The Brussels Post, 1906-7-19, Page 4russe s tit THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1906. MR, RONALD WRITES FROM CHICAGO. of To the Miter Tiro Po8T Dean BIR. -We are in this great city of 2,750,000, compared with Toronto dome 900,000 -or Detroit 350,000. It is simply immenee. It owoe 8200 storm in beaati• till parka and op Saturday afternoon all are well filled with pleasure eeekere, outo•Oare, oarriagee, base ball matohea &o a great boon to the people. In the down town parte of the city the 20 feet wide sidewalks are always crowded, Imagine she four °heroismm in Brueeele let out the came time at the eame plater and it will give you a comparative view of these immense orowda-the larger majority Wise all handsomely dreamed -and many over dreeaed, rushing to end fro with unusual energy, Streets filled -crammed with vebiolee of all aorta; 64661 oars always filled to overflowing as well al street oars flying over your bead -a perfeot bedlam ; almost dangerous to oroee the street : policemen at each corner to protect the citizens and bis baton up commando the vehicles to atop, at times -e moment -to allow people to get acme. 60 lives have been lost the last 8 months in street oar aooidente as well as some hundred injured. Mayor Dunne has not been. a 800088 in acquiring Municipal ownership. It was his shibboleth to get often:. The old oable lines, jerky and slow, are now being trolleyieed shortly to have as good servioe as Toronto or Detroit. An immense building, eoms 15 stories high is eaid to contain 5000, people for office and commercial prrpoeee. The greatest feat of modern times engineering has bean the revereibg of the Cbioago river in centre of oily; instead of ire dirty blank waters entering into the lake, oeutamin- sting the oity'e water supply, hoe been dredged and deepened in the rear to make it, so to speak, run backwards into the great Mississippi and giving SI. Louie the benefit of this great oity'e eew,oage. The old putrid river is now a healthy 6105002 fall of Lake Miobigan'e clear fresh water, costing millions and well worth it from a sanitary view. The street oar system runs under thie river, 15 feet deep Member overhead the tuunele. These are to be lowered some 10 feet to give corresponding depth of water to aao0mmodate the big eteamere entering the harbor in a monster undertaking in the master minds. This great city sticks at nothing. The Government baa lately aonfirmed their claim that it is ebe healthiest city in the world. This drainage river has very much aontribated to this eatiefaatory result yet withal it has not a partible injured the water at Bt. Louie as old Sol by its beneficent rays absorbs and purifies on its long voyage Southward. The recent exposure Of the aneanitory conditions and methods of the great meat packing interests here kinked up quite a rumpus in thio city as well as all over the world. These con. eer0e are immense and within the 0117, ouly some 7 or 8 011155 from the oentre, When the wind comes from that dietriut its flavor (I) can only be deeoribed as I from an mme0e8 manure heap. The wonder ie why the people stand oom- plaoently without rebelin g so long -I understand their time limit of removal to Indiana has been reached yet they dont go. We visited "the white oity" a large place of amusement, neer ne in eabarbe, 6 miles from centre of city, very inter - eating eo many attraotiooe. I just long to take all one Besmears boye in and note their visages of wonder. The Soenio Railway wonld probably make their hair stood on end as numerous oars each con• teiniug } dozen yootbe are run Op a steep track by motive; power say 30 or 40 feet high then down a deolining track by their momentum round and round, up then down for a long journey -mile a minute gait until exhausted. The next attrsobion le "shoot the °hates". Boats are hoisted over inolined track then down they come with fearfalvelooity into a Large pond the little row boats prancing and doming in a mad career likes wild bull before a red flag. A visit to ancient Veoioe is another attraction eaitable for oar Bruseele boys and girls -you get io gondola a long row boat with high airy greats and sterna -she Bails along the water -real water 2 feet deep 6 broad, with artifloiaily forced 0000801 for about mile trip roand and round viewing Venetian buildings brilliantly lighted up, each boat end Tote, of them carry 6 to 8 persona. There are numerable other attractions. Philipine natives there dancing and mhoatiog to tin pen deafen- ing macro : dog eaters were skinning s dog for their supper; bands of mneio iu general large arena -so many other attraOtione each with a promoter outside ehonting like to buret hie throat to inveigle the 516110rs to his den. usually 10 Dents charged ; firemen's exhibitiou, house on fire real fire engines hose and water put it eat, women jumping from 4th story into&ramens' nets woe rather exciting -but we got it on the quiet it was only men with borrowed ebemiees ou ; many thousands daily visit this ama0iag resort. Among the many things uuoommon this great city engagee in is the Artio expedition in eearoh of the North Pole, now being actually under• taken by a leading newspaper, the Record Herald, ['ending it Washington Reporter, a Mr. Wellman. He went to Paris and proonred a baloon, cigar shaped 160 feet 101452 diameter, able to support 16000 tbe In the air, ite total outfit will weigh 5000 lbs. 6 men 3 motor engines, one 70 horse power, one 60 and one 3 to propel it at the rate of 10 to 20 miles en hour and carry saffioione gasoline for fuel ; hung in basket below the little ship to take them over a tboueand miles, They emend at Spitsbergen* 500 North of Nor. way and then have 400 miles to fly in the air to reaoh the pole. Having Wireless telegraphy on beard we may expeot to hear frond them in a few days after they start, presumably in a. week been. Capt. Peary, who ha0 been taking an mum - woeful daeh at the North Pole at Lim ae in theyenta net 80 is feared to be loetleav, ing last year and little heard of since. It to aarmerity wished that Chicago Record. Heartd p inn10 will be more s4 one BBfnl Y onto truly, J. D. BONALD, P. N. -Tito' the naloone are all in full bleat Imre ea of yore, it is eatielaotory Id note that wehave 130500 seen a drunken men nor a beggar l Chicago. July 7111 1906. THE GLORIOUS 12TH, 1690 1906 MILVeaTON The oelebratien of the battle ot the Boyne held ouThureday, July the 12111, was a great moose. The weather wile perfeot and the attandanoe big. Eighteen lodges trout the eurronoding diatriote were present oho the epaeohee iu the perk were of a high order. Revs, S. AtoKinnon, Spence and Buckland, and Mesere. Morplty, Walker and George were the principal speakers, Three exoellent bands diezoureed mneio, and the maroh ot the different lodges in ani• form, eaoh with its own fife and dram band lu P y town the finest dim this has aver seen. For the beet mneio, Donegal and Stratford lodges got prizes, The beet dreeaed lodge was Trowbridge, and Stratford had the 70angeel members. e0AFORTu, The twelfth of Jaly celebration here under the auspioes of the South Huron distriot Orange lodges Wae one 01 the beet, and in every way the most ono• easeful demonstration ot this kind ever held in this dietriut. It was estimated there were about live thousand people nt tw present, o trains of ten oars eaoh,one from the East and theother from the = West, and all packed arrived in tbe tore. noon. In addition to this there wee %l- omat a ooatinnooe stream of 001010550 from all diatriote during the entire fore. noon, This was the largest orowd ever seen to Seafotth. Ab the park,Prizee were awarded for the largeet lodge, the lodge Doming the lougoet dietanoe, and the oldest Orangeman. This latter prize was woe by W. Johnston, ot Seafortb, who numbed in the procession. fie hoe been an Orangeman for 63 years, and is still hale and hearty. Foster Close, of Stratford, was judge of the braes band, and fife and drum oompetitioae. First prize of $25, for the best braes band, was awarded to Mitobell. Purple Hill won the first prize of $15, for beet lite and dram of ten or more members ; Sam mer Hill ;von second prize of $10. The prize for the beet fifer and beet drummer was won Thorndale men. At the plat• form King Billy White, of Mitohell, presided, and Mayor Broderick woloomed the visitors to the town. Addresses were delivered by Revs. R. S. Larkin and Birks, of this town ; Meeere. White, of Detroit ; and West and Hewitt, of Toronto. Ontario Foot Ball Championship. Tire Junior Series. AT MILDMAY. Mildmay, W. F. A. Junior champions of Western Ontario, defeated the All Sainte, of Toronto, last. Wednesday by s soon of 3 to 0 in the first of the finale. Berry seared the Bret goal in three minutes, and Hineberger the mond io one and a half minutes. Scheme scored the third goal in the second half. AT TORONTO, Mildmay and All Sainte were the oon• teetanto at Broadview field Friday night for the junior football ohampionehip of Ontario. In the first round at Mildmay the looal team secured a lead of three goals, and the Sainte bad a difficult task to wipe oat the deficit. They rose to the o00asion in great style, and bad not dark. nese pat a atop 5o =tee timebeing played a definite decision would undoubtedly have been arrived at. Referee Brown, of Berlin, lined the players up about 7 o'olook before fully five hundred spectators. The homestere jumped into the game right away, and soon tested the protease of the Mildmay goal keeper. The forwards were already playing with looklike preoieion and twelve minutes from the start White put in a soft shot, whioh the Mildmay keeper only partially cleared. Forbes wae on the a of d made no epot, anmistake and the Saints were one up. Thin re- verse put ginger into Mildmay, but Darlington set hie forwards going again. Carroll put amass a beautiful center, whioh Forbes fastened on to, and with a stinger pieced the Sainte two up. Nothing daunted, Mildmay settled down to play good ball, and hereabouts some pretty work was seen from both Mame. Pointon caved a hot one from the Mild. may right. Hopkine setting the Befits' forwards off again with a long punt, Balmier goo possession and should have Floored, but beettated too long, and the chance was lost. Half time arrived with the homestere leading by 2 to 0. The aeaond halt etarted with a rash on the home goal, Hopkins making a pretty alearanee. Mildmay 00me baok and Penny °leered. Darlington got pumas. los, and in °hooking es Mildmay man put hie knee out and bad to retire, a Mildmay man going off to even up, This some whae disorganized the Sainte, who did not adapt themselves to the °onditions as goiekly as Mildmay, the defence having an anxious time for a few ml0atee, Pointon saved twits() in good style, and Penny and Hopkins both got in some good work. Finally the Sainte broke away, and by pretty combination (tarried the ball into the Mildmay goal, when the visiting goalie saved a hot one from Mann al the expense of a corner. This proving abortive, bat a few minutes later Zillex got in a long punt, whioh glanced off the Mildmay right baok'e head, and the Saints Were three up. This wins twenty min ghee from the restart. Mildmay now made determined efforts to more, but the defence was too good for them, and time arrived with the Sainte leading by 3 to 0. As this jest tied the mores on the two mantle, Referee Brown ordered extra time to be played, Daring ibis the Sainte forded two corners and Mildmay did the same, nothing re - salting from any of them. Darkness was setting fast, and it was diffionit 10 r follow the fall. The MlidmaY center cutin a bot one and Pointon brought off a =reefing save. It was new t00 dark 10 play farther, and the game reoulted in a Win fir the- int Sat s by S to 0. To o e o veroom a teal of three Scale is enffiolent evidenoe of the manner in whioh the winners played. 11 wae the fastest game ever seen In Toronto, and had not Darlington been Muted the obanoee are that the bomeotere would have won. This 1s the first defeat Mildmay hes euetaiued this season. The replay will take place at Guelph on Saturday ou the Exhibition groauds, when a definite fie. Melon ehonld be arrived at, Relieves Brown gave eminent setlefam tion to both Mame, and will have charge of the replay, Teams All Seines ; Pointoo, Penny, Hoppiue, 2illax, Darlington, Heaslip, Carroll, Eokmier White, Forbes, Maim, Mildmay- Goal, Hbaiiisg,b acke , Sobmidt, Fraser ; helves, Pandit, Wen. dorf, Sobwelm ; °etl"ler, Berry ; right wing, Sohmurr, La France ; left wing, Hiesperger, Miller. Tho Intermediate Series. AT LITTLE YORK, Tim first of the fival games for the M. termedtate ohampiouship of the Ontario Football Aeeoaiatleo was p ayed at Little York on Saturday b•.tweou Permian and La York, resulting Little Y rk esultin iu a win for The Preston by a more of 1 to 0, ilia teams were evenly matched but the grand work of the Preston goal keeper saved the day for his team. Little York did not play their usual game, and a oloee mutest is sore to result when Ailey go to Preetoa on Tuesday. The winning goal was moored after 17 minutes' play in the second halt. Little York bad much the better of the 000teet but ooald not get the ball past Preston's floe defence. Goalkeeper Sobubert made nary great saves. The line up:- Preston -(1)- Goal, Sobubert ; batiks, Talk, Schwan ;belle, Smith Kinser, G. Bernhardt ; right wing, Wiener, 0, Been• bards; centre, !Iraq ; left wing, A, Bernhardt ; Sobrum. Little York -(0) -Goal, Rose ; baoke, F. Gilding, Frank Gilding ; =alfa, Dula), Thomas Gibbons ; right win Gentle Jobueon ; centre, s Booby 1 lett wing. G. Gilding, Woodward. Referee -Harry Brown, Berlin. 11I001140 THE LIMIT. The following is taken from the Pree. ton Progress of last weep :-That the Preeton Football °lab won out in the Intermediate aeries is entirely dee to the nerve and grit displayed by lbs members of the team, who against a combination of exponents of roagh•booee tootioe of the meanest order, played Mildmay off their feet in the last fifteen minutes of the game in that town last Friday evening and Soared the goal whiehiwon them the championship. The game iteelt would have been as good an exhibition, or even better, considering that the field was nothing more or less than a rough gravel pit, a8 has been seen in theNorth oouotry had it not been that the 535018tore felt that the only way is wbich they could defeat the Preston boys was to maim them, and play against tremendoue odds, but they reokoaed without their heat, and our boys tnrned the triok just when they thought they bad them'beaten. Our boys have travelled over 450 miles in quest of the ohampionehip, and Mildmay is the only plsoe in whioh they did not get sfair deal. It is aeeleea to attempt to mention the many mean sate of the epeatatore who literally deluged Goalkeeper Schlueter with young apples, peas, and fire ermines, the latter ot whioh set fire to hie clothing. Mildmay seamed two goals to which they were not entitled bad the referee (Mr. MaLauehlio, of Oheeley,) handled himself as it wee expeoted he would,and Preston should d have had a penaltykink which herefused to allow. Although the score was 3-1 against Free - ton this does not represent , the relative events of the two teams se Preston had the best of the genie throughout, and can beat the Mildmay team just as handily as they did here on any grounds npo0 whioh they will get fair play and Ibat are in say way fair to play on. The Mild- may trip will long be remembered, and the next time oar boyo go there they declare they will take oat insurance poll - Mee spinet mob violence. Brussels Council. Monday evening, 9th inet., the regular 000510n of Braesele Oooaoil was held. In the absence of;Reeve Hendereot from town Councillor Jones filled the obis! chair. Other membere present were Oonnoillore James and Ballantyne. Minuteslast m o t meeting read and g passed. Oe motion the following accounts were ordered to be paid :- J. T. Rose, service at eoalee $12 00 F. S. Booth, on salary 50 00 R. Oliver, town caretaker 88 88 Thuell Bros., eleotrio light 98 50 W. S. Sellers, gravelling etreete., 35 00 Jno, Nlohol, Fire engine 75 H. Dnnoan, " a 75 H. James, inspeoting building cement of fire engine platform 3 00 Geo. Barkley, building Dement plat form 40 00 Invitation was read from Listowel Mayor inviting Brunetti to their Old Boys' Celebration, and aokingfor appoint ment of oivio holiday, No sotion was taken as petition was in Reeve's bands desiring August the 8th as Civic Holiday so as to take in the emersion to Sin. 0ardine. Moved by J. Ballaplyne, seconded by H. James that the Ireaeurer be aathoriz• ed to borrow 9500 from the Standard Bank to meet Durrant expenditure to be paid out of looal rate. Carried. Connell adjourned atter a ehort die• mission shoat additional tanks for fire proteobion. THE FIELD OF SPORT. Toronto Thistles, Eastern League ahampione, and the Dundee Soots played an exhibition game of football on Bator, day at Dundas, the result being a tie, 1-1. The lacrosse match played at Goderioh on the 12th in the intermediate d. L. A, aeries resulted in a viotory for the home team, Goderioh getting thirteen goals spinet one fog Kincardine. Boafortb defeated Gunton at the former town on the 12th in the intermediate series of the C. L. A. The game was the fastest this eeasop, and ap to the half Olintoo held the home teem down to 1 to 1,bat in the third and fourth quarters linton wae played to a standstill, and Seafortb piled up seven goals to Clinton's one, ending the game 8 to 2 in levet of Santorth. The Berlin ewe• eo rd oou ratalate e the Preston Intermediates en winning W. F. A. Intermediate honors. 11 says 1 "Without a doabb this ie the beet eleven in the emend melee of the 50BOalat1015 this year, and it ie doubtful whether a teeter grade of football bas ever been Served up by any intermediate team. In foot they ore 0, tauter aggregation than deme eenier teams. They have played a ooueietent game all season, have bats good rampart and Next year ought t0 551 Oat atter the metier cup." A.l'W 0051, The Bee is holidaying, Elmo ()puaoil mat on July 14. Arth Harris left for Brandon Men , where be will lila eder end lather, The "Glorious Twelfth" wee oelrbratsd by the Orangemen of North Perth at lt1(leerton. 0, J. Wynn hoe opened up a floor and feed store i0 the trout Dunton of the old Bee building. The barn of Wm, Graham on the 4111 oon. was straok at one corner by light. nine but not burned. Mrs. 0.13. Fullerton and two obildren, of Winotoeterihave arrived is town to visit her arette L. end Mrs, Peton. Newry ahem Co. shipped the last halt of June obsess on Monday of last week. altar, of I15005011, wag the buyer, Ven Allen, for some time clerk at the drug store, lett for London where he has smeared an exoellent position in a drag more in that oily. The bowling green does not present a very attractive appearause juet now owing to the abundant orop of weeds and thistles that adorn it. lama Mame Co. shipped d last lilt of June (Meese from Atwood oua nesds W d y morning of last week. Hodgson Bros. Montreal, were the boyers. Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., of Stntala Sack., a former pastor, ou0apied the Preebyterian pulpit Sunday morning and preaohed at Mobktou in the even• u'1 . The Bee Saye :-Daring the past week Or 90 On several moutons the alight has been rendered hideous by' unearthly yells and oat•oalle. To such an extent wee this the uaee that the oitizene living on Male street ouuld not sleep. Now we believe in giving youth a certain degree of Iatilade, bot boys, you ehonld remem• bar that human beings have feelings, and that Bitch unseemly yelling at a late hour at night is not calculated to do a sink person Roy great amount of good. Listowel. Lawrence Bernie, eon of J. W. Bernie baa entered upou his datiee es Junior in the Imperial Bank. Mime Mary MrCamas has passed her final examination with high honors at the College of Maeio, Toronto. W. A. Philips M. A. formerly Principal of the High School, bee been appointed to the High School staff of Toronto. Wm, Hay, of the Public School staff, Mediates Hat, Alta., is spending his holidays with hie parents, Andrew and Mrs. Hay, Raglau street. At the morning Sunday School in Christ church, Jaly 15th, the rector presented the bibles and prayer books to the eobolare who have earned them for regular attendance. The installation of the officers of Lie - towel Lodge No. 160, 1. 0, O. F., took Mace July 9th. The following offioere were installed in office for the meeting term by Bro. J. Iegale P. G., sotiug D. D. G. M. ; Bro. Geo. M. Yates N. G., Bro. W. H, Jenkins V. G., Bro, J. E. Tecbnne R, Bea., Bro, J. Gable F. Seo„ Bro. Yooill, Tread., Bro. R. A. Climie Warden, Bro. Geo. BraylCondaotor, Bro. J. McDonald jr. O. Conductor, Bro. A. Douglas Chaplain, Bro. 0. A. Les R. S. 5,, Bro. W. F. Lawraeotl L.13. S., Bro. A. Stapleton R. S. N. G., Bro. G. Stevenson L. S. N. G., Bro. W. Morrie R. S. V, G., Bro. J. Somminge L. S. V. G., Bro. Cummings L. 0. V. G., Bro. W. Washburn I• G„ J, Iogale 0. G. The program as drafted for the Old Boys' reunion is as follows : FIRST DAY -JULY 31sT. Reception and registration of Old Boys In the evening a minstrel chow will be given in the milk. 5500ND DAY -1ST A0000T. Morning ;'Arrival of Bands from Bea. Wingbam, Oheeley end other pointe. Parade of Old Boys and Girls, headed by visiting bands withiTowa and County Oonnoillore, school children,friendly ermietiee and others to the ink Park, where addresses of weloome will be made by Mayor Watson, President of Old Boys Re•anion. Baseball mmtob (First game of tournament, Afternoon : Foot ball match Old Boys vs. Listowel. Lacrosse match and other sports. Night of illumination, Garden Party in Rink Park, music furnished by visiting bawds. Grand display of fireworks. THIRD DAY -2ND AUGUST. Morning :-Trades preemption headed by visiting bands, Baseball match (Seoond game of Tournament.) Atter- noon :-Sohool ohildren'a prooeaeion to park. Addresses by Old Boys. Final game of baeeball to0rnament. Athletic sports and Oaledonian gamer. Balloon aeceneion, Music by 48th Bighlandere, Berlin, Cheeley, Listowel and otherbaude, Night : Grand band aonoert in the rink by the 48th Highlanders band• 5001178 DAY, Golf, Toonim, Bowling and Quoit Tournament. Afternoon :- Football maroh and other sports. Evening :-At Home in the rink with media and re, freehmeute. F. A. Campbell, Mitchell, hue Owed four fine pieta glace windows in Itis stere whioh greatly adde to iteappearauoe. David Marshall, Aylmer, was au, animonely nominated by the Ooneer. vative0 of Beet Elgin, to oppose W, F, Hepburn in the by0•eleotion for the Commove, q1' Ban1 of .Hamilton 1 Capital. Paid nth t$2,500,e90 310000ve Fund, $2,50,,000 Total Assets, See,000.000 80 BBANOHI;S IN CANADA 80 President, - . HON. WU. 01118000 Vies President & General Manager, JAMES 'OCAS BULL ETHEL AGENCY ti Savings Department -Ample eeourity for Depositor0. Deposits 01$1,00 and upwards reoeivad. Interest allowed at current ratoe and compounded hall yearly. ADVANCES =ado to Farm ere for fending stook. Sale Notes oolleoted and advanced made, thereon. Drafts bought and bold, W. N. Mo0AY, SUB -AGENT, 04germ 9cter $ s3fds`12 IMPORTANT NOTICES NOTICE.—ALL PERSONS IN- DEBTED ESTE to the, 0110undersigned nt bre re nested s onto and esupo accountsbefore e- duly . J. so n8 to oloee up the outstanding debts. J.E• SPEBAIN, Brussels. 51.11 TEACHER WANTED FOR S. 11 5, Ne. 9, Morrie, dutieo to commence after lvacatlon, Applications, with testi. moofale, received up to July 16th. Either male or female. JAS. A. MOORE, Secretary, Walton P.O. BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Ie prepared to give =aeons o0 Piano or Reed Organ. Terme on application. Postolloe address-Brnaeele. Residenoe- Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey. Pupils may have their lessons attheir own homes if preferred. GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR Sale on whioh is large brick house, 016,015, drilled well, cistern, fruit garden, &o„0¢ soros of land on John and James et., Brume's. Terms reasonable. Apply to JOHN MOFADDEN on premises or F. S. 800 TT, Brenda, STRAYED FROM THE PREM. rens of the undersigned, Lot 14, Oen, 8, Grey, a steer red in Dolorwith email strip of white between hie front lege; dehorned. Any information leadingto his recovery will be thankfullyreceive WM. LOWE, Brueeele P.O. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. ICIERKSHIRE SOWS FOR 6ALB: Tno undersigned has for gale 4 improved Berkshire sows, bred from prize winning stook. Due to litter about Sept. let. Also 2 aged Berkshire sows due to lit. ter in July. Bargains for quick 1purohasere. For further particulars apply to J. P. Mo. INTOBH, Lot 21, Oen, 12, Grey, or Oran - brook P. 0. 49.10 'port SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 sore farm, being Lot 30, Con, 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, wells, &o, Farm is only } of a mile from the miming village of Ethel. For fur• cher particulars 'apply to F. S. Soots, Brus- sels, or MRS. IIATE HOLLAND, 79 Shbter Street, Toronto. 37.3m 1Oo ACRE FARM FOR SALE being Lot 4, Con. 19, Grey ; 85 sores cleared; comfortable house 80x40 with kitchen 18x20 ; bank barn 50x70 with atone stabling; orchard, wells, ..to. Well fenced and in good heart. Poseeseion given next Fall. Farm is nearly all in grass at present. It is 81 miles from Brunets and in a good locality, For further particulars apply on the premises or Brueeele P. 0. to 61-tf JOSN RODDICK, Proprietor. PROPI;RTY FOR SALE—THE noon tail1 offers his house ars act, It l l ane garnet, convenient SD for sale, f t to well located, a convenient and eomfor• table home. Poeeeoston can be given at once, Will Mao sell the vacant lot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, whioh would make a fine building site. For further par- btoulore ae to price, terms, &o., apply to FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford. wioh, 20.4 STOCK FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for eervioe on his premises, North Howiok Boundary, an 'English Berkahiro hog, Terme, $1.00, with privilege of returning if necessary. LIDS 0..0A0IILIN, 44.11 Proprietor, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE nudereigned will keep for eervioe ou Lot 21, eon,11 Grey, the Improved Berk. shire Hoar,” Fairview Goldfinderi"No. 12495. Pedigree,may be Been on application, Terms -$,50, or $1.26 each for two or more ; Berkshire Bows 59,00, All who are interest• ed in raising the Ideal Bacon Hog and the hog that will make the moat money ahould sae this hog before using any other. 271f .7, P. MOINTOSB, Oran brook P. 0. Lame Iorses are Poor Travellers I'. PERGbUSON, Did you ever try to drive a horse that wont lame easily ? Or one always afraid he wouldn't hear you say "whoa?" Some horses can't travel bemuse they are Istne and others won't travel without a lot of urging. THEY ARE NOT TILE HOURS TO BUY. It's just the same with ()ream Separators. Some are always out of fix, and some torn like corn shelters, Such Separators don't have the up-to-date features found only in The Sharpies Tabular 1 Bny a Tubular. Have a Separator with waist low engply can, simple bowl hong [Cor tingle,ler frictionless beating and driven b. wholly o ed elf snot e e - gg SEPARATOR ailin ears -A TonR N A A 011ILn OAN tlARE FOH-ODs that will lad a life time. I'll take a Tubular aliened and show you how simple, strong and efficient it ie. AGENT, BRUSSSEL-6 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered veotion of Dominion Lauds in Manitoba, 8aalratohewan and Alberta, exempting 8 and 20, pot roesrved, may be bomeotoaded by any perm W110 le Ibe solo head of a 'mull y. or any mals over 18 yearn of age, to the extent of oureenlrler eeotlon of 180 00008 more or lees. Entry may be made personally at NM local land oi0ce for the dletriob bt whiz= the laud le athlete.. The hooieatoador le required to perform the eon (Buono oonueobad therewith uudor one of the 1o1lowlag pleas (1) At least six menthe' rea,tlouce upon ane ptutiv,ttlou of the lana In each year for three .yearn, ( is(Ifhe 2decoaoed j