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The Brussels Post, 1906-2-8, Page 5
WINQHAM BUSINESS Q0L/-EQE is a Elgh-grado Commercial 8obcol, 'Three Oonl'aoO 1 Oomnorelal Stenography Telegraphy Write 81170. SPOJ'TON, Principal, WANTED 1 One 1uogrudmore "Ye ling Mon and W, men, who 11118 nmhitbu. and eo- tererioing, to qualify 1, the ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. for the many ne atmue open to all a thee° who are thoroughly prepare) I to R, ro ueeept them A 8111 1)3001114 0nnr,0 . tp le this o'Nlego mean, fora young mita ria 1`lAg11 of the right kind, en eduoatioual ,� equipment better than many tremor . or 1)101068:0110 111 money earning 1� fl power. etudente admitted at any , f``lff��II time. 0irealare free, Il' fp W, J. DLLIOTT, Principal. to YYII mai 70002 AND 4LexANDsa doe. 1 49 tine -et, MEDICAL CARDS. 1)B. It, A. j3URNS-- Suceeotur to 1)r. 3, A. ,McNaughton Brussels, Uutarlo Graduate of Polyolluto Poet Gradual, School of Medicine and surgery, Now Yolk Member of College of Phyelolaue and Bur- geons of Ontario. °Mee and reeldenoe 8am0 as formerly0o• taunted by Dr. Mo1anghton. Diseases of {90110,1 16 apeolalty. ' 'YLLoue llo. 21, BUSINESS CARDS. !i. MoOIiAOKEN— e • Issuer of Marriage Liceueea. nee at Grocery, Turn110rry street. Brussels C. 0. F. Court P111n0000 Alexandria, No.24, O. C. 1•'. Brussels, meets to their Lodge Room, Slat :tdll Blook, ou the 2nd and last Tuesdays each month, at 8 o'clock. Vieltfug 11rethrt• alWaye welcome. JAS. BURGESS, C. It. A.B. MELLIBH, R. B. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenser: WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1080216005, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 11 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • RIR. w111 sell for better prion, t. better 0180, re lees time and lees charge• than any ether Auctioneer in East Hummer he won't charge anything. Dates andorder; can always be arranged at this ofnoe or personal application. ROBT. H. QARNiSS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged fon, 1 at the offioe of Tan Pon, Brussels. 2203 VETERINARY. GA. CUNN1NGHAM— • Honor aradu8,e of the 011tario Vol slimly College, le prepared to treat all dib eases of domestloatetl animals in a nompet tat manner. Particular attention paid 1t. Veterinary Deutletry and Milk 002eit Hal promPoor doer: North of briattended to. dge, Tnrnberry y[.. Brneeele. LEQAL AND CONVEYANCING AB. MACDONALD— . Brrietar, Solicitor. Notary, Eh) 1(000ee0or to G. F. Blair. Office over Slate dard Bank. Brussels. Solioitor for Metro. poltlao Bank. AVM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, 8,110 tor, 0onveyaneee, Notary PubBo, kit. Office—Stewart's Bloat 1 door North of Central Rotel. Solicitor for the Standard. Bank. pa0UDF00r, HAYS & BARRISTERS, SL U ITS, S, NOTARIES PUW. P1101:1DS00T,B. 0, HAYS H. F. SLAM Offices—Those former &y coupled by Meagre CameroGoDIti6I0R, - ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FE/LD. DENTIST Graduate of the Iroyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Firet•olaee Hanoi Graduate of Toronto University. Office. next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. i,D CENTRAL u STRATFORD. ONT. Do you want a Rudd ;nasus,„ ill the Commercial World y '113o ',meet and q7shr106610ad in via'eif this BW1001, We li in give a eoure0 of training that Is mut surpassed b.y soy Baeln001 uoilege in Oauada. Wo give individual lustros- tion therefore you mav' outer at 1.01) a limo. Write ler free eatelogue and B q got lull partioulare, E1,1201 P & MoLAOHLAN, Prinelpal8, ==3S ill .4 DoN'T, Ri1JLN 7010, FLF611. Oorn Salves poison and baro; besides they never cure the dart. Putnam'. 'born E116raotor has been oaring :oras for the poet fifty y00r11.. Potatoes, ear, and gaaramteed to 31ot in sweaty foul 1104063, Lihe Ou1y t'X'ut00D2'8* Brewer's Pi rt Studio lieadqua3lers for First slats Photographs. Life Size Portraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 style, , Family Croups a specialty. Call and see samples. les. y a j H. R. BRE ©• EI acai stivs Pats '1'25 days are lengthening. Lona at the °dares° lob°". J. 13 04011RON, of Breeeels, Bae ap puutord 1Uu. Examiner by the Ouun6 00210il. He has fi leu the p0111100 fur eery. OWING to his aute11MA removal from loam Jou, Dootdtou will ho'd o, %notion male of houeehuld effects me leturday afternoon. Feb, 2411, O0AN02 CONVNNTIoO.--.The Grate: Orung- Lodge of ()mane West 9111 men 111 auuu+.1 ee1910u'in Godorieh On Maruh 18 and the town has glum a greet rt Melt use. From 400 to 600 delepan:a will roe to attendance for the 400018 week Tae Atlant fileamohip Uompauy on dentine the appoiutm0utof H F. Brad,: .19 ge0eral agent for the Pruviuee o.. Gamma, with headgnartere au Toronto, 11 0a2ree81011 to H. U. Bonriier, who hoe- reetgued. Mr. Bradley hoe for sem 'eery been ateietent to .lir. Hannah, tit•. +.norm poeeeugor agent of the e8mpa0.. 0, 0. F.—Townley evening of ,set wee: the °Shore of Court Pr,uoeen Aiexaudrt., la. 24. d, 0.F., Bre:oiled, were 11180111 t• r. u. P, 0. 16. einurrie and "Borgne)). Th.. rte, as follows 1-0 it., Geo. Kerr ; P. • 6 , Jae. Burgess ; V. C. R , Dau. u'uubnn a Rea. Sea , A. E, Mellish : or n boo., B, T Plum ; 'mase„ R. L•atherdeA ; Obepraiu, U. Ruohie ; tV , N, J. Wilton; J W., Wm. Ra'u,. , n 13., J L. ()mina ; 3. B , R. Grote ; Pnys. Drs. Toole aid Berne; 0011,: U: -.puny, .las Sherrie- A art of warp.'. balls afford the members reureol. , hues 131E regular m0ettoge of the Coo." Toa A'wa: d Bole of last week speak to young 116:,3 kuovn to many nt aur res 'mows ;—"1'li0o A. Gdvemlu u*:uner, hoe drained to leave Awuod f d.utalmta, Seek., where oho 8111 open u( t me,lutery ba4meeo twine time io March. i1t08 Goveniaok haw been in Atwood nearly ei4ht years, during w1,iu1.1 13111, •,+le had worked up e, splendid baatneee. Afton 0110 ammo b. re the meliuo y weeniest, woe In a very poor elate, but r trier uttei ton and aerating 30111t,.e inn 81101* WOrkell up a fine trade, and 1 _ley her buei0eos is better then eves l'013 unoertoiuly of bar being able t s -hire a permanent p• rue 0f neonates liar ,.tuned her 10 deoi0e to remove to Sir :• elm a, where she .bee rolativee, r.., where a desirable and suitable store i b.lug provided 1.r her. Mies Goveulou, wolf be greatly missed, 0ereoialoy era edemas coulee, she haying a' wave neve sn active member of the 0. E. S;.Ofet± i ,d a,way0 welling to lend bee assistant.).: In every geed work. Her many friend dare will wish her every 01We88 in th :rest.' Mies Govonlook ie a eioter Uc )ire (Rev.) Como, of Bruaaele. P1tmV0NT1ON 01' CON0IItl14n,8,—Th `.,4lowiug p' cite and 8033 011.4.8 regent g the prevention of Couenmptlo.. :vittoh deserve rhe attention of every ,dy, are gathered born a re00114 ar.lo.e uy Dr, Knopf, of New York, whioh ta 0 're 31tind in the M,•dtoni Reoord of No •ober 10th, 1905. There are more owe of advauuad tulemou10010 to be Ireatev nee any other Mimeo. There 6e no die ,t,.0 whale so much can be dune to ren• ,ler the potent oumfortoble and hope• lel as puliaonery tub -•0130030 in the 8d• yanoed Stage 'There 18 uo disease wile -a due case to 18 family man more ream b0.wme the deuce of infeotion of orb,.. •n,:mbors partiaulorly 111 the stage who. 'one anu0alti ptive begins 1u bo uunlitied 1 od (dose b toorl 4 ou f Ili.. Lanny Meal date only, ft is extremely import n•. to remember that advanced aouoomptiv.• 140ti0at8 who are able to go aeon, perhaps able 60 work at their or li. cry coulee in the of80e or factory wheat ignorant or aarele013, o0n0titute tat, ereet008 d.,nger to the health of the dem triunity. Tlsy must be considered a lin moat frequent 011080 of infection Vino ooreleee,Iguorant or helu4880 moi oumptivo who confined to bed con d ,,tale morn then Intent hie room, bat the • follow a1 sue116 able t o h ow acme 0 advanced P me can, it he ie cattiest!, motor 7,000, 000,000 becible every day with the great ..at ruse. Of all tuberoa'oeim patients, he Should 1 e the most carefully in06ra0n- bd and ebond be the moat deeply im• pressed with the foot that 0arelemm860 m the dummied of the sputum is danger. one to bunged as well a8 to hie neighbors Aa yet people generally have not been educated 0p to the point at whioh they are willing to carry and nee a pocks, Rask or cardboard pone. Being deoirone e0 coneea their condition, they ere ex creme y reluctant to do anytime winch would 0x11 attention lc their iufirml1t dome way lama likely to tome remark mast. be found. Prubab y the beet Om eau be dote in theme*u.lm8 18 to 00ggent beettubelouloeie men eh u d have two temente lined ,81613 some material whiol man be easily cleaned' and that they should entry in one of those poekete very cheap handkerchiefs or bile of chaste cloth or other cheap rtlateriel, cut like hapdkerolllefa, whroh when coed 0110 bt put into the other uochet and there hop• tut the diose of the they tele n they 0811 be eaeity destroyed or Matthew by boiliet after their return dome, Ll title way they sou escape observation aid at ti, BOMB time aware their fellow W0rkmei end thembiat80 against danger. When ooeimpie a precaution 0 this, and one 80 «twiny within the reach of every Hein thinking mall, ,e e6413,au18, not to eek. use of it, won d Moto to y0 little lees than cranium) neglect. GET norm vim 1 If you are tired, hereon., helm head 101184 cad ahe1O5, you need De. Elam etot'o Pi l'B; they tone the elnnit4 12, *8381314 dig03110u, bra3e up morale. Datum at night, you're well by morning, Biolt• , neon and tired teoliull dieeppoar itlgtallily Vtm, epIrits, happy health, all the joys of We comes to ovoryotu that uses Dr. Saruilbou'e Pule, No med tome so attomfeut0ry. Get Dr, elamiltou's Piilo today, 16e, per. boa at all dealer% 13 G f r 'r>a iroteuded for last week 1 ADnuaoaAND Pee,a0releen.—ROeveand Si IS Tay for eu1erisu,eu ilia ohoir of 1f;uol :march Bolgrere, et thew some tae, Flom day evening. A. very enjoyable ams was agent. During the evening Alta. W. L. B andon was presented with an addreeo o o a buuutdal mouth :look. Mr, Bra. dint rophn:l thank.og the ub01r to :11oranu,ue0e The ednreee witsread Uy dies Agent Yeiii bud the presentation made by Lune McLean. 11 was ate f'. owe:—'Io Mrs. Wallow Brandon:— Duo 1''nlunn,—' W•, the members of the 1't eon) twine emir, B0 gravy, knowing o yuurIuteutl0n 60 Bever your connect. nun with 00 Re one of our number whit; to expreee the aplre:nation of your dereluno by preeeu6108 you with tine lluotlo ()leek, nob for Ire value but its 011 t1kuowledgm0a6 of the fr,ondouip and _uod wig that existed between yon and de While it bite been our privilege to have your aesietauoe. While you may b0 :operated from us in person we treat that ;n spirit we may often be able to reou'• .11• p10,l4a1,11 h013ro spout t.,geth. r bare Lin that yon and your esteemed huoband may be abaudumly bleated in your new Wine When till. earthly life t0 oval nay we ad be gathered in that Heave -31:i 1 .0•r where p..rtul1 re +.0 cure. Blonde). .be Made, 1,120, TAYL.O, leader.' 04r, tad etre. Brandon wan leave this 100:1111 da110re.0I1 for the Weet. W rgxe•fltvr. linteuded for last week,) NaWer 8111110.—,11,ee lint, Rai is pv mous a week with relatives in L14 -nivel —Norman Cook, of elene811, spent Friday in the village.—Amoug 1buss who .14118 to Toronto o, the Torrey•Alexandei :x-.ur8.on 1001 Wedueeduy were : W. O. ::url i4, 1) Popo, G. Howe, J. Wendt, .1 Warne, 'I4 oto Henry, hire. Geo.'Irel:ab, :dr" A. Nun. and Mr. atm Mr. Eat,v.— '• E..ua Care, who he, been in, 18 1100 redu98tir.g.—'rhe au11ual meeting of th, Pre,bytertau 0nu•oh Woe 118111 Mande,. 3,101:1100,4 .—A. load of young people al.• •.dad the Rev Dr, Medd'e lecture o• tVuoing and Wedding in the S -,ism Oman sond1y night.—John ono Mr-. tiuf60n olid little eon returned t0 then 030 In Michigan on Batorday—J 8 Javan paid Wluguom a bUOin8't smut on 2useday.-11. d, Barris to lo Braeee.s Ylna we00,--Preparat1One are be.ng memo ter a oo•.08rt with wnieb to opera the new flow,, Heir at sit s urly date —Mfrs. 7 M ,i -Mum, ie the poet of Glenne lit Tee.- eater.—Rev. Dr. Medd, of Header, in molted a very eloquent internam to the Epworth Leaguers m tire Methoi•t mur011 Southey eveumg. The Dr. is a very tur0lble speaker. — Stewart Mo. t large fiermher eater awed a 1 ge number . f ma young friends last Thursday daY eve1 ,g. —J. R. Wendt spent Sunday at his heme .:r ,rlodmay.—Dr. W. dm81e bite return... 'ram a 91011 With relatives at Chicago am Douro..—Ma0. Koehler returned to he mune in Ayton on Monday.—Mrs. 0. emit& Ipmut Saturday with Brune • irlrude.—John Rta,,ler, near the vii age. i0 et present oern,ue•y ill. — Herman Mormon, of Owen Sound, le visiting at are home here.—A. rare 0000rrewe In amu —.MUM with ,he 10111110M took place rah, +v.41. Ou Wedueeduy Ment four or av at the goatee bed been left tip as a pre emit ion against any sudden ruth of water whim migbt take piece dmrine the nigh. Go Tharedoy m rnulg a nomber of th 4.Ilagere on the North aide of the river 'vera emprised to find themvelvee eon, ;.-uuded by water, whioh Was' raan,n1 a.uru8e the road in different dire01wne geeing the mill property. 1h1 •eager wee pear*ug over the top beam of the ,lain tom per1e08 miniature Niagara Fee's, and Wm- rather a pretty eight. It 'am: forted thio the flabby or honeycomb ad ice had aotnady foamed at 1-118 .•pot '018 0 the teeter leaves• the dam, and in spite et the Yocum current of d-see0dine water had stopped the whoa oulIet 1:, order to bra ek this ice away thew .rkere had to stand to the coshing water over t;tair 31.800 with pake poles and orowbare d gradually break down the me. I„ a .1-.upi8 of house atter the iu8 Wae broken sway the road was again paee8110,—Ana 4 on 0111e Or farm elope, 1me18m4.168, &0.,• at the farm of Oo. Oounii.lor Miller, ad joining Wrnx ter, Thursday a16ernoou of unto week. F. B. Scott, of Armhole, will De 800ton0011. ROW PN1313iUNE0 STARTS. Yuu abt013 a hole cold to d uy, by to marrow It has reaoh,•d the throat, neat day the lunge are effected and you wren .011 ilad used "Uaterrhozun01 which kr le colds ion five minutes. la the tiro. 'elute Oatarrhozone 11oothe8 the irritated menbrtee8 and relieves congestion,— bins It cote out the phlegm and destroys Clearing Sale Being desirous of making room f r our new stock of Prints we have: determines to clear off oat lel'esent stock of that line of goods at prices that will readily lo the j 'b. Regular 10o geode we aro now Selling at from . - 60. TO 80, Regular 12&,a geode we are now offer- ing at from 60. TO 100. While these Goods last your op- • portunity lasts., Potat'63, Butter, Eggs and other Farm Produce tah00 and the Highest mar- ket price paid for Brine, J1aoB ONALD 131103, JAMESTOWN the germs, Xi enables the blood to ro• R. Maxwell. The Pipe orgnn la tam µ natural supply of oxygen, ineg•fe d u r paid for in full. The Anemias of and vitality. 10 any 000gh, bronebiiie the Gburte appear to be very Oatinfao or luck effociion it's guaranteed to tory an•1 the agngreget*ono are largo pouiilvoly cure Decline auy aubetitute a.d btteu'iee, for "Oaterthezouo," FUrdwloik. Allude momiab883, of l,�u!Appelle,. Saes., joined hoe brothers here rant week The four of them are buey buying bnrosa to chip to tb8 Wean in the Spring. E. B Rattan, of the 10..h con„ hold n fine gelding the other day to a Liatowel buyer for 8200 1510 thou bought a span of matelot -1 Mihail from a Morrie farmer et a nine figure, Ed J. Forbes, of 71letowel, neo decided to open up a jewelry afore in the Downey block, Fordwloh. He loomed his trade in Listowel and baa reoeived a good training in Woodetook during the poet year. He oomee weft recommended, C.orri.a, W E. Hammond Wag attending the bedside of hie mother in Atwood last week. A number from bore toot in the mansion to Toronto to attend the Tor• rey Alexander revival meeting. Mime Amelia Dammed t, of Wartburg, and Fred Denetedt, of Brandon, Mao , were the guests of Geo, and Mre, Deneledt, G. H. Tdwusend, Deputy K. 0 T. M of Smllbviile, was In town last week iu the interest of the Koigh1e of the Maoo•,bees. Wm, etudioon'e many friends will be sorry to beer that there is still yen 11048 ohange for the better from hie paralytic, stroke. The many friends of Patrick K ating, of Mildmay, formerly of the nth eon Howiuk, were surprised Toot week on 116E3.413g of the o•d geutlemal's sadden d.ath 911013 aaau.ed very anexpeotedly, WREN TUB GROW OLD The body ueed8 pat-oiling—waived 6480008 and 1 be rebuilt, played ow organa restored—brood need0 extra nuuriehmen6. Elderly poop a need Ferro& me,—need it bromine it Vitalize. and .ejuvenatee me too other remedy 0,. 1er,'a.,ne keeps buck the decoy of old age and makes you look yonag, a d n.ddeome again. Forget uervon' exhooation, renew y'o0r vital energy, again re enter the lite of youth Your remedy is Ferruz one, only fifty oent8 per box at all dealers, Willa halm. J E. Bworls shipped a carload of 0811r1age and driving bursae to Branduu. Piper MUDouald and Mies hint's' MODgnald will take part in the Soottleh 0.murrt at Durham on the 9114 of Feb 'nary. J H, R. 02111,tt, editor t'f 1h1 Thee •slam Advocate, and cousin of the dit,r of the Time., ase married on Deo 27th, t Mo. Boyd, ut Thema on A R. Smith, Geut'e Furnisher and t)l0thier, who bee been au ba00eee fon ¢ de ids t remove ,. pain ease bee o d o e be a 4 to Minton, where he bee secured B P.um'e4e1'e store, who to moving West. J. J. Cunningham, or the Weo1eru Foundry (Jit, leaves chid week for th. West, on a bu8,nees trip iu the interest. of the Company. He *utends main. through td the Pacifica O000t, .and will be abe8111 five or six weeks. 0. and Mee Kue011te1 spent a few days in Lmoknow vieiturg with Mrs Kneuhtel's parents. tire. Kn•obto's tether, who le over 85 years of age fr, , arum the loft of hie barn and was severely Injured, bot i0 cow improving. At 4.118 meeting of the Huron Ooon4v ouoil fn Goderieb cm Jan. 27'1, Wwghem was made a High Bobo° centre to per rogne01 of the depute +ion, The Ooauty Council appoiuten I A. Morton, John Wile..n and W. F Va,roao,1e a8 thine m+ inhere of the new Gogh $013001 Board. It will now be i.- order for the Town Connell and the Sobool Board to appoint their members et the new Board. Friday afternoon, 20th tilt„ a large nomber of the members of Wwghanl Lawn Bowling Club enjoyed a game on the green. A group photo of the payers, who were in their shirt 0400vee, was taken. Tina ie ¢ thing that probably will Dot 000ur ngsin in the lifetime of any who were present laer Friday. To have a9" howling and a booksy match ou the 20 h of Jaunary ie tit of the ordinary, e.peo oily in than and of anew. The peat two Winters, at ibis time of the year, the railways were base booting against the drifbo of show RILL= IN TIM WOOD.,—Ano8ber fatal 80uidelt..0,0re0 to T0rnberry Towoehip on Friday momlig 8 8h r 2 alt, when Robt. , Wood Wail killed by a falling tree. Mr. Wood and Andrew Leggatt were en gaged cutting waon for 3uo. B Hardie 0 r the Friday morning they were o06ung down a .see and it lodged. M. Leggett nate the Monger, bot hot in time to warn lits 0nf0111uneto oomrade 7130 tree struck Mr Wood on the bead and oleo breaking bis arm. leg and Ireatarlug hie right side. The uufortneste man lived for Imo than half an hour after the ea oidout. Deueae043 won 'n 1118 60611 year end rod lived f a over 40 veers to Turn• b.rry. H. had many years experience in the woods, being a framer he neually spent the Wi0ter Odom out barn timber He wee unmarried and lived Willi hie three brothers. He is goo survived by three eietrre, viz :—Mrs. R.bt. Leggett, Winmham and bre. John Mnegrove sod Mrs, Wm. Deane, of Turn berry. The furore* to It piece on Sere day afternoon from the family borne to the Win3hem 00metery. Th.' annual report of Wingham Preen byterian church for 1905 hue been p:•aoed in the hands of the momoore of the 0410' 3regatio0, and a few fl_uree are 340020d therefrom. The ohief tour oe8 of revenue were:—Envelope aid plate eonbrthn'irnts, 92,879 46 ; Sunday Bohnol, $15856; amino Sebemes, 3483 80 ; W. F. M Reelety, $109 02 ; W, steno+ate• Guild, $89496. etc ; total rroeip,e, 58602 27 Rev D Perrier is lis i111„enl pa01nr, and oleo Saporito tondo the Sunday Belem; in this he le assisted by Mr. Harold. The See Mon report ohowe that 48 members were added during the year, 80 by oert48oate and 18 on profote*on of faith ;• fifteen m mbere remuv d and f. or died. The eou6ribmfone 111* year to the Schemes of the Church 11re the Isnot on reeerd, I eiug an *610reas0 of $112 80 over last year. The death roll for the year meaning the names of Mrs.0 Da.hta, mss D B. Ander. Don, Mrs. MuKagae, Chao Henderson The 5.oretary of 1110 Mona. ins Board le J. 16,131110, and tun Tr0Raur1r, L.txrtlktnp W. John Graham, of P4'vtle' Lake, North Dakota, la ependlms a few weako with fl lends in this 80041011, Ed, M.Quieao, W. Wewaoosb,neiahed hie Spring ploughing on Taeeday of loot W et. The ground wee 01161re1y free of froat, The Borne' anuivereary Ball in the Town Hall, under the amphora of the Sum's of Scotland, wee a decided moose. Over a hundred 000p100 were pr000Ot sad 8„ thoroughly enjoyed themselves to the of thas sweet strains ten London ere. p hire. Jetta Radcliffe, (formerly a Miro Webb,) came from Brandon a .bort time aka to visit her parental borne In St, Helena: While enjoying her visit to the old home, ebo reamed word that her booband wee ill, bat it wag not rappneed to be danller"00 Meet. Radcliffe thought it beet to retern to Brandon, and she bud only been gone a short time when a teieer0m (Jame to Bt. Helene conveying the sad news that Mr, Rudaliffe had peeved away. When the wife arrived at Brandon, she found the remains of her husband awaiting interment. The widow ol.d graven fatherless children have the Minters sympathy of their St. Helene friends. NOURISHING BLOOD MEANS STRENGTH. Yon Are Pale and Weak Because Your Blood le 'I'h+n nod Weak. There oa0 be no snob lbing ea health 9iteo0t pure rink blood—no sparkling eyes, clear akin, or native bride. The very foundation of health and e.renath lie' "l the brood, with meet be k ut free from poisons and impurities. Nature bee uo bower blood mediniee teen Dv. Hemiate:de Pule, ?Mob are 0.10poaed of euoh vegetable extreme se m,ndrtke and bQtternnt, known to all motors for their quoit and healthy woolen. NEWS OF NEW SWI°UWS ¶Many have already arrived, 'More may be here any hour, maybe by the time you read this, 1¶A 1 the Colors and 1 and Shades and 1 a Mtt aria s do l Sj a C l Weights that are going to be Fashionable this season will be shown you any time you wish to see them. Any Time You have Time to Call. rvereeiteewituttemee Ferguson wlai'..b` OSS If you would drive oat dinette and io• oreeae your toroe and vigor, take Dr. Hamilton's P,IIe. Y •0 will feel fresher, brighter, and enjoy keener appetite. She was Pate and Maltese, "Before uomg Dr. Bamiltoo'e Pills," writes Mies Etat] E, Phelps, of Wood- stock, "I wee paleand listless, my color was yellow, and my appetite very poor. To day I am a different girl, weigh more, look better, and feel improved in every way." hy not nee Dr. Hamilton's too ? Y it'd het that hearty beaming health that thousands and 1000sande are enj yntg bowman they have used tbi0!amoo needi nine Price 26o, per box or Roe boxes for $1.00 at ell dealers, or N. 0 Poison & Oa„ Hertford Conn., U. S. A., and Kingetan, Ont. The woman found dead near Welland. port died of dieeaee and 811poeure. The Grand Trunk win spend a million dohar0 i0 improvements at London The safe of the Berwick Baking Oom• gorrioe and Toronto,80 takenwee wn open by nitro. ly The prosecution of the trade 0onapira0y ohargee against ooveral terms of wholesale groeere will begin at 'Hamilton An February 6. Brussels - New - Daylight - Store G. N. McLa Vk My NEN' Sid G111111111[11N Everything in the Store i$ New We have just opened New silks, Dress Goods and Trimmings ; New Laces and Embroideries ; New Prints, Gingharns and Muslims; New Flannelettes, Cottons and Cottonades ; New ahirtings—in fact New Goods of every description that you would expect to get in a Dry Goods Store. 2 STAPLE SREC12 LS 2 7c Flannelette for 5c —30 pieces good quality of Flannelette, 28 and 29 inches wide, in pink and blue stripes, also dark checks, regular value 7c On Sale while it Lasts for 5c 7c and 8c Roller Towelling, ac —12 pieces good quality Orash holler Towel- ling, 17 and 18 itches wide, colored borders, regular values 7c and 8c On Sale while it Lasts for 5c New Clothing for Men and Boys —A full range of Strictly New, Perfect Fit. —A decided Bargain on any Overcoat in ting Clothing for Men and Boys—Prices the the Store. It would be a good investment Lowest. for you to buy an Overcoat now. We are offering except%onall y good Value in 1Mem's Winter Underclothing, Men's Colored Shirts, .Men's .Mitts and Gloves, Men's Cloth Caps. NEW BOOTS AND SHOES Strictly New Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children at the Very Lowest Prices. $1.35 Women's Oil Pebble Lace Boots for $1.00 - 60 pairs Women's Oil Pebble Lace Boots, all solid leather, Standard Screw Soles, width E and E ll, sizes 8 to 8, regular value $1.36 On Sale while they Last for $1.00 We pu.v the highest prices for Produce and we cheerfully refund money for any article bought here that is not perfectly satislitetory. We will appreciate any business you may favor us with Yours for Mutual Benefit, Gd N. Next Door to the American Hotel.