The Brussels Post, 1906-8-16, Page 1Vol. BB. No. 6 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1.61 1906 W. H. KERR, Prop New Advertisements. Brooch tomb -Tun Poar. Looal-Abraham Cook, Brooch Wet -Tun POST. Loot -Time. MeGregor. Slabs for sale -P, Ament, Pianos toned -John Cron. False Rumor -Dr. R, A. Barns. For gale or rent -Mrs. Geo. McKim, Residence for sale -Jobe McKenzie, 30 Ulna MS. 13e1 grave, Master Oarl Proobor, of Belgrnve, spent n few days with Master Willie Birooy, at Exeter. The latter ie now bolideyiog at Belgrave. Mole fewer till. School reopens nen' Monday under the direction of J. H. Johnebon. Geo, Audrewe, of Brueeele, was a Visitor in Molesworth last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Barnett is nway on a holiday to the lakeeide at Kieosrdine. Hie work le being supplied. This week will wind up a good share of a lice harvest. Threehiog le proving that both wheat, barley and nate will yield good returns. Recently when Sam. Kleineohroth'e milk waggon was within 40 rode of Molesworth cheese factory the hind axle of the wagon broke down mad about 1800 pouudo of milk was spilled on the road, This 'ie the none ac oideut he nue had this Summer and 11 is quite a heavy lose, A presentation wan made to our old time residents, Wm. end Mrs. Woods, on the eve of their departure for Emereou, Manitoba. The former received a ahoioe far coat and genutiete and the latter a fine shawl. Many good wishes a000m• pany them and we hope their future life way be One of eweetoese and premperi Ly. LettdUter V. t NooEe.-A number from tbie locality took In the °trees at Stratford. -fleury Hamiltou and wife have returned from the Weet atter apendiug a pleasant time visiting their sous and other Mende. - Alfred Denuieonand wife mimeo leaving for Baekatohewan ebortly where they intend making their home. -While elat- ing the bouse of Wm. KOeohtet one of the workmeu lost hie balance and fell head first into an apple tree and then to the ground, a diatanoe of 24 feet, Einstein- ing only a low alight bruises and fecliog little the worse of his gainer deeoent. [intended for lass week 1 Mr. and Mre. Avery lett on Monday for their home in the Weet atter spending a pleasant time with friends in this looality.-Mies Atioe Dundee is away on a visit t0 friends in tbe East, ieelading Toronto, Hamilton and Boston. -James Dennison ie looking after the wants of the publio in W. Neale store in the ab. nun of W. Neal, jr., who is enjoying a well earned holiday. Jim Lille the bill in No. 1 style. -Eddie Stafford and eieter, Mabel, are enjoying themselves at Strat- ford and St. Marys. Don't go too often, Eddie. -The 12th and 14th eons. played a friendly game of foot ball one evening last week reoultiug in one goal fur tbe former ibeam.- The threshing machines have started again and wheat is turning out very good. -A large number from this l000liby intend taking iu the harvest exoorsion to the West on the 17th of this month. VV 08,1 ton. A number of our young fellows are leaving this week for the Weet, Miesee Jean and Maud Ferguson spent a few days in Hullett thie week. Rev. Mr, Powell, of Brussels, was renewing aoquaintanoee in Walton this week. Mre, Hammett and daughter, ot Sea - forth, and the Mimeo Hewitt, of Hamel.' ton, are visiting at W. H. Sholdioe'e. Mr. VanQonet, manager of the bank, leaves thie week on hie vacation. Hie plane wit' be supplied by the chief a000nntaot of the Milverton branoh. The question hae frequently been asked by nou•reeidenbe of the village, how numb Walton asked teem the Grey Oounoil to enlist them in building the proposed cement eidewalke7 For the benefit of those who wish to know, we may state the Council wae not asked for ono Dent of the poet but only for aeoiet• Hood in arranging the oolleotiou of the necessary amount of tame extending over a period of 10 or 20 yeare. FALSE Butson. -I understand that a rumor fa entrant to the effect that I have told or am about to Bell my praotioe and leave Brhenele, I wieh to publicity deny each a rumor fee it ie absolutely, untrue and without any foundation in tact. I purchased and paid for the preotioe and good.will of- Dr. MoNaaghton, and I in. tend to remain in Brueeels and continue Bread and Butter Iii .1 1; Education Business houses have, this past year, made TEEN TIMES as many domande upon tis lot young ladiee and gentlemen who Aro thorough- ly I.grounded in business prin- eiPles, tae We have had otudenbe to send. I Win ham BZJSIiEIEGE Ss OOL "Affiliated. with Clinton Businoee College," OPENS SEPT.' 3RD Write for pertioula0e to Q�]0. POT TON, Principal l my practise hero as I have made it my home, All reporte to the oontrary are absolutely untrue, Da, R. A. Bums, Mrs. James aleDonald, who hae been vleitiug at the home of her 'pronto, Thoe, and Mre, Arober, near Clinton,. has re. turned to Griewold, Han., to rejoin her husband, 3.061riu' h;ICt) W it. Mise L. E. Strohm] le away for a boli• day visit, J. T. Strachan spent Friday and Sat. arday at Niagara Falls. Threshing is general around here and the yield from all the greiue is exoellent, Mine Annie Straohau, of Pine River, spout a few dave with her poreuto at her home here. Her many monde are always glad to see her. We are pleased to Mete that Misses Serve Bryan's,_ Stella MaQuarrie and Bessie E. Moses and Finlay Fraser ware sueeeseful &1 the recent teachers' exam, at Brussels Public School. A11 took honors and deserve no °null credit. VV r•oxeCtlr•. N.,TEe,-D. M. Walker, of Niagara Fella, ie netting with hie mother and other relativee.-W. Currie, G. Jack and '0. and Mre. Raise attended the re union iu Mount Forest Iaet week.-Mre. J, Davidson visited friends iu nauseate last week. -hire. MoJ.euuan and two gone, Will. and Alex., are guests of Mre, R. Block. -Harry Brawn cud hie slater, Mre, T. G. Hemphill, are spending a week with friends at Exeter. - Mies Olara Rutherford returned from Hamilton on Friday where she has spent a month,- Mre. A. .Brown ,end obildren, of Lear• ,ngion, are guests of the former's parents, Geo. and Mrs, Barnard.-& load from hem attended the Summer School in Wiogbam lust 'Thursday. -Rev. J. Rad• ford, al Belrnore,00eupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian-ohurub ,on Sunday. -A number of 0. 0. F. members attended service in the Metbodiet cherub, Brne- eele, on Sunday evening.-Mre. W. Greer returned to her home in Wiarion. 1851 week. -Mies Roes, of Brunets, is the gaunt of Mien Aguee Black. -Oliver Smith returned t0 Mosley on Wednesday. (erten brook. Mre. Ballard, of Oliotou, was a guest at the Manse. Mies Mina McRae hae returned from en enjoyable visit with Clinton triende. Our eohool 8001 reeume operatione next Monday under the direction of Mies Lizzie MaoKay. Min Etta McNair is nursing the Mines Gaynor, of Brueeele, who are ill with typhoid fever, Mines Nellie and Tousle Switzer spent a few days in Torouto last week on the return trip from Niagara Falls. We oongratutate Mies Beatria° Mo. Nair on peeving per and olaee Teachers' Exam, at Brussels this Summer. Oreubrook tonality will be largely rep reeeuted on the Harvesters Exoureiou to the Great West on Friday of this week. Work will be paehed,-ahead on the telepboae nue to Brussels and it will be open to "Hello" ehortly. It ie said the Central will be Ionated at A. MoDonnld's general °bore GRANRROOK Pump Works are very busy jaet now. A postcard will bring the proprietor to see your slots pump or die- abled windmill. Get your windmills and pampa, iron or wood, from the man who has been to the business for over 30 years and you will make no mistake. Mre. Kautz-Perrie, wife of- Gideon Petrie, died euddenly and uuexpeotedly at the residence corner of Bay and Hunt• et streets, Hamilton, Tuesday afternoon, She bad been Buffering from heart trouble for some time past, but was eeriouely ill only three days. Site was the widow of the late Henry Kuntz, brewer, Mr. Perrie'e health hao not been as vigorous ae formerly for some time either We are sorry to etale but hope he will continue to improve. 47the1. Mies Luella Henry ie bolideying in Brunets. Mies Mabel Coates is visiting la Listowel. Township Ooanoil will meet here on Monday 27th inst. Mre. D. Bokmier, of Clinton, was a visitor here last week. The oarpenters are now rushing the Oole block to a finish. Mee E. Hemewortb, of Toronto, visited frionda here on Sunday last. Mies Johnston, of Britton, ie the guest of Mre. Gibeon thie week. Mise 0. Mason, of Toronto, is the guest of Mines Annie and Emily Mason. Mies Ledgerwood, of Eden Grove, ie visiting at G, T. R. Agent Smith's. A number will go iron thistoothy to the Weet on Friday of this week. Misses Elsie and Estella Dunbar bave gone on a visit to friends iu Moorefield, R. 0. Davies has gone on a trip up (bo lakes. He will likely visit in Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Oamerou and children, of Listowel, visited at U. Eokmier's over Sunday. Prieoipel Bernath and wife, of Hunts. villa, ere visitors at the former's uncle Bernath, 0.Ba h, t A. E. Smith, of Oonrtland, formerly Principal teacher here, nailed Irlende hl town lest week. ea ore of BayMioh. Mre. A,O.S o , City, , who was visiting her deter, Mre, Speen, returned to her home last week, Mise M. MoDonal'd returned home Wednesday evening „-from Braoebridge where ehe hue visitedhet brother foe the past two weeks. Oeoar Bootee; has gone on a holiday trip fortwo weeke to Toronto and Lind. say. We predlob a pieaeant time for him while in Toronto, A large shipment of fat oattle Was made here on Wednesday oonaieting of 152 bead. Keys & Oster also shipped a our of hogs. Peen Ettore-4 usderetaed that a rumor ie oarrsnt to the effect that I have eold or am about to sell my pra0(8.00 and leave Brneeele, I wieh to publicly deny t ' absolutely u snub' a rumor feet is sola y tntrue and without coy foundation in feet. I purohated dud paid for the praotioe and goodwill of Dr. McNaughton, and I in. my practice here fee I have made it my tend to remain in Broacele anti aoatinee home. All reports to the oontrary are my praotioe here ae I have made it my absolutely untrue, Da. R. A, Boaxg. borne, All reporte to the oontrary are LAwsou - MoQOeanllt. - At "Poplar absolutely untrue, De, R. A. BURNS. Grove Farm," the home of Hector Mo- Querrie, on Wednesday evening of last k the marria'e o[ Mise Clara Blanch XVI ore' ,e. Mies Gertie Damon its visiting in Tor- onto, Boma of our farmers have completed their harvest, Mies Ethel Sperling, of •Ninge, Mane le a visitor et jou, Menning'e, Farmers with good beeches of cattlo are hoping to ase the market improve, 26 nuts in advance gets Tun POST to Jau. let, 1907. Don't borrow any longer. Mies Eugene Geddes, of Beigrave, tae been vialtiog at her uncle's, Robert Shed• den's, 4th line. Mise Pearl Hamilton, who has spent a month with relativee in thio township, returned to' Toronto on Friday. Albert Kelly, 7th lino, loot a valuable burse one evening recently. It jumped over the fence and was in the ditch dead before noticed. Mre. Arnold and children and Mines Amite and Carrie Baynes, of Hamilton, are enjoying a holiday visit at Mre, Donald Currie's, 4th line. We are pleased to hear that Jno, Dun- can, formerly of bbe 4th line, but more recently of Vernon, B. 0., bee been appointed to take ohargo of the Customs in that place. He ehould All the bill. We are sorry to state that Mre. T, Maandere received quitea ehalring up last Friday evening by being dragged on the road, opposite her home, after the buggy had upset in whiob she was driving to Bennetts. Mies Maunders ma out of the rig opening the gate when the accident happened. We hope Mre. Mauudere will soon be es well as ever. Jamee end Mre. Anderson, of Oheeley, were visiting here last weell, It is 86 years aiuoe the former resided in Morrie. He hae been a bney man between saw• milling and forming but wisely 10 taking a holiday and going off on a trip to the Pacific Coast. We hope be will enjoy the Dating. Mr. Anderson ie a brother to Quintin Andereou, 3rd line. Fenn RuuoR. I understand that a rumor ie'ourronb to the elleob that I have eold or nen about to sell my politica and leave Brussels. I wish bo publicly deny snob a rumor as it is absolutely untrue and without any foundation in fact. I purchased and paid for the praotioe and good.will of Dr. Moblaughton, and I intend to remain in Brueeele and oontinae my praotioe here as I have made it my home. All reporte to the oontrary are absolutely untrue. Dr. R. A. Roam. Tueeday, July 31st, at H. Johnston's stables, 6th line, "Summerland Farm," 5 men and a lad of 12 laid 900 feet of stable cement floor. John Glassier, of P, J. MaDouald'e staff, assisted by Claris. Johnston, engineered the job and did the measuring, fixed omitting, trowelling and pounding. Thee. John. ebon wheeled the finished article ; Murray attended to the water and Thos. Wil. 'lemon and H. Johnston did the mix- ing. The oement for the stalls was tuned three times dry and three times wet. The balanoe twine dry and twice wet, the whole thing getting 2 coats. Gravel and cement were in the air almoet like perpetual motion. The men started et 7 o'clock in the morning and after finishing drove Mr. Glassier to Brueeele getting there a few minutes peat 8. Notwithstanding tbat the man with the 10 ft. pole was absent the boys made it go eome. Gr ON. 25 Dente gets THE POST for balance of 1906, Township Council will meet on Mon- day, 27th inst, at Ethel. Oen you gases wb0 will be appointed Township Treas- urer 7 W. H. Hudson, wife and family, of Detroit, are visitors with Mro. Duncan Livingeton and family, Mrs, Hudson Wae a Mise Livingston. Mies E. J. MaKibbin and once, Ana - belle Thompson, of Toronto, are guests of the forreer'e sister, Mre. Wm. Arm- strong, of "The Maples," 9th con. The school warms and masters get down to internees next Monday. There ars not many of the latter on the job in Grey towoBhip, the girls have nearly Out the men out. Among those who contemplate a trip to the West are :-Thos. Williamson, Jae, Shiele, Archie MoNeir, John McNair, Bobs. MoToggart, George and Bert Campbell mud Mies Lottie, Archie MoNair has beee bothered for a few days with a disabled hand, the initial injnry being caused by a pinch lu a hinge while attaining in hanging a gate. We hope lie will soon be o. k. Tbia week Will, 1VIoQuarrie, who has been here from PrinoeAlbert, N.W.T., lett for hie home, We would not beearprised that hie text trip to the Eaet will be a bridal tour. We wish him prosperity. The Miens Lawson and Adams, of Constance, were visitors at the homes of Wm. and Jas. Armstrong, 9th and 10th one., last week. Mies Bertha Arm- strong returned with them for a vieit. Friday -ot this week S. B, Lamont i where he will attend lova for Winn e e pg the Normal Sobool with the intention of tootling in the West. We wish him the 0000000 he Waiters and will be glad to bear of him doing well, Tuesday a load of oats was threshed on the farm of W. Hemingway that prodno• ed 56 bullets by measurement from the machine, The load represented 80 shocks. It le the harbinger of a flue harvest to be threehed Tater. Applications will be received by the Township Cowell op to 4 p. m, 00 Mon. day, 27th inst., for the position of 'Treas. mar for the Manioipatity of Grey, The vacancy ,ie caused owing to the reeigna- tion ot Treasurer Reymann. PALM Rtmton.-I nderstand that A rumor is cutout to the effeot that I have sold et am about t0 sell my poetess and leave Brussels, I Mali to publicly deny each a earner s)0 it is absolutely untrue iu tact. I it brat an foundation and w h Y ti ad ndpaid for the rno loo and rebus a prebend p -M i hton and I Im goodwill of Dr. oNal gg , tond,t0 remain in Brueeele and wahine wee 6 0, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mre, Mo- Queerie, to J, H, Lawson, of Goderloh, wee solemnized at the hour of seven o'olon t. The guests of the evening eon• alined only of the families) of the °entreat- ing parties. As Mrs, Frank Stratton, of Bru'ssel's, sister to the bride, played the sweet strains of Moodeleebon'e Wedding March the groom and bride took theft peon under a beautiful white canopy eroh, tbe bride being given away by her father and was attended by lbIiee Grace Lawson, while little Mies Gladye acted es flower girl. W. L. lasQuerrte sup- ported the groom, The ceremony wee performed by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. U., of Nebel. Meas Olara, always sweet looking, looked particularly charming in a gown of white Bilk and bridal veil, oarryfug a shower bogaat of cream roses. Mies Lawson was dressed superbly in while and carried pink roses, The groom'e gift to the bride was a handsome necklace and bracelet ; to the bridesmaid a pretty pearl oresoeut and to the grooms- man a flour de lie pin. The dining room was decorated in pink and ,white fasten- ings and pink oarnatione. The tables were eat and laden in Mre. MaQuerrie's beet style. After dinner and toasts responded to all Reeembled to the parlor where mono and song were In order. A pleasing feature of the 00oaeion wee the re -union of Mr. McQuarrie'e family after a separation of eight yeare :-Mre, Falli0 Doming from Eugland ; Mies Emyline, from Detroit; end Will. L., from Prince Albert, Bask, After a musical evening the young couple repaired to their new home In Goderioh where their many frieude wish them years ot happineee. Brussels school Board. Regular meeting of Brunets Public School Board was held in the Board Room Iset Friday evening. Members all praaeut. Minntee of lest meeting read and adopted. Moved by W. M. Sinclair, seconded by R. Leatherdnle that the account of 96o. for advertlaing in the Globe be paid. Carried. After the Board carefully examined the applioatioue tor a teacher to fill the plane of Mies H. 0. Martin resigned, first choice was given to Mae E.M. Feseenden M. A., of Itaoba, N. Y. 1 emend choice, Mies M. E. Lynch, of Orillia, and third oboice Mies 0. Waring, of St, Marys. Board then adjourned. J. G. Sawn, Secy. JUNIOR ,LEAVING. The following are the names of the suooesefui Oandidetee'who wrote on the reoent High School Examination for Juuior Teachers' Certificate. In order to -pass a candidate mast make forty per oent on each subject and sixty per cent of the aggregate marks. Oandidatee making seventy five per sent ot the aggregate marks are awarded honors. DRDS0EL5. Jennie Armetrong, *Berea 13. Bryan's, *Eva Cameron, Jessie Elliott, *Mina Elliott, *Finlay Fraser, Beatrioe McNair, *Stella MoQOarrie, ,*Kate Marshall, *Bessie Moen, *Jennie Randa, William Steveneon, Pearl Toll. WINQ0ABr *0barlee A. Anderson, BLOB R. Burne, *Ethel M. Davidson, *George H. Jeffer. eon, *Gonia Law, John R. MoOroetie, *Pearl McPbereon, *Jaoiea Parrie, Mabel 0. Rose, *Winifred Stewart, *Genie B. Troy, *Thos, G. Wilson. RUTH Annie R. Cowan. Those marked with a * took honors, Frank Zagery, a Hungarian miner, was smothered at Lethbridge. A Cartwright, Man., boy WAS killed by lightning while asleep in bed. The condition of Henry Oareoallen, M. P. P., for East Hamilton continues oriti- oal. An Italian taborer named Matto was on over and killed on the Radial Rail. way neer Hamilton. Joseph Gibson hae resigned from the North Perth Lineae Board. He is leav• ing for the Weat. J. A. Robinson, barrister, of St. Thom• ae, died from acute anaemia, developing from 508'eioknees. Fred MoDougal, aged twelve yeare re oeived a bullet in his cheek while look. ing into a rifle barrel at Mount Pleasant, William Newton fell through a bridge with hie traction engine in Normandy' township, and was badly tart. He may recover. The Government have ordered from Kingston Locomotive Works two narrow• ten wheeled passenger locomotives for the Prince Edward Ieland road, M.F. Ritts se n hoos gift of land for n Provn m i Dial trait formin tbe Niagara dietriot was formally aooepted by Hon. Nelson Monteith on behalf of the Gov. ernment, In oonneotion with the appeal of Mrs. Louie of Detroit to have the will of her sister, the late Mies Kilroy, of Wind- sor, set aside on the ground of undue in- fluence in the making of the oodiell blob left Mrs. St. Loule, one of tbe two remaining baits, one thousand dollore instead of an equal share in 0,1 estate said to be worth seventy-five thoueaad dollen; or more, Joeeph Kilroy, the other heir, melte tbat prior to the death of Rev. Dr. Kilroy, of Stratford, two years ago he wee opposed to be swarth at leant fifty thousand dollars, but atter his death all that oould be tanated by his family was about ten thousand dollars. Where the rest Went waea mystery. Min Kilroy, when will le to be tooted, was with her brother, Dr, Kilroy, before kis don h butshe ooud l not ascertain t What bad Mewls) of lila estate, The eoeao premien interesting devolopmbnte. maeadlialwomarairn REV, A. 0. VtfIS6-7{"'1i?!, a A., INDUCTED INTO THE PASTORATE OF MELVILLE CHURCH, BRUSSELS, A FINE CHARGE' WITH NEARLY 500 MEMBERS, REV. A. 0. WISHART, B. A., THE NEW PASTOR. A. a epeoial meeting of Maitland Pres- bytery held on Thursday afternuon of this week, with Moderator Perrin pre- iding, Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B, A., late of Beaverton, Out., was inducted as pastor of Melville church, Brussels, in the presence of a large and interested oongregation. Rev. D. Tait, of Tees - water, preached a very suitable dis- course ; brotherly words of advice and counsel were spoken by Rev. D. B. Mc- Rae, of Oraobrook, to the incoming pastor ; and upon Rev. J. J. Hustle, ofd. Belgrave, came Ole responsibility of ad- dressing the people, which duty he per- formed wisely and well, Hearty co0gratulatione were extended to Rev. Mr. Wishart by both preachers and people and the reverend gentleman enters upon hie work under most favor- able seeping and with a bright outlook. This congregation has a most praise- worthy record and hae enjoyed and prospered - wonderfully under the services of admirable men, whose long and harmonious pastorates were the beet proofs of the splendid work done, while the results achieved were self evi- dent, Inductions would never grow common or wearisome if pastorates were as long continued as those of Mr. Wis- hart'e predecessors in Melville church. The new pastor will not only enjoy the good wishes of his own congregation but may depend on the hearty co-opera- tion of the slater °hutches and pastors and the oommnnity generally in the ad- vancement of any and every good cause. Tan Pose voices the sentiments of the people iu general in extending a hearty welcome to Mr. and 1vliss Wished. A congregational eooiel will be held this (Thursday) evening, Supper will be served in the sohopl room of the ohnroh [thee -which a abort program eviller be given and an opportunity afforded of meeting with the new pastor. Of course he is acquainted with a goodly number already by hie two visite here during the vacancy. Rev. Mr. Wishart arrived in Brussels on Wednesday morning and has his household goods moved into the manse -which has been put iu flrat-olaoe shape by the Board of Managers. AN HISTORICAL SIERTOH, The history of this o1urch oalled after the eminent Scottish divine, Rev. Andrew Melville, dates book to the year 1854 when service was held in private houses and in the bneh in the Summer season, The first preacher was a student from Knox College named Donald McLean, who died shortly after he left thie sta- tion. Then followed Alex. McKay, Rev. Dr. Fletcher and other students who supplied three months of the year while College was closed. There was also en occasional sermon preached during the year, but nothing regular. In 1857 an aore of land was bought on Queen and Turnberry streets from Thomas Halliday for 05 and the frame of a church 80x40 feet raised. The building was not finish- ed until the following year, and work was principally volunteer labor. The two first elderrs Were VDoaald MoLanehlin and Gilbert McCallum, Rev. John Ferguson, from Glengarry Go., wits inducted in the year 1864 and put in 15 years of faithful service. His salary at the commencement was 6500 with a free hoose, whioh was inoreaaed to 9800 before he left, During the first few years of Rev. Mr. Ferguson's pastorate ho also preaohed at Oranbrook and Walton, oou- dnoting 55101050 in both Gallie aiid Eng- lish. The Brussels oongredabion inertias - ed in size and strength, until in, 1872 old Melville church was thought too small and a site for building was looked for. This was scoured from''. McMichael on William street, and oontained A. of an acreo,the price paid for it being 0130. Thtybriok for the church WAS made by Thos. Ainley and the contract given to Thos. Brow& of Oranbrook, , the amount of the contract being 04500. Of this sum there was 62,600,1geoured before commenc- ing to build and `the balance was borrowed from a Trust and Loan Co. in Hamilton, an annual instalment with interest com- ing due on the first of April every year. To the credit of the oongreggbion it is to be said that the last paymehb was made in April of 1882,o that the oburoh is entirely free froth debt at the present time,) The size of the building 1s 40x60 feet, gallery on three sides and a large and roomy basement fitted up for Sunday SOheel purposes. The seating sapaolty is eebimatsd at 600, Two furnaces in the basement heat the oburoh throughout. Rev. Dr. Roseewhe was installed' as pastor in 1879, am:opted a unaetimous nail to PorbDalbousie, laeb January, after d most successfulpeat r pastorate in Melville church of over 20 yore and enslaved' earl in February,totlie great ro ret of the Y s gg mmun't sweetened only bythe fent that thole beloved paster woulbays lighter work and consequently would be better able to build up his health. The Sabbath School, Young Peoples' Society, Mission Band and Woman's Foreign Missionary Society are all active working for the betterment of the world. KNOX OHDRCH. Over 50.yeare ago the members of the Presbyterian cause met and agreed on the erection of a place of worship in the village. The site obosen was the one .where Watson Ainley's residence stands on John street. Half sore of land was purchased from the late John Koechtel and a log church 28x40 feet built. Wm. Grant, lata of Winnipeg, Jno. W. Arnett, T. Straohan, and the late John Kay, took a very motive part in the parrying on of the enterprise, This was the first church in Ainleyville, ;although other denominations were also preaohing in the neighborhood tet the time. For some time the services were conducted by probationers and students, the first appointed pastor being Rev. W. 0. Young -who Dame from Orono, in Clark town- 0bip. About 4r years ago Rev. Mr. Young was oompe]led to resign his charge on account of ill health In 1866 the new church was built, the old one having served its day, Thos. Walker, deceased, of Morris, was the contractor and was assisted by the late John Oormack. The size of the building was 41030 feet. The mention of the following elders will recall to the minds of -the old people thongbbe of early days and no doubt very pleasant memories of good times spent in Knox ohnroh :-W. Grant, Robert Taylor, Thomas Strachan, Philip Betz and a cumber of others whose names we are not euro of. In 1866 or 67 Rev. Samuel Jones was inducted. Mr. Jones oame from St. Marys where he had been connected with the Baptist oburoh pre- viously. After a very enuoesefui pastor- ate, extending over 20 years he tendered his resignation, owing to increasing years, and book a anperannuated relation. Rev. G. Howie, a native of Palestine, was called and labored for two years, when he returned to the land of his birth to enter the mission field. Mr. Howie was succeeded by Rev. D. Miller, who did excellent work for three years and at the end of that time resigned. The question of anion with Melville oburoh was then taken up and happily onsnmmated. Watson Ainley purchased the church and lot and converted the building into a dwelling house. A PERSONAL SKETCH. Rev, A. 0. Wishart was born in Wellington Co., near Fergus ; received primary school education at Public School in same town, attended Guelph 0ollegiate Institute where he received a Second Oleos Cartifioate and went bo Model Sohool al Elora, then taught 4 *years in Wellington 0o. He finished his matrioulation at Harriston, and in the Fell of 1898 entered Toronto 'Quiver- eity, graduating in 1897. After epend- ing a year in Mission work in New Outario he entered Knox College and graduated in the Spring of 1900. Dur-. ing hie oouree in Knox College he spent a Summer in Mission work fn the great West and was deeply impressed with its almost unlimited possibilities and needs. After graduating Rev. Mr, Wis- hart received a call to minister to his old Miesion field in the Wesb but declin- ed accepting invitation bo Knox oburoh, Beaverton where he was ordained and inducted in 1900. The relations between pastor and people have been moat cor- dial and harmonious and every legitimate means was adopted by Ole congregation to retain the services of their pastor when it Wag known that a oall was on the way from Melville 0huroh, Brussels, and so strongly expreseed were the de- bcongregation that he main ices oft a re s , that the reverend gentleman asked for a week longer to consider before giving his deoision. He has left a united people. Rev. Mr, Wishart was mar- ried Cheietmae 1004 to Mise Hester Millioan, daughter of Rev. Win, Miili- oan, retired Presbyterian minister, of Galt, an exceptionally brilliant and bright young woman, and niter ten happy months of married life she was called home, Two of her brothers are denote in Obioago and two are lawyers in Calgary, Tho subject of this sketch is the Bon of the late Alexander Wis. hart, hose tattler belonged to Edin- a w g Edin- burgh. Ho was a deaoeudent of Rey,. George Wishart, Due of the first San- tini martyrs. One of Rev, Mr. Wis- hart's grand-unoles wae Captain of the 71st Eighland regiment in the Battle of Waterloo. Thus he hat both martyr anti military blood in hie veleta, His *Mole is a Dur Don in London Ontario g , Dr. J. Wishart. W ishan m stator keeps house for him, A press report to the Toronto Daily Star of Tuesday from Beaverton says :- Rev. A, 0. Wishart, B. A., who for the past nix years has labored here, preached his farewell chewers° to lbs oongrega- tion of Knox Ohureh on Sunday even- ing, Steady advances have been made all along the line during his pastor. ate. Partioularly among the more youthful element has Mr. Wishart been suooessfal in his mioistretione, and these have in a marked degree expreseed their regret over bee re• moval bo Brussels, Out., where he le in future to preside over a purely urban congregation. Mr. Wiehart's groat popularity has never been more fully attested than on Bentley evening, when the large auditorium was crowded in all its parts by those anxious to listen to hie farewell worde. At the contusion of thallervioe Mr. Wishart stood at the main entrance and bade every mem bee of the congregation a personal fare- well, WI WWII 0111MEM. Wiogbam Dietriot Epworth League Convention wife convene in Gorrle in October next. It is an annual gathering and always good. Next Sabbath Rev. A. 0. Wisbart, B, A., the new pastor in Melville rhumb, Brussels, will preach bis inaugural ser- mons, He oomee highly oommended. The Provincial Sabbath School Con- vention will be held at the city of ging- aeon on Ootober 23rd, 24th feud 25th. A good array of talent will be on the porgram. "Three would-be disoiplee" was the prectioal eubjeob of Rev, Ezra G. Poweh'e discourse lamb Sabbath Morning. Rev. Geo. Jewitt, of Westminster Circuit, assisted in the introdnotory part of the 0600856• The Olinton paper in referring to On- tario street Methodist oburub, of whioh Rev. W. E. Kerr io pastor says :- The quarterly official board of this oharoh met on Monday evening ; re - pone from the various branohse of the oburoh elbowed it to be in a fionriehing condition. The pastor's salary was fixed at 91,000, the same as laet year, the board aaeuming the Saperannua. tion Fund also ; D. Tiplady wee elected repreeenbative to the District Meeting. The contemplated erection of a new driving abed Was ratified by the Trus- tee Board, and it is expected that work will shortly be proceeded with pond- ing a good fonndation can be had. FINE TIIDN ODT AND ExcELLENT Des- oouaeE.-The annual sermon to the members of Coact Priuoeee Alexandria No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brueeele, wae preached last Sabbath eveuiog in the Methodist church, which was filled to overflowing. About 80 members of the Order marohod, in the prooeesion with N. F. Gerry as Marshal. Contingents were peanut from Blyth and Wroxeter, Rev. Ezra G, Powell, the poster, was rosined in the introdnotory part of the service by Reeds, Geo. Jewitt, of Lambeth, and 3. E. Maunders, from the V. S. The text Ocean was 1 Peter, 2 and 17, "Love the brotherhood" from whiob a moat oafs. able, eloquent feud practical discourse wee given setting out lofty ideals and high purposes. After defining what a brother. hood is various ie/ten000 were given illustrative of the tie as evidenced in polities, nationality, trades and labor, fraternal &o. Preparation for future benefit's for the living 8060 a proper move. Life ineuraooe is Soriptual, boueet, good but It dose not take the plaoe of religion. Yen are governed by principles that seek to bless and make better, live by the principles you cherish. The Christian Brotherhood outweighs all others. It is tbe strangest having 450,000,000 mem- bers. It is the cheapest inearmeoe and carries the safest risks. The only Order giving a policy on man's immortal soul. Members are inhabitants of two worlds. There is (1) The angelio branch, you can. not innumerate them but God the Father koowe them all and Sends them on messages of mercy; (2) The redeemed branch and it ehonld not be forgotten that wbile tbie eervioe is in programs more people will pass away than are assembled here ; (8) Those who are ace J00101ng in the fleeb. Ib is an honorable brotherhood, the members being born twice, becoming blood relatives of Jesus Christ, the aristocracy of God. It is a wealthy brotherhood altbougb not yet in full poe0eseion of oar riohee. Take a look ab the inventory -"All things are yours, &o." It i6 an invincible brother• bood, you comb break it down, Paul'e death was the seed of the °bnrob, Ohrienauiby o6n never be oougoered. Had to eympabhy with the ory that the world was going to the devil. In this 0brialiem brotherhood tbere'e a family reaemblanoe and a family iangnage. Every member can say "Abba Father" a heart language nota bead one only. Thio i0 the page. word. Every member lase his name included on the register for God keeps a book. Very apt end lucid were the illusiratioua given and an argent appeal was made to have everybody aob as agents to enure memberehlp on the muster roll of heaven, Beforeoommeno. in the sermon the amber weloomed the g p t the ebur h and o ran t brethren o 0 on t la ed 8 n the Wows of their Onto o there 0 o O d f whiob he was a member. The chair sang "Do it now," and a male trio u was Dna like Teem" There never sus was given by 0, Richardson, W. H. Kerr and Joe Hunter. Hearty singing of the three hymns Was a feature of the envies. Ors returning to the Lodge room a vote of appreoiabion of the sermon' wee passed and the visiting members wore thanked for their atbendanse, Oourt Priestess Alexandria hae a strong membership and moeetinge are held ou the mond and last Tuesday evenings fn eaob m0nbh, P. f1, Simpson, 01 the Oranbrook Hearld has been appointed Liberal or ganizee for the interior e£ Bethel] (Jetumbia, The body of blue Dina lute ley, a Port Wittiest 'irl i he bas boon mesal i 6 rw g ter several days, watt totted in the river, Ail the tante point bo buloldo,