The Brussels Post, 1906-7-12, Page 5,aM
is a ITIgh.grado Oommoralal aobool.
Three CenrNeH t
Commando) Stenography Telegraphy
Write NEO, BPO'I"I'1N, Principal.
YS•3€tl f ,r t; t t:'=8t i t'
A Great School
fp Students from British Oolumbia,gl
`fl Saskatchewan and Manitoba ou the Iv'
West to New Brunewlek on the East
are in attendance tide year. Distance
is no hindrance to those who wish to e
got the boat, Our graduates aro al-
ways siumess(ul. Our facilities aro un-
surpassed, COALMAN=E NOW. NO vaca-
tions. College upon entire year. Mag.
niaeent oatulogue free,
W. 7. ELLIOTT, Principal,
%5!5=0/nR it i r 2 rt"Fr
l;d r
Successor to 11r: J. A. Monaitghton
Brussels, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Poet Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, Now Turk.
Member ea College of Physicians and Sur.
goons of Ontario.
Mee and resideuoe same as formorlyoo-
mimed by Dr. McNaughton,
Lleeasee Of woolen a epaolalty.
'Phone No. 21.
• Issuer of Marriage Lb:anima, 0I.
hoe at Grocery, Tarnberry street, Brussels,
Mike In the Post Unice, Ethel. 80.4
C. 0. F.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. r.,
B ruseol., meets in their Lodge Room,BRA-
WN Block, on the lad and lust TU0eays of
each mouth, at 8 O'olook. Visiting brethren
always welcome,
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
OOloe and Resld000e—
• nun, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in lime time and lona charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Enron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
p eroonal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Salmi arranged for
at the office of Tux Poww, Brussels, 2211
• Honor Gra,taate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeatioated animals ,1na compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Pever, Cells
promptly attended to. Chloe and Infirmary
—Four dome North of bridge, Terpberry at.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta,
bOOceeoor to G. F. Blair. Otaoe over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Book,
YY • Barrister, Solicitor,,0onveyanoer,
Notary Public, &o, U81ce—Stewart's Blook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Whetter for the Standard Bank.
W. P11w11DFO0T, B, 0.. BLAm. R, 0. HAss
G. r
OBloes—Those formerly occupied by Masers
Oam00On & Bolt,
GoniffiOn, 01i0Aato,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Outarle and !Mot -claim honor
Graduate of 7brouto University, O81oe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
.Our °laesei are much larger than ft
they were a year ago, The public
11 have learned that this is the host 01
place in the Province to obtain it Com,
merolal • Edudation or Shorthand
Training, Students aro entering each
t(eek. All graduates got gpod peri•
tions. Write new for catalogde.
13 W.NM t 1 J = li Qi.w0
is the IIeodquartere toe
Private Cards made of your Residence
also Groupe.
111 Given Free with every
.L i dozen ()Mimi, Photos
abeautifulVeneer Photo. Frame. 0al
and see the styles•.. your choice of twelve,
Lathe know whoa you want the
view of your 100148nte taken.
1 istai t i,litsn
ideEbe ie holidaying this
Gerrie was well represented at the
Dominion Day Celebration at Wroxeter.
Bert. Weleh left for his home in Boa,
ton, Maas. His grandmother, Mrs. A.
Smith, accompanied him.
The cervine iu the Presbyterian
ehttroh here wits held at 11 o'olook on
Sabbath on account of the sermon to
the Orangemen in the alteroonn at
k;e I grave.
Mrs. O. B. Wilkinaoo hag returned
otter spending a month with !Mende at
the Soo and Eoho Bay.
Mrs. and Mies McNay, Mrs'. Lawrie
and Mro. Patton, of 8ewtorth, were vigil
ore at D. 8proat's last week.
Mies Addie Lawrence and Mise Elva
Oonlbee, of Buffalo, are spending a few
days with their slater, film. J. Clegg.
Wm. and Mrs. Wray tett on Tuesday
of last week for Winnipeg, Virden, Oal
gary and Edmonton, accompanied by
J. and hire. Wilford, of Blyth. They
will visit at different pointe.
IIe lle3a11,
F. J. Graham was oalled from Montreal
to attend the funeral of hie mother.
One of our citizens shot 40 bleak birds
on Dominion day. The birds were eat•
ing hie cherries.
W. E. Pfaff tools a header off hie
bioyole and Burt his 01110 and face so
that the doobor had to fix it up.
Prior to leaving for the holidays Miss
&Robison, tenoher, wee preeented with an
address accompanied by a handsome
Miss Mettle Ellie, wbo has been teach•
ing ab Harrow for the past few years,
returned home for the holidays. She
will remain here having been engaged to
tette Min Doan's room.
Fred. Boman is still oonfined to his
bed with pleariey.
150 and 16o per miners yard was the
only tender Blyth Connell had in for
dement eidewalke.
Blyth Orangemen attended service on
Sunday evening in Trinity oburob, and
were preaobed to by Rev. W. H. Hartley,
Min Alioe Watson left on Tuesday
morning of last week on an extended visit
to her •latera at Fort William and Glee.
bore', Manitoba.
. Moxa had an invitation limit
weep to join the Souris laoroaee olub on a
trip to Montreal and assist them in their
games for the Minto oup, bat he deolined
to go.
For the 000venieuoe of farmers during
the busy Beason, who find it difioalt to
rattail town early in the evening, Poet.
master McKinnon herr decided to keep
the poet office open during July and Aug.
until 8 30 on Saturday evenings.
la oderielx. -
J. W. Broderick, of Goderioh, has per.
phased a boot and shoe stook at Sarnia.
The Customs Department hoe in.
oreaeed the salary of J. L. Grant from
$650 to $700.
J. T. Goldthorpe anno0noes that Point
['arm is now open for the season and
that be will be glad to have vieitora from
Goderiob or other points.
At the preparatory servile() in Knox
°huioh ilia new members were admitted
into fall communion with the ohuroh,
live of them on profession of their
Rev. Alex, Hamilton, of Boiosevain,
Man., who was attending the General
Assembly at London, spent a day in town
twit week visiting hie brother, Rev. Jae,
Miss Dorothy L, Edge, of Owen Sound,
daughter of the late Rev. Joseph Edge,
lute received her diploma at Alma Ladies'
College, and also won the Governor.
General's medal for profiaienoy in Libel.
al arts.
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic, Remedy—
when need faithfully will reach ohronio
mud difficult oa0ee heretofore regarded
ae incurable by phyeloiana and le the
moot reliable presoripbion known to
olean out and completely remove every
veotige of rheumatic poison from the
blood. Sold by F. R. Smith.
Joseph nod Mm. Oobblediak left to
epeud a few weeke in different pointe of
the Went.
Chas. Dyer left Tuesday morning of
laid week for Clinton to enter the 802010ee
of the Moieone Bank.
At the examination conducted in the
High Sobool Department ten students
were writing for matriodlatiou and eight
for junior teaching oertifioates.
The infant child of Henry Mills, of
London, a former reeident of Exeter,
'swallowed a toy pistol. The toy lodged
in the elomaoh, An operation oonid not
be performed, bit the child is apparently
On July 2nd the Town Hall debentures
with interest, totalling 55662 50, was
wiped out. For several years a oinking
fend has been provided for ibis purpose,
The amount raised this year was almost
double that of previoue years but it lung
neoeesary owing to the twenty year term
expiring one yet' sooner than expeoted,
On Tuesday night of lest week thieves
eflooted an entrance to Hardy & Son's
prevision store by means of a cellar
window and carried away a quantity of
Cheese, bisonite, 0igar0, pipes, tobanoo and
Other artl:lee, together with a valise Mr.
!Tardy 11e*4 for keeping this Women
pnpere in, the papers bring left admit
oil the floor.
Harald 3iseett, of the Mula n
eta re00iv8t knock -out 1
B 1 a tt pr a [eoe it
night whioh wee not rally pointnl to en•
dare but whioh he will remember for
mune time to mine, 110 Wail alma to
load a blue rook trap when the spring
pipped off the wait and week 12101 lo
the fano, uniting a small artery in the
nose from whioh blood flowed freely and
otherwise badly braising and scarring
hie fano.
Jim, and Mrs. Ireland visited here,
Hugh Rose has roomed from Muskoka.
Milo Durand oor Bohool eaob r has
, t e , e
returned to her home in Drysdale,
The argument in the Loiper.Story ease
has not yet taken place et Goderish,
Mrs, J. M. Govealook wa0 called to
Griilia owing to the death of her brother,
John H, Hayo.
James Smith had the miefortono to
have one of his feet severely sprained at
Martin Murray's reining.
Mise Ida Molpadden was "at horns" to
to few of her lady Wanda prior to her
leaving for the North W, et,
James Martin had a bee on Saturday,
helping to make the road to the llog
station, between Walton and Munition,
Mrs, Barwick, ofP208 Oity, Minueeote,
is visiting ]hook in and around this
vioinity. Her many friends are glad to
see her.
A very pleasing and interesting ad
dress was groan in tb0 Moroi), Winthrop,
by Rev. Dr, Webster, m ratoruad mbODOn•
ary from Afrioa. •
Rev. Mr. MoLean, Baptist minister,
of Blenheim, who w00 visiting at the
reeidenoe of John Dundee, for a ooaple
of weeks, left for home.
Mies Mary Irvine and Mester Harold
Bailey, of Bla1ebard, have been visiting
at the home of J. J. Irvine for a f.w
days. The former is a sister and the
latter a nephew of Mr, Irvine's.
L, iwt.owel.
Mice Straitb has resigned her position
on the Public aobool staff,
T. G. Anderson has porobaaed from
T, MoWatere the steam laundry Mei.
Mien Frances Welch left Tuesday of
last week on a two menthe' trip to the
North West,
Miss bate MOKoozie has returned
home after oompleting her graduating
mune as nurse at the Galt Boepite',
Ray Bamford, who has beau in the
Sovereign Book at Th0082000 for the poet
two years, has been transferred to New.
Mr. Imery of the Imperial Bank staff,
who wee taken sedately ill to slightly im.,
proved and hopes are entertained of an'
ultimate recovery,
Mies Smith, who bite had charge of the
Melbodiet oboir, bee reeigned her poli•
Mon and itmende going to ,Boston, where
she will resume her studies.
Leonard Stapleton returned home
last weak after epeadiug a year visiting
the scenes of hie childhood in England.
He was aoanmpanied by his niece, Mies
Lonsiane Thomlineoo.
Rev, Robert St. Clair returned on
Monday afternoon of last week from
Sbelbourne, Out., at whioh plaoe he had
been in attendance upon the annual see.
Bions of the Oulario Ministerial Ansocia•
Moil, the Young People's Christian Union
and the Sunday School Aeeooiation.
A severe storm of lightning and rain
passed over this town on Saturday and
after the rain had ceased it was reported
that considerable damage bad been done
by lightning. Several houses were
ramie -lc but allchit
' d ed. The barn
y mal;
on W. H, Hays' farm o0 the ontsltirte of
the town was etruok and burned,
.3. G W 00(1.
Elgin Roberteon, of San Francium,
0e1.,10 epondingthe Summer at hie borne
Mein street.
Jae, Dorllldeon hag sold hie farm on
lot 9, eau. 8 Elma, to Frauk Nicholson
for 1110 SA0 of $6,400. Mr. Nicholson
gebe p08eeesion 4eo, let 1907
Mies Lizzie Thomline0n bas been m-
ortgaged se 880151ant timelier of the At
wood Pnb1ie school, for the coming year
at an 100rease in 88lsry, of $25. She
will receive $825 per minim.
Rev. Mr. Baud, wife and daughter
have arrived in town and were welcomed
by a number of the members of the
Methodist obaroh. The personage has
been undergoing extensive repairs.
To show their good will and apprecia-
tion of hie work, the Bible plass of the
Methodist (thumb presented Rev. Mr.
Peoball with a Me oontaining a pair of
handsome military brushes and oomb.
The engine for the Dement Co. arrived
on TOeaday morning of last week and
bad it's first trial trip on the tracks to
the marl beds the same day. Wm.
McKenzie wid be engine driver and R.
May fireman.
The main shaft connecting the machin•
sty of the grist mill, broke necessitating
the °losing down of both mole till re.
pairs were effected. The abaft bed boo
muoh vibration, not having sufficient
support in .the centro. An extra pier
will be planed under it and thio no doubt
will preveul a recurrence of the accident.
The following °fattere of Atwood Lodge
No. 382, I, 0. U. F. were installed into
their respective oMoee by P. G., D. G.
Anderson,aesisted by P. 3. Dunbar, of
Mitchell and the other past Past Grande
of the Lodge; N, G„ Jae, W. Dickson ;
V. G G. Ratpllffe ; Roe,•Bee.-Ed,
Hoak ; Fin.Seo,- Robert Brown ; Trawl.
Tito' Hamilton Itou • Warden,W. Pried W
Conductor -Jae, Newbigging1 R.8, N• 0„
W. N McKay ; Left S. N. 0.-J. Ruther-
ford , I, 0.-T. Tonollnt ; Li, S. Y. Q. -
A. at. Sweeten,
In o r r, •v.
Seldom RICeolT,—The following ie the
report 00 S. i3. No, 8, Morrie, for June :-
8r, IV—Al. Miehie, 0, Watson, 8.
Wheeler, 0. Shuffle, Sr. ILI—L. Don•
man, W. Shedden, F. Shedden. Jr, III
—L. Watson, E. Clark. Sr. 1I --M,
Wheeler, J. Niobol, H, Njobol, W. Oon.
non, . Jr. II—W. Denman J. Little
Connell, J. Paestum (eguitl), Pt. Little,
McNeil, A. Niobol, T;, Miehie (equal),
W. Clark, 8, Aleook, E. Oonnon. Jr.
Pt. I—I. MOAelor, J, McNeil, A. Little,
Avorgugo attendance, 22,
M. L, Kau,
For the halfyear ending June 80,
there were 50 interments in Dunton
The legal offices of town'Il close
l a ee
w 1
o'Olook on Wednesday and Saturday
afternoone, July and August,
Mr. Sbillington, who reoentiy arranged
for a law euros in lows, bas entered into
a partnership at Chatham instead.
Sunday evening, while be was eon•
dilating torah's, some cue stole from the
reeidenoe of Rev. W, D. Magee, hie
Crescent bicycle,
For the six mouths ending Jane 80,
these were reoorded with Mr. Maopber•
eon, the Division Registrar, 20 births, 8
marriages, and 17 deaths.
The Newe R000rd, wbfob has hereto.
fore been under the 00008gity of printing
two pages of its paper at a time, because
its press was too emalil to print more, is
putting iu a larger prase.
Rev, Joeias Greene and Mise Greene,
have returned to Clinton, but Mr.
Greene ie preparing for a trip to the
West, with a brother who has jest re•
turned from the Holy Land. He will leave
ehortly for the coast, and expecte to bo
away some time.
John A. Cooper, of Toronto, editor of
the Canadian Magazine, (non of Mrs. W.
Cooper, Clinton, and T. W. Orothero,
St, Thomas, barrister, make up the aom
mission appointed by the Ontario
Government to inquire into the question
of the coat of the production of school
R. S. Stein and family leave for the
West, and will looate in Alberta.
A. M. Robinson, Teeewater, is in
mbarge of the Bank of Hamilton dnriog
the abeeooe of O. P. Smith,
Mies 0. Winter, who has been teaob•
ing in Wingbam bcsineee College for
some time, ratoruad to her home in Galt,
One of the hogs that T. T. Field killed
last week was a onrioeity. It had
perfectly formed double teat ,on its fore
lege ; two feet on eaoh leg.
Ohio. Knoobtel left for Edmonton,
Alberta, where he has minded a good
position. Should be like the country he
will likely move hie family to the West.
Mre, 0. G. Craig and eon, and Mies
Robertson left for their home in Kenton,
Alberta. Mise Robertson was preeented
with a beautiful ring by her school mates
prior to leaving.
Miss Ada Howson has reeigned her
poeitiou as teacher of the Junotion aobool,
and the Trustees have engaged Mies
Pearl Baker, daughter, of Rev, George
Baker, of Blnevale.
Mayor Ben bae issued a proclamation
declaring Friday, July 27th, Clvie boli
day for the town of Wingham. The
Sunday Scheele of town are arranging
for their annual exo0r0100 to Kincardine
that day.
Miss De Le Mater, who has been teach.
ing iu Wingbam Publio Sheol eines last
September, left for her home in Atter.
Mlle, She is a good teacher and gave
splendid eatis/aotion in Wingbam and
the Board was sorry to see her leave the
0. P. Smith, manager of the loon'
branch of the Bank of Hamilton and 0 L,
Laing,manager of the Bank of
ton aBerlin are ependiog their holidays
in taking a trip up the lakes. Mrs,
Laing and ohiid are visiting at her
parental home in town.
A change in the hardware firm of
Bishop & Brewer bas taken plane. Mr,
Brewer finds hie health failing and hence
withdraws from the firm. His plaos has
been taken by L. A. Ball, wbo has been
known until recently fn connection with
the furniture boeinees.
The 19 0andida1es for eeoond °lase
Teaobere' oertifloates were writing in
Wingbam last week, eighteen of whom
are pupils of Wingbam aobool, the other
'Wee from Whiteobnrob. Mr. Cameron,
of Brussels, was in obarge. Mr. Mile•
grove presided at the examinations in
Sam, Mcllwain met with a painful
aooident. He woe going up to assist in
unloading hay in the Brnnowiok stables,
and tell from the ladder, Uulortunately
be fell behind one of the horses, and re•
oeived n severe Itiok. Hie shoulder blade
wan broken, and bad it not been that Mr.
Orr wan on the scene, he might have been
Another of the early settlers of Turn.
berry, Henry Hawking, passed sway o0
Tuesday of last week, aged 76. Deceased
IIorses are Poor Travellers
Did you ever try to drive a horse that
went lame easily 7 Or one always afraid he
wouldn't hear yon say "whoa 7" Some
horses can't travel beoaneo they are inane and
others ivon't travel without a lot of urging,
TIIEY Alla NOT THE Douses To Buy. It's just
the sante with Cream Separators. Some are
elweyo out of fix, and some turn like oorn
shelters. Suoh Separators don't have the
up-to-date features found only in
The Sharples Tubular
Buy a Tubular. Dave n Separator with
waist low supply can, simple bowl hung from
single, triotionlees bearing and driven by
wholly enoloeed 0elf-oilinggears—A SEPARATOR
A CHILD 0AN 015012 con—one that will last a life
time. NI take a Tubular All apart and show
yon how simple, strong and ei/ioient it is.
Bargains at
1 Parona Ceyl. n Pe- hoe Tea, 5 SOUNDS
eon 51.00 while it lasts. Very
ehoice. Try it.
Canned Goods fresh and ni o
the very thing for Sommer use.
Choice and nicely aaved
Fruits. A,n order will couvinoe
For hot weather we have
elegant Ice Cream, Bodes, Crush-
ed Fruits and other dainties.
Call in and try them.
Did you ever coo Tonaoola?
Ask tie about it right away.
We're here to do business eo
you will find us read y to wait on
you promptly with real bargains.
1R'Try our Stilton Cheeeo.
W, A. Gt EY9rAR,
had been a resident of the township for
over thirty years. He was a member of
Blnevale Methodist Church, and enjoy•
ed the rasped of all who knew him. He
leave') three eons, John and William, of
Manitoba, and Dr. Hawking, of Chicago,
There are Mao three daughters, Mrs.
Arthur Wheeler, of Tarnberry ; Mrs.
Rogers, of Teams and Mrs. Taeohuer,
of Muscatine, Iowa. The funeral took
place on Friday,
B. Nestle, of Detroit, is spending a
month's holidays with his parents, F. G.
end Mre• Neelio.
Mrs. 0. W. Rutledge, wife of the
editor and proprietor of the Markdalo
Standard, ie visiting her sister, Mts.
Jomee Beattie.
Mrs. John H. Haye intends removing
from Orillia to Seatorth ae anon as pee
oible, and will pnrohaee a reeidenoe and
make her tature home here.
R. E. Jones and Fred. Howard have
taken the contract of lathing and plaster.
ing all the station boneee being erected
by Messrs. Gutteridge and Edge on the
Guelph & Goderiob end the Parry Sound
branohee o1 the 0. P, R.
Rev. George BOggln and wife, lately of
Tbedford, have taken up their reed.
dance in Seatorth. Mr, Baggier bas
lately been superannuated and is arrang•
ing to build a comfortable home and
spend the remainder of his days bare.
There were 57 writing et the examin-
ations here last week, being divided ae
follows :—Junior teaohere, or second
class, 20 ; junior matrioo ation, 20 ; sen-
ior teachers, or first plass, 15 ; scholar.
ship matrioulatiou, 2. The presiding
examiners were Andrew Scott and W.
J. Mtffatt.
The semiannual meeting of the Eg•
mondvile Y. P. S, U. E. was held June
27th, when the following ofioere were
eleobed for the next halt year :—Pres.,
George Aberbart ; Viae Pres., John Ma -
Nay; Treas.,hies Charlotte Porter ;
Seat. Mies Harriett Mason ; Organist,
Mise Ella Chesney. Conveners, Prayer
nom., Mise Tena Allen 1 Lookout oom.,
Mrs. N. Shaw ; Mueio nom., Mies B.
HYMENEAL,—Two of oor most pop.
alar young people were married on
Dominion Day, A. D. Sutherland, de-
puty postmaster, and Miss Jean, second
daughter of Samuel Dickson, post-
master of Seatorth. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. F. H. Lark.
in. Mr, and Mre. Sutherland have
a large circle of friends who will join
iu moat cordial oongratulatione, and in
wiehiug them mooh happiness in their
new relations.
W. F. A. FiNALS.
Judging from the way the Preston
football club mutated down the field to
victory on Wednesday, 50h met., in their
game with Mildmay in the first round of
the finals, the Mineral Springs town
Wolters have a tight hold on the W. F. A,
Intermediate championship silverware.
The men from the North were a hueky
bunch of ball ohasero and demonstrated
their ability to kiok hard but they fell
down before Preston's superior oombina-
tion and speedy forward line who
oonetantly kept the ball in the vicinity
of the visitor's goal. The Preston
Silver Band was in attendance at the
match whioh wag witnessed by a fair
Bind •orowd whioh included many of
the fair sex. Preston soured their first
goal in the opening halt and two in the
last when Mlldmay'e white wash coat
was completed. J. W. Ward, of Strat.
ford, refereed and the game was aom.
aratively free from roughness, not a
man being penalized. The line up
wag : Preeton—Goal, 801200 ter ; backs,
Tilk, Schwartz ; half baoke, Smith,
Kinder, I. Bernhardt ; forwards, A.
Bernhardt, Wiemer, Brady, A. R. Bern.
hardt, Sobruin. Mildmay --Goal, Hoe/.
ling ; baoke, Berry, Schmidt ; half baoke,
Yandt, Windorl, Schwalm 1 forwards,
Leiemer, Lefranoe, Berry, Miller, Hoe•
On Friday evening last the final gams
was played in Mildmay when the home
team defeated Preston by a more of
8-1 bat loot by a goal on the round. D.
J, MoLauoh11n, of Obeoley, wee referee.
The final game of the Senior W. F, A,
adios woe played ab Mandato on Saturday
between Beaforth and Dundee. The
result wee a win for Seafortb by 8 goals
to 2, although a protect has been entered
by the borne team on moonlit of the
referee's deoioion in not allowing the last
goal by Dondas. Dundee won the toga
and deaided to play with the eon at their
batik', Thu 'coal bile rushed the Pall up
at 0000, keeping it near the Ssalurth goal
and forcing eecern!0020828 after mental
minuEoe' play, Corkin scores. the Bret
soul for Uundas, the next peal went to
Heefortb, being put in by Munroe. The
next goal also went to Boalortb on a 1188
pass from the corner, whioh entitle put
through. Thie ended the scoring for the
Aret halt, the whistle blowing with the
score standing 2 101 in favor 01800400h.
The eeoond hod etarbed with e cosh, and
Jones snored for Dundae within tate first
minute's play, time evening up matters.
Seatorth now forced the playing, and
Obit1le again shot between the poets.
Just a couple of minuted before time Woe
called, from a mix-up in front of the
0 tort goal, l0on oT r n 0
H a b Ne - so ad for Du da
bot the referee would not allow it. The
final soon stood 8 to 2, peudiog the deoi•
eton whiah is given on the protest. The
line•np was se follows :—Heatorth, Goal,
Peak ; baoke, Shea, Stewart ; balf•baoke,
Hills, McKinnon, Murray ; forwards, Mc.
Kenzie, Sitio, Ohittle, McLean, Munroe,
Dundas—Goal, Shaw ; baoke, Reid,
Thomae ; bali.baoke, Johnston, Corkin,
Walker ; forwards, Ohatland, McAuley,
Jones, Mu0ordie, Nelson.
Referee—M, Brown, of Berlin.
Women with weakneso should never
forget Dr. 8hoap'e Night Core. Tide
magio-like local treatment, is used at
bedtime, all night while the system ie
at relit, it is oonetantly building op the
weakened tholes, soothing the Inflamed
and eenei1iv0 surfaces and will surely
clean top all catarrhal and looal troubles.
Sold by F. R. Smith.
Judge Mabee quashed the Oven Boned
local option bylaw.
George B Brown, of Brougham, was
drowned at Pickering while bathing.
A 001,01221 oohool for Kingston ie nailer
stood to have been deoided upon by the
Fear hundred cotton operatives of the
Dominion Textile Company are on etrihe
at Magog, Qnebae.
Seventy-five thousand dollars ie to he
expended on the pew building for the
Ontario College of Phyeioiane and Ser-
Rev. A. J. Fidler, inn. of Colborne, has
been offered the reetorehip of Grace
Church, in succession to the late Rev. J.
Pitt Lewis.
Near Sweolebarg, Que., Mre• Edward
Traoey shot and Foiled a young men
named Forest Howard, who she claims
was aeeanitiog her.
Maggie Murphy, a hotel employee was
arrested at Owen Sound on the 'barge
if murdering her infant by throwing it
from a oar window near Cheeley.
A Boating elevator collided with the
steamer Gaspeeian in Montreal harbor
and the steamer was damaged to such an
extent that she bad to be beached,
Bank of Hamilton
,Cnpilal, Pahl np, 1112,0000,000
1teserve Fend. ent.00t,000
Tone Aseete, entS,000,000
President, • - HON, WM. 01B80N#
Vice President & General Manager, miLP
Savings Department—Ample security
for Depositors,
Deposits of 31.00 and upwards received.
Interest allow ad at current rates and
compounded half yearly.
ADVANCES made to Farmers for riot
feeding stook. \1 1,
Sale Notes collected and adventos
made thereon.
Drafts bought and sold,
'tzar gttoaY 5a R `.Sc2 025
House, Sign and Carriage Paint-
ers. Ornamental and Scene
Work and Paper hang-
iug a Specialty,
Quotations Furnished
on Application
8,J tirtlbel•rp St., Brussels
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, • - Brussels.
Yon will find at Brussole Greenhouse
any quantity of Tomato, Cauliflower,
Celery and Cabbage Plante. Tomato
Plante 10o a box or 8o a doz. loose.
Fine aolleotiou of Flowering Plants.
A ohoioe lot of Geraniums and An-
nuals for bedding.
Cot Flowers supplied.
Floral designs made to order.
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will lee promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
Bran, Shorts, &e., always in stock
and sold at Market Prices.
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.
B siliu Buille8 Aloe
P u" i .
are busy these days pushing the Carriage busi-
ness. In addition to our own make of Rigs,
which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured
by the Canada Carriage Co., Brockville, and the
_Brantford Carriage Company, Brantford.
Wood Wort ai,a jobbing a Specialty
Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness
and dispatch. The celebrated Harland English
Varnish used in our paint rooms.
If you want a new Rig ealI and see us as we have
a large display and sell at close margins. We
Call save you money.
EWAN & Co.