The Brussels Post, 1906-5-24, Page 1Th
Vol. 84. No. 46
New Advertisements,
Wool -J. T. Wood.
Looal-G. E, King,
Wool -Alf. Becher,
Cotning-Dr, Canna.
Wool-Robt, Grabem.
Don't-Dodde& Habkirk.
Sows to sale -Jae. Sabin
County Counoil-W, Lune,
Turnip Seede-A. Straohen.
Bow etrayed-Albert Crooke,
Hustling bonne:to-Ewan & Co.
Brewer's Studio -Bt. R. Brewer.
illxstrut ttrs,
Min Olive Scott is home from Seen
Communion fierViee in the Preebyter.
len church ou June 3rd.
Mu. Scholes is ;letting her daughter,
Moe. Bainton, ot Bervie.
Min Mary Boon visited friends in
Brownie a oouple of days.
Rev. W. J. West, al, A., attended the
Presbytery meeting at Kinoardiue
Rev, W. J. Weat, M. A„ exchanged
work with lilt L. Perrin, of Wrozeter,
ou Sunday.
The Epworth League held a imolai in
the nommen of the Methodist choreal ou
Monday evening.
We regret the remove] of Mrs. Min.
ney and family to Wingham. Nellie
May will remain at Bluevale school until
the Entranoe examination.
For First -oboe Photographs. We are
emend to none in any line of the art.
Baby's Photos...a specialty. Family
Groupe taken with greet semen, any size
up to 14x17.
Frames and Mouldings
We have a full line of Frames in
stook. Frames also made to order. Call
and see eamples.
Gallery open May 24th
W. H.KERR, Prop
One of the May wedding; wail that ot
Mies Sarah Gannett and George Wright,
of Turnberry,
Robert Bleak caught a red finned mut.
let weighing over three poem& one day
lately, and a similar one wee caught
lower dowu the river.
While driving cattle to Wingbam on
Allonday,of loot week George NeDouald'a
herd ran ialo the pond and a heifer,
whom heed was tied to her foot got
van' inetaceiter.
Canner Smith has returned front
Owen Sound.
W. L Johnston returned from Henault
on Saturday.
W. and Mre. Rutherford spent Sunday
with friende in Rowans.
Geo. Bpotton, of Wingbam, moot
Monday in the village.
Bev. W. Hartley, of Blyth, oalled on
friends here on Monday.
Miss May Bretbauer, and MreDiektion
er., are at present very ill.
Mrs. IL T, Millar and little daughter
are guests of Mre. T, F. Miller.
A. A. Betty, of the King Edward, is
etiffering from a severe attack of sedative.
Rev, W. J. West, of Bluevale, prembecl
-in the Presbyterian church cm Sunday.
Aare. Perrin returned faom Kincardine
on Monday where she had vent a weels.
Jae. and Ian. Ballantyne visited with
the latter'e parents, near Trowbridge, on
Mrs, Foater, of Thomasville, visited
with old friends here for several Mae
lain week.
A meeting of the shareholders of the
Seale Co. was held in John Dooglaa' store
Friday night.
paned away on Friday last after a very
short illness. The funeral took pion on
Monday afternoon. Furthur particulars
will be given next week,
The Highest Market Price paid for
any quantity of Wool.
2 cents advance allowed in trade,
We carry o good range of Blanketa,
Yarns, Sheetings, Underwear, Hosiery,
Tweeds, &o.
Exceleior Knitting Factory, Brussels,
Be like the Hindo who, for Pants,
made his skin do, but go to
Dodds &
and get a pair for $5 that will do.
Also nice Summer Suit or Light Overcoat,
All the Latest Novelties now in stock.
We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship.
Ewan & Co.
are busy these days pushing the Carriage busi-
ness. In addition to our own make of Rige,
which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured
by the Canada Carriage Co., Brockville, and the
Boreland Factory, Stratford.
Wood 'Work and Jobbiug a Specialty
Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness
and dispatch. The celebrated Harland English
Varnish used hi our paint rooms.
If you want a new Rig tall and see us as we have
a large display and sell at close margins. We
can save you money.
John Sanderson and eon, Inglis, of Tor.
Onto, were here attending the tonere' of
the tete Wm, Wileon,
Armine Wright, of Turuberry, left for
nathatoon last week neer waieb plaoe
be purehesed a farm last Summer.
Min Ada Nookee hao returned tram
Stratford last week where she had ao•
oompanied her enter, Attlee Need Nookes,
Tbie week Rev, 61r, Ooterhout is away
to Chatham on a businees trip. Be will
not return until after Conference next
week, at Windom..
A few from here who attended the ex.
°anion to Toronto ou Saturday were,
Geo, Howe, Norman Heade, T. G.
Hemphill and Minns Effie Powell and
Georgie Howe.
atant e ea to vain .
Baylield and Bresnan play an Inter.
mediate League football notob in Brae -
eels Friday evening of this week. It
will be a good one.
Satarday evenan of Ude week a meet-
ing of the Jamestown Beef ring will be
held in the Hall here at 8 o'clock. 8.
Kleinachrotia lam been eugaged atobutaher
for the seeson. All interaned are asked
to attend.
D. Deena, M. D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at $mith'e Drug
Store, Braeaele, on the tint Tuesday in
ettob month. Hoare, 8 a. in. to 1.30 p.
no, Cataran, squint, failing eyeelgbt,
deafness and nasal oatarrb treated and
glasees properly fitted. Neat visit, Tuna
day, May 2910.
W veal ton.
A wadding or two are on the tapia.
Mrs. A.lex. Gardiner attended the W.
F. M. 8. et Kinoardine foes week.
James Bishop was at Sandridge this
week visiting 1110 father, who is ill.
Rev. Mr, Boyle, of Winghttra, preaohed
at fat. George's church loot Sunday.
Aire. Dudd and Joseph and Georgette°.
Kim returned to their homes in adiobi•
gen, 11. S., tet week.
B. C. EinINGIMS.-Just reoeived 4 ear•
load of British °tamable. thinglee, X
XX and XXXX at the Walton sawmill,
Bayfield and Bruseels play an Inter
mediate League football znatoh in Brus•
ado Friday evening of this week. It
will be a good me.
Dr, Ovens, M. D., Loudon Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug
Store, 13ruseele, on the urn Tuesday in
each mouth. Howe, 8 a, m. to 1,50 p.
on. Cataraat, squint, failing eyesight,
deafness and meal catarrh treated and
glikesee fitted. Next visit, Tuesday May
Light frosts.
Tait PoeT gives the news.
Roads are good, barring numerous
Juo, Drummond, of Ailsa Craig, was a
visitor with his cousin, R. Hoover, 9th
con., last week.
Tide week George Barkley and nal, of
Braaaels, are building the cement walla
tor James Hinton's barn, 16th aim.
A working boree belonging to Steve°.
no Brea., 6th oon., died onarteaday
morning from indigestion, It was one of
the team.
Mra. Taylor end son, from near
Guelph, are visitors with the former's
parents, James and Mrs. Cosh), 14th eon.
They are welcome pens.
Court of Revision of the Assessment
Roll will be held next Monday at Ethel.
There are only a few appeals. Counoil
beelines will also be traneacted,
Florence, daughter of Jno. Clark, 15th
eon„ ban recovered fairly well from a
eiok spell and is now attending aohool
otme more we are pleased to nate.
We observe by The Saekatoon Gazette
that Neil M. Rithardsou, formerly of
tbie townaliip, hae been appointed a
Juatice of the Peace at Manor. Be
should competently fill the bill.
David Cunningham, 16Ela oon„ bag
been on the sick list bat we are pleased
to nate ie now improving nicely and will
soon be all right we hope, Ele is building
an extension to his barn and remodel'.
ing the stablee. P. J. MoDonald, of
Bromide, has the contran.
Loam EVRWSTIIING.-Andrew Brown
and tamily, who have been residents of
San Feanoteco einoe last Fall, lost all
their earthly poeeeoeione by the earth.
queke and fire in that oity. They neap
ed in their night clothes, and their house
was burned. Mr. Brown le a former
Greyite, being a son of the late Robert
Brown. It is 20 years fame be left here.
He le bead agent for the McCormick
Implement Go.
Lan week Rielund Oox. lltli 0001,,
bought 'Roan (Jonquerer," a 16 mouth&
old thoro' bred Durham bull from Jamae
Spoil, of Morrie, paying a good pries.
This animal ia a lull brother to "Roan
Duke," the well known Durban). Grey
ie bound to keep up with the proonaion.
JIlo r ro.
Growth hae been slow,
airs. Hood returned home on Tuesday
from visiting friends in Belgrave.
Fred, Armstrong' ie engaged for the
Bummer months with William Stubbe.
Mrs. (Rev.) A. EL Brown, of Varna,
wweacithvieiting with alre. Jno. Clegg last
Henry Brandon has added to the ap•
pearame of big house by tweeting a neat
Township Council and Court of Reale.
ion on Monday of next week at the town.
ship Hall.
We are panned to notice Mre. Lou
Williams 01118 10 be oat again after her
serious illness,
MoKenzie & Gerry, of Blyth, have
ereoted lightning rode au Samuel Ir•
yin's loose and barn.
J. G. and Mr.!. Stewart, of Auburn,
and Jae, and Pare Nioholeon wan
Sunday at Alex. Otoakey'e.
Henry Johnston intends to raise hie
large straw shed oo the 24th and when
completed Mr, Johnston will have A 1
Rev, A., E. Tones;w111 go to Conference
at Windsor next week. The Methodist
people will be sorry to Bee him and Mrs.
Jones remove from Belgrave.
George David, who had hie leg in•
jured while at work on the motion
several weeks ago, ie not reopening as
fast se hie friends would wino.
James MoGuire, on the Wray property,
jacked up Ws large barn on Monday
and ie patting a atone foundation
underneath. Tom Casentore has the
A. young man named Smith while
driving the team of Milton MoVittie, let
eon., on Tuesday afternoon, had his
back eeverely iejuced by the horns rnn•
ng %way.
Daring the thunder storm which
paned over beet week John MoLean'e
and Jim Nicholson's barns were both
'snook with lightning but fortuuately
were not set on fire.
Herbert Wheeler, son of Chartee
Wheeler, 4th line, is filling a position on
the G. T. R. at Clinton. We wieh hien
steady promotion. He studied telegraphy
at Toronto durihg the peat term.
Hog raising mast yield good returns if
everybody We the emcees Jae Speir had.
He bought a mow from H. J. Davie, of
Woodetook and ale had 14 pige in her
first litter. Mr, $pair kept 3 and sold
the othete, after weaning, for $37.30.
Some people pay little regard to the
By•Law prohibiting stook to run at large
In Morrie. In addition to the nuisance
in people having to keep all gates nosed
it is a source of denger, especially when
mite or hogs are allowed to run at large.
The barn on Jam Nieboleonil farm,
4th line, was snook by lightning Thine -
day morning of Ian week. Several
rafters were split and the end boards
loosened, There fortunately was no lire.
Jno, McLean, a mile West of Belgrave,
had hie barn damaged theaame morning.
The damage will amount 00 about $50,00.
Goon floes, -R. J. Sent, 6th line,
Bold a fear year old heavy draft borne to
Mr. Hay, of Liatowel, for the handeome
anm of 4300. This bores wee bred by R.
Nichol, of the same line, from "Sunlight
2nd," owned by H. Bone, of Morrie, and
weighs 2750 pounds', Mr. Soott has other
t the reeidenee of the
beideil brothenindaw, Wm. Proctor,
9th line, on Wedneaday, 16tb, Charlie
Bell and Alin atone Naylor were united
in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev.
A. E. donee, of Belgrme. The young
couple is well and favorably known
and we wish them all the good things of
Bile life as they take up their residence
in belgrave for the present.
Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, a
number of the pupils of B. EL No. 5,
and teaoher, Starry Ainlay, met at the
sohool house and prooesded to Mr.
Johastona's bnah, anoompanied by
Mr. Rioharde, of Brunets, who hastrnot.
ed the children on trees, flowers, but
eerier:daily the birde of the :mot.
After studying the things of Nature for
two hoard they returned to the eohool,
where the obildren were examined on
Turnip Seeds
Always get the best as it costs no more to grow GOOD than
poor Seeds of any kind. The success no doubt depends largely on
the preparation of the soil, but not less so on the QUALITY of the
Seed sown. fIrepreesed with this fact we always procure our Seeds
from one of the most reliable firms in Canada. We now have in
stock the following varieties of Turnip Seeds, viz. :-
BRUCE'S NI1W CENTURY -A Purple Top Swede, resembling the Westbury, of
splendid uniform growth and fine quality. 10 10 the beat Swede we know of to
resist mildew aud Is a heavy oroppor.
NEW KANGAROO -A very hardy Swede similar in size and growth to the
Rio -
911000 and inoreniog in popularity oath year,
HARTLEY'S BRONZE TOP -Smell nook and single top toots, very tint in quality
and o good keeper.
HALL'S WESTBURY-A well known Standard variety and one of the best.
BANGHOLM-A large and handsome variety and a popular Turnip,
WHITE SWEDE -Remarkable for its nutritious propertlea, herdiuese and long
GREY STONE -A White bathed Turnip; early, bandy and of good qtlealty,
Out' Customers Highly Recommend these Varieties
the instruottiolion given and treated by
adr, Aiulay to lemonade, aendwith and
ache. They returned home feeling
they had opera a profitable time and
were oaooh iudebted to Mr, Ramada.
Mre, Wm, Wightmen went on an
extended driving visit to friends at
Moleaworth laet week,
Tuesday George, eon of bl, M, Car.
diff, 6th line lett Broesele for Saekatoon,
N. W. T., ;there be may epend a while.
He ie a ateadya induetriorte young man
who geoold benefit any country. We
wieh him 0000800 in the Weet.
Mre. John Mooney, 5th line, wee nailed
to Uxbridge, Oat., to see bar Water, Aire.
Coma, who Ilea been 01 for eorne time.
Last Fall the anderweot a to. aria;
Operation for tbe removal of a oanoer end
bail 001 regained bet old time vigot. We
hope a cameo for the better will ensue.
ODITUMM.-The Weybarn, (N. W. T.)
Herald, of May 1111, vaults as follows in
referencia to the late Aire, Henry Mooney,
formerly of thio itownebip :-It was with
feelings of deepen regret mad sympathy
that the people of Weyburn heard at the
death of Mrs. Henry Mooney on Friday
of lean week. The deoemed had been an
invalid for many yearn, bat death at laet
nine very auexpeetedly, She hod been
in nightly better health for 00000 lime
previous to bet Monate. The funeral on
Sunday was tbe largeet ever eeen in this
distriot. Nearly one hundred oarriages
followed the remains to the cemetery,
besides a large ooncouree of townspeople
who had gathered there to pay their
tribute of reepeot to the dead and to show
their sympathy with the sorrowing tele.
tives. Mrs. Mooney was in ber 59th year,
booing been born in Durham Co., Ont.,
in 1847. She wan merried in 1866 and
resided in Heron Co, until they moved
to the Weyburn Dietriet, She ie amen -
ed by a aorrowing busband and eight
'Andrea : Will. Mooney, Grund Coulee
Mre. Oliver Pea000k, J. H. Mooney, Wey.
born ; Wire Amen Milestone ; and Ida,
Bob, Clara and Minnie at home. For
thirty years deoeaeed had natured from
poor health, bat was always of a theerfut
diaposition arid exeroised a wonderful
influence for good, not only in her !amity
thole bat among a boat of Wends, Her
lest visit to town was at the opening of
the new klethodist'oburob, of which the
was a devoted and aoneistent meraber,
Previous to this she had the honor of
layiug the canner stone of this magnia.
cent Month, of whin) ale was so devoted
a member. We owe aware the sorrowing
relatives of the deep sympathy of the
entire oommanity in their great bereave.
A Heinternan piano has been placed in
the home of A. MoDepald, merolmot.
Mee Amelia Molnnee, who has been in
Toronto for the past five weeke, is home
on a visit.
A. private pionio, under the direotion of
the Oraebrook girls, will be held in Tyer•
mau'e grove on Victoria Day afternoon.
Bayfield and Braseele play an Inter.
mediate League football match iu Brew.
seta Friday evening of thio week, It
will be a good one.
F. Reddatz has adopted a bright little
girl from the Children's Aid Society.
Una Raddate is not having very good
health but we bope for improvement.
We are sorry 00 hear that William,
eldest son of Chas. Damn, formerly of
Oranbrook, now of Wellesley township,
died of Brigitte' disease on May 3rd.
He Was about 25 yearn of age and unman,
ried. The young man bad been ailing all
Winer but was only down eiok a few
days. Otd friende here will mooed sincere
sympathy with the bereaved.
Dr. Oven, 11.1. D., London, Bye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smithil Drug
Store, Brussels, on the Bret Tuesday in
each month. Hours, 8 a. m, to 1,30 p.
no. Cataraot, quint, failing eyesight,
detainee and nasal catarrh treated and
glaeoee properly fitted. bleat viait,
Tueaday, May 29111.
Ponefficte hours on Victoria Day will
be 8 to 9 a, na. and an hour after arrival
of afternoon mail.
All arrangements ere made for the
B. 8. Convention to be held here on
Thursday afternoon and evening of thio
Bayfield and Brunets play en Inter.
mediate League football matolt 10 Bruer.
sale Friday evening of this week. It
will be a good one.
Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. A., and Jno.
MoDoneld attended the Dietriot meeting
of Wingham Dietriot at Swamis on
Wednesday of this week.
Christian Eokmier attended a meeting
of Grey Braoh Agriculture Sotheby Dir.
tenors at Brusaels on Friday afternoon.
They were dealing with the queatioa of
a new Agricultural Hall.
Harry ALMA formerly of this locality
writing from Arden, Manitoba on May
17th, sap :-Wo haveallad a very dry
Spring eo far ; seeding is well advaneed
in oar neighborhood. Had e. heavy rain
Wedneeday and Tharsday. Today ie
moan and everything looking beautiful.
Dr. Ovens, M. D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drag
Store, Brueaele, on the first Tneaday
each month. Hours 8 a. na. to 1.80 1, ra.
Cataract, squint, falling eyesight,
deafnese and naeal catarrh treated and
glasses properly fitted. Next vieit,
Tueeday, Met' 29011.
The Grand Central Hotel et Niagara
Fella was destroyed by fire.
Biebop Bowman dedicated the new
Emmanuel church of the Evangelical Ae.
sedation at Waterloo.
W E. Harper, of Chatham, was berried
to death in h fire that destroyed We
Sommer cottage et Erieau.
Thema Relegation light•itesper at Pie
Inand, was found dead by Ihdiane who
wend to the bland to Garry him eapplitio.
Thomats Murray, ex.M. P. P., hen am
mooted himself ao a Liberal oendidate
for the apprbaohing banaeleation in North
Phe bill pongee at theit mutual Mayne.
Bon at Niagara bathe donated meant
handling any more objeetiotatt advettiCa
ing pane,
Gabriel Dunlont, Inn Lieutenant of
Louie Riot in the rebellion of 3.885, died
on Joie farm at Gabrielil Creasing,
Railway ormenage regarded as danger.
nue are to be Invented and reported to
the Railway Comminion, which will
then take anion oo eeeh one.
CHURCH Cl01in5S.
Rev, Mr. Boyle, of Winghem, oondaoted
the aervioes in St. Jobtae church, Bros.
sele, last Bundey, exchanging with Rev.
Mr. Langford.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Fr. Co
coma, of Bealorth, conducted the cervi
to the R. 0, chant] here. There wail
large Congregation present.
Rev. T. W. Cosene preached the last
sermon in a aeries on the Teu Command.
manta last Sabbath morning. "Thou
cheat not covet, etc." was the theme from
which many a weasel aud warning wee
sounded. "TM vinery at Jericho" win
the, topie in the evening. A vigorous
sermon Wee prembed. Miseee Caren
Hingston, Theriot Gerry, Bertha Sharpe
and Dolly Backer sang ',The Broken
Pinion" with good effect. Rev, Mr.
Canna will only preaoh four more Bab.
bathe hare before Ws removal to hie bow
field of labor.
Large oongregatione beard Rev. Mr.
Dee in Melville otairoh last Sabbath
when he delivered eloquent and prao•
Ow dilemma. Ria morning theme
was "The unchangeable ad enduring
Christ" and 11 tbe evening "Idepb.
aboshath" was the cbarecter dealt with,
"The Glory Song" was mug after the
Benediction in the evening. Mr, Le
has not had a °barge yet as he only:
completed bis ooaree of etudy tiai
year. This was his second visit to
Brownie nom the vacanoy cwourred
in Melville ohnroh.
Rev, John IlloDougall, of Spenoerville
will preaoh in Melville olauroh nest Bab
bath. He was here early in Marna be
fore. Tuesday following at 2 p. na„
congregational meeting will be held for
the patinae of oalliog ft minister. Rev,
D. B. MoRae, Moderator, will preeide.
13 ministers have been heard since the
yummy patterned. The (petition as to
who will be organiat will oleo be voted
on at Tuesday's meeting. Tbere are
two applioante, Miee Jessie McLeod:11in
aud Mine Jean Habkirk, The latter
played for the past two Sabbaths and
Mile aloLatichlin eopplied for the pre-
oeeding Sundaya Dime T. A. Hawkins'
DISTRICT attenottio.-The annual
Spring Dietriot meeting of the Methea
dist churches in Wingham District was
held in the Methodist thumb, Brusaele,
on Wednesday of this week, with Rev,
Dr. Gandy, of Wingbara, in the chair
and Rev. George Baker, of Blaevale,
Financial Seminary. In this Dietriot
there are 18 01000100 presided over by tbe
following motors :-Vaiughara, Rev.
Dr, Gandy ; Kinoardine, H. W. Looke ;
Looknow, R. Millyard ; Brinson, T.
W. Conte ; Teeewater, el. J. Wilson,
B. A. ; Ethel, E. F. Artnatrong, B. A.,
B. D. ; Fordwiob, Jae. Hoeeer ; Gorrie,
0. P. Wells, B. A., B. D. ; Wroxeter,
J. H. Osterberg, B. A., B. D., Blue -
vale, Geo. Baker; Ashileld, W. A.
Smith, B. D.; Salem, 8. V. R. Pent-
land ; Bethel, 3, 0. Pomeroy, B. A.
Ripley, T. W. Bleitobford, B. A. ;
Bernie, P. Myers Tiverton, E. E,
Edwards, B. .A., B. D. ; Whiteohotob,
EL C. Edmande, B. D,, Belgrave,
E, Joon. The resident Saperanauated
ministers are N. S. Burwash, Winghana,
and F, M. Smith, Kincardine. A. C.
Hahne, a probationer, is attending
Viotoria University, Toronto. Rev.
Theo. Hall, of Wingbam, ia on the
Supernumerary list, All the ministers
were prevent excepting Rev,' J. H.
Oaterbout, B. A.„ who wag celled to
Chatham on imperative beelines, The
forenoon session was devoted to the
review of ministerial character and the
answering of the neual disciplinary
questions. After dinner the lay repro.
eeetativee of the Dietriot took their
plages and general business was taken
up and pushed along with neatness
and dispatch. Owing to Ton Pon
being published on Wednesday after.
noon thio week, owiug to Thornily
being a holiday, the batmen of the re-
port will have to be held over to the
next issue.
oe end John Oode, Fullerton ; A. Donna
to Deamouy ; Thos. Porter, Embro Daniel
Matey, Wellborn and John Brown,
linatore. Rev. J. E. Ranter was tainted
(tenantry, Rev, A. C. Tiffin, assistant
secretary and Bev. J. W. Ribbert,
atatietioal secretary. It was recionmend.
ed that Conference be melted to change
the name of Waterloo tweet olaurola to
"Trluity church." Harmony circuit was
recommended for favorable coneideration
by the Boatentation Fund Committee of
the Conference. The chairmen, Tnoe,
Alagwood earl Rev. D. 10. MoCaructs were
appointed a ciontroittee to visit the week.
er chargee of the District with a view to
encouraging increased liberality in their
Rapport of the Mode of the oburoh. The
exodus to the Wen hae emoted a Manna
in the number of Societies and yet there
ie 00 increase in the givinge of the young
people. This is espeoially true of the
missionary givinge which that year reach.
ed $918, an inorease of 9105. The grand
total for all purposes is 91,511, an in.
crease of 928. It watt clearly pointed
out that while the district bas enpported
Rev, J. L. Stewart, missionary to (Mina,
yet an additional amount will be needed
in the near fame and the Leagues were
urged to keep this fact in view. An in.
toreeting dieonesion was much enjoyed by
all. Rev. Wm. G. Howson presented
the report of the Sunday ethoola of the
donna. There are on the diatriot 35
ethane with 386 blethers and offwers,
3,518 aoholara. with an average attend -
ante of 2,172. The Sultrily soh in
oommou with the young people's moieties
show a deorease in the numbee of Babel.
are, dm Do doubt to so many families
moving to the West. TM floancial in-
terests of the aohools have been well
thateined, 9329 baying been given to
missians wade, 91,591 was contributed
for B. B. parpoen. There woe an in.
008088 on the whole of $255. There
are three (limits having home depart -
menta, Stratford, Mitchell and Fuller-
ton 10 wheel] are enrolled 541 persons 00
studente, Pereonal testimony wan
given to the work and value of the home
department and the ministers were
orged to establish aa far as possible
auela depertmente. A conaplimentary
rent ation congratulating Rev. Dr.
Langford, hairman of the dietrict,
On hie approaching jubilee was carried
unaninimely by o standing vote and
Revs. Messrs. MaCamas, Ponhall, Coop-
er, H. A. Graham with T. D.
Stanley, W. In May and 3. 0. Hey
were appointed to prepare a suitable
resolution and if possible, be present
at the jubilee service on the /Let Bab.
bath iu February next. The following
are the membere at the varione Com -
mitten :-Stationing Committee :-
Rev. R. H. Barnby ; alternate, Rev.
H. E. Curry. S. B. Committee -Bev.
3. E. J. Millyard, and Samuel Love.
Epworth Leagne-Rev. W. H. Coop.
er and J. 0. Hay. Contingent -Rev.
Wm. MoDonagh, and Samuel Miasma.
Suatentatiou-Rev, D. N. Mo0amoa
and J. la towin. Tenaperanos-Rev.
10. L. Wilson end Thos. Alagwood.
Alemorial-Rev. Wm. -Peahen and T,
D. Stanley, Oboroh Property -Rev,
Wm. G. Howson and W. F. May.
State of the Work -Rev, 113. W. Knowlee
and Daniel Facey. Nonairiating-
Rev, Dr. Langford and R. W. Younge.
Sabbath Observanoe-Rev, A. 0. Tiffiin
and George Hutchison. The laymen
elected membere of the annual con.
ferenoe to meet next week iu Windsor
are :-Thon. Magwood, W. 3, Ferg-
uson, Frank Hall, a. L. Rios, T. D.
Stanley,F. G. Butther, A. X, Loffa,
W. ba May, Isaac Hord, 3. W. Stewart,
John C. Hay, J. F. Irwin, J. E. Whit-
t:ley, Samuel Love, Geo. HIM:hien, 3.
D. Smith, Alfred Dunell, 3. Brown,
D. Faoey and 10. W. Youngs. A oor.
dial vote of thanks woe tendered the
pastor and people of Mitchell for their
kind hospitality. After prayer the
meeting was cloud for another yeat.
Tbere wee 0. huge attendance) at the
district meeting at the Methodist
church held i Milobell, Tbe follow.
ing laymen, the mon of whona were
present, were elected by the quarterly
beards of the different airmail of the
district t -Thos. Magworiel and Prank
Hall, of Stratford; T. D. Stanley, St.
Illorye; W. F. May, Mitohell ; J, 0.
Hay, Listowel ; John El, Whitney, Mil.
venni ; Geo. Hutchinson, Trowbridge ;
10. L. Robineon, Wattage ; alumna
Love, Atwood ; a, F. Irwin, Monkton ;
W. W. Saddler, Statist ; Samuel Million
Perth County.
E. D. Bolton, of Listowel, is to assist
in the work of surveying township in
New Ontario.
St. Mary'a barbers will bave a half
holiday on Wedneadays, commencing
lune let till further notice.
The Fall wheat in the vicinity of
ia not looking so well as it was
a month ago, the oold bleak winds having
eet it bank. It is said also that a good
deal of the olover bee been heaved.
The Bents of Hamilton under the
management of R. J. Ilenney, late of the
Sovereign Bank, lam opened a branch in
Milverton. It hart moored premises in
the building oompied by I. T. Langford.
The oontraot for the building of the
new Methodist parsonage at Mitchell,
was let at the meeting of the board on
Almelo evening, when the tender of
John Avery, contractor, was soctepted.
It will be Milt of red brick with oement
and elate roof, It will contain ten onus
with all modern ooneenionees, and will
coat about $3,000.
The Dietriot Epworth Lamm Ex.
eoutive Stratford District met in
Waterloo Street church Stratford Friday
etternoon, with the Presidebt, Rev, J. D.
Hunter, of Herinouy, in the chair, It
Was decided to have the Variotle leagoee
of the diebriot oanmaigaed by the effacers
as early se possible, The matter ot hold.
1050. Summer ashen on the district in
1007 was ease disowned and ranted to
the leagues, An effort will be made to
rain 9100 fol minionduring the
new onnferenee year, .11 was aleo Wended
to send a atabetaatiol Ohriatmet gift to the
manhunt; representative in the Fall.
The arrangements for the anemia coo.
velation to be held next Ootobet were left
111 the bawls ot a committee with the
preeident, as eonvenoe,
Arobbiehop Delman' blessed tbe fine
new Monument National, which the
French-Oanadiane, of Ottawa, have erect.
ed at re cost of 940,000,
While a barn railing was in peogreatou
the farof Neleon Shantz, 000 milo Barr
of Petersburg, Friday afternoon a pine of
timber slipped and fell to the grooud,
shriking Henry Krueger on the bead,
killing Wm instantly, and alightly injur-
ing another num. AL. Krueger was
about 35 years of age and leaves o widow
and five children.
Ae James Hurley, a longshoreman, was
walking on Oparlotte street, St.
John, N, B., at noon, Saturday, his ball
terrier, whioh followed Wm, began to
act strangely. Hurley thought it had a
fit, but the animal had rabiee. ()stetting
the dog by the collar and teal he held it,
The dog tried to bite and then 'struggled
frothing at the mouth. After nearly an
houe'e exhibition of nerve and pluck,
Hurley tired, end °ailed for help trona
the crowd, which had gathered. An
American visitor manna mad oat tbe
aninutlav throat.
George Frederiok Henderson, a won.
known barrister of Ottawa, hae been eta
pointed a drainage referee ander the
lost to amend the nattnioipel drainage an
paned at the len nation of the Legible,
inure, and vYlaioll gives the government
power to appoint tworefeven. Rio nth
ary a/Men 92,500i yearly, and he will be
Manned to matinee biti plane practice
exeept in matters arising Melee the
drainage an, Colonel JOhn Brown Rau -
kb, of Ohntham, formerly referee for tho
whole Provinon, is (=Hewed at Ws
peacoat Wary 01 93,593 per annum. ble
given his whole time to Ono work,