The Brussels Post, 1906-8-2, Page 5.I. ! 'r ika i FALL TERM Orns SEBTI 4th 11,es'TIIA'roIduwhom-vaC ,qy In deciding to get a bedtimes e- di :lou or shorthand training, it is wise t0 idiom a nohaol thud le well anowu E for etrlotly high grade work, The WW77 ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT tfp le well known as uOtl Ort a Qat 0nr- lnurOlal Schools In exis1on00. Ito re- eord tele year bus , been most remark- able. None of our graduates are out of poeitioua and too demand ,or them ie about tweedy times the su8PIY. ; yb ( Write to -day fur oar maguin0out eats - 1 Wguo. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. I '( Den. YON*LI AND A110XAND011 11TH. ,D '-v,., l" tu -." S R1t f MEDICAL CARDS. 111?„ R. A. BURNS- - SneeeSser to lir. J. A. McNnugltlon Brussels, 0U1t11'10 Graduate of 1,01p:dlnle Post Graduate School of Modieiue and Surgery, Now York Member of College of PLyeiciane and Sur- gooue of Coterie. 011100 and residence setae a0 formerly oc- cupied by Dr. MoNa 411(00, 1)1800000 01 wameu a opouialty. 'ramie. Ne. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. TrFI. IvIoORACKEN- • Issuer of Marriage Liceuses. nue at Grocery, Tnrauerry street, Brussel0, WM. SPENCE CONVEYA.NCER AND ISSUER Or MARRIAGE LICENSES since 1u the fust nuke, Ethel. 80-4 C. O. F. Court ',cloacae Alexuudrfa, No.21, 0, 0l 1' , Nude B reseals, meet% in Lodge 1tuom, Slue - hill lohmonth,at8 o'olookVlelti iba last ng 2i•uih s of each r013 always welcome. GEORGE li:L'R1, C. 1i. W. L. L14ATtiEltDALE, it, 8. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Moo mud Rostdenco- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM% 1800aAN01, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • flan, will sell for better priooe, to better oleo, in lege time and lees (Merges than any other Auctioneer In Last Huron or be won't charge anything, Dates and orders owl always be arranged at tine o1Boe or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNiSS BLUEVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Ton 308T, Brussels, 2211 VETERINARY. A. C NIN GRAM - G• UN Hoer Gredua, of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, le prepared to trout ail dis- eases of domesticated animals 10 a compet- ent manner. Particular 0tteutlon paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk rover, Calls promptly attended to. 01110e and infirmary Four doors North of bridge, '1'arnberry et„ Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD- . Barrister, Solicitor; Notary, BM. decd Sank ltru000 0. Solicitor for 0Metro- politan Back, vr• M. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, 8o1(0itor, .Oonveyaneer, lrutury Public, do. Office -Stewart's Block 1 door North of Oeutral Hotel. Solicitor for tho Standard Sank. pROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BAR1tISTERS, 8OLI01'10118, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETO. W. Pn0Une'0021, 1C. C. 12. 0, Has G. F. BLAIR., Olfooe-2111000 formerlyumerou Holo led by Metiers 00DERI012, ONTARIO, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiLD, DENTIST Oraauate ot the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 3118(301008 Honor Graduate. of Toronto University. OSloe nett to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, 11110138141.0. 2 Fall Term Opens Sept. 4 II CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Those Interested in Bushmen 0011080 t'P 4 work [Mould write for our large cera- 1G ulogtte, This is the largest and best Dommorelal and Shorthand 901ob1 fn 1.1 Western Ontario, Wo give a 303011oal i training and aeaist our graduates to 08011ouetble position0, Many of the loading Burdens Colleen employ aur a graduates 10g180oher0, Write now for 11, exam) Oat 2111110121 & M0LA013LAN, i UY Principals. ART SruDlo is the lleadgnartm'o for SOUVENIR POST CARDS Private Cards mado of your Residence 11.100 Groups, FRP', 1 Given Fro wild every lij dozen 0ab1uet Photos, a beautiful Veneer Photo, Frame. Call and see the styles -your choice of twelve. Let me know when you want the view of your residence takou. gOEcrli jaws Jteni WE dry, crooked lips, or rough chin, use Dr. Shoop'' Green Salvo. It positive• ly makes the lips and shin like velvet, Sold by F. 11. Smith. BEtIEaivan the ditto of Taube & Son's visit to Bra.eele and if your eyes bother y0a in 1t0$' way, do not fail to oo001t them at Fox's Drag atom on Thareday and Friday Angnet 9th end 10113• TEANx You -'TEE POST tenders its beet thanks to a goodly number of people who have been remitting to semen off cub. eoriptiono. There i0 a large number of others we would like to bear from on the BOMB subject. Take u look at the eddreee label and see If this applies to you. We have to pay our bille with money the WED 1,e you. TEE 011TEAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Or TORONTO. -13y referring t0 our advertie. ing oolum0e our renders will note the Invitation of the above well known oohool to all interested in practical buoioeoe education to write for a copy of its interesting catalogue. Thio school is ad mitted to be the beet of its kind in Canada. FAort Laborers Excursion to Manitoba aid Baellatohewan will be run on the 0. P. R. from this section of the Provinoe on Angn01 17111. The fare out will be $12 00 and tiolret is good to November let. On certificate from a farmer that 30 days' work bee been pat in the return ticket may be bought for $18. Advt. appears elsewhere in 11313 issue. 1, Farrow is looal agent at Brunets. A Goon Smoot, -A. eobool that hue made an excellent record this year is the popular Elliott Bueineee College of Tor- onto. The demand made by business firm. desirous of 00ouri09 graduates of this well known eahool has been, we understand, about twenty times the supply. The prinoipal, W. J. Elliott, claims that the secret of the eohool'e 0ueoe90 is due to the feat that they thoroughly satiety every student. He is also au exteueive advertiser and Bayo that advertising helps him wonderfully in hie bneiuese. The advertieement of hie college appears in this paper. Read it. If interested, write for a catalogue. ALL Fon Houses. -The amounts to be given for horses et the Canadian National Exhibition this year are as follows Thuroughbrede, $681 ; Roadsters, $411 ; Standard brads, $461 ; Carriage nod Coach Horses, $396 I Haokneye, $521 ; Olydeedalee, $731 ; Shires, 611; Heavy Draught (Oen. bred), $408 ; Gement Purpose, $192 ; Ponies, $485 ; Roadsters (harueee) $480 ; Steudard bred (harness) $170 ; Carriage borne, $580 ; Specials, $1,620 ; Hunters and jumpers, $665; Ponies in harness, $210 ; Boy Riders, $67 ; Children's Turo•Uut, $40 Trotting and Pacing, $2,700. Besides the forego. lag 25 silver medals, 6 gold medals, 12 silver cape and one gold tap are given. Mies PAnaow's Pnrze 110012.-7130 Ottawa Oitizen oontoine a well wrilteu eee0y on the eubjeet "The Womeu of Canada," by Mies Ethel Farrow, daughter of Robert Farrow, ohief ac- countant e CustomsDepartment t nt in th Doan u at Ottawa and grand daughter Post. oet. master Farrow, Brussels, The essay won the prize 'offered by Mrs. George Hay In couneotioo with the Presby- facia* Yoaog Ladies' College, The prize wee a beautiful gold locket 0uitably engraved. Mr. Sykes, of the Oollegiete Institute, was the judge, "and," says The Citizen, "he had a difficult task to perform, as some six or seven eeeay0 were very oteverly written, and it was only atter oarelul oon81110rati0n that he awarded the honors to Min Farrow. If the others were 0e good ea Mies Farrow's they must oertalnly have been meritorione, se her paper 040108 an extensive rouge of reading and a thorough acquaint ane' with whet the women of Canada are doing in the verities avenues of activity," KEEPING UR His Radom -The Fort William Daily Herald of July 14th, makes mention of In, Gerry, a former hustler on Brussels Foot Ball team, 1,e follows ;-Tito Y. M. A, ended up their game in the football league by defeating the Britt' feet night and by eta doing go to the head of the league, and the beet the other name con now do i8 to tie them. All day Tong yesterday Capt. toll owing to several of his players being laid up tried to prevail upon the Bettie to postpone the game, bat it wee no go and he gathered a team together and went out to do hie beet and it proved to be another one of the biter bit. Barr, the Y. M. A. forward, started in to play hardly able to walk, be got hurt early in the game, but the Bridle would not pat off a man, au he pinokily continued. A little later in the game a Stitt got bort andthen they had to swallow their own medioioe and play one man short while be w8e being patched up. The Y. M. A. owe their victory to the forward line which played a fast and aggresaiye game taking every ohen0e for a acorn. Gerry, owing to the Mae. once of Dinsmore, played centre forward and was the strong man ot the team. Bootty MoNaagbtonnte Brent . A centre half•baok, gave aexhibi- tion and with Gavin and Tim Healy made a trio that nothing could get by, and even it they did what was the an for Roll and r n the job. The Br bo defence teplayed agood game. One of the basks, however, made a had mistake wbioh resulted in a noose. Gerry shot and the back caught With both hands. Gerry got the penalty end easily pt11 it though. 13ielop, in goal for the Britt"), made some marvelous eaves, The second goal for 7. M. A, was tooted by Gerry on a corner kiok Prom Healey. McArthur, of Port Arthur, noted as referee arid made eh2nt the world o01oia1 for the year. ff5a, of heatlaohee are the reonit of eye. strain. Proper tilting 3100088 will give permeneut relief, If you are troubled 'hat way consult Tunbe & Son at Fox's Drug Store on Thursday and Friday Anguet 0111 and 10111, GILT a 5 Dont box of Lax.eto at our there please. We think they are great, Just teat tleee toothsome, candy like Laxative Tablets for eouetipation, soar air m0ab, biliousness, bad breath, muddy complexion, eta. 111011 5 Dente and ewe, Sold by F. R, Smith. "IVAN11OE" A'1' TORONTO -Sir Walter Soott'o magnificent novel "Ivanhoe," will Euro iob the 'abject matter for the opeotaolo at the Canadian National Exhibition thin year. Au old laehioeed tilting tournament is to be made the grand feature. Co+tomes and 00e0er3 will be es exact 1,e artiste can make them, moots bevies been in England and Soot• land sear0bing out authorities for the MEMO, Wens a women en dere from depreeeing weakness, oho then keenly realizoe how helpless -flow thoroughly worthless she feels. Dr. Shoup has brought relief to thousands of snob women. He reaches disease') peouliar to women le Iwo direct dpeoilo ways -a local treatment known by Druggists everywhere es Dr. Shoop'' Night Ours, and a ou»8titutimai or in Teruel preeoriptien palled Dr. Shoop'0 Restorative. Dr. Shoop'' Night Cure is applied locally, amt 1,1 night. It works while you sleep. It redone the fnfia motion, it atop' dieohargea, it heals it soothes, it eomlorte, it cares, Dr. Shoplift' lt8etoratve (tablet or lignid form) is a oonetitutioual, nerve theme tonic. It brings renewed strength, lasting ambitiou and vigor to weak, life lase women. These two remedioe, singly or used together, have au irreeietible, positive helpful power. Try them it month and see. Sold by F. R. Smith. I- enw all. The crops aro exoeplio0lly good. The Fall wheat in this notion is excel- lent, Bend is vigorously practising on new mnei0. Three rinks of oar Bowlers go to Gode- rioh 011 tllu Civic Holiday, Monday 6th. Jack Monne, ot Hay, had about 100 baeheleol oats stolen out of hie barn recently. Themes and john Coneetb have return. ed from the West where they purobased 1200 a0res of land, in a fine wheat grow• Ing se01ion. The Observer says :-The Muncey Indians have pulled about 60 acres of flax since they arrived. They had a (service in their camp on Sunday, and are appreciated ea a fine lot of athletic fellows. A..,Iret tU weal. The Standard is holidaying this week, Bert Ilatehineon, of Indian Head, has arrived in town baviug come for the Old Boys' Re anion. Mies Gertie Zillax, of Toronto, end Mise Marie Bay, of Hamilton, are the guests of Nies Mabel Raines, Mill street. T. W. F. Norton loft ou Tuesday of last week for Vancouver B. U. where he hoe been appointed superintendent of the Federal Life Insurauoe Oo. Mayor Watson, H. 13. Murphy and 001. D. D. Campbell attended the meeting of the Liatowol•Torouto Old Boys held in the Roeein House Toronto. The lo0nl lodge of the Woodmen will meet in their Lodge room Sunday Aug. 5113, et 2 p. m. and will proceed to the oemetery, where the unveiling of a mono. ment ereoted over the grave of a brother recently deoe.eod will take plane. Barnabae Gibson, of Toronto, has signed the °entrant wbioh he has been awarded for building the Listowel bronob of the Guelph and Goderioh Railway. Phis brauah, which is to be oonneoted with the mein division at Linwood, will be sixteen and one-third miles long, and is to be of the same substantial character ae the main line of the Guelph h and a E' Goderioh, It is a comp r1, ivel y easy country to get tbrongh, and the 'the °entreat is to be completed by Nov ember, IESlvtlr. A. 8. Diokon, of Natchez, Mieaieeippi, was the guest of Blyth frieude last week. Work is progressing on the new 0. P. R, station. A large number of men are employed at the cement work. R. Code, Mies Angelina and Master Ted Code, of Alviceton, were gleets at. the home of T'homae Code diring the week, J. J. Bailey, formerly prinoipal of Blyth pabiio eobool, bas been appointed Commercial master of London Collegiate Institute, The steam shovel to the West of the village will Botch (tutting in that direo• tion in two weeks' time, and then will be moved to the Blyth Creek, where it will be employed widening the bed. ,P'1088.n•+wW.u:..rWdlfl *,0,M 00,••,^. •. pI WE INVITE 8183,3 pignut, Y01100 1,104 Or 100131338 who le tut• restuu lu any way lu Business Education to write for a 0413 of 000 Pru8neetn8. 11 tolls you exnutly what to do anti why our atudouta oU0orod 0o w, ll, W,11, at 8480 tor It, Pall term from 8014, 4th, Addren01 W, H. Stew, Prloolpal. CENTRAL BUSINESS SOUND TORONTO, ONT. The voters' tied for the village of Blyth was Bret pooled in the clerk', oftioe on Monday of last week, There are 348 name 00 the list -214 in part one, 106 in part bwo and 24 in part three. There are 100 voters eligible to serve Re jurors, A lawn sooial, under the anepioee of the Ladies' Aid and Epworth League of 13411 Methodist ohurah, will be held ou the pareonege lawn on Friday even. tug, A0gu81 3rd. The program will be famished by the Blaoketone oroheetra, of Ooderiab, who will give both vooal and i0etromental numbers ; Boyd Sylvester, 000001 soloist, of Waterloo ; Rev. 11. E. Currie, of Londeoboro, and local talent, 110,-1 ie. On Monday night of last week some person or persona entered the garden of Mr. Calvert and pulled up nearly all his vegetables. Herman Evane wee visiting his par• ante in town, He left for Vancouver, B. 0., where he will be employed in the oar eervioe department of the 0. P. R. Geo. E. Foster, of the 13th con. had the miofortnue to lose a valuable 2 year old Dolt. The animal fell from an open door at the book of a barn and broke its book. Mrs. Wm. Lane lett on Wednesday morning for Vancouver, B. 0. where she will visit her daughter, Mrs, R. 0. Spar. ling. She will also visit her sone at Winnipeg and Indian Head en route. FordwlG•h. Wm. MoLangblin has started an 1,p• to•date livery. Thou. Spence has eecared a position in a drug store in Kiooardine. Mae. Geo. Willie, who has had a long aeige of typhoid, is able to be about. Thos, Molise lase scoured a good poei. 1104 in Toronto and is now in the Queen City. The walls of the school will be clean- ed and whitened with alabaetine daring holidays. Adam Strong, of Orillia, is spending hie vacation with hie parents just West of the village. The obeeso from Fordwioh ebeeee factory for the first half of Jelly has been sold for 11 1116 cents. Dr. and Mrs. A, M. 8p080e of Look• now, called on some of their friends here on Monday of last week. A. 0. HOtobin0on went to Toronto to attend Masonic Grand Lodge. He was visiting hie sister at Dundas. His sou Alex. a000mpanied him. 81. R. Long has resigned his position as principal of our pnblio school to ac• nest the priooipalahip of Donganuon pabiio eohool at an iuoreaaed salary. The whitewashing gang on the Tees. water division of the 0. P. R. are whiten. hag the road ermines and cattle pada along the line. They were here on Tuesday of last week. Fordwioh can boast of the beet kept station lawn from Teeeweter to Orange. ville. The flower bade etre certainly beautiful and Station Agent Bradley receives many oomplimente on the neat appearance of hie whole surround• Inge. :l'aotoestacC t. b Chi. t o E. Coates has Pare. R. D t; Dago to visit with friends. Loam Stark, wife and ohild, of Tor. onto, were vieitore in town for a few days lint week. Aire. Mulcahy, tar., who bas been an invalid for some time is at present in a very weak condition. Janne Munroe had the misfortune to have part ot one of his thumbs taken off, while engaged at hie work in the furniture faotory. Dr. 11. J. Borrows has been reoently appointed examiner on Clinical medi- oinee for the Ontario College of Pbysi• oiane and Surgeons• Mies Olive Laidlaw bas arrived home from Northampton, Mass., in which place she has bees engaged in her prefer'. Dion ea trained nurse. She °spiets to spend a few months at her home here. Two Hoke of Seaforlb bowlers, viz.: G. E. Porkee, T. Coleman, W. D. Mo. Lean, and J. 0. Greig, skip ; and Ed. Bright, W. Brown, John Steele, and J. A. M. M' KAY JAS. S. SHAW NEW FIRM NOTICE is hereby given that a co- partnership has been formed between A. M, McKay and Jas. S. Shaw as Hardware Merchants, to be known as McKAY & SHAW who will carry on business in' the stand of A. M, McKay & Co A share of public patronage solicited and prompt attention to your orders, at fair prices, promised. urissett. M' KA V & SHAW l HARDWARE` MERCHANTS BRUSSELS Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren '(0"0.,04 vr1:'ha.'a,'b lh'4aw1r1,'1Pt'0,'1; W'ly'1„'t 't''t''t''t'4r(,NAha"dl, Ire,"a'W'e, y,•1.934n'l,"t"14^AN'M,'a,'tr'uM,MN,"I N;11'W'W'l3'a,'a•'Ir't'h,'Il se'1''t'a,"h'1'1lpPIlPlrIn4P'1 THIS WEEK and NEXT WE SPECIALIZE BOOTS AND SHOES New Boots for Ladies and Gentlemen New Boots for Misses and Boys New Boots for Girls, Little Gents and Children Boots that are NEW—all our Boots are NEW and nothing but the New kinds here. The medium priced and the higher priced, but nothing but the reliable makes and the prices are the Lowest possible, qualities considered. . Please Remember that our Mid -Summer Sale Prices on all sorts of Dry Goods are away Below reg- ular values. You will save money here on Ready-made Skirts and Waists, Mus- lins, Embroideries and all lines of Summer Dress Goods and Trimmings and Ladies' Rain Coats. Boys', Men's, and Children's Ready-to-wear Clothing both in Suits and Odd Pieces. Oar Prices on Cottons, Cottonades, Skirtings, Flannelettes, Sleeet- injs, 1'illoav Cottons, Table Line72s and Towel - Zings are the Lowest. Choice Stock of Groceries - Always Fresh Aaways the Highest Prices for Produce. Goods Right or Your Money Back. Yours for Mutual Benefit G. N. McLaren Next Door to American House M. Beet, skip, were at Loudon teat week taking part in the tournament. Dr. EI. H. Roes received word of the death of hie sister, Mrs. J. M. Smith (nee Mies Annie Roes) at bar home in Regina on Monday evening ot last week. The announcement of her death oame 1,e a great shook to her relatives and friends here as no intimation of her Mines had been previously reoeived. The deceased bad only been living in Regina for thirteen mouths, having settled there atter her marriage lark Jane to J. M. Smith, of Regina, The remains were brought to Bealorth for burial. I3e l grave. Mrs. Thee. Wilkinson is at present visiting friends in Cargill. Pater Badge left to visit bio eon, Rev. a A. L g, Bad a of Hanover. over. of London, MasterGrangers, het o a 1 w are at presaet visiting at Mrs. Attieon's After a long ilium, oar etaEion agent Dolman MoGregor, 1309 returned to duty, J, L. Geddes and two eon0 spent a week ab Bayfield, enjoying the lake breezes. Misses Wilkinson, of Grand Rapids, Mich., ace the guests of Mies Tillie Wilkinson. Mre. A. Brooke and family, of Cen- tralia, are at present visiting at Finlay Anderson's. Harvey Watson bas returned home from Hamilton, where he wee engaged 1,e brakeeman on the main line of the G. T. R. from Hamilton to London. The Quarterly Sacramental eervioe for Belgrave Ginnie will be held in the Methodist church here on Sunday, Aug. 1101 6th, at 10.30 a. m. The Qoarterly Official Board will meet in the Game °hurotl on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 4th, at 2.30 p. m. Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A., B. D., ie making good headway in getting acquaint. ed with Lia people. Although be has been very buoy inoidental to moving, oto. he lase made over sixty oalle. He ie be. ing well received and is making a very favorable impression. The voters' list for the township of 'Gast Wawanosh for 1906 has been print. ed and ie now in the Lando of P. Porter- field, the township Clerk. The Het this year is made up of 438 voters in part 1, 87 in part 2, and 24 in part 3, a total of 564 voter°. The number of persona qualified to serve 00 jarore is 288, The number o[ voters lair year was 686 Winerllama. Summer Sobool, Ang, 6 to 18, The big tent wil be pitched beside the Bow• lag Maitland. Wm. Frytogle was busy putting in a Dement floor in the basement of the new poetofIIoe. Mr. Christie, of Woodahook, has pur- chased R. A, Hatohilon's granary and °rookery bovines", and takes poeeesoton at once, On 713hreday evening, August 2nd, the annual deooration eervioe in 0011• *1008(018 with Maitland Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., will be held. Alex, McGregor has been engaged an notion foreman on the 0. P. R. at Stroeteville JdnotiOO And left last week to aaenmo hie new duties. Wni. Olendennidg of town received word of the death ot hie angle, Robert Glendenning, who died at hie reeid0nbe on Elle Heron Road, near Helium/Hie, on Sunday, 22nd, inst., in the 86th year of hie age, There is talk of another furniture fan - tory being established is town. Wiogham firemen will hold a eele- bratioo on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 3rd, The oontraot for the interior fittings in the new poet office building has been awarded to Mr. Kyle, of Ottawa, Saturday, Atlgaet 11th, ie the date of the annual popular I. 0. 0. F. ex0areion to Sarnia and Detroit. This excursion gives the people of thle section an op. portuoily for a three days' outing. The train leaves Wiogham at 0,40 a. m. and the return fare to Sarnia is $2.05. From Sarnia to Detroit the exourelonlete take the steamer Taehmo, the return fare from Sarnia to Detroit being 50o. Chester Davie, of New York, is spend- ing his holidays with hie parents, H. and Mre. Davie, Mies Wellwood, of Boston, Mase., is visiting at the home of her parents, Wm. and Dirs. Wellwood, Patriot: street. Robt. Currie, sr., left Tuesday of last week on a nine weeks' trip to the West. He will spend a portion of his time with hie two eons in British Colour• bio. The Canadian Risley Riflemen won the Kolapore Cup with a score of 1,222. l George N. Matheson, collector of o000ome at Sarnia, has resigned, and the Reform Exeoutive reoommende Col. Ellie for the position. ONE SOLID WEEK 4 to 11 AUGUST U V 1 STRATFORD AND PERTH COUNTY L OYS' R E II N AT ...STRATFORD... Saturday, August 4th Opening Day Arrival of Special Traiue-Band Concerts Afternoon and Evening. Sunday, August 5th Old Boys' Sunday 01d Boy Preaobers in City Pulpits-Saored Band Concerts. Monday, August 6th Reception Day Arrival of Special Trains, Baseball Games, Parades, Performance at Park, Fireworks. Tuesday, August 7th Athletic Day ' Aquatic and Land Sports -Trotting and Pacing Race -10 Mile Road Roca -Baseball Games -Socia] and At -Homos. Wednesday, August 8t11 Military Day Manoeuvres by 21st and 28th Regiments -Sports in Park -Band Concerts. Thursday, Friday and Saturday—August 9, 10 and 11 See the Great 01d Boys' Carnival -8 Days of -Fun and Ptclio• --Don't Fail to See the Eleotrioal Illuminations. Greatest pet on in the Weet-- DON'T MISS ALL THESE a Fireworks -a most Dazzling Display. Parades -Thousands of 0111 Boys. Bands -- 48111 Highlanders, Manners (Detroit), and many others. Sports -Open to all with Big Prizes. Balloons -Thrilling Day and Night Ascensions, Spectacles-Noleon'e Great Victory at Copenhagen, depicted in Moving Fire Tableau. Soldiers -21st Essex Regt. in Manoeuvres, Hardy -World's Greatest Wire Artiste. Carnival -5 Acres of Fine Tent Shows, Olowne--A Soore of the Funniest. -Something Doing Every Hour All Week. Something to Please 01d and Young - 61Nta,11 FAIIE-•Itnil2Vlty ttittea ort Certificate rum 'W. 3. FERGUSON, J. D. McOPIMMON, FRANK A. OOPUS, (Mayor) President Vico-President Sooretary