The Brussels Post, 1907-3-7, Page 3CURRENT TOPICS.
S11111111 f111111 1.111.111 14 II1V 81011111 fee
loatiorIVW, 11 1i provad hayona 1H11',
ndvuii 11' 111111 We 111111.2 Of Ole (1111S1 1.11
1110 euelll I>110r14 geedutilly gretdeP from
iht, sopfueo inwapa. This V)111011{,1, i)Ii
'diffetent thenlittes. A theritenttelee
lievetril into the wells near Pitteburg
Mid \Viteeling elidwed an incimase fur
(envy fitly feet, Tho temperniure at the
is.stom ppkborg we11 vi, 120
.111.11,11.1.S. Sapp/SO IWO 111/11'.4 1Vvr1. 1/01041
(tiredly 111E0 Het earties minuet, 12,000
feta deep and lifts feel ignite. Acitordlrig
21 MO 1111.10.1111011101114 1111111V 111 the Pitts.
lag% well, al Illy bottom there would be
u temperature of more then 240 degrees,
far above the hollthg point of wnter. It
'Whys' cherges or dynamite or some
other heavy explosive Were 10 he lowered
lte the bottom of (tacih hole end exploded
eimullancously, ond the proceee repeated
items,, times, the two Imlits might have a
tstifficient eunneetion established,
rocks will be cracked and flaStIred 111 all
direCakalS, 1lS in deep oil wells when they
are shot. If only 011e 11.1'011 Ito W1.1.11
opened betweert the holes it would be
enough, 't'he shattering of the rocks
:around the hose of the holes would turn
the surrounding area into an immense
130) wates• heater, Tee water poured
down one hole in the earth \vould circu-
late through the cracks and fIssuree, the
temperature or which would be 01011e
then 240 degrees, and in its psseage it
would be healed and turned to steam,
willies would pass to the cartles surface
through the second bole. The pressure of
such a C0/1111111 of steam would be enor-
mous. Aside teem the initial velocity
of the stem, the deseenSing column of
euld \valve would exert a pressure of 112
least 5,000 pounds lo the square inch,
which would delve up through the second
bole everything movable. This done, the
wales healer would operate Itself and a
source or pewee thereby be established
which would surpass anything now in
use. 12 1e estitnated that the plan could
he caviled out near lailtsburg for $50,000.
According to the recent, dictum of on
mminent. physicist), "our lunge, quite no
well as out, bodies, need baths." Espe-
Tinily do they need a ball) aftee \ye have
The Scapegoat
"It IA IllIge," Ile $11111, 1114111.
5111.. Aliff11110.1, 111141 1.11died e011113. 11110
1114 Q.08, 11
"11 11 a-ffie," he insieled, more quiet-
ly, 14111- move emphatically, folding hie
mins 1101.0144 111.4 V110,11. "8101111. 111.11 you
going lo accept a comperalive steenger's
word ogainst ll's Itionsirous-
perfectly ithettlinahle,"
.I1 saw 1110 look on miljor wtin.noes
fa(10 a 4 110 retie 111111 .411111 Ile was played
ota," site replied, wearily, dropping into
a teeth and totallug her .lingess tumid
hee knee, "1 01150 tlw look 110 gave Ids
thinner, Mr. Manton. There could be no
mistaking what II meant --the abetipt
terminelion of the game; not the leeet•
They had both detected you; and I knew
Ytale extteess1011 You lel) You wove
detected. l';1141 130IJ, In all his innocence,
saw through it; he Mug les head in very
shame for you."
"Oh, quiel, quiet, Stella 1" he ejecu-
lated, his eyee glenining. "You ought to
be ashamed or yourself I 1eott would
Intend an honest men the most despic-
ititie of thieves -a cardethent-becuuse
the gime wus broken up suddenly and
the tither Men appeared to you to be
congtsed, and a compandive stranger
implied 1 had cheated. You have known
me almost two years now, tual we've
imea ettgageit three itionths-neerly-
and you can't say you ever heard or my
doing on saw Tee do anything unworthy
of a gentleman."
"I sew you -drop the knave of 111111-ffis
into your lop when Mr. Mutton led the
seven," she Said 111 a whieper, daintier-
ately. "And the kneve of trumps wns 111
Bob's hand."
"And the knave et trump's was in your
brother's hand?" he saki, (lifer mo -
mitre pause.
"Oh," she cried, springing up, "you
mean by your tone to imply that !lob
might hurls been cheating, as he WaS
slaw parlatne I IOW 11100.11-110W 11101111-
1101V COnlenlplIbly mean 1 You would
like to make him. carry the load of your
Ammo for you I A boy of nineteen -a
Carlton 1 There never Was a Carlton who
would cheat at cards 1"
"Nor a Iliversley," he answered, coldly.
"I 0111 sorry that I should haVe been
nalaneed to the Rivettsley who broke the
line of honest gentlemen of that mine,"
she telot led, holly.
tsat foe three or four hours In the impure "That Is unworthy of yott," Ile said,
and stale Illr CI a 1110111re Or ellIlrell. gravely, stepping bath, so that they
Then. if we could see them, our lungs they 511040 001110 distance apart. "I think
would look as unsightly as the Chad better go." face of a •
"Yes," she said, between her teeth
f' ,
'"111"11(41Yer looks Slim. 11010.1 (1.1)3') leaving at her [Inger-WI/tie, "you had bet -
'work. "They need a bath, but not a ler go.' She -held one out to him lightly
'water one. Air. emit air, Is the cleanser between finger and thumb, and a look of
.01 the lungs, 1111(1 10 bathe them the head fai.n.thessiskeet over her iprottd face.,
.should be thrown back. nnd through the I4e
repler ‘avoarctp 12111111.1 1111;C:d IlLrLa)11e(cli
'1100101S Min`, [Nall air should be in- ship. Ines his hand. "1
'haled till the lungs are diseerided to their "That* you," he inermured, slipping
utmost limit. About lwenly-rwe of the it into Ills weistcoat pocket. "1 ---' Ile
deepest. possible aungruls' 01 pnee tar clitecked- himself, looked at the pulm of
s hand abstractedly, [timed, 0011should be slowly inhaled 511(1exhaled. her
-Then the pure air eushes like a torrent
• II.
"Illeough all the C111.113' crannies nett led- et knew yen were cheating and that end hurried from the balcony. E'arly
the next, morning he 511118 111 Parts. lin-
den. grimy comer:, of the lungs, and IL Wallace and Manton realized something medlately on hie arrive) lie called al the
tour -ries out with it every itimmily. Atter Was weong; and 1 was sure you'd pleY hotel at which llte newspaper eeport
the knave oil Rie trick, 141111my knave
ea. long silting la a theatres stele air try
would expoee your dealing. 7014 (41)151said the Carltons were staying.
ng bath. You will be amazed to tell her, Carlton I It's impossible 1 should He' in( uired for Air Carlton, Ina 511410'a lung
filid how it will cheer end strut, englIten go abobranded cavil
-cheat a ca -cheat 1" lold that! lie was not. ;velem Arles he 1-
tiding, leiversley wets' le a few words OU
you." n
"I ca't tell her 1" cried the boy, stamp- n card and 80)41 it up to Stella. She
ing les root impatiently. "You (10112 come 10- him in the wal)ing-room, and
know what ilswould mean. Stella is as from the foot that ehe received him In
mood as Lucifer, and -I .dona know public .he coecluded, with a sinkIng
what she'd do. She'd tell dad for one heart, that the boy had not spoken. He
thing, thaVs certain; and -eh, Ilivereley, was convinced 0111 by her cold acknow-
old clutp, you don't know what it, would ledgment• or Ms bow,
11101111, or you'd IleVer 0511 me to do it. "1 hrtve read of the arrident to your
The dad would 111V11 no out of the house brother, Miss Carlton. I wus in Naples,"
and cut -me out of everything. 11-11 he said. "1 --may I ask if your brother
would alinost kill him and Stella -they lea any message-er-ror 111e2 .
think no -end of ine-I'm the 1002 of tho "No; not that I am aware or," she
line, you see I" . . answeredfolding her Molds before her
"Well, rve tolcryou how I stand," snit! With an tne which seemed to uccentitate
'Iliversley. rising and walking ever to Me coldness of her tone. "lie is not
the muntelpiece. "She betteves „I 1111S dead, yeu know; the imports weve wrong
cheating, .and -she's chucked me; just in that particular."
ns any nice, good girt would. beeeeteg- "Net? 011, len heartily glint r'
it. I don't blame her for that; whet I "13104 Mere is 00 'illetne-110110 wital-
blame her for Is-bellevieg me onpables of ever. Father is with hlin at the hospital
such it thing. You must cleat, nty chat, llow."
11 iny chanthere, of 701111.411." replied
Riversley, bitterly, "Well, cume in thie
evening. I steal Mee at !tenet; 1 mull
let :teen at the clubs till this le elearol
As the door Waged Iliversley lit a
eigarette and dropped 11113 a chair
On the balcuity of a 11111e 11010 over-
ateking the Bay a Neplits sat Ilivereley
111 1111 arm -elude. The elude 51111 01/111,
I1'1'illtile to 11 luxe:hats degree; yet he
moved constently ns if he were meow.
fontible. The scene thal. ley before 111141
was met of unequalled beauty 111111
01ffirm, yet his eyes \vette 11Ned 1,1111.11r
1111011 11 dirty little brut which lay, 1000-
ing like it floating lentil of seavteed,
among the shipping that fringed lite
Inty. The ate wits hal of height sounds;
O ffille Way off along the quay a height -
eyed, emiling woman was singing it
lig1111111 1111. droW11111 1110 111011o1011^
0111-1 thrutnielheurnb of it gutter slitting
le her elmuldpes, And Itiversley 114311.11
nothing. He was thinking over it parte
gnipli feel read hair lut Item' before
in 1110 Stunting Post, whi011 he regularly
11.14.11'ed earn day. Ile NM thought of
nothing else since reading
"A maeringe 1ms been arennged be-
tween Miss Story Vitment, Stella Care
ton, only daughter of tiregory Canton,
Hem, of Hadley Perk, ilitrIcs, end 344,
Hill Street, W., to Sir Mffiliant Br1111•
don Bounkin, of lintiston,
'1'lle annotiocement had come to him 118
11 surpetee, for there hail been no hint
of such a thing in any of the letters he
had had Nom Robert Carlton diming the
P110). ten months, Otherwise, of come,
it was not gurprieing. Ilouslon was an
excellent fellow, of as good a family its
the Cantons themselves; a 111111d$0111e
1111111 and 1111 hottest gentleman. No;
otherwise it \vas not surprising.
lliversley moved uneasily' in his chair,
and the paper slipped from his knees.
He let il Ile,
He drew up hie knees nnel wound 11I4
arms round thein, and stared at the
eleamship lying oul In 1111 bey. And he
did not 11101'0 \Wien a guest of the hotel
issued front one of tho roams and leant
on the entl of the balcony wilt' a soft
expressMn of apology for intruding 00
"A ter-rible cainnity," muttered the
other guest, idler a minute, apparently
finding the Englishman's silence and
abstructim oppressive. "011, 7.080 mo-
tors, zose motors 1"
"Yes," said Iliversley, absently,
"011, ze rectilessness-ze--ze-reckless-
11050 1"
"An accident. ?" asked Iliversley,
nputhelically, shirting 00 gitee to the
Mime's roue and putting down his legs.
"Hal you not read? Ali, tett-ethic 1
Peter 1 -in a minute 1"
"Near hese?"
"Ah, no, no -Paris, my fair Paris.
Bid se -se Pe0Plo were English."
"Yes. Ze poor boy ! Ah, ze recideses
11ess I Cerrilloe-er--"
"Not Cantos ?" cried Iliversley.
may be 11."
Iliversley picked the Parts paper
\elect had arrived with ids Morning
Post and tore it open.
Bobby (trillion WEIS dead Stella
and her [other were in. Purls- The
boy hail been hurled out of the niotor-
cat he was ariving, dying a few hours
later in the hosiplal.
Hod he spoken?
Iliversiev rose weekly from 01.s chair
In union the Servian farmers think
There is strength. Al the end -of June
east there were 508 agricultural co -opera -
live ossocialions in Semen. Of these 105
'were estelffished within one yenr. '010
'total riumber of members is 17,858. The
Central union, representing these 0000'
'0)11100(0 last year expended $53,000 Inc
implements, seeds, etc. In Italy there
nee P.2,0_00 homers' leagues. One-lenth
1110111 eve in Lombardy. The depart-
ment of sthe Emilia lass more than lex/-
thirds the whole, and there aro 411,000 in
:Sicily. _The relative commercial Mime -
Ince or these leagues is increasing
rapidly With eveey year, 08 also is their
The Canine Westminster Abbey is Now
death or Mr. Israel Lems.rsor,
nett at the ego of 00 recalls the fact that
he was the founder of Um famotte dog's
sseesnelevy, in Hyde Park, London.
canine Wesetninster Abbey -is
now full. The pampevecl pets of weal-
thy eccentrics can•no longer dream fl•
111er of n public funeral or an historic
resting -place.
The origin of the dogs' cemetery is
interesting. A good limey years ago
Mr. Lewis-Barned's son and daughlee
'used to enll frequently at the keeper's
ledge al Victoria Gale and buy SWeols
Whell they look their dog nut for ell
%airing. When the Mlle animal died
• Lewis-liarned's son asked the loclge.
110e1)e0 tr miglit -be buried in his gar-
Tpe necessary permission was forth-
co1M00, and n tombstone benring Ilic
"Poor Cherry, Died April
28, 1981," was erected to its memory.
Soon after this Sirs. 'FileSicorge. lite
• 01 the inle Duke of Ctimbridge.
V,')114 driving nround 1110 parte whin her
111111, `i'm kshlre teener wile nor id en 1.
ly run over, It was talon into the
lodge, where 11 inert. and 1110 Duke's
perm,ssiOn tor 11 to be buried in lhe
garden like "Poor 1.:1101TY," W111 01)-
(1111, of the King's Dengonn (Wards,
"1,reved mei 1.,181," W11N 1111110[1 \‘,11)1
ein'ors, of Me 111114-4 r's regiment; Scamp,
mother 1511111111 friend, hod, elllowed
Ms master, 11 Ilrillsh army ollIcer. 1111
(IV01' T11(11a, !king Rong, mid 111t,
• S1,114,1101110,
Nino or len other bulldogs wimess,,,,
the °I solpites of "11, 0, and M. M.
0:.'s ,Inek lbe 1)amly, A sportsman mal
a' friend,"
ecter for me, It's quite impossible that "I -4'm aweilly earry 1" faltered
I should do so, as it could only be done ersley, glancing al his lud. "5-115 may,
by establishing your disgrace. But )l's 1 should like to express my sineere 03'o1
1101 to he done, Bob Carlton, you under. paths' for you and Sir. Coellon,"
stimil ? It's got to be done 1" Ithanti you," she murmured.
"I can't do It 1 Good heavens 1 sem 9 -don't know \\tether IL will seem a
Mist be mad to think I could go to her, filling reques1 to make -)hal is, for me
and -it's Impossible 1 I'm 4sorriee than 1 10 muko-but would it be possible, if he
can possibly say, Iliversley-1 mi. really is conscious, for me to see him for a
end hottestly. I would have done tiny- feW 0111101.08 on a 1110110v 01 the verY lit --
have fallen on you." Most imponance to myself?" She 11081.
1111118 0101 ite added: "1 nuty sny it is a
thing M the. world range* than 1.1 shined
"No more words about 11; you've got. to matter of more than Me and death to
put 11. right. Within twenty-four hours toe
1 shall expect to hear from Stella that "11 you will wan while 1(30)1 on a hat
she !mows I inn still n gentleman." / win COMO with you to the hospital and
'Wits', you cienfounded chump !" pried 1500 11 I 01111 arrange an intuntlew," she
"1'111 11011 -11101,0 titlITY hfill
vett say," he Said, With N11,1 011140, 'NM -
lug filo 1,ed and lonehing
the boy's hand; 111,11 as he Leta lower he
llirew a look of appeal into his eyes, Mal
\vIlisltercd, "For heaven's sake. speak,"
The 1,,,y rolled 1113 bead on the pillow
lo avert hie facie, and closed hie eyes,
1.11versley sir:tightened himself und
drew a deep breath.
"le there any hope?" he whisimred
Me. Ciattliin.
The father ehook 1114 gravely end
"Bottle', hermit you got a word It)
say tifijd Iiirorsley with ion.
genth.nese, "11'4,4 wee, stem
mile -mum Won't you say something
1 etin renetieffies-somelhing 101' fri41)11-
,IttO'S ilet \vend. event
- what ?"
"He didn't smells" ,111,1 Mr. Caption.
11.0, s11,1; 11.11135' livu vet. 1:1
hed. Sho wits voilviling hie bee
narrowly: he mold reel leo. gusts
"Bob, I've Nano all 1.110 way resin
Noptits hoping you'd have something
yews mei, me to hems"
"Go away," whiepered the boy, faintly.
Iliverslity sweng round on Itts heels.
"Then offer my upelume, to her, will
yen, old letup? 1- I mast) the haeg of
flume:. end I can't 11.1111."
"B011,4011 ! S111, "
"Stella? Of ttouret! Stens. 011, I
know, eld num 1 I'm uot 0 fool, Cloud
"Bel. itoustem---"
liettshet fluted latek.
"l1.11g it. num, won't you be satisfied
lilt say 1 108)) 1''')) word, 111111 1 1111r0
1115M ihiMg111 1101111Y W1111id clear the
oriole day end turn nie eff ? I eouldn't
hum ger to 11, (LW 1 W011},i1111. if I could,
theel night."
fh. was g011V.
Thell 111111111.111 slowly to
e here Stella was standing 01 the
does.- Louden Anw.vere.
Clever Crooks Adopt Titles and Clean
UR European flotelS;
Two members of 11 gang of inter.
n11110010 thim es wanted hy the police of
Lendoe, Pane. Boum, Breese's. 'beech.
Euel other reties litive been captured at
and something rising front ids .1„,„rt. Berns, writes 11„,
shook 111111. The brim of Ids hat broke In tif 100 Isaidoil Daily Mail, ill 11 remark-
able -titanium. They 11•Pra stayi ns
the convulsive etutelt of 1111 lingers.
"leather, I will elay aell 0 Bob w visiters nt one of the hest hotels,
1.011 show Mr. Inversely out cif the hos- hut have 1,. 'n identified V, 11 121.000 11101,
dente and en tether] eriutinal. both 10111
141111," said Skein, slewly, in it hushed
"1 1i>11," inurnmeed Itiversley, turning
quickly beck to the bed, "1111 going now,
old chap. illood-bye-gorel-bye."
"Good-bye," uniemared the boy
Itiveteiley squared his shouldeits ns be
followed Mr. 11/11111011 0111 01 the remit,
Ina les head was heavy. and IL disseuel.
"Are you staying in Paris?" asked Mr.
Canton, ns they.parled In the entrance -
For n duy or two, perhaps.
The itlder man inclined his head stow-
ly and deew baels,sitnd Fever:40y went. 'three strong boxes :V01`0 i0111111 fined
clown the steps like a tired linen.
As he welked along the pavement he
glanced up at the wing of the hospital
and womiered whist wag the window of
Ilarlton's r00111, 111111 hY stepping inlo the
road 110 WaS able to identify it, for he
recognized a vase of flowers 110 hail seen
upon the window -ledge.
lade in the evening he sauntered that
tlic boy, fiercely, 11you 1.ifili me if Ethe'd. s11111'
O long 101 of offerems against them
1.010 al night, when everybody else
wits neleep in the hotel. an linglistunan
atm his wife were 14.10100; in iimie room
and saw their door being stealthily- tin -
hinted neen oulside, dime was gen-
liy pushed open.and man's head thruet
1011E10101y Weide. Seeing himself ob-
served, the intruder hastily withdrew,
locking the door behind hint.
Next morning the police were railed In,
alld 011 searching the rooms a the two.
aristocratic.. vieilors dining their absence
nettle some askaincling discoveries.
with jewels, bunk notes, emus, rind '('51'
0111110 seettritles. A large box contained
every kind of disguise, and a largo bag
WaS 1111011 With a tC11111ifittly• linished set
of berglars' tools and with bottles of
ether end chlOroforin,
Inquiries were made by the Berne
polico in Europe, but it wns some time
later before the eon' itlenlitY of )lie Pei-
wny again, and for a few moments stood 80',"i't's t„intt, a
OUISiCle till; hospital watching the lighted ; "--
r towd meinoer, wao escaped, Huh .r
window. Then he walked past a .ew „ „
hundeed yards to where the rond become "le 011d a sPeciallY. 000 \yes the
n en„iee„rd with &eats sct itack oil ihe prospector, w„ -ho travelled la advance and
be pleased lo say So lo yon 1 Doill you "ThisnIc yoor he replied, quickly,
thinIc It'll be hinder to know (lett her glancing at her with brightening oyes;
efoil'lo1wethe1no th.e reNeth a'ndbrothe, her own flesh and blood, the nitnl-niicI'c1Ins! ofrthe 'Proud Cerlters,' from whom w„ii',:'si---iis rill',she "Ide,there 01111 be no actual cliseesocintng hew,l'1e1"a11)0010(1
3011, 11111(101101)1)1slet:g otitiechnst:Ile rei3O;0‘,11,,4114siort 01 walking sd
5v1(s,140g0(10_11ilrtivkhoni 1le15» sidesilently, Ihnough the stts with
could ehtmeae herself M. ft ttwm,111helliversicy n'1 ('(1 fr 11 1811111141 of
1lll(',' )fi3(11sl71141111:t''r',e° 000t711)'111ls1°1:5d1(1e°irrhlec
ilt11lnoreiI te11 im.21iuntpe?le1111,1,11,1,))1h1,.1tele11;110y1111.1sedatIhe
quits herself of anyv46fmtlion:dtly by-. ,..,-. 1111.,'LLI1',1(1,05111:1 \\-\11tejli'et‘ tslilea sirelisil 1101 laIr1r18.1111egeW11.1111110.
W11010 (amity ; you \ do I P110 110.
1)1141111111g you. Yon Tee, she nniel al- injt,rview
wnys be my sister, lan need 111501' he "Do so'll W1s,11 10 See 111111 alone?" she
your wife."
"No," said ithereley, In a Iteeow v said. on eetavning to him,
'she need never he my wilts' 11114111e4;;; "N"; 61.1. 1(11," .
you ('1.''-'('1.''-'-j0' slopped to siondy. Ms
vi,ice.--:"(to you ((.111170' wind il 110111(1
1110111) 10 111V? A:4
lt011110 W1'101114 11010"
"11111 you've got 141 Heidi of Stine."
u stied :111.11011, 111'11St1111( itiLq 1''-
5111013'With 11I8 lumilserchicf.
"1 nni Ildrildng 01
"nut 1111(01 go)'' cried 10)11)11,bIpium
"1.4111 viitt'l go; 53'0 1111111 1)11)111' some.
'I must 12''. I've sed) 1110V 0.5,4),i1110 WVP1
. it I'm 101e she'll
1511(1) 1(' 101'"' 17\1° h"1. 11,1 1
Volilihl 1 101111P.,7
34,11 1100111)1') toll her you hall been
She led 1110 wny along n corridor to a
privnle \lard, entl lliversley followed her , road and sit down there l' Myer -ley 05'
10)0 the room. As Ihey entered Mr. chemist,
citellon rose from a elver besIde ihe hod Ile strode timidly lo the 'next sent. and
111 551,11')! bis son 1113', \\1111 While race and a 111/111 11140 1111 118 1111 11111/1.011011Vd and held
'1'lli\::11.1$1,:r.'Y;1"45N.,.1191,11111 1111'0° 111'1(1'1\‘Z0(111100101111Y1111111'11 01'1411/111111}0'11111:1.1111.01`..5103" I W11111 1110 (1ellee
1110 fnol Of 1110 be11 and glided 81111 1115, 1110 3011 tieing In 10)18 3''
"rho reolgtillion wes so insinnInneous
41111..1 the room. .
"Bois ieil 1.,03', hero's Mr, lib -eh -Joy that 11 wns eleutly meant to have .signi-
voila, lo sce you," said Air, cartion, nearest, lliversley lulled disstmulnlion
penny turning to les 5011, . nud sieve no (thence for it.
111vereleY drew near alld EttItY Men- ''blow lung have .*011 101'0 here?" he
• •
and as la, 4'01 so On 1111111iSlifit111111, 1,11)11 "1 Ill. 1101 iong• 11111,a11100 1110 10 1101 T 11e0
or tem, inIci,cii mom, iii\ cr..1.,y sow rtic 15113., win you --111110,:- 1 iiiii,\‘' 1101,7- you and Monty hove enjoyed yours -Ives?"
look nod 1111 his 11.1J. "lett lcnow her," answered Illvel,sley, 1)arlIng- .."Thank you, Mother ati1'.4 we've enjoyed ourselves Very muchl"
pasemein 0,1d, trees that 0,w, deep she. discovered the likely people and places;
lamps. the second exoeuted the robbery and
handed his booty to the Mini, who
dows in the cold light from the arc
and watched the passees-by with lite' air ranged (Or HS Stlle.
ef a stranger conscious of his lonennees,
though he watched them he did so With- 41
., -...--
There were not rattily passers-by, and
out. arty interest or care. Ile vaguely THE enuncli .01- (1
noticed Ilial one man passed mid re- _
pas.sed two or three limes 001 the canto- British Medical Journal Comments on
road and sat down on a sent in the sha- That "Sermon Disturber."
site pevement and finally Clewed the
dow cast by a. tree; and it occurred to The cliereb cough rind Ile cause te 000 girls every year. During the last
him that the man had a littering which ,111e lettltje•t' of some eunial. moralizing
$eemed familiar to him. But he wes too ,n iact current iseue or the Ilrits.011 few years 40,000 girls hove been res -
preoccupied to think about the stranger Mt.ilical Journal. cued from drunkenness and vice.
"Last- winter WO were able to send
12,000 peop1c to Canada, and this yea11.
if the means are furni8hcd,'we shall
transport betactea twenty and thirty
thousand mare."
110 sid down on un unoccupied cot, promptly disappeneed with it and ar-
Strange' Position Of Derelict In the
Southern Semi.
\Viten Bear the leallilarel island4 on
her wily to leirtland. Oregon, froth
le adult lite French bait Emilie Outline,
Captain AmaillIzon, eon into field 44
icebergs, and -in groping her way 0101
ellen brought up tigninst one of
the deepest mysteries ever produced f.y
tho sea.
Won llp on the side of a monster berg'
Captain. Anuall'zon saW wedged In the
Ire a large iron bark, Mom! the 111
Hut Emile iffilltite, di:masted, bill appal,
puny 1/1111,1T,i,4t. 111110,1, 1pm, esei
Leen lifted upon the crest of the giant
berg is a puzzle (leaned only Ity 1111)
mystery surrounding .the fate of Me
is uni 111 the berg, nisi by 118. aid
pt irs Amin) 14105 saye he ran within
f glasses mule iott the 5"ssel was
a 1111'0001111"l 11 11,m hark. It was int -
r Ilugo
ipc?,s 1(1,101(8 (11.(1,1‘1.1(;,,-2.„4...,,,t1111101(1,,r 110(11awn1 ea.firdo
The tower rigging was standing_ and
ersnon fitItst. enl:aci...-1(11t:11111tIr es4,,,1,:n111 bhint r,11,11151:114t8 001101
thaL the NOSAO1 had been hark rigged, I
living thing on board, although 1110
igints still appeared lo in the davits.
11- is 10 41telit If anyme had been eboard
alive disfectes signale of some kin"
Would hove been displayed.
It is possible the etre, my have put
en In one nf the ship's bonfs. anti sub-
sequently been picked up by 11 passing
vessel, or they may 11111,0 bladed on the
Hoak islande sprinkled in the rumen
alout the exteenie portion of the South
Americttrt promontory.
hi Years It Ilas Over 5,000
General Officers.
An interesting summary of the work
of the Salvatiot Army. was given by
General Booth in an address he deliv-
ered ,at the aletrepollian Tabernacle,
, ,r).1t et ye,1011111yre.
years einee the Army
was started, Ile said. "1 1litd no pow-
erful corporation behind me, and in the
early days I did not know who would
lend me it hand or lend. me a shilling.
I was often pelted by' missiles of all
1(11:1d*Iste. Salvation Array flag Is flying in
no fewer than fifty-two countries.
"The organizatien of the army in those
c°'"1711,5ttlilue3seinpealill•adtees:and self-marieged so-
"15,000 officers, aseisteti by 5,000 -em-
"59,001 local officers, and 19,000 mu-
S'.C4)151106.1.:1411111.1011S, which feed alma
200,00) 111011 and women, and shelter
2141");8111 Pree0e41t11110e: homes, which rescue G. -
twice, and soon lus eyes dropped to the
Peesently he became conscious of 11
light, meek step coming Nem the dicey,- to be seized, os soon os they compose
lion of the hospital, und looking op he thenlselvee Lo lwar a 8erm°11 With 4116*
saw the figure of o woman approaching tensing itetititlion•of the windpipe that
,him, advancing quickly through the can be relieved only by violent and
lights and shadows. He did not, rocog. aontintled coUghing•
fuze her till she bad lamest passed. and "The affection is eontagirms, spread.
then impulsively he rose. Ing from seal to eeal, cough anewering
"You 1" she whisPored, startled. "Oh I unto cough., till the church is as full of
why nee you silting there?" noises as Prospere's- island.
She drew nearer to hint, n ad he eould "We 11010 11-1111 101(474 1001 the Pea -
see that one of het' hands was pressed tem hag been attacked from [mother
her lieut. He did net speak, fos he side by an Atmtricein steentiet, who has
was abushe.d by having aceosled her. satisfied himself that in theatres the
She &my even nearer to him. SUMO' of the intention, nceneding to
"Nlr. Riversley," she said, stepping tido him, is to be found in the 50010 on
a shadow, "do you know why I sent the auditory appuralus Mimed by the
you away this morning?" effort to hem. whet is said on the stage
"No, Miss Carlton." acting on the lorynx. It would 110 a
"1 wonted to and out from Robert why comfort to preachers if the church cough
you had come so far to see him; 1 saw. could also be expleined by us -minim-
a straego expression in your face, and ous
I heard your whispers to hint." "At o full-dress rehenesnl of n new
"I =netted to myself -I've got inio play by Sordou the noillence, \tallith hail
that way of late." appinuded the first net, began to cough
"700 need not tell me, for 1 know," she in the middle of the serond. The au -
said, In a. faint, toc-orr voice. et -I -
mule 11110 tell tne, and I think he was
happier when he had told me;
Wottidn't kiss Ithn as he died," She put
00 her Ems and hid her face le them,
crying gently,
lliversley glanced this way and that,
and looked at her again.
"04101," be said, huskily.
"thit 1 -1 -have kissed him sinee-so
tunny, many times since, ter he 'teethe',
tlitIT 1041 1110, need he?"
"No," he answered, "he shouldn't have
told you "
•"011. Yes," she exclaimed, dropping
her Arnie; "of course he ought to have
luld Ine-lic might to linve told me
months ago. 11 was wicked of him-
wteiced of you both to deecive me. 00-
"Ilush--you forget 1" satit he, &awing
11 quielc breath.
"Yes -1 104;01." 14110 hung her-hend,
and the; slood ewe to face.
',Persons who will sit, out a piny r,r
listen lo an Interesting conversation
without folighIng." we ore- told, "seem
'Slim," she cried, suddenly, drawing near,
"let me forget again.1" She put her neins
round his neck. "Ottly for 11 111101110 -
forget for a minute; rentembee telly our-
selves, ond forgive nut, Oh, 11111 -31111 -
forgive nte 1" She laid her face on 110
breast and wept.
He moaned, and :defaced her arm
"Stolle he said, in a little while,
"we're in a public road. Peepte may
pails 1 ChM I Someone is coming 1
Demme:me 'lousiest."
"Forgive 2" she pleaded.
"I remember," she 1111hWered, dl'ilWillg
baai 111/11 deshIng the tears from her
eyes. "lie shuuld Ito heves WaS to
levee waited on the next Neat. for Me, to
0(00 1110 to the hotel. Ile en)1)e over loom
London directly he honed the news."
"12 WM tletUSIOn, Melt, I :ttIVI Cl'OSS 1110
,(1 bis (5,1,11(1 lis 1111141111111111)41111,,. '1
thor at once exclaimed, 'They cough;
1 always thought that seene W115 too
long.' Preachers 'might sometimes at
least draw the snme moral, [man the
coughing of a congregrelon."
"There's one Amid 1/01111 about alcohol
"I never yet 011(1 40 patient for whom --1
ns a medicine," said old D
prescribed it who fitegot 5511011 11 W115
°C% SPrigins,
time to telie a dose."
First. Lady Doctor "He 18 sleeping
now, end le certainly recovering. He
proposed to me this morning."
Second Lady Doctor ; "Indeed 1 Ile
was peobably delirious."
Britain More Than Reid Ifer Own With
in a memorandum reeently issued by
the 1311l1sh Tariff Ileforin !magma deal-
ing with the returns of the imports and
exports far 1900, some valuable feces 10,000 tor loeu.
ere givenhe . Tfollowing in tuillioos
of eremite sterling were Ihe imperts EARS DECEIVED HEIL
WIIEN Lomatms *can umumn
More Blanks Than forties Drawn -
Talent Somedineet' Oil
The days of emerge III -were full .ef
itrittents droll lucky .131(011)0115 18 the
14,11ery. One Mr. Barnes,' a grocer,
114000tissit,Lintroitifis icl 1 irti111,1,0e tititetile,5,0 ofeeaxe:
clumged one of them. By nn annoying"
creek of tontine 111., eejeoled number
turned up a 4120,400.) prize, welch fell to
the let of 11 Captain Young. •
ingAlneriutnina ,ffo ri fillet ebrieofr et hilvhec fg,1;onli;
alermin d 11 bey a ticket among them,
tut not being able to agree upon tho
number to be eetected, they requeste1.
a little girl to decide for them. SISs
lesol 'mon 10.001s 'Flay did not Him
11. thinking the number tto obvioue, not „
sufficiently mysterious. She refused to
1111 1111110).t ier1.1,
111,440es deelaring her cone
1111101101. would prove 11,
lucky one. NVIlereupon, setting her
down as a silly goose, they bought an-
other tieket, but No. 10,000, as it hep-
petted, did turn up a prize of 4120,000.DIlIl) ,5 .
An odd wl3aEsP(3e'E\minected with
Et lottery ticket ones, in the last cen-
tury. Baron d'AguIlin• was requeeted
11.44e,00a8.1%istlieltitedn ifIrelesee for hen No.
ho vertein would prove
O Milky one. The lemon could not -M-
ill the continissisn, for he found IlInt
this perticuiar number wee already
saki. The number came up a prize a
4120,000. So far. there wits vexation fur
Baban111 n'A.e g. tIttilleukry'e 5115111(111411'.(man dirt netpeorthienr
Cornwall, remeitted a lung time with-.
cut the money, owing to a blunder of'
his own. lie had bought len nokets
and hail enterell their numbers in a
noleboak as a memorandum; but Ito
wrote 14-404 Instead of 11.0111), and ee-
mained long ignorant. Of the fact that
thal nuntber had proved o lofty one,
The 051110e of While Conduit Mateo
some ninety years ago, lost his all by
lelleries and became 1111Pavelislled.
:\ feeling it friend one day he said he
had a presentiment 1110t a particular
number would be it great prize; money
was sent to him to buy; it came up a
prize; he squandered the treusure and
died a beggar.
A man and his cousin, 11 married wo-
man, combined their small means lo
buy a sixteeuth or a lottery tieket, 80(1
went to the office to buy it, inking with
i•er a little g:r1. The girl, being eskeil
to seleet the number,' fixeil upon 23,8e4.
She could eive no particular reason,
but adhered to her choice. declaring that
the number would be a lucky one. It
came' ep a prize of 4110,000. The man
went end seeured the due aliquot part
-025. having some peculier notions
about the property, or non -property rf
married mouton, he pocketed all elte
money; but the law afterwards com-
pelled him to shave it welt her.
Charles Lamb tells a Sitory of a gen-
tleman 511110 had purchased No. 1,000.
Possing a letters' office, he 511511 a pla-
card announemg Bust that number lied
come up a 4120,000 prize. lie walked
round St. Paul's to cold h114 ngilation
before entering the ollice. On going
back he found that hie hail mistaken.
experts of thst Hume Itinato 00/11.- 1 The inw luul frequently to decide cases
mercial rivets of Croat Britain: about lucky numbers. A lady (just 11e-
131ee1111 SPer'011 fore the n1)011[1,311 01 lotteries' 111 1020)
1111Ports. Exports wished to purchase the number of the
1005, 1904). 1905. 1906. seat' 14 whieh she WEIS 10,1'11.. 1792; find.
United Eingdont 487 523 3311 370 I ing that this was sold, She bought the
Germ:Lay • • 236 386 276 30t;i nurabr differing from 11 by a cipher
France . 1.87 204 11/0 200 17.002. She 51115 in the
U. S. A. 237 262 829 309 hall when, as she declared, No. 17,092
PAPER-NIANING NIATERIALS. prize, and she brought an action roe
W0(4 audibly pronounced as a 4130,1)004.
New materials from whet. paper eao ears or her imaglealion amust have
the money; but it was proved that her
hcree Taut cactoten tlly ii110.1 a I INyvt4sitteoingh nsd isbeenst,n, I deceived her.
successfully inanufnclured into that
universal substance without which so
many features of modern civilization
could hardly survive. Fine paper elm
be made from corn stalks and from
rice straw. In eddition lo spruce, phut,
ne, nepen, birch, sweet -gum, cot ten-
la11 ()cdM111.1111a1111)1f.111.11c•i.:Psrlc;silsalbnirtynflut‘tv111111°0winlarneett8.
facture of paper. 1111111), cotton, jute,
(111114)0 millet, and othett !therms plants
can nIso le used for this purpose, 1
that there seems to be no danger of a
dearth of paper.
Only eik per cent. 01 all lhe paper
made is used ler snaking books.
liestess•-"Gool-Inetdarling. sorry 1111181' has come fa you
Sir W. ftemsay Anticipates Sliming
Developments Unknown at Present.
Sir W. Ramsay foretold further re.
markable developments 111 ellnneciton
with the radium in the course et a lee.
lure 011 "TI10 TranSMIllit I ioll ol 111o.
ments," at 1110 London Institution re-
"Of receni years." he said, "we have
beconte attgitainted with certain elements
which continually give out energy, per-
haps the beet Ithowit of these being
rtolium. This gives off a. gas, mud e. is
possible that by means of this the com-
position. ef copper, lend end other min.
veal preducts may be made to undergo •
important changes.
"Hitherto the proitesses employed hnve
been too stoat. Wit require to be able to
pour energy into these substances In ' •
enormous quantities, and this, I believe,
can hi, done let radlern, which, when it
05001200 gas, gives off an immense
nmount ot energy, and Mailed In con-
junction with cOpper, lead, and (nee
subeffinces, -must bring aboet some
invest i ga 1 in g; wnd 2,110(3' 510(0110 111101`
111110 ti 1) 1' furtheeParliculars."
sir withal -iv '`exposeir 1111 nneient
Egyptinn . "fake" or 1110 so -culled "Brum.
111111a111"brder. showed n the
outside or whim) was liconze, \\mile ilia
insioc wos lead. '1117 Egyptians, he said,
were very Mover al hullo ling one metal
withanother, met the statuette was 00
doubt "mmte to sell."
THE griliiNnirri 11=11.
(look : "Tiic boarders comploM that
11w soup ffistes 1110e thIn .dishwaler.”
NIrs. S11001114 : "Goodness 1/10 1 Wo
must have forgotto 10 13'1," any onion
in 1" •
13)1)1111110 bus prove fetal to 41 out Of
ery 1,000 infants who die before they
1115 1511011,0 10011108 0111,
is MO region of lhe Only* whore 41
thunders off e11051, having thnuderstornis
on lite avrraga 011 Ittneipseven days ut
the year,.