The Brussels Post, 1907-3-7, Page 7°
BI,C)9, 000.4) 0-00,0000-000 0-0-0•01
Oneo Three little mnl(1s •eal, rountl 1111
nursesy Pee elate( for nurse and their
Pl, '11'11110 1.110 tlnylipla Wald Mdllig.
(MCI 1110 shadows 1:0001111114 01111' 1110
one child (V�( 11 very, very some
Ming, with 1110(1 resy Pete and big
dimples; 1110 .0,10n/t1 Witsi tt S tql
and as tlen es The ether was. fat, unit
611.1, 8101'1 d al. the fire viIIi gni% e deep
eye:, siseng strenge 1110111121S 111 1110 1001
1111lcs; 0,11110 the eldest, a thuidditelcing
girl, eye•1 he with. teging•
"Tell us a tale Seoul," she slid, "ClId
cf those Mies you 110
"1.111[I,n big Pigthing Mel" eeliocil the
Ititby gel, and eland,. ottO gazing Into
the glowing nshoe, unit holding up n
ball foredingr, began in a selemn
toile very slowly-- •
"I see a Lear, tsgral, great bear, who
eate nil 11111e clithiren--"
She stepped, foe Jessie, The elder,
gnve a cry of eight, and Baby Ed1111
Nol. fat 'Hee girls 'ike me?"
Maud from -nest, and shook the little
upright fingers as she leant. towards the
11 Si 0-1wo bears! They Como With a
rush, and 11 spring- they leap up -they
open their mouths---;-'
So did Jessie and Edith, with such a
ecreein that nurse lore into The room,
popeet down. a can of water, and
snatched up Me baby girl, and glared
at Maud.'
"The Same old trieks, miss, o:telling
tales asel curdle ihe very blood o' Me,
melt less MO lobby, me your nervous
elstkee 111 tell your pa, I will!"
Mond sighed, and pushed back her
long fair MTh, "Bid 1 saw the bears,
nurse, ine daddy 101,531 my tales. 110
calls me. his %Wry girl,' an' I tell them
to him on ennitoy, when I sit on his
knee, an' curl les eyebrows." .
eturse sniffed.
/011, cie course, yourpris lirry gen-
tleman, but alt 1 0(1.1 say Is for all the
tiresome scaling children, you're the
Terms ehone eyee.
"You told me 1 said sweet things yes-
terday, nurse, when 1 preached in our
Sunday pulpit. on the cushion on the
"Anbless the child, you dial There,
there, 1 ie es, 11 o' these days you'll
le seniEn' lo (00 to the papers:, an' pleas-
ing an' scaring all the little folks as
1', ail 'pm!'
And 111110 Mrabl. turning her face to
the fire, seid, "Oh, I do hope sol"
And new, after many years, little
folks say elle dees.
11 0/113 a wet afterneon, but • 111113
eared lho children for. Lhal, for Tom
bed Just made up a nust beautiful new
He callee. it "playing at. tailoe."
Toni was the taller; he look off 1115
coat, and put on a pair of grannio's old
spectacles, which had no gloss in them,
and nesse lent him her measuring tape,
nod then Tom was ready for his ens.
nick coma up, dressed in an old coal,
und hat of father's, which were much
• too big fur him, but that dicl not, sig-
snood -morning, she" soicl Tom the
1010,1, very On'itelY• "What. Can 1 0110W
you Our new winter patterns
lave just arsived.
"Please to inceestil'e me for a TICW
grent-coat," said J1ICLg "and make 0
big; the lest one was rather Ught."
Yes, sir-cerlainly, sir," said Tom the
teller. "Allow me, she, to pass the tape
round your WiliSt. Kindly eatse your
arm a Illtle . Hum! hull Twen-
lyetlx-twenly-seven 1011105," 11e said,
looking at the numbers on the tape.
• CA, Oil you are quite two inches
stouter round the waist than you were year.
• "Does nit Tom clo tailor well?" said
Lin, with a broad smile on her Ince,
as she slit at the table and watched
'rem the tailor, a big pair of iscissors
remaining open in her hand. That is
lust the way the real taller Went. 011
the dny father ordered his new water-
'Maslei• Tom keeps Ids care and •eyes
open,' said nurse as she reached up to
reed the emirs/ with a lump of sugar.
"1 canine help laughing myself at the
way be takes off People."
•"Tallort Tiniest!' now called out I.11y,
whm was turning out, the olci toy chest,
"ean you make a 1100/ 01,111 for my poor
Highlander doll? Ile has lost his kilt
mut looks so cold and miserablcl"
"12111, inadem? Yes, madam," said
Tont Quickly, tanning le his 11(30 10(0'
1011101. "We hove a largo Mock rf
tartans, and shall be able to give sat-
isfaellon. 1 feel sum)." ,
Then the ten -bell rang, nnd Tom tho
teilor 'testily init. on his coat, and .15111
look off his big hat and collar, end
seen both the tailor and liLs customers
Were busy over tea and bread-and-bulter,
'When ll (1111001 13 ;`.Acl In" 13 Adopts an
Attitude 'Of Devotion,
Theugh rt comet is supposed to have
Wiled Abliamined In four imps from
ifeensalem to Macon, seven miles an houe
is the taller day earners 110111.. it can:
DOI 111011110bl lIlla 100 1.00 OVer two
hours either.
Its usual ispeedt is flee miles en hem
-a slow pace beyond Which it is clan-
Verous kr urge it, as Asiatics soy, it,
•Might brook its host and die literally
Or the spot, ,
When a 1110,431 11 pressed beyond this
•Ispeed, and is Apent, 111(131015 clown. and
not all Jim wolves of Asia will melee
it budge agent. The eamel remnine
Where 110 1100-13 reel where 11 11(10018 It
dies, A lire under its nose is useless,
Englanclonore Than deilble 110 many
(teethe per million of n01)1114(1011 oeetir
front aertideett as 111 Franck
Health and Strength ilenairted Through
11r. 'Williams' Pink Pitts,
Tho after effeets of La grippe areienre
serious than the disease ilsolL Its vie.
1111P4 0.00 100 love spirited atel depressed;
lfiry are tortured with li01511101108 11151
14101.115,14101 Over and chills. It leavee
the sefferee an easy prey 141 0110111110
, rheumatism end ofoot 111(1
mn,i drawled of. nil (Psensus,
11011. Fur the ral...r envies of to grips'
there IN ale.3.11111411y 119 51041101110 0/111
.01111111 Dr. \Vineries' Pink 1'il1s. Every
doe, helps (flet(• doh, red bleed
: ' • •.- 111111.41 ' • st • •
atel niabee VINO, 11.,:p,mi1en1 11100 and
011411511 1/01g111, 0110/T0111 111111 si1/ n1101,
311SSIPIgInI 11011111/IS, 01, of /41, ;femme,
0„ linnet a cure Ihrorigh those 1(1115
anis- ether remsdirs had lofted 10 lit•lp
hes. 341(0 sue: '1 look In grippe and
did not, seem ehalee it off. 1
olov,graie 1 into bronchitis; 1 roughed
day and night. alt greW SO weak that
1 could hardly move about. I tried ('1-
(11 (13 tithn. 1111e11y, lint as nothing
soemisi to Isom 00 I began to dread Mat
cor;sitinplion wai developing and Mai
iny vote was viewable. A friend urged
10/ 1 try Ile. Witiloned Pink Pills 11101
following that ailveis 1 got a supply.
For two menthe 1 leek the pills faith-
fully, following the direetions given for
theie use. I am thankful 1 Wel SO Id0
they fully restored my etrongth nrid I
have since enjoyed perfect health. I
aiwress advise eicle and ailing, peo-
ple to give 1)r. Williams' l'InIc Pills a
trial Mr I firmly believe that they will
find great benefit from their use.."
Melt, red blood Is the one thing need -
el to IllaillIdifl health and stiongth. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills aclually make rieb,
red Wood. That is the reason of their
great pnpuiarily in every country in the
weal Tess, Is wily They cure anaemia,
general weakness. rheumatism, neural-
gia, in ligeetion, 51. Vilus denee, partial
paralysis and 1113 Ills of girlhood and
womneltood, with all its distressing
beadacties, side -aches and beekrichee.
See 111111 300 gel the genuine pills with
111e full manes "Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills
for Pale Ponple" on the wrnpper Ground
each Sox. Sold by all medteine (teeters
cr by mail al 50 cents a box or six
110800 for $0.50 from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Tremendous Growth of 'Tramway Traf-
fic 111 the United Kingdom
The remarkable -grewth of tramway
traflie in Great Britain is indicated in
a return issued by the Board of Trade.
The following figures 81100/ lha .1x.
tent of the progress made since 1878:
1878. 1006.
Miles of route .. 200 2,240
Passengers .. 40,000,000 2,230,000,000
Net receipts .. • £ 230,030 re, 3,807,415
Capital expendi-
ture 230,050 £18,177,832
The popularity of electric traction,
both °orbited and conduit, may be
gaug"d from the fact that, of the total
number 0( 1111108 open only 240 are not
worked by electreity.
Local authorities owning and work-
ing their tramway undertakings 1n11de
it net profit or re2,520,752 on last year's
In regard to the London County
Cuunell tramwriys, the total length of
line open to March 3Ist last year 11/00
flay miles on the northern system and
Illy -Mel miles on the southern sys-
tem. The number of passengers ear-
ned was 18e,524,680.
The number of miles run by all the
tramway ears in the Kingdom was
Every tiny we get letters from mothers
telling of the benefit I3aby's Own Tub -
lets have been to their little ones. Some
praise them for constipation, stomach
and. bowel troubles; others for break-
ing up colds and simple fevers; some
as a greet help to teething babies, while
others go so tar ns to say that the Tob-
leee have saved their little one's life.
We have thousands of letters -all
praising the Tablets, for they never do
harm - always good. kite. Robert
Pierce, 13e11's Rapids, Ont., writes; "1
'would not be without Baby's Own Tab-
lets le the house for a clay. When
anything aiTs my little one I give her
O Toblei and she is soon alright. I
tun sum other mothersw„, „,)ni n 1 111111
f1t1110 014 satisfactory." Sold by drug-
gists' or by mail itt. 25 cents a box,
from The D17. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
Jessie : "What did Jock Mean when he
snld Illat Miss Olde hod a beautiful
eguse?" may 1 "Ile was probably re-
ferring to her banking accoUnt."
helmid Is the only European coune•y
of w111011 the population has been greatly
reduced during the past century,
"Yes," said Met young man, .pensive-
ly, "A dog I once bad saved my Me."
"Tell mo about It," said the young lady,
with eager interest. "1 sold him for
$40," Said the young men, "when 1 was
nearly ski:vying."
'l'oo many people assume thot, th-ey
have clone their duly 1011011 they tell you
what they think you ought to do.
"Abstentious" and "facclOus" are the
only words in English haveig Me vowels
in their order.
ISSIJII 50, 0-0-777
Afroellies MT But Slightly itinclioralet1
Slime Visit of die Inquil7
Commission, •
The London publishes en
1111 evbev whit All'. J. W. lihwk, 11. 11115
Sim:Ivy ea/1MM 00 01/0 Of 1151 10i''5,11'
Ply 011:111000ii Mot lily 011 the Lenge, 1
Ms. 11111e0 a1 pree•ill iving ill in a
1.01alen licepital, (sr:Melees in the
colle••. be says, fimt 11(1 111111
111041 silt00111,1 vi;11, King Lepolds
001111 t, Tho people aro
ill 111,3111y homes and Miens mein tleer
ctvit Intel, i11 prastice miserable kenos
existing fur the 0110 Purpose of ruteori•
ga !boring.. Already they have 1ctai
more then decimate:1 by an unsolder/I- ;
led desoilsin in the Interests of private ,
plunder. All the land is 1110 property
of the Stale and its allied trusts, all the
prudery of any erionomie vidue also be-
longs to the Stale and trusts.
Even food is still claimed as the pro-
perty of these corporations, the t‘ery
fish that swim in 1110 rivers, and the
cassava grown in their
100111,1' KEPT GAEDENS.
This 01,0 applies le the very animals
which roam the forests, 0/111011, when
omen, must also he brought to the
while mamso that, not only is the pro-
duce of the country 1110 property of the
Slate, but also. the very means of sus-
tonanee. C.oneequently, in order 10 011'
10111 11115 preduce the State must claim
the labor 01 11(0 peciple, and in order to
force end labor you have to -day precise-
ly the sante conditions that met King
Leopold's commission of inquiry. You
have the hostage pen, Ilia chicotte and
the armed regular and ireegular soldi-
This chteolling is a horrible sight.
Native.s who fail to meet the large de-
mands made on then' for rubber are
thrown on the ground hice downward
and whipped with a hippopolaines-hide
lash about half an inch squure. Two
men held the victim by the feet, and
two men at, the bead; the whipper
sionds over and lashes the victim un -
111 MO white man. thinks he has given
bim suilleient.
By law It is limited to twenty-five
strokes, but if the culpril begins to
Need or faints the strokes must cease.
In practice the hitter portion of the law
is inore.often Then not the limit to which
this flogging is carried.
Mr, Bieck doci•lbed what he called
a typical Congo scene: -
"A few months ago we were just fin-
ishing our breakfast when 11/0 'SOW our
workmen running down to the river
hank and calling out '01 Kai ' (What
is tho matter?) We.learnt that the no -
lives W000 bringing in the corpse of an
old chief who had been -shot by the
"They had worked, every man of
them, to satisfy the white man's cle-
mend for rubber. This old chief, fear-
ing to go to the white man himself (all
1110 chiefs fear the white rubber col-
lector -se had despatched the rubber to
him, as he thought complete. The
white man, angry because the chief had
not trained the rubber himself, IMMO-
dialely sent his sentries with guns le
the old chief's village demanding that
Le should forthwith bring In
and a considerable quantity of rods as
11 line for not bringing 1110 rubber per-
sonally. The soldiers went there, took
possession of the village, demanded ail
sorts of. things from the people, and
the upshot 01 11 was that -they shot this
ele man, who quickly bled to death.
They also shot another 111011 III the soles
of his feel, and he died of blood -pois-
oning a. few clays afterwards."
The miller W09 reported to the staff
officer in charge of the distrint and to
the Governoe-General, but nothing was
dense. The white man who imposed 1110
fine and ihe sentries 0/110 shot -the chief
are still unpunished.
Women at efidday no Longer Dare
Wear Their jewelry.
-The reign of tele& at .Mat•sellies,
Fronee, continues, and the bands of
hooligans, who do not, even stop at
murder, grow more daring every clay,
\Venice In the streets, even at 111101 -
day, no longer dare to W000 jewelry.
During the loft fortnight 1.518 .0111111(0
term been inade upon 0/0111011 wearing
Si. Reboul, a ceshier at a largo firm
of caemen, Nos surprised on Thursday
to SOO 10110 111011, 001111d with revolvers,
enter his case, He was gelling reedy
the wimps of his men. and when he at-
tempted to give an alarm the Apaches
threatened fu shoot him dend. He was
lare0t1 10 give them The amount of the
w011-gLesR-lenehl°0111,1' 40713nne1her enshirr, (0110 wile
et the 110110 of Inking home with him
The clny's proceeds of his firm, was
stint dead nl. the door ef his Itemise.
Numbers of young hooligons tine per.
mi.lied to minute floe streele armed
with revolvers end knives, with the
reetilt Mat cilleenee in self-defence ere
chtlised lo work ebrearl, twins in The
main siree's. noted to Ilio teeth, Shots
sre esehneged with n freerlem that is
ecentillieent of nn 01d -time mining comp
In 1110 Far Ne'est.
The lora) press entirely ignores the
inntorily of the ontrimee lim1 oceur
daily, and nothing in lhe nature of s
stet imilnlion hos yet been seised.
1)11 wednesany 111011 0 1111111 11'110 elm(
Mori Ilene 1110railwny 011(111)11, 1115' (15.
101131115 gelling away, es 111.1101, Sent
free,• this is now of 50 common error -
(((11' tied 11 is looked noon as mains,
extrnmslitteley, T.oeol Inclitimillen of
t rror nf the aillimrilies is growing,
rind NI, Rehooard, at 11111 110101 410
Louvre, and Ihe egenis of file 011/1
111.111011 115101 rind Albin 1,1nes, rind
Messrs, Grioles ngent oro net natively en-
gitged irt peessing for reform. ••
/tweak -rue London Thieves Make Good
The sham 1115 A'ery
1,11, 1„Irantil nriy
11115 4 dodge for defraud!ng English
hetet keepers. An undelltilti•r's ceiteh
draws up otesele the lessee at a time
(('110111o1,'1'111Fon'11it •.11;:1 11 1
sd.1 (111(1111.31.,4'., 1(:1171
tdriik kid gluvee 011100 11(11 18111011 1111'
Mill call for wheekieseurdeostas.
'floe are, of rousse, .0000041„ 1(1130 11-
3011(1", 1W0 OM, 0 mere podng 101 1(91-11(1-
111(15, ••Th,••• 11i, esHilary, ('1' "pine ((30,'
1/110 01141 0/1100 0,11/0 1 ss expi•ustve re.:
I r tel r• • 1(40-8 ti
.01-030(1 bar to 011011/1 lo 115'10 1111111s, and
‚011(41 Ohl 00111000 111510 111/11 1/00 cuslie
rives 111000 have vents:lied, with whale
ever money happens to be in the tel.!
So. too, has the mourning conelt.
lin 1 15/1 and 11101 ild 41, 3110 11131s hank
Ili 1110 "four ale" her, hut that akar is
einply; and it then clietns upon her Met ;
S1131 11110 1111011 1110 1 115 1111 or a cleverly -1
planned robbery. Several London
keepers have beeto victimized in this
menner during the lest, week or two,
et one Iloilo, 113 Dalslon; the thieves
gr.t away with a cashbox containing
83-51:01;e sham "busking" party is a varia-•
lion of the same -trick. A couple e f
That oiling musicians play a hem or Iwo
outside the saloon bar, and then. go
round to the "four ale" bar and call;
fur refreshments, saying that the "gee-
ernoi has sent them -a not ;muslin];
prat:coding ainengst hotel keepers un-!
der the cireumslances.
As is the custom, the barmaid p00-
1(3(15 10 verify their stntement from.;
elle "governor's" own lips before 5300-
ing them. Site is gone perhaps a 11110 -
ole, or even lees; but meanwhile her
WI has been cleared, and the men have
Every day brings interesting instances
to light of the wonderful healing power
7.arn-1311.0, 1110 herbal. balm. Mr. Win.
Snell, a Langenbure, (Sask.), farmer,
says: "I saved my arm by using Zorn-
Buk. I had a terrible scalding accident
and the arm after the Injury 'took the
wrong way.' When I started to use
Zain-Buk it was all swollen up and
discolored, and 1 feared it would have
to come off. In a few days Z5111-13lik
killed the poisen, reduced the swelling,
and finally holed ate nem completely.'
ECZEMA CURED. Mr, T. IL cusick,
oI 3 10 Wilson St., Hamilton, says: -
"Every winter I used to have eczema
011 the back of my hands. Last winter
I was especially bad -so bad that 1 had
to be off work for three weeks. While
suffering acutely I was advised to try
Zain-lluk and did so. I could not have
believed anything could have healed so
quickly! IL just seemed to dry up and
clear away the, sores, and 1n a wonder-
fully shorl time my hands were quite
PILES CURED. Mr. Neill Devon, nf
Webbwood (Ont.), says: -"For eight ;
years I tried all kinds of things ter .
piles, but gob nothing to clo me any,
good until I struck Zam-Bukl That
quickly worked a connect° cure."
Zain-13u1( heals all skin cliseases,culs
and bruises, eczema, scalp sores, uleers,
chapped places, Spring pimples, sore-,
Mous ailinents, poisonedWouncts, .50/01-
ten glands, boils. As an embrocation
it cures rheumatism, sciatica, etc, All
druggists and stores sell at 50c. a box, ,
or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. 6 boxes
for $2.50. Send 10. stamp for dainty
trial box.
Bridget: "01 can't stay, ma'am, on -
less ye gives me more Wages." Mrs.
Hiram Often "What I Why you don't
know how to cook or do housework at
ail 1" Bridget : "That's 111511 11, ma'am,
an' not knowin' how, 51100 1110 wurlc is
a't the harder for me, ma'am."
Fist Stranger : "Excuse me, sir, but I
notice RIM you are looking 01 1010 closely.
Is there anything about me that is
familiar?" Second Stranger :
thero is. !sly umbrella."
More iron Needed in the blood of pole, run
clown people, ? rerrovim," the best tOWtewill
put it them. At all general gores and Druggists.
I but there must be somethin'
awful the matter wid the. Anemia," said
111e chambermaid; "consumption, mos, -
hap." "Why do ye say that?" demanded
the cook. "1 jusht heard the doctor tellin'
her that her lungs is 'normal.' Don't,
that, sound turrible?"
Pains, Like lho Poor, are Always
With Drs. -That portion of man's Ilfe
`which 18 not made up of plensure
tersely composed of pain, and to be free
from pain is a pleasure. Simple reme-
dies are always the best in treating
bodily paln, and a safe, sure imel simple
remedy is Dr. Thomas' Eclecti•io Oil.
You cannot do wrong in giving it a
trial when eequired.
"I see that some lecturer says Ilea the
everogo 13'01111111 tetles .so corelessly tha1
it's difficult to understand her." "I wish
Met lecturer could be mound when my
wife spooks her mind to me,"
bike a bad habit h skin ditionse grows. Nude.
ions bunion, eczema and all eruptions bray be
mired with Weaver's Comte, assisted Internally
by Weaver's Syrup, All Druggists.
GETTING 1111) Or 1 1 MI.
Eva : "Percy squanders 1111(1103' 00110 -
thing whir. Ilis folhor snys he is 'no-
thing 1111 a 1101d lo him."
11.11] 3 "Then why is his father going
to send him owns' on a slued ?"
leva : "1 suppose he wants him to be a
floating debt."
Do Your
Child ren
Cough in
the Night?
wt.[ mother's or lallior'n heart has
riot leaped11(15, 11,14r 11..a 911(1311 y
!lave been stleI.nly awakened In 018
night by that /met and pridenged, 'r
Mal 1(11101 11''34l0.:. eli ,lesig. croupy crawl)
that bet/drips the i1(11 sPri/MS results
entees retitled itt ? What shall I
?is the tied III/eight. alai %%Miele i(35
effective end reliable remedy at hand
the 01111d May 5111701' or die before relief
eau be 510411.
4 , LT S F 0 OT
Fill110115 Holum ist 11110 a Dig at Uteri-
gan \‘'ershrtess for Casio 1111d
DIM b10/3.
"1170 0.11111g Alii011:1311 NItina 0/ 11,3" IS
110.3 11110 tii 0111111 Teibres renielise.•11,•• s
111 1110 N4,1111 A10011van Ito 01.1'. In 111,1(1
11 • %Phi, 11 11(1,0)1' 111, .1 :iteri,a it's
w11..,1:!31 +It
"rumen. 11011tir being 0/1(1/1 11 is. 15,
"1 WO 1111101. espied 1,1
dr; hill 141.11 15C-LI114.kl.-.. it is
,.10110,1103. llemglit, canird
(11 fir. ,n ;I. nrd 1,11 11111.0,
1101ii,01 lumivs; 111111 ill our liiiii•d and
NO, 11111 11111/10120111,10 we carry the
:eds •elt of witteli nuoiarellies and 1(114-
1. eraeiet• are tow11; wurMiip 1 guud,,F,
"W0 11030 1./ 11513.11111 these things
mid ir; W0 tire all burn
so, 11114.1 WO manse help it.
"\\o have to be despLsed by some-
body whom tve regard as above us, cr
we a0 not happy; we hate to have
so tll ody to worsligs 0111.1 (11103', or we
eaultot be content,
'In Americo we manifeet Ibis in all
the areeent Enid customary ways. In pub-
s,: We 5,10(1 111 Idles and hereditary
but privutely we Minim' after
Mem, end when WLI get. a thence we
buy them fee C'011 rind a daughter.
"Seire•tiniss we get a good man and
weigh the mire, but we are reacly lo
take him anyeay. whether he be ripe
or rolkn, whither he be clean end de -
colt, rn. ni,,r033, 11 basket of noble and
epeeist and long-desoendeil offal.
"And Alien we get. him the whole
nal'on puldiety chaffs 11E1 scoffs - and
privately em ios; aral also is proud of the
henor whish has been conferred upon
is a quick and absolutely safe, re; elite
and oei mire ter all forms ••f re 11/311,
Cold, Sore Throat, Lagrippe, Creep, •
Whooping Cough, Brouchilis, Asthma
arid fill irritated and inflamed condi inns
or the throat or 0(11051. 11 will save
every mother many a sleepless, inxi. 1
ous night, and the eliiidren as we I as
adults many an hour's suffering and
"Iliad boom suffering for freer two months with
an obstinate aeugli, as had also my Halo girl
We tried HOVIWILi romedies 001.13 won to any drug
shwa without obtainin(1 any apparent relief, in
(act we wore growing wome. I got a bottle of
Goltsfooto Expectorant from ley drudght and in -
fide of two thoM the cough was cured, and the re -
Felts so permanent had rapid that wo decided to
Loop Cuittfoote Expectorant in our home com
1100110101 PALEN,
A R St bi 01(swa
No home should be without R. It is
the greatest family medicine for these
troubles the world has produced, Keep
it on hand. It Is a never -falling trifled.
150, at your dealer.
In 1812 people died of the pIegue al
feinstanlinople 111 1111 rate of seer 11,300
a week. In all, 144,000 perished.
A Cure for Itheurnalism.--The intru-
sion of uric acid into all, blood vessele
13 a fruitful cause of rheumatic yiatus.
'This irregularity is OWillg 10 a deranged
and unhealthycondition of the liver.
Anyone subject to this painful affection
will find a remedy in Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills. 'Their action upon the kid-
neys is pronounced and most beneficial.
and by restoring healthy action, they
'correct impurities 111 the blood.
Admirers of great, rich, or famous
,people ellen bestow their wealth upon
'the objects of their regard. 'The Ger-
man Emperor heads the list of lucky
ones so favored, ilis receipts in money
and real estate dui•Ing, the last, ten
years would. it is said, make a mil-
ltionaire envious. Following a prole.
dent, a Hamburg merchant prince lett
More than $1,000,0110_ to the Einpei•or's
Chancellor, W110111 Kaiser William im-
enedlately created "Prince" Bnelew,
William Jennings Bryan recently eTile
Ly wealth in the same Way. In king -
Sane Lord Allergen has received $100,-
000 from an admirer of his public m-
oms and Dr. Jameson inherlts a sum
one -filth larger under the will of 1110,
Bet. Queen Victoria was very forte -
bate in her erlinieers, of whom The
lweelthiest was Nield, who beneathed to
her the suin of $1,250,000.
He found !atilt with her cooking,
His temper oft displayed,
And never got, through talking
Of "the kind that mother made."
At last, bo patience wavered,
To try there was ne use,
And so -well, she got even --
She simply cooked his goose.
"A arave.yard Cough" is the cry of tortured
lungs for merey, ' Give them Allen's Lung Balsam.
whtth is used with good effect oven in oonsunap.
(lens early stages. "POOP woman 1 She works hard all
day, and 1110ii she's tip Timely all night
with the babies." "What's the matter
with her 1111Sband 3 Why (1005111110 1101p
her?" "Oh, he puts 111 all his lime agi-
tating for an eight-hour day for ' the
Many patent. medicines have come and
gome, but. BieleO's Anti-Consumplive
Syrup continues 10 'soupy a foremost
pinee among remedies for coughs and
colds, and as a preventive of decoy of
the lungs./ lli is a .standard medicine
that widens its sphet•e or usefulness
year by yenr, If you are in need of
something 1) rid yourself of a cough
or cold, you cannot do better than try
13iclete's Syrup.
"18 your husband keeping his promise
to abstain tram drinking?" asked MIs.
"011, yes, faithfully," replied Mrs.
"Are you sure? its pretty hard for a
num 10 restAl. 1110 temptation."
"Ves, but he lolls me he's round a
eubstitute which he eats whenever he
feels tempted to lake 0 drink; and what
do you suppose it is? Cloves 1"
Brooke' Appllanee. V re FOR
Rinds and draws the Woken
intik MMHG OS Wm Would
broken limb. No selves,
510( 515(0101. 5(01(01(1',»'able thenp. Pat,Sept.10,`01.
EtTrAitt. 01!".
a E. amegg, Nodko•awt., 5115011110111(00,
"We run 01'01' 0/10 1031 of fitted pur-
chases every 1101 mat thin,' in the
.newspapers, and dienss them and ce-
rise them, and hre thankful and happy.
"Like all other mitions, we worship
Money, and I.11J p,sr.essors of 11--- they
bring our aristoer4ry, and we beve to
11111M one.
"I suppose we must expect that. un-
aveAabl, and irreeistilile cireemsitincee
will gradually take away The powers or
the States and concentrate them 111 111'
ceutral geivernment, and that the Re-
public will then repeat the MS hiry
all time and beceme a monarchy."
Before ran get
Pen., Angie
garments all
the shrink
is take
o u t
se P rep- '11l'i ,.,,14.1. '
al XlsW 1110
4, ,,11,i` keeps you eom
fy as well as <
4, ill warrnioviesraise the lie
a It or t fibres that
make some under-
wear itch are taken
out of Pen-
.A.ngle wool,
ifr it''P
Nk Vo,
itt7. .,,,1 of lira A2.
t 141 a variety of fabrics. styles and prices'
la all sizes for women, 111011 and
children, and guaranteed by your own deater.
Teething ables
are saved auffering-and mothers
given rest -w11011 one uses
• Nurses'.ud Ylothers' Treasure
Quickly relleves-vegelates the
bowels - prevents convulsions.
` Used eo years, Absolutely sate.
At drug -stores, 22c, 0 bottles, Siete
National Drug & ClienDcal Co„ Almiterl,
I soie Proprietors, Montreal, 41 ..
n beiter than a pure Mannelia flour -it 6 bettor
than pure 0010(10 llour-being blended it combines
qualities of both.
'Queen City' 6 an alkpurposes flour.
Th4WAT'"" Ale your grocer for
The Campbell Co.ueetee Campbell's
Miiling Toronto Junction, Ont, Queen City
Humors and impurities in the blood
force their way to the surface in the
Springtime and cause eruptions and un-
sightly sores. Nature has provided a
remedy in BilettllS, WII1C11 1100 11111tailill
to take not. unpleasant In operation and
aro purely vegetable hi composition.
110men with skin blotches and erup-
tmns .should prove how speedily Bileans
rein.we them, One or two Moans tak-
en just before retiring for the night --
that is all! Morning sickness, debilily,
indigestion, biliousness. heartburn, head-
ache, constipation, piles, and female
Clue/nes all disappear before a shor1
course of Bileans. All druggists and
stores at 50 cents a box, or front 1311 -
on Co., Toronto, for pri••e. 6 boxes
sent for $2.50. Send lc. stamp for h•e.e
Where 100 to 150 persons live to the
square mile, the death -rule averages 16
the equare tulle, the death -rate increases
to 24 per 1,000.
Mother (1001105' Warn'. Exterminator
has the largest sale ut any similar pre-
paration sold. in Canada. 11, alwrivs
gives satisetetion by restoring health to
the 11111e relies.
Dr. Sharpe: "I eny, Mr. Dooley, you're
a tong time paying me your Recount."
Mr. Dooley : "And it's 3 long toime ye.
took to euro me, be jabbers 1"
What should be Forgotten 1' Everything that
roars. What should not be forgotten? The D
1, 0." Ale/al/el Plasters a peative 0,1(0 10» =sow
lar rheumatism and neuramix.
"Novell, you don't. seem to
try 10 learn anything. I111ven1 you any
ambition in lire?" Kitchen Maid 1 "No,
11111111; but I've saved something, 011' 10)
gain' to hate 0 gr -rand 011181.111 Whin 1
1118, 11101(0"
Impurille.s in the Illond.-When the
action nf the kidneys becomes impaired,
in1D11011100 111 1110 blood are almost sure
to follow, and general derangement, of
the system ensues. Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills will regulate •the kidneys. so
the they will 'maintain healthy +action
and prevent the complications which
certainly come when there is dewing&
ment of these 0010010 organs. As a
restorative ithese Pills me in the fintt
This is the record of Auslralian sta-
tistical facts in WM, 1(3 compared with
1001, with a PoPulution, be it remota-
berto, of only 4,000,000, and after a per-
iod of unprecedented drought and (its -
Volume of trade (Morose)... /217,272,180
pristoral, miner-
al (in('rease) 84,521,580
Ralik depeisils (Inerenee) 6,1313,1181
Savings bunk deposits On
(rease) 2,785,487
tshipping tonnage (increase)2,052,073
Private wealth (per inhabi-
Railways (increase in mile31
Why wilt you poison your systems with fake nos-
trums when female trouble should be .trented
03 0011 would Moat a sore finger.
Tho "Emancipator" is a bent remedy easily
applied by yourself, coats but two cents 0,182' and
is guaranteed absolutely antlleptict It ia color-
/ lem and odorless, and is relaying thousands of
women who did not dream of help withoul the
eld of a surgeon. Price LEAD por bottle, sent
' prepaid to any address in Canada.
112 Yonge lit., 'reroute, Cr.nada.
Monts Wanton In Every Town.
daily eaoy for workers handling our pilot
ptinur tops: som at once for particulars before
4000000110 0I00 g:4ts your territory. Central Supply
On., Dept. 9, 367 Elonmoncl street, London, 051,
and all Mods 01lamas. I/Anginas, also
0800 & CLEANER
Write to ne about yours,
?mato% AMERICAN DYEING Oil., 000 188, Alantrsh1
R Prom 5105 to WA Fe,
programme, write
Rev. Dr. Withrow
The ARNOTT GETH OD Is the only logi-
cal method for the cure of Stamm ering. It
treats the CAUSE, not marbly the HABIT,
and insures natural speech. Pamphlet, p31-
11581000 end references sent on request.
Kind Lady : "After I gave you that nice
dinner, you didn't, 511W 111111 WtiOtl." 130 -
bough 3 "Penton me, lady. Yes gram-
mar is bad. 'louse 0110(11(1 5(13' 'you didn't
see that wood,' and then you're wrong.
I 51111' it when 1 COMO' in."
It is only necessary to rend the les -
Unionists to be eorivineed that Hollo-
way's Corn Cure is unequalled for the
remova1 of corns, warts, etc. 11 is a,
complete extinguisher.
Pearl : "I an awfully jealous of that
pony 1r01111,d nurse. I wish they had
engaged a homely one to attend George."
Ruby : "But she is only taking 1118
Pearl : "Yeshut what guarantee have
1 that she might not •lake 1115 heart ?"
Dear Mother
Your little ones rue a constant ear. In
Fall and 'Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh
Consumption Care, the Lung Tonic+, andi
what it has done 301 00 many ? It 0 saki
to be tho Only reliable mmody for all
aitcases of the air passages in children.
kis absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. it is guarantccsi te clue rayons money
is returned. The price 0 25o per bottler
and all dealers in medieine sell 3,4
,,is.r»msdy111,0,11,1b4 in trcrY houaahoa
gabel l7lh Nylon wisse-wiell twee 1110 Y611, corrorm m•Import.,, This
veneer 1.0(111 tteougev o, 11 0075 t/ Vinta(1 over heavy
01711Z. 11,4,034, '.N�31 04.114SVAIs 11.4414 TROD,
galvanizitne.-rnst 'area, Xkperioneta doe era t Arcot It. I,eads all sales
ZOO -as in 1115010 Get illuatrated booklet and tour prides before buylak
Wraitetriratos Wavontea tiehire&lo 0 jctUnis VeShailorM