- teed beeides. Tbes whole idea is to Dealero aro authorized Mete rt BO ZOOd to replace instantly and you can't afford at our coat any Pen- IlOt to buy by the Angle garment faulty tr adorn ar k (int in material or snaking. red). 206 .........sasswssmswiststruswisswatessnowbblismacsma, - Wmaroloommegerosoopocoosocos000moostom0000rtat NDE WEAR MAKING IT worrss, Recently, in a ease at one of the Lon- don police -courts, one of the witnesses ovineed bornedisinclination to state her age. "Is --1s it really necessary ?" elm asked, coyly, . "It is absolutely necessary, madam," the magistrate assured her. "Well," sighed Use maiden, 1: sued, I suppose 1 must. 1 don't see how it could 'EassIbly affect the case, for you see— "eladam," observed the magistrate, rather tartly', "I must ask you not to fur- ther waste the lime ot this CourL Kindly, state your age without further delay." "1 am, that is, I wo. " she stam- mered, unable to peoceed. "Madam, I must beg you to hurry I" implored the magistrate. "Every minute makes it worse, you know 1" -mszentimmal Tour Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, andthenof havinghisprescription filled, when you can step Into any drug store m Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly ? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHLLOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with 'FAA '11.411,1.,%.". MO1r1 31, e Saivp.nized Steel ,L*00)4A•lt The cheapestgood They do shingle is the cost lesb "Oshawa." Good for a century's weather -wear. Guaranteed for 25 years without your even painting--" Oshawa" double -galvanized shingles need no paint to outlast any rootbag th or e is. Make roofs f ire -pr ao , too, —guaranteed in every way you want. Cheap in first cast as com- mon wood shingles, yet more 'durable than slate. Sold under a written guar- antee that really means: something to the buyer. With a hammer, restri to a snips, and horse - Put ou sense anybody can roof buildings right with "Oshawa " Gal- vanized Steel Shingles. They need no cleats, They lock on all FOUR sidea. Made in only one grade— of 25-guage semi -hardened sheet steel in the pat- ented " Oshavra " wav Shingles are alt Wrest - went, rcit art euPttuto. More than 100farm Lightuhtg buildings wort proof, too damaged in On- tario alone laat year by lightning. Not one of them would have been harmed if they'd been "Oshawa' '-roofed. These shingles insulate a build- ing —makeit oaf° against every element. Let mg tell you what it will cost you to roof the "Oshawa" way. Get our free book 'Roof - lug*, Rtight, betore 57011 Roof a Thing eleyess " edlarreople Of Oshmtvr& hi titomareo TerOutO /Orden 331.03 eraig W. n Colbotise 130 D.,,,otuto ottom Witutiotg Vaticonvitr 4'13 SutedX Lotilhard 111551111(55,