The Brussels Post, 1906-2-8, Page 8Goods You May Require
Thief time of year, as o rule, brings much Bic:knees, eepeelally
Oolde, Bore Throat, La Grippe. &o, If you should be eo unfor-
tunate as to he a viotim of any of !Mee we would like to furnieh
you with the necessary supplies you may require in getting
well as speedily al poeeible. 1?erhop, the following may be
-Hot Water Bottles.
-Good Atomizers from 50c, to $1 25.
-Antiseptic Tablete-Listerine, for use in same or as a gargle for
Sore Throat.
-Cascara Bromide Quinine Tablets to break up la Grippe or Cold.,
-Blood Root Cough Cure, 25c per bottle.
-Camphorated Oil.
-Stearn's Aromatic Cascara.
-Catarrhozone for Cold in Head, &c.
-Armour's Extract of Beef, &c,
gacat ReiDs gtem5
A chiel's among ye takir 'notate,
An' faith he'll prent 1..
TEA in question ie solved.
&Boob Board will meet Friday nett-
ing of erne week.
LET the fellow who said aold weather
was wanted stand up.
Ion is being stored for R. Thomson
this week in his new block.
AN ;Moult case con the perpetrate!
810 to 312 this week to mnare it a ff.
B. GEESE and S. T. Plum attedeo the
Go. Orange Lodge at Winghem on Tue.
/Bowen !Mutual Inenrauoe Go. will hold
its annual meeting at Gerrie on Friday
efternoon of this week.
RI8EY1131M tbe anotion sale of magazhee
in Brunetti Library rooms neat Saturn,
Feb. 10th at 7,80 o oink. F. B. Socae,
Jame MoGreenea, while nuffieng witt
Harry Qoorin, had tbe mieformue to
have hie right arm fractured and ie new
carrying 18 10 a sling.
REBENEEll the date of Taube & Son'e
visit to Bruseele, Feb, 21 & 22 and it your
eyes trouble you make it a potut to oot,
eult them at Foxe Drug store.
A VERY enjoyable time was spent at
the medal given at the home of Impee.
tor Robb, under the auspieee of the A.
Y. P. A., of St. John's 'WM oh, on Tuure•
day evening of last week. Games weir
interepersed with the roneicat and oter•
ary program.
A MEETING Of the Bennie Pubilo
Library Board was held in the library
room on the 00111 alt. when Matinee of
importance was discuesed. It was empti-
ed to bold the anuual eaetiou Hale of
magazines on Saturday. eve. i e, February
10th. Sale to oommecoe at 7 80 &One
Loanott Advertiser soya ;--aalre. J.
Ballantyne, ol Byron, sendthe Aover
tiserer a folly developed pansy beeesern
that was pioked in Spriugeank Perk on
Saturday, January 27th. And add the
uuenligbteoed out eider apnea of the.
Oane.da of oars 9.8 11 11 were an unsex of
the North pole."
Tete anonal Assembly, ander the
direction of tbe Bachelors and Bend tot e
of Brusesels, fume off last Friday evemeg
in the Town Hall and attracted a targe
Lumber. Persons were mene8 from
adjoining towne. Choice mesal Watt
enpplied by an Italiau Orchestra from
Roar. THOMSON was crossing the pond
at Geo. Robb'. farm the other day exem-
pting the me crop, which he le hatoug
stored in hie oold storage Wadding, when
he took an involuntary bath throueh
some thin ice. Ont -door bathing 88 81118
season of the year is hardly on the regular
program but our townsmen dore not
appear to have suffered from tbe etunthat
DOING War/re-Geo. Irwin, foreman in
the Chamberlain Medicine Co. printing
room, Torouto, has received a well de
served promotion, The Go. epees a new
branch in Australia and the former
manager goes there. Geo. takes Llle
managership of the Go. in Torwato and
has signed a content for 5 yeare from
May let. Salary 325 a week or 31300 a,
year. The Co. paye all exptnees to Dee
Moinee, Iowa, to head office to get pant
ere. We congratulate Mr. Irwin ou hie
promotion and wish him coutineed pros
perity. He was a former readout of
Brunets being a son of James Irwin, now
of Toronto,
I. 0. 0. F, -Following, are the mw
office bearers in Weatern Star Lodge, No,
149, Bruseele, for the coming year ;-
N. G., S. Wilton ; V. G. Jno. K. Brown ;
Ree. Bee., W. H. McCracken ; Mo. Sec ,
A. McGuire ; Treas., F. S. 800tt ; W ar•
clan, E. Nioholeon ,•Staplaii, R, Leather.
dale R. 8,N. G., L. S. Duatfere • L. S
N. G., W. L. Leetherdale •, R. 0 V. G.,
H. Cunningham • L. S. V. G , T.
Williameon ; R. 8. B. G., N. Smith ;
L. 8. 8, S., J. Hemewortb ; I. (.4.,
W. 0. Smith; 0. G., Wm. Martin;
Phys., Dr. C. A, Toole, The Degree
Blaster ie R. Hendereon who is in 'Marge
of a team doing good work. There are
180 membere. Lodge meets every
Thursday evening in their Hail in Two
POST block.
QUIRT WEIMINCL-A quiet bat pretty
wedding took plan at the home of
Jamee and Bin. Ferguson, of Ionowee
on Wednesday, Jan. 31 et, at 2 o'olook
when Blies Margaret J, Edwarde, °Meet
daughter of George Edwards, of Bruseele,
woe united in marriage to Wm. Baillie,
16th eon. of Elmo. The bride looked
beautiful in a gown of brown bengaline
Bilk with over lane and torquiee
velvet trimmings and carried a adeo,yer
baguet of white roses and maiden hair
fern. Her Meter, Mies Oarrte performed
the duties of bridesmaid and wee very
becomingly attired in a gown of green
Wiens silk with Ian trimmings and
carried a bocenet of white roses and
emilaX. Jaren Baillie, brother of the
groom, was groomsman and performed
hie duties well. Rev, Mr, Fergeeon, of
Monkton, epoke the mystic worse that
made them man and Wife. After the
oeremony they drove to their home,
"towage Fano," where a etamptnotte
dinner had been prepared. Mr. atm
Mrs.13aillie *Betake np their abode to
the beautiful home of the groom will.
the good Wishes of their Many friends.
MINOAN Tmon's team took a runaway
o theme. Ives the other day from Thuel'
Brett mill,
Keenan Baas. are filling their 10e
hou.e, toe in comma from Davideona
poai.', llth con. of Grey.
'Tao coldest weather of this season wan
011 the proeram this week. Some tber
in meters marked 22 degrees.
Hit.maciume mune train eyeetrain, if you
888 bruub ed that way don't fail to con
t Taube rk Son at Fox's Drug
Some Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 21
.lid 22.
Annan 000E boa purohand the Frain
rope, ey et 2 °area, Turnberry street,
al web, oppoeite hie own residence, ono
tiering his present home for sale.
lie will move into the cottage 00 the
ew,y secured plot.
L Bs or eyesight ie woree than lose ol
fortune, and email eye troubles lead Op to
inore serious Plinio. No matter how
• get your eye trouble may be don't to.
eo uneorreoted. Gomm 1 Tanee & Bola
Fez'. Drum Store, Feb. 21 and 22
Da Ovone, M. D., Loudon, Eye and
Ear !Surgeon, will be at lemith'e Den,
eters, Bruesele, on the fleet Tuesday 1,
-'g& month. Hoare, 8 ae m. to 1.30 p.
en. Cataract, squint, failing eyeesght,
deafens and nasal eatarrh treated ono
'nen prepeny fitted. Next visit, Tuft
ae, \lamb 6th.
Tern home and lot belonging to Thoe.
Learrnont, Atli street, Brussels, bas
"eo sold to Harry Rona, who is al.
acty B. reerdent, for the sum of $440
lie gete poseeseion on March let. ma.
Gramma has recited Albert Guam's
arm, llah con., Grey, and will move to
.1 month.
OwINO to to tong time Melee are kept
'01 01 the Pelvic Libra, y by some read.
ere 10 has been decided that after the
,imit of two weeks has expired a fine of
2 ceote will be impoeed for the &et do)
and 1 milt for each sobsequeut day
books are kept. Is ie probably earelees
.ess more .thati asiything eine 'but other
neepte desire the 008 of the hooka 9.0 wei.
,0 the olong.keepers," henoe the ammo ol
he Board, If you have been au 08611081
.,018 ie the time to be good or else pay
Or y 00r negligenee.
cee CLYDE 0,MT.-Imet week Georg,
On:aeon, the well huowu livery man of
dr0000lo, went to Exeter, and purchaseil
to imported 111y0e etal you, rising 8
.eere otd, from Bawden & MoDoune, ,
paying a, good prioe. The COW wae
oroogbt from Boot and a few weeks age
.nd ie bred from the beet stable. Be yea 1
eeeigh well up to 1700 panda and ie a
very likely anineel. Tbe bursa bean th,
very sophonium name of °Hemmed%
Bop". He we/ brought here last Saint
nay. Mr. Mutd..on baa owned a flambe,
entire horeee but thie is Mae moot
of any of them.
W. C. T. 17.-Wadnesday evening ol
t hie week Mrs. Jae. Bryan, of lapainow,
eave a very intereseing and inattentive
eddrema eo a good eland audience in the
elethodist uhurch school room in thief
plain on the work of the W. 0. T. U.
She denribed earione phases of the
aptandid work beim clone by the white
ribbou women and urged hearty oo oper-
ation on the part of the women 01
Htaesele and ennounding country. .A
ortumb of the moon will probably be
rgatozed here. Tnere woe one iit
operetta:at for a number of years that die
a let of practical., work. Mrs. Bryou,
who is ' pteeident of the Uoiou to,
Bruce Go., weut from Brunetti to 0018
on Northern towns an pron.-eating lag,
wank. She is a pleaeaut apeaker and
89888 p .8104 on her theme. Are, Bryan
,e 10 daughter of Jno. and Mrs. Sala who
were former reeidente of Brunets.
DEMI OF MRS. SII&W.-The Clinton
Now Bra speaks as followe of the
lute Mre. John Sbaw :-Tbe death
tff Mrs. Shaw, wife of John Show,
.0., which occurred on Sunday, al
be h me of her eon, Dr. Shaw, was
.01 nitexpeoted, owing to a severe
truke of peralyeiexperieneed some
three umethe ago, bet sae is none the
ten mourned by a large oirale of so
foal:it:weep. Up to that time she ban
eu in oomparatively good health,
bot while at the home of her eon she
Wile affioted, and was never able to
teave there ; she wee conacione up 10
the test, tboogh largely in a beipteee
condition, Mre. Shaw was a native el
Catharinee, where she received her
early eduostion. Atter her tether'e
death she, with her mother and only
brother, moved to the townehip of
Eltal 818, where 812e lived for about teo
Neon, during wbteb time she married.
Afterwards elle lived twenty peen 818
Bruen e mid five years in Teat:neater.
About four years ego she, wall het
lenenuti, came to reeide in Olinton,
when the hag einoe made her home,
She haavee to mourn her loee a hue
band, two BODO-De elbow, of Clinton,
and Ooiin Campbell Shaw, of Spring
Ohio ; and three danglateee---Mre
(D. ) Merle, and 3488 MEM, both of Port
E.gin, end Dorothy at home. John
eeKlaght, Tackeeernith is her on y
brother. She was tt ounsistett 081101
bar of the Preebyterian (March, a arae
B ud faiihfial wife, and a loving mother,
baving been married for 47 yew, She
had made many warm &lent& during
her reeicieme here, 801110 of WhODI
showed their appreciation of her by
.eteding beentiftit floral tribatera The
the, eel e76.8 attended by friend° teem
inderiah, Winghein, Brunets, Port
Elein, StratfOrd, Ohio and Clintou,
Standard Bank of Canada
=$'1,A...11137.,Z51249=19 1872
1300IPTIC13, OD ItBSEBVE FUND $ 1,000000
A. Gronorai rlattalainer 13euta3reeSts TratentSaeted
Accrued Interest Madded to =moots every eiX mouths and beeonme prinoipal.
Joint Mann Aceounts-A SNBOIAL 009.VENII/NOB 10 000 in our Sayings De-
partment In tue "Joint Deposit" anemia Nolte}, May be 118)6081084 08' withdraw:a
by either of 808 09.0 members of tee IIOUPehOld. Tim eytitem 101. groat mamma
ionoe 0 018003 00014101 in town, but more particularly 80 60 farmers, as iu the latter
mice whethtr mutter wife comes to town 00098 8880 attend to the Bauklug. An-
o ther feature of 1118 8701008 14 that la 0808 01 the death of either pat ty tne money
Otto be witudrawn by the eurvivor without emit, We will telt you inure about our
methods 81 300 will Itindly call or write,
11Iarrled 111101 Minors may make and withdraw aepoeite without thole.
tea Mauve ul 8..711000110.
only fur which no uharge is made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oerettll and outerteous ettention,
A. 0. MAOFARLANE, Amnia.
l'he burial servioe was oondunted by
Rev. Dr. Stewart, the padthearers
tieing her 1180 8008, Dr. Shiite of Morrie,
earn., (e. brewer au law), Dr. Nerve
end Mr. Moir, of Port Elgin, (eons•in•
law), and John T. McKnight, of Tuck.
.'remith, (e. nephew.)
Business Locals.
ISAG of ohop foautl. A.pply to Wu,
Woax, gravel road, Bruseele,
BAT and pair of giovea found near
Waltou. Apply at TEE PM,
Ong hundred aorta farm in Morrill
township for sale at a olooe pries. Fur
particulate apply at TRH PORT.
Hata DBESPING.-Swituhee made out of
oombing• Kea out hair.
Mee R. HIROBTON, Mill Pt. WeEM,
Datessmeareee.-6110 Maggie Beam is
prepared 18 attend to the WaUte Of the
adiee at their homes or at her own home,
L it 29, Oou 8, Morrie, Bruseele P. 0.
WANTEn.-10boloe Ron Butter 250,
New .810 ergs 80o., 85.00 cash for No. 1
Milk. Clearing ease of Drees gown,
turs, 810, G. E. Roe,
W luguana.
IF you have rheumatism try Golder,
Liquid. I; will core. Gulden Liquid
le the beet liniment, pain kilter atm
cough medicine on the market. Put- up
Nutt sow only by R. GRONN, Brunets.
Two Slam t Horn buil ca yea for Bale,
Oue in 9 months old and the other 13
,nonthe ; oue a red aud the other a roon.
&leo Clothe pups for ea e. LA 22, Coo.
13, Grey,' Jas. D. ilioNair, Craubrook,
1'. 0
COTTER BARGAINS. -71u81 have Maxi
a 150 new boggle. to be built One eta
008 e0 wilt offer the balanoe of our out•
809 9.0 a k000k dowu prioe. Now le your
borme. Cali and see them sod get
prune. D. Ea -Ale & Co., Brunele.
People 'We Talk About.
Mrs. W. Beefier is 018 the Mak list,
Berrister MaciDoriald 9.880 818 Goderiob
1.1 !eget bosoms,
alines Douglas were holidaying at Gor•
to oho Fordwileh,
Min Hattie Murray, of Beaforth, is
01811103 88 Brussels.
Mr. Torrance, of the Klondike, 10 visit.
tag relatives in Brussels.
31188 Vera Danford 10 home from To.
route fur a Visa of a few weeks.
Misr MOM Gerry and Mre. Bert.
Gerry are vieiting Seaforth friends,
Mr. Semis, of the Standard Bunk, was
to Toronto for a few dayo last week.
Mre, R H Greeu hoe then ou the sick
ist hat we /nape she will soon be gaits
08810, ed.
Mute Blithe] BiloNiebol, of Walton, is
pending a few weeks wian her sister,
Mre:-W. Barker.
Errant Crioh, of Park River, North
OnlioLft, win a visitor at Mrs. A. 8.
Duagios' this week.
Alex. Cameron, whose home is in the
West, wart iu town for a few daye vieitiug
its brother, 11 71. Cameron.
Mum FaUtlie Rogers and Min Ktrie
emod, of Prestou, were vitiators with
needs in Wiugham last week.
Finlay Soot' jr., le compelled to keep
indoors until the Winter weather ie past
wing to au attack of pneumonia.
Mee, Walter Smith has been eerionely
11 with neuralgia of the Metro for the
oast 8 weeks but is improving -lowly.
Mre Zimmer and Mies Tithe were 09,0-
-0 to Toronto last Monday owing to the
erious Meese of RuBeell Zimmer. We
are glad to hear he shows some improve
The lateet word from Mardis MoLen
ean, Loadon, is that ha is improved
.omewhat in health and is sitting up at
awn. We hope he may some be restored
10 hie old time vigor,
August Guhr, who has n dredging oon•
breot in TJeborne township, woe in town
mit week renewing eta fronniehme. He
may poeeibly oome book to Brunette when
Mould] with hie jou an the South.
Mies Edith Monteomery and Min
Charlotte Stoute, of Toronto, are boli.
'toying its Brnesele the 300010 of lilies
Nora Helene, The former ita a eieter to
A. EL Montgomery, of the Metropolitan
BROS, Brussels.
3188. 5', Olaver and hor granddaughter,
Vise Mabel Thomson, are vieititig the
rotmer's daughter, Mrs. Bell, at Shakes.
;Aare and et ending the 511 anniver.-ary
Mr. and Mrs. 138,19 wedding. Tun
Poor.wiabee them many happy retarne of
D C. Roes, I. 0 Richards, Jno. DOM
•Ide011 and 0. 31 Broadfoot were at To.
,onto Om week attending the meeting of
he Durham Gement Co., in which they
and others 10 tOwn are interested. MiS8
Doric Rose s000mpanied bar father to
.he Queen oity.
Mae. D. Whiting and Mine Ettio and
outer Fred., of Duudurn, N. W. T,,
arrived here on Monday. The Rot
mentioned is a datieliter of W. and
Mre Ellie, I3rneeels South. It hi 813
eare slime Mrs. Whiting wee here.
They have done well in the West.
STEVENSON -In Eirna, January 17th, to
Mr. and Mre. Andrew Steveueon, 0.
e on.
aloGroaa.-Ig Grey, January 30th, to
Mr,. and Bare. D. G. MoGlory, a son
(Still born.)
HAMM= -In Atwood, on ;Tenn/try 28111
to ilir, 9.93 MI P. J. A, Eiamemed,
daughter (am hero
BAILLIII-EDwAnDs.-At the home of the
bride's Mono, Jas. and Ws, Fero
ecm, Lietowel, OD Wednesday Jou
alet, Mtn Margaret J., olden dough
ter of Geo Edwards, Bruesele, to
Wm. Bernie, 10th cop, of Emma,
..A.T.TC TIM ty7'
5111018!, FEB 01h, -Farm at ook, im
n Molts,810,1:00 14, Oeo. 14, Melleta.p.
Sale nmererved at 1 p tn. Jim, H.
Brown, mop. F.15 Scoot, Rue.
FRIDAY, Flo. 16 -Perm stock, im
elerneet,, &u , Lob 9, Con, 11, Gre.
sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Alber
Carter, prop F. 8. Surat atm
TUEBDAY, FRB, 20 -Farm stook, im
olemente dm. ki Lot 80,011,. 8, Mere te,
Sale nnreserveii el 1 p. m. W. H. Manta
0808 prep F. 8. Scott, RIM
SATURDAY FRB. 24 -Humehold Feria i
tore, &u. Curlier of W.1 '001 810(1 Albeit
etreet.. Sale at 1 o'clock, Juo. Douala.,
on, prop. F. 8 Scott, auo.
31oN0)17, FEE 28. -Farm stook, imp •
mente deo , Lut 19, Con. 14, MoKillos
▪ uirresetved, at 1 p. m. Janie,
Barrie, prop F 8 Scott, uno.
0000/11000881, FEB. 281.11 -Farm Moot .
ropeemente, dee Lot 20, Con. 15, Grey
e tve nureserted at 1 o'clock, W .1
-Miele, prop. 5'. 8. Soott, am.
3E110677MT.i22x-t5 Aoaes..M..0<=t2101
Fall Pelmet 75 75
Bar.ey 42 43
Petal 70 70
Oats 83 34
Butter, thee and roi.e19 20
Eggs per dozen 19 20
day per ton 6 00 6 00
Fiour, per bbl 4 50 6 20
Hoge, Live 0 20
Wool 23 28
Ba 1, per bb,., retail 1 00 7t
Potatoes per bee 85 40
Appiee (per bbl.) 1 50
BEING No 210 Turnherry street
Brussel'', 6 rooms zu house aul good kitels•
n at back. 8011 and hard water inside
For further particulars apply to A, C,00E,
Brussels. tf
The undersigned aska all indebted to him
to cell and nettle at come en he has disposed
of his handles business, ,,the mw proprietor
•s.hiug gukeeliamn on 008138080:9 1.88
JOHN DONALDbOls, Brussels,
Office In the Post Office, Ethel. 10-4
-The uudersigned offers for sale his
80088 and lot on the Muer Of Church and
18 ho streete,Brussele. First -cies, situation
For furtha particulltrej.aiwthilyil
▪ 01/10.071NED offers kb a 50 acre farm, be -
lug Beet & Lu110, dou.0,Grey, for sale. Ou
the promisee is a frame homes, bat k barn
40060 ft. htone foundatio t. email mallard,
Farm all seeded down end in good shape ; 2
tower to1ilo wello. P1.I88e9100 OMR at
zuay time. If not told farm will be rented
For further particulars as to mice, terms,
40 , apply to the proprietor.
21-2 WALTER bloISAY.
CAPITA L-Palal $1,000..000
RESERVE FUND • $1.000,000
8' m°0rTell'idont.
8.10. THOMPSON, IC, 0,
JAR 1191(01I
01011011011 110, 9.' nottmennet 00811113 0.
.101301 Fri)liT1110003
Moms? amoszes
MONISY OROBREi issued payable atianY
e (.13 e0Q-,' :Pi tit'
banking town in 09.00403. faxeeptleg the over arii.140nttb".0"1'3
Yukon Territory) without ellorge, at tbe fol- ov 010.00 10 000 00 '2011,80
lowing rotes n-nts
oym 300,00 to 0150.00 15 ce
DRAFTS for larger amounts iidated at reasonable rates payout,' at all banking
9.06010 10 CANADA '0 8200178882 STATES.
Intereet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Rums of reeet ;,4icipwarde
RUSISZkig aliddifeW
A. E M Meranger.
SToUli ilIPLEMINTB, deo -P, 8 Scott,
Autittorte. r,kee 00170,1 low ru ttlone from
the malernip ett Pi, priet or to sell by foib-
le motion ut Lot 0, Oon. 11 Grey, on Fri-
day IOoh,101h,1908001 o'olitali, tbe follaw•
ug valuable 'Imports". viz. ;-1 ortught
mare in foal te 'Baron Fife1 driving Inn e
4 yearn
• n1d111118altod8titrst' ,1
are081,11 i inL278itn1by
sg900u109.011 00000
bel4r'176.8.oid 10 .0fL3i:ry.owR:farrow 00W0, flit ste,'bo n
1::4,8111::'i:g2ill';fi":3,0810(12.0tbarn4°k.e001:Pig.0IlIge Im;;8b
.130e,11,Woool r,a0:
(19., taut atm sheaf eartier,1 five font out
cunt,Mk oeer1 en foot atee1
.01,1 hay ht1e011and.r.1
y.::,i1;d3r,11:i0„,°1purpn:,,::0;, ,010b:,r 1:..,
r,:;i0,trul0. 1 lumber
7.bi1.18,9..1 set Kobel
e:i 08,bigty717wcutte:iuis1.oi
2000 Ms,, 1
18,307 grillder.10 leak elute, 1 pet denige
,809.0010, 181101 ti'elnotin0 holTelan'd toebc°e°rkart"ite'lre•
;1.f,,11tit,...0111e0ev,emd a.of 11 esard
under, 0 b ; over that amount 10
p. t.191s0.0 tie di ul ti e pe,tr 0.00.18u.ranifiRclawinede
30 101 math ou oiedlt amounts. AL818111T
AUTBR, proprietor; 3,8. SCOTT, auction-
ST( OR, 1 POLEMENTS, (to -F. S Scott,
tiotinnoer, ha. 088 1 ustructed by the
udersigned to sell by public auction 00 18.
gel? Lot SO rott 0, 'word's, on Tuoo'lay, Pob
000.193at1 ?ol “okberol oyngya1:4:l o
t gond wot king mare,1 y 000 horse rising 2
ears old, 7 00we supp. 'fed lo calf, coming
.. early, 1 heifer milking, supposed lo calf,
5 a.p7ce, 2 steers 0181.3 2 years 0111)0 steers
; 1,11 0 years 2 heifers 2 years old,
rising yeats old, 1 Murat ,,red York
,elwristb pig, 1 limner sow wi h ptg, 7 p;gs
weighing about MO 108.,10 store hogs .0 pigs
pigoing about 70 11,0.45 young Mum, 1 t ,p
buggy , 1 lumber wagou, 1 a'0 Emotes, 2000
lbs., u early new, 1 eattet.. 113131 bobaleighs, 1
bay reek. 1 0003011 011ItiVALOT 89(181 wide and
narrow Met, 1 set ma harrowil, 100801 drill,
1 '".pi:1 0.,
,I,111tinfueurti.liga..8,1 g
w .
,1008, 1 turnip mina 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set
ouble harm as, 1 set singe haruees, 1 pair
1100 blanket., 1 buffai roue,' sugar kettle,
Daley churn ,about 400 hos. oats, about 00
us.barley, ,I.10 sap 00 ,11018 and
00,4408033( 0408 and11111.118roUS Other azticles,
ale uorelerve 1 ad harm tate ueen ran ed.
Terms -Alt au 00 of 15 awl under gash ;
ver tha. amount 10 mouths creda will be
Wen 80 furnialitag approved j dot notee.
parting,. off 108raseh tie credit aulOunte.
raiu 10 58 ;Josh W., prop.
letter; 00.8. CooTT, auytomeer.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Robert
McInnee late of the Townehip of Grey,
in the County of Huron, farmer,
deceased. '
Notion is hereby given, nursuant to Bevis -
3 atatutes 08 0018010,1897, (Map. 129, and
metaled Aets, that all creditors and Wrote
aving any claims emblinit the estate of the
said Robert gaunee, wli cued on or about
tb 1018 da May. MOS are required on
r baler° tut' 20t11 ,may of February,19.e, to
end by malt, Prepaid. or deliver to a IL
MiteDonald, of the Vill ge of Headsets, in
ho Bounty of Enron, Solicitor for Robert
Molunea, of P. 0 „ iu the Province
anitoba, farmer, Ad winistrator of tue
estate of the said deoeated, the full
partioula 0 of their claims, the atatement
,,t their 88000unt8 and the notate of the
hectuities ((0 any) Lehi by them.
Aud notice 10 further given that after the
fund last meotiouud date the said Adminis-
trator will prooaed to dietribme the smite
of the deceased amongst the parties entit-
led thereto, haviug regard ouly to the
(donna of which ho enall 1080 have
1 aloe and that the 0101(2 administrator will
Dot be liable for the masts, or any part
1000001, to au'? persou or permile of whose
elainad notioe shall net have been :mimed
bt him 181 1188 time of moil distrIbutiou,
Dated at Brussels this Ord day of Feb-
ruary, A.D.,1900
314 800101008 for Administrator.
Some people
don't like to wear
a heavy shoe at any
time. We are in the business to sen the kind of foot-
wear you want.
For good warm winter comfort, we recommend
for 10 light -shoe" wearers a fleece -lined, jersey cloth,
bellows front overshoe, one or more buckles.
We have some beauties, good strong rubber, one
pair will wear a whole season.
Both men's and ladies' in all styles at all prices.
Balance of our Felt Boots and Shoes at Reduced
Heavy n,nd Light, Harness, all our own make, at closest
prices possible.
Robes and Blankets at Deduced Prices.
Trunks end Satchels at Lowest, Prices.
lOnnifortable Dwelling f r sale or to rent.
!on, 8, Morris, about December 2100, a
Fox Terrier WWI. ()fetter may linve sante
by proviug property and paying expenses,
MTEDIRD Shur Ilona and Grade the
at HbIloolO 13t008 Pit.118, Londou 1104111, 1
001-8 South 01 0811t0,. 0,, WednoRd.,y, Feb.
s4 h, MB 231 Slo,ell'orne 11 eared, 0 The
Shorthcrus are go tel Cattle and Roll brad.
umorteal Bui1e have been la gal, 1.18.,1
ale wi 1 ontomanee at 1 p. ny, 4,88:41,
erm 8-4 mot the oredit given of furnishing
aptornyarl joint ume• Or 0 per emit. per
PLD pl
90-2 .9000100880.
Pasexvo Your
illataufenth Optieitane and Eyesiglit
Specialiete, of Toronto, to be 9.3 1117 Moro
11 I 1N141tip YFeb.208621
alai will bo pleased to have all those
roubled eith detective eyesight call and
aunsult thorn
They have been eetabliehed he Toronto
since 1871. During that time over 100,-
000 caiiee have been suconefully fitted by
Ono edema bilge they hove over others le
he fact that they g, iod their own Louses
anti by eo doing prevent any error in the
1' 0880 0889 of Len making.
• If your Eyes bother you in any way or
the Glee es yeti now weer are n
noble don t neglect this opportunity of
having your Eyes properly attended to.
All woela absolutely g aeanteed.
Oome ea ly 08 you may regtlire a asc-
end Mating,
For References and Testimonials see
Mall bills.
Drug Store
The Home of
Good Clothes
"In the Spring a Young Man's
Fancy fondly turns to Thoughts
of Love" and New Suits.
HAVING just received a large consignment
of all the Latest Novelties -in Spring
Goods we only wait your inspection of same,
feeling confident tbat we can please you, both
in price and all that dietioguishes the well
dressed man.
Dodds & Hab irk
Leading Tailors
We want to Turn Your
Thoughts Priceward.
Again this week. Chances to save anything really worth
while do not grow on every bush, even at this time of the year.
Sales are as thick as anyone could wish for and if adsare to be
believed there are many chances for a purchaser to buy himself
rich. Admitting the truth of all thats printed we still think you've
much to gain by pairoi3iziog this store. For one thing we haven't
picked out a scanty few articles that appeal to you but we have
made the cut just about general when we were at it and all up and
down the category of the home needs we offer'you chances to save.
10 only Ladies' Bleak DAVI Skirts,
newest Sp, ing styles, worth regular
32.50, Speciel thi week only nt....
1 50
15 only Navy and Black Fine Vene-
tian Lacliee' Skirts, nioely triantnecl,
the Newest Spring styles, worth
regular 33.75, Spetaal at
25 pars only Fine Nottingham Len
Curtains 00 inches wide end 8i yards
long bordered edge and worth regu-
lar 31.50, on eale thio week at
2 pieces only 70 inch Unbleached
Table Linen, worth regular 45o, on
sale thio week at
10 pieces only new Delainetts, real
value 15o, on sale thio week at
15 dozen Teethes' Cashmere Stockings
adze, 8i, 9, 0i, real value 80o, on sale
15 pieces only 28 ine . Wipe Flannel-
lette in light and dark colors, worth
regular 0o, on este at
20 YDS. FOR 1.00
10 pieces Fancy Plaid Glinghens,
guaranteed fast dye, very euitable
for quilt linkage worth regular So
and 70, on sale this week at
6 dozen Ladies' Fleece Lined Shirts
and Drawers, real value 600, on pale
this week at
25 ends Venetians, Eforneepuns and
Tweed These Goode, w rth regular
650, 750, 31.00 & 31.25, olearing thio
week at
Test these Prices and. make Comparisons
& flOSS
RICHARDS iarWe pay the Higliest Prim, for all kinds of Produee.