The Brussels Post, 1906-8-9, Page 1t. Vol. 8 . No, B BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1908 W. H. K.ERR, Prop New Advertisements. Piga for Belo—D. Milne. Tenders--Frod. Ordinate. Por este—J, W. Morrison, Applioatione—Wm. Fraser, OrepeiLuuoh Sete—Jae. Fox. Piohling spioee—F, R, Smith, Bttrgaia list—MuKay & Shaw. August hargaine—A. Strsohan. Jaoket lost—Box 112, Wingham, Shorthand & Typewriting—G, Spotton. Tro-wbrItle e. Oar cheese factory is having a good run this treason. Mutter DeWitt Count), of Wallaaeburg, is holidnying with bis grandparents, Mre. McRae and daughters. of Dorhamy are vieitore at Poetmaeter Queue, the former'a father, Pablio school will, open on Monday, 20th inst. Mies Phoebe Code ie the painstaking heather. Mieeee Florence Reek and Grace Bob• ineon, of Romney, 1380e been renewing old friendships at the Parsonage. This weals Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Tiffin are away to Goderiob attending the sessions of the Sommer School and vieitleg the former's relatives, Lust Sabbath the regular quarterly eervloe was held and was a season of joy and promise. At the Offioial Board the esteemed pastor, Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, was voted $800 salary and 3 weeks boli days, Jno. Adame was elected lay representative to the Dietriat meeting whioh will be held at Wellborn, G oderaeb. Esoax SoLDlaae' OAun.—Seven oom• panics of the Essex Jtoeiliere arrived here by special renin Mouday afternoon to epond a week's recreation on the shores of Lake Huron. The parade State is 212, including braes Waldo, bugle oorpe and signal corp. The Feathers were met at the G. T. R. station by Mayor Tilt and 001. Young of the 88rd Huron Regiment. After the reception the regiment formed up and marched through the town to their beadgaartere at Agricultural Park, The otliaere commanding are as follows Major Laing, Major S. 0, Robinson, Oapt, 0. H. Kent, Oapt. A. E, Padden, Oapt, R. M. Morton, Sergi. Major Otte. grain, Paymaeter J. F. Smyth, chaplain J. 0. Tolmie, Qaarter•maeter Oapt, J. A. McKay, Lieut. A. E. Mercer, Lieut. J. NlcKAY & SHAW'S BARGA1N LIST FOR THE BALANCE OF AUGUST Fence Wire 6000 lbs. Diamond Brand, Cleve- land, High-oarbou, hard steel epring wire, at $2,50 for balance of August. Graniteware A new stock of the best and lat- est brand of Grauiteware in the market. A special sale of pre- serving kettles for August. Wire Nails A large and well assorted stook raugiug from half inch to seven inches. During the balance of August these Nails will be offer- ed at a new Rook Bottom Price. Minna Rove A job lot to be sold at 14 cents per pound. Now as the time to suture a Bargain. SHAW • • New Fir D. WALKER AND M. BLACK have formed a co -partnership, to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry On aur Furniture and +� Undertaking Business IN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, . Undertaking Goods and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories ; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. GRAS. FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cue• tourers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunday calls will be promptly attended at David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry street. WALKER & BLACK H, McDiarmid, Lieut. David Reid, Lieut, Geo, Wilkinson, The Eosex b'neiliers le the only Canadian regiment ever re. viewed by United Statee Preeldent, hay ing paeoed in review before President Rooeevelt at Detroit in 1904. They also held the distihotion of hewing been re. viewed at the St. Louts Expoeitiou. During the South African war they Bent the largest proportion of volunteers from one company in reeponee to the pall from the motberlaud. Everything le being done by the looal ol10oore and authorities to entertain the vieitore. On Friday a ride match bae been arranged between the Huron 38rd Regiment and the Fueiliere. On Wednesday of this week they proceeded to Stratford to neeist in the demonstration of the Stratford Old Boys' reunion, n1O%e rswO L't11. Moleeworth locality has been highly favored this year with a riob and boorti- ful harvest. There was no service iu the Methodist oharoh loot Sabbath here ail it wee quarterly aervies at Trowbridge. Oar new merohaut, Mr. Ooombee, Liao put a brand new peddling rig on the road. Ib was bought at Braude. The postoffice is to be transferred to the Mitchell stere aoroes the street. It was in that plane on a former occasion. Poetmaeter Mitchell will 1111 the bill all right. BluevgLle. James Richardson, of Toronto, visited at John Burgess' this week. James Masters, our station agent, was i11 last week but ie now recovering. Mies Anuie Clement, ot St. Chahar. inns, is viaibiug at JamesAitoheeon'e. John Anderson, B. A., of Toronto, spent Sunday with hie mother and oilier, , Mre. Martin Farrow and children, of Toronto, are visiting relatives in Bine. vale. Mre. Sohn Diment, of Toronto, was palling on her many old friends this week, Mr. and Mre. Griffith and aou, return• ed to Toronto this week, also Miee Bertha Sanderson, Miee Mary MoKenzie, of Rinoardiue, is visiting Mies Pearl Baker, at the Person- age this week. Mre. R. N. Doff and Miee Aline Duff are spending a couple of weeks with the tormer's brother at Perry, Michigan, Mr, and Mrs. Sanderson went to Tor• onto last week. Mr, Sandereon is in poor health and will take a oouree ot medical treatmeut. The venal Sabbath preaching service In the Methodist church here will be can- oelled next Sabbath owing to'the Harvest Home services at Johueton'e church. Rev. W. B. Smith, B. A., of Woodstock, will be the preacher, 13e1g rxLve. Dr, M. R. Findlater, of Boston, Macre„ ie spending bar variation at the parental home, 2od line Morris. Mass Minnie Rtteeell ie on a holiday trip np the lakes to Doletb. She ie as. oompanied by her brother Oran. Lizzie Ferguson passed the reread Entrancenae Exam, oredittobly. She is one of H.Ainley'e pupils in No. 6, Morrie and a bright lassie. The W. M. S, of 13elgrave Methodist Church held tt very eaooeeefnl open meet. ing on Thursday afternoon, Ang. and. Tbere was a good attendance of the sister Societies of the village and a splen• did turn out from Brueeeels auxiliary, a000mpauied by their pastor and wife, Rev, Mr, and Mre, Powell. The chair was filled by the President, Mre, (Rev.) Rivera and the meeting opened with sing. ing end prayer. A oboioe program was given consisting of vocal and ine0rumen- tal mneio, readings and short addressee by Reade, Rivera sod Powell in whish the latter gentleman eulogized the "get there abilities of the ladies, whioh was both amusing and inetrnohive. A very generous offering watt taken np and the meeting brought to a aloes with singing and the beuediotion. The audience then adjourned to the latvn of Mre. Oeater, whioh was kindly given tor the 000aeion, WE INVITE • every paraut, youeo moa or Wuhan who le ruberaebod ll) any way in Business Baucatien to write fur a copy of our Prospectus. 1t tells you exao0ly what to do and why our students enooeed so well. Witte at once for it. Pall term from Sept, 4th, Address W. H, SumW, Prinetpal. CENfiM BUSINESS SOWN TORONTO. ONT, bei=_:....... "sae 8horthai,d Typox7 sting The following isa partial list of the firms engaging eta graduate 010ue ographora within the poet few days ; W, T, nage & Co., Toronto Cotton Seed Co., Loudon Barrister Vauetone, Wingham Marks lllootric.Co Detroit Monarch Typewriter Oo„Toronto Wingham 82L G ',Affiliated with Clinton Business College,” OPENS SEPT. 3RD Write fax particulars to GEO. SPOTTON, Principal on whioh au abundant tea was served and 0 very weld time was epsnt, Before de. parting a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the,entertaining maxillary by the Brueeele ladies in whioh they expreesed Ihemselvea as having had a good time. W tali curt. The walls of the new store are being rapidly built, Dr, Frank Neal is improving nioely we are pleased to hear. J. B. Morrieou mud bride, of Napinka, Men„ are vieitiug relativoe here. The building of the vault of the new Bank was commenced this week, A number from this lo0slity took in the Sunday School Excureion to Rin, oardine on Wedueeday. The storm Istat Sunday evening did ooneiderabie damage, blowing down tress, faunas and flattening the grain. Geo. F ergueon is home from a very enjuyable trip to the West. He was greatly pleased with hie visit whioh agreed well with him. lO thel. Mise Mary MoDanald is spending her holidays in Muskoka. Mies Linda Milne, who bee been visit• ing in Toronto the past month or more ie home ugaiu. Rev. and Mre, Armstrong are away for a two weeks' holiday with (needs in Goderiob, Tupperville and Windsor, About 100 people from this locality tools in the exoureiou to Kiuoardiee on Wednesday and bad a epleudid time. Mies Lida McCallum who bae been holidaying in Seaforth, Varna and Bay. field the pant two weeps ie home again, R. 0. Daviee & Go. have extended the time adverlieed for their special "T" value. Read their advt, in this issue, William and Miee Libbie Freeman, of Seaforth, and Mies Freeman, of Ring. ebon, visited thier brother, F. Freeman, here this weep, Last Sabbath evening Rev. R. Pear. eon made a moat acceptable supply in the Methodist ehuroh here. He will take oharge of Rev. Mr. 1000amna' work at Listowel for the next few weeks. Geo. and Mre, Imlay returued horns again last Setarday after a three weeks' visit with their daughter and other friends in Pt. Edward, Sarnia and Detroit, Mr. Imlay leeks ae if the trip agreed with him, TANGIBLE GIBTs: We are pleased to state that before leaving Banff for Ontario Rev. R. Pearson was very kindly remembered. The citizens gave him u roll of bills amoauting to $128 ; at Beuk• land, the other appointment the people pt the camp presented him with a wallet oontaiaiug $97.00. Agold watch obain and looket was the gift of the charohi people at Banff 0225 and the jewelry was com- plimentary to both the donors and rent. dent. Miee Bella Pearson wbo taught the Banff school, received an ebony toilet set and two pictures of Banff as a parting gift from the scholars and en agate jewel ease from the reeideute of the village. These tokens of appreciation will no doubt he highly prized by Mr. and Mise Pearson who enjoy the golden opinions of the peopleabout here era well. 111orrttei. Out the weeds. 25 dente, in advanoa, gots Tnz Pose. to January let, 1907. George and Mre. Rattan, of Atwood, were vieitore with Edward and Mre. Nichol last Sunday. Next Sabbath the eervioe in Jackson's oburoh will be wibbrawn owing to the quarterly communion at Blyth. The usual Sabbath eervioe at Sanehine church tette not held last Sabbath owing to the quarterly 0omma0ion eervioe at Belgrave. Joseph and Mre. Clegg are enjoying an outing at several of the local Summer tenons enoh as Goderiob, Boyfleld and Grand Bend, Mre. Thor. Bielby, Sib line, returned home Mouday evening, from a month's visit with relatives and Mende in Tor - auto and York Oonnty, A short time ago Ab. McColl had bis leg injured while assisting at a barn raising at bie brother's barn. He is getting round all right we are pleased to state. A number of new township bridges will have to be erected next year es several of them require constant patch• ing now to keep them in ehape for pub. lin travel. At the Bale of imported horses held at Seaforth Robert Scott, 6th line, per. chased a cholas filly for whioh 0860 was said to be paid. Mr. Scott i0 quite a horse fauoier. The trustees of S. S. No, 9, commonly known as tattoo's Sobool, have engaged Miee Murdie, of MoRtllop townebip, a0 teacher, at the rete of $826 for the balance of the year. Mre, John Manning arrived home Monday evening after au extended and enjoyable vital) to the West. Mise Sperling, here Meter, a000mpanied her here from Toronto on a visit. The wind storm !oat Sunday night un. roofed about 40 feet of 1130 barn roof at W. A. McCall's, Soh line rattere and hay fork traok also went. Many of the fields of grain wore aim badly battered down, The rain fell in horrenbe in places. Harveet Home Services will be held next Sunday, Aug, 120, in Johnaton'e Church, Bluevale Cirouit. Rev. W, B. Smith, B. A„ of Woodatook, will preach at 10.80 a. n>, and 7 p. m. There will be no esrvioe at, Bluevale or Ebenezer next Sunday. Towuebip Contrail met Mat Monday and trahsaoted a good phare of business. They will meet again next Mouday, 18th fast„ at 10 a, m. and in the afternoon will hear appeals in connection with the Kelly Drain By.Law. There are only two appeals. Q000rnr WEDDED,—A quint wedding took plane at the Methodist parsonage, Brnasels, on Wedneeday afternoon of this week, when Mies Maggie, only daughter of Arthur Cantelon, 8rd line of Morrie, became the wife of Edward Pollard. of Grey, The bride looked charming in a dream of white organdie trimmed with all Duet Moe, inoortion and wbite taffeta silk ribbon with write elation hat to match. The groom's gift to the bride wag a bandeome broeelet. Their many friends wish them a very pleaeant Bail over the matrimonial wee, Rev. E. G. Powell tied the matrimonial knot, Mr. and Mre, Pollard take up residence on the groom'd farm iu the 6111 non, TVreia too-. A load from here spent Sunday in Formoea, The Misses Godbolt returned to Exeter on Monday. Alex. Gibson returned to Toronto on Saturday. Allan H. Rae le spending this week in Peterborough. Mise Minnie Smith is visiting with relatives in Tara, Mise Amens, ot Brussels, vielted in the village on Sunday. Mre, Fleming, of Toronto, is the gneet of her daughter, Mre. W, Carr, Mien Jamie 61oTaviab hail gond to Wingham for a visit with reiativee. Oliver Smith, of Mosley, ie spending two weeks with hie mother, Mrs, H. Smith, Ales, Munroe and family are having a few holidays with the former's relatives near Milverton, Mieeee Laura Lewis and Georgie Howe have gone to Port Elgin where they will epend two weeks. Eetitor Watters, of Fordwioh, will oo. oupy the pulpit as the Epieoopul church Sunday afternoon. Mies Batters, a former resident here but now of the West, is eojoying a plait with Mre. Robert Black, Mrs. Campbell and daughter, Miee Lou Campbell, of Woodetook, are guests of Mise Alioe Hamiltou. Mr. and Mre. Howe arrived from Eng- land on Monday and are the guests of the loaner's brother, Goo, Howe. Harry Brawl) arrived from 100miota, Man., on Monday and is the greet of his parade, Dr. and Mre. Brawn. Tbere was no tervioe held in the Presbyterian Obarob on Sunday, Rev. L. Perrin having left the previous week for his holidays. Mre. John Sanderson and Miee Mary Sanderson, accompanied by the tormer's eon's two children, of Toronto, arrived here on Thursday, William Ferguson, for many years a reeideot of Howiok, passed away at hie home on Monday evening. He ie a brother of John Fergusoo, of tbie pleas. Some from bore who spent Thursday in Listowel were ; George Laokie, Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, A. and Mrs. McLean, W. and Mre. Rutherford, Mieeee Ethel and Edna Godbolt, Tina Rae and L. Mor. risen. On' Friday afternoon the Wroxeter Court of the 0. 0.F. entertained their friends to a very enjoyable pio•nio in Dr. Smele'e grove. The program consisted of boyo' and girt' rapes, men's rages, foot ball, baseball, quoits and swinging. There wits 9 very large attendance and every one went with the intention of bay- ing a good time and certainly suooeeded. The local Ooart deeerve credit for the epleudid thorium of their undertaking and it is to be hoped they will repeat the pio-nio next year. Gree. 25 oente, in advance, pays for Toa Pon to Jan. 1st, 1907. A good share of the harvest will be oat by the close of this week. Township Gannett mivatee may be read on page 4 of this issue. Mies Mina Dark of Atwood, 18 a visitor at ,Hagb Porter's, 10th con., this week. Public eoboole io rural eeotiona will re- open ou Monday, 20th for the Fall term. Joe Shaw and daughter arrived home last week from au enjoyable trip to Wis. oonein, Quite a number from Grey attended the Old Boye' celebration ab Lietowel last week. We are sorry to hear of several oases of typboid fever but wish the pallente a speedy reo0very. Maes Annie Rozell returned to Paw Paw, Miobigaa, with her Bieber, Mre, Engle, last Mouday. Last Sunday's wind storm made s sorry mixup of Standing grain in seam eeotiooe of the towoehip. A number of 500711ee talk of visiting the West to aeeieb io oaring for the grain. They will go on Friday Aug. 17113. A por01on of the root of Hugh Stewart's barn, 16th con., was blown off by the high wind of last $today night. The damage has been repaired, Where le the neatens weed Inepeotor ? Many of the roadeidee are showing Wearied °rope that will seed many an mare ot the adjeoenb farms. The Ooanoil and Petbmsoter0 shonld wake up. Tan Tax RATE.—By By•Law No. 262 of the township of Grey the tax rate will be a0 follows for 1906 ;-0o. rate, 2 mills on the $ ; Townehip rate, 8 mills mud towoehip rate lot eohoole, 1 61/100. Dr. Will. E. Bryane has eooepbad a position ail assistant to Dr. Brand, of Toronto, and will epend a year there at least. He hat the material in him to take him to the top ot the profeaeional ladder and hie many friends in this locality wish him seatless. Applications will be received by the Township Ootnoil up to 4 p. m, on Mon. day, 17th inst., for the' position of Treas. urer for the Municipality of Grey. The vacancy as caused owing to the resigna- tion of Treasurer Raynbanb. Mre. 0. Ritz and Miee Ooobrane, of Dryden, Now Ontario, are visiting their brother, Boot, Cochrane, 14th eon. Mrs. Bpb. Smith and eon of New Hamburg, are also vioitors at Mr, Ooohrahe'e. Mrs, Smith ie hire. Ooobrane'e meter. Mre, George Motdann has been enjoy ing a week or so with her 8 daughters, Mre. Thos, Willaameon, Mre, Geo. Mo. Kay and Mre, Jno, McLeod, For e person of 78 yearn hire. MoMann as quite 0%01100. She makes her home ohist• ly with her daughter, Mre. Jno, Short. reed, of Morrie township, Mies Minnie MoLaaghlin, who bae been living in Waekada, Manitoba, baa 'who is vieitiug with relatives and friends, in MoRiliop and looality, wag visiting Mre, Thomas Williamsaa, 14113 non. Thee, and Mre, Young, of MaKillep se• oompanied Mies McLaughlin. The lat. ter and hire. Young are eieter0, There age several orcee dogs belonging to Groyilee that are going to go to dog. dom if their raping oat to taokle every horse and buggy that passes is not stop- ped. Lite is too precious to beve it haz' traded by Ibis Bort of thing. Tbe ownere efl00id be made aware of the action° of thoee doge and If the naioauoe does not Dean the law should be pat into effeot. Already more than one upeet has been eaneed, Wel. NEweoMns PAeeee Away.—A fetter was reoeived by True Poon on Wednesday from R, J. Newcombe, of Newark, N. J., announoiug the detainee of hie tither, Wm. Newoombe, a former well known resident of aria township, in hie 74th year, The old gentleman died on Friday of last week at the home of hie daughter, MMB. J. B. MoOallum, from where the funeral took plane on Sunday afternoon. Interment was made ea Fairmount. People We Talk About. Rohl, Downing was on tbie sick list this week. Mrs. J. Leckie ie bolidaying at Southampton. Barrieter hioDonald was al) the Co. town for a few days. Wes Annie MoLauohlin le visiting with friends et Silver Garners. Ino. Wilbee, of Stratford, was home for a few days this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Hotmee and Dorothy are bolidaying at Port Elgin. Mies Sarah Dudley, of Toronto, is visiting under the parental roof. John and Mre. Wheatley and ohlldron are visiting relatives in Stratford, W. J. Murray, of Exeter, was a visitor in town on Wednesday and Thareday. ; Mise Mabel Zimmer was the greet of Atwood friends during the past week. Ed. Kerley le enjoying a holiday with the 014 Boys' in Berlin and Strattord. Fred, Adams, Miee Edith and Willie, of Fordwioh, were in town oo Tuesday. F. S. Sootb attended the ram at Mount Forest on Tuesday and Wednee. day.r. and Mre. Doughty, of Preston, were visitors with A. and Mre. Mo. Glair)), R. Drone, who ie employed at Fergus, was bare for a few days visiting his family. Miee Jeeeie Cunningham bae returned from a holiday visit at Clinton and other pointe. Mies Georgia Roee, of Listowel, is the gamete of relatives and friende in town this week. Mies Lottie J. Brown and Miee Agnes Walker are the mete of friends in Gorrie this week. Dr. J. P. MaLauohlio, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. D. MxLanoblin, Mies Lizzie Brown io home for a venation from the Tomato Central Baeineeo college. alias Olive Mainprize, of Preston, ie visiting with her sister, Mre. W. H. Stewart, in town. alias Edith hicLauablio, of Toronto, wee a visitor with her parents and old artsode intown, e r Mre, and alias Mar ay, of Seaforth were vieitore with friends in town during the past week, Mieeee Mabel and Linda Ooivin were visiting their Bitter Mrs. Geo. M. Mitchell, of Ethel, the peat few days. Miee Carrie Hingeton is spending the week at Wingham and ie attending the 08esion0 of the Smmer Sohool. ()Marge Thomson, of the Metropolitan Bank, Brigden, ie spending hie holidays under the parental roof, Brueeele. Mica Amauda Beams, of Ingersoll, am oompanied her oonein, Mite Mildred Soots, to Brueeele thie week on a vieit. Rev. Mr, Finkbeioer, of Campden, was visiting reiativee and friends in Brussels and Morrie for a day or so thie week. B. Gerry visited trienda in Buffalo, N. Y., for a few days, taking advantage of the Exoureiou last Friday to Niagara Falls, Mre. Jae. Ballantyne and eon are visit- ing at Londeeboro' and Clinton. Mre. (Do.) T3oeeaok, of Ianerkip, a000mpauied them. Milton MoArtor, of Brampton, was here on Wedneeday visiting hie many old friends. Brampton's Oivio Holiday Was on Wednesday. DeWitt Holmee, of Park Hill, a form. sr Brnseelite, was polling on old friends in town this week. He lntende taking a position in Wingham. Rev. A. C. Tilhu, of Prowbridge, was a salter en Tait POET on Tuesday while driving through to Goderioh to attend the sessions of the Summer Sobool. Mre. James Wilson, a000mpanied her daughters, Mieeee Edith and Ella Inman, of Guelph and Chicago, reepeotively, to Toronto lust Friday for a holiday viett, Among those who took in the Exonr. exon to the Falls last Friday were B. Gerry, Jno. and Mre. Goatee, Jno, Bata man and Mies Laura, James Cuthill, and Geo. Willits, Maes Maggie MoNanghton, of Clinton, was palled home owing to the illness of her father but the patient improved so mach that she was able to return. Mies Fannie Rogue is aleiting her sinter, Mise Nina, at Mount Forrest, and inoidentally taking in the Old Boys' Celebration being bald there this week. Miee Dolly Shaw was renewing old friendships in Braude and was the out of tJMies oahldsaposiiion as enleeladyin (lode. doh. Colin Shaw, of Springfield, Ohio, formerly a well known young Brueeelits, was a 0101108 hi town on Wadoaaday. He looks ae if the Amerioan air agreed with him. H, L. Jackson arrived home on Mon• day atter seeing the sighto eO Hamilton, Buffalo, Boston, Providence, New York, &m, Mre, Harold Creighton oame with him for a dolt to town. MOB Hattie Downing le visiting at the Methodist Parsonage, Park Hill, with the family of Ray. S. J. Allan, formerly of Braude, They will spend part of the time at Grand Bend, the looal Summer resort, Mies Eva Cober, of Moorefield, le visit. ing in town, Mre, Geo. Baeker is visiting at Blyth and Wiogbam and Miaow Lena and Pearl in MoKillop. Mies Joao coa0te, of Chicago, is holt. daying with her grandparents, James and Mre. Menziee, William street. Misses MoGregor, of Boafortb, and Mardi°, of McKillop, were visitors with Mrs. W. Martin, Flora street, thie week, . We are 0orry to hoar that Mre. Dan. MoNangbton ie oink at the hospital in Mooaojaw but we hope ere will croon be better, Jae, G. Jones and W. 0. Smith are away to Poterboro' representing Western Star Lodge, No. 149, Braseeln, at the Grand Lodge of I. 0. O.F. Miss Ethel Sootb, who taught in Brno. cele Public Sobool is renewing old friend- rbips 1n Brussels. She Iles been attend. ing the University at Toronto during the past year. Mise Scott is a weloome Visitor. B. S. and lura. Cook, web known real - dents of Fordwioh, were in Brussels on Tuesday. Mr. Cook has lived in Howiok for the past 80 years and has been honor. ed with the beet the people had to give in both church and munioipal ollace. Be wears bis years splendidly. The Stratford Beacon eels :—Albert Diokeon, brother-in-law of A. M, Key, of thio oily, has been transferred from the Toronto branch of the Bank of Montreal, where he 000apled the position of teller, to the Seattle, Wash. braooh, to wormy a similar poeitioo. Mr, Diokeou'e home ie in 50400ioh. James B, Holden, wbo Ilse just been eleoted t0 represent the YermilliOt1 dietriot in the Alberts Legislators, is married to a daogbter of M. A. Worth, who was born in Mitchell, and is a brother of Mre. W. R. Davie. Mr. Holden ie the youngest member of the Legislature, being only 29 yearn of age. Mre. B. Gerry, of town, is a aunt to Mre. Holden. Brussels Council. The regalar meeting of Bruseele Council was held on Monday evening, Minnbea of last meeting read and permed, All the members present except A. Baeker. Following aca0ant0 were presented and on motion of H. James and Jam. Jones they were ordered to be paid ;— Waterloo Mutual, ineuranoe Town Hall $40 00 Robert Olrver, salary 83 33 R. Henderson, opal for Town Ball 33 95 W, H. Kerr, on printing a00000015 00 Judge Doyle, legal Oahbill appeal 14 35 Wm. Sellers, gravel 84 25 A disonsaion took phos ail to the quality of the gravel being put on Turn. ha00y ebreet and 11 was oonoeded it was not good enoagb and farther gravelling has ceased until a better pit is opened. J. Leokie addreoeed the Connell relative to the building of a small dam in the river below the irou bridge with a view of improving the appearance of the river and affording boating laoilihieo and op. portuuitiea for bathing and possibly make a place for skating and outing to the Winter. A grant by the town would be a proper thing, he thought. The work if undertaken, would have to be done in low water and would poet from $120 to $150. Oouuoillor James asked what the properties immediately benefitted would pay toward it ? Mt, Leokie Bald he had not ooneidered that side of the gaeation. From 2 to 4 feet of water would be neoesoary. The dam should be 3 feet high. Reeve Henderson thought it would be a luxury. The work of cleaning out the river might be done by a bee. Dam might be placed at boundary of Mre, Coaeley'e property. Jas. Fox approved of the plan and thought the pebuo generally would share iu benefit. Some people had already agreed to aid by private eubecription. Moved by H. James, seconded by Jae. Jones that the Finance Committee make an examination of the site, martian the coat and report at a later date, Oounoillor Jones said it was 0new move and bee people not reeidente by the river Should bo asked for their opinion. If there was money to spare the foot. bridge asked for should be baht, Oounoillor Ballantyne thought the Council would not be warranted to expend money on a dam when a footbridge wee pressed for. It is wasting time to seek Information if nothing further is to be done. The motion pervailed. Jae. Thnell asked why redaction was made ou Eleotrio light a000unt at last meeting 1 The Connell stated dockage was for individual lights not burning on dark nights. A half hour was spent 1n thresh. ing out the matter of "on" and "off lights" whioh has been up on a number of previoue 0000eiouo. 11 was thought that ou some evenings the lights were not on early enough. Dauoau Ross asked that the Ball rent rata be reduced from $5 to $2 per eveu0og for eutertainmoute held by him. council agreed it he used Half 18 nights to make tee 92 but the program and conduct mast be of a higher type than that of Saturday evening. Oonolable Oliver oomplained of the gross profanity ueod by Boma of the onteide element owing no doubt from too freely imbibing of open jean, One of the rigs driven by the vietsors parried a keg of beer on tap. Mr. Rose wad he was a loser to the tune of $11.80 by Saturday evening's wrestling exhibition, The Oigarette law violation wee before the Commit. It was stated that] the law was violated by an Individual bringing in oigarottee from an outside point and die., posed of them to minora. Further inquiry will be made and the violators made en example of. Ooanoil then adjourned. St. Marys oivio holiday, Monday, Aug. 18th. The British battleship Dominion, Cap. tail) Kingemill, has arrived et Halif80. A St, Tbomae base ball player wag etruolt by a pitobed ball and 10 etill un. 0on0oieue,