The Brussels Post, 1906-2-22, Page 4tat x , u G o V, rtt t moues et the oetimacee gad mare than e11f19otent to meet the edictal expenditure rovsnaea the pravfuoe are terga ty in -- dartos the year, THURSDAY, ,FEB. p1, 1.996, The pewit) a000unte will be laid before you for your ooneideratiou at the earnest moment, end the eetimateu for the tom• lag year will also be submitted for your approval et en early date. It fell to the lot of two uewepaper men to moveand mond the addreea, viz; /legit Clark, of the gindardine Review. The Speech Froin the Throne. and Phil, Bowyer, of tbe Ridgetown Dominion, ,130th did well., ONTARIO LEGISLATURE DULY OPENED, The Opterio Legislature wee opened Thnreday afternoon of last week with the ritual oeremoniee, and the following ie the Speech from the Throne, whish outdoes the Government's program for the session. The galleriee were crowded while the floor of the bowie was well ill+ed. Interest was added to the ceremony by the introduction of the new mem. bare, Soo, Frank Cochrane, [Mower at Lands and Mines, and E. J. B. Penes, and both members reoetveu ovations as they were introduced Mr,Bpeakerend Gentlemen of the Legis- lative Assembly. I take great pleasure in meeting you again as representatives of the Pru vine in parliament eesembled. Out very earnest thanks are onoe more due to Almighty God for the bouutifn barveet of the year that hue paeeeu, wbioh- even expels the one witch oadeu for our gratitude last year. With tine harvest the market oonditiona been been as snob to maintain the prosperity which oar farmers have enjoyed in recent yeare. This )tae been oottoeab e in the dairying industry, the output of wbioh bas been very large. Th, evidences of steadily inereaeiug -enter priae and activity on the part of our people, wbioh have been apparent for several years past, are to be eeen on all aides at the present time, and efford good neaten for oongratatation and thankfulness. The pant year has been the most Agri 1 historyof to A 1 88{al in the enooe g cultural College from the atandpouit of the number of Btndeula, the number of farm visitors and the amount of work done. For the first time in it,. career, the total number of etudents of all Masses exoeded 1,000. The MacDonald Institute has appar- ently taken firm hold on tbe appreota- tion of the public, and tarmora' dough• tern have come to ite hallo in nambere that promise a very bright future for the lootilntion. Yea will be asked to provide funds for increasing tesobiuj facilities of the Oollege is verione de• partmente. The peat year hae thaws; a large increase over previous years in the number of immigrants aettliug in Ontario. Preparation's are being made to receive and settle a large number daring the present year who wnl be direoted to the farms of the Province, With increased taoilitiee and au im• proved ayelem, it is oon6deutly ex emoted that the immigration end oolou nation work of this government til, reach the highest mark yet Mauled The funds appropriated are being nese solely to assist in providing {arm enu domeetia help. Since the laet meeting of the Legit 'attire, Hie excellency, Earl Grey, Gov ernor•General of Canada, a000mpau180 by Counteract Grey and their eel,mab e family, have visited several eeutioue of the Provinoe, and the Beat of Gov• ernment has been honored by then presence on two 0008910ns. The people of the province have noted with Bette. faction the great interest taken b) Hie Excellency in all matters effecting their welfare and happiness. The ex teneive experienoe gained by Hie Ex cellenfy in the various public poeitioue whish he has occupied renders hie opinions on euoh questions of the greatest poeeible value ; while the to. tereet manifested by the Comtism in all movements of philanthropio sue social nel0re, has been a source of greet satisfaction. Yoe will be pleased to learn that the operation of the first motion of the Temiekamiog and Nottbern On tario Railway for the past year bee been satiefactory-the inoome being largely in exoeee of the expenee of up erasing -end that the conetruotion of the exteneion of this road has beet. proceeded with in the moat e0ergetro manner. The growing importanoe and value of the mineral intereete of the Pro- vince call for the most oarefal contig• eration and management, and necee• Lary amendments to the mining lax will be enbmitted to you for your eon. sideration. Since the )set session an agreement has been arrived at with the Demo ion Goverument for the negotiation, of equitable terms, of a treaty with the Indians wbo 000npy large portions of the Provinoe not now ander treaty. Among the me00aree to be nitwit - bed to yon for your couaideration it, addition to the amendments of the mining law above mentioned, will be the bills respecting county oounoile ; repeating the Department of Lands and Alines; amending and ooneolidat log the Liquor Lioanee Aot; amending the Volunteer Lead Grant. Aot ;. revising and amend ids the railway Aot, the Street Railway Aot, and the Electric Railway Aat; amending the Agrlooltnral end Arta Aot; amending and ooneolidatina the several seta tolating to oompaniee ; revieing and amending the sots relat. ing to public wheels, and the note re- epeotleg the Department of Eduoa. Woo ; respecting the University of Tor. ionto, and amending tbe Supplemen. tary Revenue Aot1889, poovtding for the taxation of railways. The extraordinary poeeibilitiee which the future may have in store with re femme to electric power, are still attract tag itoteated attention on the part of eotenttlio and praotioal men. It is ex. pecked that the report of the 00MOMeeion. eta appointed to enquire into and repot Open hydraulic end eltotrie power in the Ptavince will be laid before you before the close of the eeeaion. A mase of in formation has been oolleoted, whloh wilt Sao doubt be of great value in the )afore ooneideratiou of this very important question. In the month of October last, a nom Mallon was appointed to report upon a eoheme far the management and govern. Mani of the Vaineteity of Toronto, in the Loom end stead of eta ander whiob the bald Uuivereity is naw governed, and for other pnrpoaee, Tho report of the cam. mission le IXpeoted dborily. ".0U Will be glad to loam- that the 831vettt, The A. Y. P. A. of Trinity ohurob will hold a nook imolai in Industry hall on Friday eveuiug, 28rd Inst. The Ohrietian Endeavor Sooiety of St. Andrew's thutch will hold a c000ert in the ohurob lecture room on Wednesday evening, February 28th. Alter au it nese of several months duration Mre. Jamas Barr paaeed peso,• fall away on Wednesday afternoon 7th met, Sines the 18th of September elm has been oouflned to her bed duffer -tug with chronic indigestion. All that mediae) skill and attentive anteing count do to ease her eufferiugs, width at times were terrible, and stay the baud of death proved unavailing. Mre. Barr before marriage was Mise Mary Ann Guider, daughter of the late Wm, Govier, of Huhett, and wee born ou May 271h, 1857. Sne Woe married on June bib, 1877, to her now bereaved hoaband and wee the mother of eeveo children, am of whom ,arvive her - the second child, a sou, dyieg when 10 mouths old. Tue dhild ran telt t0 mourn the 1000 of a kind and toviog mother are, Wm., Lillie, Kate, Mary, Martha and Sophia, all of whom reside in Blyth, except Kate, who is a member of the Goderiob poetofiice staff Twelve years ago the and her haebaud moved from Mullett to Blyth, where they Moe resided ever einoe. Deceased watt au adherent of St. Aedrew'e Mauna in this village. She possessed a lovable and generale disposition, a kind heart and a williogneee to do more than her bete to help a friend and a neighbor. Bile watt very fond of her home, her nuebaud and ber children, all of whom will 01100 a kind and loving grade. To,. funeral, wbioh was very largely attendee, took plane on Saturday afternoon and Interment was made in the Unioo oemetery. The'memos at the house and grave were conducted by Rev. Dr. ale - Lean, TI8B TONIC OF HEALTQ Moet be mute than a stimulant - roust be a food as well. Tbere is no mrdioine both a food and a tonic. -it aide digestion, promotes aetimuatioe oouverte food into nutriment that Wine up nerves, blood, brain and bone. That tonic ie Ferrozane wbioh contain, xaotly what a run-down eyetem needs. Ferrozone supplies oxygen to purity the ,loud, phosphorus to develop the brain, iron to border' the mueolee. No wonder f makes euoh vigorous men and women. You'll eat, steep, think and feel better. uy using Ferrozone ; try it -now. Fifty cants buys a box of ohm ate coated Ferrozoue tablets, at ell dealer.. the love and a01eem felt by us for you ea. a mewber o.ar Miura' and aooiety, Ton have our beet wtehee fur greatest hotfoots) 8000888 in your new venture, and we earnestly pray that God'e riobeet spirit• oat bleeeinge may eeooulpany yon to yeur new home where we feel Satisfied, you will oobtinue to give uogrudgling of your time and talents to the eerviee el the Master in tbat great and wonderful Weateru eoantry. Siguedon behalf of the Society. .1%tW 00(.8. Sam, Wright, formerly of Hentryn. bee purobased a briok baoteeee near Ubeeley and le now in posa088io0. Wm. Betide, non. 16, hi suing the towoehip and Collector Walter Hamiltrie for exoees've seizure for unpaid taxes. Elora Oheeee Oo. have to buy a n80 butler for their 10otory, the old one having been declared unsafe by an ex- pert from Einoardme. 0 J. Wynn, of Newry, hes been ap pointed a Notary Public and Issuer o1 ilarriage Enema and will open op an ufiioe to Atwood shortly. Roger & Ratotiffe, hardware merohantt have dieeaved partnerehip. Mr. Roger) will curry on the bn.ioeee himeell and Mr. Ratcliffe will devote his time to the Township Clerkship. Reeve John Hamilton underwent an operation a week ago at bit home Best ,f Ltatmurel, He had a large growth re eralioe moved from hie beak. The O p wag 0841000 enough 00 the growth war. goite near the joglor vein. George Onnnmgbam, of Grand Bend Iowa, who bee been vetting his brother, Robert, of this village, during the pato week, has returned home. The brothers, nad not seen oath orhee for 21 years. The Bee °eye :-Au unseemly soca/n- ark tock place in the Eima BTaoe here last taturday eveuiug, Some young fellows who had been drawing toe lor one of the town butchers, got auto an altercation whiob speedily developed into a serious fight. Some of them got badly used up iced required the serviette of a doctor. A PLEASING EVENT. -The Atwood Bee of last week saye.-The Y. P. S, 0. E. of the Presbyterian ohurob beld a amid evening in the basement last Friday evening. There wee a very good attend 0uoe of young people and quite a number et elderly people ware also present. The 00oaeio0 was made the more intereetiug owing to the event being given in the honor of Miss A. Goveulook Who ie eoou to leave for Stntalnta, Saab. D. G Anderson preeided over a ,bort but Interesting program and at the oloee called on Mieeee M, Peebles, J, Moffatt sad A. Govenlook for a trio. Tbte consisted of the readiug of anappreoetive ..ddreee and the presentation of a hand some ring to Mies Govenlook who wee uumpletely taken by eurpriee. The ah•armaurep .tad for her in few wotde. A guessing and conundrum comma they occupied dotrsitterable time and served to make every one feel at home. Lunch ma then served after wbioh the gather diepereed. The following fa the addrmael -Dasa A7;ee °Delineate It i8 with very moue regret that we the mamma' of the Ohrietian Endeavor Society, end other members of the Atwood Presbyter tau oburob,l88rn thea you are about t0 save our vi.lage to take up business life i1, the great and growing West. For the past eight years you bees conducted a socoeeefol millinery burliness in our little town and have ever shown yourself 0000ecna and obliging to your 1Omero08 0081omer0 who regret very einoerely tbe severenos of the pieesaut beelines re lalione of past years. DO it 111 in the work of our Sooiety that your abeenoe will be most felt You have been an ex oeedingly faithful and oonebkentione member tt oar aooiety, atweye willing t0 take your share of work, and over ready with help both personal and finauoial. Your adenine es toaoiler 10 the Saoday $°heel have been meth nppreoiated, end the echo are of 5001' elate all regret your depertnr0. We therefore elk you to Wept this gift 80 a ought recognition of lei o(letrlott. Mee. Vanstone, Rotolo street, had the miefortun4 to tall and eustafn a severe fracture of the leg. Wm. MoSween fell on the Square and broke hie leg. The aocident Wil put him en the shelf fvr some weeks. The latent edditiou to tbe boepital fund is from Rev. Father Pleat, ut St. Thomas, who bas sent a ooutributiou of $50, P. T. Dean has purchased a baukrupt etuok of groceries, °rookery, ale., at Mitchell and It running it off here. The men of the Gudenuh company of the 88rd (Huron) Regiment enjoyed themselves to the lull at their ee0ond auuuei oyster supper, which was bola in the roome of the Iroquete club on North etreet. A new Hospital board was elected uuusiettug of num members (whereas tbe former board had thirteen members) as follows ;-Judge Doyle, Judge Holt, U, Seager, U.A. Nairn, Mayor Tilt, 1). 1110 Douald, Rev. J. Elliott, James Mottttoeh aid H. E. Hodgene, Mears. Tait, Mo. Dot.aid, Elliott and idodgeue are new men o1, the board. The work at tbe Shepherd residence, wbioh le being ooh vetted into a hospital, wait under dienue• e'en. The ohangee, it appear°, have ooet about $1,000, and owiug to the action of the county council in going neck ou their promiee of a grans of $1,000 the work ie now at a standstill unto some at the enbeoriptiune can be go. in. Daniel D. McKay, our well known citizen, died early Tbureday morning et hoe reeideuoe, Nelson sweet, from as internal 0 Om al H 1 nt e Buffered 00n- P a t lotion n did Y, arab) but bore thearil wc)1, with esemp cry patience, and ',Moab the dwnase was apparent over a year eine, 1,e carried out low deans ae high oouetable et every 66eelan of the High Court of .Jueeioo and Sessions of the Peace held daring the year. The lace Mr. Molloy, 'mowing me complaint m0019000 hate a fatal terminntiou, resigned hie position as bief, at the January eeeeiou of Oonuty Oonnat,, ma hie departure so Boon after ehowe that he wee expecting tbe lana oall. Although enffedug 00 severely, the de• aoaeed was able to be aronud until last - week, and wee up town when he viewed those couucy officiate be had kuown for many years. He had held the position Ohm! since the death of the late Bar - ',ay Trainer, eomo 25 year's Untie. The tate chief, who was born in Godertoh, wag well known i1, Western Oatari°, bio position as (thief timetable briuging hrm to ammo with all the (Mee and tawne, and in Horan his long residence and oug oonoectton with ht. father's Mutineer] end afterwards with that of McKay Brothers, at the old ewe on Wait street made him known to all at tbie end of the county. Hie stately walk, though he was over three score years and ten, 010 io;ineoble, up to the last ten deye of bus Maas, and his death will be regretted by busts of friends ane acquaintances. The deceased gentleman, who was a widower, ieavee three eoue,-Dan, o! tows ; John, of Torouto ani Robert, fn the Statee, and a brother and sister in Toronto. 13R1GHT'S DISEASE A bore of INarvelons Merit that (dyes ballad Effect Foued at Last. No malady is more stealthy or fatal than Bright's Dumas°. Every year it claims more victim, than famine and war combined, In the beginning it is marked by pnffineee ander the eyes, yellow, sal low akin and pain in the beak. The urine Outcomes scanty, often contains sediment, mules gteat iritation and pain, Reader, it you ars troubled with tlleee symptoms, get Dr. Hamilton's Pins at ouae, This vitalizing medi eine will fact restore briuienoe to your doll elision° eyes. Exhaustion will be replaoed by surplus vigor. Your bank pains and urinary deter - dere will cease. Renewed lite ie put into the kid. neys, and Bright's Dieeaeo r panne away forever. l'ermanentCtt•8 in Every Case. "I was attiok0n with 13righP0 Disease two years ago," writes Mre. G. E. llattheweon, Middletown. "I grew worse. Sugar waa almost eleven per oent, end the dootore gave me up. "Dr. Herat ton's Pita have made a well woman of me, and I kuow otbere who have been anted ale° by this medioine," Why eager any longer 7 Dr. Hem Monte P111a 44111 reitote you to rebut good health, No medicine 1n the world 00 aliment ter diabetes, etrigbt'e Disease and affeotioa of the kidneys, liver and bladder, j'rieo 25o, per box, or five butte few $1, at ell dealers, or by mail Utdt .turd. o ii,, U. B. A., andR ngoton, 011t AN AMERICAN Romedootore go et tar as to say that indigee/ion is 1110 national disease of Ontario,. There le about one nat'oeel remedy for indigeotion and that remedy is Dr. Hamilton'° Pille which accelerate the aotipn of the gastric glands end give tone to the digestive orrane. They strengthen tbe kidneys end liver, oleanee and purify the blood and thus add poem' tone to every organ of the body. Vieth sod strength are feet re, stored and the patient cab eat and digital) any food be pleases. Test Dr. Hamilton's Pdl't yonreetf,-25o. per box or five boxes fur $1.00 at all dealers. [.IWCorWW 1. Rev. D. N. Mo0amae hue reoeived the cordial and mobmone invitation of the Ofiioial Board of the Methodist obnroh to remain ae pester for the second year. The organizing meeting of the Lien Wel High School Board waa held o1, the 7th inst., with the following members : W. M. Broca, J, Livingstone, J. W. Scott, Dr. Dingman, Dr. Rutherford, T Male and Geo. Bray, the latter being appointed by the Public School Board. Mr Brace was re eleo ed ohairmau, and 4, Livingstone treasurer. 0. Tabbernl'r was reappointed secretary and col actor of school fees, and James Moorehead was re•eugaged as oaretaker at a salary of $800. The Town Band held ha entme! meet- ing on Monday evening, of lett week end the report presented was very pleasing to the members who were all present. The baud had a moat enoeseful year and Rlii .go We are offering some Special Values in Watches and Gold Rings, We shall be pleased to show you our BARGAINS Reliable Honest Goode at Closest Prices. H. L. Jackson LEADING JBWELLBR. Torontot)a Metal Co'y and PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c , &c, Highest Prises for All H. ROSEN K. LABEL Mill st. West, Brussels 3t,ltyal Hst4t e Ilail11�ilr f11 To Liverpool CALLING AT MOVILLE (Londonderry) From St John From Ha lfe,. Iretoriau ...Sat., 000 17 Mon ,F.b 19 Nummian Feb.24 F,• 26 Umiuthian.., " Mar 8- mitr.0 runielau " Mar 10 ', Mar 12 )fates of I'aseage First Class -850 n uta upward., aoonrdln to steamer. Second 01, as --$40 awl $42.60, Loud,.n $2.60 extra Third Olaf•-Tuniaiu,. $47.60, etaDam ere 926 50. BOSTON TO GLASGOW Bar,tini00 Thursday, Feb. 22 HALIFAX TO LONDON find IIAVIRE Pomeranian luturduy, Feb 24 For further particulars, rates and tickets apply to W II. HERR, Agent Allan Liue, lvrueeele. F. & R. NEWS OF NEW SUITINCS 'Wally have already arrived. liN'Inre may be here any hour, maybe by the time you read this. t IAA' the Colors and Materials and Shades and Weights that are going to be Fashionable this season will be shown you any time you wish to see them. Any Time You have Time to Call. Ferguson fluatielelly and otherwise. Tile total redeipta for the year were over $500, and of that amount $280 were expended in new hletramente, wbioh le now 12irly wall equipped. At pr0aen1 there tare 0181200 members, witb eight more who tam be. gap praotloo, eo that the membership for the eoming swoon will be twenty.tonr. Fbe'ofileare el0oted tot the mooing your are ; Bandmaster, Geo, Lone ; treasurer Fred, Oarihew ; ee°retary, N. R. Bain- ford, `07001EN 6207018 MEN DIB Kos know at lotto one of thorn had Ooneumption. At firet it wile only oatarrh-but it wag neglected. When "iletarrh0ZQne" OOr00 eo giriokly We foolieh to coffer -it's a theme to keep on eniffeliug and bawkiug, Catarrh °tone goes direct to the cause of the disease, -that's why tt'e e0 dead oorlain to ear,, It stop the 001,211, prevents that diegnetiug dieobarge, oleate phlegm out 1,1 the throat in five minutes. Very pleasant, and safe too; get Oatttrrhoaoue from your druggist to day, AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM e34 010, II$PLEt1a1Te, &o.-1. B. Scott, Auotiouaer, oma rnue.ved In truetione from the undersigned P re..rioter to soli by pub lie otiou at Lot 18, Oon. 14, Maintop on Monday, Feb 25 1909, at 1 o'clock, 1118 follow- ing valuable property, viz :-1 mare, 18 years, 1 heavy draught mare i0 fon , 1 driving mare,. heavy draught horse rising d years, 4 cows In east to Elmo' bred bull, 8 farrow Cows, 8 steers rising 2 years old, 4 heifers rising 2 years old, 8 steer calves, 7 better am vita, 1 brood sow will' litter, 120 you0g hene,1 pee000k,1 Notion seed drill, 1 mower, 1 buy rake,) Keystone hay loader, new,1 bay fork, Carriage. 160 feet rope and pulleys, 1 Front & Wood binder nearly now, 1 Deeuing cultivator nearly new, 2 fleury Plows. 1 gangp owe, 1 set Iron hare ve, 1. set 10001b, scales. 1 fanning 11111, I pulper 1 hay .ar8, 1 wbeelbarow, 1 gdt,dstune, 1 water trou;ib, 2 sate single ,11arue80 2 seta double 110008011 robe, 4 horse blankets, 0 wood beating etovee, 1 No. 8 Femme attune 1 De I awe cream eiparator, 1 set bobelelghe, 1 3 wagon nearly 000, 1 ton buggy, 1 cutter, 8 dozen grain bags, 1 log- ging cbaiu, about 12 Looe of mixed ilmothy end alelke hay, Battle chains, w brmeireee, 180kjuke0, 010vels forks and other 10110 os BOW without x•800070 as proprietor has nolo 8 p p hie )aim Terra -AM tome 1,t i25 and under cash •,ver that amount 12 mantle credit wilt be given on lu0biebing approved joint notes. 4 omits on the dollar off on ,edit amou uta JAB. BARRIS, proprietor, F. B. ,OOTT, auctioneer. IMPORTANT NOTICES rpljREE YOUNG SHORTHORN A. Bulla for sale, eligible for registra- tion. Apply to 10.8. 801218, Lot 80, Coo. 6, Morris Brussels P.U. 28-tf rrHREBI NEW COUNTER Show Casae for sale, ouch 6 foot long, walnut ,rumen and double think glass. Ap• ply to Tam POST, Brussels. _BULL FOR SERVICE. •- A Thur°' -bred Durham Bull will be kept for navies by the uuderbigned at Lot 24. 000.14, Grey. Pedigree may be seen op spoliation. Terme of 00. 82.4* DO. ALD AeaNAIa, Proprietor. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -The undersigned offers fur Sale his boners and los On the earner of Ohoroh and John etreeta,Bruseele. Firet.olaes situation. For further particulars apply to It. J. WILLIAb18AN, Proprietor. GOOD FARM PROPERTY FOR Bale on 'which is large brisk house, e taule, drilled well, cistern, fruit garden, &e ,5i acres of laud on Jolts and Judea et., Brueeels Terme reasonable. Apply to J OHN MaFADDEN on 'itemises 1,r F. S. boon', brussels. Notice The undersigned aeke all indebted to him to 0011 and settle at once as be bas disposed of his hareems bueineee, the new proprietor taking pusseseiun on February let 10B8 DONALDSON, 'Russets. QEED CORN AND POTATOES Fos SALE.-tienulne"BmntNuse"Dorn ouefully eased o0 the cob -the beet ensil- age corn we have ever seen. finwit the Nth Maywill ripen early in September. Also "14arly Triumph" Potatoes which have sue• euesfully resisted dieoaae for the pest three seasons. Q u y • drat tame, a ast eerved. .MKNIGHT Lot 21Oen. 12, Limy. 28tt J.1ARM FOR SALE. --THE UN- DERSIGNED offers his 60 aore farm, be- ingEasti Lot 11, 100.9,4rey, lor gale. On the premises le a frame bonne, batik baro 40000 ft., atone fouudatio 1, ema11 orchard Farm all needed down end in good shape ; 2 waver felting wells. Possession given 1l) any time. It not Bold farm will be .uuteu For further particulars as to price, terms. Jot , apply to the proprietor 81-2 WALTER MOKAY, t)f►!1 ACBE FARM FOR SALE �fl.l ll being Lots 27 and 21, coo 7, Grey, 1 Mlle Pleat of Ethel. 60 nares plowed ; ,8 aorta Pa11 wb. at; 5 aere0 hue]; ;• 10 acres pasture lat d; balance well seeded. Ie well teased and watered. Ou Menages are oam- fortable dwelling bones, bank beau 00x105. burse stable, driving shod, windmill and Silo. PoSaeselou Riven March 11511, For price, terms etc., apply on promisee to L. A. 0A0014,'Lrtlel P, 0. 2011 "'ELL KNOWN FARM FOR BALE.-aeing Lot20. Lon. 15, Gr. y, containing 1o0 acres of first -blues laud. The farm is to •, rood state of cultivation, thorn being 25 nares Full p•owed, eleven sores seeded to clover and timothy, 11 teen acres of hat, eve aoree Pall wheat, six acres hard- wood bueu, balance 'mature, There are throe good wells, aroused, frame dwolliug, trunk barn,oarrutge house aid other out- buhdingo. Fur price. terms, oto„ apply to DAVIT• or WILLIAM b21aLB, Executors of estate, on promises, or Jraubrook P, 0, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Robert Mantes late of the Townsbjp of Grey, in the 0ounty of Huron, Termer, deceased. Notate be bereby given, nureuant to Revis- ed 1to1utoe of Outarta,1807 rthap. 109, end amended Aoto, that ail creditors and others having any claims against the estate of the said RobertMorena, who died on 60 about til 101u 1113 of Way, 1905 aro r0onhred on or before too 2411 day of February, 1014, to send by poet, ereuald, or deliver to A B, MacDonald, of tbe Village of Brussels, in the 1lOnuty of Huron, Sofiorter• for Robert Malnnee, of f)eloraine P. 0,, in the Province of 'e anitota,tanner, Adtuiuletretor of the. estate of the said deoeulod, tho fun particula,s at their claims, the 0tutem0ut of their aeoduut, and the nature of Cho aeoutitieo (it guy) 1.01d by them. Autl hot10e Is further given that after the mid last 108611008d date the Bard Adminie. trator will groaned to distribute the tweets of 110 doeedsed amongst the parties ogtlt-. loci thereto, havlog rogord outy to the elating of wbioh he ehall then have notate and that the said Adminletrator will tot be liable for the meta, or any pan Iler001, t0 env 00000o tr per8000 of net, it 4161404 notice 041,11 not have beim raoetved (3 111, at the tilde of noon d10tr104tl0ft. Dated at brawls this lied day of Feb- ruary, 4'1:1.'11)16;B, ,D„ 190A0. .10, MA0D0NALD, 81.2 Solicitor for Admisletratoe, a Chan e o r Busin.es s The undersigned wishes to announce to the Public generally that he has purchased and taken possession of the Harness Business so long and sueeseafolly conducted by John Donaldson, 1300ssels, and will be pleased to be favored with a continuance Of the trade BO gen- erally accorded. A. first-class stock always kept and the wants of the public promptly attended to. GEO. STEAIN 'VOD FOR SALE, DRY AND Green, Beech and Maple. Dinette ham 10 to 48 inches. Orders lett at Thom son's grocery, nrutnels, will be promptly attended to, nr to J. 84. Hir,FFRON, ,Myth 1, 0. 25.8 Lot 19, (Jou, 7, Morris. I1AEM TO BENT, -THE UN- nanareN11D afore the 100 was, known OR 110 Aeklu farm, Lot 10, Oen,14, Grey, 10 rent. Good brink house, 2 frame barns and choice orchard, Farm Ie all seeded down exon trt 20 mores • 6 acres of Fall wheat i1,, 41200046100 at ull0m. For IUCtlel taYGtBUInt 8 apply to JnHv GRANT, Lot 0, Com. 12, tiny, or Braeeols P. U. 22•ct GRAIN • CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do tall kiufle of Graiu Chopping and ()rushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, ilran, ;shorts, &e., always i1, stock clod sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN IIILLINEHY Felt Hats for 50 ents We are also Agents for the "New Idea" 10 Cent Patterns. Call and get a Fash- ion Sheet. EMS HABKI iK MONTHLY Horse Fairs BRUSSELS Tile Monthly Horse Fairs will be hold in Benssele for the seas. n as follows :- THURSDAY MAR. let, 1906 - APR. 6111, " Lending Local and Uulsido Moyers 31111 he Present F. S. SCOTT, Manir. Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. ENE bTUDAIED Y0,014 ei)< ONFORT Having inveatod in a Rot Water Heating apparatus I am now in a position t0 offer you Hot Coffee, Beef Tea, Tomato Boaillou, and Chicken Broth at our Res- taurant on two flambee' notice. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for a continuance of your trade, I am, Yours Very Respectfully, 8 KER TELEPHONE Oysters Served Hot of Gold. 4111110111.11.16. Co. Are rnaklog the Ever seen in Finest display orBrussels. Call and See them and get Prices. .t