The Brussels Post, 1906-2-8, Page 11
Vol. 34. No 31
W H KERR. Prop
New Advertisements.
Local -Ewan ra 0o,
Auction sale -"Albert Outer.
Light shoes I. 0. Rieltarde.
Black T -R. 0. Device & Oo.
Auction sale - W. 13, Maunders.
House and lot for sale -A, Cook,
Good clothes -Dodds & Habltirk,
Preserve your eyesight -Jae. Fox,
Notice to creditors -A. B, Macdonald.
Reduced hardware-A.M,MoKe* & Co,
Goode you may require -F, R. Smith.
i9istxx.ct Rms.
Lead b la e•v.
Who would not enjoy a good glees of
foe cream.
Mies Florence Stitt left fast week to
attend th.-Ladies' Oollege at St, Thome.
Miss Graoe Gardiner ie enjoying a
holiday with Meade in Uoborno town
Peter Gardiner hi prepared to do grain
grinding for the farmere on Monday aid
Tuesday of each week. Pete does goo.i
work and camera be we I patronized.
Don't forget the anetion vale et J. 13
Browa'a Friday afternoon of tbie week.
Miss Mary Coater., who has opens the
Item two years in Manitoba, retdraed
home last we, It
The farm "f John T. Dennison offered
for Bale by enation last Saturday wee not
Bold there being no prospective pnrohas•
er. We wander why farm laude are so
Blow in'eltiug le ale i lop as there is up
better land in the county,
rete revils-sr.
NxwBY NOTES -Min Jennie Peebles, of
Atwood, spend several days of Ines va ea
with her ono in, Mre. Jas. Bellantyne.-
Jobn McFarlane, of New Liskeard, tr
renewing acgn'intencee in this vieteity
-Rev. L. Perrin took for hie sulije°,
Suedey evening, the 'rorrey•Atexandet
eervwes-Watlnaa Laokie, of Coldwater,
Nish , ie the guest of hie brotber, George
L+ekie, and other relatives here -Miee
Roes, of Brneeele, epent two days of ere
week with Mrs. R. Black -E. end Mra
Lewie went to Mount Forties taut There
ley to attend a brother of the farmer wit
is iii -Mitis Vosbarg retarnoe
rum Braoebridge th.s week - A. nnu
Mrs. Paulin entertained a number of
young people Monday evening.-Miseee
Effie Oarr and May Perrin were saooese-
Owing to a change in business a Reduction Sale will be held for
the next 80 Days, during which time goods will
be sold for Cash at
Specially Reduced Prices
In Stock will be found Harvest Tools, Cross -cut Saws, Lamps, Car-
pet Sweepers, Silverware, Cutlery, Stock Foods, Bells,
Mitts, Lantorne, Whips, etc., floc.
-Oroee-out Saws at $L95, mortally 08.00,
-Lampe at $2.50, usually $8.75.
-Carpet Sweepers at $2.25, usually $8.00.
-Silverware away down.
-Cutlery must be Bold at Very Low Prices,
-2$ Ib. Pail of Stook Food for 01.00.
-12 Ib. Pail Animal Regulator for $1.50, regular $2,00.
Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains
accounts are asked to be squared off at once.
McHay & Co.
ful in paesing their reoent exominatfone
n music in Jorento,--Owing to the
Quarterly meeting bold in Belem en
Sanday thernaawae no eorvioe iu the
Metbc.liet church here Sunday evening
-The hockey team played a game in
Fordwioh Inst Tharedey, the result beim
a tie -A number of young people attend
ed the At Home given by they ung me,
of Gerrie to the Town Hall Wednesday
evenhta.-,Robert Miler ie buying a..
enation ease ou Thi sdey of all stook and
farm implements -Mrs, John Dayideo,
s ,he guest of retelling near Wingham
-The grocery stook of E Lewitt we
bre:ht by A. H. Rae at 04 petite ou til
do ler -W Onrr, of Toronto, bee bough'
th Stets pIarjt here and will take pose••es
me et once. tit+lire Oars oomee here Vol,
well reoommeuded.-Miee Amelia B -it
any left ma Tuesday for a visit with Sr.
Karya Mende -For driving Endues!.
over Wroxeter Bridge a Mr, Marshall, o.
Belmore, was tined $1 00 and mete b.
Ex Warden fyliaer .3 P - Mies Mal
Perrin, dauebter of Rev, Petrie of
Wroxeter, bee passed her Exam. will
hi h honors at the Conservatory of Murat
in Tomato, being a pupil of Miee Mary
MATRIMONIAL -On Wednesday evening
24th nu at 0.30 p m. Rev. Mr. Barnett,
of M leeworth, spoke the myetio wort e
that united Robs. Geo. Gibson, of Ethe.
and Miss Annie E.liott, of Moleswortha
as hneband and wife in the presence o'
.boat 60 invited guests. After oon
e'atbfatioae and the wedding dinner the
•+nmpany epent a very pleasant eve0in,.
The preeente were costly and varier,
The young couple will settle down to til
etern realities of ife in Ethel, where the
groom has a proeperooa „0eineee.
avian eat: tar wet .
DEBATE. -Oa Weineadav evening our
of the meet ruoaeeefal debates ever bete
in thie plaoe took place. Weather we•
ideal and the boogie was' crowded. Th,
egbjent "Resolved that Canada bee r.
brighter intoes than U. 8 " was there
oughly disacleeed in an interesting, to
atrnetive and practical way. Speaker.
were to the point, and venllemany it. -
their remarke. Program wise tie fol owe.
F. MoDonald ocoapytng the ahair
Oburne, "Canada," by Meters. Ramat,
and ; eong, Misses Snell ane
Bouts : recitation, Miee Pea000k, Tb,
debate then took plaoe. 8. Lemont ase
R Sampson epoke for the affirmative sort
R Bennett and P. A. McArthur for th
negative. After a lengthy dieaueeiee,
is whiob many flue p.iute were made
the jodgee. Mr. P.•llook, Mr. Bugg, and
Mr. Bryan¢, were consulted and their
deoieion was given to the affirmative
Recitation, Mise McGuire ; %dean teles
Hon, Mies Rattan and Mr, Rattan ; eong,
J. T. Straohan ; reoitation, Mine Mu
Guice. The audience was well pleased,
and was delighted with a o0mie reading
by Mr. Bennett. The offioera deserve
Biq BiackTVaiue
We are in a position to offer you what we
think is the Biggest Black T Value
that has ever been plated before the
people of the Township of Grey Are you
going to take advantage of an opportunity
of buying Black Tea. at
10 Lbs. for $2.50
which we will piace beside the so called
"Tea Pedlar's" 35c. Value ? viill
you try a Ten Pound Package ? If
it pleases you, you are saving money ; if it
does not please you, it will cost you noth-
ing, as we will refund your money juttt as
cheerfully as we take it if you will return
the Tea to us.
"Poverwoovvieiftwoorwrie AAAINotiwAftwootootA0140~~0~00twod
R. C. Davies & eO. Ethel
congratulatione on their elforto, end it
to be leaped tbet more young men
will take part. Next debate, will be held
.n Wednesday Feb 21, If you want an
. netroetive, as well as an enjoyable time,
dont fail to be there.
( meat 0 rook.
Next S'tbbath afternoon Ren, Mr, Mill
vard, of Lookaow, will preaoh in the
eletbodi t (thumb here.
Leet 8goday Mr. Weatberald, of Knox
i,ulege, Toronto, enpplfed the pa pit of
Knox oharoh in this place in the abeeaor
,f the p.etor.
BvRParex Pea fi Taeoday night of
.hie week a eletgb toed drove up from
lranbrook and a few cutters from til
101.11 to Oouuoillor J, Brown's, Thu*
report a good time.
Mre. Brown and Miee Margaret Brown
have returned home from Hamilton, Gal,
and Ayr where they visited for thre
menthe, bavieg a0 enjoyable time, Mre,
Brown's two nieoea who °erne ap with
'hero, one from Galt and the ether from
Regula, N W. T., intend retaroiag oa
Friday to Millbank to visit frieude there
Weel ton.
The reveller Quarterly Oommnnioe
service will be observed in the Methodiet
aburoh next Saladay at 2 80 p. m.
Our football teem played the return
match with No. blast Friday ettermoo.-
ten were defeated by a aoore of 2-0.
,lies Aggte Campbell has returned
Ira tfor
m the West a visit. She will prob
.b,y remain is Outeno until Summer
The Young People's Circle wet holo
the reenter meeting at Wm. Dennixon'e
to 'Tuesday evening next. A goon
urogram is being prepared.
Cornelius and Mra. Wheatland, who
have been visiting friends in Walton,
tett on Tuesday. They will make forth r
vieits before retnruing to their borne it.
A Book Sooial will be held by the
members of 8t. George's Ohuroh Gatld,
Welton, at the residence of 0. White,
Leadbary, on Thareday evening of next
.ver It. A select program will be given
titer which refreehmente will be maven
t splendid evening of amusement it
aseored all who attend and every one is
M creta.
It ie said the Ferrand law eat may be
amioably adjneted.
Aeeeeeor Watson will oomme0oe bit
w •rk at an early date.
Next meeting of township Council wit
be held on Ma, oh 12th.
A grand 2 year and heavy draft ooln,
aired by "Burger" was sold by Walter
Forrest, 20d line, to P. J. McKay, 8tr.
eon., Grey, et a gond price.
EARLS LAMBa.-On January 80th e.
thorn' bred Letoeeler ewe belonging to R
Nichol, 6th tine, presented her ownet
with a pair of nue/lambs Ail are dung
well. She evident y approves in eettlint
ner antonnts early in the year.
Leet Friday Robert Nichol, 6th fibs,
leiivered to Samuel I•vtu, 5th line, ch.
•horn' bred Durham ball ealt,Broedhook.
Keight, bred from Mr. Jacobs importer,
tdroadhooke "Gulden Fame" 50018, for
wbioh he received a good round prioe
Mr. Irvin has got n good animal.
Sydney, eon of Jamee Bolger, 8:1•
fine, who Mae been laid op for the past
8 mouth. from a trouble in hie right
knee, caused by a twist in playing a game
of ball in Mauitoba, to improving lin'
to Will under the doetor'e mere. The
disabled limb was operated upon at the
Winnipeg hospital. We hope be wilt
soon be o. le.
The aaaeeeor will anon call on you.
Swan Peva for Bale, Apply to Jemee 8.
Shaw Brneeele,
Walter 61cKay, 9th eon., offers hie
farm for nate.
Chas. and Mre, Rozell are away on a
aolidny visit to Balton County.
Mise Nora Maaadere was visiting her
friend, Mies 0. B. M&Quarrie, last week
W. J. Sbisle, 16th oon., is pot enjoying
very reborn health but we hope he will
In Grey township in 1905 the vital
etanetioe were 82 birthe, 29 marriagee
end 45 deatbe.
A flue Durham bell calf hae been par
chatted from tate herd of Donald Rob
erteon, 9th oon., by Angus Lamont, 7.b
Au enjoyable party wen held at the
home of John Sm.11ie, 18th non., on Toee.
day ntu v
o 0 of this wank and all had a
good time.
Mrs. Sly, of Grayling, Mloh., and Mre.
Hugh MoNeil, of Ethel, ere visiting the
former'e brothers, John and Peter Mm•
Neu, 14t11 aun. of Grey.
Taos. Davidvoe eold a heavy draft
mare to Jae Arohibeld, of Sealorth, for
the tidy figure of $200. She wae a flue
mare and good vain at that money.
Tuesday Charlie Eeket lett Wrox.ter
for Dee* Lake, Algoma, where he goes
to look alter farm property owned there
and to visit relatives and friends iu the
same towline,
Will. MuKay, who has been in the
nation for lour yeare, baa rrturoed home
He is renewing old friendehipe atoned
Mouori.ff. Will. le looking well and the
country moot aertainiy agree with him.
Firs Hones -A eburs time ago Mre.
E Dwkeon, Ilse oon„ diepoeed of a
ebotoe heavy draught horse W Dennie
Bros., el Me13innp, receiving the heed•
some num of $250 The bores woe .icing
6 yeare old and was airedby "Bursar,"
Is pays to grew the right/lase of etoak.
Leet Friday a team of football players
nam -over from Walton to try ooroloaione
with No, 6, Grey. Tivley were flue clever
fellows, and bad their, °hare of hunore in
the game. Does Cole referred the game
and gave entiefitorion to both eidoe,
Welton wag etieaaaeeefut leaving the
eong. 2-0 in favor of No. 6.
The 100 farm of Albert Carter, lith
non , his beau leafed to Thoma Lear.
moot, o4 Brneeele, for a three year term,
Peeseseion to be given on Marna let.
lir. Carter intehde taking a trip to the t
West and hi Saskatoon locality will take
ap land Inc hi, eons, Mre. Carter will
remain on the farm in the meantinT0, u {
Owen Bell, who left Grey over 20 years
ego for the Wait, is vieieing relatives an.
friend.). He is the oldest son of Robert
Self, 8rd oon, Mr. Ben hue met with
eauueee in Manitoba,
Ed. Pekoe loot a doeskin ,gauntlet mit
oa Taeoday, between the 16th 000. Grey,
and Ethel station. Finder will much
oblige the owner by leaving it et Daviee
& Ou'e. store, Ethel, or at Toe P. SI,
Tho wife of D. Carson, or Lot 28, Con
7, died on Saturday, 27th alt. She ware
a victim of aoueumption. Intermeaf
to dr piece in Erma Centre on netergg o
Monday. Service was held at St. Denid'r
church, Beufryor
Mise Brown, of Regina, N. W. T. ;
.Mee Brown, of Ayr ; Miee Brown, or
Cranbrook ; Mre. H. Smallden and son.
of Oren'rook, and Mrs. M. Cameron, 1001
now, were visiting at Coenoilloe Brown's
net Friday. The fleet two mentioned
etre °attains of their hoe* and the other
adieu are 01010 a of Mr. Brown.
Dram OF JOHN LAAu,rE.-The death of
John Lambie, wbioh we briefly mention
.d ie few weeks ago, removes cue of tin.
pioneers of the cownebip of Floe. B
was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in tilt
veer 1888, emigrating to Canada in 1860,
drat eettling fn Boerbur° towoebip. 1.•
1666 he removed to Floe, and lived on ate
term he then settled on till the time of
nie death. On January 11, 1885, 41
veers on the day of hie burial, he wa
married, bis wife still surviving him. 0'
heir family of Live, bat one survival,
Jima Lambie, woo livee ou a farm ad
joining the hameeteed. He le also ea
vivid by five Meters :-Mrs. Robert Dav
.Axon, of Toronto ; Mre Frank 800tt, of
d•arboro ; Mre Thoe. MoFadzea❑ and
vire. Thoe. Davidson, of Grey township,
Huron 0o..• and Mre Thoe. Johnston, of
Arcola, Bleak. A11 were present during
mitt* illness bat Mra. Boort and Mrs. Jobm
¢ton. Mr. Lambie wee predeaeaeed bl
two brothers, both of whom were earned
away by the same complaint, ir.8amma
tine. Deceased was a man of etenink
.utegriry and was honored and respected
ny all who knew him. In religion be
,vae a et..anoit Presbyterian, being en
eider of the E.mvale obnroh at the time
of his death. Ho was taken ill at Christ
nae and passed peacefully away on the
evening of Jan. 7th, after a short it nes-
nf eixteeu days. The funeral took plant
nn Tnureday afternoon, Jan. lltb, to the
E mvale Preebyterion cemetery, and wap
attended uy a very large number, ebow
tug the high esteem in whirr!) he was he d
ie the oommauity. A memorial eervlot
was °endaoled in the Preeb*terian
uburab on the following Sunday moraine
by Rev, G. J. MaoKey.
tilts evalvt.
Last Sunday morning Jno. Kerr, or
W.ugham, addreeoed the Epworth League
here. He ie President oI Wioghem
Disarm and an en hpeieetio worker.
The OHoial Board of the 5letbodiet
church, Blaeva e °Irak, extey; ed a
eearty iavitatiou to Rev. Geo, Baker to
retarn to tbia circuit for the third year
The paetor.expreeeed his appreciation of
the,r kindoeoe and said he sincerely
hoped the o00rfug 0onfereoge would
grant the rsqueet,
Ao Epwortb League has been organized
in the natbodhe' Cbnroh here with the
(.&owing offioere :-Hon, Pree., Rev
B.O. Baker; Preetdeot, V.otor Jermin ;
let Vice Pree , Wm. Manley ; 2od Vtae
G Baker ;Std Free.,
OliveMeo.Yi a PMillee; Oar. Seo, Miee M. Osie
more 1 Sea., Reseal Jermyn ; Rep. to
District Executive, Rev. G. Baker;
areae., Jno, Garnett 1 organist, Miee
Olive Maetere
NoTne.-It is not far from *he sublime
to the ridionl000, nor, in tine country,
from the blooming pansy to the frozen
di.h cloth. -Walter Burgess went to
itratford on Monday to engage in the
fermiers bneineee for a abort time, -
Communion nerviest was held lu the
Preeuvteriaa etherah last Sunday morn
ins. Oa the Fr day previous Rev. Gea,
Baker, of the Methodiet aborab, preaoh
ed the preparatory sermon.-•Miee Davie,
of Wiogbam, rammed her moeio olaSe et
Blnevale.-Albert Hughes, of the let line
of Morrie, made an aesignment last week.
--David Patton, jr. ie ill with appendiof•
tie, -Oleos Candlemas (February 2nd,)
nix weeks of bard weather.
TDRNDnans - Consort. - Minutes of
Oounoi• Meeting held in the Olerk'e (Mae,
Blnevale, on Monday Feb, 5. Membere
of Uoanml all present. The reeve in the
obeir. Robert MoMinbeel, the newly
elected member of Connoil baying made
hie deotaratlon of gaelificaelon and of
,ffioe, took hie seat.The minutes of last
meeting were read and adopted on motion
of Metiers. Rutherford and Moffett.
Oommenioatione were read from the
Dom'nion Guarantee 0o., re Treaenrer
and Oolleetor'e Boud•, filed ; else from
the West 9ntario Pao Bo Railway Co.
notifying b.haioipalitiesof their intention
to apply foe a °barter to braid a branch
line from a point nn their main line near
London theough thee cowman of Middle
eex, Oxford, Perth, Huron and Brnoe to
a poet on Lake Heron, filed ; also
atom solioiter re eleotrio light plant, filed.
The auditors' report was laid before the
Council for final audit. Moved by Mr,
Kelly, neao'.ded by Mr. McMichael that
the anditore' report be adopted, Carried.,
Moved by Mr. Rutherford eeoonded by
Mr Mullett that we oak for tenders for
.he Township printing from the Wing.
ham Times and Advance to be laid before
the Couubit at their n'•xt meeting on
Monday April 2nd 1908 .parried. Memo.
-Arty ear -payer wanting a allange of
palhmaetere will pease botify some
member of Coattail before next meeting.
The following acooante were pseeed and
okegnee leaned :-Henry Armetrong,
rep. culvert on Govt, Drain $2 00 ; John
Mar•hali, 2 new tile 001050te $9 00 ; J,
J, Moffett, two. Phare work oe Wing,
ham tidy $1,00 ; Pnnl Powell, re taxes
eleetrie itgat pear 9108.72 ; John Mos•
grove, au -lit, $8,00 ; Douglas Fraser,
audit, $10.00; Alex Mal audit,
910.00; Wm Currie, Board mad care of
indigent, $15.001 John Wray, repairs
o bridge 6th line, $9.50 ; Municipal
World; books eta , $12 63 ; W. H Kerr,
adnertiehngr 92 64 ; John Bergee0, nom.
natloue, $12.00; Wm. Is, Smith, root
Foresters' Hall ; $4 00. Moved by Mr
1elty, emended by Mr. Ma dlabeal that
this moetleg do now adjourn to meet in
the Clarke offioe, Blnevale on Monday,
April 2nd, 1906, at 10 o'oloak 4, M. Oar
ried, Jong Bpaaase, Clerk,
John Brown has pnrohaoed a 8bort-
horn ball at Elora from Mr. Wllkehorn
I'he animal is 2 years old ; be weighed
1525 p •ands where taken off the oar and
le a One animal.
Ruohard and Mre. Patterson and family
Save returned to Edgar where Mr. Pat
•erten ie running a bleokemith baefneeo.
They were vistti❑g at their old bomee,
bat of Jae. Brown, 10th con., and Mr.
Patterson, 14th, and other triende.
Leat Monday oontraaoe ware let to A
Hill & 00 , of Mitobell, for 4 steel bridgee
-n be built in 1906 They are all looeten
n oidoroed 6 as lol.owe ;-itioleeworeh•
9175 ; Oommioga, $195 ; Brown, 9440 .
Bremner, $415. Three pair of oonorete
.botmente were let to 8: 8 Cols, G 08 75
red 40o for excavation. Messrs. $eine
.vorth & Eokmter got two pair g 08 90,
•xoavatinu 80 ciente.
Deportment of Ethel Publio Boboot. Br.
F.fth Olase-Exam, in Hi t., Eno.,
Book keeping and Geo. -L. Obambere,
97 ; al. 8lemmon, 86 ; N. Simpson, 77
Jr. Fifth Olaee-P. Bremner 78; F.
Imlay, 72 ; H. Uoatee, 69 ; B, Eokmier,
65 ; M, .Mooa!lnm, 61. Fourth Claes-
Exam. in Hiet., Arab., Play., and Geo„
S. Dunbar, 85 ; R. Engler, 82; G. Dan
ear, 82 ; B. Bateman, 81 ; J MaCallam,
79; R. Love, 70113. MoIntoeh, 69 ; E.
vioKee, 62; G. MoKee, 61 ; R. Fraser,
e0 ; L. Cooper, 59 ; "W. Hemewerib, 50 ;
'E Hemsworth, 49 ; "I. Heath, 47 ; 'L
calmed, 38 ; 'E Eokmier, 37 ; 'K.
SloLrod, 86, "L. Straohan, 84; 'R
Eokmior, 32 Br. Third Cease -Exam.
in Siete, Aritb., Spell., Geo., -E. Thome
ou.93 ; 0, Haasnld ; 87 ; A, MoKee, 85 ;
t. O roper, 80 ; 0. Dane, 76, J. Dreamer,
74 ; H. Eokmier, 72 ; 'A. Hemewurth,
37. Jr. Third Ohm --F. McOaitnm, 77;
A Barr, 76 ; I Engler, 76 ; F. Freeman.,
rib ; W. Eokmier, 62 ; L. Henry, 59 ; V
loped, 63 ; "L. MoIntoeh, 47 I J. Oooper
41 ; R Tnompeoe, 89 ; 'A. Fletcher, 85 ;
'R. Luau, 40. 'Absent from an
examination. Average attendance for
-he month 45. L. A SHANNON Principe..'
ranter Depart. SII -Harvey Smith,
emirate Hemewortt, Verde Pollard,
Elvin Dobson, °afford Dunbar, Elsie
vlavhery, Stanley Strachan, Maggi,
MoNeelaod, Roy Hall, Edmond MaLeor,
A'ox. McNee and, Omni Eokmier. J,,
II -Noble McKee, Orietle Rogter, Pearl
Bateman, Normau Addy, Olive Opener,
Grace Eokmter, Roes Cloacae, Wesley Yr
Oharlte Davideoo, Herbert Saville. Par
[I -Russel Eokmier, Annie Ward, Ediid,
Fergneon, Reggie Hemeworth, Warred
'1'hmmpse°, George Cole. Sr. I -Delia
:McKee, Roy Dunbar, Maggie Coate.
Pearl Dobson, Herold Love, Fhreete
8andere. Jr. 1 -Louise Longeway,
Lookhart Dane, Stuart MoDonald,
Herold Freeman, George Flail, Clare
MoCallam, George Pollard. Averave
ettendanoe86. A. G Swann, Teeobete
Monday evening the localLegislature
Met in the Council Chamber with all the
members in their Beata. Clerk Scott read
the mi0atee of the last session whiob
were approved.
The following amounts were present.
P Ameot, Inmber 9 6 85
N. F. Stewart, ooal and sand.,4 18
John Simmons, work on serest,.,75
Wm Denbow, snow ploughing3 00
Jae Kelly, wood 10 00
.3 T. Roes, servioe9 during A. Ma
Laaohlin'e illness 11 67
A. M, McKay, & Oo wood, abarity 3 75
J. H, Fairbank, work on Fire
Engine 38 58
A. McLeuehiin, salary,25 00
G. T. R, rent of ground, 50
Moved by A. Better, eeoonded by Jae. G.
Jooee, that above amounts be paid,
A'aommnnicatiou wae read from A. M,
llaKay, Robt. Holmes and John Bate -
men asking the Commit to veto cement
eidewellt building petition asked for on
Alexander etreet. Nn motion wae taken.
The former petition was anted upon as
tar as eurveying the street and laying
out ther e
work last Fall.
931.60 woe reported ae receipts of
-erase for past mouth. The Reeve asked
relative tom Bread Bylaw to make the
weight 1} lbo. instead of 2 pomade, the
pries to be redound from 6 to 5 Dents,
Councillor Ballantyne said tithe would
save labelling it the weight were redaoed
as in many other towns. I'Iothang was
done about it.
Enquiry wag made ae to salary of
Medical Health Officer as the Financial
Statement ehowen $20. The explanation
was that salaries tar 1904 and 1905 had
both been paid le the peat year.
Auditors' report was prevented and
examined. On matfett of A. Baker,
eeoonded by Jae. Ballantyne it wee
adop.ed and suetraot ordered to be
pabtiehed in Tan Pose.
Tbe question was asked as to date of
payment el Woollen faotory loan. It
etas coated to be Jan 16th. Some mem
hers thought the %moans eboald be paid
forthwith or by agreement with Finanoe
0"pimftt Ka
W. H e,
rr asked the Board for Stat.
ntory grant of a mill on the$ on aeReee•
ment for Pubrio Library. On motion
of 1, G. Jones, seconded by Alf.
Baker the same was granted,
Orders were paeeed ler remission of
axes due by
A. Oogeley 9 6 80
Kerr, dog 1 06
D. Dupes, dog 1 05
Oolle04or'e time was o.teeded to meet
one Other Whew wild,
n yet paid.
Moved by Baker, mended y Jones
that the following salaries b aid :-
A, Straoh n Tre e r
a nose
Jno, Long, Continuer 45 00
W. s. MoOraoken, auditor- 6 00
J. Y, B. Kirk, auditor 6 00
Three n i r e pp (c ati e
on were wade for the
vacant position as town caretaker, ae
foliowe ;-Robert Oliver ; Jno. Bitumens;
and John Long. Coanoiltor James
moved Jno. Long's applioation for Ilea
reason that he lived near the Hall ; was
already acquainted with the duties of
Tax oolleotur, and had been a ooeatabfe
for years and would eearly learn to ran
he engine. No better ounetable could be
nand, Oooeon:or Ballantyne favored
Er. Long for the same reasons ae ad,
mooed by Mr, Jamie and seconded the
motion, Councillor Baker thought the
euginaer wad the important office and
not the coaeteble, Mr. Ronald said he
WWI quite enrprisod to sae the ability with
wbioh k1r. Oliver did the work with the
engine for a pew man, Mr. James did
oot think Mr. Ronald was an authority.
11r. Oliver might know how to stout and
top engine but knew nothing about
•nginee. New dose were wanted in
engine eo an expert says. Wood and
ttiudling is wet lu flee plane,
Ooanolilor Jones thought Mr. Ronald's
.pinion teas worth eomethiug ab•,at en -
.ones acid he ehuald be an authority.
He thougbt Mr. Oliver'a experience
Mould be worth eomethiug„ and believed
e would maks a good ounetable also.
Engineer James bad complained about
he engine and declined to ria it. Tbea
Mr. Oliver Dame to the reeone and took
:harge of eggioe and ehonld be cooeider.
-d now, Mr. James geld two men told
,im Mr. Oliver was lazy bat be did not
snow himself. Mr. Bneker said ling woe
•oe eo ae he bad employed Mr. O.iver
'nd found him all right. 8toriee bad
been told on both aided. Had no objet•
tion t0 Mr. Long but favored the other
.pplioation. The Reeve stated Mr.
Olieer had been very kind in taking
'huge of engine when no one was Wil-
it1 as to do so. It was 00 use to listen to
+toriee. Bad nothing against Mr.
Long but felt lu dozy bound to support
Sir. Oliver. Moved in amendment by J.
lanes, seconded by A. Baeker that R.
Oliver be appointed.. The amendment
arried with Reeve's vote Duties conn,
mance on Marob lat. By law No. 4.
1906, wag read throe times mud paeeed
ao..lirming the appointment. Salary
6400 per 00uam. One month's notioe
hae to he given in cancelling engagement.
Moved by A Seeker, emended by 3.
hues that $l0 50 be allowed 01'1 to0aant
iel» over last meeting, of Thaell Bros.
A teogtby dieonrefon eneaed as to the
-leotrio light service in which the owners
were urged to pay more attention to the
rest lighto, to tint on globes, eta.
A petition of 147 emcees was presented
'0 toe Quuooi' aakn.g for ;be building
fit snub a foot badge morose the Malt-
ed river clear the flex mill, to replaoe
he one taken away. Tbaestimated
-out *meld be about $300. Thoe. New.
one gave informed ,u 0000eruing it.
mfovea by Jas. Baltaniyne, seconded
ay E James that the mutter be laid
over aetil next meeting eo that Connoil
may examine alta and seems other in.
in -motion, Carried.
The preliminary steps in the case of
Ethel Burton were reported aeon and
tt wag l,ft over in the meantime forfattber -
A few sentences were spoken conoern•
ng the Town Han improvements.
Connoil then adjourned to meet in a
Quite a number of eitizene attended
be eeeaion owing to interest manifested
a the work before the Board.
OnUIt0I11 tall IMES.
Next Sabbath 111r. Lee, of Knox 0o1-
ege, Toronto, will oscopy the pulpit of
Melville church.
Last Sabbath evening Miee Edith
Montgomery, of Toronto, contributed the
lies eolu, "The Poblioan," at Bt. Johne
Rev. D. B, McRae, of Craobrook,
Moderator for the Seaeioo, declared Mel-
ville ohurab pulpit 000012* last Sabbath,.
Se both both morning and evening
Rev. T. W. Owlets preached on
'Abraham's Faith" last Sabbath morning
n the Methodist °berth. The evening
abject wee "The bloodwaabed company"
A large member took part t0 the guarter-
y communion and testimony service.
Rev. R. Millyard, of Loaknow, will oo.
nnpy the pulpit of the Methodiet church
here nest Sabbath, the pastor preaching
Eduaatioael sermons in Luoknow, Mr.
Millard ranks
preeahece in London Conference.
At a meatier; of the Stratford Pres.
bytery it was decided to forward the
nail from Berne' ohurab, Zorra, to
Rev, Mr. Whaley, formerly of St.
Helens. Tbe indnotlos taking place
' n the first Tumidity in February, and
on the Seat of thio month the indao.
'ion took place of Rev. Mr, Mora.
web, of Toronto, to the Presbyterian
Charon, Mitobell.
Caoeoa. Rumens :-Mv DEAR FRIENDS,
-My $rat word from our new home
must be t0 yoareelvee, and in it I wish
to thank you for all the kiudaees of the
pees years down to the last *ryiug too.
meat of parting. May tate Lord reward
you for it all and may Re in doe time
-.end yell a pastor who shall be as 4
oboeea obennel through wind' the riches
of Divine Kruoe ¢ball be poured but
upon yo0, We are receiving a hearty
sasleorne bare and as we flatcar eyes to
the bills from Whence cometh our help,"
we are loolttng for times of blessing and
irte:one of from the Lord.
With earnest wishes and prayers for
your pro0perit•y es individuate, ae famfl.,
fee and to a congregation, I remain,
Your former paotor in Ubrfit Jesus,
Joss Ross,
for Onmmt
me try 51. ithe Liberate Of Waist
At Montreal
Charles Mnlntoeh ode life
throat with a razor, and died lu the
Roderick afeekeuele, teenager of the
Bank of Montreal et Ktogeton, oummitted
am0id6 by taking oer0alle aoid,