The Brussels Post, 1906-4-12, Page 8For Easter Perfumes aro Naturally aseooiated with Easter, When planning for your new outfit do not forgot the Perfumes -they give an added charming effeot. We have a largo number of oholoe odore to (shoos° from, including some new ones, such ae Red Rose Petals and Queen of Violeta. If you are looking for a little Easter gift, nothing le more appropriate than a bottle of Perfume. Easter Picture Post Cards are very handsome, and we have a largo selection at present. Re- member your friends with one of these, Prioee 5 cents each and 2 for 6 cents. PAPER HANGING -We are is tonoh with the services of a first -glass Paper Hanger and orders left with as will receive prompt attention. To avoid disappointment leave your order at once as the busy season in this line ie here, Felt SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. goal getos 1#.ems A ohiel'e among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll Arent il. OLEAN rip. Loon news on page 5 of We issue. Read it. Bosom Board will meet Friday even- ing of this week. EASTER Monday is a Bank holiday BS well as good Friday. The public should not forget Ibis. AUCTION Sale of household fnruiture at D. MoNaughtou's, Terraoe, Saturday afternoon of this week. OWING to the wet weather and the coming out of frost some of the higuwaye have been extremely bad for publlo travel. MAPLE syrup is being offered for este It not the of eao by a number people. t ie brown eager tiuotnred with maple tree bark variety either. A NutmaR of Orangemen and others from Braesels end louallty attended the funeral of the late Matthew Morrieou, of Walton, last Saoday afternoon. THURSDAY Of last week Was the last monthly Horse Fair for this Beason and attracted a large orowd. A large num- ber of good horees were on the market and prices ruled high. THIS week the road grader was brought into use and the mad and refuse aoo0mu lated during the peat Winter on Toro - berry street was eoraped up and hauled off. It was a good move. SATURDAY afternoon, 21st inat., Samuel Hoggard, Brussels South, will offer his brink resideuoe, barn and 8i sores of land, together with booeehold furniture, implements, eta. for Bele by public auction. Mr. Haggard and famby calk of removing to the West beuoe the eale will be without r.0erve. BRtrsents BUTTER FACToEY. - W. W. Harris bas engaged Frannie Durdie, of Winohelaea, ae batter maker in hie too. tory here. Work will oommenoe on Monday, April 30th, and three cream gatheriugl wagons will be oat soder the supervision of D. MoKiunon, M. Randa and John Wright. A big eeaaau'e ren is expected and if prides compare with last year the oatrooe ehoald rejoice. WOULDN'T you spend five Saute to teet the nicest, eweeteet Laxative tablet ever made 7 Uoleee you try it you can never know how mnoh real laxative value it contained in thie box tit Lexete. As tootheome ae candy, safe fur oudd or adult. Having the formula on the box, you know just what you are taking. Lax•ete are for oonatipation, bad breath, bad taste, muddy complexion, headache, coated tongue, biliousness, etc., only 6o. Sold by F. R. Smith. Bow/ans.-The annual meeting of Brunets Bowling Club was held Wed• needay evening. Finanotal report show- ed a aredit balanoe of $8.18. Following omoere were eleoted for 1906 :-T. Far- row, Hoo. Preeident ; A. B. MacDonald, President ; R. Leatherdale, Vioe Presi• dent; W. Leatherdale, Bea, Treas.; R. Downing, D. 0. Roes, R. P. Feild, Ed. Nicholson and J. F. Rowland, Manag- ing Oommittee. The lawn will be put in good Shape and a man may be em• ployed to look after it regularly. Mae. CHRIa. ZILLeAx PAYS NATURE'S DEnT.-THE POST to Burry to bear of tee decease of are. Chris, Zilliax, formerly of Brussels, who paused away at the Weeeern Hospital, Toronto, teat Sunday in her 48rd year, She had recently undergone an operation and despite the beat medical and nurse attendance Labe aroused that bourne from whence no traveller retorne. Deasaeed'e maiden name Wee Mary Wooke, her parental home being near Belmont. Mre. Zilliax bad a wide oirole of friends who will regret to learn of her death. In additioo to Mr. Ztlliax two eons, (Mardis add Will, and two daughters, Ida and Gertie, survive. The funeral took place from the family residence, 891 College street, Toronto, to Mount Pleasant cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The family will be accorded sincere eympatby in their sorrow. A PIONEER'S WIFE PASSES AWAY We regret to announce the death of Esther, relict of the late Thou. B. Halliday, who was the first resident of Bruesele, who died at the home of her son, 8. I. Belli day, at Brandon, Manitoba, on Wednee• day, Marsh 280b, at the age of 71 years. She was born iu Durham Co, Ontario, on Marsh 81st, 1885, her maiden name being Ingran, and oiling Westward to MaKillop township with bee father, brothers and eietere (her mother having died previous ly) in 1855, In 1886 deoeaeed was united In marriage 10 Brussels, to Mr. Halliday where ale lived until 1886 when she, a000mpanied by her danghtere, moved to Manitoba and made her home with her eon, Samuel. For the past 10 yeore she has lived with him in Brandon. Mr. Ha hday died on April let, 1885, Mre, H„hidey'e bealtb had not been good for 00030 time and during the poet few moothe she tailed rapidly until the eloee came. She ie survived by one son (Samuel Ingram) end two daagh. tors (Jane, who is Mre. H. Pearson, of Klrkella, Man., and Sarah, now Mre, G. Rilgour, of Brandon.) The funeral took plama on Friday afternoon, Marsh 80th, 6rem the r0etdems° of her son, No. 59, 8th street, to the Brandon cemetery. PoeT DFrimm hours on Good Friday will be 9 to 10 a. eu. and from 4 to6 p. m. GREEN'S Biograph here Monday, Tuesday, and Wedueeday evenioge tit next week. THE cement ganga will oommenoe work next week if the roads will permit the hauling of gravel. GOOD Friday will be public) holiday, The Banks will be closed as well ae the other boeioeee places. SCHOOL will close Thareday afternoon of %hie week for the Exeter vaoatton to re open on Monday, 28rd inst. THE Baabetore aad Brnediote of Bros cele perp' ae holding au Aeoambly in Ole Town Hall, Brnaeele, on Wedneeday evening, 25th inst. W E. DUNGAN, tonsorial artiat, has leased the 0ter0 in the Leckie block, formerly 000apied by A. Ooueley, and will take p0eaeseion shortly. SINGLE fare on the railway, tiokete r da of tbie week o e going h Y good K g oa T a retmrn'n on Tneeda 1711 Teat, nil r g 9, will induce a large number ot people to travel. IN outward freight there was a oar of household furniture for W. B. Thome- eon to Stoney Creek ; n car of hogs for A. O. Dames to Collingwood ; and a oat of hogs for George Beet to Pa maroon, A 1. Beaker received a oar of flour. FOR every headache mese there ie a onre, Dr. Shoop'oTweety Minae Heath ache Care never 10188 -It pate into Cir• oelation oo015eted blood whioh preeaea and irritates the oervee. In bandy tab• let form -p eaeaut to take, Salted for all tempernmente. Sold by F. R, dmith, DR OvzNS, M. D., London, Eye and Ear SOreeua, will be at Smith's Drag Store, Brneaele, on the first Tuesday ill Eaob m..uth. Hoore,8 a, m. to 1.30 p. m Cataract,-qu,ut, failing eyesight, deafoees and nasal catarrh treated and g &sten property fitted, Nait visit, t'uesday, May lot, AT a martins of the Direotore of the l Aa,ou,tnral 8uoietiee last Thursday afternoon it was decided not to hold s Sprung Show owing to the lateness of the Reason. Special features at the next Fall Fair were dieouased and another meeting will be held before long to revue the lint and promote the work. WRITS SERVED. -Thursday of last week Write were nerved on W. H. Kerr, Seo retary Treasurer of Emit Hmon, and Grey Branch agrtoaharsl Soo,etiee, by Barrister Sinclair, at the immunise of Mre. Wm Wilkineou, 4th line, Morrie, claming 91,000 damages for the i„jory to her knee by going through the floor of the root dap,rtmeut on the first day of the Fall Fair Iaet year. Grey Branch Director., white denying any liability offered 9160 to settle whioh was dammed, A defeuoe nae been pat in. CONTRACTS Foo BRIDGES, -A joint meeting of represeutativee of Ole Haran and Perth a000ty councils was held on Tuesday of last week at Mitchell for the purpose of awarding oontraute for the oonetraotion of two bridges On the ao0uty boundary between MaKulop and Logan towoehipe, North of Dublin. Warden Spaokmau, Oonnwdors Oautel,.n and Morrison, Clerk Lane and Engineer Ansley represented the °minty and the Perth representatives were Meeere. Donald. eon and Hamwoud. Four teudere wore received for the aonorete work, and that of Hemsworth & Eokmier, Of Ethel, being the lowest was no. oepted, The figure 10 94.25 per (sable yard. Two firms tendered for the steel enperetractarae, and the tender of A. Hill & Go„ Mitobell, at 9580 for the two bridges was aooepted. It was agreed that preparations should be made to erect two other bridges on the boundary, between Grey and Eima, the imam; to be about 40 feet and 50 feet and the abutmente about 10 feet high, Messrs. Ansley and Donaldson are to prepare plane and epecifloations and these will be planed before both county ooanoile at the June meeting, TEMraaettoe Ootyenete .-A confer. enoe of temperau0n workers for the county of Huron was held in the Methodist March, Wingbam, cm Marc. day, April 9tb, A number of prominent temperance workers were present, when matters tD general, affeming the welfare of the oouoty were discussed, more par. tioolarly with regard to the proposed amendment to the lioenae law now before the Legislature, wheu by resolution it was deoided to oommanioate with the Provincial Secretary, Stating the views of the oonvoution on what it considered the onfairneee of tee 60% airtime. It was edge resolved to petition the Domin- ion Government with regard to a bill in the iateroote of better Sabbath observ- ance. A eo0nty organization was effeoted with G. M. Elliott, of God erioh ae President 1 Rev. J. L, Small, Auburn, Vioe. Pres ; F Bdobanao, Wing - ham, Seoretary ; W. B, Towler, M. D„ Treasurer. The following Vioe•Preoi dente, who, together with the officers above mentioned, oompoee the executive, -J. S. Roberteon, goderloit ; W. Pickard, Holmeavilte ; J, W. Moore, Clinton ; J. Tiffen, Nilo ; J. MoKendrie, Loobaleh Geo, Webb, St. Helene ; W. G. Salter, E. Wawanoeh ; F. Metcalf, Blyth ; J. H. Hopper, Belgrave; T. Straohao, Brne• Bele; Rev. Mr, Perrin, Wr. aster ; W. Watters, Fordwioh; J. Hotton, Torn berry ; A Comae, Wingham, and W0 H. Rett; Brnesele, Standard; Bank of Canada 31152`A39S+Sp YMEMD 1672 SURPLUS, OR RESERVE FUND 6 1,000,000 TOTAL ASSETS OVER 10,000,000 A. General X3a12kinkr J3usinelns Tralf*twaoted '" VSAVINGG BANKP°" 8.00rned Interest is added to accounts every ate menthe and becomes principal. Joint barest* ACconnte-,-A SPECIAL OON'71NIENOE in use in our Savings Do. partmeu, to tu0 "Juno; llopo°!t" aotuuut. Mouey may bo deposited or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household, Title Syolem io a grout ounvon. ienee to many residing in town, but more particularly so to farmers, an lu the latter 0800 whether man or wife tomes to town either can attend to the Bunking. An. other feature et the system is that in ease of the death of either party the money tan be withdrawn by the survivor without eon, We will telt you more about our muthode if you will gladly gall or write. Married aVouten and J10wre may make and withdraw deposits without the terventr,la 0t au), pursuit, BALE NOTES CABBED, OOLLEUTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for which no charge ie made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful and ooarteous attention. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, GEN, MANAGER. J. F. ROW LAND, LooAL AGENT. JNo. Pooh will pat a oemeot wall under hie residence, Flora Street, and wilt oleo Improve Otte oellar. P, J. Mo• Donald has the work in hand, A DELEGATION from K.utardine is ex• pooled burn on Friday to hippie0 firm -eels Oil Ooe., field, This week Peuusylvauia expert wan over the prop• rrty and epeako approvingly. Goon VEAL, -Leet week A. T. Corrie, intoner, Imagist .a three mouths' old oalf from Joe Long, 1116 eon., of Grey, .bat drawee! 200 pomade. It was a lardy and more like a yearling than anything else. AT the Clinton Live Stook Show on Thursday of last week P. Boots, of Brae - 'els, wan awarded let prize for hie road• -amnion Kaplan, 2 087 and also a 'medal prize for the Same bone. Despite the unfavorable weather the chow was a deoided 00000 a. Tan mauafnoture of oheeee will be dropped Litre year in °antiunion with Bruueele oheeee taotory and all the time win be devoted to hatter making. Lae, year this department met with great acmes and this year the pruape0ts are first-olaes. There should be a hearty aspF art aaby oorded the farming o0m' usually. FOOT BALL ORGANIZATION. -The 6u ung, mewing of ,he Blu00ets Foot ball 6m was halo 1n the Tuwu Hail lent Friday eveuiug, Roby. Duwuiug in the chair. Trea'urrr'S booke showed e balance of 91.46 on baud. The follow- iug officers were Sweated : Bou. Preetdent, J. F. Row,aud ; President, A. B. Mu• Donald ; Vioe Prratdeut, Obae. H. Broadtoot ; Treasurer, R. G Norman ; Secretary, R. D. Cardiff 1 Manager, P. Fergoeou ; Executive Committee ;- A. B. 1VIoDoueld, P. Ferguson, R. Oar tiff, Ed: Earley, and S. Soots ; De,egate u Torout° to annual meeting next Monday, A. B. MoDo0ald, A sub auripltou list is being circulated for the purpose of maintaining this manly sport .uu we trues the people of Bruasale will Jout1000 the lively interest they bave a,waye taken in the boys. Praotloe .vol 00mmbnae as 0000 ae the weather .ud park will permit. FIneT CLAIM ENTERTAINMENT -The Soo rimed, M,uhigau, Line toe following to say regarding Profeaeor Green's American Biograph and refitted Vaudeville Co., whioh will appear April 16, 17, 18, at Braeoels Town Hall, "The Sou Opera Hone. last eveuiug was urewdeu a,mant to Its fullest oapaoity and the moving pictoree shown by Prof. Green made a great h.t with the audience. Ie fact not slime the Biograph Go came .0 the Soo has a better aeries of piotures been displayed. The event was a benefit for the Soo Fire Department and the members were well rat,sfieS with the reealt°. A comfortable euro was realized and the old . bligati,m incurred at the me of the fireman's tournament is now wiped oat. Among the p,o,0ree shown one of the Kansa• fire Department which made a tour of the wor in 100 exhibition porforma0oe0. The hook up porformauoe of this crew le little Boort of marvelione. Bliley Philips also Made a hit in the cumber of newest illustrated songs. Mr. Philips has won the hearts of many Booltee and he will oug be remembered ae one ot the beat baritones that ever appeared on a local stage, lite vereatinty and ability to continue oneeek atter another a,Waye pr00enting a Yew program are wonderful. Oise Great New York parade in which 1,500 firemen appeared in the line of ,arch was another good aeries of p1otaree than aroused the moat onthhainatia applause. The fireman's picture° shown eat night wi,l be repeated at the matinee this afternoon and the regular pbrform- aere to eight. Manager Green hes also arranged for another performance giving a portion of the prooeede to fire debt." NOTE -Prof. Greeo'e American Biography Go. is eidoreed in loudest praise in Canada and the United States where ever it has appeared Ladies and gentle. men are strongly aaenred that there is nothing about 'bis entertainment that he moat modest women would object to having shown under the auspices of some of the leading ohuroboe and impieties in the country. People ehoold attend title entertainment as it will be the beet of its kind ever aeon here, neeally playing in =oh larger towns. Popular prices. People We Know. Mre. R, Paul ie eujoyiog a visit with rename at Oraugevflle and Laurel. - This week W. B. and Mre. Thompson left Braaeelo for Wentworth Co. where the former nae engaged as obeeeemaker at Woodburn. He is a competent band and will do well wherever he goes. We wish Mr. and Mre. Phompeon prosperity in their new home,-Thoe, MoLanohlau and family have envie more taken op their residuum in town. They are weloome bank. -Mise Winnie McGuire bee gone to Loudeeboro' where ebe is engaged in the Millinery baoineae. We wish her a ado- oeeefol seaeem George Iunes, formerly of Brunel°, wart in town for a few days test week. He win take a aitnatton as tinemitb with MODonoll Bros., of Hen Ball, after Easter. -Mien Maud Oomen°, of Trowbridge, be berm visiting at the Metbodiei Parsonage daring the past week. -R. W. Matheeon, of Laoknow, accompanied by Rev, Mr. McLennan, have been oauvaseing this looality in the In tereete of life insurance, The former has this territory soder his oharge,-R. and Mra, MoAipine, of Bt. Marge, are holiday- ing with relativee in Braeeele,--Mine May r- Wood will spend Easier with re,atives and frieude at Berlin and Guelph,-Mre Jubn Lott has gone to Brantford to visit her grandson, Bert Lott, who is attending the Iuatituts in that arty. -Mrs, Thos. Moore 10 renewing old trieudehlpu in Stratford and at the same time reeraittng her health. - Nubia Gerry and daughter, Orme, were on the eiok list this week with la grippe.-Mre, John Simmons, John street, who hes been on the sick list for some weeks 10 still a prisoner to her home but we hope She wi,l soon be bettor, -Frank Oliver has gone to Tilleon berg Where he has taken a situation as baker. We wish him well. -Ed. Speiran and John Petah, of Brussels, will be 0m ployed this season with Contractor Seamy, of Blaevale, - Misses Hattie Downing sod Mabel Zimmer are home from the Normal School, Toronto, for Heater vaoation, They have a month or ao to pat in to complete the term. -Dr. MoNaughtou, of Loudon, 070.0 called here daring the pail week owing to the illation of his father. Mre. MoNaughton has been in Beaforth aesiatrug in waiting on her mother, Mre. Brett, who nae been serionaly il,.-Mtee Therese Gerry and W. Leatherdale will eat their Easter eggs at Brantford at H. Baneton'n formers of , Y •own,-Juo..etaArlbor, who wee baker at Jae. Balleutyne'e hie taken a Bithatiou at Petrolea in the name tine. He is atmeeeden here by Harry Finn, of Tor• onto, a former well known )Brusoelite, who will move bank to towu,-Mine Bertha Sharpe, of the Central Telephone Moe, will oujoy a few days witb her 0iater0 fn Iugereoll and Loudon doriug be Eaetertide.-Arobie, the tittle son of Councillor aria Mrs. Ballantyne, has beau o the utak list bat we hope he will 800n be all right. -W. F. and Mrs. Stewart will epeod teeter at Woodet„ok,-Mies Downey h°s gone 10 Chatham for Easter holidays and Mies Martiu will visit ,elativoe at Lucian. Business Locals. Gamma= proof clover seed at M°. Oraokerr'o. Ham DHRsexoa.-Bwitohes made out of combing- and cat hair. MRS. R. HINGSTON, Mill et. West. BUM of money found. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this looal. AMINO J. Lowes. SHOAT Horn Ball for sale, 16 months old and roan to color. Lot 22, eon. 13, Grey. JAB 0, McNAIe, Oraubook, P. 0. Damon seed peas for sale. Also a good Grade Durham Boll 15 menthe old. Ap. ply to J. P. MCINTOSH, Lot 21, Com. 12, Grey, Oraubrook P, 0. FLEURY PLowe -Farmers wishing to buy the beat plow made call on the andereigned. P.ow repairs and pointe kept at Robt. Fraucie' work °hop JOHN Worm MADE EAex.-To wood workfare or any one using. edged tools, when you eerthe advantage of having plash irons and other edged tools ground tree you Will not delay in bavino seine done at the easy figure by T. MoGacoon, Mill et., Bresuole. ONCE AGAIN The Buff Orpington Heeds the net in the Egg Laying Contest, London, England, The Model F trm Report Saye: -"They are the beet Whiter layers, also grand Utility Breed," My pons aro Standard Bred from Prize Winning Stack and are it better shape to supply eggs for hatching than ever before. Eggs, 51,00, Per Set JOHN WRIGHT The Orpington Man, Brussel°. 40.0 T4.2-' METROPOLITAN CAPITAL -Authorized $11,000,000 CAPITA L -f aid up 1,000.000 RESERVE and Surplus Profits 1.133,153 SANK Directors 8, 3, MOORE, 8,10, TB0MPgoN, R 0. President, vloe•Presldont, '00100,001.111)00688, 0,L,6, HIS 000001 010, W. MMORTISIER GLARE, E,0, SAO, RYRIE Jo0N FI1.T 011000 W. D. 8068, - General Maoager't Tim METROPOLITAN RAN0 is open to leeeivo the amounts of Farmer°, Merchants and Bueineea Oommuulty generally and t0 giro 0010101 consideration to all propagate smbmltted to it, It relies upon its past record for oom'teous treatment of its Otte• tontine, and will oxteod every oouetdoration ouneietent with Hound bauktug to those who may desire to trauoaot business with it. efierIar so 'MSW afer jt05' Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RA'T'ES allowed ou all BOMB of 91 and npwarde BRUSSELS BRANCH A, D. MELLISH, Msnsger. IDOR1V CARDIFF. -In Grey, on April 2nd, to Mr, and Mre. Fred. Oaruiff a sen. BERNATa.-Io McArthur, North Dak., U B , ou March 29th to Mr, and Mtg. George Brruatb a sou. TAYLon-Iu Howiek, on April 4th, to Mr. aid Mre. Steve Taylor, a eon. aaaxaxxx>✓x- HAeTmas-Bormazr,-At the home of the bride, un April 11th, by Rev, D. B. MoRae, Mr, Roy Hastings, of Silver Career's, to Mise Minnie May, third daughter, of Mr. and Mre, Wm. Buttrey, of Grey, =man. BUTTREY.-In Vaughan, oo April 10th, Henry Buttrey, formerly of Grey townehip, aged 87 yeore, 10 menthe, and 14 days, BAciARD.-Io Wroxeter, on April 7th, Wul,am John, infant sou of Edward Bernard, aged 8 menthe and 5 days. DoiowAs -Id Home, ou April let, 11,7.2 a Brown, w,te of James Doug las, egad 87 years. HALLIDAY -Io Brandon, an March 281b, tether Ingram, relict of the tate Thos. B. Hnlliday, formerly of Bros. eels, aged 71 years. MYans. -I.. Duette, on Karol, 29th, M,s. John Myer-, dnngbter of Wm. and Mre K-Ily, of Morrie, aged 28 yearn Imo 26 ,,nye. Monareut.-Io Walton, on April 6th, Matthew Morrieun, aged 78 years and 3 mouths. SMITH -At Saskatoon, N. W. T., on Apri 6th, 'Thou. A. Smith, late of Morrie, aged 44 years. ' Zmmex.-On Suuday, April 8th, at Tor unto Western Hospital, Mary 1t oche, beloved wife of therm. Zuli8x, form erly of Brunie, in her 48rd year. .4.7.7CTSO1'T SATURDAY, APRIL 14T13. _ Hoosehol, Farulture, &o., co the 'Terrace, North apartment, Toruberry et., Bruoesle. Sale a 2 o'clock. D. MoNaagletou, prop, ; F. S. Scott, ago. SATURDAY, APRIL 21st,-Reaidenae and 87 earn of land, implements, furniture, on Uraham'a Ro,vey, Braseele, South, Bale unreserved at 2 o'olook. Somoel Haggard, proprietor ; F. 5, Scott, an00100001. RR VSSSET,S Fall Wheat 78 75 Barmy 41 48 Peas 65 70 Oats 82 33 Butter, tube and robe,,19 20 Eggs per dozen 14 16 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 7 00 Wool 23 28 Se t, per obi., retail 1 00 70 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. THREE COWS AND SOME youNg cattle for sale. Apply to GEO. ROBB, Brussels, L0892ABOUT THE FIRST Olt' Marsh, a Collie Dog; Dolor yellow with albite tipped tail and feet. Finder will ploaeo bead word to BIOHARD:0N- - NIN5HAM, Walton. 40`2 'EED GRAIN -THE UNDER 1. SIGNED 1.110,0 far sale 200 Umbels of "New second,,,," Oats, else hurley and Peas for seed. All No. 1 and guaranteed oleau, Wei. J. JAORLIN, 40.1 Ethel P. 0, Lot 15,000. 4, Grey. BULL FOR °SERVICE. -THE uudersiaued will keep for servia0 on Lor, S, Don, 9, Grey the Thorn' bred Dinh tin Ball,"Noyel wagie,' sired by "Royal Ifit• °Miner" Pedigree may be aeon on applloa• tion. Term, 6100 per cow, with privilege of returning if roamers,. 40.4 0, ROBE LL, Proprietor, OUR AMERICAN WALL PAPER IS NOW IN STOCK. The Best of this Season's Productions We have made a Speoial effort to secure Designs and Colorings of artiotio merit not only in high grades but in thoeo as low es 6 ciente per roll, Papers originally 121e, now selling at 8c Papers originally 8e and 10, now selling at 5e BED ROOMS -We have Dainty Floral°, produoing charming effeote, at Low Coat. PARLORS -Beautiful Deeigne in Gilt and Creamy Tones, Blues, Greens, &o„ in delicate alladee, HALLS, DINING -ROOMS, &o, -Fine Effective Designs, in Magnificent Colors, giving Warmth, Richness and B mutat to an apartment, DON'T WAIT till our stook ie broken. Make your selection NOW. If yon have any rooms not recently Papered, just oall and let ae tell you how little 10 costa to make home Bright, A0traotive and Happy, Paper Hanging and Decorating a Specialty All Orders promptly attended to. ar a d. McCracken Swale Block, Brussels, ,01.91.0100111 WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS for B.. toning. 0100 for 006tiug 10110. Extra good layers, BIRO. JOHN BROWN, Lut 10, 00n.10, Grey, or Ethel P, U. 40.3 l.1'UR SALE -ONE `TOP BUG- GY, nearly now, also 010 ala tar, Fe, pries and further par tinnier, apply at tit. ronldeuee of JAS, A. 'TU1tNBULL. 09.3 EGGS FOIL HATCHING. - RHODE lSLAND NED0, haudeomo feta and great layers Settings from pen one 81.00, pen two $1 00 utter April 10011, A few 0001.10W,111 Inst yet for sale. supply 11,1100,,, WM J, 0H1EL8, EOuel,P, 0,, Ont. TENDERS FOR DREDGING. rpENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorbed "l'euders for Dreugmg" will he reubived up to aid luoludiug Wed- nesday, Alli 18, 1000, for the chatting re. Gnaw tit the ton, wing pleuue in toe Pre8- wue of uutur•lo during the present your 1- Poabtaugaiouene, alta lord, Passer t0n, Gude- rum, Pwat Edward, Port Btuulny, Port dur- well,uundeau, River 'rimmed (m,.uth), Owen e anud, ltiggbr reload Uaainul, sed 1 reulon. t..um biotic epemlleaoions and forms 0t ten- der eau be ebtafuod at Olio Depurttueut of PuUuo Werke Os taWa, Teudbr0 mustlo- aluus tbb Lowiu • tit the lac Lowing t to end from the works. Omy uroug01 ben be employed al 011 • al's C 000UOr . 1n U,Lntlob a tits time 0, 011 to Gbb ears. ii la lthirty must be 0, au to 00 ( y 11 wl tele ;nota Gaya the • 461 lints they heLte Caen notated 01 Gh0 LLOuap 4auuu al their tender. .010 Departmout is net bound to aooept the ruwebt ur Huy tic Oho tenders. by truer, 001SED, GELINAB, 80oretary. Departmout of Public Werke, Ottawa, April 3, 1000, Newspapers insetting this advertisement wltuun, anthurluy rrum tab Department will cut he pard rue' rt. .....�.,-,:.'e°^let}u-,y..+;.n,��wxyirrws•''va,.�.,a PorMa1 - deliyde Seasons coma 1 seasons go I ouch 00rviag its own good pur- pose, but the go al old seed time would lose much of its value were i not ter the inestimable good derived from the neo of Formaldehyde the most powerful of all germ killero, Year after year we find it being more freely need and with the very best poseiblo re- sults. Our 0018 supply is just to hand this weak and we claim for it the very best quality procur- able, Put up in halves and pounds at 25o and 400 respective- ly at Fox's Drug Store / Baia of Hainitton Cn Ntnl Pnldd , n1 , 52,000,000. Reserve Enna, ffi2.fiU,,,0OD Total Assets, $29,0((0,000 80 BRANCHES 1N CANADA 80 Preeldont • • HON.W M. 010000 Vioe Presidenth: GWronger, sauna '1II1t NBULL 1(^ C't' ETNEL AGENCY Sayings De oilmen - amile Security ' for Depositors. IT Depositsot 91.00 01101 Upwards received lateroeumpaoluw01d htall0y1u0rataand ADVANOLS 016110 to Farmers for feeding Stook, Salo mNuduoet a nuch r ttcodootea and advan000 Drafts bought and sold, W. N. M01168 .a ,Baa HENT. rtia When a Man Leaves Off His Overcoat he feels the need of a New Sack Suit. There are many little points of difference that dis- tinguish this year's style from the one in vogue last Autumn. It is by comparing the 20th Century 'Brand of Melt's Fine Tailored Garments with the ordinary kind of Ready-to-wear Clothing,that you see just how much these little points of difference" mean. If you aim to be well dressed they mean much to you If you realize their importance you will be quick to appreciate the new Single-breasted Suits we are offering this Spring at from $10 to $20. We also have acomplete line of New Spring Hats and Shirts just opened. .CC® Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers.