The Brussels Post, 1906-8-23, Page 8Get Rid of the Flies Nothing is more irritating than the presence of Flies iu the house, especially in the warm weather when a person wants to take a nap. O U F L"Ir RI V' ah will clear your house of Flies in a very short time. 5o. Jac/ale "Death, to .Fties" Lo. Paekasfe 10c. " Wilson's Fly PacZs 10c. " Taailefoot, 4 Sheets for 5c. We also have Insect Powder and Insect Powder Blowers. For Sealing Jellies or Catsup Bottles try Paraffin Wax, 20 cents for one pound cake F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. XXTEneioN W. 0. & 5. 'Trains leave Brunets libation, North and South, as follows: Goma HOVE GOING Solna, Mall 7:05 am I Mixed fan am 1:45 p.m Expretie...... 0;02p.m l Express 851 p,m Ai' It( c'll `41eivs 3t.emS A chiel's etnang ye takir ' notes, An' faith prent is. HOT Mather. Alonec morniug'e rain was delightful, WE. JEWITT 1301(1 hie driver 30 4 LiE140. we! buyer. 25 cents, in advance, paye for THE POST 30 J1313. 183, 1907. BARR Boos. shipped a oar of cattle to TorOuto and e doable chick of lambs the same point. COURT Princess Alexandria, 0. 0. F , B3118E319, will meet iu regular session next Tuesday evening. COUNTY Board of Examinere will meet at 8eaforth on Saturday of this week. Inepealor Robb Rud Principal Oatneron are membera. THE two lost brooches advertised in Ian week's issue have been restored to their thankful owners. Advertising of the right obarnater pays. Tux Poor is indebted Do the Winghana Adenoma for the full and exultant report ot the Wingham District Summer School to be found on page 4 01 this week's is• eue, Tam frame building, adjoining the Standard Bank, belonging to 13. Gerry, has been much improved by a new dress of paint, Dr. AleNanghton has leased the premises for his oflioe. FRIDAY Sept,, 719 ie the date of an. other Harvest Help Exeursion to the Weet. The tare is the same 58 on the last one. Further partioalare may be obtained by reference to the eclat. ou page 5 of this issue. BL•na Base ball boys came bere last Thursday and played a friendly game with a pinked up team here. Several of those who um:telly play were oat of town or unable to take part. There was lots of fan over the manta. The visitors won. THE G. T.11. will ieeue special rates to Toronto Exhibition, good going on Angun 28th, 30th, Sept. let, oth and 719 for 32.60. All other days the fare will be $3.50. Single fare rates for Leber day will be issued ou the let, Zed aud 3,5 to return on the 419 to all parte of Ontario. Seveass. Brusselitee witneeeed She Coriuithian—Seaforth Foot Ball rennet in the latter town Wedneeday eveniug, The result was a tie 1-1 and was a splen- did game free from roughness or ditapnte. A very large crowd, then Bay 5,000, witueseed the game, The Old Country team walloped Toronto 6-0, so the Hue. one must still be cook of the walk. EXPERT 3II0GE5.--Ill oonneolion with East Huron Fall Fair Expert Judges will make the awarde. The following is the Government appointed liet 6—Ligitt Horses, A. G. Pettit, Grimsby ; Heavy Bones, J. A. Boag, Ravenshoe ; Beef Cattle and Sheep, E. Parkinson, Bra- man ; Dairy Cattle and Swine, J. W. Clark, Caiesvilie, Other well known venom; are being invited to complete bbe list of Judges. A LARGE B011001.—The Central Bud - nese College, of Stratford, le one of the largeet Boolean Oolleges in the Provinoe. It le AD old and well eetabliehed school which has plead a great many young men and young women oc the road to tenons. We have been informed that no other sin:tiler 'wheal in Ontario itradnatee go many and V.0 the same time iamb a large peroentage ot its students aa the 0. B. 0„ of Stratford, All emanates; secure good positious. Those laterested 05 EL praotioal eduoatioa should write the eollege for 4 catalogue. The Fall Terra opens on Sept. 4413. BONORED.-3. Anderson Coniter, of Ingersoll, son of Mrs. AL A. Coulter, of Settforth, formerly of Brueeele, has bean rented to the p081110n of Mayer of Ingersoll, to unposed the lute Mr. Boles 'ho died a few weeks ago. The follow. ing comments appeared in one of the Itatarday dailiee and ehowe the high esteem in whiob Mr. Coulter ie deserved. .y held by the good people of Ingersoll. "Alnyer.eleot Ooolter is recognized as tine ot Ingersoll's brightest young busi. 0,088 men, When approaohed in reteren• tte to ooneentieg to allow his name to go before the eleotore for the me,yorality, he Imitated, iv10 es his reason that he Nast a bray man. He was then Konrad he well 543 at the nomination meeting, t hat the towu of Ingersoll enlisted a burly than ne her chief inagietrate. Nineteen ears ago Mayor•eleat Onultee entered the I hipping department of the John :tiforrow Machine Sinew Works ht a salary of 34 per week, To- iqty he ie the president and meager of ne John Morrow Machine Works and On hi manager of another large oonoern 1:011155 large beelines. Ingersoll knows tio more popular or worthy align," Mr, tloulter hae many Mende in Huron lonnty who will be platten to hear of Lis appointment. Grace wanted at the Knitting Faolory, Bruseele. WEDNESDAY Wm. Jewitt ehipped a 041 of bop to Colliegwood. Duman and whiffietree found. The owner may have same by proviug prop. arty and paying for thie local, Taft Posm. W. E. Duman has purchased another be.rberie chair which will give him three. Thia will faoilitate operatioue on busy days and eights. OWING to the abeences of P. J, MoDon• aid in the West James MaArter and G. R. Stubbs will complete his 000515018 and look after his work generally. CHATELENE DAG containing puree with a sum of mousy, lost on Thursday after- noon between Graham'e Survey, Brunie and Ewan'e Carriage Shop. Fin- der will please leave at Tan Poem, To NIGHTS no To Bea Roca( will be preeented Thursday evening of next week in the Town Hall by Raymond & Poore'e well known Co. They have a good baud. See their advt. is this ieese. New grain ig being marketed already. The market report will be en item of interest to the farming oomnauuity especially. Brussels buyers are ready to reoeive aoy quantity of grain at the highest possible price. Tait baseball team is expeoted to go to Blyth oo Friday afternoon of this week to play a return match. The nixie will be picked from the following players :—Geo. Ross, Frank Stratton, A. Kerr, Jno. Habkirk, J. Little, R. Brown, L. Kerr, Jas. Straohau, Frank Stratton, jr., A. T. Oarrie, W. Griffith, A. good game should be played. BACK 50011 THE COMM.—Saturday evening Robert Thomson arrived beet to town from a heathen trip to Winnipeg and the Ceest, He had an enjoyable and neonatal onting whiob wilt yield good profits in the promotion of hie produce badness. Alfred Beaker did not come home with Mr. 2.'homeon3 but 'stayed off at North Deflate to visit rel- atives. Mr, Baker invaded in some Winuipeg tote, and farm property as well which we hope will yield him good re- turns. RtrEAWAY.—At the recee Weduesday afternoon Dr. liloKelvey'e horse ran away owing to the bridle coming off and the miracle was that more serious damage was not done. The runaway rig oanght Geo. Brown's buggy and gave it a bad twist and threw Chas, Alderson's dangh• ter down, breaking a rib and doing other damage, Alex. McKelvey, who was in °barge of the equine, wae precipitated to the ground but escaped without muoh injury. The runaway struck the Judge'e naiad when hone and buggy dissolved partnerehip, Ma. Ennoa.—Nothing short of a charge of grape shot has been fired at my devoted head through the eeveral polemics ot your newsy paper, but for tunately nein of them took elect owing to the inaconrate aim of the markeman and the eatety of the ground upon which I stand, and I am living to explain to my old friende, the ORURO of each an eruption. To persona who understand the situation, they will see wells and pleadings for mercy and sympathy in every one of the numeroas squibs that appeared in ao many columns of last week's issue of Tim PoeT. Knowing well for whom the deadly arrows were must, I most emphatically eay, I never heard of the "fsAee rumor" until I saw it spattered over the facie of Tao Poem, and I pity Dr. Bane or any other Masi. nese man who finds it necessary to resort to each tenths to place hie praotioe or other business on better footing. Looks to nee like cheap advertleing, which would be right in hie Hoe. The rumor had its origin in hie own fertile brain as it bears compariton with other re. marks he is known to have made, and just as groundless,. I must congratulate Dr, Burns on hie admirably selected heading for hie little pleas, and will not oppose him on that score, as it is exactly what he °elle it. Now, Dar. Editor, to pat the thing right, he has time and again mede the assertion and left the impression that he bought y tartan and officio es well ae my praotioe and good- will. Thie he did not, and if I know my. self never will. He agreed to bay and pay for my practice and good will. Even this he did not do, and I am in position to prove before may Court in the lend that his failure in not doing the guaranteed amount of work, was doe largely to his own indolent habits, and arca bring forward witnesses to prove that on account of his fondness for the etas easy thing that patients left hie door and employed other doctors who were only too willing and ready to at• hand to their °elle, no matter et what time of night or day it might be. This is not the only dangerous manner in which this 80018 gentleman bee beau handling my name, and when the time le ripe the public will know, and it may tarn ont a shook to some of his Mende, neverthelen, I have hhe document it my poeseseion. l ana not here to rain die. enhance, only to preserve my own tereste in a legitimate Way, and to pro. 1801 myself againet the nneerupaleue at. Wake made by an importation I mods during my siokneen for whirth I have had many times, great reatione for regret, and feel that I owe my old patiente an apology. I remain, eto., J. A. IdoNruanTox, Brunie, Aug., 2019, 1906, %OR 11•••••141010Y,111 ain•m••••••••••••••1Ial11•Milwr.a.....,J.. Standard Bank of Canada :sts.TA.37a.,xszinza= 5E172 stumps, OR RESERVE POND 1,000,000 TOTAL 8681078 OVER 10,000,000 A. Geneva]. 11Ba taking; 13 u sin e ss T ran sa cted SAVINGS BANK.Ye'.— Interest paid from date of deposit to date of withdrawal at higheet comet rates and compounded half -yearly. Joint Depoitit Accounts—A SPECIAL CONVENIENCE 111 080 In our 2501,150 00' partment iii the ',Joint Depoeit" Recount. Money may be deposited or withdrawn by either of tbe two members of the household. Time system la a great oonven. mime to many residing In town, but wore partioularly ee to humors, as in the latter 04180 whether 0100 00 wife comes to town either can attend to the Banking, Au. other feature of the eystem in that in ease 01 the death of either party the money can be withdrawn by the survivor without cost. We will tell you mere about our mothoda 10 700 will kindly cull or write. aiarried Women and ninon may ;nuke and withdraw deposits without 5116 10. tervention of any pertion, SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE -KEEPING only for which no °barge is made. • YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our careful and nurteous attention. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, 093, MANAGER, J. F. ROW LAND, Mitaams. 'NO Du. Ovene, M. D., London,"Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brunetti, on the tiret Tuesday in each month. Hours, 8 a. 01. to 1.90 p. In. Cataract, point, failing eyesight, deafuesa and nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next vielt, Tarp dey, September 719, Flynn:Earn—The St. Thomas Times of Aagust 17th, gives the following note, the groom being a former Brueselite, son of Biebop Ward now of Bt. Themes ; --"A quiet and pretty wedding took plaoe Wedneaday evening, Janne A. Ward, of St. Thomae, and Mise Martha Wiley being married by Rev. Dr. Gundy. Atter the ceremony the party repaired to the resiclenoe of B. Ward, father of the groom, where a deinty breakfast was nerved. The many beautiful presents the young oouple reoeived,:testify to their populerity," Mr. Ward's old friends here wish him and his bride many pros penes years. CLoSE OALL.—Ae Thos. Telfer, of Grey, was driving a cattle beast to the G. T. It yard bare for ehipment Wednesday morning, it took a contrary fit and in at• tempting to get away Mr. Telferai toot got oanght in the loop oo the rope and he was dragged on the road by Ibe animal from Alex, Ellie, Queen Oren, to John Hill's. The beast falling gave the tradi. ing man a Aaiun to release himself. He was very badly bruised. Ready fiends came to hie Resistance but the now' en. raged bovine bad eventually to be lagged to the pens at the tail end of a wagon. We hope Mr. Tinter will suffer no serious results from the accident. eDOORSTILP CONCERT.—The Ladiee' Aid at the klethodiet churoh Brnesele is to be congratulated on the tenons of the enterainment on the Parsonage lawn on Tuesday evening. A. very well rendered program W38 presented from the verandah of the Pareonage, 13, Gerry presiding se Ohairman. Among the meritorieue con. tributious were seleatious from the Sebbath School Orchestra ; eoloe, by Kies Carrie Giugeton, Mrs. W. H. Willie, of Seaterth, Mies Thane Gerry, J. T. Wood (in Genoa.) and James %mobilo trio, by Mines Sharpe and Gerry ; duet, by Mieeee Wilkinson ; readings by Mies aosie Buchauan 1 reoitations by Misses Minnie MoNaughton and Nora Maunders, and addresses by Rev. E. 0. Powell and Rev. A. 0. Wisher, B. A., of Melville church, the oream, lemonade, oake, eta. were served. The precise& will be applied on the $100 the !adieu undertook to raise toward the extinction of the ohurch debt on Nov. 16th. There was nota poor number on Thursday evenings program and the large audience paid good attention to the door step rendi• Hons. PERSONAL PA 11 AGRA P HS. Robt. McAlpine ie visiting in town. Brine Scott, of Palmerston, is in town, Thoe, Rose, of Oheeley, was a visitor in town. A. T. Oooper, of Clinton, was in town on Thureday. Fred. Hayorott, of Brantford, was 10 town attending the races. Mise Grace Rodgere, of Lietowel, is the guest of Mies Kate Wilaon. Andy Bishop, who bee been in Brant• ford, ie holidaying in town. Editor Oarr of the Wroxeter Star, called on Tog POST on Thursday. Herb. Ouneinghem, of Stratford, was a visitor eA hie home for a few days. Miss Ida Wells, of Zurich, is the poet of her again, Mies Leoa Beaker, Brute. wale. Mrs, W. H. Willie and eons are vieiting in town. Mr. Willis was here over Sunday. Will, Hayeroft, of Hamilton, is vieit• ing hie mother, Mrs, Thos. Ethyoroft, John street. Miss Ida Wood, of Aincardine, is the gent of Mies Mary Forbes and other friends in town. Joe Thomson, ot Montreal ie here on a visit, the guest of his mother, Mre. J. Thompson, Tureberry street. Will. D. Ouueley, of Stretford, was here for a few days visiting hie mother and sister and other relatives. Geo. Howe, of Wroxeter, accompanied by his brother from England, were °all. ing on old friende in town on Friday, Dongald Ferguson, of Teeewater, and Tom Ferguson, of Erin, were here We week on a short visit with relative; and friends. W. F. Scott, of Ottawa, ie a holiday visitor in town with relatives and old frienda, Re generally bobs up about race time, Word Inn been received of the sate landing of Wm. Turnbnil and daughter on the far side of the briny after a de• lightful voyage. Rev, and Mre, Hann and ohildren, of Fordwiob, were ostlers on Rev, D. G, and Pars. Powell, at the Methodist Par. swage lag Thneeday. Norman Smith left on Wednesday of ado week for Prinoe Albert, where he hair neared a position. We Wish him mons. He's 11 line young man. Norman MoGuire, W130 bee been living at Preston, le going West to try his fortune. Be ie a eon of A, McGuire, Brssels, and formerly on TIM Porn rang, gas. Stream had the misfortune to have his Angers on hie right band split open on Friday evening last at Victoria Park while practicing catobing behind the bat. Dare. Laing and Mise Lottie, of Mee. lroka, and Min Della Gillespie, of Sea. forth, wore visitors; at W. Gilleepie% Ring aired, this week. 111re. Laing is Mr. Gillespie's tont. Jack Walker, of Teeswater, 0050 10 town on Saturday. Robt. Rose, of Kineardine, wee in town on Wednesday. Frank Stratton, jr. was it visitor in Toronto Ieet Thursday. Mies Myrtle Elitist, of Atwood, is visiting relebives in town. ktise Nellie Orr, of Wingharo, was visiting friends 10 town tine week. Alex. and Sam Walker, of Teeewater, were in town Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. J. W. Somers was on the eiok list dories the poet week bat is improving nicely now. Mre. Wm. Sample, of the Canadian Soo, accompanied by tbe ohildren, are viaitieg at Robt. Sample's, Rev, Ezra G. Powell and family drove to Fordwich on Thursday and vieited Rev. Par. Hussar end family. Jno, Kerr, one et Wingham's hustling merchant:, was in town ou Tuesday evening tor a (maple of hours. Mrs. MoGoffin, Miss Moore sad the forreerie greudeon, of Olevelaud, Ohio, are visitors with Wm. MoEwan. The Misses Gaynor, who were ill with typhoid fever, are recovering nicely and will soon be as well as ever we treat, Frank 'Mister, of Tilsonburvie visiting at the home of • his mother, Mrs. F. Oliver, William street, for a few days. A. letter from the Weet says Finlay Scott, sou of F. S. Scott, of Brussels, is gaining in health which is good news, Mrs. Edwared Lee and Mies Lee of London, are gueete ot hire. 7, Farrow. The former and the beaten are oonsine, Mieeee Habkirk and Strachey; and Mrs, McKinley are in the oity looking up the Fall fashions in Millieery and buying goods. We are sorry to state that Mies Sarah Heist is not enjoying very robust health just now but we trust she wilt soon be fully restored, Mrs. D. M. Seat left a short time ago for the West to joiu her husband. They will tarry in the 25880 - time -ab Melton, Aesinabois, Alias Nellie O'Brien and Master John Watson, of Galt, were holidaying at the latter's, grandfather, P. Woteoo, Queen street, and in McKillop for some weeks. Tan POST is sorry to leen that Andrew 0ousley, formerly of Brussels, now of Gladstone, Man., does not improve in health. Re has been practically off work for [About two yeare, Mrs.. Richard Roe, Brunets South, bee been quite ill and nutter the dootor'e oare, but we are pleased to state that she n materially improved and we hope ebe will soon be oonvalenent. Will. and Frank Ardell, accompanied by their amain Miss A.rdell, all of Gerrie, left last Friday for the Weet. The three an well known in Brueeele all baying bad employment here at various times. Sam. and Jae. Beattie, of Berrie ; Robb. Beattie, of Wii_ham ; and John Beattie, of Oheeley, former reaidente, were in town this week attending the races. The lint mentioned plumps the nate at 300 pomade, Hie chestnut mare won let money in the 2,22 pace on Wed. needay, Misses; May Smith Gerty Ross, Elsie Wilton and Mary Dark, of Bras - se's and loaality, will attend the Normal School at London. The Model School at Clinton will have as pupils from this amnion Mines Oarrie McOre.oken, Jennie Banda, Belle Henderson and Finlay Fraser. Elise Beatrice McNair will attend at Godard). An old and well known resident in the person ot Thos. Town was shaking hands with old friende this week. He ORM8 from Buffalo to Blair, near Galt, to attend the !fluent of Mre. Kiefbaber, Mrs. Town's mother, who died Wednee. day of last week, at the advanced age of 80 years. It ie 3 years since Mr. Town was here but he looks jut as natural as whet be removed 20 years ago. fare. E. B. Grandy, of Cleveland, is renewing old friendships in Brussels and looality. She ie the youngest daughter of Detre. Jno, Hayoroft, Queen street, end a sister to Mre. R. Hingston and will be remembered by a goodly number in We looelity as Miss Louie Ethyaroft. Mr. .Grandy was in business in Brussels for eeveral years. Wednesday, 1559 met,, "Fair View" cottage, the ooey home of Mrs. Dan, Stewart, Antigonish, 33. S., was the scene of a very pretty "AA Home," given in honor of Ontario friende, among whom were :—Dare. N. L. McDonald, the Misses Lizzie and Zetta Ferguson, Miss Libbie MoLanohlin, all•of Sydney C. 13, and Mrs. James Broadfoot, Mre. P. Sympeon and Mrs. Dan. Stewart, formerly of Bruesels, but now of Antigoniah, the pretty little Nova Scotian town. Harvey Btiolattuan, of Wapella, Sask., formerly of Brunie, bas removed to Margaret, Manitoba, where ho will teaoh this year. Be was a member of the Championship Foot ball team Nebo (nth. tared the pennant for Saskatohewaa Province, the conoluding match being at Regina. Each player of the winning team was presented with a gold medal. If all the membere of the club played tie hard a game as Harvey they could hardly rein abampionehip honors. Odin Linte Mt:May, teaoher of Oranbrook school, witnessed the game in Regina and oiteered for the viotors. "Old Faithul," a noted Sioux brave, is dead at Portage la Prairie, aged 107. The body of George S. Skinner, the London anon railway conduotor, who walked off the pier at Port Stanley, bag been rectovered. The second eon of Janne Cordell, of Sarnia township, ie dead from eating toadetoole, and the little daughter is in a onion oondition, THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—AuthorIzedi 85,000.000 CAPITAL—Paid up 1,000,000 RESERVE and SurpluOreflle: 1,188,138 Directors 8. J., 39001010,D. 51, THOMPSON, 08.0. " President. Vicsa•Preetaent, 51100, 00,51150500, 5,L.A. IMO nowon 1015,10, MORTIMER OLARX, 11,0, JAB. 1151115 20/658 EIRSTRI300X W. D. 11088, - General Manager THE METROPOLITAN BANS le open to receive the accounts of Farmers, Marabouts add Huainan Community generally and to give careful coniaderation to all propagate submitted to it. It relfeii upon its pagt record for courteous treatment of Its One. tomers, and will extend every ooneideration con [indent with agouti booking to those wart may desire to traueoot 'mailmen with ft, SaVINGS AVM DEMISSIVEINT Interest at HIGHEST OTJEREN'T BATES allowed on all non of 51 and upwards BRUSSELS BRAHOH W. 3. FAWCETT, Manager, Exadayor George Haddon died at Pio. ton. Monday, September 3rd ie Labor Day and a etautory holiday. The High end Public &rools reopen for the Fall term on Tuesday September 4th, At Esterhazy, Saak., Jr. Perreny was brinhed off a freight oar by soother oar, and falling on the freak was out in two. Pierre Compose, a Montreal letter. oarrier, suepeeted ot stealing money from lettere, was trapped by mattes of deooy lettere, He aonteased. Mies Mary MaAnlay, nine and house. keeper of Rev. Father McAuley, priest ae New Ireland, N. 13,, was murdered der. ing the priest's absence, and the anti). oritiee suspect a sailor named (Iodine, to whom the priest gave a home, and who ie missing with a large num of money. Business Locals. STOVE WOOD taken in exobenge for oedar poete. ABRAHAM 000E, Brussels. Snoop hand robber tire buggy, in good ooudition, for sale at a bargain. EWAN & 00. Wants saws are dell and oat of true take them to MoGnsen and he will reuew. MIll St., Brussels, Ont. To Lom.—Dwelling roma above store soft water and other convenienees. Im• mediate ponession, I. 0. RIMED% WANTED.—Good reliable lady to take ordere for our tailor-made aostames and skirts. Write quickly, Dominion Garment Co., Guelph, Oat. Fon Sam,—Oonefortable dwelling, aoree of land, ohoioe fruits and bard and soft water and situation convenient to school. I. 0. BIM/done. Quntras of mixed slabs for eale. Will Mao have a good enpply of kindling by Sept. let, 51.25 per cord for either delivered in 2 cord loade. Order early. P. &DINT, Brunel's. 6-3 Fox terrier female dog loot. White with a black spot on ear, Lost on Civic Holiday. Owner will be greatly obliged to reoeive informatiou regarding the Gro, McNamee, Brunets, erroweemetentweatita Bana5195.-8 number of second band buggies, newly painted, and in good condition. Snaps for purchasers at the pries. EWAN & Co., Brueeele. HORN- WILTON.—In Bennie, 00 Anon 28rd., to Mr. and Mre. S. Wilton a daugh- ter, 314C-44.1R.R.X3E117, LAZONT—Humuza.—At the Methodist Parsonage, Gorrie, on August 9111, by Rev. O. P. Welle, B. D., Mr. Ohae. A. Lamont and Mies Elizabeth Heather, both of Grey toweehip. S3P3X..G 254,0.15 , Fall Wheat 67 70 Barley 98 40 Peas 68 65 Oats 28 30 Better, tabs and mile.. — 15 17 Eggs per dozen 15 16 Hay per ton 5 00 5 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 50 Wool 24 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 Potatoes per bus 75 Applee (per bbl.) 1 50 25 70 80 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. IVANTED AT ONCE, AN ;iv,iced gi.ri(%dtzo general h.otise- work. Axpppl Brussels, reOR SALE—TEN PURE BRED J- Berkshire Pigs six weeks old. Also a quantity of Imperial Amber Seed Wheat. '7-2 ALEX. LAMONT, Ethel, VOR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT JL: with stable, on Main street, Waltrip. Also small farm containing 12 acres, at/Join- ing village. Apply to J, W. MORRISON. COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE and 2 aoree of land for auto on Walnut street, Brussels. Brink house, good stable, hard and soft water, small °milord, dm. Property to good shape. Immediate p08800. 8100 can be given. Also a cement brick making marshine for Bale. .Por further par- ticulars apply on the premises, 305101 MoRENZIE, Proprietor, Brim sole. CREPE LUNCH SETS put up in neat boxes con- taining one Fancy Table Cloth, 6 ft. long, 3i ft. wide, and 1 dozen Fancy Napkins to match. Just the thing for Pic-nic Parties, &c. Put up in Assorted Colors 25 cents per Box at FOX'S Drug Store Pianos Tuned JOHN (moss, late of tiordbeimer'e, Tor- onto, will be ln Brussels during September. Orders may be left at R. Leatberdaie Son's, 0.2 GOOD FARM FOR SUB.— The undersigned offers. for sale his farm, being 9:01 1, Oon. 10, Grey, It is sit - noted 08 11,0 gravel road, 2 miles 800111 0! Brussels awl oontaine 100 acres of good land, all cleared but 12 acres. There is a first. class brick house and kitchen, heated with furnace, woodshed, artislan well with wind- mill and water is pumped to harm Bart, hi 90508 feet, with atone etablog. Rey barn 80x 00 feet. Good orchard; farm well lowed ; pleasantly situated. Will be eold on rely terms, Apply on premises or Brussels P.O., ENEAS ()RICH, prop.; or to P. 8. Scott. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Eleanor Antler Ballantyne, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron. Notiee 18 5101.813y given, Pursuant to RoV18- ad Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap, 120, and amended Acts, that all creditors and others having any (dahlia against the estate of the said Eleanor Amber Ballantyne, who Mod on or about the Nth clay of May, 1000, are required on or before the letli day of Sep- tember, 1900, Ito send by post. prepaid, or deliver to William A. (Srower, Esquire, Brussels P, 0.. Administrator of sant ea - tate, their Clarietlan and 13111510.11108 aud addresses with full particulars in writing of their elaims, the statement of their 00. 000010 and the nature of the maturities fit any) held by them, verified by satienotory deelaration. And notice ig further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Adminia- tra tors will pr0000d to distribute the awing of the deceased amongst the parties entit- led thereto, having regard only to the claims of whic11 he shall total have notice and that the said Administrator will not 118 liable for the assets, Or any part thereof, to env person or persons of whose claims notteri obell not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated at bruseels thie 17th (107 00 August, 4.33, 2500, W. NI. SINCLAIR, 7-2 Solicitor for Admialstrator. lilhoospooseeassisolotentawoanisolowasoaat arkeywhilestedwoloseternwoelseowswo#1. 4i .... e e Brussels Daylight Store , ) CA-. N. McLaren isimmememin 1 AUG Li ST milmimimmimmilmo Usually ar quiet month in the Dry Goods us --the fact is, much better than we had ' I Business, has been very satisfactory with hoped for, and for which we thank our friends and Customers. We purpose mak- : ing THE LAST WEEK IN AUGUST the banner week, from the amount of business done, if not from a money -making standpoint. We will lose many dollars on lines advertised. We will lose it cheerfully, for on business principles we do not carry goods over from oue season to another. This is the way we are going to make , the Last Week in August the Banner Week HERE'S A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY • From 5.00 to 3.50 Ladies' Grey Tweed Skirts for 2,50 —32 Ladies' Grey Tweed Skirts, all this season's correct styles, all sizes in the lot. These are the lines we have sold all Beason (and our price was the lowest) at 0 n 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and5.O0. Your ohoioe of the lot, last week in August only at .‘--I•P---ow —Ladies' Summer Vests, 5 different styles, our regular 25c qualities—the last week in August your choice for ... .... ,.. kJ. —Ladies' Summer Vests, regular 10c, for 5c. Any White Shirt Waist at Exactly Ilaif Price White Wear at half price Ladiee' White Gown, our regular $2.00, for $1 00 Ladies' White Gown, our regular $1.50, for 75 Ladiee' White Gown, our regular $1.00, for 50 the last week in August • Ladies' White Drawers, our regular 75o, for 38 Ladies' White Drawers, our regular 500, for 26 Ohildren's Panay Parasols, our regular 50o, for .... 25 Women's Palley Lisle Hose, Tan, regular 50o, tor.. 25 Children's Fancy Tan Hose, regular 25o, for 12a Men's and Bova' Straw Hats, regular 10o, for 6 Men's Wide Straw Hate, reg. 15 rt 18, for 10o or 8 for 26 Men's Balbriggan Drawers with double seats, in small sizes only, regular 60e, for 20 Boys' Cotton Sweatere, fancy stripee, regular 46c A: 50c, last week in August your choice for 25 Men's and Boys' Fancy Soft Front Shirts, regular 50o and 60o, lad week in Auguet your choice for 35 Children's Brownie Belts, rnanufactureee seconds, at each 8 • Ladies' Embroidered Collars, Tabs, regular 10o, for 5 • Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fall and Winter Coats at Wholesale Prices. We were fortunate in getting a Set of Travellero' Sample Coats for Ladiee, Palma and Children. Then we can sell at Regular Wholesale Prices and have a little for ourselves. They are all new—only one 01 10 kind, We would like you to see thorn. Always the Highest Prices for Produce. Goods Right or Your Money Back. Yours for Next Door to Mutual Benefit • . G N McLaren American House wwwwwiswiawtwowsol 4i