The Brussels Post, 1906-4-12, Page 4t:'C tsstIs ` eat,
THURSDAY, APR. 12, 1$06.
Grand Lodge A. 0. U, W.
The Me meeting of the Grand Lodge
of the A. 0. Ll, W. wee bold in the Toroth.
10 Building, 'reroute, on March 21at and
22nd. There were over 400 delegates
'present end the gatberiug was a moat
barmoniooe one.
Tbo Grand Lodge degroe wee =tarred
on opwaree of three hundred new dee
galea by Capt. T. -M. Cornett, P. 0. W.
IL., of Gananoque.
The reports of the Grand Master
Workmau, the Grand Recorder, the
(}rand Treaeurer, the Grand Solicitor,
the Grand Medical Examiner, ae well
Ise of the aeditora and aommitteee, were
In printed form, dietriboted among the
members and adopted.
The report of a special aommittee on
Grand Recorder's report,showed that Ibe
reeervefund now amouoted to $617,000,
the sum of $100,000 having this year Peen
added thereto. Death maims amonettng
0 a total of $877,642,67 have been paid
during the year.
New legislation whioh will offer options
to aged members of the A, O. U. W.
was approved at the meeting of the
Grand Lodge. These option will apply
00 members over seventy years of age
and are ae follow, :-
"Any beneficiary member of the order
Of seventy and in good standing, deeiring
to Bever hie oonneotion with the order,
may have the option of meandering hie
certificate for a cash surrender value not
to ezaeed one half of the aggregate a
mount he may have paid in ae assess.
mania ; or he may have the option of
ezehanging hie certificate for a new one
of half ite amount. He shall receive
one-fourth the amount of the aggregate
whioh he has peid in hie aeeeesmeute,
bot ,ball conducts to pay assisemeute
daring life on the reduced policy.
"A member also may remade or ear rend:
er hie certitiosts for a new one of forty
per cent of its amount and be relieved
from further paymeote of aseeoemeuts,
to the benefioiary fund from date of
These provisions have the endoreation
of Dr. Hooter, the Provincial Registrar
of Friendly Sooietiee.
Upon the report of the special organ
feeders oommittee it was resolved that 00
obange should be made in the work of
organization for a year.
The proposals to hold Meanie' eeaeione
and to change the present plan of repro
eeatatioo were both rejected by Ore Grand
Lodge. It wee decided to meet agate to
Toronto next year. The eleotioo of
oeoere resulted as follows :-O. D. Cern
eron, Mayor of Irogeoie, Grand Master
Workman and 8. B. Morris, of Rodney,
Grand Foreman, by acclamation ; J. J.
Craig, M.P. P., Fergus, Grand Overseer ;
M. D. harder, Toronto, Grand Recorder
for the 28th term, by aoolamatton ; H.
Barrie, Grand Guide, and A, G. F.
Lawrence, Grand B.dieitor, were ata°
elected by Aooiamatioo ; W. W. Burge -e,
Mimioo, Grand Iuaide Waterman ; Geo.
Jackson, Toronto, Grand Outside Watob•
man ; F. G. Inwood,' Toronto, Grand
Treeeurer, re.eleoted ; J Leckie teethe,
of Alexandria, James MoEwing, of Dray
ton, and Thos. Riley, of Turouto, Grand
Trustees• George Olay and 0. G. Kuott,
re•eleoted Auditors.
Thos, A. Hastings, of Toronto, Robert
Ingram, of Ottawa, J. E. Allen, of Mount
Forest, J. E. Dobie, of Walkerville. were
eleoted to the Executive Committe.
Past Master Workman James B.
Nixon, Toronto, ioetaned the newly
elected offioere. The standing stemmata.
es were appointed ee follows and the
Grand Lodge adjourned.
Fioaooe-Thomae Overdoes, Chairman,
Toronto ; George P. Graham, Brookville ;
Joseph Gibson, Ingersoll.
Lewe-J, B. Nixon, Ohairmao, Toron-
to i J. E. Dobie, Waikerville ; A. E.
Whialon, Toronto.
Legislation -R. W. Longmore, Chair-
man, Oamden Beet ; Thomae 0. Irving,
Toronto ; J. J. Quinn, Addison ; 3. E.
Masters, Niagara.
Appeele-F. G. Inwood, Ohairman, To
renter; J. M. Peregrine, Hemiltot ; F.
H. Lazier, Brighton ; J. Leckie Wilson,
Inoidentale-M. D. Dawson, Chairman,
London ; Henry Fisher, Concord ; J. A.
Chapman, Port Elgin ; Riohard Shriner,
Distribution -Rev. A. H. Allman,
Chairman ; Fred. Sanders, Braoeurtdge ;
George Miller, Gravenhnret ; W. Wel-
ktr, Kenora ; Wrn. Clark, (Jardine' ;
Robert Beckett, Smith'e Falls.
Credentials --Robert Ingram, Chair.
man, Ottawa ; James Armitage, London;
W. H. Kerr, Brueeele ; Fred. Vrokett,
Princeton ; Joseph Strong, Bolton ; Rev.
D'Aroy T. Clayton, Kars.
Blotto of the Order -T. M. Cornett,
Chairman, Gananoque ; Thomas Riley,
Toronto ; G. A. McCauley, Mapleton ;
John Watson, Dresden ; J. A. Kineel a,
North Bay ; D. M. Williams, Totten.
ham ; Thomae Bloodworth, Toronto.
Grand Medics' Examiner's Report-
Jamee MoEwing, Chairman, Drayton ;
J. T. Allen, Mount Furest; Joseph
Rose, Hamilton ; George Brown, Saint
field ; John Rutherford, Owen Sound ;
Edwin 0. Howes, Galt.
The following District Deputy Grand
Masters were eleoted :-1, John Watson,
Dresden ; 2, G. A- Mo0aaley, Mapleton ;
3, Jamee Armitage, Londou ; 4, F. Vlo
kori, Priuoetown ; 5, George Meier,
Jarvis ; 6, Birdseed Shriner, Thorold ; 7,
Edwin 0. Howee,_Gale; 8, W. H. Kerr,
Brneeela ; 9, J A. Chapman, Port E ern ;
10, John Rutherford, Owen Send ; 11,
J. Strong, Bolton ; 12, Thos. Bloodworth,
Toronto ; 18, Henry Ferber, Conned ;
14, D. M. Wdliama, Tottenham ; 16, Geo.
Brows, Sandfield ; 16, F. H. Lazier,
Brighton ; 17, Jamee Wellace, Noma ;
18, R. W. Loogemore, Camden Emit ; 19,
J. J. Quinn, Addison ; 20, Wrn. (;ark,
Cardinal ; 21, Rev. D'Aroy Clayton,
Kers ; 22, R. Sackett, Smtth'e Falls ; 28,
Fred. Seeders, Brauebrrdge, 24, W.
Walker, Ret Portage ; 25, J. A, Reneella,
Meth Bay,
The St. Marye Waterworks pumped
14,000,000 gallons of water daring the
month of February, an average of 600.
000 gallons of water per day, and ooneum.
ea 124 tone of ooal.
St, Marys le to lose one of He most
highly esteemed families, that of J. 0.
Gilpin, Mr, and Mrs. Gilpin leave for
the West, Where it le the former', in.
tendon td engage in the Ttardware burn.
nese, Mr. Gilpin 10 one of St. Marys
aldeet rneruhente having been in boaiuose
far pearly 40 yeare,
Cr et.itt)r'nnle.
SCHOOL REPORT. -- The following is
Oranbruuk School report -tor Merob.
Namee are in order of merit se aeaertain
ed by Friday exeminetione and general
protloienuy V One -Bartley Menzies,
Ida Sharpe -Sr. IV-Tbomae Jeok in,
Marlin .McDonald, John Jackets, Roy
Cunningham, Qerbert McDonald, Athol
S1oDouald, Emmy Hunter, Cievelaua
McDierald.-Jr. IV - Mina Fox, Alex
Dark, Victor Bparling, Mary MoNiohol,
Devil Perrie, Stella Alderson. -Br. III -
Harold 8malldon, Viole Long, Jule
Behar, Retread A'dereon. - Jr. III-
Le inn Durk, J -este Meuziee, Beatrice
Mt:Querrte, Muriel Spurting, Ai dine
Fox, Leila Sperling, Bessie Aldereou,
0rm a i George Bmalldou Christine
Smith, Gerg
F,eoher.-II Olee.-E mer Besoom, Cela
Beacom, (hrletiat Fresher, Leslie Per
ria, -Part II -Lnoy Aider• on, Addi•
eparling, Mamie Cemeron, Maggie Mo
Nabb, Russel. Knight, Hazel McDousld,
Lola Stein, May Hauler, Gordon Cam•
eron, Edward Bmalldou.-Sr. I -Evelyn
MoN.0ho1, Fr d. Fischer, Eno Penning
'm', E.gin Porter. -Jr I -Arnold Fischer
Gordon Knight, Thelma Smelldon, Earl
Reymann, Oberlie Morrow, Oscar Ger.
eatite, Alvin Hunter, Berbera Fieoher,
Iooe Steles. Miss L. MeoHAY, Teacher.
Is one of the meanest theme in the
world. To prevent bi iovaueee nee Dr.
Hamittou'e Pule which keep the system
mean and pure, regulate the bowels, give
torte to kidneys end firer. You41 Hever
here a beadaobe, you'll never have a
ourstomaoh, but yea will have itigarute
brewing health by takiug Dr. H..milton'e
Pitts, Your druggietsells Dr. Hamilton's
Pule, 260. per box or five boxes for one
of E he. Pubuo Buhuo'. Br. Fifth Class.
-Ex. m. to Write Are., Hist., Euc, M,
*reinter), 84; N. Sinop o0, 70; L.
Members, 39 Jr. 1' ith Ulase: Exam.
n W. it,Aeg, Hlat.,Eue P. Bremee.,
88 F Ines. 70 ; M. MoCehuna, 64 ;
13 ()earth, 65; B Eukmlee, 21 Fourth
Oise,. -Exam. in Writ. Pby., Geo., Arith.
B. Basemen, 87; J. MuOallum, 87 ; E.
Dunbar, 88 ; L. (teepee, 88 ; R Eakmi r,
77 ; B Love, 77 ; E H.mewor'b, 76 ; S
M.Intoeh, 72 , G W K -r, 69 ; L E .mer,
69. R Pruner, 68 ; K M. Lend, 66 ; I
Heath, 62; R Beg er, 57 ; L. Stratum!),
55 ; E •. oHee, 46 ; L .ticLeod, 44 ; W.
Harr, 28. Sr. ICI Third (mem. -
Exam. its Writ., Artth , Sped , Geo.
A McK-e, 88 ; G. Han.uld, 92 ; E.
chomps rn, 85 ; A. Couper, 79 ; 0 Dane,
77;J.Bremne,,77; H. Duamier, 74;
3 Reins worth, 48. Jr. Third limas. -
Exam., In writ. Arirb , "pet., Geo. F
Freeman, 76; L. H my. 62, W Eokmier,
56 ; L. MrI..t.'en, 80 ; V. eluOat, 49 ;
F. MoOhl um, 49; J. Cooper, 48 ; A.
Barr, 45 ; A. E ewber, 40 ; P. Al oKee,
40 ; R. Luca., 89 ; R Teenager', 37 ; L
Eugier,35 Average attendauoe 43.
L. SHANNON. Pr.nutpei. Report el
Jur'ior Deva. er, II -H. Barth, d
Iirmdworih,E. Mayburry, A. MoNeetaud,
V. Pollard, U. Dunbar, 0. Eukrn,.r, E.
Dobron, E. McLeod, B. Streahan, L
Hauser, M. Hunter. Jr. II -N, McKee,
0. Cooper, P. Bateman, U. Beeler, N.
Addy, 0. Davidson, G. Eekmier, R.
Coat.•e, W. Yeo. Part II -R. Likelier,
L. MsNse.aud, R Hemeworth, W.
Thompeou, E Ferguson, A. Ward, G.
Cole, E. Heath. Sr I. -D telsKee, R
Dauber, P. Dobson, he. Ouatre, F.
Sanders. Jr. L -H, Freeman, L.
Loogeway, L. Dane, S. MaDouald, 0.
MoCtutom, 8 Gid, G Pollard. Average
attendance 87. A. G , leworzon, Teacher.
:11 erri..
ALP'aED BROWN Peens Awer.-A Sontb
Dentures r uwepeper gtvee the fohowmg
partioaiare of the demise of ex Reeve
Alfred Brown, f•'rmerly of Morrie town
ship, and well known to many of the
readers of THE POST :-Diad at hie reel•
deuce in Scotland, South Dakota, Alfred
Browo, aged 70 yearn, 8 mouths and 16
days. The change took piaoa et 6:16 a.
in., March 16th, 1906 Mr, Browt. was
bora in 1836 to (eareeoe county, Ontario;
Canada. In 1858 be moved with Itis
parents t0 Clinton, Heron or001y, four
years afterward); he wee married to Mese
Sarah J. Grant, who bee been his
constant and faithful oompaoeon from
that day to hie death. Mr. Brown came
to D.kota fn 1877, and obtained a home-
stead in Hutchinson county, two milae
North or So .laud, ehere;ht need uwd
May 1905, when be moved tato dout.aud
and occupied a flue borne whioh be bad
jaet completed. Mr. Brown was taken
sick in the Winter of 1904-5, and atter•
ward appeared to recover, but about three
menthe ago began to feel a return of the
Name malady, and eight weeks ago was
confined to bre bed -being an0uneotoae
up to within a few hours of the end. Mr.
Brown was au a0'1ye 0101080, always In.
deuterons and progreeeive. While in
Ontario be was chairman of the county
board of commiseiouere for thirteen yeare
•n e00oeemau. After coming to Dakota
Mr. Brown was elected to the
Territorial L gtelature, Brown County
Was named in his honor. Art a
mug ••., Ole Brows wee buoly eppreolat
e4. No man to need was ever to ked
empty away, be wad known as N generous
ane sympathetic) neiebbor, a fr'eod of the
p or and anforeuuatr Eight children
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Brown, seven
el whom are in comfortable aeroumetau.
nae: -William, nI $sutland; Alexander,J•,mee, Wesley and Henry Brown reside
in 0ntehiuson co0uty : Wellington, of
California, cad Moe, J L. Hutohineon, of
Soot,atd ; Hamilton died about 20 years
ago. Besides the ohildreu, Mr. Brown ie
survived by hie aged mother c00 has
made her home with him f•er several
year', his wife, three brothers, two
etetera, fourteen grend.01iidren and one
great grand abed. The funeral we held
at the M.13 01150311 in daottand, Sunday,
March 18th at 2 o'oloak.
Ninety per nerve of the '9uugere" con.
trait ooelenmption by allowing power of
reaietenoe to fan eo low that a favorable
oondition fel the development f t
o nt f
npr a he
baooidi re per In re healthy eon.
dither o-rueompiion can't take root.
But where there is weakness and debility
there yon find tuberoulosfe, For develop
ing etrtngeh end building np the weals,
nothing opals Vern:gorre. It niakee the
bleed tutrltuOne and the nerves enduring.
The way it converts food lnto n0trimeut,
the appetite it gives ie aueprieiog. Jest
• -•mmroca•.•rw.».mr..r...rsmoannaurapnlrnr -T•-- wxatn5x:•ra-r
he well, n Ilnmllo.II W. BRllantyne, F.
Aollrpbeok. Po. II -E, '1'aylar, L kraft,
B Hallenbeck, 0. Ward, 3, Ward.
Ciao, I—E. Sotohineon, B. 9pelran,
a kirk dl. Hamntou, utohins atte B.
H. O. MeoGfreevRAY,
Beno0L RErono.-The following ie the
report of the standing of pupile of 8 8. ,
No. 5, Grey,. for literati, the numeo given
in order of merit ;-Sr. IV -Cameron
Goatee, Roy Reit. Jr, IV.-A•ex. Goethe,
Bart Dunbar, Ferny Flood. Sr. III.-
Jeuuie El ibiue, Ernest Olarh, Tummy
Clark, Alvin (lark, Jr. Ii1-Willie
Ridley, EON McDonald, Barb , Hloin.
eohroth, Br. IL -Katie Beiblen, Ernest
Rea, Edith Flood, Willie Ward, John
Ward Jr, II,-0ie Hndeon, Elsie
Rea. Sr, Pt. I Frankie Lindsay, Iseeo
Clark, Alex. MoDouald, Hlelneehrotb.
Pt 1. -Jimmie Oollme, Willie Campbell,
George Heibine, Jr. Pr. I -Irwin
Herhiue, Johnny Savage. MAY R. Ho,
Wish to announce that they
will not have any Special
Millinery Display this sea-
son. Our Spring stock has
arrived and is ready for your
inspection any time.
With many Thanks for past
favors and hoping for a con-
tinuance of the same, we
shall be pleased to show you
the latekt in Spring Millin-
ery for 1.906
what the man verging ea eoneamption
rteede,-thet'e Frrrtzone. If tired and
week don't put off Fifty meta bays a
box of fifty tablete-at all dealers.
C' r8
Bosom Rgroto.—The following is the
standing of the puptle of 8. 8 N •. 3,
Grey, for the mown of Martin. Sr. IV -
Harold Wdb.e 70; Rose McKinnon 56.
Sr. III -Hugh Smith 75; R.. Wllbee
52, Jr. Bet -Ernie Oard ff 72 ; Oeoi
M.$ntno., 68 ; Burnet Smith 49 ; Tom
snot) me,' 49 ; ',rams U a. ion 41, Merton
Aubey 40; Reubel Smith 38 dr 2ud-
J a,. Smith 69 ; Olne, Don 63 ; MI ton
Lowe 57. Pt, II -Jas Curer, Harir
MeoDuuald, Fred Owe, Eerie Lattimore,
Joe Smith. Pt, I -Edgar Lattimore,
Bessie Smith, Gerrie Shaw, Marton
Smith, 8. B. LAIC NT, Teacher.
BaeoM , REP RT.-1'!te following report
sleuth the standing of the pupils of 8. 8
N.I. 2, Grey, fur the mouth of Mereh the
names in the order of merit V 0 ass -
Katie Clerk. Sr, IV -F nrrnoe Otark,
Jennie Oolalou,_b. Jr. IV - Rio/reed
Cunningham, Mary Stewart, Lit len 001.
Clough. Sr. III -Johnnie ()mile, May
Giver, Caerie Stewart, Wilbur Turnboil,
Iva Herrie, Jr. III -Millie Cuero, Jeu.
Pie Weer, George Cololough. Jr. II -
Alex. Stewart. Br. Pt. II -Edon Clark.
Jr Pt. II - Ina Cunningham, L"0115
Oliver. Pt. I -Iona Stein, Rita Harris,
Oalvin 10 .eloogh,
REBECCA MoNAm, Teaoher.
MARCH - Nnmea in order of merit end
g• neral proficiency :-Br. III olaee.-M.
Denman, E Rothwell, F. Wb'tdrld, J.
O•mphall, R Oxtohy, R. Hutabineoa, O.
Buttery, M. Oxtoby. Sr. III, grade A. -
K. Denman, A. Speirse, P. Oxtoby, M.
Taylor, W. Seeman, 0. Baker, E Hernil
tote Grade B. -I. Bpeiren, B. Whit-
field, G, Evaue, M. Speiren, J. Doull, W.
Wh'tfi Id III 1 H h'
,Jr. — Y u40 Ibeon, .
Meehan, L Beaus, D Whitfield, H
Plokrell, P. Ward. Se. I1 -H. Bpeirsn,
M. Asuueh, F. Cox, L. Taylor, 8. Handl
ton, W. Ward, G. Whitfield. Jr. II. -
H. Darman, M. Love, G. Bpeiren, M.
00x, E. Ptokrell, M. Oxtoby, E. Rath. THREE YOUNG SHORTHORN
Bulla for sale, eligible for registra-
tion. Apply to JAS. SPF1.0, Lot 80, Con. 6,
Morrie. Brussels P.O. Mt/
AT -
Gr ewar's
Oranges Lemons
Spanish Onions
Dates Figs Fish
and Oysters
High Grade 5c. Cigars
High Grade Chocolates
The Home of Good Old
Cheese and 27o. Tea
•7 oh
m71.7s lre,et9i'e.70.1.11010,11et,itiln
Carpets, Mate, I ;tttings, Lino'eums
Oil Cloths' and Rugs
Our stook in the above hies is now complete avid
ready for yo :r inspecti 'n and comprises all the new ideas
in Calors, :,tyles and Pat.t,•rns and l'or variety to select
from is greater than all the stocks in town put together
3 -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 -Ply Wool Carpets ; Velvet Carpets ; Brue-
sele Carpets ; 2? -Ply Wool Carpets ; 2 Ply Union Carpets ;
Tapestry, Wuol, Union and Hemp Stair Carpets.
Linoleum. 2 and 4 yards wide and a great assortment to select
Floor Oil Cloths in the following widths -1, 14, 11 and 2 yards and
a lot of patterns to choose from.
In Velvets, Wools, Unions and Tapestrys from 2i4 yards by 3 yards
to 3} yard -4 by 4 yards. at prices that are right.
Carpet Lining in plain felt and padded, also Stair Plates and Pads,
8a Word About
We are experts in the Window 'ha,de business. If you want shades
for your house let ns give ,you an estimate of the Bost.
We nee I'iartehorn Rollers and will replace any one that does not
give satisfaction.
edW'Iu'aPbnlAe.'In'lu4n'bnk'V.'t. Id'1'e0e0
Le- ath rd le & Son
• Show Oases for sate, each 0 feet long,
walnut I names and double thick glens. Ap-
ply to THE Pus!, Brussels.
le prepared to give loosens on Piano
or Heed Organ. Terms on anptioatton.
Pottnigoe add,russets. Reale entre-
Lot 8, 000.10, Orey. Pupils may have their
lasso= at their own homes 11 preferred.
Sale on whioh in large brick house,
etaule, drilled well, oteteru, fruit garden,
tee ,61 aoree of laud nu Joh , and James et„
Br0esel■ Terme reasonable. Apply t0
TORN Id oFADUEN on promises or F. 0.
000TT, ,russels.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
The undersigned offers her 100 acre
farm, being Lot20, ouu, 7,'+rey, for ,ale or
to rent. Uomlortable house, hunk bare,
orchard, wells, No Farm is only 9 of a mile
from the ,tiring village of Ethel For lur-
ther particulars apply to F. B. Scott, Brus-
sels, or AKH8, BATA HOLLAND, 70 Minter
Street, Toronto, 07.3m
uuderstgued offers hie house and lot,
situate uu 01611 e,rect, brussels. Ior sale.
It to well located,a convenient and oomter.
table num. Pueoeesi.m eau be given at
once. Wdlals° ,ell the variant lot, corner
of Mill two tote,°erh streets, widen woule
make a flue t,ui.diu_ site Fur further par-
ticulars .0 to price, term., 80., seedy to
FRED ALAAid, Hurd ware Dealer, Font -
80 -4
• Luton .=rheundersigned offers bit 90
rime farm being Lot, 16 and 16, Oen. 1, Grey,
for sale on easy terms Pliers is a frame
house, bank barn, small urot,ard and a
epleudid supply of water. Property ie locat-
ed ivafee ueighborbood 1f not Bold it
will ea leased if imitable -'tenant applies.
For tuitbur particulars enquiret Tim
PoaT, cluusale, or write W. B. EIO1010
undersigned offers for ,ale his oom-
tortable dwelling and 81 norm; of land South
of IlrUeaels. There ie a good large barn,
young oruhard,at0., on the promisee. Poe.
eeaelon given I0 AprII. For further partici-
elate as to price, terms, 80., apply on the
premises to the proprietor or to 0', 8, Buutt,
Beuaee,s. 8AM(JEL R00GARD,
a 00•egg Chatham 806u0ator and Brooder
for sale at a bargain, L) good working
shape. - 84.00
▪ manic NED offers his 100 acre farm,
being Si Lot 16, Jon. 4, Morrie, for sale. 78
sores cleared add all under grass excepting
0 acres. Patin W. 0 adopted for pasture, a
never failing spring creek rune through it.
There is a comfortable frame house, flue
bank barn 60 feet square, pig pen and 1180
bona) 20x00, and alma Wale; small orchard.
Poeaeeeiou given any time. For further
particulars apply on the premise, or ad.
dress Btuese d P 0. 10013 R HEOD1013,
Proprietor; or to F. 8, liou!T, Brussels. 8640
L nedereigned will keep for service Oh
Lot 19, Oun, 10, grey, a Tboro'-brerl Durham
Bull, Pedigree meq be seen on eppllautiOn
Terme CI 20 with privilege til returning.
82 t1 JDO, bltO W N, Proprietor,
uuderougned will keep for °ervler) on
Lot el, out .12,1irev, the pure bred Aber.
deep Angne bun eLord 'Moron II," 01030
by eeledmith Mee" the champion bull of
Canada. Pedigree may be seen on appllo -.
Lion. Troths 0200 with Orfyyflare of return
tug if beoeserry. d el. RN MEI 0,
80 tf Proprn•tor.
eaderelgued will keep for service an
Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey, the Improved Berk-
ebire Isear."rrairviow Goldlndor,"Nn 18405
Pedigree may be /leen on apoileatinm
Terme-$1 00, ural 20 ouch for two er. mor,;
e.rl,sbuo sows 08 00, All who aro I to es.
ad in redett g Ile' Ideal "noon Hog and the
hog that writ mate 0110 moat money should
floe this hog before 118100 guy other.
8711 3,10,111eIN rt)8H, (ranbrook P. 0. '
Toronto nag and
Metal Co y
Por Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Glair,
Hides, &c , ,kc.
Highest Prices for Al!
Mill st West, Brussels
Farinere or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Woks
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
Bran, Shorts, &c., always in stock
and sold at Market Prices.
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered seetinn nl flomluion
Lewes lu Manitoba, Seeks tobewanand
heinee naderel and 20, not rows o le
y Y r pnrwnn who Ir
the solo head of 0 family, or any milia over
le years of age, to the extent of ono-gnerter
Bootee M'90 nein more or lees
Entry new be made personally at the
looal laud entre for the dintriot in which
the laud is situated, or If the homoeteader
doefl'ea, he may, o0 applloatlon to the Min-
ister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Oommle-
eroner of Immigration. Winnipeg, or the
'oriel agent receive authority for some one
to make entry for him
The lwmeetender is required to perform
theemtditioutoonueoted therewith under
ouu of the fullowieg plane;
(11 At least six menthe' residence upon
and cultivation of bile laud In each . year for
three years,
(2) If the father (or mother, if the father
le deceased) of the homesteader resides
eater df form the the
deuce may be tut kited by ouch person re.
Blaine with the lubber or mother,
(8) If the Battler has ills permanent real.
einem epos farming land owned by him
in the vciuiby of his homestead, the re-
quirements as to residence may be Betio.
aVn xmouths'netion vin twritingl ubould be
given to flee Oommis-dower 01 Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of lutoubiou to apply for
Deputy of Ibe Mlnleter of Interior,
N. B. Umtutherized publioat,on Ot this ad-
veriesemout will nut be paid for,
To Liverpool
Triple Screw Stearnors-
Turbine Engines -No Vibration
The Finest and Fastest
—0N ---
Prom etJobn Prom H0lilaa
Parisian gat. Mar. 81 Mon„ Apr. 2
Virginian Apr. 7 Apr. 9
Tunisiou " Aur. 14 " Apr.16
Motorise " Apr. 9t " Apr, 28
Rales of Pluenge
First Class -816 and upwards, according
to steamer, Second Class -840 and up, a0.
cording to eteamer, Third Class- 027.60
and 928.76. -
For further particulars, rates and tickets
apply 10
Agent Allan Liue, Permeate.
KAPLAN 2.081 and costumer
Will stand for service for the season
of 1906 at their owners' stable,
'p'r APLAN ie one of the fastest Stallions standing for service in Canada and band
e is
Ll also a good gaited h 'ree, having got hie mark in u race without hobbles snd
only trained by a trainer for 2} months. No other horse got au £tete mark with 9O
short thinning. There is no other horse bettor bred to produce speed. Eighty of
the horses with 2.10 speed trade to hie g. g. dam Clara, Kaplan has a right by ie.
bedtime(' to prod nth speed and will surely du so.
COSTUMER -You who have been using hint know what he bas prodnoed and
those who have not done so can see what he is producing. Ile is bred I11 000
1 of the most fashionable strains at the present day which is the Hambletoniaue and
KAPLAN stands at 925.00 and OOSTUII'IER at $16.00 to insure.
Scott 8c Warwiclz, Proprietors
WISHES to thank hie Patrons of the last 30 years for their patronage in his Meek -
ambling business and hopes to give satlefaotion in the future 0e be has tried to do
in the pant. Particular el:tention paid to shoeing both heavy and light horeea. He
keeps s firet•class man, Mr. 'P, Ritchie, in hie employ to ensure satisfaction to all
When you buy a knife for instance, you
consider the quality of the steel in the
blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot
necessarily the best. Now there is just as
much difference in the quality and strength
of steel in fence wire as
there is in a knife blade or
razor. ' The Page Co. use
a high carbon steel
wire, which though it
costs you but little more,
is fifty per cent. (3o%)
stronger than wireinothor
fences. The lightest PAGE
fence is as strong as the
heaviest of outer makes.
Notice the lock iii PAGE
Besides the extra strength and superior+
workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip.
ped in a. special white paint,whicli on
top of the best of galvanizing, will lengthen
the life of wire for years. And, also, this
white coating makes wire
much more sightly.
Owing to the great
strength and elasticity of
PAGE fencing, One'
third less poste are re-
quired, thus reducing the
cost of the forcing.
As you get in PAGE
FENCES one-half
more fence strengths
greater protection against'
rust, better everkmattship,
better appearance, usd
may have noticed aleo that "EMPIRE" FENCES,
others are imitating less posts, can you thine}18. , That is a good recommend for it, to use other fences, even though you could
Where w lead others follow. buy them for one-half the price of the
Atl PAGE wire is "COILED not PAGE? But, reallyourscost you
r ,
''trio a 03
t f n mor .
P i a
Get prises before placing your m•dor for Fence Gates or Lawn Fence.
1ZOBT. CLOSE, Erosm. }Erected/by i tr H. HARRIS, Ford:AM/IT
W, .u, 1iUMP•HItULa 65 a.UN, VoA)a.'ON,