The Brussels Post, 1906-2-8, Page 60.0-otycQeesnc •reaotl8-o-oOcece0D ,I
The visitor and Sue Frances sat on the
pleasant shady piazza, eating cookies, at the double wedding will be anothei
Between bites they took Wog, straggly pair of twins, who are Cousins of the
Dxaraordloary Marriage 'Will be Coir
treated In Paris,
An extraordinary marriage will take
place In Paris shortly, when the twin
brothers C1larnteau, both 01 whom are
painters of repute, will marry the twin
sistars Renaud, two beautiful girls who
pre ouly 18 years of age, The best men
stilohos in Lady Claire's sleeeves; they
thought they wore Malting Lady Claire
a dress, Since the Visitors arrival they
had played croquet and ball, go-a-vistt-
ing and school, travel and guess what's
in my mind.
They were really quite tired out play -
Who's that striped little girl 'cross
there, wheeling a baby carriage without
any net on?" inquired the Visited, sud-
Sue Frances took another bile and
answered: "Oh, that's he1,11.1,10 girl who
never ,plays. She's always wheeling or
sweeping or cluing something; she never
"Never plays? Sts. Frances 'i'rewor-
"Well, honest, she never does. I guess
you'd pity her if you lived on the oppo-
site side of ber. It makes me ache!"
The Visitor got up rather suddenly.
"1 guess Pll take Lady Clare to walk,"
she said "she needs a constitution."
But it was not of Lady Ciairo's health
she was thinking; she wanted to go a
little hearer° to the Girl who Never
Played and see how she looked.
Across the street the baby cartage
came to a slop as 'the 'Visitor aproaeh-
ed. 'tile Girl who Never Played was
smiling! She ]oohed, just like other little
' 1iow'd you do?" she nodded.
"No thank you—I mean I'm pretty
well, thank you," murmured the Visi-
tor in some confusion. "You don't loop
a bit different!" she added, honestly.
"Me?—diferent?" in wonder.
"1 mean because you don't ever play.
1 s'posed you'd 10011—"
"Don't ever play—me. \Uhy, 1 play
ah the timet"
"011," stammered the Visitor. "Oh,
1 hope you'll beg my pardon. I thought
Sue Frances said you swept and work-
"Why, 1 do; but I play all the time
I'm doing it I always take the baby out
twin bridegrooms.
Alphonso and Gabriel Charnteau aro
so absurdly alike that they have been
the violas of ludrioous mistakes all
thole lives. Their mother is a widow,
and o11 this account ono of the twins
was excused military service.
Wishing not to be separated from his
brother, he went to live in the town
where his twin was quartered. Ilo was
arrested four tines during the first
week, and accused of appearing in pub-
lic without uniform. Ile Clad the great-
est difficulty in eonvineins the authori-
ties that he was not the conscript.
The brothers are so fond of each other
that they had resolved never to marry.
Rut they both fell in love almost eim-
uiLaneously. Their sweethearts were
also almost undistngulshable, and nits-
tnkes occurred so frequently that sell
twill began to dress Lar the first time in
a different costume.
e- i
Aching Backs and Sharp Slabbing
Pains That Make Life Almost Unen-
An aching, breaking bade, sharp stabs
of pain—that is kidney trouble. the
kidneys are really a spongy filter ---a hu-
man filter to take poison from the
blood. But sick, weak kidneys carrot
filter the blood properly . The delicate
human fillers get clogged withimpuri-
ties, and the poison is left in the system
to cause backaches, headaches, rheu-
matism, dropsy and fatal inllamation.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the ono sure
cure for sick kidneys. They make now,
rich blood, which (lushes thein clean and
gives them strength for flair work. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills set the kidneys
right, and make lame, aching backs
strong and well. Mr. George Johnson,
of the village of Ohio, N. S., says:—
like Ibis; what do you suppose 1 play "My son, now eighteen years old, sun
then? i was playing it when you came fered from kidney trouble and severe
across the street. You can never guess pains in the back, which caused hint
so 1'll tell you. I was playing body- many a sleepless night. We tried sev-
guard." oral medicines, but they did not help
The Visitor's eyes opened wide. him, and he grew so weak that he cold
"Yes," laughed the other, "I'm the not do the work that falls to the lot of
bodyguard, you know. The baby's the n young boy on a tarot. \Ve were ad -
czar, and he can't go out alone for fear vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
of being bombed and—things. I bave and this was the first medicine that
to stay right with him every minute to reached the cause of the trouble. [ie
bodyguard him." took the pills for a couple of months,
"Then, when I feed him I have to taste when every symptom of the trouble was
everything first to be sure it won't poi- gone, and he was as healthy as any
SOD him; that's the way they de with hay of ills age. 1 am satiated Dr. Wil -
the regular czar, you know. I take lit- Name' Pink Pills will cure kidney t•ou-
tle biles, and, when it doesn't poison hie in its most severe forms."
me dead, 1 give it to the ba --the czar, I Dr. Williams' Pinit Pills actually
mean. It's pals of fun to play that)" make new rich blood. se that way lees
"But—but you hove to sweep a lot, strike at the root of anaemia, indiges-
don't you?" questioned the Visitor, slow- tion, kidney trouble, liver complaint,
Iy. erysipelas, skin disease, neuralgia, St.
"Course; and then I play Em driving Vitus dance, and the special ailments of
out the hordes." growing girls and women whose health
"The—the what?" depends upon the richness and regular-
"Hordes—of sin, you know. My, don't sly of their blood. The genuine pills
11 sweep 'em out lite everything. 1 have the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink
make those little hordes fly, I tell you! Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper
But they will creep back, so next day around each box, and may be had from
1 take the broom and drive 'em out all dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box
again. That play's fun, too.' or six boxes for 52.50 by writing the
The Visitor's eyes were getting verY Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.; Brockville,
wide open indeed. She had never play- Ont.
cd sweep or bodyguard the baby. Sud-
denly she remembered a kind of work
you play.
counld't la .
"There's washing the dishes,' she said,
triumphantly. And as sure as you live
the other girl noded with glee.
"J play that three times a day. Ship-
wreck, I call it."
"Shipwreck!" the Visitor gasped.
"Yes the dishes tumble into the boil-
ing sea; waves always are soapsudsy on
the Ups, you know. i play a great ship
has been wrecked, and I'm the life-sav-
Ing stationer saving the folks. The nice
while dishes are the first cabin passen-
gers, and the cracked and nicked ones
the second-enbins, and the pans and
pots the ateerages. The saucers are the
boys and the cups the girls, and the but-
ter plates the little babies. it's the
greatest play that is!"
The Visitor went back to Sae Frances
with a thoughtful face. She had quite
forgotten ludy Claire, who dangled ig-
nolninously by one leg.
Sue Frances was playing tea party;
she had lea all ready. "Well," she said,
looking up from the little gold -and -white
teapot, "don't you pity her dreadfully?—
that poor little girl 'cross there that
you've been ft -talking to? Think of
never play—"
"She plays all the time," the Visitor
Mild, quietly. "I know, 'cause she said
to. She has the splendidesL times sweep-
ing and taking care o' the baby and --
you guess what else, Sue Frances Tee-
worthyl But you can't, if you keep
right on guessing ulll the tip end tf
forever. She mattes a splendid play out
el washing the dishes)"
Tiro cambric Lea In the tiny gold -and -
white teapot grew cold while they bells
sat gazing across the street with wonder -
struck faces e.1 1110 Little Girl \Vho Piny -
all all the Time, while she patiently,
ebeerfuily wheeled the ba -111e czar, 1
nrean—up and down in the sunshine.
In ten reign of Charles II., the nines
of "Whig" and "Tory" were used fur
the two parties which we now call "Lib-
eral" and "Conservative." So strong
1 hostility between the parties
Wag 110
that when the King summoned his Udell
Parlimnent (P)81) he was afraid for 11 to
meet in London, which was very \Vig-
gish, and ha convened it at Oxford,
cohere Toryism was strong. The \Vhlg
members, alarmed at this, rode into
Oxford armed with pistols. In the re-
action' which followed, this display of
force, prominent Whigs Were prosecut-
ed an the evidence of perjured inform-
ers, and many of them suffered death.
The. Earl of fihniteshury, the \Vhiglnad-
$5,000 ftZWAAD wOl
W be pond to any
rerson who proves that
Sunlight Soap chemicals nr any
or any
Econ al oduirarntioa.
is equally good with hard or soft water.
If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions)
you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better
results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way.
As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly
puna, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be
washed without the slightest injury.
Lover flrothore Limttori, Toronto
Tour money refunded
by the dealer from whom you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any
cause for complaint.
liapipanings in the Emerald isle of In-
terest to Irish -
The Meade -Denis estate in North
Kerry has Just been sold to the tenants.
The Earl of Vs/Widow has been ap-
pointed a Representative Peer Dor Ire-
It is of interest to note that Lord
Emly is the only Irish peer who is It
Mr. Maurice Brooks, D.L., in former
years one of"Dublin's merchant, princes,
has died, aged 82.
The Deanery of Raphoe has been
given by the Bishop of Derry to the
Rev. Canon Kennedy, rector of Ray-
The death is announced in Belfast o!
Edward Whittle, said to be the oldest
railway engine driver in the United
The death of Lady Ellen Browne; sis-
ter of the lete Earl of Kenmare, ocnured
at Malvern recently in the 80111 year of
her age.
Lord Aberdeen was on the 4111 inst
sworn in as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
for the second time. The Hest time was
twenty years ago.
Mr. Walter Robinson, farmer, at
A[owinian, Middleton County, Armagh,
celebrated his 103rd birthday a few days
ago. Ile lives on the feral with his sal
and is still able to perform some tight
Tho funeral look place at Roston,
County Fermanagh, of Mr. Owen Smith.
who died at his residence, Derrylea, at
the age of 109, having lived in three
centuries. Deceased was a tailor by
An Irish town has been sold. The In-
habitants of Cestlemarl.yr, in the County
Cork, have bought the fee simple inter-
est 1n Lha dwellings and premises from
the Earl of Shannon on favorable terms.
Notice has been served on the reliev-
ing officer of Rosie district of the im-
pending eviction of some thirteen fami-
lies on the Trinity College estate, situate
in a mountainous district between Ros-
lea and Brolceboroe
The Belfast steamer Riverside, while
on a voyage from edaryport to Stan,gn-
turd Lough with cools, sprang ga leak
Solvay Firth during a gale and foun-
dered. The crew of six were rescued by
the Isle of Withorn lifeboat.
er, was accused of high treason, but
wns acquitted; in fact, no Tory juries
would convict a Tory, and where the
Whigs predominated no jury would cor-
vict a Whig. Al last things reached such
climax that the leading Whigs, in de-
spair, formed a plan to compel the
King to summon a free Parliament; but
they were 000115ed of high treason, end
some of their leaders were execaled.
"You aro quite right," said a very
well-known criminal barrister recently.
"Wo do get some very queer letters
from clients—or would -bo clients—some-
times. What do you think of fits?"
And he produced from a pocket -book
n rather weather -worn sheet of notopa.
per, which had evidently been preser-
ved with great caro.
"Dere. Sire l am in prison, mod the
man seyes 1 am likely to goo to the pen -
a1 serillude. I did not steel the time anti
1 am purfectl innereent. Please do gel
me out. I plink I can pay you stun
day. I dtd not steel the ewe. Tell the
Judge that. And if you get Inc off free
I am willing to do all I Can for you. tf
you do 1 will Give, yon the. 00Wn,—Y0urs
truly, "13111 Smith,"
"1 didn't act for that man," he entwine -
ed; "he was a little too trig/Menus," '
B Aita' ;y 'TONGUE 'I'IiLL`;.
Little tongues that eannOL talk lull
mothers just we plainly that theft' nem.
ors ore not web. When Tluby , massae
15 whit,', 00 Coated, or yellow, espei•ihl-
ly toward the root, it IS it akgu e.1 410111-
De11 tremble, indigestion, cold or fewer"
Witless. Baby's Own 10b10Is not lice
longi° in curing these and the other
hi,ltlor ills of babyhood and childhood,
They as good for the new-born baby ns
til° we1l,gSown 0hfid, Ahsolutrl'
safe and Oise suety harnii,hs. Nil's. 71.
'Kerr, Eiglir, 0th., isayee '`Baby's Own
1'a1 lria ere the bast mocllchla 1 tl.evo
At a timeline of the Ballast Corpora-
tion on the 11111 ult. a proposal to eon -
ler 111e freedom of the elle( upon Mr, An-
drew Carnegie found no seconder, despite
the faot that that gentleman hes estobe
lashed no !ewer than three libraries en
that city.
The Royal. Irish Emitters were granted
the privilege of bearing on their buttons
'un eagle 'and the number "8," in cou.
lncm0tatton of the capture of the colors
(by the 1st Battalion, the old 87111) at the
French 8th Regiment at the think; of
. Hamilton Livfngstnne, Ell 00 rate col-
lector of Newry, was at Belfast 8011-
teneed to five years' penal servitude for
infsapproprialing almost 461,000 of tram
money and embezzling le considerable
amount reeeivecl-for relies. After tom -
the neffetlece
the.effences he absconded` le.
111S AIM.
Die when f may, I want it said of me
by those who know ole best that f al-
ways plucked a thistle and planted a
Dower where 1 thought a Hower would
grow.—Abrahalll Lincoln.
Puts Vou en Your fleet and koepsyou there
That's what "'liorrovim" dons for all those ro
°aroring from wasting 'diseases. It Is the best
tonic in existence, It stimulates, nourishes and
builds up the system.
Mrs. Homehoddy: "Home Is the dear-
est spot on earth, after all." Mr. H.:
"Yes, when you count in the rent and
the servants' wages."
Ile There a 11)111 Wisdom Points the
Way.—The sick man pines ler relief, but
he dislikes seeding for the doctor, which
means bottles of drugs never consumed.
Be has not the resolution to load his
stomucb with compounds which somal
villainously and taste worse, But if lie
1ut.o the will to deal himself with his
ailment, wisdom will direct his attention
to Yar,,Cleeis Vegetable rills, which, as
a spuolea for indigestion and disorders
of the digestive organs, have no von.).
"Don't aryl" he bltrcnted. ')hen he per-
ceived that her handkerchief was edged
with the 1nos1 exquisite lace. "Don't
weep," he said, correcting himself.
Kidney Search Lights.—lJavo you
backcache? Do you tel drowsy? Do
your limbs feel heavy?? Have you
pains in the loins? Have you dizziness?
Have you a tired dragging feeling in
the regions 0f the kidneys? Any and
MI of these indicate kidney troubles.
South American Kidney Cure is a liquid
kidney specific and works wondel4ul
cures in most complicated cases. -94.
tinnadne ever used for stomach and bowel trio.
"17ris seems hke a sweet drown;" be tiles and deslroyln worms. 1 could
hardly feel sate without the Tablets in
the house:" 5014 by ail nledlelne deal -
es, or by mail, at 85 cents n box, by
welting the ilr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
rallturouiee' remarked 05 Ile lingered with
1v1111 her at the aoor-step, "It doesn't
seem 11100 0, dream to me," sho replied,.
"101' a dream seen vanishes, you know.'
lid tanIshod!
Don't believe the world owes you a
living. The world owes you nothing.
It was here first.
These two desirable qualifications,
pleasant to Cho taste and at the same
time effectual, are to be found In Mo-
ther Craves' Worn; Exterminator. Chil-
dren like it.
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only.
A handsome illustrated treatise, giv-
ing full description cf NheumaUism and
Paralysis. with insLruutlons for a com-
plete nems cure, describing the 111001
6iCLNnrflful treatment in the world, re-
commended by the 5lhist11' and endors-
ed by medical men, This highly - in-
structive book was written by W. 1i.
Y eau, a gentleman who has Maio a
study of these diseases. Tho preface is
ra vgad. urtmol utohOe aiVoslo
ty and
you will r00nivo the bookTree by re-
The Veins Drug Co., 24
Brag St, ,Vest, rcr onto
Tesehrr—"Johnny, you may give ole
a definition of 'hypocrisy. Johnny —
it's when a boy says he loves his teach-
His Doctor Who Said Thee Was No
Molle for llitn, Now Pronounces Ilim
Welt --- He Tells ills Own Story.
Mt Budges, Ont, .100. W.—Special)
-_Atone the many people in 113.1s
neighborhood who tell of the great work
Dodd's Kidney Pills aro doing, none is
more emphatic than that old and re-
spected citizen, Mr. Robert Bond.
"1 believe 1 owe my life to Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, Mr, Bond says. "My attend-
ing physician said I was 1n the last
stages of Bright's Disease and that there
was no hope for me. Then I commenc-
ed In take Dodd's Kidney Pills and used
Pe all twenty boxes. Now 1 eat well,
sleep well, and my doctor says I am
well. Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing
else mired me. Do you wonder i am
elways ready to say a good word for
1Yadd's Kidney Pills?"
What will euro Bright's Disease will
rmsily cure any oilier form of Kidney
Disease, Dodd's Kidney Pills will al-
ways cure Drighn'e Disease. they 131'0
the only remedy that wail cure Bright's
011:1+e, Ile Sure and get Dodd's.
Under thewill of the BON. elexwelt
Coble, of nose, Kings County, perpetual
curate. of Clonesley, upwards of of ,C40,-
000 is Arlt k the representative body (if
the (Merril) in Ireland, to be held In trust
int the benefit of poor parishes in the
diereses of e'foath.
A $ibhereen telegram announces the
death n1 his midtown, Casllelownshend,
of Sir .101113 Iioghll), Bart. He was born
1826, end Ass faller of one of 111e
two lieulenaris who defended at the cost
of their lives the colors in the attack 0e.
the 131.111811 camp at Isnndula in the `Lulu
The new line of railway between
Waterford and Rosslaro Harbor, which
hes been its course of construction for
the last three years, 18 now so tar ad-
vanced that 'it is confidently aeptcotcd in
be Open her irafne 111 July next; 10111 at
the shine lime tile now 11ne of turbhla
steamers between Ili:Mare and l'ishguard
will eahnmenee running.
One Thousand Farmers
We want 1,000 farmers for Western
Canada for the spring of 1'300. The
renter, the young farmer w'1Lh very
invited small capital, and the tanner
t"ilh a number of sons for wham I'C
wishes to secure farms, are tiro people
who should write us as meekly as they
read this notice.. We can settle you in
the great wheat -belt of Manitoba or the
other Provinces of Western Canada, and
give you such a chance e.5 WO nominal
ly Believe has never before been offur-
el to setters in any new county.
Our lands aro tha choicest, and Met-
aled h1 the best tried and the, best Fat-
ted fuming and wheat -raising dis-
tricts, and our plans are such as will
surprise you by reason of their ratlines
and helpfulness. A roan with a. few
hundred dollars and with health and
energy, by adopting one of them, can
in a very short time be well-to-do.
The ordinals" settler coming here has
to break his land and hacked it the first
year, and therefore does not se0ure any
return from the land uuntil the harvest
of the following year is reaped. Under
our plans, the settlor will begin to Have
an income from the start, and at the
same Unto will be going on getting
ready Ms land for cropping. If you in-
tend coming to Western Canada to
farm, we can thus put you in the way
01 helping yotnwelf from Ito first day
that you arrive here, and thus of tieing
independent. We want one thousand
settlers for the spring of 1900.
Our lands have been all very careful-
ly selected, and we p00010100 the re-
perts of our examiners on the sa111e. "110
person need apply whose habits are not
gond, and who Is not able to produce
first: close references as to his character
and Industry.
Address, Western Canada, Setters'
Mutual Land Co., 23 Canada Lite Build-
ing, Winnipeg.
Sunlight Soap is batter than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
)say Sunlight Boap and follow diroetioas.
"That bass voice Is a powerful one,
isn't it?" "Yes; 1 notice t has a deal l:f
hoarse power."
intelligent Treatment with Allen's Lung Bat,
earn brings up the phlegm, stops the coegb said
e0eceluaohie colds
which, neeltd, es,! to onumptia
"You've got a good collection of works
of fiction, Smithers?" "Pretty fear. My
wife bought them to look for a poetic
name for the baby." "All) and what did
you call her?" "Sus°e.1"
Sudden Deaths on tie Increase.—Peo-
ple apparently well and happy to -day,
to -morrow are stricken down, and in
ninety-nine cases • out of every hundred
the heart Is the cause. The Icing el
Icart remedies, Dr, Agnow's Cure for
the heart, is within reach of all. H
relieves In 30 minutes, and cures most
chronic diseases. -01
Shu: "Did peps say anything to you
about your being too young?" He: "Yes;
but he said when i once began to pay
your bilis I would age rapidly enough.'
13icicre'e Anti -consumptive Syrpp le
the result of expo'!.. them -teal experi-
ments, undertaken to dlslovor a pre-
vontiVe of inflammation of the lungs
and consumption, by destroying the
ermN that develop those diseases, and
011 the world with pltablo subjects
hopelessly stricken. The 11)10of this
Syrup vt.l' prevent the dire consequence
Of only 20 ciente, 10111 trial, 17100 you
that this ds 010000i.
"i noticed after you left the house this
morning you welt back again. Don't
you know that's unlunky?" "Well, It
would Have been e, good deal more un-
lueicy for me If i hadn't gone back. My
wife called Inc.'
A Merry nen rt Coes all 1110 Day. —
But one cannot have a merry heart 11
he has a pain in the buolc or a cola
with a raclaeeg cough. To he merry
must be well and fila frau riches and
pains. Dr. Tllonttes' Lclectrlo Cil will
relieve ,111 pains, ;mscular 01' otherwise,
and for the speedy treatment of colds
and coughs it he a sPlendtd medicine.
3011011y: "I wiS11 111y folks would agree
upon one thing end not, heap ole ell the
time in a worry.' Tammy: "\Vhat have
they been doing now?" Johnny: ";Mother
won't let me eland 0n Illy head, and dad
is all the limo fussing because 1 wear my
sines out so last."
Itheumalism — Whitest. the Cause' —
Where's (he (lure?—The active irritating
crime of this most poinhll of diseases is
poisonous uric acid in the blood. South
American Rheumatic Cure neutralizes
the acid poison. Relieves in 6 hours and
cures 11) 1 10 3 clays. -50.
"How still they are," remarked nil's.
Froth, apropos of the young couple in
the next room. "Yes," replied Mr.
Frobbe, "It reminds me o1 my army
days. 1, was always wonderfully quint
just previous to an engugcmenl.,
Tilt 17Ir1ST ELleC1'1?IC 'TRAIN.
Tile earliest public trial of a, prison'
ger boat driven by an electric motor
was that conducted by Professor Jaco-
b!, of St, Petcr;Obnrg, In the year 1838,
though for four years previously be had
successfully experimented with clectric
Unction in 1110 privacy of ills own
grounds. The trial of Jacobi's vessel
took place on the Neva, and was wit-
nessed by vast crowd of people. The
beat was 23 feet long, 10 feel, Wide, and
carried fourteen persons. it find
until four s later that we f n tiny
record el a passenger carriage, driven
by electricity 0rt land, and h1 this ease
the Meritor tea Alexander Be'ldson,
0.1 i dhnten'gle rile sawlogs 1000 16
feet long by 7 feet Wide, and was Int'
pelted for e mile and a hail et the rate
of f0or; miles 11,31 heir on the Ef111111urgh
and Glasgow Railway.
make mistakes unintentionally. But no one EVER MADE A frli$TAKE
Everyone Thinks hie own cross ie the heaviest'
When confined to the house with a pain 1i the
tido for instance but it would be quickly forgot•
len if "'Tho D ,(0 L' Menthol Plaster WILY applied.
They ouly costa trifle, why not try then?
Oshawa" Steel $theles
01114o front Painted or Galvanized :;test, at prices varying from 52 85 to 85,10
per hundred square feet covering measure, This is the most desirable cov-
ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores. Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy roan can lay the "OSIIAWA" sh[ngics. A
hammer and snips are the only tools required,
We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the Brltlsh
gag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,
making them
We also maunfactul'e Corrugated Iron In long steels, Conductor Plpe and
METAL SHINGLES, in 'inflation of brick or stone.
ACETAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of "OSHA\VA" Shingles. Write
MON 67 oral Q at- 423 $caws at. 70 L ileo borne at' 00 Ds 11,1.19 SL' mbnrd etA 010 Pender'0),
Watts Yuen N1tA71ariT OFFICE.
Head Office and Works, - - - Oshawa, Ont., Canada
lA'rlNTI.11 MAILCIf sen, 1004.
Throe Machines—Triple Wall, Two Wal,
and Lemont Erlok Machines.
The fastest and cheapest in the market, making
brick faced with one inch eolorod, and stronger
ooecrete. Write for booklet.
P. I,IORLAMI1, Stratford. Ont.
Farm Wanted.
We wish to secure immediately two good (anus,
In choice agrie,)tuaal section. Soil must he first
Mose , good wheat land proferred. We went ono
farm 0001 400 acme and ono modinm sloe, Qivo
dosori tion and lowest cash price. Possession
must be incl in April. Address
Look Drawer 080, M1hno0pc11a Minn.
Young Gktpjgeie "Ali -1 should like
to cross that field; do you think—eh—
that 00W would hurt ale?" Farmer:
"Did you ever hear of a cow hurlfn' a
A Clear 0100,1thv Sktn.—Eruptions M
the skin and the blotches which blemish
beauty aro the result of impure blood
007,00,) by unhealthy notion of the liver
and kidneys, In correcting this un-
healthy action and restoring the or -
lrane to their normal condition, Parme-
ee's Vegetable Pills will at the same
Mine cleanse the blood, and the blotch-
es and eruptions will disappear without
1eav1115 any trace.
"Y0u used to (ell nun 1 was bird -lithe,'
complained the fond wife. The husband
continued to bury his nose in the inmate
You used to tell me 1 wee bird -lilac;
repeated the fond wile, "but now you
never aot as if you theughl. 50," You're
still blrd-like," growled the Imeliand.
"Ono wouldt't think you thought so, to
judge by--" isn't a parrot a bird?"
We wish at once to swore honest, reliable men
to represent us and net as .our agents in this
locality. Must bo ,willing to show farm primer.
and mato sales to buyers, who we send into
this territory. Quod salary cud 'cnninisslon.
NORTH 5.31510.105.51 osoin Co.,
Dept. A, Luck Drawer 080,
Minneapolis, ]Minn,
in any form and cold perspiring tout positively
mired within e.0 days, by our newly patented
NO41166lo Discs or money prone ltly rof:uuterl.
Malted anywhere 51.00. Write for de -,o 'iptivo
booklet. Agou1a warted. MAGNETIC 1Lll1iU-
MA.rIS,li CEEB CO., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
SALE. -10,000 acres in the 1 orkton d1s-
trlet of Saskatchewan, in lots of 150 Dome
or more. Solt is rich hiltck loam, 010subsoil,
surface level and gently rolling. New C.N.R.Cline
building through our lauds this year. Prices will
advance 00X during 1000.All lands at from two
to eight miles from railroad. Districts well
settled. %thesis, churches and good rends.
Prices sib low and terms easy to actual settlers.
PerWALSH LANA Co.,n and Unice; Bni11, write Winnipeg,
One beginner macre 86.00 first morn-
ing. Whole or spare time, '1'11e bast
50e seller, giving 230 profit. Users buy
every month. Township right worth
more than any general stat business,
.Act promptly if you want tarrilory.
Golden (west Company, 9 Bonniest SL,
1,0114011, Ont.
141 OR SALT:—Best, cheapest and nicest
Io0aled stock farm in the United
Stales; has a b 00111ul water front, and
contains 800 ace _. SAMUEL P. WOOD-
COCK, Salisbury, 01(1.
"Wile was 11.," shouted the suffrage
leader -'who lovas 11 that did the most
to elevate wormier Far down the aisle
a little chap blinked his ryes and
drawled. -'Why, the mum that invented
those high Swiss heels." And then the
meeting ejournad.
"I'd rattler he dead than staffer again
the tortures of insonnhie, palpitation and
nervous twitching of my muscles in-
duced by sinhple neglect of a little indl-
geston, These are the forceful and
warning words of a lady who proclaims
that her cure by South American Na -
vine when everything else had failed
was a modern miracle. A few doses
gives relief. -02
1111E KNEW Hied.
"Mr. Grouch went to a masquerade the
otherDid eveninganyone disgrecuogisednize ashiant?be" ar."
"Only his wife."
farms, also irrigated fruitlands, ad-
jcluing City of Keinloops. Easy terms.
Catalogue on application. Strutt &
Nash, Kmnloops, B.C..
no not give up In despair, YOU who sitter.
Iron obstinate disfigurements of the akin. Amrobgt
the sere opals with 1Veaver% Carole end 'purify
the blood with Weaver'o Syrup. All druggists
keep them. -
Dyeing l Cleaning!
A great- irrigation project, Involving
an expenditure of about 526,000,000, hes
been authorized by the Secretary of
State for India. 'fhe area commanded
by the canals is about 6,250 square miles,
although only e 'small part of 11 will be
reached for a number of years to come.
In this area it Is estimated, abort 8,000
square miles tv!11 be irrigated. The
water will be taken - from the .1110111M
River, In which there Is now unappro-
priated tit the site of the ilaadWorks a
fro\v of 5,600 to 7,.00 cube feet per see
ond, It Is believed that the investment
of public funds in these works, great
as the sum 1nny be, is well Warranted
by the eoonomic advantages of the htl-
(Waiting and the reasonable assurance
et ample interest payments,
Oratory IS merely taut with it frock
coat 00.
ler the eery beat,eod your work to aha
Look for ases1 In your sown, or tend Croak.
Montreal,Torouto, Ottawa, Qusls
$FAR "� � �s fC i2 s
'Pilafs the amaeoo. of Elle year when yen h
aced to use every precaution with year
stook. By 1ho Oso of our
and other remedies youhave the host
guarantee of hea1111 to your eteek.
+yyyr FreE Advice Valuable A
Use it and become your own veterinary
006 DUNDAS 811'., TORONTO, ON1. y+tf
Gravid Trunk Pacific
I have two sections of land for sale
entre or in part, on line at Grand
Trunk Pacific, now under construc-
tion just west of Portage La Prairie.
Ploughing in the Northwest will be-
gin as early as 13ebruory. You can
sow oats, potatoes and alfalfa on
breaking and get big pries from
railroad contractors on the spot,
Then hire out your teams Wren -
react grading at 85 per day. You
won't get such a chance for a start
another year. Don't waste nny
time, as there is practically no other
land for sale of equal quality fn
such a. situation nn such terns and
et so low a price. Price 510.50 per
acre; six year terms.
92 Winchester Street,
Toronto, Ont.
;i** ,•.-ate.
She -9 hear you have just get mar-
rind. Is it too late to congrntutnte your
• Ho --"Oh, 111(1011 100 Intel I was mar-
ried three weeks agol"
When oil other corn prepnratiOnts fall,
try llollowny's UOrn Me pain
`hatever, and no' ineonvenn0r110 hit ,,a,,,,;
"You married a rich wife, didn't yoln?"
asked ,bones, of his friend, "Yes," letsighed, "but she's not declared any Wel-
dend yet.
Dear Mother
Your little ones are a constant care le
Fall and . Winter weather. They will
cetdl cold. Do you know about Sh!Ioh s
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and
What it has done for to many ? It ia said
to be the only reliable remedy for all
anuses of the tit passages in children.
It is absolutely harmless 05(1 pleasant to
take. hit guerenteed to euro or your money
is returned. The price is 25e. per boats,
and ell dealers in (medicine sell 314
this remedy should bola every "e mallet t
1iSf3YJ11 NO. 8-06.