The Brussels Post, 1906-8-2, Page 1VO). 35. No. 4 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1906 W. H . KERR, Prop New Advertisements. Locale—Dr. Shoop. Doming—Dr. Ovens. Ring loot—.Pun Poor. Locale—D, Ewen & Co. Auction sale—Mrs. McKinlay. Wanted—Dominion Garment 00. Boots and Shoes—G. N. McLaren. Mare for sale—Thos. MgLRuoblin. Vetere' Llete—Townehip of Morrie. Bustard Eduoatioo—Oeotral Buo. Ool. Mzstr ci Reuosl Mole fvworth. Geo. H. Aadrewe ie staying in Brus- sels for the Summer. Wroxeter. Thos. Brown is recovering from hie recent illness, Geo. Allan and family are pleas of relatives in Teeewater. Mise Etta Smith is upending a week with Brancato relatives. Mieses Janie and Boatrioe Howe have returned from a visit at Danbury. Mrs. Alex. Thompson, of Guelph, le the guest of her sister, Mre, A, Miller. The 0. 0. F. Lodge will hold a pimtla to Smale'e grove on Friday afternoon. Editor Carr returned from Toronto on Saturday where he had spent a few days. Horeoe Hodson, of Wingham, spent Saturday with his aunt, Miss 0. E. Lawrie. Thomas Pope and daughter, Mre, G. Jack, have: gone. to North Eaethope to visit friende. Mies Mary Smith left for Dresden, Dakota, on Tuesday where she will spend two months. es Mise Ada and Wilbur Johnston left for Haman on Saturday where they will spend a month. Mlegee Ethel and Edna Godbolt, of Exeter, are spending a week with Dr. and Mre. Brawn. John and Mre. Pattereon went to Exeter on Saturday to spend a law days with their eon. Mise Peaohie Sanderson, of Toronto, woe the guest of her aunt, Dire, W. I. Johnson, last week. Mre. Inman, (nee Mies Jane Smith) of New York, le the gaeet of her parents, Alex. and Mrs. Smith. Misses Jean Gibson and Maggie Miller, of Toronto, are guests of the former'. sister, Mre. F. V. Diokeon. Gavin Davidson, owing to ill health, has returned from Galt and is spending some time at hie home here. !TELEGRAPHY TBLDGRfAPgg offers better opportunities for advanoement than any other trade or profession. SITUATIONS are guaranteed all our gradu- ates 1u this department, pro- viding they will go to Western Oanada. Ia the viasg ham COLL GE Telegraphic students are taught Typewriting, Penmanship , Bus- iness Correspondence, Spelling, Oaloe Practloo, eto. Write for particulars to GEO. SPOTTON, Principal M\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ 0. 1'. McLean, of Birmingham, Alabama, visited last week with his brother.indaw, Dr. W. M, B. female. Jtutaeratowla. Raopberriee are not a good prop, The harvest ie later than last year. Hay and Fall wheat Is an average crop, Robert Simpson, we aro sorry to Day, 10 on the eiok list, A few more weddings in thio locality are looked for in the near future, The roots and vegetebles, which have been helped by the recent mine, promise well. We oongratulote James Wright, a email bay, only 11 years of age, who passed a very successful examination at the Eotranoe in Wroxeter, under the euperior training of his popular teacher, D. A. MaoDonald. Dr. Ovens, M. D., London Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brueeele, on the first Tuesday in each month. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.30 p. m. Catered, squint, failing eyesight, deafness and nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, A uguet 7th. Hurrah for Kinolerdine.—The Annual Sabbath Sohopl Exoareion to Kincardine will be ran by epeoial train on Wednes- day of next week. A Brute Band will aoeompany it and an interceding program of game will take pleas 01 the lake side. Arrange to go and enjoy the day by old Huron. The time table and rates may be read on pep 4 0f ibis igeae. 0Jrobaabreeli;. Gar, Long, ie home from Niagara. Mre. Jna.Torreet'e brother and wile are here from Detroit. Alex. Molntoeh, of Langdon, North Dakota, called on relatives and old friende here reoently. Minas Maggie and Alfie Switzer have returned after a pleasant visit at London, Port Stanley and other pointe. Mre, Jaoob Long and Mre. Long, of Mtunesota, returned last week from 'dotting friende in Cadillac, Mioh. 0. W. Keeling and family, of Cargill, and Gordon Todd, of Hillview, Man., visited at A. J. M. Halm'. last week. Mre. J. E. Ooombee, of Listowel Mre, Jae. Finn and Gus, Finn, of Toron• to, were guests of Mre, A. Molonold. Mies Dron, a well known resident of our village, ie not enjoying very robust health of late, but we hope for a speedy recovery. Don't forget the Sunday School Ex. 0000100 to Sinoardine on Wednesday Angnet 8th by epeoial train. The fare from Ethel will only be 95a. for adults and 50o for children. Looknow Brae. Band will supply music for the day. Oaetlnaoox Purop Works are very busy juet now. A poi/Mord will bring the proprietor to see your eiok pump or die. abled windmill. Get your windmills and pampa, iron or wood, from the man who has been in the business for over 30 years and you will make no mistake. Da. Ovens, M, D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brueeele, on the firot Tuesday in eaoh month. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.30 p. m. Oataraat, squint, baiting eyeelght, deafneee and nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tues. day, August ?Eh. Mile. Ar,rnan RAsuaxN Drao,—A tele- phone message was reoeived on Tuesday from Alfred Reymann, of London, con. veyiug the sad intelligence that hie wife bad paid Nature's debt at San Franoieoo, California. Sbe had gone South about a years ago for het health which had not been good for about 8 years. Her hus- band and two sone survive. She was Miee Hoffman and bad been mar- ried about 10 years. Mre. Reymann's ailment was of a nervone type. The bereaved will be deeply eymlbathieed with. it LI `f+;a..... P... c..„`gkva'..d+a�0,d+i� a`.,,i YY,..,... �?a'4E215��4E.•a'4..... OFmr Eye and Ear Surgeon VISITS BRUSSELS MONTHLY If you require Eye (;-lasses, Spoctaolee or Treatment for Eye, Ear or Noise, do not fail to see DR. OVENS. Office Smith's Drug Store, Brussels Next Visit—Tuesday, August 7th Hours : 8 a. m. to 1.80 p. m. at ezeineM=CMMear � tm�v,7Yew �sl ✓ adv '>` WA ( NAOIAN: r ACIFIC r.flA. IWA L Y" FARM LABORERS To Manitoba and Saskatchewan icor'tho nddIbionalfor iho return tickot, 1900 going trip. under conditlone wa below. 12 8 ■ -(31- O IN OF 70 .A. T S1 e- AUG4 Stations south of, but not including mainline, Toronto to Sarnia, including .Toronto. Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell AUG. 11 Junction and. Toronto on North Bay Section. AUG. 22 Prom all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland Divisions. Ono way second class Bekote will be Bold to Winnipeg only, meal Itecesteentetive farmers, appointed by Manitoba and Saekatohowan Governments, will t,v laborers on arrival et Winnt e Free transpportation will be furnisho0 at Winnipeg to pointe where laborers are needed, A certificate ie furnished when each kickable vurehased, and this certificate, when executed by (armor sheaving that laborer hoe worked thirty days or mote, wilt be honored from that point for a woad .elms ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at $18,00, prior. to Nov 1st, len Voltam will be issued to women °swell as to mon but not be issued at half Lara to children' Dade Mt good only on Opoolal Farm Laborers' trains. se For full partioglere goo nearest 0.1..11. tfekot agent, or ,,,A„.. write t!, B. Poster, C.P.A., 0,P, lt., Toronto.. s Hurrah for Kiuonrdine.—The Annual Sabbath School Exoureion to Sinoardine will be run by epeoial train on Weduee. day of next week. A Brae Bond will accompany it and an interesting program of games will take place at the lakeeide. Arrange to go and enjoy the day by old Huron, The time table and Mee may be read on page 4 of this issue, 11.orrlee. Township Commit next Monday. The Oonrt of Revision for the Selly Drain By Lew will be held on Monday, Ang. 181h. George Hendereon, 3rd lino, has made a great improvement in hie barn and will now be able to Poore hie orop and stook in good form. The machine wan at Millar -Bros„ 6th line, and at S. Oaldriok'e, 2nd line this week threshing Fall wheat. Results are good as to sample and yield. A letter from Wm. Mitohell, from Battleford, Sash., .aye be is well and well pleased with the ooantry, He is a eon of Riohard Mitoball, 8rd line. The Voters' List for 1906 has been issued and was first posted ap on August let. There are 697 names in part I ; 94 in part 1I ; and 41 part III ; 882 in all. 416 are competent to serve as Jame. Alex. McIntosh and wife, of Langdon, North Dakota, were welcome viit ars at tbebome of the latter's mother, Mre. Ann Smith 6111 line, who has been very poorly of late. They made their return trip on Monday of lost week. Mre. Wm. Hopper, of the 3rd line of Morrie, underwent an operation on Sat- ardey morning, July 21st for the removal of an internal tumor, weighing some 10 pounds. So far Ma. Hopper has been progressing favorably, and her friende hope for her recovery. Harrah for Sinoardine,—The Annual Sabbath Sobool Excursion to Kincardine will be;ran by epeoial train on Wednesday of next week, A Brass Band will a000m• pany it and an interesting program will take place at the lakeside. Arrange to go and enjoy the day by old Huron. The time table and rates may be read on page 4 of this issue. ANOTHER Onievan MORRIS Bos.—Among those pupils who are deserving of epeoial mention this year for paeeing the recent Entrance exemivatioo otande Willie Bryant, a pupil of the atone school, No. 7, Morrie. Three years and a half ago be was in the first book and this year be obtained his Eotrenoe. When we remember that Willie lives two miles and a half from eohool and had ofteo bo oonteod with stormy days in both Winter and Summer we Cannot help but admire his perseverance for no drift was too high nor no Summer day too wet tor him. Other pupils might fail to appear at eohool on exceedingly stormy Winter days but the teacher was always Bare of Willie, be never failed. Such per0ever- aaoe ie worthy of commendation. Greg. Mise Ethel Holmes, of Atwood, was a visitor on the 10th eon„ reoently. Master Roy McDonald, Srd con„ ie visiting with relatives in Wroxeter, George McFarlane daubed hie Fall wheat this week. He bad a good yield. This week W. A. Oriole and family, of Seaforth were visitors at Jno. Biebop'e. Mies Ethel Ledgerwood, of Paisley, ie a visitor with Mlee Jennie Rohde, 12th con. Mies Maggie Livingston, of Detroit, is here on a short visit with relativee and friends. Mies Orme. Gerry, of Brueeele, was a visitor with, Mies Mary Steles, 9th con, last week. Robt. Menarey jr. who had hie leg broke recently, ie improving uioely we are pleased to state. Mies Bertha Harrison, of Kinloee, Brae Co,, is a visitor at 0. MOQuarrie'e 10th con., this week. R. 0. Davies & 00. have extended the time advertised for their epeoial "T" value. Read their advt, in thio ieene. The Misses Florence and Jeanie Arm- strong and Master. Harold have returned from,vieitiug relatives at Conetauoe and other places South. The foundation is ready for a new brick veneer house to be erected on the 8th eon, for Peter Lamont, Joe Hems. worth, of Ethel, will do the oarpenter Work. The brick work is completed on the new two etory cottage on Obarlie La. mont's farm, 7th con. It will be .(1 nom• fortable home for the proprietor and hie wife, Some of our farmers have been timing themselves in the loading of hay with a fonder and find out that it takes 8 minutes, There hoe been ample room for practice this Beason iu Grey. We are sorry to hear that Miee Mary Livingston, of Toronto, who is home on a visit, 1f miles North of Brussels, has been quite i11 with peritonitis, but we hope she will hove a openly recovery. Invitations Ore out for the marriage of Mies Clara 13., daughter of Hector and Mre. MoQuarrie, 4th oon„ Grey, to John A. Lawson, of aoderioh, The date will be Wedheeday evening of next week, 81h hist. Russell Wheeler, robe woo holidaying Here for a few weeke, attuned to hie position in Toronto on Tbureday of this week. He will take port in the Football match Toronto vs, the Oornithiau team of the Old Country. - TvnNnD or orf. RxeoT,—Laos week a letter was reoeived from J. J, Strachan, over whoa unexplained dieappoaranoe so much anxiety was felt. He ie employed, on a Farm hear Elmira and will likely remain there for a time, A weloome vieitor to Grey is W. L, MoQnarrie, of Prince Albert, N. W. T. Ile has spent several years there and is in the Grown Land'e Department. The ooantry ha agreed well with him as be an almoet plump down the scales at 200 pomade. While growing in weight he has also been tnernasing in worldly goods and ie in fair shape to do better, We are glad to hear of his sandsati he is the right hied of material to aid in the upbuilding of any country. Mr. Mo. Quarrie will return 10 Ole West in the 0011re0 Of a month, Owing to quarterly Communion per. viae 81 Ethel next Sebbeth morning the anal eervioe at Roo'e eburob will be tan. oohed, Jno. Campbell and Jae. Delgatty, of Bayfield I°uality, were vieftore at Hugh Stewart'e, 15th con. They are unities of Mre, Stewart. The fine new barn of Arthur Smith, 6th con., ie a good one, It ie 50e613 feet with gement stabling. Frame was raised by Wools and 1001010. At the ()outwit meeting last Monday Treasurer Reymann tendered hie resig. tattiest, No cation was taken at that meeting ae to hie enoseesor. Thursday R. J. Hoover, 9th eon„ sold two six months' old pigs that weighed 480 pounds end for wbiob he received over 382. The pride wee $7.80 per cwt. Will, J. Roast!, of Detroit, and Jno. Engel, of Paw Paw, Michigan, are gaeete at the home of Charles Rozelt, 9111 con. The former le the eldeet sou of the hoot and hostess and the latter ie a eon io•law, Mre. Engle end eon haus beau here a few weeks prior to Mr. Eagle's arrival. The latter demi nut look ae though he required a holiday very badly. Mr. Rozeil ie a plumber in the Oity of the Straits. Be moved there from South Bend last Spring, DIED In Tae WEST.—John A, Brown, eon of Oounaillor Joo. Brown, 10th eon„ died at hie home near Neepawa, Man„ on Wednesday of 'net week, aged 28 years and the funeral was held on Friday. From a bad cold tuberculoeie of the lunge followed and for about a year he was in failing health. He was able to be in Neepawa a week before he died. He le survived by hie wife, who was Mies Maggie Fogel, formerly of Ethel, and three danghtere. Mr. Brown had been in the West for the pest 6 years. He was an iudustrioue, kindly man who wag highly esteemed and hie early demise ie einoerely regretted and sympathy ex• pressed for the bereaved. Deoeaeed's mother wag with him for some time nursing him and is now on her way home. She will viola her daughter, Mre„ R. Pattereon, of Berrie, while en route. Mr. Brown will likely go to Toronto to meet his wife. 1i311ta vale. Mies Jean Riohardeou, of Toronto, is visiting at Jobo Burgess'. Mies Mand Paul visited Mine Henry in Whiteabarob last week. Olifford Pugh has been engaged to tench at the atone eohool, Morrie. Weddell Musgrove, of Niagara Falls, is visiting his uncle, Robert Muegrove. Mies Nellie May MoKinney, "f Wing. ham, visited Bluevale friende thie week, Lloyd Snell is nursing a broken arm. The aooident happened at hie uncle's, near Clinton. Mre. Griffith and eon, and Mre. San. dereoo, of Toronto, are holidaying at their Bluevale home. Dr. Soholee, of St. Glair, Michigan, vieited hie mother, Mre. Soholee, and hie Oster, Mre, J. W. King, last week. Miss Pearl Baker has, the Junction eohool for next year and Miee Cora Pion- eer has a eohool at Newbury, Middlesex county. W. H. Stewart, priooipal of Aoton public eohool, with Mre. Stewart and children, ore visiting relatives here dui. tug the holidaye. Annual Sabbath Sobool Excursion to Sinoardine will be held on Wednesday, Aaguet 8111. Speoial train will run. A baud will give a program. A big day, While bathing in the river one day last week Robbie Masters was attacked by a ones sow. He reoeived some sore bites but got away before 'serious injury was done. Mise Annie Aitobeeon returned last week from a pleasant visit to friends at St. Catharines and Guelph. Mine Flor. en00 Aitoheeon was also visiting at Guelph and returned with her sister. Ethel. Cheese was shipped this week. 25 aente 0000100 Tan Par to January let 1907. The brink work is nearly oompleted on the new Oole block. Oat barvoet is at band and some are getting ready for threshing. Mre, H. Chapman from Parry Sound, was a guest at Thomas Ohapman'e. There le a rumor that Joe. Molntoeh may be appointed Township Treasurer. R. 0, Davies & 00. have extended the time advertised for their epeoial "T" value. Read their advt, in this issue, H. Finkle, who has been visiting at J. Pa, Davies' daring the past week, re- turned to hie home in in Brantford on Wednesday, Mre. (Dr,) Fergueon and family, who bees been visiting in Hamilton and Geimby for the past two weeks, reached home on Tueeday night. We were wiehing for a kodak last Mon- day evening so as to present the readers of Tun Par with the view of a jolly load of 7 berry piakere in a one horse rig. They had the berries as proof of their day's work. Dr. Ovens, M. D., London, Eye and Ear S Surgeon, will be at Smith's e Dr n g Store, Brandi, on the Riot Tuesday in each month. Houre, 8 a, m. to 1,80 p. m. Oataraob, squint, failing eyesight, deaf• noes and nasal oataerh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, August 7th, Quarterly service will be held next Sabbath morning at 10,30 in Ethel church. Rev. R. Peareoa will preach ab 7, The pastor will preach at Union at 7. The Quarterly Official Board will meet in Ethel Methodiet church Satan day evening at 8 o'clock, Aug. 4th. Bra'THDAY Penn.—Thursday of Iael week a birthday party was held at the home of M. I. and Moe. Henry inhonor of their daughter Luella, About 80 young people assembled and had a good time. Tea woe served On the lawn mud the good things tram bread and butter all the way to fee Dream were promptly attend - lid to. Au Interceding impromptu program was well rendered, Miee Luella wee made the recipient' of a number of choice primate aoo0mpanied by many good wtehclfor many happy returns of the day. Mrs. A. Banwgll, Pare, A, Wigle and Mee Q Wigle, all of Windsor, are vied, log at the paroonoge. Hurrah for Sinoardine,—Tho Anneal Sabbath School Exoareion to Kincardine will be tau by epeoial train on Weduee. day of next week, A Brags Band will accompany it and an interesting program of games will take place at the lakeeide, Aarange to go and enjoy the day by old Enron, The time table and rates may be read on page 4 of title hems. McTnonreT Onunau Ro•Oo'xNINo A most suooeeefnl re.openiog of Ethel Methodiet obareb was held Sunday and Monday, July 22nd aad 23rd. Rev, A. 0. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, delighted "the oongregation with hie thoughtful and able discourses. Tue choir, under the able leadership of Mige R. Spence, rendered excellent service. On Monday evening a splendid program was present- ed by looal talent. Very few pliant are blessed with ouch capable entertainers. The choir rendered in excellent eplrit, two wall chosen selections. The iu- etrumental and vooal soloe were all per. formed in splendid taste and form. The reoitatione and addressee were well re. oeived. Rev. 0. P. Wells, a former pastor, kept things moving nicely with hie humorous stories. The Male Qua. tette presented in pleasing form two selections. Congregation responded nobly to the finanoial appeal made by the pastor and have now it very comfortable, bright and happy ohuroh home. They are now looking forward to a time of spiritual renewal and iogatbering in October, WA,ltoln. Wm. and Mre. Smith were entertaining vieftore from Elmo thie week. Mines A. Squirrel) and M. Moore, who have been visiting at Jonathan Moore's, returned to their homes in Guelph this week, Rev. A.K. Birke, of Seafortb, preached in the Methodistohorab last Sabbath and assisted by Rev. Mr, Currie, administered the sacrament. Dr. Ovine, M, D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brands, on the first Taeeday fn emelt month. Honre, 8 a, m. to 1.30 p. m. Cataract, squint, tailing eyesight, deafness and nasal oaterrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, Angnet 7111. Hurrah for Sinoardine.—The Anneal Sabbath School Excursion to Sinoardine will be ran by epeoial train on Wedos's. day of next week, A Braes Band will accompany it and an interesting program of gamee will take place at the lakeside, Arrange to go and enjoy the day with old Enron. The time table and rates may he read on page 4 of this issue. Wm. M. Smith attended the Grey Connell meeting in the interests of the projeoted new sidewalks but found that non.progreaaive body as elow•moviog and lacking of enterprise ae nenal. Judging from the expressions of our citizens, how- ever, some of them may be expeoted to make a move about the fleet of the year. The man from the North, however, evinced a publio spirit that will be re. membered and returned in some email measure at the first opportunity, and we hope another year will see him in more oongeoial and progressive company. Osa.—It is our painful duty this week to reoord the death of Miee Maggie, eldest daughter of James Smillie, of Grey township. Mise Smillie had been a continuous resident of this Iomality since her early childhood, coming here with her parents from Soarboro' town. ship. She was well and widely known and highly eebeemed because of her good qualities of both bead and heart. She had been for many years an earnest teacher in the Sabbath School of Duff's Preebyterien ehoroh, Walton • a faithfal member of the Ladies' Aid Society, and a valued member of the 0. E. Society of which she was for some time President, Her pew in the chorale was seldom vaoanl at any of the services. The enbjeot of this notice spent two years in the Northwest and shortly after coming home complained of not feeling as well as moat but nothing serious was anticipated until a short time ago when on consultation with eevoral doctors alarming symptoms of some internal disease were dieoovered. Though every- thing that was possible woe done to stay the progress of the disease their efforts proved unavailing ag she rapidly sank and on Taeeday afternoon of Mt week, shortly after n oonenitation with her medical adviser, she lapsed into nnoon. eoionenese and never rallied hot passed away on Thursday evening. The funeral on Sunday afternoon was largely attend- ed. Bev. A. MoNabb, M. A., of whoa obaroh deemed bad been a devoted and valued member, condnated the funeral eervioes, after which the mortal remains were taken to Brussels' cemetery for interment, followed by a large number of Borrowing relativee and friends who deep• ly mourn the sudden demise of one so highly appeeolaled became of many deeds 01 kindnees which will be long and lasting monuments -ot her memory. e C re were of her ooneina I toe 6 The al p Mc adzean John and Theo, W. and R. F , Davidson, Peter and Jae. Gardiner. Among those who attended the funeral from it diatanme were, Wm. H. Smillie, of Red Deer, Alberta ; Jae., of Eeeex Co, ; Jno. H. and Mre, Hielop, of Arcola, N. W. T!; Wm. and Mre, Taylor, of Stanley; Wm. Davidson, of Atwood ; Mre, (Rev,) D, B. Marsh, of Hamilton, and Mre. D. Rbap, of Embro. A London strike eympathixer was fined for Bailing a motormen a "eoab." John Broome, au Ottawa engineer, wag killed in a freight wreak at Montreal. Baron Korona, the Japanese diplomat, i0 en route through Canada to the Court of St, James, Two young children aeeieted in saving a number of people from drowning Hoar Party Sound, The Government asoma allows Calgary to he the largeet oily in Alberta, with Edmonton second. The dame Adventure sailed for tae /tuition Bay station, with the Govern. moat 00130018 on board, The Direotore of the Grand Trunk Pa. °ilio diagnosed plana for a vigorous prone• elation of oonetraotien work, Alex, Mnrdook lost hie life at Parham while banking hie horse and Dart into the water. He fell into R hole, It to rumored et Windsor that Hon. Dr. Rename will resign from the Whitney Cabinet, as his health is affected. The total °uatoms collections at the port of Montreal daring July amounted to $1,188,016, an 1nereaee of $82,889 The body of a mac found on the rail- way brake at Middleport le believed to be that of David Sheehan, of Hamilton. John Stewart, the Thorald mac who eloped with a widow, deserting hie tam• ily, woe fined $6 and oats by a Biagio - trate, The ten year old eon of Wm, Mo0uaig, of Orilla, wag drowned in Mud Lake Sebright, and John Banka, a young English boy, was drowned at Kendra. Every architect in Oanada will have en opportunity of submitting plans for As new departmental handbag at Ottawa, the site of which hes just been determio. ed. PERSONAL PARAIJRAPIIS. Mies Mabel Bone ie visiting Mrs. Geo. 0. Lowry. Mre. Jno. Thomson ie vielting relatives at Walkerton. Mre. D. 0. Roes and daughters are visiting at Ethel. Mise Ida Fulton ie holidaying with relatives in Londeeboro. Mre. R. McAlpine ie vieiting at the parental home Brussels. Mies Flossie Foes, of Bengali, le a visitor at Dr. Graham's. Ed. Barley will attend the Berlin Old Boys' celebration next week. Mre. W. A, Grewar it vleiting at Sea - forth this week with relatives. Mise Alberta Farrow, of Toronto, is holidaying at Pootmaoler Farrow'e, Mise .Effie Eastman ie visiting relativee in Sinoardine for a aonple of wo'eke. S. B. Small, who has been in Toronto, for the past 4 or 6 months, is in town. Mise Mead Paul, of Bluevale, was a visitor with Mies Alice Jewitt for a day. Oo, Engineer Pattereon gave Tax Poor a call last Friday while here on an °initial vieft. Mies Ella Smith, of Wroxeter, was visiting relativee in Brunets during the week. Mrs. John Moir, of Exeter, has been visiting her sieter.in•law, Mre. MoArter, in town. Mrs. Jno. Downing woe a visitor at the Methodiet Parsonage, Listowel, on Wed. needay. Mise Merle Gerry, of Blyth, ie spend- ing part of her attention with. Brueeele relatives. Mies E. Yeo, daughter of J. W. Yeo, of Winnipeg, formerly of Brueeele, ie visit- ing relatives in Brueeele, Jno. Doig, Who was away to New Liekeard,is book and has resumed his position in the Robb livery. W. A, Orfoh, of Seatortb, formerly of Brussels, woe renewing old friendehipe in town for a day this week, Misuse Eva Simmons and Hattie Gannett and Mr. Deane, all of Wingham, were visitors at A. MoGaire'e. Mr. Sinclair, of Winnipeg, is here on a visit with relativee. His wife and child. ren have been holidaying here. Mre. J. J. Gilpin lett on Tuesday for Michigan Oity, to visit her 'son, Dr. Gilpin and wife for a week or so. Wm. Miller was on the eiok Bet with an attack of pneumonia but ie able to be oat again we are pleased to notice. Mies Sara V. MoLaaohlin Ie a weloome vieitor to her home in Brussels, from the Queen Oity, where she has epent several pare. Mime Florence and Mabel Thomson are visiting friende at Shakepeare and Stanton. The former will also visit at Brigden. Mre. Allan, E. Hersey and daughter, of Toronto Junotion, are visiting the former'. sister, Mre. John Bateman, Beneath. Stewart Scott took a trip to Ottawa last week and made a short visit with hie noels W. F. Scott. Mts. P. Scutt oleo made a visit. W. J, Leckie, of Toronto, was a visitor at J. Leckie'., Braegele, while en route to Kincardine. He favored THE POST with a Dell. Mrs. Wm, Burton and her grand.daa- getter Ethel, left Brussels on Taeeday tor a visit to relativee and friende at Buffalo and other pointe. Robert and Mre. Forrest and eon, 'who have been visiting relativee and friende in thie locality, retnrned to their home at Brantford, on Tuesday, S. D. Barr, Mre. Barr end two child - ran are holiday visitors with D. and Mrs. Walker relativee, and other old friende. Their home is at Neepawa, Man. Mre. Walter Innes, of Moorefield, was visiting old friende in Braeeele locality, Her new home is evidently agreeing well with her judging by appearances, Mise Edna Jewitt, 01 Weetmineter, is visiting at her grandparents, W. and Mre a itt Mfll street.Hall,of . J w RoyE , Ethel, wag also a visitor this week. Jno. and Mrs.Oarter go to Owen Sound on Friday for a visit. Neither of them have been enjoying ae goad health as usual but we hope the change will help them, Moo. Thos. Bone left on Tueedoy for a Holiday visit with her sister, Mre. Frank Smyth, of London. They will spend a few weeks at Hilleboro' camping at the lakeside. Mre, Jae. Matter and Mies Maggie are away to T'iieoobnrg for a holiday visit with relatives and friende. Mise MoArter'e dreee•meking shop ie closed for a few weeks, D. C. Taylor, of Luaknow, was in /trowels, on Friday advertising the L. 0. L. Exoareion to the Falls, It tune Fri. day el thie week and tickets are good to return on Mendey, The Goderioh Signal says:—Andrew Breckenridge, who Is now travelling in the Western Staten for a Chicago firm, was in town for a few days the past week and left last week for a visit in Brunelle, a000mpanied by hie mother, Mlee Mand Matey, wbo ie teaohing oahool at Paisley, ie welting Mies Thuesa Gerry and other old friende in town, Frank Stratton, jrs, le home from Tor. onto where he was attending the Boro. gioel School. He may take another term at it. J. D. Warwiok, V. 8„ be here on it brief visit from Idaho having taken a ran from Obioago where he had comp with cheep, Doo, will be bank 101 the Winter with bile wife and family. W. 0, Thompson, of Hamilton, wee in Braeeele far a few days. He oame to aselet in packing and ehipping the bona - hold effects for his mother and Meters as they removed to that oity this week. The Thompson family has resided in town for several years and many good wishes will accompany them to Hamilton. Misses Fannie and Myrtle Thompson made themeless very useful in the Methodist church. They were officers in toe Senior and Junior Leagues and the former taught with 0000e0e in the Sab- bath School and was a member of the ohuroh ohoir. THE Paz wieheo them prosperity and happiness in their new home, Turnberry Council. Minutes of Coanoil Meeting held in the Olerk's ofioe, Blnevale, July 800. Members all present, Reeve in the chair. Minotea of the last Donnell meeting read and adopted on motion of Mesar.. Moffatt and Moltliohael. Communications were read from Cuirass re.payments on drain. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, eeo. by Mr. MoMiohael that the Olerk be instructed to notify the Donnell of Oalrose that if they refer to the Drainage Aot, See. (36 sub, sea. 2, R. S. 0. they will find that original By-law oan be so amended ae to raise the amount estimated by Engineer and also that the amount of the original estimate is now regoired to may on the work, parried. Reports :—The Reeve reported that Peter McDougall has applied to the Council for the lam of 37.00 for drain in 7111 concession as per drain agreement and also for $2.70 for tile for road allow- ances. Moved by Mr. Moffatt, eeo. by Mr. Rutherford that the Olerk be inetraat- ed to write to the Say. Treaa. of Union Sobool 000110n No. 1 Turnberry that they do not consider that the meeting of eohool Trustees and Aoeeseor of Tarn - berry held at Mr. Soott'e in .Maroh last, had any authority to aeeeee Turnberry portion of eohool station for $80,00 extra for the current year. Carried. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, eeo. by Mr. Selly that we expend $25.00 gravelling on Oulroeo Boundary opposite lots 24 and 25 provided Oalross Donnell expends an equal amount. Oarried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, no, by Mr. Moffatt that the Olerk be inelrooted to notify all parties assessed for 12th con. drain to pay to the Township Treaa., Peter McLaren, the full amount of their assessments on or before the let day of September next. tarried. Moved by Mr. Moffett, eeo, by Mr. Selly that By-law No. 10, 1906, be passed appointing Paul Powell tax collector for this Mnnioipality for the current year. Carried. Moved by Mr. Rutherford eta. by Mr. McMichael that Bylaw No. 11, 1906, be passed for the levy of a rate of 2 22/100 mine on the dollar for County purposes. Carried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, eeo. by Mr. Moffatt that By.law No. 12, 1906, be paned for the levy of a rate of 2 24/100 mills on the dollar for Township grant to schools. Carried. Moved by Mr. MoMiohael, seo. by Mr. Rutherford that By.law No, 19, 1906, be passed for the levy de rate of 2d mills on the dollar for the ourrent expenditure of the Township for the oarrent year. Oarried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, see, by Mr.. Moffett that Bylaw No. 14,' 1906, be passed to provide for the oolleotion of all taxes on or before the 15th day of Deoom. ber next and providing that 5% will be added to all taxes not paid on the 15th of Deoember of each year. Carried. Moved by Mr. MoMiohael ala, by Mr. Rntberford that the Olerk be instructed to notify Wm, Irwin, Bellmore, to remove all brush and other rubbish planed on the public road opposite lot 5 con, 0. Turn. berry by him or hie assistants on or be. fore the 15th day of Auguet next or in Daae of any failure in this matter other mane will be taken to entoroe cam. plian00, Denied. The following amounts were passed and cheque on the Bank of Hamilton issued ; Muniofpal World, 31.20 a o. Oolleotor'o Roll; Jeffry Musgrave, gravel $8.12 ; John MONaagbton, grovel and damages $4.76 ; Joseph Higgins, gravel $5.10 ; A. Wheeler, gravel and damages $18,40 ; John Marshall, gravel and dam - eget' $4.24 ; Geo. Hislop, gravel .84 ; Geo. McDonald, gravel .70 ; Sam. Vanatone, gravel and damages $18,24 ; E, W. Orvis, gravel $4 94 ; J. McDougall, gravel,$8.30 ; John MoBurney,gravel, $4.02 ; R. Palm. er, gravel and damages $6,60 ; D. Jowitt, gravel, $8.90 ; Thomas Aitkin, gravel and damageo $12.46 ; James 0, Anderson, gravel and damages $4,00 ; Joe. Break. enridge, gravel .63; Alex, McDonald, gravel, $5.81; Jamee T. Wylie, gravel and damages $9:64; A. Longley, gravel $2,10 ; H. Markley, gravel $1,68 ; Win. Bolt, repaire to road $8.501. Peter Mo. Dougall, drain and tile $0.80; W. H. Elliott, tile $15,00 ; George Marshall, advert and railing for bridges 312,00 ; W. H. Mandell, 2 culverts Culross Bdy. $8.50 ; John Porter, Hind and expanse road maobiao $12.10 ; D. Donkin, re. pain road machine $1.50 ; John Malvey, Turnberry share bridge H. Bdy. $10.86 ; /emelt Dogleg, Tnrnbetry abate bridge wall E. Bdy. 317,00 ; Wm. Rutherford, Toroberry share bridge cement 11, Bdy, $9.00 ; Wm, J. Adair, gravelling $8.00 ; John Webb, clement culvert Wawanoeh tidy. $10 50 ; Duff & Stewart, drain on. tract, 3140, Moved by Mr. I{ellgr see, byMr. Moffatt that this meeting do now adjourn to meet in the Olerk'e oflioe, Bluevale on Monday the 27111 day of August next at 10 O'olook a. in. Jens BV3Ouee, Clerk,