The Brussels Post, 1906-3-15, Page 4'canals 13.Ost.
TauRS1DA1, Mii,R, 10, 1906.
Tse Provinalet Parliament to the
now Previhoe of Alberta, N• W, T., in
the abaepoe' of Parliamentary belle,
aeaembled to the OWN; rink. Theta
will nOt be the only pariiamentartene
wino had to gob Omit eketee on in !Witte
the bill se M, P. P.'e.
Wit have come to the uonolueion that
a young maple had better tee their
Wedding tour to Walton or aameetowu
And go and cetera alone rather than
travel lip 30.mioa, sod wake the bomb
'Ward trip ip company with a deteotive as
did bar. and Mrs. Banwell.
Tate le the age of big veutnree, a few
of them worthy of poblio ouufideuce ha•
many freaks of some crank's uranium
We do not know exeotly to which mane a
project to tunnel ander Behnug east auu
thereby connect America and Rgseia be
long. The idea is to. get et Siberia by acme
more convenient method than at present.
A railway would be communed to
• oompleie the proposed highway.
IT looks quite a bit ee It the day of
tremeadouely big towhee in the North -
welt le at ate zenith. With the fuoomwo
t givers.
i a e and he im s as v
of no re i t
w w
Y P g
to promote new towns and the sweep of
immigration the thoaeaode of aures
held by ranching compeeiee wdl bke,y
be subdivided as many of the ranches
are most favorably located. Patriots
Burns, a *title klug, of Calgary,
"remitting ie largely doomed."
ALBERTA, the baby Erovluue of tee
Northwest, nae welcomed hundreds, of
eettlere already from Nebraska, Iowa,
Renese, Oklahoma, Arkaueae, Mteeourt
and other States of the O t *ou. They
are a likely complement, poaneselut,
money, experience In agriculture sun
character. Being accustomed to We.•
Sera lite they will no doubt make first.
otos British subjeote. Uaaede is out)
getting hook a pera000ege ot the Cana.
dian contingent who took up reaideuue
years ago in large motors under the
Stars and Stripes.
QORALT ie reffeivtug ounetde[able at-
tention just now by abs boometere .ata
greet- fortunes, on paper, awe's she
ingoer. Everything may be lovely there
bntatber tome of hue experiences iu
mining investments in British ()mumble
the bait does not appear quite so oawh.
ding. Many a man who buried hie Goin
in Roseland and other planes would be
much better off had he purobaeed
good gravel pit in a nearby muuruipansy.
Anticipation looked more rosy in the
former ease but participation would
be more substantial in the latter and duty
a tithe ot the outlay,
ArTea.uexs Cusuuer the Now York,
New Haven and Hartford railway wt[,
parry messengers ata 2 cent rate. Thin
will be a gain to the people at this mote
try who advocate the redcution on
Qapadien railroads but it may be thus
several moons will wax and waue bettor
the ehange ie made. The free meow to
the members of parliament is a album
t s
0.k out because bare in set.
P to kook
fisheries enough about human nater,
1ohang on t
all good 'hinge m athes
be eeoured espeoially if without met.
Very few load vetoed' ohampioue are
10 be found in the Commune urging cbe
advisability of e 2 cent a mite tariff,
EVERYBODY appears to get their awe
Mare of trouble without huutlug nitwit
for it. Last Saturday 8,000 families were
thrown into mourning by a termite nine
explosion followed by $se, in France.
1100 were killed. 400 spellers were Bent
to control file crowds aseembled at the
aoene of the tragedy, and to attempt to
paoify the bereaved. There were 1800
men employed in the minae. Fame
are pouring in to aid in the relief and to
relieve and to bury the dead. In Hoe
oortntry we know little of emit who.u.
Salo sorrow and coneegientiy oenuot
adequately sympathize with so terrible e
diseater. A number of the resonator.
were euffooated, one heroic tallow losing
his life, atter baying brought out 14
Wales, Many of the miners were bureau
to a crisp and others aimed anreoogniz.
John MoFee'e residence at Bellevi,le
was burned, Lose, 410,000.
Fire in C. H. Reid'[' storehouse at
North Augusta oaoeed a lose of 616;000.
The malt hoagie of the Jeuede olefin.%
company at Winnipeg was destroyed
by fire,
The Government have deoided to revise
the ralae of the House of Commune by a
Chas. Thompson, of Nino, Men., wee
frozen to death about two mites oat. He
had loot hie way on the prairie.
The six year old eon of Meta Wilson,
0f Fleeberton, was ran down by a runs -
way horse and probably fatally injured,
FratiOie X. Meaner', it well known
pioneer battler in Oarriok, Bruce oona*y
died on Saturday. He wee a prOmueue
German Liberal,
At Olden Sound Amine Mr. Ludlow
the Portland Cement company's ohamst
wee given a verdiottor 11600 egainet the
Darham Cbronielle for libel.
Jddgment has beeu given le the Nova
Soctia 1'inpreme Court ebebainiQg tbs
preliddieary objection *o the eteatti:n
petition against the retain of B, cif. Mao
Donald, M. P. ter Pioton, and diemieaiug
the petition;
Pallets Magletrate W. Newcombe Bled
saddeuly et Fort Wlhium.
Vagdals brute] lntp aud damaged shoat
00 oottageein Ormsby P.rk.
Arobutsbop O'Brien, of Belttatc, drop.
pea dead at ten o'olook on Friday night,
Midland Council deoided le eabmit the
Meal Qpti.ou by•lew be the people not
ere. (Mario Thornwbite was ought
iu the Melt ut bet heebaud'e milt at
Vsenua, ou0,, end kin ea,
Wiliam Ritmo bee been Appoint-
ed house iuspeutOr e1 Hamilton, to eta
Deed the late Fred, Wa.ker.
It is reported ,bet the Pere Mammoth--
argnettrRol way Cumpauy prophet buudiug
tunetre at Port S&Amoy, to be °peretess
minim the N,.miner, and that they wit
nave a fate cervical belweeq Loudon amts
.ho Puri.
The lo'lowiog is a.uupy of a bill before
tie Ohtani) Legislature deahug with
Sou.. of Refuge mature propu0ea by
d. Euber, M. Y. Y. Inc South Huron ;-
rte itleyeety, by aud with the mimeo
aua oeu5tlut of She Legisletiee Aepembty
of the Province ut Qnearl0, Sna0te 0.5
1eo4luu 534 of The Consolidated Maul
sepia Aus, 1003.6 ie amended by iueerstug
therein Otte tuuuwidg suoeeOawna;
W nets au femme of a mousy bona° co
.e,ugs epos ur at any time alto his 50.•
mf50fou thereto, puaeneeee or b0ouwtl,
possessed of or entitled to spy real or
pereoual property Oat of Wraith the
aunt of his maiubaua000, or any para
tunrnot eau b
. paid, eLeo if any
sum ie
tut uwor auu tor art
u to mob m,. n o
un r ,
purpusapereuf any sum paid by Guy
,oval maofalt* uy to the comity for mum
wawtnuauoa she t be ooumdered ea a sem
.rue for matuteeauue from each Maim.)
auu nae out been paid by each tumste' u&
oy tome person on hie beualt other thou
,eon mem wuniotpatlty, ilia aidge of tht
ouuty uaure in w11.012ihahu0se of refuge
n nitueted, may, cm appduaelou of the
county and for ane purpuae 01 seuuriug
flay meat of 1140 0010 01 ma,ntenanbe ee
.aua, ur wbsoh may cbereafter beoume Our,
uruer ane usrael that ab or any pan us
,he Mt one persouet property of she 1u
mate be embed an the Ireaburer of the
comity tomb tall power t0 manage auu
epproprlats, 550.5 05 rtOOVer pusoane,ou U1,
as*,, murogage,see and mauv,y an u,
Guy pert of mob property to she name ul
the wmate or may make such further o1
,,bac urger ou alre000h limiting or ex.
lauding she powers' ut she naso treaonrto
with refereuoa to such property 0.e may br
11.0oannry acid .5 he may. tmuk just at,d
greyer, one regard toeing bad w she thief
ut the amid prep rty, mud 0.0 whits pars, u
Guy, of the same 5* ueoeoeary for ins
.uppurt and mawteuauos of the family.
Douument purpuceing to trendier the site
.0 4215 aceta laud or any pars thereof, she ,
u0 *xaOUted by the brad treasurer until
the that judge acted have siguinl hie se.
proven cunreut by eudureemsn; ibareou.
The judge may, in auu by any nuuh
order or dlretlLhtn make tenth preventub
a he may Mime proper fur the payment
0y tun ouuuty treasurer to the br eeure,
at tilt, moat mau,ui,alscy of eny aum peau
uy eu0n wain wuut*ipahsy. *u she oouu.y
cur 4215 me,iuteuanue Gua sapper; of bncb
The said AOt is amended by ibeerttug
.reran the touowwg asotfuo
Is Abell be the duty of sue Iuepeotor of
Premed mid Ytlblw t,hariuee of Omani,
so cunt and to peat every manly house ul
refuge at teens untie a year Galt Dart for
auu inepeot att Mom aed paper* relating
Boon bnepeotor shall bave power trout
to 511210, 5d12ja0t 40 ern approval u,
.110 Lieutauaut Gotten= In VusUoti u.
.,ttlr, amelia, 061.4001 or retlolun any newt
tog met, or regmationd ter the geve,u
wast .•f the meaty bowie of,efu,ta of mle
t ravluue and to frame 5011 shops atm
ulna mud regatatiuue iu that beba,t,
u0uhlug and exseud,og to (..) Tut
,nanteuauoe of lemmas 1n regard to atbl,
owehiug, mud Other miaow tee ;
(u) noir owewug ; (u) median' atom.
, ,r
1 & 1.
a ,U0. • (.1) [dl Uatl 140tiou'
&eudu m4 ut mn0. luetba 155111 olid ltltlelplu,
u *web they may be 5u0jnuted ; (I) A,.0
w the creatmOut auu amnesty o1 the 1u
muton genera.ty, the whale agberua,
.uuuumy and wauagemenl ot the refuge,
eud 0..1 alien maltars 0000eeee0 eboruwnb
0.0 may Oe mine/dared nim expedient,
wm°h iud-regulet,oue anew oQ suu-
m.ettiU tU the Llsoonusge (.4n1eru0r fur
"11 approval and uuutirmen&.
Notrivg berate uoutamed shall be hem
to prevent she ouuuty commis iu this
Femme from maalug auah apnotal rep.
•205one an the peenii*r utrOUme18.1u5e ul
.heir reepesslve ranges and lOOslitleb
may, in Weir °platen, require, eau,
bpeuiet regu.alloue not being ,menial, ut
with ewe nos. ur With the general mite
.ud regeolemo00 to be made by the- su-
-peeior end improved by she Lieutenant.
(*uverslor 0.e aforesaid,
The Inepeator of Primus sod Publics
Oharattee .bah make a sepersse report to
'entiug so the Lleuteuaut Goveruor iu
legate to the orate and mauagemeut ul
emu house of refuge wlthm sen days
ester enoh auug1l inspection and a copy
d bosh report shad be turibwtth sena to
the Quality meek of scab uuquty in which
be tuebilouon in situated.
Perth County.
John Wessman, of Stratford, left ter
deakatoun, where he wtti likely loom.
,dr. Weetmau nae Manu a.enuieled ,with
,in brother, Geo. Weelwau, m ,ne ren
mitate bnatueee for the past eight nsuutb0,
Waiter Guwau, reeve of B.aushete,
was nerioUety wjIlrnd in a runaway
decedent at St. &uary'0 Mar. Bch, lit
was Pulpit% a neighbor 40 move and
had hie team of borees and a wagou.
After numadlug he wee driving acres,
the sidewalk, when Otte of the aides 01
tee wagon boa gut we of p toe. Mr.
d0w0.d leaned over so aOjdsi the luoee
mode of the wagon box, when 000 of
she horses, a epirited autma , made a
euddeo leap forward, and, kis Mr.
Gaon wee Michel; the reins in hue
uehd 0111y, he Was overbalanced Gnu
fell MD onto the bard road. One of
the wagon wheels went over bio
atooesab, and it le thought oaagbt the
side ut hoe bead. When pushed 0.p by
it number of parties, who went to hie
rmcue, two wog deep main wos*nde
were (mod on the right side of his
head and the lobe of the left ear wee
aearty severed. He ma quickly oarried
.oto the resideuoe of George Fos
patutni, the dobter dean oat ocaolder
Oeugeroue, The !torero were oaagbt a
MOO dtetanoa from the mom 01 the
.M ioli 111,op
M,R*r o* Comte :-Ooanoll met in
the Uumtuerotat Betel, Bouforth, as
Match 6th, A11 the members proem,
Minarets of last meeting reed and sustain
00... A By law appontttug pound keepers,
tenoeetawere and pathmantere wen reed
and pawed. Puma keepers are Patriot
da,o0ny,'1'imothy, Rya°, Gouged Auaert,
John Crozier, Jaweo Durrauce, Jesapb
Soot, George Muliee and John Baifugr.
Feecavlewere, Bernard O'Oouuell, Arell,
Ferguson, James Davidson, Moho/
O'Laughlin, Nit*dols ii gg, Jambe K•rr,
W m, itletiavr0, Jobe ttyaa. The utee
for F. W. k'aruoumb, U. B., to
flee hie report ou the Beaton 'drain
WW1 ascended to flits let of April. The
Conceal ioteud to purchase a rued
uraoerfrom the Sawyer & Meese)
Oo Township D.beutures eau tie ooh-
ed at aha Domwion Bauk Beat. rib, Tue
a0ulraotfur oun0truuling oemeut abut
in me for bridges was let to Nagle de
Lusby fur 63 70 per oubto yd and novas
lug ter 30 deuce a ea yd. The bunds of
D. fl. Roto, 'treasurer, were accepted
The tender of Robert Adame (fur $80,00)
•or removing and replaotug the super
otraotnre 01 the 3 briidpeu ou the Berru1
.155111 was aueepted, The Reeve F. J.
.ttuQnaid and R. S. Heys, Souoitur, are a
committee to agree on a basis of ['tittle
moot with P. Y,geou on the Omuta Co.
drain, ebuutd P. Pi Neon offer a astiero'tort
entt,ament. Council adjourned to meet
at the Commercial Hotel, eleaforth, ou
April 9.01, 1906, at 1 u'olnck p. m
M. Moana Clerk.
It is a uommuu aomptaiui with womeu.
The'r&ght trea*meul is Nervi ice, which
guee to the seat immediately. Nervines
warms and soothes the affeetea parte,
sawn out the irritetiou and pain unit
000 0.05 the patient ease after Due rubblug
Needy fltty years in use and the demauu
ma nd:way greater every day. Nervuiee
wast bit good.
Win: ham.
Another sten urea made last week with
he post uftioe baddiug.
A new jewelry afore is to be opened f1
he 0000.11 store in the Cbiebo.m block.
Wm. Bone intends opening a groom)
,u the store soon to be masked by
A R. Smith.
The regular meeting of the Presbytery
of Malsrand was bed in tit. Andrew
Presbyterlah thureb uu Tuesday of loot
Geo. and Mrs. Spottou have moved t0
Meehan and have caked room. 1u •Wr
rirunewtok Hole nucil nth time as that
are eble to eaoure a awaiting.'
Mrs. D. elcOormtok and Mies Mo0or•
snick, who has been vssn,ug with cbe
urmer'e .inter, Mre. L. W. Hanson, re•
utued to their bums 10 Hamilton.
At the regular meeting of-Wngham L.
U. L. Nu. 794, Wm. Untie* was appointee
.& derogate to the Yrovinmel Grano
Cheep Lodge of Outstrip Waes, whim le
,• w to *0501011 in Goderion.
Mr. MOOultoagh, who has been junior
in the Domtuton Bank for some menthe,
to prumubed co another brunet* and h1e
ninon here le mean by Mr. Brewer, sou of
our townsman, A. W, Brewer.
d. G,eoey'of Leamington, a former
,netdeut of Wsughem hes been in tow,
aud hes made arraagemeute to agate tsar
u,a 51055 property here aud will shortly
-epee 10 the furutture and quasi -melee
mummies. L. A. Batt & Cu., who have
be. 0 in thane premise.) tor the past flit
,bare, have secured the first more Buuc&,
.,t the Branewetk butet,
vie Vv 0001.
The Jessie MauLeuhliu Concert in
the alnata Hall DU *men 20th.
Checker pooling in quite the rage now
,5.55 many expert prayers ars develop -
E. T. Gild Mrs. Greeueidee ware
h ilalmeretou attending the sever weu•
u uIS.D.anaSlra, Merryfield.
U. J. Wu has reined .Wpm the Marbh
pit,p,rby on &&lent tie., formoily uoeu
e buy Geo. /Dump 0."d 5111 nae n a.
resideu0e and conveyeuait% *foo5.
R. A.. Thompson, uheeesmaker.fur the
E ma Came Cumpauy, waved • hie
aunty here from Notelets Jammu.
I bey are now oceupylug the residence at
tie factory.
A v.ry we,l attended and entlluaiastw
meeang of remperauoe workers wee here
at the Beptlel (Moran on Monday after
woe of .eat week with President J. A.
rumbas In the 0h0ir and Alex. IimpehM
.e Secretary. A report was receive°
Irum the oommictoe appainted to inter.
view Mr. Ioerger, the proprietor of, the
Erma H. ase, to the , ffeat that he wou d
• h the hotel ter 69,000, or rent it for
8700 a year. 'rhe uummittee felt that
bene demands eeemed exoeeefve, but
nevertheless were quite oenteot to gsve
,he present, Mr. Grundeuberger,
-very atoms to rn0 the betel. It wan
teemed, however, the* it Wee eeeeutiet to
the Worse, of temp,raooe fm lemperabee
,Dupla to nbow the* they are CP 4012121104
as tire up to their prfomplas and Bee thus
the craveiling pubda receive enitable
woowmodatfun. To this tied it wee de
aided to tore a jun* bock oumpany to
known otg 'lien E me Tnmperann
Hotel Co., with apapes! aleck ce 620 000
A board 01 proneie1al co motute wee op
potuled and about 61,400 nook wee sou•
eorlbed et the weseiug, J. A. 'Tnrnuud,
.un Thai. u. Ho.mmoud were appotuteu
delegates to the Temperance Uouveutiou
o be herd in Turoubo on Moots 27th and
' L
A' pretty home wedding took p,aoe
at the hone 0l A. and Mea. Booth,
<hvertou, on Wedtleeday evening, Feb,
28th, wbou their daughter Boa wee
suited in marriage with Dari Switzer,
Od of Pied. and Mrs. Switzer, of
&tweed, Promptly at 7.30 p, m, the
arida entered the drawing room loan,
tog on the arm of ber Pathe,, Sud 14 ok.
tugoharmwg in a Oedema deem ot
white el,k, trimmed with lane end obit
011 and wearmg a brides vette The
yoddg ample were unattended, esoept
by little Mildred Smitb who made a
!envy little fluwor girl and her brotbet
Inc who acted as page. The wedding
marob waif played by Mise Hattie Jack.
on, of Trowbridge, stud the Rev. Mr,
McKinnon, of Miiver*on, 0onddeted the
beautrt of and impeaseive ceremony..
After iongratulotiohe, the large oom•
pany pet down to It very relherehe wed
ding dinner. The evening wag pleas
gritty spent with manta eud chiming,
ter, near by. A doctor wee ..o.lO'1'
d I ,e br(ae'e goidg away dreee wag of
Wel drugged the wooed°, whittle *bodgh ladies' olotgf with bat to mitdh. The
scatoomariga,., , erw.wmaMrhwaM1ww�aaa2M A..+w+MW4w✓!?O4PfuJ+,a,aA.wpM*cl.campepoatteet,lt
wedding prevents were nnmeroue sad
wetly teedfylog to the pupuleriIy ot
STOCK FOR SERVICE, 0.R 'J:oaf 111bit I;
be bride. Gussets) were preaeut Item
Toronto, Stretford, M,10heli, Hokum,
Llowood, 'Trowbridge, p1ewtun, Mill.
issue, Atwood end Mitverlou. The
yonug temple lett the tattoo evening
for their home on the gravel read North
of Atwood,, where the bridegroom uwae
a 01' blldtd farm and tote a 00ey h. me
Tee monies et the Atwood Yreahyter.
tau W. F. M S, was he d et the roma of
1 t9!ia
r [ n a u
f Mr['. Enk si a
W.13, ad 7
S R, a
afserhoull of cant week. aEhere wee it
ergo a uta atuoe and the mesllug proved
lutereating mut luetruottve. A moat
9 esaiug pert of the meeting was the
preeentetinf to Mrs. Alex, Cameron, a
worthy and 0005em0l member, of a
hauuaoma bible 0.140 a halt a d gen
.Cver ceaepuuue, etre. (Rev.) MoVloer
ep0ke iu,g forma of etre. (itimereu's
many tetimabre goatlike and rxpreseed
the velvet telt by all et her departure
Mrs. T. G. Bal *rattles made the preeeaya-
tion. Aire. Cameo.. wa- much affected,
out mapagra to exp5050 her themes ter
the thud y gilts.
11111 1H'1"s DISEASE
Look Well to Your Kidneys -Keep
Them Healthy and Inas Avoid
Incurable ltiabotes ands
• Breght'8 Meilen.
If yo0 would avoid Bright's disease
.aka Dr, Hamebon'e Pills at outs-oo
delay aeon& their action which is
owifc and thorough. Iu every can Dom•
plate anre attitude their use.
Read the following eympluma--trey
tell if Your kdq a are slots k o
wed -whether or no you require a
medicine Boob as Dr. Barri ton's Pale ;
Dose it smell bad ?
Lit red, bloody ?
Painful and too traqueut ?
Does It drip ?
D,soolor the linen ?
After standing 24 hours, if the
urine re roomy, highly oolored,
stringy, ooucaioe sedimeut
like briukdues, &ben
To preterit your system ageing% the
further threads of kidney oomptaint re.
ly ou Dr. Hamilton's Pile. They give
lu0taut relief 'to the backache, those
dragging sensations, deeire to urinate
too often or too asldow. You'll feel
wvigorated and braced, your appetite
will improve, seep win be tearful No
meuimue ou earth wilt do you wort
aetiug good. Prete 260. par box, or
by mail from N. O. Pokes re Go.,
Hartford, (buu., U. 8. A.
No retneay could be more prompt and
agreeable than Dr. Hatus,ton's Ptha. Nu
matter where you go you'll hear of the
grand onrea they make. Writing from
Ottawa Mrs. M. E. Legere says t ''For
people 100 fined to bus0u0eoe and sink
headache I dont think ,here ie a remedy
io ampere with Dr. 'Homilton'e Filter
I formerly bad bilious attacks' about ono.
a mouth -used Dr. Hamilton's Pelle and
obtained grand results. My stomata'
nae been put in good- order and my
heeilh greatly improved." No medimne
natter for men, women or children. 'try
Dr. Hamllton'e Pill. -.2100 per box or
five boxes tor the 81 00 at all druggists.
Rev. T. R O' Neta has 'moped the
appointment of principal of Wyotiffs Col
ego, 'Lomita.
Four men were more or lees seriously
nerved by the exploding of a benzine
ank in Bird dr Sou's routing works at.
Under mid by virtue of a power of sale
contained in ,t o0rtale mortgage, givn
❑ by
pe ,t . bye A Bert. there will 1' off tend
r nl•b Pa,i u n on SA r lg . t D
o Y
Y 4
belith Oto of tlt 1000. et-llote 10
n (Vi Cage 01 R attheA a lo1Ii u Rotel fu
the Village of nrggqel the fellow{pg vela -
aide farm props'ty, vis.:- Lot - Number
Time le the Fnurte with Onnoessioo of the
Pawn hip of 101 ea, iu the Oouuty at Perth,
seutaiuluq 100 acres pore or tees. The
r,ret 15 six ,piles from Atwood and about
the same from Eth.1, lilt about twelve
miles! om Brussels and the saute da0teuo'
tram Lietawel. It la aI• aped mod under nil -
*Wet 0u except about thirty-five ea at of
Mash. Ou the East Arty. mored there in a
frame dwelling Loge., with woodshed aud
mlikhuuee astuobad, .100 a lug stable. Ou
the Wo4t btty afire° there 1e a trawe house
and a frame stable, The mil lea clay loam
mrd prodeooe goad Drop•. The WM It 00U
venlent to°berates and school Tee Nast
un.. West larvae will be offered for Bele
cepa, at,•ly mud also together. stt moo to a
reserved bed. Terms -10 per Deet lu oath,
the bal nue 1u thirty days, when pueneaeloa
may be had. Terme 1n other rrspo be made
auuwu 014 day o[ ante, and meauwhlte may
be atuerlaleed on appli0uttuu to hue uuder-
Dated at Berlin, Mareh let, 1000.
M(LLAk & SlMS,
Solicitors for the Morgtageee,
F. S, SooTT, Berlin,,Jut.
anob,Oueer, Brussels. 80 8
L� Tbnro'•bmd Dgihnm null will belcopt
tor eervue by the uudrreigued at Lot et,
Uon to trey. Pedigree may be seen ou
aeul'otitlon. Terms el 00,
82.4* A0NALD a,oNEIL, Proprietor,
uutlereigood will keel, our Morulas on
Lot le, 0un,10, Grey, a'F ltoro'•bred Doleful
'Arg 01'6d5 owpgarytvbllog8wee,
82 *,f Nrst1urroputor.
moderns/tied will beep lar service on
Lot 21, Owe 12,Uray, ilia pure bred Aber.
dean algins bull, ' Lore Tunnies 11,' sired
by "God lou Mei," the °bounden bull of
Cant le. P0.dtgr,•a motto be seen on appllo 4.
dna. Terms 82,00 with privilege of retard.
lug if ueeeserry, J, N., BNrGRP,
3841 Proprietor.
hulls for sale, eligible tor theism,.
Mull. Apply to JAS, 0P.a1R, Lot 30, Com 6,
Murrill Brunets Y.U. 28.11
Show Cameo for Bale, enoh it loot lung,
walnut trainee and double thlok glass. Ap-
ply to T.8E 9109, ertleaete•
Office In the Pest Office, Ethel. 804
Sale noi
wt os 1. lssrgn brick house
6, lwall, nJob t fruit garden,
Aa, ,64 sores o, {ped on Job .and James at.,
Brumes Terme reasonable. Appy to
JOHN MotADDEN on premlaes or F. S.
sUUTT, nrueeale,
nsnerorren offers the 100 three, known
ms the low, ualbiek farm, N E t Lot 24, Uun.
0, Morrie, t • taut. Oe the premises there 1d
it grad hena and barn and utuor co0veu•
15008* For further partlrulare apply 10
Sa51IIEL UALBIOH, N w i Lot 23, ('00.8,
Morrie, or Jamestown P. U. 30-0.
a0uersigeud overs f x sale 0.M c050 01
baud upon wwoh ie t comfortable dwelling
house.otable, limit 110,5, good ever -flowing
wail Oro. Property !a I. Dated f el a tulle
1.401 of Gran crook and cony, eieut to school,
eeeree, poe1offile, R°. Phaeeuetuu at Guy
Wine. For prion, terms, &u , apply on the
premi5ee to M.,
08.4 or Uraubrook P. 0.
uudernigI,red °frees for nal, lite sum
:urtab,0 dweiltog and 81 aerosol' laud tiouLlt
or eruseels. - There Ie a good largo barn,.
yuung orchard, &u., on 1140 premises. Poe.
4550101 givau to Apru. Por further partite
mare as to price, toms, &a., apply ou the
p1tm.500 to 010 proprietor or to O. d, Scott,
o&u*sera. Katie L 110ti0ARD.
0 00 -egg Chatham fuoueclor mud Brooder
for seta at a bargaw. Lt good working
shape. 84.12
200 ACRc
being Lots 27 and 28, con.7, GI ey,
1 nide wast of Ethel. 65 mares plowed ; ,8
agree Feil all. at ; b aorta bush ; 10 omen
pa*tare land; baleen° well beaded. Ie well
Nutted and watered. Ou premises are com-
fortable dwelling hugse, bank barn 503105.
h. re0 stable, driving snail, windmill atm
ails. POueenelun Wen elereb dub, r'or
lino, terms, bio., 0.pp1y 014 premises 10 L.
A. 01100*, lanai P. U. tett
Berm,-vetug Lut20, Uen 15, Or,y,
ooutntuiva 100 acres u1 brat -elate luau. Toe
beim i5 w . loud state et cultivation, there
belle 55 agile. Fall p mtu, eleven three
0.eoedo toaFe timothy, fi Lien three
w eat, Ave somecres Feu wuebct, *lx uoret *0 10 -
wood buts, Whence puuture. Teets are
three good wells, Orchard, name dweiliog,
ua114 barl,oarrh,gn home and Uthnr aua
bullili0ge. Fur Aden, terms, 0t°„ apply to
DAVE. or WLLLletat bE1hLS, p/xeoueore
us estate, on premises, or araubrouk P. 0.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate . of John
Geiger, late of the Township of Grey,
in the Couuty of Huron, farmer,
Notice ie hereby given, pursuant to Revis-
ed -Witten of Outarlo,1897, (thee, 129, and
•amended Ante, that ell creditors and others
.bavlug any olaima agatuat.the estate of the
said John Geiger, wh • died on or about
th lets day of Merah, 2905, are required ou
or before toe let nay o1 Apr11,. 19,6. to Bend
by poet. prepaid, ur deliver to ..he nutter -
biped' their t eoiotian aid Huruawes awl
armleaae* with suit partionla✓e in writing
of their Malmo,the atutomeut of their as-
-comae and the nettle of theaeen•4tteo hr
any) veld by them, yenned by eatlotaotory
And lotto® le further given that atter the
said lust melllo1ou irate hue said Execu-
trix 81111 ',roomed to dietrlbube the assets
00 the deceased um0uget the parties mita.
led thurato, having regard only to the
alalme of %heat she snail tune have
motion and that the said l,xuautrix will
nut be liable for the assets, or any pert
thereat, * 1 0.0P nartou ur pere0at 01 wb00e
Melina uotloe anuli out have boon received
by her at the tithe of aueu dietributtou
Dated at Listowel this 24th day of Feb-
ruary, ASD„ 1900
• Listowel P.O., Yulioiturs for Elizabeth
Geiger, gide ExaogtriX. 84.4
The Home of
Good Clothes
"In the Spring a Young Man's
Fancy fondly turns to Thoughts
of Lover' and New Suits.
HAVING just received e, large consignment
of all the Latest Novelties in spring
Goods we only wait your inspection of same,
feeling confident that we can please you, both
in price and all that distinguishes the well
dressed Dinh.
Change of Business
The u1111e1'Hignell W181188 to announce t0 the
Public generally that he has purchased and
taken possession of the
Harness Business
so long and successfully conducted by Sohn
Donaldson, Brussels, and will be pleased to be
favored with a continuance of the trade so gen-
erlllly accorded,
A first-class stock 'always kept and the
wants of the public promptly attended to.
and, Rings
We are offering some Special
Values in Watches and Gold
Kings. We shttlI be pleased to
allow you our
Reliable Honest Goods at Closest
H.L. Jackson
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
Bran, ~torte, &c., always in stock
and sold at Market Prices.
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building
AlllLlininL$(�,�r !11(.5�Lillc
To Liverpool
CALLING AT a1QVIL85 (1Ondonderrel
From St. John From Halifax
'runialan Sat. Mar 10 Ltoulhler 12
-Aidan Mar. 17Mar 10
Pretense ' hear. 24 Mar. 29
Pal'iLLII " liar al - " Apr. 2
kitten of Passage
FirstlIt Olnoa-.850 end upwards, a000rdlae
to Moamar. Second 0114 ea -340 and 942,50,
Loutl,.0 83,50 extra Third 01,5
mud Pan elau $2.7.50, othor ateamere 82050,
Ilonaoliun Thnrrd,iy, Ma ab 8
daturduy, Luttrell 24
For further partioulare, ratoe and ttokots
apply to
W. 16. 0*ERIR,
Agent Aleut Lwe, Brunets.
.�C3 Se Fairs
The Monthly Horse Faire will be held in
Brussels for the seam u ss follows :-
APR. 6th,
Lending Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
1e. S. SCOTT, OLEnx.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Silt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
Felt Hats for
50 Cents
We are also Agents for the f1New
Idea" 10 Cent Patterns.
Call and get a Fash-
ion Sheet.
To clear out the balance of our stock of Hand
Sleighs they will be sold at
Positive eost Prices
We do not purpose continuing fel the Fancy
Gof'ds and Toy Burliness so will clear out
everything on hand.
Dodds Leading Tailors a`!IPOT BOOKSTORE