The Brussels Post, 1906-11-29, Page 19MMINnlia•nonlimmirtIMIMMNOMUM. OM=
Vol.. O6. No, 21
New Advertisements.
Tenni( Connell.
Looale—G, N. McLaren.
Loual—Misses Hubltirk.
Uneasy—G. N. MoLaren.
Buy now—H. L. Jeolteon.
Calves for sale—Robert Blair.
Farm for sale—Eliza Mulligan.
Eye and Ear Surgeon—Dr. Ovens,
Canadian made—F ergneon & Roes.
Early Xma' Suggestions—F. R. Smith,
I • XrXct , ` ttos.
Molertwortl e.
BnowN—DuNnAM —A quiet wedding
took plane at the Preebyteriau manse,
Molesworth, on the 14th Inst., when
William Brown, a well•bo•du retired
farmer of Grey, was married to Mre.
Dunham of town. Rev. Mr. Burnett
tied the knot. Mr. and Mre. Brown will
reside in Listowel on Main street West.
47 r Muton.
The family of W. H. Watt, Clinton,
narrowly °taaped aepbysiatloo Sauday
night by gee from a stove. A large
new baeeburner has been set up, and the
family on returning put in a 'supply of
coal and °hacked the stove, and as a re.
salt the gag escaped, and with the ex.
caption of one daughter, whose bedroom
door was armed, the family of nix were
almost overcome.
Flom.—The fire bell rang about 8
o'clock Sunday night,'almoat causing a
panic in the ahurobee. Two stables
owned by J. W. Irwin, grocer, were
found to be on fire, and could not be
eaved. Wagons, eleighe, harness, a
q'entiby of hay, and about 70 bnehele of
Cute were all deebroyed, but hie two
horses were saved. Mr. Irwin'( Ions will
be ooneiderable, at there was no iueuran•
The staff of the Clinton Collegiate
Iuetitate has been ooneiderably changed
this month. Mr. Gundy, B. A., former.
ly science master at Brauttord, hae been
Metalled no principal, Mien Dalrnage,
B. A., as mathematical teacher, and Mise
Clayton, 13, A., beoomee leacher of
SI, David's ohuroh, Henfryn, hap form.
ed an A. Y. P. A., which meets every
two weeks. They have started with
eighteen members. This number they
hope to Moreau).
Rev. H. P. Westgate gave a very in•
tereebing lecture Mouday evening on his
travels to the Old Land which was en.
joyed by everyone. Miaow) Spence rend
ered songs and solos which were enjoyed
ae well as Mr. Weetgete'e lecture.
'W r.txent't•. r.
W. Downey, of Fordwiah, le now em.
played iu the "Star" (Moe.
Messrs. Jaakeon and Griffith, of Brae
sale, spent last Toeeday in the village.
Mise Btevene, of Fordwiah, spent
Sunday at the home of David Sandereon.
Mrs. John Hartley, of Blyth is visiting
her pareote, Wm. and Mre. Weir, of
Mrs. Irwin returned from New Ontario
lea week where ebe has spent the laet
three months.
Iuepeotor Philips, of the York Motes'
Fire Ineuranoe company epeut Saturday
iu the village.
Rev. L. Perrin gave an eddreee to
young people in the Preebyteriau oburob
Baudey -evening,
J. W. Sanderson, of Toronto, visited
hie parent+, J. and Mrs. Sanderson,
several days of last week.
Rev. J. H. Osterhout, gave an excellent
eermon on the "Faults of young men,"
last Sunday evening in the Methodie'
obutuh. Next Sunday his eobjeot will
be, "The good qualities of young moo."
The obeli is oompoeed of young men.
a_ana,7,McA? as av iagia4 rv._Jdd. u a daata btazi-haZatGly
Eye and Ear Surgeon
IfSpectacles or treatment for Eye,
you re
Ear or hire Eye
doe Glasses,
not fil to see DR. OVENS.
Office : Smith's Drug Store, Brussels
Next Visit—Tuesday Dec. 4th
Hoare :-8 a. m. to 1.30 p. m.
es is Wit' rfri[i'a45u" 4�a4iarisr6tZsMeArsariz5ratMMMeicIigiA
B. A. TliaMpson 81.Co.
Successors to IL C, Davies 86 Co.
E take the liberty of an-
nouncing to the people of
Ethel and surrounding vicinity that
we have purchased the stock of R.
C, Davies & Co., and we solicit a fair
share of your patronage.
Our object will always be to
place before you MERCHANDISE
of the very highest quality. It will
be our pleasure at all times to "show
goods" whether you want to buy or
"just to look
Put us to the
and let us convince you that this
store is offering "good goods" at
Lowest Prices
R. A. Thompson & Co.
Mrs. Scott Black and little daughter
left for Borden, Scotia on Taeeday attar•
noon where they will join Mr, Black
who left here some mouths ago,
The Eckhart family of bell negate gave
a apleupid entertainment in the Metho
diet obareh Wedueeday evening of laet
week. Owing to the very dieagreeable
weather the turnout was not an large as
otherwise would have been. The pro.
Deeds amounted to about $26 00,
W BEI 1.010.
Sunday School Convention Friday
afternoon and evening of (hie week, A
good program will bo presented,
The Methodist Pereonage to to have a
Galt young lady 0e its queen as the
pastor finds it is not good for man to be
Publio Llbray Concert in the A. 0, 13.
W. Hall bore Toeeday evening of next
week. Good program will be presented.
There should be a large attendance end
thereby aid a worthy °aeee.
Walton will likely be well represented
at the Tennis aonoert at Brneeels Friday
evening of next week. itutbveu Mae
Donald, the famous baritone ; Jas. Fax,
the notable homoriet and Geo. Fox, who
makee the violin talk, will constitute Ibe
William Messer has been quite ill this
Mrs. John Burgess visited in Brussels
teat week.
Mien Minnie Paul hae returned (roar
Mae, Grey, of Atwood, vieited relatives
here last week.
A oar of hogs was shipped from here
Met Monday by Meesre. Jewitt
The Bluevale Presbyterian choir was
entertained at Jno. McNaughton'e on
Thursday evening.
The Presbyterian Sdnday School
ohildren are buoy preparing for their
annual entertainment.
George Aitoheeou retained from the
West recently. He is at present vieitiog
friende about Hamilton.
Hubert Jamieson, a nares in training
at Bellevue hospital, New York, is vielt-
ing hie sisters and his tattler here.
The Bell Ringers gave their splendid
entertainment in the Methodist ohuroh
lain Friday night. The audience was
highly delighted.
Rev. W. J. and Mae, Went and Ming
Eva Duff attended the a0uiversary Tea
meeting et Molesworth Presbyterian
church on Monday evening.
On Friday evening of this week there
will be a special meeting of the Miesiou
Band when the obildreo will tell bow
they need their talent money. Rev, and
Mre. Barnett, of Molesworth, will address
the children.
When we counsel early shopping we
are mindful of your interest ae well ae
our own, Our stook is complete and
larger this season than ever.
the very latest and beat in Rings, Brane-
lete, Pearl Set Br000hes and Pins, Lock-
et, and Necklets, Ladies' and Gents'
Chains, Cuff Liuks, &o., &e,
A'•d everything that is found in an up-
to-d•te;,yewelery Store. You oan buy
here at the ttlosest Prices. The quality
of our goods is utteorpasoed. Our guar-
antee is of value to you. We invite your
L, 13. Doff, of the Welland Telegraph
formerly of Bluevale, was one of a party
who made an earnest effort to name a
mem from going over Niagara Falls in a
row boat, but were unable to pave him,
e7 a stoat, reggs le.
The Council met here on Mendel,
W, Kreuter bad a wood bee en Fri
Mies Myrtle Hunter le visiting friends
in thio vicinity.
Peter Sinclair hae had a slight stroke
bat ie improving.
Prayer meeting at John Forrest'( nest
Tuesday evening.
Herb Jeschke and J, Menary left
Tumidity moroiog for Buoteville.
Mr. and Mae. Collie, of Henfryn San.
dayed with her mother, Mre, Goroalite,
Mies Minnie Cameron le on the slot
lief. We hope she will eoo0 be better.
The Y. P. S, 0, E. of Knox ahnroh
purpoee holding a sacred Concert in the
near future.
Mrs. Matilda Ballard, of Clinton,
arrived here thie week where ebe will
make her home for the present.
Mra. John Blair, who its in her Ala
year, and a well known resident, hae
been in poor health for some time and
is now bedfast. She has lived in Grey
township for over 60 yeare. Mr. Blair
panned away 22 yeare ago.
Porter Dennie ie able to be around
again after a very severe attack of typhoid
Alfred Stafford has returned from the
hunter's paradiee bringing with him two
fine deer.
Mae. Alex, Gardiner and Mre. Wm.
Clark were vieitiog at Jae. Mowbray's,
Stratford, reoeutly.
John Haiet and family have Dome to
MuKulop to reeide for a time at least.
They will be welcome residents.
The auction sales of Jae. F. Haokwell
and Andrew Coates were well attended
and priaee were quite satisfactory to the
Wm. Kueohtel and family have got into
their new residence and we hope they
may long enjoy the oomforte and 000•
venienoe of a good house,
The Young People's Circle of the
Bethel Methodist ohurub assembled at
the home of Saooh Barrows one evening
last week and spent a very profitable and
enjoyable time.
The Leadbury beet ring had a meeting
laet Friday night to wind up the brei•
nese for the Beason. The ring hae given
splendid eatietaotion. Great credit no
doubt ie due to the butcher, John Watt.
Rev. Mr. Curry and J. J. Irwine have
been around collecting for the new horse
sheds at Bethel church and every one
responded heartily. The horses will ap•
preaiate the comfortable enoloeore white
their °tenern are enjoying the (services of
the eauotuary.
Jelan eistowet .
Nicholas Niohol is visiting at R. T.
Miller's at present.
Geo. Eokmier hae been appointed
caretaker of Victoria Hall for the ooming
Mre, Geo. Robertson, of Wingbam, ie
visiting her two sone, MacDonald Brae.,
merchants bete.
Thos. Henderson, of Galt, vieited at
the home of hie ao0oin, Mre. R, T.
Miller, last week.
We are sorry to hear that Mre. Polliok
is iodiepoead at present, but hope she
will Boon be better.
MoDouald Broe. have a big stook of
goods for the holiday trade at the poet
office store here in which big bargains
are being offered.
The name et John D. Miller ie men.
tioued as the right sortof material for a
township Councillor if he could be in.
Mead to become a candidate.
We are pleased to hear that R. M.
Simpson, who baa been in the hospital
at Toronto for a while is improving and
hope he will be epeedily restored.
Geo. Mason, of Wingbam, gave a very
intereeting addresein the Hall on Sunday
evening. Rev. Mr. Maunders ie expected
to preach here next Sauday evening.
Friday evening, Deo. 7th is the date of
the Tennis (kneed in Brueeele. The
talent will be A 1. Rnthven MacDonald,
of Toronto, a prima] among baritone
vocalists 1 Jae, Fax, the funniest cornice
that travele and George. Fox, the violin
genine. Plan of reserved seats at Foxe
drug store. Beata should be selected
fleadyMae Sults
For the colder weather we have
now in stock a large range of Ready -
mads Suits and Overcoats for Boys,
Youths and Men. They are Neat, Sty-
lish, well made and good -fitting Gar-
ments. All going at PRICES THA.'1'
Don't Buy Until Yon see TJiem
in the Clothing line call at
W. H. KERR, Prop
Friday, Fvl , Dec, 7th
Chairman's address
Instrumental ........................ ,
Mrs, W. L. Slaloms
Solo The Mighty Deep Jude
Ru Given McDonald
Comic Bong...A Meddler's Medley
James Fax
Violin Solo...Souvenir De Haydn Leonard
George Fox
Solo What the Chimney Sang.., Griswold
Rnthven McDonald
Comic Song...Hooligau'e Fancy Drees Ball..,
James Fax
Violin Solo Logeude Wieulaweki
George Fox
Solo Throe for Jack Squires
Rubhven McDonald
Comic Song Only a Laboring Man
James Fax
Violin Solo Serenade 'Drdla
George Fox
Solo Bing of the Elvoe Davies
Rotbvou McDonald
Comic Song...Bae Onybody Seen ma Brither
James Fax
Violin Solo Selected
George Fox
Solo My Ain Folk...............Lemon
Rnthven McDonald
Conic gong Seismical
James Fax
Violin Solo Robin Adair
George Fax
Doors open at 7.30 Concert at 8
Plan of Reserved Seats
at Fox's Drug Store
Boma say there may be a we.tdtug
Boon in which this locality ie iotereeted.
One of our citizens vieited Ethel, teat
week. While there he lett hie brand new
overcoat, and took an old one, Looks ae
though he had been doing something.
Grey Council will be held here on
December 15th to wind up the buoinese of
the year.
Tutt PORT and Weekly Globe t0 the
diose 0f 1907 to new aubeoribore for $1.35.
Don't borrow any longer.
Last Saturday the Thompson Co. took
charge of the R. 0. Davies et Oo'e. bud.
nese here and they will no doubt do a
large trade, We welcome them to Ethel
as residents and wieb them proeperity.
The pulpit of the Methodist church
was occupied last Sabbath evening by
Eli Smitb, of Brneseele, the pastor sup.
plying for Rev. Mr. Powell, of Brussels,
who was narintined ing
Owl to notelet
4 0
fever in the PNCGDtage.
The illustrated lecture last Friday
eve0tog in the Township Hall by Rev,
Mr. Wilson, of Walkerton, was a moot
pleasing and instructive entertainment,
and it will live in the memory of the
people for a good many days.
Tonna' Oonaert in Brunets December
7th. Ohoioe program by talent of
reougnized merit. Rnthven MoDonald,
the eweeteet of baritone elegem ; George
Fox, who is unexcelled On the violin ; and
the ever funny Jas. Fax. Reserved seat
plat is open al Foxe drug store. The
concert will be a genuine treat,
'Dr, Fergueon and Clerk McIntosh
were upset from the former'° buggy on a
dark night recently North of bare. The
Dr, got quite a (baking up but ie about
o. k. once more. Mr. Mae. cisme off
without a eoretoh, It was fortunate the
vanilla were no worse as they oeoily might
have ,been. ..
Wm. Love, 9th eon„ has diepoeed of
bie 70 sore farm to loaao Gill, of this
locality, for the oom of $4,500, potentiation
being given on January let. Mr. Gill
hae since gold 5d aorea of the flats to All.
Cole, the pries beiug $650. Mr, Love
will not follow farming bat will ale-
Dome a position in a neighboridg town we
hear. We hope be will do well wherever
be locates 0e be is a deaeut fellow. Mr.
Love has announ0ed au emotion Bale of
farm stook, implements &o., for Wednee•.
day, Deo. 12th, at 1 o'clock. F. 5,
Scott will be the Auctioneer.
Dept. Ethel P. S.—V—Examtued in
Aritb„ Geo.. Hist. and Alg•—B. Bate.
man, 88 ; R. Love, 83 ; K. MuLeod, 81 ;
E. Dauber, 80 i R. Engler, 80 ; L.
Cooper, 69; *E. Hemsworth, 62; °B.
McIntosh, 45 ; *E. McKee. IV—Exam,
in Geo.,131st„ m,
end Gra—I,
Heath, 97 i El. Spell., Thompson, 91; R, Preset,
89 ; 0. Dane, 87 ; A. Cooper, 86 ; J.
Bremner, 81 1 0. Haneuld, 69 ; *L.
McLeod, 62 ; *A. MoKee, 53 ; R.
Eokmier, 44 I H. Eokmier, 48 ; *L.
Buechel), 42. Sr. III—Mzom, in Aritb..
Spell„ Hitt. and Geo.—A, Barr, 90 ; F.
Freeman, 88 ; L. McIntosh, 79 ; *F.
McCallum, 77 ; L. Henry, 76 ; V. Mo.
Call, 81 ; L Bugler, 66 ; W. Balmier,
63. Jr, III—Exam, in Arith„ Spell.,
filet. add Geo.—S, Hemsworth, 81 ; 0.
Dunbar, 72; H. Smith, 69 ; J. Oooper,
69 ; E. Maybury, 67 ; R. Lanae, 61 ; E.
McLeod, 50 ; °F, McKee, 58 ; *R.
Thompson, 45. * Absent from one or
more examinations. L. A. SHANNON,
Principal. Jr, Depart.—Sr. I1—P,
Bateman, N. Nonce, 0, Eokmier, Il'
Dobson, S. Engler, 0. Cooper, S. Straoh,
un, N. Addy, V. Pollard, Ill, Ranter.
Jr. II—R, F,okmier, R. Goatee, R. Heme•
worth, G. Eokmier, E, Heath, G. Colo,
E. Fergaeon, A. Ward, W. Thompson.
W. Toe, Pt, II—D. McKee, R. Dolman.
M, Coates, lir. I—H. Freeman, L
Longeway, S. McDonald, F. Senders, L.
Dane, O. McCallum, S. Gill, L. Tbibi
dean. Jr, I—G, Pollard, A. Longeway,
E. Eckmier, L. Hemsworth, J, Heath,
L, Ward, R. Yoe, W. Cole, S. Thibideau,
A, G, SwtTZsa, Teacher.
lkfeyaintorrran, The home of Andrew
and Mae. Waimea woe a Boone of interest
on Wednesday, 14th inst., when at the
hour of 6 p, m., Rev. D. B. McRae, of
Oranbrook, tied the matrimonial how be-
tween James E. Brown, eon of Committer
John Brown,100b coo., Grey, and Mies
Lizzie L., only daughter of the host and
hostess. Ceremony took plow ander an
evergreen arch and in front of a bank of
flowers. The bride looked very pretty in
white Bilk, parrying a boquet of white
roams and Lily of the Valley. Her neva.
Mg Bait was blue broadcloth witb blue
velvet hat trimmed. wall white plume.
Mien Alice Davies played the Wedding
March in excellent style. After 000grat-
ulationo were over the happy company
were invited to the dieing room where an
elaborately spread table was set and at
wbioh all did ample jaetiee to the good
cookery of Mre. McInnis. The wedding
gifts were numerous, ueefal and valuable.
Mr. and Mre. Brown have taken up resi-
dence on the groom's fine farm, 10th
con., where they begin married life with
the beet wishes of many Irienda, Tao
PORT in the number,
Gre v.
Next meeting of the Counoil will be
held in Ethel on the Statutory date,
Deo. 15th.
We are pleased to see Eddie 0olli0
around again after a severe attack of
typhoid fever,
Mies Mamie McEwen, of Leadbary,
wee a visitor at the home of Wm. Arm.
strong, lob sou., durlog the past week.
A good program will be rendered at the
Publio Library Concert to be held in the
A. 0. U. W. Hall Welton, Tuesday even.
ing of next week. Reserve the date.
Mise. B, Milligan spent the past week
with her slater, Mrs. G. 0, Bawttnbeimer.
We are sorry to state that the latter, who
hae been very ill, ie not improving very
We are sorry to hear that Obae. End•
eon's health is not ae vigorous as his
numerous friends would desire to Rhe it
but we hope a change for the better will
speedily edeas.
The annual publio sabool examination
of S. B. No.4, will be held on Friday,
Deo. 21st. There will ales be a Oonoert
at night and as a lively program oom
mittee ie at work a good time may be
expected. Don't mise it.
Don't forget the entertainment in S.
B. No. 6, on Friday Deo. 21st. an exoel.
lent program ie being prepared by the
eobool and good talent from Ethel and
other places. Lunch will also be served,
Mee Florence Armstrong, Teacher.
Wm. Brown, of Grey, who has been a
resident of Liseowel minae his marriage
on Wednesday night Nov, 14th met with
a severe aooident, due to a fall on an
icy sidewalk on Saturday moruiug. He
wee going down the main street hill near
hie home Listowel, when hie foot slipped
and be fell, striking hie head a heavy
blow on the walk. He was parried to the
house and did not recover e0000b000naes
0111 next day, and ae blood flowed from
an ear it was feared that the bursting of
a blood veeael would canoe seriane injury.
He is tonal] better, and good hopes are
now entertained that he will make a
a eed
P y recovery.
.`lo rrneo.
J. L. and Mae. Lloyd and Master Jim
Bhuttlewortb, of Mount Forest, were
visitors at John Manning's for a few
George Davie, 5th line, is on hie way
borne from the Weet where he spent the
Summer but is vieitiog relatives et
Barrie en route,
We are sorry to bear that Miee Lizzie
daughter of Wm. McCall, 7th line, ie on
the nett list bot we bupe she will Boon be
better, She was threatened with appeal.
did tie,
Lost Sunday afternoon the eervioe in
Jackson's 'March was taken by W. H.
Kerr, of Brussels. The pastor was
preaohing anniversary eermone at
H. 0. Pugh hae been re•engaged to
teach in the atone eobool house for 1907.
The salary will be $600.00, He has a
flue section and we wieh him a good
year. Mr. Pogh has a University oonree
in view.
Tuesday evening of next week a Pablia
Library Concert will be given in the
A. 0. U. W. Hall in Walton that mnet
not be overlooked. Good talent will be
present, both looal and outside. We'll
have to attend.
Leat week Francis Dnnonn arrived
home from a stay of aeveral months in
ebe West during which he aided in the
harvest and threshing. He enjoyed Ms
visit. When he left they were having
quite a little Winter.
A publio eobool entertainment in con•
neation with S. S. No. 5, will be held in
the Township Hall on the evening of
Monday, Deo. Brd. Mies Minnie Ker is
the teeoher. The oheir will be taken by
M. Black, a former well known teacher,
now of Brussels. A good progam will be
Next Sabbath anniversary services
will be held iu the Jaokeou ohnrah, 8th
line. Rev. Wm. Fenian, a former pastor
now of Monkton, will preaob at 10 a. m.
and 3 p. m. The moatoal examine will
Moreau) in interet by the atnging of
Norman Murch, of Blyth, and possibly
the ohoir of the Methodist (thurab Blyth.
It kaativer 4 yeare since Mr, Penball re•
Moved from this circuit and he will be
heartily welcomed, Rev. Mr. Anderson,
the pastor, will supply at Montq on
Be 1 g'x-uive.
W. K. Whaley has been very ill last
week witb quinsy but we are pleased to
hear he ie improving now.
Mre. Naylor, who is residing at present
with her danghter, Mre, Chas, Bell, le i11,
We hope she will Goon be well again,
Mre, Gray, dangbter of Wm, MoOrea,
Belgrave, and her eon, Willie, started
Monday for their hotne in California.
Mrs. Gray hae been visiting here foe 'tome
An old and higbly rependted resident of
Belgrave in the person of Mre, Iitth,
Stonehenge paned away Friday morn-
ing, Deceased had been HI for some
montbe. Interment wee made in the
Brandon cemetery.
OBITUARY,-- Elizabeth Rabb, beloved
1, wile of Richard Stonehouse, of Belgrave,
paesed away peaoefally on Fridny
{ moraine, Nov. 23rd, at the of
years• Mr. and Mre. Stonehageouse eat78-
fled on a farm neer Belgrave over
forty yeare ago, having experienced
all the hardabipa of pioneer life. They
made for themselves a oomforteble borne,
but some yeare ago eold to one of their
Bene, and moved into Belgrave, Mre.
Stouehouee was connected with the
Metbodtet oharub. She wire a kind wife
and a devoted mother of a family of three
moue and Ave daugbtere, all of whom will
°berine kind reoolleotions of a dear
mother taken away. Sbe leaves besides,
to mourn her lone, a Borrowing husband.
The sous are—James, of Dungannon t
Robert, of Belgrave ; and Joeeph on the
homestead. The daughters are Mae.
Nixon, of Rapid City Man. ; Mre. Burney,
of Exeter ; Mre. Russel, of Saginaw ;
Mich„ Mre. Wilkinson, of Eeuattaba,
Mich„ and Mre. Hopper, of Morrie,
They were all at the home of their da.
ceased mother to attend the funeral.
The servioee were oondnoted in the
Methodist ohuroh, Belgrave, by Rev.
G. W. Rivera, aaeteted by Rev. T. Sted-
man, of Bayfield, a relative of the deceits.
ed, the pallbearers being her three eo00
and three eone•inlaw. The bereaved
family deeire to express their gratitude
to the people of Belgrave and viotnity for
their kindness to them in the hour of
their bereavement and daring the incase
of the dimmed.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Counoil met auuording to adjourn•
went in the Donooil room on Nov. 19th.
Members all present, the Reeve in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting read
and confirmed. A petition wan present.
ed by Robi McKenzie and others caking
the Conned to appoint an arbitrator to
consider the advisability of forming a
Union Sohool Section in the vicinity of
Belgrave. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded
by Mr. Yoodl that no aottou be taken.
Carried, Tenders were then reoeived
for the ooeetreution of the proposed
Kelly drain, and the tender of Ntolloleon
and Regio, being $3,459, for the work
notionmding oulverte, was found to be
the lowest. On motion of Councillors
Kelly and Youtll the above mentioned
tender was accepted on condition that
eatiofaotury oeoarity for the oompletion
of the work be tarnished. Auoouote
were ordered to be paid ae follows :-0,.
Proctor, putting in culvert, $1 00 ; P.
Eilisoo, cleaning drain and putting in
culvert, 818.50; George Armstrong,
putting is oalvert, $1.50 ; McKinnon
Bros„ filling on 4th line near Belgrave
0100100, 827 77 ; Robt. Torvey, drain
across road and line, 83.50 ; Wm. Torvey,
drain across road ou 2nd line, $3.50 ;
Joseph Youilt, digging 5 rode Dookeo
drain and drawing tile and pnttiug in
oalvert, $17.50 ; Joseph You'll, draw-
ing tile, $1 25 ; Robt. Shedder), putting
in culvert, $1.25 ; Jno. Colotough, grading
and gravelling, $23.00 ; Wm. Wille, tile
°elvers on South boundary, $5.00 ; D.
MoDonald, repairing bridge, $6 60;
Bielby and Phelan, repairing bridge,
$10,00 ; Thos. Bielby, dement culvert,
$400; Wm. Taylor, plena, $1.40; B.
Walker, nee of scraper, 60e ; Wm. Mo.
MoOraokeo, culvert, $1.50 ; Wm. Ander.
eon, repairing road, 81,50 ; D. W. Camp.
bell, repairing bridge, $300 ;Wm. Rut.
ledge, putting in drain, $7.10 ; D. Jewitt,
gravel and damage, $5.49 ; Jotdan and
Cardiff, drawing tile and putting in
oulverte, $8,50 ; Juo, Manning, tile and
work, $5 85 ; Edward Bryan(, wire for
East bdy, $6 00 ; Wm. Riley, gravelling
on East bdy, $36 25 ; Jae. Bolger, in•
epeoting on Boat bdy., $750; T. S. Bran•
don expense re Promoted
audit $6.00 ; P.
McNabb, drain and putting in culvert,
$7.90 ; R. B. Alooak, cleaning drain,
53 50 ; R. B. Al000k, filling and digging
drain opposite lot 14, con„ 7, $75 00.
The Oonnoil will meet again on the 16th
day ot December. W. OKARS, Clerk.
Buoial in Melville ohuroh Thursday
evening of Ms week under the auspice
of the Young People.
Leet Sunday W. 13. Kerr took Rev. S,
Aandereon'e work ot Blyth iu the morn.
ing and Jaokeon'e ohuroh, Morrie, in
the afternoon. The pastor was absent at
}nekton, a former charge, preaching am
niversary sermons.
Rev. Mr. Wiebart was in hie own
pulpit last Sabbath and discoursed in the
morning from St, Lake let obapter and
13th vase, "The preciousness of the
Beal" wee the evening theme, the text
being Psalm 49 and 8th verse.
At the regular meeting of the Quar.
tarty Official Board of the Central Meth-
odist ohuroh, Stratford, a unanimous
invitation was extended Bev, G. F. Sal.
ton, Ph. D., of the Dominion Square
Methodist ohuroh, Ottawa, to become
pastor of Central next January, Rev.
Mr. Salton is one of the best known di.
vines of the Methodie( °hutch, and it
is understood that Carleton street Meth.
odiet ohuroh, Toronto, Was also consider.
ing an invitation to him, It was de.
aided to make soma recognition of Rev.
Dr. Langford's jubilee to December, he
being then fifty yeare in the ministry.
Rev. Mr. Balton tette a former pastor of
Brussels Methodist ohuroh.
"True Wiedom" was the theme chosen
by Rev. D. F. Armstrong, B, D., of
Ethel, loot Sabbath morning in the.
Metbodiet ohuroh bere from whiob a
thoughtful diatoms was given. In the
evening be gave a rousing Temperance
addrees.ohoosing the words "Go Fon.
ward" as his text, The duty of the
Government, the eleetore, the young
mon and partioularly Obrietian men
and women was set out and an array
of Mete presented that oaunot be out,
troverted. It was an address not noon
to be forgotten and one Met amid
olhnulato all who had tate good tontine
to bear it. Tho pastor, Rev. R, 0,
Powell, wan atilt in quarantine and un.
able to be present. All Biline of the
lever have disappeared and the card
will goon be removed from Abe Parsonage,