The Brussels Post, 1906-8-23, Page 4gbt Air l :els THURSDAI', AUG, 28, 1908, A TEagzg14e earthquake, followed by devgetating eo&$agation, almost Out. doing San F'ranoieco, befell Yaiporafeo, a fortified seaport in Chili, Soetb America. It bad a population of over 150,000. A thoneaacl lives were loet and millions worth of property deetroyed. By the combined efforbe of the firemen end militia the devouring element wee et last stayed. In this Dominion We have been meruilully spared from these visitations and we should be very geate. taI for our freedom, ONTARIO bas been priding itself on its ability to play football but the Old Country team has been demonstrating that there are heighte to which the kiekere of the pig shin here have not attained, Instead of it being an encoant. er between battering tame it ie a Solen. title manipulation of the ball individeaily and oolloobively, that eliminates the "kick the shins off him" and oouveye the sphere between the goal etakee shorn of muoh of the mad and daogerone terrain of the olden days. The visit of the Old Land players will do good to this siren. nous game'a devoteee and enthusiasts. Poon, unhappy Russia is surely reap. ing the whirlwind and the eud does not appear to be in tight. Murders, aeea. eioati0ne, ooufiagatione, atra0ioue MRS. eaeres, terrorism cbe„ is an abbreviated eketoh of a weelt'e history. The Ozer sways no longer his despotic power ; the military is sneered at and the long down trodden alaaeee are maddened to revenge and destruction even if they ant. ler indeeoribable tarmente for their note. 58 alit/Lahr were murdered and 48 wound• ed lash week. No leers than 50 bomb depots have been discovered end life ono property has no annuity, The day of retribution is sorely at hand as far ae Bessie, ie concerned and the infernal regions ie the beet oomparieon we ooeld suggest as to their situation, What will the end be ? DONT forget that the moons of the East Heron Fall Fair depends on the hearty oo•operation of the farming oammonity.. Almoet anybody ooald make an exhibit of a commendable character it they set about it. The Directorate has made goodly additions to the Prize list so that the awards give a prize winner a fair remuneration for their trouble. There are many whose names have never been ou the membership roll and yet imagine that in some way the Fair will be maintained. They should not forget that the membership fee and interest manifested ie the life blood of the iestitntioo. Hand your dollar to one of the Direatore and invite your ' neighbor to do likewiee and we will guarantee your feeling toward the Sooiety will be quiakened and deepened. Ae a rale Brussels has royally and loyally supported the Fair and hes lost nothing by it we believe as the name ot the Show and its well assured progress is widely known. This year pertionlarly the business men of the town should exert themeelvee as they have never done in the matter of making an exhibit at the Fair. In addition to it being a for the various lanes good advertisementp et baeiaaae it shows to the tho6eande who attend the friendly attitude of the ex• hibitore. The new ball will afford ample room for a good display which will suffer no harm in the tidy quarters now available. In the matter of attractions and items of interest there will be a wide interesting and varied program that Will be pleating to the many visitors. The Directorate bag invited Hon. Wm. Patterson, the well known Minister of Customs, Ottawa, to open the fair and we are pleased to since be has giveb his consist, Other prominent and fnfiaen• Mal gentlemen are also expected to be in atteodanoe. Fall partieniare will be given in doe time so that the pablie may be aware of genuineness of whet is prom. Med. Me should erre the biggest and beat Fall heir ever held on the Agrioul. tura) Park in Brussels. Would you like to see this realized ? Then buckls into the work ; set the young people an ex. amp's ; aid Ibe eobool children in pre- paring for numerous oompetitiona given in the prize Het ; show' something if you never did before, No better nor more extended list is t0 be found in the Die. triol Shows. Pasta the oorreot dates in your hat and on your mirror—Thursday and Friday, Ootober 4th and 5113. The Ooueerte on both evenings will be rich in melody and abbraotivenese. Uri few towns grow miraouinuely or phwoix like from their own Rehee. It empires heart to beer,, head to head and band to hand action, The first is the well defined, deep seated purpose ; the oeoond the intelligent nonoeption and well thought out plan in the movement ; and the lent a beerty, united and long con• tinned effort 10 accomplish what ie aimed M. Utley a town hen bad the Iiia blood well drained by foxy, baloom exploite, entered into in all identity by the citizens but We deception or grime mie• management on the part of promoters, diaaauraged Wee who eheuld have been the best pedlars. Other plane have He spoke more partionlerly an the eutiered owing to the bold beak propeuei. first, and gave a largo somber tit Menu, of the ratepayers who voted molest 0tls showing the banviioiu. results of tithing for God a cause, ae regards end talked down every worthy enterprise geerubee,ee wellfie individuate, to beget new fife. They weete4 the Atter a well rendered Bolo by leliee mine to grew to be a oily but It meet Hingeton, of Rraeeeie, Mr, Keeuleyeide of Loudon gave a praaticnl addteea on make thieprogrmie without their enpport "Prayer" with 10B9une drawn icom the either morally or ficauoielly. Croakers example et our Lord during hie enrtbly never caused ananufsotoriee to ham;; ministry. dwellings and blunke to be erected; wovaeoDAY MORNINB o e ed eokloole to be managed by the beat Devotional exeroisee were u ndt tlt by tendhers i streets, homes and grounds to by Rev, W. A, F.iudlay, be bewatified. All tinea things and Rev. E. W, Edwards, B. A.., B. D., g then gave his eeouud addrese on 13ibfe many others Orme as a result 0t enter. Study, conttn ii g his referemoes to the pries, vim, deberminatiou and au un• Peplum, He traced the math teaOfliOge swerving purpose to promote, Brum. oi'fbeir the Peaimtsaobaina in thboeirut oGootinuity. od2—Ab1-out - secs has had a varied experience eine its man nod hie gather). atuee. 8—The place of incorporation bat out of them 9,11 it the Pealme io the history of the Oheroh, stands today poeaeeeiug many of the especially in their 'orotund el the coming Vital qualification necessary to go ahead, of the Redeemer. Mr. Edwards' choughtial addresses were appreoint• The pragreee that is to be will largely ed, depend upon ourselves and will be the Mies Gerrie Wellwood then rendered a clemonebrstion ot our faith iu our town, 9010 aoeeptnbly. Rev. R. w. Wo,deworth, of Toroobo, We are surrounded by a splendid thea ooutiuued his addrese of the evening country, peopled by thrifty, iutelligent before on "Ohrietian Stewaidobip" re• people tad the advaueemeut of Bruesele tarring more partioutarly to, the second means mots to them as well as to the division of kis eabjeot—"The Divine residecteof our town. Amon the in. Challenge" to Malachi 810, "Prove me Among new herewith, oto, Some promisee of duetriee useded are a emnii foundry and God are not Ialnlled iu answer to prayer, mashie shop ; a teeetture (aotory ; but fu rea0guilion of the fulfillment of a °aniline Looney ; pump works, Se., bbrenoonndg iuoouLien tthhe 0f8g0t0u , tfht e eetehe with these added t0 our present inflibu- hone. ltlany pertin011t illuetratioea and tions (some of whioh (oeld easily be examples were given that made the ad. run with greater vigor] a new era would dress forcible as well ae interesting. be begun in Broesels and a thnoeand WEDNESDAY AFTRRNooN might be added to our poputatiou. One On aseembling, and after devotional exeroisee, Rev. Geo, Baeker, of Bluevale, want me.niL'eetiy telt at the preeeut ie gave a "Heart to $sect Talk" and was a000mmodation in the way of suitable followed by Mr. Keenleyeide, who gave s bones to rent. Although banding sewed address on "Power fur Christian operatione ooeouma a good deal of money Servfoe." these daye it is not improbable that the WEDNESDAY EVENING right style at residence, would rept at Tho tent wee again filled for the even. remauerative rates or °mild be sold to ing eervioe, veli those present entered for a ball au hour heartily into the eervioe of allow the builders a fair profit tor the Song. The 'meeker of the evening was amount invested. One thing ie oerbain Rev. R. W. Woodawortb, who gave an we will never make much headway BOhrietiau MiesioneruatiBo hudwed the sitting down and quietly dozing the lamentable moral 000ditien of the world daye away. What is wanted after 190D years of the Christian ere had ie a spirit of ambition, alertneee and e panned, not b OORCaeB and these m 8a p , y one individual, but by Boare s w ill breathe an energy that will be ooutage0ae and as a result progress will be written on our undertakings. Upon the shooldere of the town Council rests no email respon• eibility for this praotical advance. The Bueioeee Mane' organization Bun be widely io$aenbial along many dues and every oitizen need not look long for an opportunity to get busy. SUMMER SCHOOL SESSIONS, Wingham District Epworth Lenge°. The annual Summer School of the Epworth League of Wingham District was held in Winghem, A large tent was pitched on the North bank of the Melt. land, in Lower Wingbam ; it was o0m• tenably seated with °hairs, and furnish. ed with piatlorm piano. The aervieee were held 5 times a day, commencing at9a.m.,8and 8p. re, Every effort possible to make the School a 0000000 has been put forth by 111r. Herr, the district Preeident, and the work end burden of reeponeibility have made it no light task, Sboald the School be helpful to the Leagues on the district, Mr. Kerr will feel amply repaid for hie toil. 1;•The School opened an Monday evening by a Oouseoratlon eervioe oondnoted by the President of the District League, John Kerr. Thera was agood atteodanoe. and the eervioe was appropriate and helpful. Tueeday morning the showers deeoend- ed, heeae the morning session was held in the (March, After the service had been opened with devotional exeroisee of w prayer and song, Rev. J. H. Ueterhont, B. A,, B. D., gave a "Hea,b Talk" on John, 1703 cbapter, dwelling on the thought of oneness with Christ in hie yielded up life ; iu his fined lite ; in his poured out life 1 in his enfferiog life, and bfe glorified life. He emphaeieed the fact that the command of the old diepen, cation was "Dont," bat that of the new Wee "Do" Hence the spirit of 'museum. tion welt neoeasery. After eingino, Rev. E. W. Edwarde, B. A , B. D,, of Tbedford, gave an ad. dress ou the Bible, taking as hie subjeot "The Psalms," and looking at them from the critical standpoint, as to their liter. amts, date, authority, eto. The addreee was a great one and showed diligent etldy and careful preparatino. It wee probably preparatory,leadtog up to his eeoond address on the same sobjeot, on Wednesday. Dieouesion followed, end a very interesting 0e0BIon olooed, TUESDAY Mamas Tuesday afternoon abet devotional exeroisee, Mr. Heenleyeide, of Loudon, gave an addreee on "Power for Servi3e" It was thoughtful, Basiatful and inspiring to Christian workers. He noted the principles underlying God's dealings with souls. I—To be euoeeeefnl we MUST bane power, 2—We may have it. 8— Where le it obtained ? 4—Its results, 5—The price of power—Thy will be done In me, through me, by me." Rev. 51, J. Wilson, of 'Teesweber, gave R foroefal addreee on ''Baildiog New Altars." This work he considered wan better than repairing old altars, Dinah ;merlins time le spent In repairs in Oheiet• len life, that would be better spent in new oonetrnotive work, He spoke briefly on-1—Those who are not consecrated, 2—Those who think they are onseor61ed bat ere really not. 8—Those who at one time were commented bat have broken their vows, 4—Those now con• eearated tor eervioe, TUESDAY EVENING, The weather having become One the evening eervioe wee held in the net on the banite ot the Maitland. After a help• ful eervioe of song, Rev, R. W. Woods• worth gave an exoellent addreee on " Ohrietiab Steivartehip," emphasizing the dirty of tithing our income, basing hie remarks on Malaohl 8,10,, where ba found— 1—A Divine Command ; 2—ADivine Ohalleuge ; 8--A Divine Penalty ; 4--A Divine Benedletion, Song, into which the oongregation enter• ed beartily. Mise Alsrkiand, of Toronto, then gave au address oe Mia0ioue toeing the iq• diene of Britieh Oelumbiu. She was formerly teacher of the Girl's Home at Nitemaot, ie charge of Rev, Mr. Reley, the mieeionary supported by the Winghntn Epworth Loaguere, Her addreee woe very interesting, and re• furred to the laugu•+ge, mention, 0530• 10014 and peonlieritioe of the ludlane of O CR Western province, After a duet by Mies Hol0uih and Air, lib/Nevin, Rev. 1). Norneau, et liqueur japan, gen an addrese ou Japan, to which the auctions° lingual attentively although the hour was late. FRIDAY 010818100. Devotional exeroisee were oondnoted by Rev. S. V. Pentland. Rev. D. Norman gave another addrese on Japan, dealing partioelerly with Ills own work along mieeionary lines, He wee chosen as one of the ohaplaine of the army, but Wee not Balled into autive eervioe. He told of the Christian In- fluence at work upon students, and of his visit and work among '2,000 wouuded soldiers. FRIDAY 018000N000, Three excellent addressee were given, The first wag on the "Study of the Bible," by Air. Blatchford, of Ripley. Mre. (Rev.) Hussar, of Fordwioh, Save a helpful address on "Soul -winning," indioatiug the methods that might be e0000eofully Beed, emphaeizing eepeoially "personal work." Rev. H, Locke, of Kinoardiue, also gave an address on "The Bible." The afternoon was very profitably spent listening to these addressee. Friday evening was taken up with the Couoert. SATURDAY FORENOON, Rev. H. Blatoblord led the devotional exeroisee for the m0ruing. Mise Mork. land then oontinoed her addreee on "Mis• e ione to the Indians iu British Colum- bia." This wen followed by an appro. priate Bolo by Mies Wellwood, There was 110 eeeeion on Saturday rn aits o on. SUNDAY. The Sunday aervioee of the Bummer Soheal were ,largely attended and were nob in spiritual bleoeiug. At 11 a, m. passed. At the eame time, he was not , Rev. W. G. Howson preaohed to Ma peseimietio, Ho outlined the omen of —t e apathy, the Tone h ant condi t prey seifiehneev, and liberality of the ohurob towards mieeione• Examples were given obeying that iooreaeed givioge for missions had remelted in greater floanoial prosperity to Aerobes and individuals, ae well as in0reilsed epiritnal ble0eimg. The evening's eervioe wag made etill more varied and interceding by a well rendered duet by Miss Staples and Mr. Johnston, of Teeewater, and a solo by Mise Edith Hall. 01008000 0101018IN0. The eobool opened with devotional exeroisee led by Rev. G. W. Rivera, B. A„ B. D., Belgrave. Mise Carrie Weilwood, of Wingham, then gave an interesting addreee on "City Miesioa Work in Boston." Mies Wellwood spent some time in Boston and bad an opportunity of engaging in some of the mission work in the atoms of that city. She gave an account of some of her experie0oee in the work. THURSDAY AFTERN000. Afternoon devotional exeroisee, W. H. Kerr, of Meanie, gave a "Heart Talk," taking ae the basis of his addreee—Ro• mane 12-11, "Not slothful in busioeae, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." He spoke of energy and indaetry in cow neotion with bueinese ; it Wag equally neoeeoary in Christian work. Petriotiem was manifested by our efforts for one oouotry's best welfare. Our service to God must be loyal, not merely formal, nut 0100ere: earnest and enthueiaetio, Mies Olive Mason then rendered a solo acceptably. Rev. D, Norman, mieeionary to Japan, them gave the first of a series of three addressee, given in connection with the Summer School, referring in this first addreee to the wonderful progress the empire of Japan has made during the past few years. He referred to the awakening n solo of the natio her rapid to power. Not many years before rise re she was known as tbe "hermit elation" and she wag in a feudal condition, bat cbe lase passed to the position of a civilized cation, ohiefiy on a000nnt of the united action of her people. Their development had been animist in character, covering government education, public works, etc, ; even of railroads they have 9,000 miles, besides exoellent postal, tele- graph and telephone systema. The speaker also referred to the neoeseity for tbe young people of Canada to be aroused to a Renee of reepeatibility, and a greater interest in mission work, TAURODAY EVENING. Ae on previone evenings, the eervioe opened with 0, half hour of sacred JIpworth Leaguers from ,annum 5:20. serueet thoughtful, The sermon was, pointed, and praatioai. Never have we listened to a better ferm a to Epworth Leaguers. In the afternoon an open session of tbe Sunday School wee held in the auditorium. W. J. Fawoett, of Brussels, gave an address on "Ships" showing the neoeseiby of good °Retain, a Safe chart, eta., and emphaeizing the beauty of a life free from bad habits and the excellency of a good obaraoter. He was followed by Rev. W. A. Smith, of Luoltnow, who gave an addreee on "Oharauter" illoetrat• ing his remorke by objeot leeeone. Both addressee were interesting and appro. priate. A solo by Mies Carrie Wellwood and a quartette by the Mines Wellwood, Messrs, Awde and Hall added interest to the eervioe. Its the evening, Rev, W. G. (Howson delivered an sentient sermon on "The Contagion of Strength," taking as hie text, Luke 22;32—"When thou art con• vetted, strengthen thy brethren.' The disoouree was earnest, and intensely praolioal. Ibe quiet force and beauty of illustrations made a deep impreesioo. It wee a fitting close to Ilse exeroisee of the Summer School of 1906, and the in - fleetness of the Souday servioee will not soon be forgotten. At the close or the eervioe, Mies Homuth Sang with excel. lent effect—"The Ninety and Nine." It ie generally acknowledged that the Summer School of 1006, held in the Town of Wingham, w00 the beet yet held ..rel h Bread and Butter Education Burdens hawses have, this past year, made TEN 01100'S as many demands %panus for young ladies and gentlemen who aro thorough. ly grounded in Dualism prim eiplee, tits we have had etudente to send. inhamBUSINESS OLGE "Affiliated with Clinton Business College." OPENS SEPT. 3RD GEO. SPOTTON, p Princi al Write for particulars to McKAY & SHAW'S BARGAI LF:T POR THE BALANCE OF AUGUST Fence Wire 6000 the. Diamond Brand, Cleve- lend, High -carbon, bard etoel. spring wire, ab $2,50 for balance of August. Graniteware A new stook of the best and lat- est brand of Graniteware in the market. A special sale of pre- serving kettles for August. Wire Nails A large and well aetortecl stook ranging from ball iuoh to seven inaboe. During the balance of Avguet these Neils will be offer- ed at new Rook Bottom Price. Minila Rove A job lot to be Bold at 18} vents per pound. NoW is the time to 880008 a Bargain. 1VicKAir & SHAW r".A.x.x., ''.EA.xz,r SO.Li51', S. --- Toronto Aug. 27 -Sept, 10 London,. .......... . . ...,.. Sept, 7-15 Enter , Sept. 17-18 M Cto bell Sept. 18-19 Bty th Sept. 18-19 Iltuoardino Sept. 19 Zurich , Sept. 19-20 Seeforth .,. Sept. 20-21 Mildmay Sept. 24-25 Listowel ,,. Sept, 25-20 Wingham Sept, 27-28 1odertol8 Sept, 20-97-28 1.,eululow Oot. 2-13 'l.'eeeweter Dat, 8-4 ldruseele On, 4-5 Fordwiob. Out, 6 IMPORTANT NOTICES VORKSHIRE YOUNG SOW with a litter 0110 Piga, beauties, for sale,. Also a few pure bred Yorks, both sex, 9 weenie old, from imported sow. 6.11 D. MTLNE, Ethel. APPLICATIONS FOR THE position of Township Treasurer will f the Tow able of Grey up ltoop 4lp In,, Monday, Angulo August 27tb,1000. WM. FRA6E11,, Reeve. BEItTHA C. ARMSTRONG 0e prepared to give lessons on Plane or Reed Organ, Terme on apelteabto,l. I'ootofnee address—Brussels. lleeidenoe— Lot8,Oon.10, Grey. Pupils may have their le00an0 at their own 1100100 ilpreferred. GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR GOOD on which is large break house, stable, drilled well, cistern, fruit garden, Aso.,65 mores o1 laud on John and James et., Jimmie. Terme reasonable. Apply to JOHN 81010ADDEN on piemisee or F, 8. B U U'TT, Brussels, MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLiN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. -i OR SALE OR TO RENT.— The underelgned offers her 100 sora farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sale or to rout. Comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, Wella, dm, Farm le only 5 of a mile from the earring village of Ethel. For fur- ther particulars !apply to F, B. Soots, Broe- eelo, or I11120. BATA HOLLAND, 79 Sbuter Btreot, Toronto. 87.310 For Sale or toRent. Royal Rotel, Walton Situated on corner of Main street; largo brick building in first-class repair ; Large diming room, sample room, bar. kitchen, bedrooms, ele. ; good cellar with furnace. In thriving vliles° with new railroad. Pot - Bastion immediatelyy. Apply to e 4 MRS. GEO, MOBIM, Walton. T1ARM VOR SALE.—THE UN• nERMIMNED OHBre his fine 100 acre farm, being Lot 16, Con. 12, Grey, for sale. Comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, dm, Farm is in a good state of cultivation and echoing the village of Oranbrook, where are stores, churches, Shops, &e. Possession given next Fall. For further particulars as to price terms &0., apply on the premises or Oraubrook 1t, U. GEORGE MARLING, 1.10 Proprietor. ion ACRE FARM FOR SALE being Sot 4, Oou, 18, Grey ; 86 acres cleared; comfortable house 80x40 with kitchen 18x20 ; bank barn 00x7O with stone stabling; orchard, walla &a. We11 fenced and in good heart, Poeeeeeian given next Fall. Farm is nearly all in grass at present. It le 85 miles from Brussels and iu a -good looality. For further particulars apply on the premises or Brneeole P. U. to 51.18 JOHN R0DDI08, Proprietor, PROPERTY FOR, SALE—THE undersigned offers his house and lot, situate ou Mi11 etreeb, Brussels, for sale, It is well located, a convenient and 0omlor. table home. Possession can be given at Duce, W111 oleo sell the vaeaut lot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, which would make a fine building site. For further par- ticulars us to price. turns, &o„ apply to FIRED, ADA818, Hardware Dealer, Ford- wJah. 80.4 in the dietriot. The addreegee were exultant, and along tight 'Mee ; they cannot fail to exercise an influence on those who listened to them. Much of the oredit of the saooe0e i0 dee to the untiring energy of the Prole dent, Jno. Kerr, who spared neither time nor effort, to make the Sebool a help to the Leagues of the dietriot. It is regretted that more Leaguers from a distance did mot avail themselves of the privilege of stteuding the School. Hustling The Construction. The Guelph and Goderioh Railway when completed, will be a great line—one of the !inset in the province—and to the building of it hag entirely been devoted the beet skill and organization that the 0. P. R, peemene00. The company are ruching the oonstruotiou work end it will be completed from Guelph to Blyth, a distance of 68 miles, in a month from Chia date, The regular paseenger eervioe is now running between. Guelph and Elmira, and the construction train hag recoiled Milbank to whioh point the brook bad been praotioally completed. The large embaukmente, including the three Targe bridges, required to gulph the valleys and straiten between Milbank and Milverton will be completed and the train In Mil - oaten in about 14 daye. 0enoornotion Engineer Griffeth has three large gauge of forty teams and 45 men an the grading work between Mill. bank and Milverton, and there is also a gang et eighty men blasting and sixty Men track laying, mingles of the gaps building the steel bridges, From Milverton to Blyth there are no large bridges or diffionit work le the way of the Eraoklayiug, and as they lay an average of one mile of track per day, they will no doubt be in Btyt11 in leas than a month, This point will be the terminus for the present, 8,0 the raile will not be laid into Goderiob until later, All the construction engineers have had very fluttering offers to accept en. gagemonte on the Grand Truett Trans. ooh tinental Railway. The station building at Millbank io completed and plasterers and painters are now working 011 the Milverton station building. •Uontreatoo Lloyd is alto jnet oom• plating hie outran los the laying of oemeut eidewalbs on the prineipal streets In 1tiilverton. The eldewelke on mein etrmete leading to the Guelph Railway 0184100 have given the town quite an lap• to•date end smart 'appearance. ALLAN LINE ROYAL. MAIL. $TEAMERS To Liverpool From Alentreal Vietorieu ,,,•, ,log 17 Sept, 11 Oat, 12 10uhc0 Aug. 24 Sept. 2t Oat. 10 Virginian AUR. 01 Sept, 28) OOt. 28 Tunlelun Sept. 7 Oat, of Noy. 2 Mates of Patellae First Oablu-670 and upwards, annealing to steamer, 85001111 Oobh,--002.00 10 347.60, Third Claes— 087 00 cum 02876. hi erilreal to GlaegeW Protarlan Aug. 10 Sept, 00 Oot. 25 Numidian, Aug. 28 Holt.27 Nov,1 Mongolian Aug. 80 Cel,. 4 Nay.8 For further parttoalara, rates and tickets apply to W, If. !:141110, Agent Allan Line, Brussels, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY eves numbered section of Doiulalon Lando in Manitoba, Seekatobowau and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not roeerved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the solo head of a family, 0r any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter notion of 100 awns more or lose. Entry may be wade personally at the local laud i cake for the dietriot lu which 1110 land 10 situate. The kom00teader is required to perform the conditions couneeted .therewith under one of the following plane (1) At least elx months' 080inen00 upon and cultivation of the laud In each year for th0e8 Y0800, tt le(2dee0 eed)t 01r tli ohomesteudere residue upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the r'equiremeete en to rest - denim may be satisfied by such person re- siding with the father or mother, (8) If the settler has his permanent reel- donee upon tarmiug land owned by him iu the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quirements as to residence may be 00ti0- ned by resideoee upon the said land. Six mouths' notice iu writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent, W. W.00BY. Deputy of tb a'Miuister o1 Interior. N. B, Unauthorised publioatlou of this ad- vertisement will net be paid for, ool an1e The Highest Market Price paid for any quantity of Wool. 2 cents advance allowed in trade. We carry a good range of Blankets, Yarns, Sheetings, Underwear, Hosiery, Tweeds, &n. J.T. WOOD Exooleior Knitting Factory, Brussels. Toronto Rag and, Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c , &c, Highest Prices for Ali H. ROSEN K. LABEL MITI st. West, Brussels J3amk,h of HG%1727:Uton Capital, Paid sip, $9,600,000 stcterve Smut, 06,000,000 Point Maitre, $20,800,000 80 131tAN03088 i TN CANADA 00 i Preoldout, • ZION, WM. 01168011 Vice Prooldent ,a General Manager, JAMES TU11011131.1., ETHEL AGENCY BavUige Department—▪ Ampie enmity ler Dopoeitore. Depoette of 01,00 Real upwards received, Interest allowed et current rates and oompom,ded half yearly. ADVANCES mule to Partnere fori feediug stook, Belo Notes thereon. ted 803 advances made thereon, Urafta bought and use, 1V, N, MOBAY, 6111 -AGENT, SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP Turnherry SSG., lirll,solq Farmers or Storelieeper6 by Coming to the 1 Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they aro now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &c., always in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric .Light Building. Hus(lio� B�siiiess Aloin Ewan are busy these days pushing the Carriage busi- nes8. In addition to our own make of Rigs, which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured by the Canada Carriage Co., Brockville, and the Brantford Carriage Company, Brantford. Wood, Work an& jobbing a Siem llty Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness and dispatch. The celebrated Harland English Varnish used in our paint rooms. If you want a new Rig call and see us ae we have a large display and sell at close margins. We can save you money. EWAN & Co. BRUSSELS a sla. Med A 0 we 0,