The Brussels Post, 1906-2-15, Page 4,tomittwometsisavauware,....-,~ Eite WainiStIgi )05it, TOURSDAY, FEE. 15, 1900. HOWICK MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. 0905 One el the Meet itioneeered Tears, Wen Attended Anemia Meeting, The thirty third annual meeting of the well known Howick Menial Ioannina Co. wag bald in the Townehtp Gerrie, ou Friday of lent week, Preei dent RIO, R. Miller onupying the °heir Mr. Miller spoke briefly of the peer yeer'a imeinees etating that 04 000 we, added to surplus. Now $17,000 with six and a half million lib mem. Tb. Company had beau fortunate tide yea, and the °tending of the tlo. wee soot. that two outside Fire Iosnranoe Gum patsies had oome to us for polutere • nun improved methods in managing tbe hemlines. Mr. Killer gave a numuer ot interesting feats. Eleoretary•Treasurer MoKeroher react the minutee of the Liet sensual meeting, which on motion of W. H. Gregg sou W, Doig were paned. Report of dm adore was read and on motion of Mama. MoKeraher and Edgar. Auditor's report, whioh shown amount at risk to be 06498,911 00; premium note °spited, $329,945 00 ; amens, 0317,388,72, was preeenmet by Auditor Granam. After a short dia. oussion Jno. Stewart moved, seconded by A. Doig, er., the report was adopted. Daring the past year Robert Scott, who was a Director for over 20 yearn, paid Nature's debt and his seat wa- filled for the six months remaining in 1905 by hie brother, William Son. The Preeident vaaated the chair ann W. H. Herr, of Brussels, wee e.cseted to preeide on motion of Jno. Otewart sod D. Milne. Retiring directors were Joe. R. Pinder and Edward Bryane who were re.eleutere by aoolamation thereby teetifying to the good opinions held by the petrol's of the company. Wm. Soott did not fare so well as John Jaokson and Eclat. Deachman, of Minn, and Howl& tosvu ehips, were Moo in the contest. Air Jaokeon winning by a majority of 89 Robt. Fatties, Geo. Gibson and W. Greg, were also nominated but declined to be candidate°. The Scrutineers were Messrs. Graham Shearer, Dane and amp. Auditors Graham aud Shearer were reeleoted without opposition ou modem of Maser°. Weir and Wilson. The newly elected made short epeeists es in which they promised to give the Howlett Mutual their very best Berviae. Moved by J. R. Miller, enonded by Edward Bryan° that the thauke of the meeting be tendered to W. II. Kerr for noting as ohairman. Carried. The very interesting meeting MD then brought to a close. HOW WE FOUND OUT, To the Editor of Tin Pon. ; DWI Sza.—Wilen the writer of these lines wan a yoaug man he lived in a part at thio Cottony when log barns and log houses were the rale and not the exoept. ion. At that time yonr oorrespoedent was invited to midst at n baru raielug in the neighborhood of where the barn wile being built lived it young woman whom I will °all Betsy Davies. She was about 25 years of age, weight about 180 in., good natured and good looking. I was acquainted with her having met her at 'several parties. In the same neighbor hood lived a young man whom I 011. call Johnnie Weeks and will oall myee t Mandoyer. Said yonng man was about 20 yeare and boyish looking for that age It vytt8 the general opinion and talk amongst the men at the raisiug the. Betey and johnnie had eloped with earth otber and as tbe darky said "they went and done got married." Buggies being name at that time it wee popposed they travelled on foot about 20 milee la have the knot tied. It was quite oornmoo Li hear among the crowd, ',Well it000rding to the time they went away it must have taken them mod ot Met night to walk back." Johnnie was at the raieing and both were expected at the donee. Everybody wee anxious to know if they were married aud no one willing to ask him. Jobnule was very willing to assieb at work and there was ooneiderable fun indulged in at hie expense for he would be one of the &et to jump and take hold of a muodey or the end of a skid, then two or three would oall out "Elelp that boy for he is it good willing lad and there is danger el him getting hurt". There wee one married man in painter who appeared to enjoy the sport and felt quite jolly over it for when near evening he sitid he would like to have some young man try and have a good time with Betey, pre tending nob to know they are married and asked me if 1 wonid undertithe the job. I said if they are married I would not like to annoy tbern and interrupt harmony. He then eaid it would please him better than the prioe of it new bat. well then I °aid einoe you are so eager I will undertake to test the ones without, any new hat. When supper wan over the tables were oleared off quiokly, then mud° and a danoe started right early, kept my oye on the young couple and they appeared like mother and son They soon Went over to the other side of the room where Betsy eat down and Johnnie sat down beeide her. I went over to the same aide, ebook bands with her eaying 'Good evening Miss Davies' and eat down at the vacant side of her, then laid "Klee Daviee how are you enjoyine yourself this evening." She amid "I 401 not Min Davin." Well then I Mil cal you Betsy if yon like it better" I wane you to keep the first natule for me wheii the eet on the doer gets through." N. anoint but Johnnie gelid "13etey oome home," now Batley yon oame here this evening to enjoy youreelf and have a good tittle and if you take my adviae you Wilt stay and enjoy the fan and if yen give Me the firet Mom then later on Whet yon with to go then if you aooept Of tOmpany I will see yeti Safe home" I staid. Johnnie juniped to hie feet. with his Vole° pitched to it high key and old "Betsy1 'gay come home." Jnet thee the mato and dance Oalviti to a stand Still. Then I said "what reason or by Whet authotity 00 you talk in tha. ntanner to Betsy Ho replied "My • reagent and my authority ie that Belay be my Wife, Yon ate teying to page it oke on nes JOtt I,00 tryine tO pelte tOo el ne, taty Beteg IP my Wile " ,'Well than / muat hear it front Bony before 0 believe it I eald. "Betsy are you married to that young man ?" She !mid, "That young Man is my htleband, that settles it," I etood end *mid P4r, and Mee. Weeke I beg your pardon, shook bands with eaeh of them and velehed them muesli joy. Then she made and dame etarted up agent tiud every thing passed of without it kink or it catch until it sue higb time for each pereou to wend their way homes Now Mr Eelltir 11 yen think then lines wirth giving to the readers of TDB P0s2 yen are quite weloome to do so. Yonne trely, MUSDOY1111, Morris Council Meeting. Tbe (Donnell met wording to adjourn mane lu the Ociunon room Morris, ou Feb, 5111. Itembers all present the Rove in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Tbe Auditors report was presented and examined by he Council on motion of Campbell end Yvanl the said report was accepted as eatiefeotory. On motion of Kelly and MoOnteheon, Dr. Hamilton wae appoint el Meoioal Health offleer for the carrels' y ear. Ou motion of Youill aud (tamp bell, Jamee Davie was appointed •noeviewer in place o/ Sa111011 Sharp, moved by 01r. He ly eeoonded by Mr. IdeOutoheon, that, this waned endorse 1.1t A.ation of the Ontario Muukiipal denoration iu regard to the question of "Hering of Muniolpalities from the heavy responeibilitiee impoeed by Section 606 of the Mauicipai Act and that our Member be requested to present the p.tition uf this council on the eaid qneetioo to the House at the corning eepion and to support the 13111 when it comes up for coueideration. Oarried. Ferrand appeared in referenoe to a settlement of hie alaifor damages on melamine of the oonetrootion of Lemont drain. It Wee decided that the Reeve °wirer with the Reeve of Grey in resent to matter. Mr. Kerr appeared in refer. with to Townehip printing aod elated that, on nuoount of the prices of labor anti matetial he tiouid not do the work for . he money offered but would agree to do ‘he same for 040.00. Moved by Mr. Kelly !seconded by Mr. Campbed that Mr, Herr be allowed $40 00 for the work Myriad. Accounts were ordered to be p18 es follows viz —Corporation of Tut -ebony B. Linen:it $23.40 ; Jae, Clark r.-poiring bridge One. ; Jas. Boon filling washout $17.50 111. Blaok, Auditors -.alary $8 00; R. Jobnston, Auditors ettineY. 6800 ; T. 8. Breeden Treasures !Oars, $100 00; T S. Brandon, expeoses to G de .ob 55 00; Neil Biaok, balapoe ou stove' 9120; Mr E..1y, material and to.k t, au. verts 5980 On motion of MoOntchson itiS Youth, By-law No. 1 1906 wee only reed and paned. The Council then adjoorned 8014001 again on the 1207 day of Mara next. W. GLUM, Clerk Grey Council Meeting. The Connell met pursuant to order in Mir Tawinhip Kb,, Ethel, on Monday February 5th, at 10 it. m. Members [freesia, R -eve in the chair. Minotee of lust meeting read and approved. 0,1 monon of Oen, noonded ar-tht thee the oontraot of ths the alolsewortn, Brown, and Dilworth aboemente be awarded to El. S. 0.10, at 93.75 per ou, yd. Cement, sand and gravel, exaavatioe; from below bed of stream 4008088 per no. yd, taking down old bridge. Carried On motion of Johnston, neonded by Bingen that ehe contract of the Cummings bridge abotmente be given to rd -sere. Hemeworth and Eakmier, at 6395 per on yd. oement sand and gravel, exoavatiou Ir 07 below bed of etr eem 30 once per an yd. and taking down old bridge,010 00. Carried. Slime motion that the contract of the Bremner abutment° be given to Mesons Eleinsworth and Eolunier at 08 90 per en. yd. Exoavation from below bed of stream, 30 owt per cm. yd taking death old bridge. On motion of Brown and Cutt, A. Hill Oo, received the contract of the Moles. worth, Cummings', Brown and Bremner bridges superstruotore for the enm of $1225.00 • Ore motion of Grant enonded by John moo, the following amounts were paid ;- 6 oopiei Municipal World en Assess - moot Roll 5 6 60 Wm Mo/leivey, 1 44 LP S. Soon, rental for Brussel 24 00 Han 1904 and 1905 Chas. One Commutation Statute lab 200 Alf. Ward mooring Calvert Bdy Grev and Eiroa Gray's share„ 25 Andrew Meehan rernovinu bush and timber B. B. cone. 16 and 17 0580 Robb, alaTaggart removing bush and timber EL IR. coos. 16 and 17 1650 Dan, Shine, part payment of Pilo Donald bridge approaoh 10 00 Rrehard Oardiff, filling washout lob 10 don. 18 8 50 David Inglis filling washout lot 6 on 8 400 Jno. L. Davidson repairs to road lot 4 son 12 1 00 Jno. Stens filling waehoat lot 18 eon. 10 1 00 Robt Miller, removing Mitchell, bridge to lot 4 con. 12 from Morris 16 50 ben Lake fl ling culvert lot 25 oon 10 150 Peter Tarr, °Prawn pipets 2 00 Donald MoTeggart, on oontraot 04aLean leturr, drain 25 00 Jos. Rey nerd, filling washout lot 15 aon 8 125 Peter J. Biebop, postage and etatiouary 1 00 Jacob Nranter,poatage and station. erg 04 Robt Bremner, tiding weshout anti removing thither 8. R. 5 non. 8 2 50 L Frain, inepeoting farm bridgee Lamont Murr drain 2 00 Council then adjourned, JOHN MOINT091/ Clerk, E. B. Eddy, the great match Mandan. loner, of Hull, is dead. Mtg. Elanor MoMillan'mothet of the Lieutenant Etheernor of Menitoba le dead. Po toe Magietrate William Forbee, of Gritneby, has been dientined by the Whitney Government. A thief emaehed the plates glen window ni Malelillan's jewellery Inure at V lino. ver With • hriek, and tot away With $150 000 Or $20,000 Worth of garde. Fire In the reetlivirig freight ehede .c. the (.1 P. R. ot Winulpeg did 0100,090 damage. Sir William Van Horns says the 0, P. R. will be doublentraaked nom nest to oottet some day. The Grand 'Ironic will build it floe new hotel at LOndon lo oonneetion with the new railway statioo. Mrs. PdeQuade, of Port Colboarne, died of injuries° received In the ,re that deetroyed the Neleon residene. Two mediae' eindents of Qneeuni Uni varsity were tharged 0111) alleatlIt 111 the Polioe Court by another etudent, who did not take kindly to hazing. The Hodson Bay Company announces their intention to contain motion of On titrio Government in aiezing large ship ment of oompeny's furs at Ottawa recent. ly. TERRIBLE BACK PAINS They fairiy agoniz• your life, Some. elyng powerful and penetrating is needed. Dootore kuow of nothing eo swift to re. ileee 05 Nervilioe, a strong peuetratiug linimeut made to ours jnet such peine as yours Nerviline is very oonoentrated, Aunt four times more ,powerful than ordinaly linitneuts. In the worst nen Polson's Nervilioe Is extraordinery good, eav-cr..-Lretry—rar. Al Mlle. Olin nein flees tlehne it. Nearly AliCTION SALE& A LOTION SALE ON' FAR -14 Aussioas, r, bee T. nolved InetruetiOne from the underideued Pp primer to 9611 by pub- lic 'mane at Lot 0, hon. 11, Grey, on Frio I day Feb. lOtti,11106, at 1 o'clock, the follow. Ing valtiable property, vis, t-1 draught name In foal to `Baron Fife'.1 driving mere :111 10 tin1yt0rIgig tr"inettiTr'i elf air r y . •-tteutoa',1 than black Inores 0 and 0 v, ears old, 2 mitre due to eels° in AMC, nelfers g years old in calf, 2 dry Onus, fel row cows, 0 fut steers ris ng yeare, 5 Lenora rising years, 1 heifer riving $ soars in calf, 10 calve% Won' oblirifill'7°IlekLIVF010.004 4,re0 wPigu'o0 Pbligu"d4Olinineflokbot" out, Duel{ aud sheaf carrier, 1 five feet out rTItae /1 itt'yk rat k° 63'1 e 100.01.1 111%011 el"; Ofbaaiiy- tey-Haii FA hu,rd dr111, 1 general 'purpose Mew, uew, 1 xtiu Lilo harrow, 1 set Moo humps's, 1 scuMer, 1 rout indoor. 1 lumber Wagon, box and wing 0e8t,1 net bobeleig be, 1 lam top buggy, 1 open in100Y, 1 nevi cutter, 2 tanning mtlis, 1 set smiles, 2000 tbe, Fleury grender,10 Mob plute, 1 set dotthle hareem, 1 net single barnoes, 1 cook stove, large else, 1 kitonen table and other artiolee sale nu. (marled as Proprietor has 1,9(0,1 tils farm. Talmo td Sale—All sums of 800,) and under, earn ; over Chit amount 10 months credit will be given on fitrulablint uppioveu noble. 4 per cent, allowed 010 101 cash on coedit amounte. ALBERT OAKUM, proprieter ; a. 13.11o2T, auotIon- eer. maeat4.0inGsaanoaenalacalwannw; Mu year!. io useees end regomMenention I . BWOOD 1111,1,E1VENTB, &a Sault, Ci Change of Business eurely. Itoyal I Ilail 81mi-revs To Liverpool CALLING AT NIOTIL/4E (1.0ndondePeY) From St Job u Prow Ream. Pretorlau -Mat., Feb 17 Moo., Ftb 10 Tu uislau NI113111114D MP:Dr.:04 ...... Fel.. 20 Corinthian . " Mar 0 " Mar. Mar. 13 Stales of Tanen° First O1ase—$50 Run outsold% acieordin to steamer. becanici 014 es—$40 suit 048,00, Louden $5.50 extra Third Clitst—Tunablith 857.00, Mane steamers 850 00. ROSTON TO GLASGOW Sardinian Thursday, Feb. 22 HALIFAX TO LONDON and HAVRE Pomeranian iaturday, Feb 24 For further partioutars, rates aud Cokes, apply to W II, MEIRIt, Agent Allau blue, Brussels. SIN'S CONSEQUENCES Innocent Indulgence Often Brings Trouble Means of Escape The ooneequenoes of violating Opined law are often as unpleasant AS the breaking of a moral rule. The its- innent indulgenoe of overmating bringe consequences that amonnt to real softer tug IndigeetiOn is not natural, 11 10 not right ; it, should not be. We offer a memos of escape bo Miona tablets that is and praotice.l. These simple tablets are oompoeed of such valnable rnedloinal agents as niernuth subgallate, aldob is superior to a 1 other remedies for stomach troubles, oerinm oxalate, and Motu aud correct. ,Y00 which promote the action ot the Native °ramie, etrengthen the whole — Simple digestive tract, and it makes it poseible to eat when you like, If you suffer wins headualiee, indigos tion, Otto inoy, heart horn, dizzinees, eleeplessness, back ttobe, or debility and weaknese, begin the use of 'Ilion& 0 onoe. Jun onetablet on. 1,1 a 60 neot box before each meal ann you will regain pertain health ano strength. If you cannot obtain Miona of your druggist it will be sent by mail post-peio on receipt of the price. Wriie us for advice on your cam from a leading nom aoh speoialiet which will be vent free. The 10.1' Bu,,b Uompany I01l9008, 17. Y. AUDITORS' AJE3STR1ACT —OF THE -- VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS FOR THE YEAR 7905 RECEIPTS. Clash on hand. 'ounty Rate levied onsolidared Sahool Rate iohool Loan Local Iinprovement Sinking Fund Govt. Uraut School Licensee ninellaneons Bente Resident Taxes Dog Tax Borrowed from Sinking Fond.. 2421 71 Lookridge By-law levy DISBURSEMENTS 04579 20 County Treasurer 421 61 Coueolidated Loan 2299 72 School aaaount 2008 52 &hoot Loan 429 81 /moat Improvement Fated 1431 78 Sinking Fund 2476 88 Salaries 17.7 00 Printing 288 00 Interest 507 26 /ASV Costs 497 85 Roads and Bridges 1798 88 Fire Proteotion 59 00 Stint lighting Town Gall and Scales 114 98 Misoellaneous Publio Library Loekridge By-law Loan to Sinking Fund Cash in Standard and Metropol- itan Banks 5177 30 51964020 Total 019540 20 Total $ 298 65 2299 72 2195 00 429 81 1434 72 1200 00 682 60 66 82 59 66 1666 63 101 75 212 90 885 50 17 56 121 26 158 00 616 45 2421 71 BALANCE County Rate $ 422 97 Sohool macsonut 179 32 School loan account 887 50 Consolidated Loan 3.438 00 Sinking Fund 3456 20 Loma improvement 181 01 -- Total $5965 06 SHEET Locril account short 0 425 71 L ekridge By-law No. 1902 short 862 05 Gash to Standard slid Metropol- itan Banks 6177 80 Total $5965 06 ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Oash on hand 9 6177 80 Coirsolidated debt Unoollected Taxes Dee. Blat 450 82 School debt 5% ou Uncolleoted Taxes 22 54 Sewer Loan debt Town Hall „ ...... ........ 2000 00 Looal improvement fund Fire Department 4000 00 Looa Industry debt Public School 9000 00 Band instruments, weigh scales 400 00 Town Bell 850 00 Mnuicipal debentures 4242 59 Mortgeges on Real Eleteste 9950 00 Banta due 42 00 Amount to Wane 19088 42 -- Total $54673 67 432000 00 7500 00 1075 85 9947 88 4150 44 --- Total 054678 67 We, the undersigned Auditors of the Village of Brussels for the year 1905, hav- ing examined the amounts of the Treasurer and Colleator and all Vouahers and ammunts of the Oorporation have to report the same o ,mot as per foregoing report end find the balance oath on Nana in Metropolitan and Standard 13anke to be $5177.80. W. EL Mor`RACEEN, . wiDDITORS. 1. Y, S. EIRE, The Home of Good Clothes "In the Spring a Young Man'v Fancy fondly turns to Thoughts of Love" and New Suits. HAVING just received a large consignment of all the Latest Novelties in Spring Goods we only wait your inspection of same, feeling confident that we Oall please you, both in price and all that distinguishes the well dressed man. Dodds & Habkirk Leading Tailors AUCTION SALE OF FARM smsca,thrmanurpre, &O,-13, 8. Scott, auotioneFr, /244 been instruotecl by the underolgned to sell by publio auction at 8. Nei f 1.1 80 vet]. 8, tlorrls, on Tuesday, Feb 20th ,1900, alt o'elook the following yarembi, eropersy, vie. 1-1 horse rieing 5 years old, 1 good wthinug mitre, 1 3.005horse rising 2 ezierioylni, 1,7 gr. re grkpit.agejmipupoosaell, 1 0corec 41ong i :1%1 vg 2..tirt: td i est uhg f Lir 20 aylotla, rg. B.Biade,rs. heiters rifting 2 yews 0101, 0. them. bred York aow with rig,1 nester aow 91 h pig, 7 plot ty.seei.gglibimu itib,..1710001.1b4.9, 5105eoeuoures ebougsde 1 pttg.ps bum. 1 lumber wagon, 1 est settles, emu bay ruck. 1 Noxon euttivttor with wide and bau:r. c pu iev air: 05'5", 16 we n' 17001:61/1r Uev;s, 'ebeaul d" anb .1.08higattinhe.r1,41 1,1 el net. rural y sn toe, 1 turnip puiper, 1 wheolUarrow,1 met double humus, 1 set single butane. 1 pair 008,00 bhumut,, roUa , 1 sugar kettle, 1 Daisy churn ,elfout 40U bue. uate, about 50 uus.bariey, 5 ULM d.1 dap 00,10084 aaa oremmaiy (taus auduumereus utinte &aides. Salo unreserved ad term ims peen ren.ed Terms—Ali Bliuni Of $0 aud uuder oath ; .ver blut !meant 10 mouths moult will be slven cnt furnleillug approved Mut 00000 O win:alb, off tOr °Bali uti credit amounts Crain 10 00 email. W. H. ma.IITIDElts, plop • 'labor; B.S. SouTT, andbioueer. IMPORTANT NOTICES THREE YOTJNG SHORTHoRN Bulls for sale, eligible for reglatre.- Mon. Apply to 7,1 B. SPELE, Lot 80, Oen.% Morris Brusaela P.O. 23-10 THREE NEW COUNTER .1 Show Oases for sato, 00511 0 feet long. walnut 'Donee and double thick gum, Ap- piy to Trio PuBT, Linn:Bele, QTRAYED ON NI; LOT 17, kJ 000. 8, Morris, about December 21st, a °X Terrier bitch, wuer may him same by proviug property and paying expenses, ,",ZEED CORN AND POTATOES 13 Fiat SALIC.—Lienulue“tituut Non" eon c ref ally saved no the cob—she beat mail - age eorti we have ever seen. gewn the 9011 Way ,wil I ripen early in September. Alia. "Early Triumph" Potatoes which have su1. cusstully resisted dieenno for the past three seasuus. Quantity limited ,• find 00010,waved. J. Of, KNIGHT, Lot 21, Oen. 12, dray, 25 -of 2 on ACRE FARM FOR SALE 1../ being Lots 27 mid 28, oon 7, Grey, I wile /Cast of Ethel. 55 eons plowed ; aurae Fall wh, at; 5 acres bush ; 10 tioie,. Pascua la t 8; balatufe well seeded, Is well fe titled and watered. Ou premien are cont• fortuble dwelling house, bunk barn 50x105 In.rse stable, driving shed, windmill and silo. Posnession given Murrill den. sot price, terms, eta., apply on premises to L. MASOls, Ethel 13.1). 2011 WrELL KNOWN FARM FOR sar,s.-ssiag 1, at 20. (-on 15, Gr. y, 0011Baiii1iiii 100 acres of Bret -clots land. The 'arm is tu ood state of 0hltivation, therc 1)0105 05 acres Full p owed, eleven aorta seeded to cloverand timothy, 0 teen am, oi hat, Ave amps Fall wimut, itoret, ham 00011 bush, balance pasture. There no. throe geed walla, orchard, tratue dsfellitg, 1,a00 Lento:luring° home and other ou,- buildings, Fur price, terms, etc., apply to DAVI. or WILLIAM snis»s, Executors 01 estate, on promises, or oraubtoulc P, 0, — — ......--. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Franois Beirnes, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farm- er, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Royle. ed Statutes of fluted°, 1807. Ohap 120, sod amended Dots, that Mt creditors end others any olalme againet the Udall.) of the said Fremoie Betthea, who died on or about 00. 7111 1107 01 January, lgoa, are Tegilirel 00 01. bi,10113 111,1 2411, day of Pphrua,y, 1906, to send by poet, prepaid, to Matthew Morrison, Plsci , Waltou 13,0,, 0)10 0! the Nbeffoutore of Cie estate of tbe BalI dectensed, the fuli partials 9)0 01 their claims, the statement of their aceouute and the nature of the seouritlesid any) held by them. A ,1 notice le Webber given tnat after the said last Di oulluuud date the said Ex enter, will primed to distribute the tweets of the demised amongst the parties entitled theret f, having raga 11 wily 0,, Ulu olefins 0. which they shall then have notioe aud 1051 bbe said tOxeoutore 19.11 not be liable for the assets, or any part theYouf, to any person or persons of wh.se Maims bootie shalt not have boon received by them at the time of "IllintedlbiartBibutulasusels this 20111 gay of Xall- "L1'18'18' 98MACDONALD, Solicitor for Brominn DIMS, tieufryn 13.0.1 01 MATT, annanson, Walton ,P, Orf Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Robert McInnes late of the Township of Grey, in the County of t'lluron, farmer, deceased, Notice is hereby given, Pursuant te Revis- ed statutes of Ontarle,1807, Chap. 120, and 1t01001198 A.abs, that all credftere and others having any Maims agalant the estate of the said Hebert Moieties, wh mod on or about th leta .1,09 01 AlaY, 1005 are 'equiv.( on or b .foro the 248h day Of February, 100, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A 13. MacDonald, oi the Irill go of Brunets, in the !totality of Enron, Solicitor tor Robert &Wenn, of Intorno° 13,0,15 the Province of aultoldt, fernier, Adtuluintrator of tue estate of the said deemed, the full panioulam of their Matron, the statement of their afunnititi and tbe nature of the seonlitdoe CI any) bold bythem, AIM ocitiee is further given that after the saki laat men Caned date the 51018 980,1010, tyator lylIl proem:id to distribute the assets of the deceased ainouget the panne entit- led thereto having regard only to 1110 0101000 of Wiliob ha Shall then }11194) 110t100 and that the rada ad61nsistr6.tor wIll not be Halo fey the tomato, or any pert thereof , to any person or trersone of %net,. holtil flatlets ehall not MVO been Itouleed by him at the Mum of utten distributton. Dated at Brtiffeeld 11110 drti day Of 13en- di,D.,1000. 9.15. MA0GONA 40, Belleitor 651 Adeulelstratop. a a a a The undersigned wishes to announce to the Public generally that he has purchased and taken possession of the liar ess Busi ess so long and successfully conducted by ;John Donaldson, Brussels, and yeill be pleased to be favored with a continuance of the trade so gen- erally accorded. A first-elass stock always kept and the wants of the public promptly attended to. GEO. STEMN numt5m-pitouwz..9umstectitutpuutt,) WOOD FOR SALE, DRY AND Green, Beath itud Maple. Lengths (mut 10 10 48 inches. OICIerd ion at Thom - eon's granary, RrUSfiele, will be promptly attended to, or to tt 7,017.1071100, 1113111 P. 0, 254 Lot 12, (Jou. 7, Morris, VAIIM TO RENT.—THE UN - 1... DEllstaxED often the 100 acres, known ae the /Wan farm, Lot 10, Can. 14, Grey, to rant. Good briek house, 5 triune bates and eholee orchard. "Nita le ell seeded down uzeept 20 acres; 6 acres of Fall wheat fn. PJetiOeSIOLI at once. For 'avatar partitnilarS ,pply GO JOHN GRANT, Lot 0, Oon. 12, "o7,01 Brussels P. 0. 02.01 GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave 0 notify the farming community hat they are now ready to do til kinds of Grain Chopping and ;rushing at lowest rates. All rook will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, ;ran, Shorts, &c., al wage in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Kill at Electric Light Building. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MILLINERY Felt Hats for 50 Cents We are also Agents for the "New Idea" 10 Cent Patterns. Call and get a Fash- ion Sheet. KISSES HARM( MONTHLY Horse Fairs _ ....--....._._ BRUSSELS k The Monthly Horso Fairs will be h lid in Brussels for the ens. n as THURSDAY MAR. let, 1906 APR. 5th, " Awen.. , ; Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present F. S. SCOTT, Clam. Farmers or Storelteepere by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. alri8DARD YOUR 0014PORT Having invested in a Hot Water Heating apparatne lam now in a position to offer you Hot Coffee, Beef Tea, Tomato Bouillon, aud Chicken Broth at our Res- taurant on two minutes' notice. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for a continuance of your trade, lam, Yours Very Respectfully, J.W KERNEY TELEPHONE 5 Oyster's Served Hot or Cold. HRTISS F411AS 0,201•1161•11.R.11101.1MMIMMIllall Co. Are making the 121 Finest display of eiltters BEI:u"srseslese. n Call and See them and get Prices. e \