The Brussels Post, 1906-2-8, Page 4nsfts ' , ,aye i6 is etJvo ueeaDya, ranwhoadeq 4r07):::' 0. Blom o motif aye bt to quart right. She P. Miller, of Moore toweelnp, eine - i n. r he g s was nn, eight we atrook bythe limbo srottinge aud. rerrtmeaw when b y I Orb THURSDAY, FRB. 8, 1906. Led no eleigliine until Febraary) and killed. that in ail bie 104 yearn he doeg e!' re Ger am. Bona L ReeoET,-.(The following ie ab Mat et the Standing of the pupil) if S. B. No, 2, Grey for the moth January, the name', being to order of merit. A. star at• Seabed to any pupil's name, mdivate, the absence of euoh pupil- during pars of the elmminatioue, Jr. 1I-.4. titewert, B.Ognoingbem, Sr.III-W. Turnbull, 0, Stewart, J. Oueio, M. Oliver, Jr. I11 -M. Oueio, J. Oliver, O. B e,os, Jr. II -A, Stewart, L. Stelae. Jr. Pt, II -L Oliver, L Oanninghem, R. MONam, Teaoher. 'Orman brook. BCRooL E omx.-The following i. Oranbrook eobool report for Jenuart Names are in order of merit ;-Ula•. V. -Myrtle Sperling, Ida Sharpe, Gar ley Menzies. Sr. IV -Roy Uuuuu,gham, Thomas Jaoklin, Athol MuDnuaut, Martin eloDouald, John Je0khtl, Entre Hunter, Herbert MoDuuaid, U,evelau MaDouald. Jr. IV -Al. x. Dark, tier McNichol, Vetter Sperling, 8tetla A d r non, Mina Fox, Perrie. Sr, III -Hero 8malldou, Julia Baker, Viola Lang, R ldoQaarrie, Road Alderson. Jr 13I- Lillete Dark, Muriel Sperling, Bearer. MoQuerrie, Leila Sperling, Arthur F. x, 'Bessie Aldersoo, Christine nettle. Lula MoDonald, Jesile Mruz.es, G• ort Smalldon. Olaee II -Elmer Beeoom, Christian Fiedler, Cela Beaoome, Lie 1. Perris, Nettie Reymann. Pt. II -Add Sperling, Lnoy Alderson, Mamie t'a t• eron, Haze! MoDooald, Ruda! Kuieht. Maggie MoNabb, Edward Soca Linn, Gordon Oemeron, May Hunter. Sr. 1 - Evelyn McNichol, Fred. Panther, Mt a red Oolgnhonu, Erio Penuinstou. .1.. I -Arnold Ftsober, Earl Ray mag, Gar don Knight, Charlie Morrow, Eel Sperling Oscar Gorzalitz, Alvin Huut.•, Barbara Fischer. Lizzie A. MeoKAo Teacher. 1!$or rem. BoaooL Rarortx.-Report of 9. S. 11. 8, Morrie, for January 1-V Gall Wheat er. Sr. IV -David Knight, ,lfaagi.., Mollie, Dora Watson, Jeeee Wbe• ler, Rotrert Miobie, Aegis Kulght, Witt.. Speir, Frank Little, Aloe. Counoo. 1r III -Mary Speir, Wesley Bbeddeu, L,zz Denman, Maggie Cannon, May Ltae, Lillian Watson, Florence Shedd -n. 8, II -Richard Af000k, Elia 0 ark. L. termediete II -George A,aook. Br, LI - Janie &l000k, Aggie Breddhew, Haz Niobol, James Nichol, Widis Connor, P2. II -Willie Damao, Maggie Spelt, Robert Nichol, Janet Oounoo, Jub Little. Br. Pt I -Willie Clark, ilea Cannon, Gladys MoNeil, Sam. Alouoh, Andrew Niohoi, Illnee-a L. Kea, Tweeter. BOauoi REPORT The fallowing 1s the standing of the pupils in order of mer; in B. S. No. 4 Morrie :-For the mon, n of Jacnary.-Br. IV -Examined in G Gram., end Arith.,-Geerge J .rdau 610 ; Annie Dark, 681 ; Laois Thal , 448 Willie MoUntobeon, 364 ; Lorna N.. bo 810 ; John Speer, 276 ; Clamed K,.tgh . 242. Jr. III -Exam., iu Geo., Gram and Arith.,-Martha MoOntoheo", 460 Roy Thaeil, 868 ; John Jordan, 821 , George Davis, 229, Br, II -Exam rr Geog. Arith., and Gornto -Harr" Mr Ontoheon, 464 ; Willie Tbueh, 284 P . II -Harvey eloUutoheon, 821 ; ten t. Barton, 219 ; Joseph Thuell, 200 P . 1 Jenny Boort, 220 ; Fred. Time 1, 181 Mark Ames, 111. Iennaa MeoNsa Teacher. Blue vale. (Intended for last weekr R. N. Duff was at Brussel(' on le .car day attending a meeting of East Huro. Liberal Aesooiatton Exeont.ve. He 1e the President of the riding. BLUEver& 1010 EtMele,-Anoth*, enoaeeeful year hae olosad. Total revenue $2128. Baleen on hand $110. Pe. meats to schemes of the aharah $400 Paetor'e elipend inoreaeed by the ialti e u, congregation by $75. Missionary 800tev lea raise 6175 and Sabbath 8oboole about $100. Number of members added 28 Rev. W. J. Were M. A. is pastor. Nome. -Harry Mel:ardy returned it Stokes Boy haat week. - Waite Bargees is holidaying at bora. - F. B. Boort and F. J. Booze attautte,, the amoral of Mce. Beattie in Santort, hue week and returned home a000mpa,. ied by Miss friary Soott, who bad been with Mrs. Beattie for some wake aud a, Mre, MacDonald, of Petersburg, Meeh igen. - At the annual meeting of the Presbyterian oongregatim, last week It was deoided to get an arobiteot'e r etimaat for a new thumb and also for remodel,' rig the old one, the plane to be laid betorr the ocngregation ie May next. This iv a move in the rigbt direction. - Jame* Roberteon started for Manitoba with oar load of horses on Toeeday.-Mr. Gib. eon, of Toronto, organizer for the Sous 01 Baotland, was in the village ou Thorsda, of Wet week oanvaeeiug for members. He eeoured Walter Davidson, who wi.b eeveral others, joined Camp Caledonia, in Winghem,on Monday evening. Mr. Gibson is a young Bootehman of p eaaaut manner, -Edwin Bailey returned to hie home in Somerset, Manitoba, laet week, after visiting hie mother aud brother to Ottawa, old friends in Bluevale and Dr. Peroy Fetid in Brneeele.-Qaerterly in et ing eervioee were held in the Methods•. (thumb last Saoday.-Mre. MdVettie inn- recovered from her recent ulnoee.-Rev. W. J. Wset outdated the Nadia service of the late Mr. Woods ou Sunday, err Woods met with sudden death wild - felling trete Friday of last week. Ht, ;vee to brother of Mal, John Mangrove, c, Turnberry, hie own home being in Turn . berry also, He wee anmarr,ed. - Mote Eva Faeroe and 'Salt -Gordon, of Wing ham, spent Sunday at John Burgeee' - Joeepb Hogg and !entity are m ,vin., into Mr, Laeob'e hone, - Mr. Stewart, of WroxOtee, wag in the village on Teeeday. -John Robetteon and Mieeee Mary and aerate Robertson, of Wrt,xetrr, spans Tuesday at Robert Blaou'). - The Wi. Ming Workers of the Methotire church have had the interior woodwork of the oharob varnished, the floor and steps in aide the pulpit raiifng nioely carpeted and the doors covered with armada felt panelled with braae nails, improving the Appearance of it very mush, -ft we ate allowed to quote the "oldest tuhah 1tent" this time we will promise to never, never repeat anything he (aye ngs,ri. • Well the $Ihevaie ' oideet. ighutntauy" member January wencher to be eo tint. norm+' int n end w.rm The boyo are ermine heathen on the village street and the 1i.1)e era oprou Irg in the garden, end poop a Lees ear mut of d•'ore, same ell 11 he good old Snmmsr time - Oommu,. io , iodates in be Pr..abyteriao choral; .est Frawley aud preparatory servlet ou Friday. kith tel. Lineman -We o•ip the tollowinl frau the derma Post :-A quiet we ting took p,eoe at the reeitienue of B. P hlurg•1u, L ,t 4 ',i Road, au W r dueadey evening, Jen. 17, whey Ada Isabel Ito - ler, daughter of George Ilnlay, of Etna , Hu,o, twenty, Ontario, beoam• •00 br,d. of Robert Ray McGraw 90• ',ride entered she parlor on Ib. e m of Mr. Morgan, while the wee line marub Wiwi bdiug p ayed by Mie* Retina Wo d, end the bridal part. took lbw pieties briers a draper •1 *md,x, 1'hd bride looked Ohtani g ul a guwu of white mere• Rev E Ouukburn, of Si. Andrew', Pre, uyterlau uhoruh, peifurmnd the carr many. After the beppy oouple bstt .001060 the good wtebee of all pre.. nt, the company repaired to ab, lining room, where a daintily pre pared wedding breakfast was par team of. The deouratioue for tb. •.anti aud boas were iu green an.. white. Among the goeste whtob .0 r ailed only rhe tmmediele re,attvea, we,, *lien Emma Imlay, of E.be,, Om., a air ter of the bride. ,t1r. aud Mrs. MaGree ,' =aft for their yew home near Feint Ed .yard, where Mr. McGregor has late y •ieeu apporntbd eupernue,dent of the luerautme grounds by the Domiui,t -overnmeet. The bride's going awn• gowu was of greeu broad° nth. Mary very gifts were reoe,ved, ,bowing Or -state 111 wh,ol, they are held, and the tui wiebee of a host of fronds with whom bo b are jnetly popular fol.ow then. •0 their new home, L.toeLo w el. Elgin Roy, of the Imperial B.ak staff, Oubatt, is ,Dins for hie holidays. three J. M. Green, millluer, is home (rem Belleville on a abort vac0tioo. R Arse u, of the Imperial Batik, we • ',mei* to Be 'Themed n Saturday by u, ler 004 illness lit hid father. dame memeere of the Listowel Gori 1 uu wen out la,& week and had a game rhe onkel were iu prima ooudfrioo. Phe annual meeting of the County L O L of North Patti was betel in th, Orange Hall, Lietowal ou Tuesday of nand week. Root. Cne,and retiree from the nacre. ..rye",p aud auo,pns the preridenoy of he E ma Farmer,' Mutual Fire Inver vucn (,omp.ny. He was the founder SCHOOL BOARD SECRETARY - TREASURERS. . ECRETARY-TREASURERS.• The following are the Seeretary- Treasurers of the various School Boards in East Huron School Inspec- torate :- GARY. S, S. No. 1 Robert J. Hoover .,.• .....,Brussels 2 Alex. Stewart Cranbrook 3 P. A, McArthur Brussels 4 Malcolm Fraser ,...Jamestown 5 John Dunbar Ethel 6 Angus Shaw Brussels 7 Wm Cameron Cranbrook 8 Archibald McLean Cranbrook o David K, Livingstone ,Moncrieff to John M. Hutchinson Henfryn rr Coorad Bernath Ethel 12 Charles Cese...................... Walton U 4 Allan Mitchell ..,.Moteswortn U 3 Amos Smith Trowbridge 13 4 James Donaldson jr Atwood HOWICK. t Hugh Holiday Belmore z Fred Mahood Lakelet 3 W. R. Johnston Clifford 4 Mathew Daue Gerrie 5 Robert Deachman Gerrie 6 Robert Graham Fordwich 7 W m. H. Gregg. ........... ,...Gorrie 8 J F. Sotheru Fordwich 9 Arthur Johnston Fordwich 10 James W. Edgar ,Gorrie rr Wm. Edgar Fordwich 12 Ernest Harris Newhridge 13 George Doubledee Belmore 15 James Stokes Huntingfield 16 George Robertson Molesworth i7 William Watters....... ..... Fordwich 18 John t Maguire Gorrie 5 William Ronald Mulesworth HULLETT t William Wilson Constance 2 Loren Tyndall .Clinton 3 John Britton... Constance 4 Wm Carter Cnostance 5 Richard Carter Loudesboro 6 Thomas Nablus.. ....... Harlock 7 John Brigham Blyth 8 William Lvom . .Londesboro 9 William J Robertson Auburn ro T. R Mair l�lioton U 5 John Wilson Auburn U 12 R. J. Draper........,. Summerhill 01 George Potter Blyth MCKILLOP, r Francis Murphy 2 George B. Uorrance 4 Robert S Habkirk 5 John Nolan •.. 6 William A. Johnston Seaforth Seaforth Seaforth Beech wood Winthrop 7 Richard Robinson. .•. .. Leadbury 8 Conrad Eckert Beechwood cud fur tweu;y one pieta eearetary ala to 'rhos Mt:Ilroy tel Leadbury wereger of the company. Under bitWinthrop tz Arch, D. Somerville. �Winthrnp t3 John Scott Seafortlt MORRIS. 1 John A. Brown . .Bluth z James B. Kerney Brussels 4 John Mooney Brussels 5 C. 8. Wilkinson... ....... Belgrave 6 Wm. Bryans Brussels 7 Robert Warwick Wingham 8 Samways Paul Bluevale Walton Btuerale Walton Myth Blyth :•large .oetnet+ grew to large dtmeneloue. W. W. Livingston, eou of Mts. J. L.vie.gdton, Mate street, saooeeefnoy se d bra third year law txamtuatious et 0 •goude Hatl, be boiug one of the ex eo honer men. Mr. Liviugatou, 1.. amnia a patine ramp with a lae., fl In Jit Wrrnipeg, where it is hie inteu• lou to token hie profeeeion. Worn wax 'phsned +aat Wednesday ;. Rev. J. S. Herdic, Irma x Oburch, 01 re. althea death by accident of Datm IcE n21e, and 011 win 1e owed the due) •1 uera.e,lI . hi de:arraa•ue news to .he . (e aud family here. Mr. tio$euzie baa .oeu workieg ou the new 0. P R. steel ,ridge over the Greed River near Guelph aud the aiippiog.of a heavy Steel leder caueed the almost instant death of -040 et the men, be being one and a 0 P R e n'luoror Mabony, of London, they lived but a few mieutee atter th uu.deut Mr. MrK nzi.' has lived to time teem, for flume 1. mire, and at one rime o,. t farm in rriolaoe. He has been wore as 12 080th 0 man ' go On the railway tie eat yearn, of.en away (rum hume, bit made lee home here where bis family •4111 are• MEBIICLU A BARD SWELLING. .LLS. Gua. E. Germs, writing from Pembroke, ten, bow Ile was 'Oared iu a 'wooer tramp. "A heavy tog rotten .01mil my 'ea and I ap .tied Poiemda Nervl.inrI gut re Jet A few robbing* vrlh biegwdhutment cured m0" I, be 0a*h„ Hardline is tumepsueable ; earns neuralgia, colds, rhenmet,em lid intermit meordere too. No p8row, nu t, afford to be without Netvinee, Uiefo fur all interual aud external pare, Lanae bonnet 26o. at all dealers, .i 1.wuu(8. tare, W. D. Mitchell ie making a de. tided improvement to her property by naulug tour of the large shade treat 001 down. Lade week while Mary Chapman was saying with her brother, the had the mmfurtn.,e to have a jaok knife rue terough her band. Wane Le,ee Wee run over by Wm, tiunier'e norie. The lad was ou a rig knead and jumped off u00 knowing ut tuuther rig baited. Hueter', bora tweaked bun down and tore hie scalp dame 012 11101108 down to the skull above the right ear. F um the financial Siatemeut of the Newry teheese F,otory we gather the tullowina facts t -Total Ibe. of oheeeo 'reg., 156,627 t moony reoeived $18,528, 84 ; ave. price per ib cheese 10 72 ; ave. , .r cent of batter fat 8 44 ; paid maker,' $1447.60; total lee milk received 1667, 807 ; paid 'porcine iu uaeh $14,888 26 1'ne auuoal meeting of the E tuo Far •uer'a Fire Idedranoe 00, was halo in Atwood on January 29 d, T. D.cker.n lee epp„iutee chairmen and R Or6ard .uteu as Dee. The Auditors' Report dhuwO that up to Deo. 81, '05, there were 1874 pndelea in feta,, represent ug 62,978,198, with an uueeeeeeeeu reside li0 of pteu,nm newer of 6182,954 01 ; ea b bat. to Bask of Hamntoi, 88690 60 ; .o melee'. $299 82 Me 8 retiring tar eolore, Meter,. U•a,and, Donaldson and Laughers were re elated. J. A. Pnru• tit and F. Undue were elected anduore. Ira board of d,reotors organized time, Prat., R (Deland ; V Pree, J. Dunaldoon. Applieetious ea hinted for tneuranee amounting to $121,850. Meeting ad. journed till March 6. Parliament 10,11 meet on March 8. a ,11;.' Harper, or Bruakvllla, wale een- t.need ;'fifteen yearn 1,. penitentiary at Diugotur, for-aseauhing aud beaus a man named eloZ,uuun• 9 fames A Moore.... 10 Witt. James Johnston 11 Wro. M. South ' 12 Wm. Watson U 3 Neil A. Taylor TUCKEROMITH. t Robert McLaren Hensall „Kippen Brucefield Clinton 5 Wm. Archibald.... Egmondville Seaforth Seatorth Egmondville Seaforth to John Robertson Cbiselburet TURNEERRY. 1 fames A. Edgar Wroxeter 2 James F. Hooper Wroxeter 3 Robert Muir Glenannan 4 John W. King., ,•,,,,,.•.Bluevale 5 Thomas Haugh Wingham 6 John Porter Wingham 7 Gavin Wilson Wingham 8 Wm. 1• Henderson Wing -ham 9 James T. Wylie Glenfarruw It Wm. S. Linklater.•.Wingham 12 j. I. Abram Belmore URBAN, John Cunningham Clinton john Rankin Seaforth john F. Groves WIngharn A. H. Plummer ... Blyth J. G. Skene Brussels William Wilson Wroxetar Th Prnvint'iel Trea.cry hae recoived nem, It $12,000 from moneys culle/dad as fl •es and (retreated bad bunds 2 Thomas Elder 3 Edward Papple 4 Whitfield Crich ...... 6 James Allen 7 William Black 8 Robert Hicks 9 Isaac Moore measetediatielegtemeniarielleeixtawatenesseggemearesselseemeanweeedirernytemerieva, re.i4gRSC Amp#, ,Leo .. m2L, ........t• erz t --___ -zu,,, J+moa 0. Bponos ;tae been apfOiutad iudepoildotit eonlmieefonar at Bree turd. F• 8, Prtuulu hae annuerwed himse f p• an independent a re,uone idate for th Com Id l d e mon. in West leasiu bola. There are nine vaoano,ee in the Bon• ate, aud when they are dried the Liberals will have a majorhy of 28 R B Cheesy ok, eearetary of the Y. 4 C. A at Needle, baa raaigued to amps a 8im,.ar poeteiun at Eugene ""'The eohonuer Ella O la repos ted from Bamdntd, 33 O., to have turned turtle off the ;eland ooael. The . orew of tie men were drowned. Torrey and A'exauder flnlehed their e erree of revival meeterg. ee Toronto. It le ettwa•ed the" the 10ea1 ettelitian00 ranch d 280 000 people Jseepb Ka"z t d Bim OhaInter' h er'kb whi'e going Ir m Turo,w to New York were 4x2011 $2 11, ed tax et the Fuge and then *hipped hark 10 Toronto David Gd6 .'t head wag °aught in the eariug of bie buggy at Sarum aud the Introit ran away, It is feared Mr. G:ffiu'e mama aro fatal. The eljoetertl of the demaee oaue• d b} the resent fi e at the Winne,• F ,101, Moires', I,•.e ben pureed a, $100000 The pinning mil and Dash it,, neer foolery al Fusee & McFeeu,re and 31.06 01uu'e b,aoKrmuh *hop at Neepewa Man wine bu red Lueg edl,matrte al $12,000, 111*nrann*, 9600). TheEdwitrdoburu Starch Co.Imp iia Starch Us. of Preeoott and Bramforn Starch Uo. have been tit odioated into the "Starch 0 meaty," with a oepital mock of $2 600 000 Write were i.'eued on behe f of Fred Harsh;, of Obetetor,, apemen Cruwu Attorney Curry, Mr. E, re, his partner and Detective M 011 a, of Toronto, for demages cur arrest. Rib; Br nee , Treasurer of the Ame.le an Cereal Oompany 11cm ted 0e ea] the if the ourepauy were *urn .bat the '1'ren• 011110; would b" oumpleien within a few yearn they wooed elect in Pt• t•rboio' s d our mli with a capacity al 5 000 b.rre per day. For the last month or eo an epidem.e of oma Ip,x hae been raging at St. Gyri le, gee, and the ourrom,dine armory A hundred and fifty uneee have been re ported in the veenge of Bt. O, dee, and a to stated that in ulmoeb every farmhouse for minae around she discoid prevails. The Bix-h Annual meeting of the Conedta" Aedooietiou fur the prevention of consumption and other forme et tabrroolos,e wtl' b- held i,. the Reliway Uummittee ream of the $,nee . f Cum mond n th 28 h 1.1 Ma ch next. The buuoroble B.•uuter Ed vardr will pr. bide to the afternoon. Iu the rveuiog a public •el or, wit. be delivered ru the Lerture Ball of the Normal school by Dr. Arson, J. Blither, of Muuirea:, whioi. w111 be Mat rated with sternop noun plates ehowunk she •tease of aournmpOnm and some of the appatemee now in use to cheek and cure the dieeaee. The shah will be taken in ,he evening by Elio Exoellenay, Bari Grey. Don't Dose The St- mach Ilyomel ('urea Catarrh by Breathing Aromatic Beating Alr. Yon oannot efferd to risk permanen -Oen of health by taking strong drnuo unto the stomeob in 11m vain hope of oorint catarrh of the „Doe and throat. The only true way of oar,ue eetmrrha! ronh w is by the nee of byom.•t which ie breathed ihrouth n neat pocket whaler that Dame* with every outfit. Hvomei ie not a secret remedy, and it, formula ie given to all repute:4i phyeiotane It's bags is the famine. enoa,yplue oll. This c• mbined with other healing, aromatic come and bah *8000, eo that whin using Htomef, th oar you aerobe is fl led with germ [Ohne heallb•giving curative power,. It kite- and stings We are offering some Sper'n,l Values ill Watches and Glltri Hinge We ;=ball be pleased 1, allow you our BARGAINS Reliable Honest Goode at Closest Prices. H.L. Jackson L10ADING J13WELLER. Nti i'VSO'lt aFicOJr Vias iat:Ztt6"Y•IR a r!{ y,a"tL.a',9ertJ•o`N.18'ra 74,7 I Change of Business E a The undersigned wishes to announce to the 4 Public generally that he has purchased and taken possession of the cg Harness Business aso long and successfully conducted by John V a Donaldson, Brussels, and will be plensed to be favored with a continuance of the trade 80 gen- erally accorded. A first-class stock always kept and the wants of the public promptly attended to, 4D GED. STEMN rectiie a y�t�• ry Or'y��q•� n -J q •sates •l.','•�!'�'t✓'�.J'��.J�7'?..7`t.f'•lJr•'A.J•ti.Jr'4.P'•4./`�'4J"lJ� all oalerrhal germs and reined)" the eriteimereoesetiatrarrialarefaie rmeaseallaerreeszerrerearearteriterwamealaitieteatimatiee neurone mambraue of the non, throe and laneta 1011 pen f'eliv healthy condition. The he Dol let mei O O tl tip r Hy m elfin, o u Iso ingot a noxi welkin inhaler, a medioule draper and a bottle of Hyomel, 000le bur $1 00, and extra bathe, one be ob. Wired fur 6Qe., molting 11, the moot eoonom'oe method *.f onriog oatarrh, ae well ad the moat retie') e, If von uannat Dural, livened of your dealer., it will be Lot worded by mei, pustdge paid, or rroeipt of price Write to day fur cou0n'tatton blank that will entitle you 10 Services of our modloat I department without charge. The R. T Booth Oompauy, Elyomel Building I hada, N Y. IMPORTANT NOTICES Tlf11EE YOUNG SHORTHORN r'ulle 'or sate, eligible for radiant - Wm. Apply t ..7/14. I'Pl.IB, Lot 80 Oou, 6, Morns Rrneaela L. 0. 18.6f THREE NI+;yV COUNTER allow Daiwa for Bale. e - oh 8 lent long. walnut team end 4, able thiol glass. ape ply to Tan Posen, Bruevele• f'EED C'1RN AND POTATOES 1''I:n NILE.1,euuiu,.' smut N one lora o .ref.4ly saved tie the onb-t11, Leet eueil. lige cora we bay* ever steh, 0' y the Mb Naywidriueu early fu September Also "Early Triumph" Potatoes WlaIOh have auc- oree11111y r estate • dieeuee for the past three euaavns. Qnu',tity lawlted • brat Dome, filet served. J. M. ANION I', Lot 21, (le, 12, .+ .ray. 28.1f 2011 ACRE FARM FOR SALEbee,. Lite 27 tied 28, con 7 el, ey, 1 u.lb neat of 1 th„l 50 tares mow, d; -8 mere Peil w1,• at; 6 acres bush • 10 idoes pa, ore lad; bele„ a w*U heeded is 0.11 lemma Buo watered. Oo ;armlets are 0t.in- hatable dweluu1house. bank ba•u 60s106, b• rse stable, urivug ebeu, wil.dmlll and ails. Pore„dET, n given ',heroin lltu• I'or ar1Ai a:diu,ek tLei P. u. tit p100 008 to L. 20.1 „ ELL KNOWN FARM FOR Be12 - ,elan Lot 20. t ou 16, Or y, 10 ta1LI.0 anm 1* m 1mtu0mc,r.st0o. Hall oan -alag,,1 usig 26 di0, Nail 10.'e, .10101*. thTehrea am.0 +tcd0•, W 01 vel aud ilmolby, 8 teen Laren • net acres 3,110101. rIx acre, Inc d - Wood bus., balauob purt0le. entre ere thole .gc0,e”, oauelitt 0,eanellobgoroOhttar,d, allmoo tdewe4aLug.• buddiugB. Fl r price. terwe, eta. apply to IIAVt• or WILLIA01 rHD.LB, hxeout.. re or astern, ou prnwlous, or .r0u1rooa P. 0. yERKSBIRL;S AND YORK - 1). ulama 2.411 .'ACEI—Ohs nderalg„e•1 11..1..1 baps, 110 101 Al, 0 0 12 Grey, the o4,wlna well 0r• -d so nit -6 improved Berkeuire bows, du, to hate. la reranary, Berea mid April, 8,4 teem oarrymg first litter; 1 Be,kehtre hoar aud a I em euwe ahem 4 wt lane 014 bred Iron, prize maim; ; atoek; a Torkeutr, how, tutu ,atter lit 10 p100 at Rot, orad rrum BerkelLe sire; )leu a few o1,alet yew g Teal/dial. Bowe 80811 reedy ,lit 10000 t',a da, k su LLrn, t0tl a ee rap, es..ntnU. .,argotgo.ek purclatl e ir. J P.. math aud H, 27:41 Lra,.brooe P. U. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of William Ziegler, late of the Township of Grey, in the (lunacy of Herm', farmer, deceased. Norton to hereby given, ,arm rot to Aevie- ud tetutee of Outa,10,1897, 1 hap. 109, aud mewluevlugtMI* 001,101 Nastiest the astute ofhthe stun Wddaw Ztog,er, wh sled un or about Oh 284o cm. o Ocw.er 1905 eretbgnhe*.00 a b- tore tau 24th - ay 01 Seto uary,19:49, to baud lie plat. toupee) 0r insulter to a B. doenenald, to the Village of Omelets, In un ou, t3 lit Duruu, detainer 1 r 0.. ah ar.u0 Zt. glue, el nue T1,vn.,Wp 0t they, Ad- n euta. nu, the tell pieti.tinc .1 ertieuiae a eauof heir clathe ims, int etatew0a4 01 their a000ultb aud toe initiate Ol the stostu 61tb (10 ley) bald by teem. A - 1 ' ottce ,e furtb.r 81008 that altar toe rayl last mm,Llontc ,ate tare 001,1 AdwO Ili. , ratrll wilt pruuuedt., utetrtbu,e *110 111,0010 01 410 db0aabnd aw00001 tib parolee aut.L- mit uherete, 0•.viut tamed 0ufy to the menu, of 8huh bhb 08,11 tuna have uut,ee and that 1 .0 emu Adwimatratrix will not no Jieb:O 10r fhb 0 8018, or Soy pert, 11,61001, to eel! 1, *sou or persons o, 010b0 0Iai131e tamed duel, ant neve been received ul bar a1 the I1wn of ,you diotrfbut.uu. Detect et N,uooele .1100 19tu day 0r Jae - nary, 4.1)„ 1902. A, 13.111A, DONALD, 29.8 8ultuitur for adwmletratrfx, Notice to Gr editors In the matter of the estate of Francis Beirnes, late of the Township of Grey. in the County of Harou, farm. er, deceased. Notice is hereb• given. nnraoant to Revile ed Statutes •rf n tnrl r, 1807. ;`bap 125, and amended Acre that e1. urodrtoro and others having ant claims ae0•net the estate of the said Fra mit Betrnao, who died on or al out the 7tlt lay of January, 1903, are ren hire 1 en or In iOre t • 24tu clay of F bruo v. 1908, to send by p ret, p,epaad. to 11101111e%, Morrison ate, Walton P. 0., ono of the 1Yeentnre of ,h estate of the amid declaimed• the full portion a e Of their maims, the etOlement or (h0 r neo•,nete and the nature of the securities (f anppl bald by them A 1 notice is fyrtll.•r g.ven tont at er the ,a•d last mon'ine. d dote the said Ex Cater, will preen d t1 distribute Due asset.; of the droe•sed minim* Wa parties entitled the. et •, havlog rugal euty t i the o Lime of which they shall then have soden aud that the 9 we axeeutOr• w 11 not be haute ,or the mem 0, any pant there -S, to any per0.,1 or ,0re,u9 of wit se Maims 108(00 Wall not have beau received oy tumn at Otte time of 1,1100(1 tibui rneam. Uy• riele this With day of Jan - nary ,, 19 19 e. e, A n M 1r.DONALD, "oheitor tar Humans) ,1000. Heufryn P 0, 1 Bxaontore. 61472 .00501610, Waldo,' P. 0,1 ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS 1 tom S#Jnhu From Ha ' ifan SlWHien eat Feb,I0 Moo, Po 13 Preterite .. , 6e 17 .,. ' P.13 10 Num .fan ,,, '. Feb.24 ' Pa 20 Oorluthien ... ” War 8 " Mar. 5 Rates Of Patinae r 0 b onnd( 411 i, Liverlr"'Imrulddrup- welds,- eenderry, 880. Third Guinn, I,ivdrpool Lon- doudorry, a 10 . Parisian $27 50 -other above dolmen 828 50 BOSTON TO GLASGOW Siberian ante rday, p'ob, 10 IOAIAI'AX 20 LONtiON and leAYItel Pomerania +uturaay, Feb. 92 `�re i'niekl n�'^ (he Forturtler particulars, rates and tlokbtn Finest dial la,}' of L 1 Apply to MANFTO FLOUR BEININISIEBBIEBEINGENalerell Five Lazes adiaL.itoba Flour Nothing Better Made MEXOLOginflleigillgErffigell CEO. THDMSDN'S_ W OOD F(1R SALE.:DRY AND Geeon, Heoob awl ale. L0uetbs 10* 101,49 luohee. Older, left at Thum. 0ou'e grocery, Hrnseets, will be promptly atteudetl to, •,r to J, [t J,H0tFP1ON, Blyth P. C. 25.8 Lot oO,t,un 7, Morrie. 141AI0M TO RENT. -THE UN - A. DeRataREn tame the 100 agree, kenwu as the Atkin farm, Lot 10, 0 in 14, Grey, to rout. Good brtok house, 3frame bolus and choice orchard Pare is ali seeded down except 20amen 1 6acres of Fail wheat P,eebre,uu 51 "DON For Ittrlherpartiuulars apply m, J 'B, (314 -INT, Lot 5, Coo 12, 1.r07, 01 13/090010 P. u 32.11 GRAIN CHOPP.N3 The undrrrighed beg leave to uotift the farwit'g community that they are now neatly to do al t I kinds of Grain Chopping aud Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, I:rttu, aborts, t4Ld., always iu steel' tend BOW at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building SPECIAL BARGAINS IN--- MILLI6EHY Felt Hats for 0 Cents We are also Agents for the "New Idea" 10 Cent Patterns. CaII aud get a Fash- ion Sheet. EMS HABKIRK MONTHLY Horse Fairs BRUSSELS The Monthly Horse Faire will be held in Brussels for the seas n as followe :- THURSDAY MAR. let, 1906 APR. 6th, " Leading Local and outside Ihtyere Will be Present F• S. 80OTT, OLmax. ALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coining to the Bi ussels Salt Works call get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. Eintl COMFORT T Having iove.ted in a Hot Water Heating apparatus I am now in a pooitiou to offer you Hot Coffee, Beef Tea, Tomato Bouillon, aud Chicken Ilroth at our Res- taurant on two mimeos' notice. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for a continuance of your trade, I am, Yours Very Respectfully, J. W. KERNEY TELEPHONE 5 Oysters Served Hot or Cold. BRUSSELS ars Ever seen Brussels Agent Alien Line, zl1eetell, I Call and See them and get Prices* In