The Brussels Post, 1906-8-16, Page 8PICKLING SPICES You will non be needing then and We have on hand 4 gOod supply of Fresh Spine inoluding —Whole and Ground Black Pepper —Whole and Ground Red Pepper —Whole and Ground Alloptce —Whole and Ground JAMAICA Ginger —Whole and Ground Cinnamon --Whole and Ground Olean —Celery Seed, Mustard Seed, Reefers Illuotard, Garlic), Turmeric,. —All sizes of Cooke, Paraffin Wax for sealing Bottles, Ja &o.— full pound oitke for 20o. 'fieterientheiteettetalleaneeenaharati. IF your Eyesight is not a& good as you would like it to be or if your eyes eas- ily tire, come to us and have your Eyes test- ed. You will be surprised what good results are to be obtain- ed from the RIGHT GLASSES for your particular case. A Good Selection of Picture Post Cards DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. menoolteneFeenowsmommea GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. a, & B. Trains leave Brunie Station, North and South, aa follows; Home Soma Boma Noun. Man 7:05 a.m I allx.ed an aan. Mud Data stan laden.... LSI p,m Express 8:0.2 pan 'Exposes aft paa rag Behys 4 -terns A ohiel's among ye Writ 'notsa, An' faith he'll prent is. Coot nights. SEND na the news. Hoses is a poor mop. Hor days and cool night's. DAYS are rapidly abbreviating, EARLY apples are a drug in the market. RACES next Wednesday and Thorsday. A an: people forget about there being a Oow By Law. A ma of oement came to Wilton & Gilleapis Vila week. 25 (DENTS in ad Van013 pays for THE POST to January let 1907. B. B. Soxir had the fire walla and front of his block repaired Int week. Tart electric light Wee off duty this week owing to s break in the dynamo. PLUMS will soon be ready for market, and the yield will be large io this lo- cality,. .A. oa of household effects for Rev. A. C. Wishart arrived on Weduaday from Beaverton. J. CLEGG Shipped a oar at cattle to Toronto and another to Montreal during the past week. 1Vaza you ever at a Door Step Ooa. cert? Nut Tuesday evening there is to be one at the Methodist Parsouage. Goan boom's, with opal and diamond, lost Tuesday evening. The finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tar Post. R. Gasartat, W. A. Gruver, Jae. and Jack Ballantyne were at Stratford on Wednesday and saw the Barnum & Bailey Dimas. WATOE ant for the business annOttnee. Meets. It may save you many a dol. lar to keep in close t000h with the ada vertisemeota in Tan Paso. Pax your subscription to Tao Pon and make two people happy. Yoa will be one of them and we will give you 10 days to guess who the other one is. Tan roof of the new "Palau," on the Agrioultural Park, is sheeted and ahing• ling will commence at once. This will be the best Fall Show building in the County. THURSDAy Bosnia. of this week a °on. tingent of Blyth 'Oddfellowe come to Brunel); to receive degrees at the hands of Western Star Lodge. The goat is in good fettle for the amnion and looking to the Fall oompaign. M. H. Mooat's Veterinary barn and the stables of Robt. Thomson and Wal. ter Lowry have been ornamented with well formed metallic) horeee that serve the purpose of weather vanes. Messrs. Gerry & Walker ware the manufaiturere. The rink of bowlers from town who will go to Woodstock to Sty oonolusions with a quartette of Eogliehmen will be composed ot Dr, Feild, Barrister Mao. Donald, R. Downing and D. 0. Ross. Oar contingent amid be able to stop the land elide. Dom STEP 00110ERT.—Tnesday evening of next week the Ladies' Aid of the 'Methodist obubob has arranged for a Door Step Concert on the Parsonage Lawn. A good program is beteg prapar- ad and an elegant lime is in antioipation. Keep the evening clear for this onasion. DR. Ovals, M. D., London, Eye and Dar Burgeon, will be at Smith's Drug titore, Bruesels, on the first Tuesday in Hach month. 'tours, 8 a. 511. 50 1.30 p. no, Cataract, squint, failing 133.13141ft, deafness and nasal catarrh treated and &twee properly fitted. Next visit, 12unday, September 4111, BItUSSELB _HAMM—The Annual Sam. mar Ramie will take please on the fine Driving Park, Smurfit), on Wednesday and Thursday, August 22nd and 25r6 and will be better than aver, Oo the firat stay program will be a 2.50, 2,22 and 2,19 wolf or pace and a running race. Sea mid day the events are 1-2 50 trot, and a 2.27 and 2.15 pan and a run. 91,460 bo 'p111585. Band in attendance. Don't anise the sport - OPENING Now BborNass,—Tharaday, Friday Red Saturday were opening days an oonneation with ths new Furniture atore of Moons. Walker & Blaok. These 'Siete many vislitors who were not slow in complimenting the new firm on their oholoe nevh stook, arranged in mast tasty order. While people were not asked to onrolmee 00 Wen daya not a few tittles were made. Masers. Walker t'a Slack ore now ready for bneineee in all the brantihee repreasoted in their line, roan Dation,-5 understand that e, oilmen. is (torrent to the effect that r have told Or am about to Bell my praottee and leave Brunet)), I wiab to publicity deny 1-t5eh a Moor as it la abeolutaly untrue Wad without any foundetiOn in foot. 1 purobaritSd and paid for tho practice and tood.will of Dr, RoNaughtoo, and I in - hand to remain in Brunie and eontintie toly poultice here as / have made it my Dome. All reports to the contrary are itbsolittell Marto. DU, R• A., Brim J. T. Woof received a oar of furnace mai for the Excelsior Knitting fitotory. Tau painter's brut] has made a great improvement on the home of Wm, Oakley. W. F. Suva:two will have a batter mill dam them ever when the repairs and provemente are complete. Roan, eaboola re.open next Monday after the Sutter vacation. Many e new teacher will Nee the papile, Rte HtaioN Fall Fair will be a sweep- er this year. The dates are Thursday and Friday, Ootober 4th and 8th. STOCKHOLDERS in the Durham Cement Co. are befog uotifted of the good nem of a 5% dividend being paid ou thole shares atter long tarrying. A LARGE field of horses is expected to face the starter Wednesday and Tbore day of next week in oonneotion with Brunie Bummer roue. Soto boys were noticed engaged at a game of Base Ball last Sunday 'after. noon on the Agricultural Park. Their names) are being secured. Plan gold rimmed epectaoles found in the Methodist ohuroh. Owner may bare them by proving property and pay. ing for this notioe. Tao POST. Do you violate the law by driving over the bridge "liokety scoot 7" Let na whieper itt your ear. Some fine day you are going to be nabbed, along with about 260 others, anti made pay a due. Tins Week Philip Amok disposed of his immense rook for hauling barrels from the cooper tamp to Elam Living. ston, of Byth. 225 barrels can be loaded in this rook. It has been filled on many an mouton. Tao PoaT was pleased last week to receive a letter from J. C. Beam more aommonly known aa Charlie. He is a resident of Weiser, Idaho, where be boa a Ate business as baker, onnfeationer, &o., We Wish him oontiuned snooaaa. DID NOT FORGET THE Po.—Last week Tau POST received two letters from the Weet eoolosing 910,00 and 915.00 on aabaoription anount. We are mach obliged far these settlements and very moat web as others read this note that they will oleo remit, It takes no small eum every week to tarn out an edition of Taz Pon. A WORD OF OICTION.—Somebody ie Painting himself off aa an agent of Taube & Son, eye apeciallete, and is taking Indere through the country. The public le warned to have nothing to do with this party, Masers. Taube have no travelling repreeentative. They are represented by Jae. Fox, druggist, Brae - Bela, who is authorized to transact bust - nese for them. Deal with the people you know and thereby become assured of eatisfaotion. Masers. Taube were here last week and did a large business. Ha's Art) RIGHT.—The following item from the Vancouver Daily News•Adver• Hoer raises to a former Brueaelite "A. welooms addition hae been made to Vanoonver's 100,000 by the arrival of T. W. Norton B. A., of Toronto, who bag been appointed Provinoial Saperin• tendent of agents for British Columbia and Alberta by the Federal Life Again- anoe Company. Mr. Norton will make his headquarters here. From the many flattering lettere of introduction, his appointment is Toronto's lose and Van. oonverai gain." Mr. Norton is a son of W. J. Norton, now of Liatowel. Ota ar PERTH'S OLDEST BOTS.—Peter Stewart, sr., of St. Thomas, and hie son, Peter Stewart, jr„ conductor on the 0. P. R. between St. Tbomee and Iogeraoll, were in Stratford taking in the Old Boys' Reunion. The old gentleraan, wbo was one of the speakers at the Old Boye' Rooeption in the rink, is now among the oldest reeidents of Perth °manta. Be reeided in North Baathope for seventy. four years until about a year ago, when he want to live with hie son in St. Thonias. The latter is taking a vacation to recuperate hie health, labials has not been of the best lately. He was the ono' oessfal Liberal oandidate for the Dom. mons in Beet Elgin at the general eleo. tion of 1904, Duman Stewart, of Stoat. ford, is a brother of Pater Stewart, Sr. SPEAKS FOR ITSELY.—Last May a 5490. lotion expressive of good wising to Dr. P, MacDonald, ex -M.• P., was paned by the East Huron Liberal Association and forwarded to him across the ocean, The reply ean:le to baud last week and le se follows W. a. Keno, &oratory Liberal Aseottia. Lion Bast Riding of Heron. My Dear Mr. Kerr. The reeolution passed by the Liberal Association of the East Riding of Huron in convention aeeembled expressing regret at My indisposition,came duly to hand. I Oen moue my friebde of East Huron tbat their remembrance and sinaere wiehee tonobed ole very keenly, and were appreoiated very highly by me. I cordially Cloak J. R. Miller and John MoTaggart, mover and seconder of the enolation, ae well tie all my Mande who supported it for their beet wiehes for a full restuatiou of my wonted vigor, and nay safe return to my native land. / eat pinged to inform my good frieticia, what I ana sure they will be pleased to lean that my health is Mull impoovad, and I hops to return in Sept. folly motored to nay usual energy and good health. My wife widow nti to thank the Metal:faro of the esouiation 10 their kind whales for bee enjoyment and safe return. Yoare gratefully, Ps Mb:DUDA Standard Bank of Canada =f6T-It..313T,TSInE3EISA VIS72 8131tPLUS, Olt RESERVE PEND. 8 5,000,000. UMPAl., AsSBITis OVER AMP') Genera/1 Ora A Wag J3148/114380 Tram sot sated SAVINGS BANKV*— Interext paid from date of dopoalt to date of withdrawal at Wettest ourraut rates and oonspouuded haltyearly, Joint DaPoslt Aeeetints—R SPECIAL CONVENIENCE in use in our Raviugs De- partment as toe "Joint Deposit" account. Money may be deposited or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household. This system is a great oonvou- Mime to many residing in town, but more particularly so to format] as to 1515 latter case whether 0050 00 wife comers to town either can attend to the 'Booking, an- other feature of the sworn Lo that In case of the death of either party the money eau be withdrawn by the survivor without coat. We will tali you more about our methods If you will kindly call or write. fitartical Womoh and Mimeo may make and withdraw deposits without the irt. tervanican of any person. SALE NOTES OASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE.KEEPING only for whioh no oharge ie made, YOUR BUSIATESS will reoeive oar careful and aourteou attention. G. P. SCHOLFLELD, PliANAOER, J. F. ROWLAND, BIthaaan. Two oars of map iron, &o,, were Blipped Alia week by Mama. Rosen & Label, dealer°, Brussels, to London. A. Lab of young people from Brunie drove over to Goderich Tuesday of Int week and snot a very plaaaaut day on the lake. HARVE$TEES' Bxoursion to the Weet darts Friday morning of this week, Tioket out costs 312,00 and the home trip 918,00. A. large oompeuy will go from this Goan brooch, with monogram lettere B. G. El., lost Sunday, August 12111, between Methodist dumb and Geo. Karr's residence, Reward will be paid on it being delivered at Tai PoST. Miss FESSENDEN CHOBIAN.—Out of 20 applicants the Yobbo Boliool Board oboes Min E. AL Fessauden, M. A.., of Ithaca, N. Y., ae second teaoher in the Contiona- don Claas work. Tbie young lady is a daughter of the Principal of the Oolleg- late at Beterboro', Out., and oomes most highly reaommended. She has both the literary attainments and a wide exper. lean so that ebe should competently take hold of her share of the work, Lan Saturday evening no J. 3, Gilpin, noompauted by Miss Eva were oat driving they had a Moat) Cell to what might have resulted 'variously: In drat. log over the bridge the exhaust steam from the Eleotrio Light power home frightened the born wbioh started to baok.up, Mr. Gilpin jumped out intend. ing to get the animal by the bridle but the home mode a jump, upset his owner and made off ,the wheels mowing over Mr: Gilpin. Fortunately Jas. Thoell ran out near the Amariaan and pluokily stopped the runaway and averted further danger. Mr. G. hae a few Incline from hie experience. AN A I. RECORD.—Tne splendid remit of pupile attendant on the Pablio Sobool at Braseals in the reoent Examination for Junior Tauber& oartificiatas is of a most satisfactory Charaaber, pleasurable alike to teachers, pupils, parents and Trasteee. Thirteen is often referred to as 11 hoodo number but the spell most have broken as 13 candidates wrote and 13 passed, 8 of the number capturing h000re, and 10 of the 18 oleo paning ou alatrionlation Lath]. The list ot the names may be found in another column. Tait Pon heartily 000gratulates all oon• mud and al the mane time diadems to point oat that this is no catch verdict bat o repetition of the almost incomparable reoord that has followed einoe the titre. elution of the Continnation work, Oar cohool is a boon not only to the people of Brussels Maio the, notion of ociantry contributory bo it and the only diffioulty apprehended, if this good work continues ea it should, ia to find room tor thou de. siring to avail themselves of the oppor- tunity. Intending pupils should make an effort to be on hand at the opening on September 4th. 51 18 expected that the strike of United States lithographers will spread to Mont. real. Tbe body ot George Gillespie, a M. C. R. aonduotor, was found in the Detroit river. Walter Jaokson, who is wanted by the police ot Orangeville, Wail arrested in Winnipeg. Prof. Magill, of Halifax Presbyterian College, will not aortept the call ta Mani. toba Presbyterian College. Michael England, employed as a deck hand on the tow boat Ethel Banning, wax drowned while bathing at Senora. People We Know. Leslie Lowry is vieiting at Eleatorth. Alex. MoLennan, of London, is holiday- ing in town, Miss Floreue Buchanan ie holidaying at Kincardine, Mies Nellie Black, of Wroxeber, was visiting in town. Harry Ainley wan renewing old friend- shipat Olinton. Wm Carrie Hingston is visiting rola. tiveo in Teeswoter. lMiee Vera Danford is home from Tor. onto for her vacation, Alise Graoe Barrett, of Winghain, is visiting relation in town. Mre. AloBwen and nos, of Sinevale, Ware viaitors at Dr. Toole'o. Miss Merle Harrison, of Walkerton, was visiting Min Edna Pagh, Allan Tye, who was visiting here, re- turned to Toronto last Saturday. Miss Mary Adams, of Seafooth, is visiting with Mre. G. 0. McDowell. Mien Myrtle Hooter ie holidaying with relativea and Wends at Oranbrook. brotber of W. F. Stewart's, whose home is at Woodetoak, is visiting here, Mr. and Min Hannah MoCloth, of. Paris, were visitors at Geo. Thomoon'a. Mrs. Walker ie visiting relatives and old Iolanda at Molaswoeth and Woodetook, Are. A. H, Denny, of Warren, Ohio, its the guest of Mrs. Wm. Oakley, Bru- nie, LAO week J, 0. Ottmehon arrived home from an enjoyable Inuit to the West. • Earl Seeker was home from 55, Marys for a few days, He ia dolog well in the Stone (Own. Misses Tracey and Muriel B'oritt, of Seiefortb, are visiting with Missy' Leatherdale, blre. 55, 13. Geary and danghtero, of Blytb, are vioiting relation in Brussels and locality. Miss Olara Peter, of Bernie, has bean visiting at her grittidparetts, Joe, and Mee, Ranter, John 'street, Wessel°, W. J. and Moe. Fitwoett and Mary spent A few daya in Wingham and enjoy. ed their visit exuadingly. Druggist Fox and sou Harry left on Monday morning Cor a few weeks' holi- day Dating lu New Ontario. Jarnea Shupe was here from Toledo, U. B., tor a short visit at the parental home during the put week. Ohae. and Biro. Dulmege and Pitra. Will. Stott, of MoKillop, were slatting at Watson Ainlay'm Int week, Missee Dolly and Maggie Beaker, who aro in Winnipeg, are holidaying in the meantime In North Dakota. R. K. Ross, of Llatotvel, was ha town part of Monday and Tuesday. Their Oivio holiday was on Monday. W. R. McCracken and Mies Amanda were visitors to Port Huron aud Detroit, taking in the Odd Fellows' Exouraion. Mrs, Eason, of Chicago, is a visitor with Mra. Alex. Hunter, Mies Ida Prioe, of Toronto, le a gum in the same honia. Last Saturday Harry Bunston, who was visiting his Bistar, Mre, W. L, Les-. fthored. ociale, retarued to his home at Brant - Mrs. D. A. Lowry and Missee Pearl, Olara and Florence were visiting rola. dyes at Mildmay and Walkerton last welliekiSs Lyda Avery hoe returned to her home in Toronto alter spending a couple of weeks with her aoaelu Mise Irene Barkley, Tas Pon ia sorry to hear that Miss Mary Coates, Mill street, is ill with typhoid favor. We wish her a speedy aonvalesoenoe. Mies Vinie Cardiff, of town, and Mies Lewis, of London, were visitors with the family of 0. H. Sutliff, Olintoo, during the past week. Mre. W. F. Stratton visited her sister, Mrs. Lawsou at Goderiah for a few daya and fogad her very oomfortably settled in her new home. Henry and Mre. Mason and daughter, of Toronto, and Mra. G. F. Eddie, of &Mortis, spent Monday with Jno. and Hrs. Currie, Mill street. Mre. W. H. Kerr ie visiting relatives in Stratford and will go on to Parkhill to spend &week with Moo. (Rev.) Allis, formerly ot Bruesele. John and Mre. Fergoson and little son were quietly enjoying a holiday with relatives on the forrner's parental home and at the Manse, Oranbrook. 3. F. Rowland, Manager of the Stand. ard Bauk, Alm Rowland and daughter left Thuraday of Ohio week for a vacation in the East for a few weeks. We notice by the Daily Colonial of Victoria, B. C., Augnet 8111, that Robt. Thomson and Alf. Beaker were ragas - Bred at the Kieg Edward in that city, Mre. Geo, Crooke, of town, and bar daughter,Moe. S. Y. Taylor, of Paris, were vialtors with Moe. McKenzie, of Blyth, their daughter and sister reepeot. jvelaYr. C1 Lines, of Moorefield, ban taken a position to *Gorge Thomson's grocery. He is the youngest son of Walter Innes, a former well known resident of thie i"atDiilstsYse Hannah and Baboon, Hewitt, of Hamilton, are the gusto of Mre, Jno, Bewitt, Brussele. The young ladies were former resident's and are sisters to Ntr. Hewitt. James Curry and Alias Vera, of Wood- stock, were visitora with Thou. Ourry and family for a few days. The gentle. men are brothers. It le 9 years since Mr. Carry was in Brunel)) before, Miss Sadie Forbes, accompanied by her little nephew, Stewart Fergann, left OD Thnraday for Winnipeg where Mr. Fer- guson residea. Miss Polly Batters oleo returned to Winnipeg on Thursday. G. Norman, teller in the Metropolitan Bank laere, is away for a couple of weeke' holidays. Hie parental home ie ab Pie- tro. R. D. Cardiff ie supplying the vacancy in Mr. Norman's absentia, Mrs. F. S. Hotta and three children, of St. Paola, Minn., are welcome visitore at Dr. Holmes', Brunets, Miss Nora will accompany them on the return trip on Friday, going by boat from Sarnia to Duiath. MieeMartha Maxwell, who is a grad. uate 00085 10000 Buffalo General amanita], is a visitor with her aister, Mrs. Geo. Kerr. She' will return to Buffalo text month, Mise Maxwell hae had a mouse. fol raweer. Eel% GtorgeJewiti, of Lambeth, Moo. Jewitt and family were viaitore with the fernier's parents daring the past week. Mre. Wm. Hall, of Ethel, and R. W. Jewitt, of Consume)°, were oleo here for a day or so. R. 3, Moidation and wife, of Shoshone, Idaho, ware visitors with Mora 3, Forbes thie week. Will. Forbes le employed on Mr, MoNtabonai sheep ranoh. The visitor also rune a large store. Re same to Chicago with a wineignment of alieep. Mr. McMahon 15 a Canadian by birth, his home being formerly in Will. Hooter, a divinity student, from Haoketatown, N. J., Centenary Collegiate Institute, who has also a pastoral charge 10 mita diatant, is home on a visit for a few Weeke, He its the eaoond 000 Of and Mrs. Runter, John street. Mr. Ranter has been in New Jersey int nearly three years and is well pleased with his work, rd, Vial, of Fenton, Mira, was a welcome visitor in Brunie thL week. file had been Op the lakes for a holiday Stip and took of run bare to Visit the soenes of hie rthildhood, Mr. Vial is a hutting grout in his town and bas done Well, His father Wag Is bltelnelle Men bete fin' many years and remembered by the older reeidante, Fenton is a buy town of over 8,000 inhabitante with 50013# share of thriving itidnotries, 14.---E METROPOLITAN BANK CREPE LUNCH SE TS CAPITAL—Authorized) 92,000.000 CAerrAL—Pald up 1,000,000 RESERVE and Surplus:Profits; 1.183,188 Darectore fi, J, MOORS, D.10, THOMPSON, N. 0, Proeident. Vloe-Proaldent, T1108, allADONAW, E.L.A. Ina 55011051 Mn, W. towns= oflanx,It.O. SAN Went JOHN rillECRItOols W, U. 11088, - General Manager THE ArETHOPOLITAN BANK is open to receive the mounts of Partners, Aderchants and Businees Community generally and to give moi careful alderatiou to 511 proposals aobn,lbte3 to it. It relies apon its past record for courteous treatwoot of its Ous- tomers, and will extend every consideration oonsietent with wood banking to those who may desire Do transaot business with it, SariliNs° 'AW PrirafiniENT Interest at HIGHEST OUREENT RATES allowed on all Bums of $1. and upwards BRUSSELS BRANCH W. J. FAWCETT, Manager. Miss Clara Thompoon and Miss Valeria litrimphrin, of Toronto, are visiting at Jamee Jones'. The vioitors are Mateo and niece lo the hostas& Mies Thomp. oon was a tomer resident. Roy MaDonald„ who was working in the bakery of Jas. Sallantyna, has gone to Chatham where he has accepted a alt - nation as baker. We wish Lsina success. Re is a good worker and :Mould get along all right. Goo. Dark leaves on Friday for Nespa- wa, Manitoba, where he purposes follow- ing his trade as barber. He has recently completed his apprentionhip in W. Dun can's shop and ie a competent hand. We vrisli him 5000505 in the West. John Hill purpose's taking a holiday trip through the Northwest on to Britiah °atonable on 8 visit to his ohildren. He has not wanted many daye iu pleaeure tours ao we hope he will have a good time on his outing wblob aommenoed un Thursday. Mr. Henry, father of station agent Henry, met with an emadent by falling from a tree at ids home in Liatowei. He alighted on hie feet bot with Bo mut] toros se to give him quite a shake np. Reury ie recovering nicely we are pleased to state. Tam POST congratulates George Bach. 9000 on successfully paeaing hie exam. Motion for 1st plass Teachers' outifiaste. This is the more commendable ao he taught last term at Little ()anent and otill kept op hia Bindles. He will return to the University this Fall at Toronto. George is a worker all right. 8. H. Anderson, of Winnipeg, and Miss Zona Still, of Orangeville, were visitors win George Brown and family to whom they are related, The former came to Orangeville to attend the funeral of his father who died as the result of a atroke of paralysis, Mr, Anderson is engaged in the real estate bosinese and has done wall, Alfred Denny, of Buffalo. is here on a holiday visit with hie mother and old friends. He is flinty reoovering from an aooident that befell him. While riding a motor cycle. at 25 miles an hour, his wheel came in contact with the floor of a bridge oonsiderably above the level of the road. Be wee not bolding the handle bare with the customary grip so was thrown with great violanoe and the miracle wed that be was not killed on the spot. Mr, Denny still °antes a few of the Boars but his ardor for oyoling has apparently not abated by the am:tidal% Business Locals. STOVE WOOD taken in exchange for cedar poste. ABRAHAM Coo; „Brussels. &town hand rubber tire buggy, iu goad condition, for sale at a bargain. Ewes & Co. Warm saws are doll and out of true take them to filoanaoon 'and he will renew. Mill St., Brunets, Ont. To lam—Dtvelfing rooms above store ; Sett Water and other conveniences. Int. mediate ponession. L 0, RICHARDS. WANTED.—Gond reliable lady to bake orders for our tailor.made cootomes and pakriioreta.. Write quiottly. -Dominion Garment 0o, Guelph, Out. BARGAINS, A umber of second baud buggies, newly painted, and in good ociudition. Soaps for purchasers at the Bum & Co., Bruseels. Fon fillax.—Oomfortable dwelling, a sorsa of laud, choice fruits and hard and soft water and eituatiou convenient to school. C. Excituaus. QUANTITY Of Mind slabs for este. Will Rise have a good supply of kiodliag by Sept. lat. 31.25 per cord for either delivered in 2 skied toads. Order early. P. AAIENT, Brunel°. 6-3 mote= . Bows.—Zn Grey, on July 24, to Er. and Mrs. Robb. Sowes, a daughter, SHITH.—In Morrie, on Aug. 8th, to Er. and Airs. Jno. Smith, a 0011. Blnevale, on Aug. 7tb, to Mr. and Mrs, Bert 2.'hornaa, a son. asc.a.awae.xaatam., Lawsoti—MaQueums.—At "Poplar Grove. Farm," latay, oo Aug. 8tb, by Rev.' E. F. Armstrong, B. D., Mr. J. H. LawBon, of Goderiab, to Miee Olara fourth daughter of Mr. and Mfa. Heotor MaQuarrie, ot Grey. 717:a3E13=4, BOehlAte.-10 Wingham, on Ariguat Sad, John Boeman, aged 80 years, 1 month and 9 days. pat up in neat boxes con- taining one Fancy Table Cloth, 6 ft. long, 31 ft, wide, and 1 dozen Fancy Napkins to match. Just the thing for Pic-nic Parties, Put up in Assorted Colors 25 cents per Box at FOX'S Drug Store ES3XST2'S1012T,00 bacsa.m.=n- or 8, Fall Wheat 76 76 Batley 48 48 Peas 70 72 Oats 85 88 Butter, tube and rolls..., 15 18 Egg° per dozen 15 13 Hay per ton 6 00 5 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 7 25 7 25 Wool 24 25 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per bus 75 , 80 Apples (per bbl.) 1 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. VTR SALE—E1OU8E AND LOT with stable, on Alain greet. Walton. Also small farm ,00ntalning 12 aorea, adjoin- ing village. Apply to J. W,MOBUIS011. - Pianos Tuned JOEIN CH0E8, late of Nordhaimera, Tor- onto, will be in Brussels during September. Orders may be loft at R. Leathardale & Son's. 0-5 riOMPORTABLE RESIDENCE and 2 auras of land for sale on Walnut street, Brunei& Brick house, good stable, hard and soft water, small orchard, &o. Property in good shape. Immediate posses, Edon can be given. Also a oement brick malolng maohine for sale. Fax further par - tattlers apply on the preillieell, TORN 00019105510555, Proprietor, Brussels. For Sale or. to Rent. Royal Hotel, Walton Situated on corner of Hain street; largo brick building in drst-olass repair large dining room, sample room, bar, kitehou, bedrooms, oto, ; good cellar with furnace. In thriving village with new railroad. Pos. session immediately, Apply to 04 21108. 8150. 01019300, Walton, 0.00NWAOW"AeldbevoltWohotA Brussels Daylight Store lowewarasanowaevarwowtwaatartiatowel s: G. N. McLaren .110,,i'lii'lkr11,10,1011voi,b1.104,401101irgAtt1011.Wlio.10‘010.1,01,111,11htl1016.11,.11011010,1011011.,Ithiqoqu'Itd111'10,1,1,L 41,10.11.110100,111.101011,01..10W11,,1101i,.1101,010,101,,lieht.10.00401011011,V1,01,1,10.1 THIS WEEK and NEXT WE SPECIALIZE BOOTS AND SH ES New Boots for Ladies and Gentlemen New Boots for Misses and Boys New Boots for Girls, Little Gents and Children Boots that are NEW—all our Boots are NEW and nothing but the New kinds here. The medium priced and the higher priced, but nothing but the reliable makes and the prices are the Lowest possible, qualities considered, efirw~ow,n, teW•WoworotraW~Artsa.r. Please Remember that our Mid -Summer Sale Prices oriallsorts of Dry Goods are away Below reg- ular values. You will save money here on Ready-made Skirts and Waists. Mus- lins, Embroideries and lines of Summer Dress Goods and Trimmings and Ladies' Rain Coats. Boys', Men's, and Child.ren's neatly -to -wear Clothing both in Suits aild Odd Pieces. Our Prices on Cottons, Cottonades, Skirtings, Flannelettes, Sheet- -Ines, .Pillow Cottons, Table Linens and Towel - Zings are the Lowest. 021.0i.00 Stock of Groceries NI Always Fresh OAAA.0040wova,AeioNAAAt..09A9% 4AAAAMAAftweriuneywhowwili Aaways the Highest Prices for Produce. Goods Right or Your. Money Back. Wei+ io.••••• Yours tor Mutual Benefit G. N. McLaren Next Door to American Rouse aftaieVatoaatiesolesstaaaltatiretWieffeastattetat - id - ata