The Brussels Post, 1906-8-2, Page 8A Good Tooth Brush Standard Bank of Canada Is a Treasure We are well able bo supply you With a good Tooth Brueh au we have lately received a large nam. ber of them, This lot comprised a great many different kinds and at prices to snit every •one, They eel' at from 100 to 40o eaob, but at 250 we have a thoroughly reliable Brush and you won't find your - mouth full of bristles after us- ing it. IF your Xlyesight is not as good as you would like it to be or if your eyes eas- ily tire, come to us and have your Eyes test- ed. You will be surprised what good results are to be obtain- ed from the RIGHT GLASSES for your particular case. A Good Selection of Picture Post Cards DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ex0688I001 W. 0. & 8. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows ; Goma Sower Como NORTH. Mail 7:00 am: I Mixed 8110 a,m Mixed 11:25 a.m I Mail ...........1:44 p.m Exprese8:02p.m Express 8:81p.m gxrr 1 .env Vents A ohiel's amang ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. AuaaeT. HAND AS in the name of your visitor. Boweoers Council will meet next Mon. day. Crvlo Etoliday next Wednesday, 8113. inst. Summon Raoee at Brussels on August 22nd. and 23rd. Wm. JawriT °hipped a oar of oattle to Toronto this week. Tann your neighbor tbab 25 cents will get ha Pon to January 1907. CoNeae=L= OLIVER ie after the big and little who undertake to play ball on the Main street. Qom a number of Braseelitee are Wittig in the 018 Boys' Celebration a6 Lietowel this week, Some great matinees are being held on the halt mile track with the loot trotters end pacers. THE ham of the threshing machine will now be heard in the lend and a buoy season's work is before them. Bauman Band went to a Garden Party at Wroxeter on Wednesday even- ing and Supplied a good share of the program. Am your glaeeee right ? Vision changes as all things do. Sea Tanbe & Son et Fox'e Drug Store on Thursday and Friday Angnet 9th and 10111. A coven of loads of ladies from the Methodist ohurob, Brussels, attended a meeting of the W. M. S. at Belgrave on Thursday afternoon of this week. Las stook shipments this week inolude a oar of hogs and a oar of cattle by A. 0. Dames ; a on of oattle by W. Jewitt ; and a oar of cattle by Diokeon Broth A Loon, howling oompetitioo for the ownership of two umbrellas bne been in progress and has narrowed down to the finale with D. 0. Roes and R. Downing as skips. Sox oars of coal have oome to band thie week, 2 care were for Gerry & Walker t 2 for Wilton & Gillespie and a oer eaoh for R. Henderson and Thuell Bros. Tan cement abutments 213 miles North of Brussels are completed by S. S. Oole, of Ethel, and ready for the new iron superstructure to be pleoed there intend of the old wooden bridge. Leo week J. Leckie and three eons arrived home from an enjoyable outing in whioh Toronto, the St. Lawrenoe, Montreal, Quebec', Ottawa, &o„ were en- compassed. It was a fine trip and ehonld prove a valuable ednoation to the boys. AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE.-Mre. MO - $inlay has to remove from her present home, M111 street, and will eell a quantity of good household furniture, inoluding a fine equate piano, ae the premises she bee leased is smaller than the present home. Sale Saturday afternoon, Aug. 11th at 3 o'otook, F. S. Sant, Atm 810888x. HUMUS FOR KIROARDINE,-The Annual Sabbath School Exoarsion to Kincardine will be run by special train on Wednee. day of next weak. A Brass Baud will aoaompany it and an interesting program of games will take plane at the lake•eide. Arrange to go and enjoy the day by old Huron. The time table and rates may be read on page 4 of this ieeoe. $ BRIGHT Yong MAN Duce, -Friday or Iaet week Dr. Joseph Elliott, of Tor- onto died of eaneer of the stomach at the early age of 81 years. He had prat. titled for ten years in Toronto. Inter. went wee made at Brantford where the parental home wae. Deceased was It nephew of Mre. Jno. Hunter, Brunelle. She and Mr. Hunter, and son Joe at. tended the funeral on Monday, Dr, El• lion was a clever man whose demise is greatly regretted. DUNOAN C. Bose HERE. -Saturday evening of this week Dnnoan 0. Rose, the world renowned Swath swordsman, wrestler, &o., who was here 26 years ago attending the Oaledoniao gamed along with the late Donald Dinnio, to in town and will give an exhibition in the Town Hall Saturday evening, 403 inet,, oommenoiog at 8,15 °'°look, He Will try aoaolaeione with Pet. MoGraw, of Seaforth, who threw bine at Seaforth, Boxing, Jib Jiton, physical culture and broadsword will aloe be demonstrated. See bills for further parbieulare. Conn to the want of inbereeb on the part of citizens the meeting palled for last Monday evening to dieting a Labor Day neiebrabion in Broeeele was not held. If all had attended who Bald they intended to do 00 the Town Hall might have been filled. Some thought n celebration 't'oald interfere with the races ; others raid ie would tell againet the Tall Fair ; and yet, ;Mere thought 16 tom late in the 088800 and the Jaye too them. Bennie ':will require to wake up about tbeee epeo'ai days 00 the reoord of the past will Bra out 0hame. 25 dente 'o advanoe gate Tee POST to Jan. let 1907. Dou'b borrow any longer. Hoeg are $7.60 per owt. on Brussels market. The farmers are oorreeponding. 19 happy. Tan G. T. R. whitewashing gang was here reoently and pelmet' portions of their property white. WE are sorry 6o hear that the Mieeee Gainor are ill with typhoid fever but we hope they will goon be all right again. Tao business plans will be oloeed next Wednesday owing to it being Civic Hol' day. Arrange to spend the day at the lakeeide. WATERPROOF navy blue nape with blaok velvet collar, lost Saturday evening. The owner will be greatly obliged it finder will leave it at Tax POST. WHEN Taube & Son attend to your eyes, you get the benefit of over 35 years experience. Call and oonsult them ab Fox's Drug Store, on Thursday and Friday August 9th and 10113, Naw WHEAT. -This week Isaac Jewitt, near Blaevale, delivered new Red Fall Wheat at the National Ftonr mill Bree- eels that wait an A. leample. It Boated 61 pounds to the bnehel and Wee plump and even. THE oarpenters are at work oto the new Agrioultural Park Hall and have the upper joiete in place now and will posh the work along. Thursday the staff went to Lietowel to join in the Old Boye' Oelebration. RETURN fare for adults to Exaareion to Sinoardine on Angnet 8th will be 86 Dents and 46 for ohildren. Hot water will be supplied free of charge at the park and the baskets oonveyed from depot to perk. Arrange to go. A nuNAwAY and upset gave a couple of moo au nnoeremonione npeeb near the Park last Saturday afternoon. Nobody was seriously hart. The language used by one of the partiaipante was lurid aod should bave•lended him in the "poop." Do. Ovens, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brussels, on the first Tuesday in each month. Hours, 8 a, m. to 1.30 p. m. Catered, egnint, failing eyeeigbt, deafness and nasal oatarrh treated and glaeeee properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, August 7th. AN addition of 20 feet is being built to the rear of Dr. Graham's blook at the atone reoently vacated by R. Thomson. The building has been leased to B. O. Danford & Son who will remove from their 9reee0t Iodation to t13i0 stand. Other internal improvements will be made in the store so es to make i6 up-to- date. ANNrveneeay.-The anniversary sermon to the members of Court PriIoeae Alex- andria, No. 24, 0. 0, F., Brussels, and visiting brethren, will be preached in the Methodist church, by Rev. Ezra G. Pow- ell, on Sabbath evening, August 12th, at 7 o'alook. Brethren are asked to all• eemble at the Lodge room at 6 30 o'clock and marsh to the oharoh. OomPLeINT hall been made from differ• sot quarters in reference to violation of the law in the sale of cigarettes and tobacco to minora. A watoh has been set and violators will be brought to book if sufficient evidence is secured. The Statute is very plain on this enbjeot. It an example were made of a few of the young lade who are driving nails in their oo8in good would likely be done. A. Manama Gun:ie.-Thos. Mc- Gregor, the well known inventor of the enweet and other tools to aid in fast and easy cutting, hes arrangements ono. pined in hie shop at Brussels for grind• ing all kinds 01 outttiog maobinery in. up•to.date style. The Prof. is always experimenting with labor saving imple• manta and all thoee interested ehould oall at his faobory, Mill etreet, Brunets. Dineen WALKER & BLACK ere receiving and opening up their new stook of Furni• tare, eto. and wilt Boon be ready to throw open the doors of their snare, A fine hearse has also oome to hand in connec- tion with the undertaking department, Mr. Forster, of Wiarton, an experienced hand, has been engaged by the new firm and le now here. Watob out fur the firm's advertisement, TEACHER MISSING. - Last Saturday's daily Globeoontained the following which referred to Mies Jessie Robertson who taught in Brussels tloboollast year; A Mies Robertson, aged 80 years, a eohool teacher from Goderiob, Ont., who is said to be eubjeot to nervone attacks, myeteri• only disappeared from her hotel in Quebec Thursday morning and has not been seen since. Mies Robertson recently to Visit fpounded riends,acid arriving there on Glaegew, N. Se ednee. day last, wee met at the I. 0, R. station by her brother, who had come on from Ontario to meet her. She registered at the Hotel Victoria, that pity, and the same day visited S6. Anne de Beaupre, returning to Quebec the same evening. Thursday morning Mr. Robertson went to oall on hie eater when he fonod her gone, taking het parse containing a won- eiderable aura of money and leaving her hand eatohel that contained her return railway tickets, The debeotives are now looking for her, Monday's Daily Toronto Star in oorreepondanoe from Montreal adds :-thief Doteotive Oarpenter today plaited hie entire staff at Werk to locate ;Kies Robertson, of Goderioh, Ont., who 8igapp6800d from Qaebeo on 'Thursday last, Detective Carpenter olaime to have evidence that the young school leather eine leaving her brother applied for work here. n¢'.a.netm..0SYiaa 1572 SURPLUS, 011 RESERVE FUND 01,000,000 TOW, ASSETS OVER 18,°06,000 A General Banking Busineles Train SO. eted. " 4SA V/NGS BANKP`a'-. Interest paid from date of deposit to date of withdrawal at highoet ourreut retell and °impounded half -yearly. 801418 Deposit A°minute-A SPECIAL CONVENIENCE In use In our Savings De- partment 1e the "Joint Deposit" account. Money may be depeelted or. withdrawn by either of the. two members of the household, This eyetem ie it great conven- loneo to many residing in town, but more particularly no to farmers, us in the latter ease whether man or wife comae to town either can attend to the Banking, An. other feature of the system is that in ease of tho death of either party the reouey can be withdrawn by the survivor without coot. We will toll you more about our methods If you will kindly pall or write. married ]{'omen and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the in. t°rveutioa of any person, SALE NOTES OASHiIID, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for which no oharge ie made, YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oareful and oonrbeoue attention. G. P. SOHOLFLELD, GEN. MangumJ. F. ROW LAND, M00(8000. ARE you' going to Kincardine next Wedneeday ? See the time table and rates of special Excursion in another column. SMITH School Excursion next Wed- nesday to Kinoardioe. Train leavee Brussels at 8 86 a. m. Fare 85o for adults and 45o for ohiidreo. Loss of eyesight is worse than Ione of fortune. NO matter how email your eye trouble may be, have it corrected. See Taube and Son at Foxe Drug Store on Tbareday and Friday August 9th and 10112. NIAGARA FALLo.-An Exooreion to this beautiful epos on Friday of this week. Train leaves Brussels at 6.48 a. m. Re• tarn ticket only $2.16. Tioket good to return on Monday followiog on any train. 8. T. Omens, who has been at Glen Allan for the past three years, has ob• Mined the Prinoipalehip of Milverton Public School at the initial eatery of $600. He is a brother to Mrs. Jae. Elliott, of Brussels. A WELL was drilled at Ewan & Co. Car- riage shop by George Edwards. Water wee found in one day al the depth of 89i feet, 23 feet of which was rook. Mr. Edwarde nae parohased a traction engine and will now be able to do his own mov- ing, oring, FRIDAT evening of this week Rev, J. H. Beotar, the Blank Knight, will deliver a leotnre in the Methodist north, Brae - eels. Mre. and Mise Hector will Resist in vocal eoleatione. No admission fee but a silver oolletion will be taken. Leotare, wbioh le under 1130 auspices of the W. 0. T. U., will aommenoe at 8 o'olook. Don't mise it, A FORmeR BRUeeoLITo, - The Fenton (Mich.) Courier, of July 18th speaks of a termer Brueeelite in the following enlo- gtebi0 style, a portrait of the young mac adorning the page :-Fred. L. Viet hoe been in business here far about live years. He previously was with Marshall Field & Co., of Chicago, and at one time had charge Of the Louisville office for the National Oath Register Company, of Deyton, Ohio. Some idea of the success enjoyed by him in his grocery baldness here oaa be had from the statement that the first year he was in business the trade done was $9,700, while today the annual sales are between $26,000 and $30,000, wholesale and retail, certainly a most wonderful inoreaee end all brought about by industry, hard work and un• questioned business methods. The store occupied by Fred. L. Viel is one of the largest and finest in thie section of Mich. igen and is 26x90 feet. Io the rear is an addition used for wholesale purposes, 23x30, The largely increasing business demanded the addition being built 10 1904. The business is both. wholeeale and retail and a very large stook is of neoeseity carried, oomprieing staple and fanny groceries, foreign and domeetio oanoed goods, teas and coffees, fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, cigars toba000e, non. Lectionary, butter, eggs, eta., and a specialty is made of Hillsdale Ooffee, 350 ; San Marto Coffee, 250, and Leaner 61 Tea. A large wholesale trade ie done in °onfectionery and a great variety of dif. ferent kinds kept fresh on band. Prob- ably bat few young merchants can boast of the bneineee Baooe00 that Fred L. Vial hae had, and yet he ie entitled to every bit of it. He is a believer in Fen. ton, progressive and energetic, aod ever ready to do all in hie power to advanoe the interests of the village. The store le finely eitnated on Le Roy etreet. THE LAT& DONALD MOLerma0IN,-As stated last week a former well known resident of this locality, in the person of Donald MoLauoblin, died at the home of hie eon James, at Langdon, North Dakota on Tuesday of last week, in hie 77th year. He had been poorly einoo.last May bob the immediate pause of his death was a ebroke of paralyeie, which he took in the buggy while driving with his laugh. bel -in-law and died three weeks later, being oonsoione to the laet. Deceased wae born in Perthshire, Scotland, and was the eldest eon of the late Thos. MaLanohlin. He came to MoNab town. ship, Renfrew Co., when a lad and in 1858 come Westward to Grey township, when this country wag new and ubeettled securing 800 agree of splendid land wbioh belonged to the members of the family for many years. The eubjeot of this notice wee a hardy, industrious mac who never hardly knew a day's Wines. He wall Township Oolleoter and 5013oo1 True• tee for ye0t0 and was one of the few who promoted the establishment of Melville Preebyterion ohdr0ll of which he was an Elder. Mr. MoLaaohlin wag married to Min Mary MoNab who pee. cleansed him seventeen years ago. The members of the family are Thomae, of Minitonie, Manitoba ; Moe. Wm. Campbell, cypress River, Man. l Damian, Winnipeg; Mre. 800. Burgess, Glenboro', Man. ; Mre, A. MoLeaa, Mre. R. Work, Donald and Janne, all of Langdon, North Dakota ; and Mre. Ed. Loon, of Hampden, North Dakota. One eon died in ohildhood. Only two brothers survive viz Thomas and Alex• ender, of Braomle. The funeral took place from the former'e residence Sat- urday afternoon the eervi00 oondaoted by Rev, Mr, MoDonald. Pallbearers wore six old Mende in the persons of Alex, Stewart, Geo. 01601 f, Alex, Stewart, 8110. Cardiff, 3, Leckie and F,13, Soon. De. oensed'e remains were accompanied here by hie eon James who is making a brief visit with meaty relatives and old Mende, Mr, MaLaaohlin sxpreseed a desire to be buried in the faintly plot here and hie wish wee gratifled, He was widely known and reopected and his demise re• moves another of the few sturdy pioneers of thie 10061'13, 00I10'0 plain gold ring lost in the Methodist church last Sunday. The finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tag Poem. BANES WILL MOBIL -Owing to next Wednesday being the Ulric Holiday in Brussels the Banks here will be closed that day. People ebauld govern them- selves a000rdingly. DEATII OF WTI, J. BnOADFOOT.-The denten of W. J. Broadtoot, eldest son of the late J. H. Broadtoot, of Seaforth, and brother to 0. H. Broadtoot, of Brae - eels, took place at Banff on July 22nd, typhoid fever being the amuse. He was a big hearty mac, 6 feat 2 ioohee iu height, weighed 226 pounds and was in hie 40th year. Hie illness oommenoed at Princeton, where he was engaged at mining and to get to Banff he had to travel 460 miles by stage and this pos. eibly pat the prospect of recovery be- yond 908011on. Mr. Broadtoot went West over 20 years ago and had never been home for 13 years bat promised hie mother to return for the coming Winter. Four years ago he was married to a lady in Washington State who survives him. They had no family. The body reached Seaforth laet Saturday afternoon and the funnel took plane Sunday afternoon and was largely attended. Service Was oonduated by Reeds. Messrs. Larkin and Shaw. Deaeaeed bad done well in ranching and prospecting and Mr. Broadfoot, of town, will likely go West next month to look atter the estate. The filmes resulting in Mr. Broridfaot's demise was the first eioknees in his life. He had been poorly for a month before reaching Banff. The relatives will share largely in the sympathy of a wide oirole of friends, BASE Bexr.-A game of Base Ball was played on Viotoria Park last Friday evening between the old clippers and the younger ball experts that evoked con. eiderable interest in the oommanity. The non was 12-5 when night spread her mantle over the eoene the "old boys" being still at the bait. The line up was all follows ; - clippers - A. Currie, 8. Stratton, W. Grewar, N. Gerry, J. Roes, 11. Doieobel, F. Stratton, H. Finn, A. T. Corrie. Maple Leafs - J, Habkirk, L. Xerr, J. H. Rowland, J. Straobaa, R. Erowo, W. Griffith, N. Smith, G. Nor. mac, J. Little. W. A. Gretna pitched for the viotore in old time style and Jae. B. ,Stratton was the capable reoeiver of the sphere. Ior the other side the twirlers were Brown and Little with THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL -Authorized $2,000.000 CAPITAL -recd up 1,000,000 RESERVE and Surplus Preftte: 1.1OS4 8 Directors D, E, TI100P5Ole, 16, 0. Vino -President. 070 11011011 Ain. W, 0ORTItfnn CLAIM, R.O. JAB, nem JOHN Fln001000oa W, 11..01088, - General tanager 0. 8, MOORE, President, Tama. naenaaew, THE METROPOLITAN RARE le open to rooeivo the a000unte of Farman, manhunts µad Business 0ommunity geuorally and to give careful consideration to all proposals submitted to It. I6 relies upon its past reoord for oourteoue treatment of its cus- tomer°, and will extend every oouslderabloe consistent with sound banking toithose who may desire to 10006001 buelnese with 16, Interest at HIGHEST OURRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANOH W. J. FAWCETT, Manager, Griffith and Little changing off behind the bat. Some great batting was done ; tall sprinting was common aod muffs were rare. Oonnoillor Janne dealt oat the law ae Umpire aod came in for aoneiderable ennui and adobe. B. Gerry, who was really the promoter of the match, took up a collection, to defray the 8098080 of a new meek, pad, eta. The probabilibiee are another game may be played but the hoar will require to be earlier than that of Friday evening to conclude many innings, St. Andrew's oburob, Stratford, has ex. tended a pall to Rev, F. J. Thompson, of Buena Vista, Virginia. Arch. Nichol wee thrown out of a gas- oline laaooh by the explosion of the tank at Roudeau and drowned. The steamer Arctic intends remaining in the far North all winter and next Sommer, returning in the Fall of 1907. The ehareholdero of Dominion Park, Montreal, who are also interested in a Toronto amusement scheme have decided to in0rea88 their capital stook by $100,- 000. Business Locals. You are pretty apt to get something to lit your feet at McLAnnoe'e. BINDER TWINE. -Deering, Standard, Manila, 650 ft, 110. Mases & Co. A rum, line of the B. & C. perteot 8t. ting ooroete. 50o. to $1,26 at McLAR,N'e, 100 R00ND cedar poets for sale, also a single boggy.. Apply to A. Oen, Brae. Bale, North. SROOND handrubber tire buggy, in good condition, for sale ata bargain. EWAN & 00. DON'T you feel es though you'd like something 000ler these days. Try MO• Laren's underclothing. To LET. -Dwelling rooms above store ; nib water and other aonvenienaes. Im. mediate possession. I. 0. RIonARDo. ROPE. -We are headquarters for pure Manilla rope 1 inch i• and 18J16'. Our prioee are right. MoBe0 & 0o. Edging, grinding, filing and repairing done here, our work guaranteed for all time at the eaey figure by T, MoGne000, Mill St., Broeeele, Out. WANTED. -Good reliable lady to take orders for our tailor-made ooetames and skirts. Write quiokly. Dominion Garment 00„ Guelph, Ont. We are after your buskins with the right geode at the right vine, G. N. MOLAREN. 7180moNS.-A number of eeoond band buggies, newly painted, and in good condition. Snaps for purohaeere at the price. EWAN & Co., Brussels. Fon SAD,.-0omfortable dwelling, 1 ROM of laud, Oboioe fruits and bard and soft water and eituation convenient to school. I. 0. RIOHARDn. THERE'S an exceptionally line line of men'e fine blue and blank serge suite at MaLaren's. Regular values, $14.00. Take them at $9.90 during Mid -Sum• mer sale. CHURCH WIRES. The indnotioo of Rev. Mr. Wlehart to the poetorabe of Melville ohurob will take plane on Thursday afternoon, 10113 inst. His inaugural sermons will be preaohed on the Sabbath following. The quarterly Oommunion eervioe will be held in the Methodist ohorah next Sabbath morning. Fellowship meeting after the evening sermon. Rev. E. G. Powell, the pastor, will conduct the servioee. Rev, Mr. McDonald spoke at the morn• ing service last Sunday in Melville ohurob from the text "Ye are. the children of the Lord your God." Isaiah 350h ohap., 8th, 9th and 10112 verses was the evening text. Rev, Mr. Lang -Ford left this week for his holidays in Sarnia looaliby, The serving in St, John's church will be taken by Mr. Hartley, teacher at Blyth, during the motor's absence. We wish Mr. Lang.Ford an eejoyable vacation. "The burning bush" wae the topio of Rev. Mr. Powell'e sermon last Sunday morning. In the evening the theme was 'The worth of the soul." B. Gerry took the subject ed the League ebowing the infinenoe of the life of Rev. Jno. Wesley, Monthly Missionary day in the Metho. diet Sabbath School next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Powell will give an address ; Bert. Lott a recitation and Mre. Dobson will give soma particulars about Sabbath eaboole in Manitoba. Thie will also be Flower Sunday in the eohool. At the Offioial Board meeting of Brae. eels Methodist ohurob, held on Tuesday evening, the paetor'e salary was planed at $825.00. W. H. Kerr was elected delegate to the Dietriot meeting to be Preserve Your Eyesight Taube & Son Manufeeturing Optioiauo and Eyeeight Spooialiobo, of Tomato, will be at FOX'S DRUG STORE TERJBRUSSELS [] Q� (� SDAY 435 FRIDAY .Aug t1 W lU and will bo pleased to have all those troubled with defective eyesight oall and consult them. They have been established in Toron- to einoo 1871 and during that time over 100,000 oases have been su000safully fitted by thorn, Tlie advantage they have over othore le tbo fact that they grind their own Lenses and by so doing prevent any errors in the promos of Lens Making. If your Eyes trouble you in any way Or the Glasses you now wear are not com- fortable, do not neglect this opportunity of having them properly attended to. The new Eleotrio Opbhalmo-Metro- eoope used in nmking all examinations. All work absolutely guaranteed. For refereuoee see small bills. held at Wingham next Monday. Ar• rangements were made for the opeoial ennive08ay servl080 to be held this Fall in oonneobion with paying of the re. maining $1,200 debt on the church. Snbeoription list, will be oompleted so that money may; be in hand on Nov. 15613 next. The names of the old paetoro who are to be invited bank to preach on the special occasions will he announced shortly. son me% Moo xr,.-In Morrie, on July 1603, to Mr. aod Mrs. W. A, MoOall, a daughter. ase/a. Bnowt,-At Neepawa, Man., on Jaly 25013, John A. Brown, formerly of Grey township, aged 28 years. STIILLIE.-Ie Grey, on July 16th, Mag. gill, eldest daughter of James Said. lie, Con. 18, en Tams£I+S I,eAR,KO:]'J7S. Fall Wheat 76 76 Barley 48 48 Peae 70 72 Oats 86 86 Batter, tube and rolle..., 16 16 Eggs per dozen 15 16 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 7 00 7 60 Wool 24 26 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per ball 80 1 00 Apples (per bbl.) 1 50 IOW THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GOOD DRIVING MARE FOR Sale, five years old, quiet and gentle every way ; with a handsome foal 4 weeks old, aired by Monber•e (2,111.) Aleo a top buggy as good as new. Apply to THOS, MOLAUOBLIN, box 188, Brussels. 4.11 'WO IIMMI1111111111111811k. BIOS "T" TIL DURING THE ENTIRE MONTH OF AUGUST WE WILL PLACE ON OUR COUNTERS THE BIGGEST VALUE IN BLACK, JAPAN AND MIXED TEAS that has ever been planed before the people of this vicinity. For ONE JVIIV/tI TP7 you will have the opportunity of putting us to the test. We will also impress upon you the fact that if after "drawing" this Tea you do not like the taste we will refund your money for every ounce of Tea that you will return to us. During the entire month. of August we will give you Teo PI111110 Oi Black, Joill or MIRHOr Or we will give You Twenty Pounds for 54,50 Put us to the test and let us convince you that the value we have quoted will corn - pare very favorably with the so called "Tea Peddlars" Tea value at 36c per pound. We will Refund Your Money just as cheerfully as we take it, if afte=r trying this r'T" value you are not delighted with your investment, R. C. DAVIES & C0. ETHEL