The Brussels Post, 1906-2-1, Page 3I. tine•' . , .... , ... a•'Y•:• . , .:••.• ,• D t HEALTH i1 **<”,:..:.4.:...:.0.:...)+.74444+4) 4") 4 t 1'Ulilsltt:ULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD. Thr question of the relntlunsllip be. tiveeh hunlwl Lu1Jerelrlasfs and the foram encountered in cattle has not yet LN9rf1 deckled, In spite of the zeal with wtdch men of sclence all over the world am endeavoring to settle the mallet% 11 up. penes, however, (hut Doctor Knch, the eminent discoverer of tuberole-baeUlus which is the cause of the disease, spoke somewhat prematurely when, a year . r Iwo ago, he announced that there is no dodger to the human cane to be appro• handed from infection through the medi- um of the mold or milk obluined from tuberculosis cattle. Al least. this is the view et most Amnrirnn and English physicians, mid u British appointed to study the facts has ',nanny published a rep 1•i lo the sane effect, On the other hand. the nhsorvnllon hes been made Met tuberculosis •10 else prevalent In countries in which the rat- tle ore henithy, or i1 which they are net kept to supply milk or meal for food, us lit Reiland. Abrrke and Ripen. Le•lving these tiu'nrelleal discussions out of the grteslinn, • the fads remail that the. two chief ways in which tuber- eulnsls Is acquired are by inhaling or by awsllowlnf_ the germs. and (hat it le young children who are particularly sudcnpllhle In infection. indeed, a not - td Gorman observer goes so far es In .ssert that every adult who manifests signs of the disease must have con- tracted iL In intently. the germs having remained dormant for years, until some accidental cause started them Into ac- tivity. Heredity Is notsupposed to play en great a part In the transmission of tuber- culosis as was formerly believed. The theory now is that the children of con- sumptives ere somewhat more likely than others to develop the disease, simp- l;• because they are so much exposed to infection from the germs continually thrown off by their sick parent. ft is therefore evident that Lhe great- est possible precautions diked he kiwi) to safeguard Intents and children 'ma any possible contact with tubercle -bacil- li either ih their food or in their ser ronndings. The sale of milk or mea from diseased animals streak he made impossible, and it is of the utmost im- portance to avoid artificial feeding far babies whenever passible. Plenty of sunshine and fresh air, scru- pulous cleanliness In all particulars, a firm stand against the kissing of chil- den by any person except those of the Immediate family, and vigilant watch over the milk and meal supplles are es - simnel precaultnns in keeping g the cnm- ing generation tree from "the great white plague." — Youth's Companion. HEALTH HiNTS. Apples should bo eaten to stimulate the brain, In cases of poison warm water with salt in large quantities forms a quick emetic. A headache can often bo relieved by rubbing the temples with a slice of lem- on. In extreme prostration, a small quan- tity of extractof meat In a glass 1f sherry or claret Is a good restorative. A simple remedy for insomia Is to dip n serviette or handkerchief in cold water, wring it out, and lay A across the eyes. Eating lettuce produces sleep. A cup of cold water, with a teaspoon- ful of salt, taken upon rising in the morning, will act as an excellent tonic and is far toss trying on the system than any drug. Calcium, so important for children in the formation of bone, may be obtained 1v the eating of eggs, rice rhubarb, whole wheat, and the drinking of milk. An irritating cough is often caused by Itu uvkln (the fleshy, conical body sus- pended from the palate over the back of the tongue) being enlarged: When this Is the case, consult the doctor, as medicines and gargles only temporar- ily check the annoyance. Atter bad food, the next greater cause of disease is lank of exercise. Specific cases require specific treatment always, but iL is safe to say that a walk of three miles each day in all weathers is the least amount upon which health can be Me in Wined. Sugar makes heat, and also gives mltsenla' energy. In times of great ex- ertion, the rapidity with which it is as- similated gives sugar a great advantage over starchy foods. Sugar should he used sparingly by one who has a torpid liver, and not at all by one affected with diabetes, REGULAR EXERCISE. Diet and exercise will reduce your weight if you persist. Do you exercise until you perspire profusely? And do you abstain from all sweets, cereals, stench vegetables, butter, cheese, milk, and chocolate, also pork, veal, salmon and hearty soups? In general, avoid fatty, starchy, and sweet foods. Don't be discouraged. You will eucceed un- less there is same serious reason for your stoutness. '_ DANGERS OF MEAT. Once a day is quite enough for the average woman who has reached the age of forty to eat meat. Most women eat far loo much as they got on In years and asa result lose their complexions and their figure. HAIR RESTORATIVE. To two, parts of the best olive oil: odd one of spirits of wino or of good rum; put them Into a bottle and shalt() well to Bother. With this anoint the head well morning and evening, For the first fortnight it should be carefully rubbed with a piece of flannel into the parts of the head most affected; after that time cern must be taken not to injure the young hair by a too violent application of the restorative. • REFRESHING REST. Five mhnlites' rest, lying clown In e tlnr')cnned room With closed eyes and kinking of eothing, will brighten up a woman who has been hard at it dur- ing the morning hours without 11 break. The muscles ofthe Mee relmt, and the hard, set leek wlileh adds so Many Steers to o woman's appoarabee wilj gradually tbdo away, 000D HEALTH. itequires That ilia )Mood be Kept Rich and Pure. The secret of (health—Elle secret of lite itself -ds good blood. Therefore a medl- eine that makes new blood and supplies the necessary material for rapidly re- building wasted nerve tissues, reaches, the root of most of the serious diseesos.' For this purpose there is no medicine' can lake the place of Dr. Williams' PIM; Pills, They actually matte new, rich, red blood, and through this new blood cure such diseases ns anaemia, neurul- gla, rheumatism, the special ailments of women, Indigestion, heart troubles, St Vitus dalton, locomotor ataxia and partial paralysis. You can find evidence of the value of these pills in every part of the country, among others Mr. D. W. Daley, Crystal City, Mau„ says. "I have used fir. Williams' Pink Pills with wonderful Success. My blood was very poor, 1 was weak and nervous, suffer sl much from heart trouble, and was se.areely fit for work, f used nine boxes of the pills, rind the resuit is f nm attain enjoying the best of health, 1 do not think there Is any medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis when the system is run down," Ilul you must get the genuine pills with tho full name, "Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills for Pale People." printed on the Wrapper around each box. Ask veer druggist for these pills or get therrl by moll from the Dr, Williams' Medic ne r;n„ et 50 cents a box, or six boxes tar $2.50. SOUP FOR THE FIRING LINE. Special Cart is Being Introduced by Lord Kitchener. The "Kitchener soup cart" is likely to become an important feature of the Indinn Army. its abject Is the provision of hot beef tea for soldiers on the march and in the firing line, and. It Is now being tested by order of Lord Kitchener In the command of Gen. 11, A. P. Cle- ments al Sirhind. The cart has been adapted from e Russian pattern which was used In Manchuria. For men who lie exposed in trenches it will prove a great blessing, providing a welcome change to the cold timed rations which frequently form their staple food. On the march the soup boiler tbit simmer away, ready for the first long halt, and on resting for the day, a pint of beef tea will be ready at once, thus allnwing the cooks ample time to pre- pare a full evening meal. Lord Kitchener is experimenting with many forms of equipment and gear used by the belligerents in the Far Eastern campaign, including the Japanese am- munition carier the Austrian field tele-' hone and the German systemof p wire- less telegraphy. ---4 DEEP BREATIHING. No woman can have bright eyes, a beautiful skin, or an elastic step, if she dnes not supply her lungs with oxygen. She can do this by deep breathing, The indolent woman regains her lost energy when she learns hew to breathe cor- rectly. The sallow girl, with the dark circles around the eyes, discovers that with correct breathing the congested veins will yield to the stimulated afrcd- taLion, the dark rings disappear, and the lustre reappear in the eyes. 4 BABY'S HEALTH. "When a child is well, give it no med- icine," Is a wholesome adage But at the first sign of trouble the careful mo- ther will give Baby's Own Tablets, which promptly cure indigestion, colic, con- stipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers and teething troubles. They contain not one particle of opiate or poisonous "sooth- ing" stuff, yet they give refreshing sleep because they remove the cause of sleeplessness and the child awakens bright and well. Mrs. F. McIntosh, \Vabigoon, Ont., says: "Baby's Own Tablets wrought a wonderful change In my little one. When he was two months old he began to fail and cried almost night and day. But atter giving him the tablets he grew well and is now o blight, laughing baby, who scarcely ever gives any trouble The Tablets are surely a blessing to both mother and child." All druggists sell these. Tablets or you can get them by mail at 25 cents o box by writing the Dr. Williams' Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. WHAT CAN Y0U REMEMBER? With but few exceptions, there have in recent years been no extraordinary -MOO ,figroalruutoa 8ujAvgi woo JO MOO voted mammies. Probably the mosLun- usual case on record was that of Leo- nard Euler, a Russian teacher end writ- er. More than half of the forty-six quarto volumes of mathematics publish- ed by the St. Petersburg Academy be- tween 1727 and 1783 were from his pen in the latter years of his life he was to- tally blind. Then—and probably earli- er, too -he carried in his memory a table of the ilrst six powers of the "series of natural numbers up to one hundred." Another instance is that of the Italian, Antonio Mogllabeechi, who was the literary prodigy of his timb. His memory was soprodigious that he was able to retain verbatim most of the contents of his "multitudinous books," and a comparatively recent writer has declared that IvMagllabecehl "could name all the authors who hadwritten upon nny subject, giving the name of the book, the words, and often the page." Ben Johnson, So/diger, Niebuhr, and Macaulay all were men of marvelous memories. Pascal says he never forgot anything that he rend. Ben Johnson tells us that be could repeat al) he had ever .written "and Whole books" that he had read. The same feat, too, is credited to Niebuhr, the historian. "You've madea mletake in your pa. per," said an indignant man, entering the editorial sanctum of a daily kernel, '1 Was one of the competitors at tint Mh1cUc main yesterday, and you have eats] me 'tie well-known light -weight champion.'""Weill aren't you?" in. tplired 1.110 editor, "No, I'm nearing of the kind, and its confoundedly awkward because 1471 a Mei nleldhaotl" IrfESfl BREAD FOR JACiK TAILS. British Battleships Will Ito Furnished With Bakeries, The various changes In connection with the cooking arrangements of the Royal Navy, announced some months since, are about to materialize, Not only is the gigantic battleship, the Dreadnought, to be fitted with u bakery In addition to her regular galley, but there Is to be an ail -round general introduction of "soft tack" into the sea service. The weevily biscuits of Trafalgar days have long disappeared, Now the khalif - colored, flint -like squares which go by the name of ship's bread are to go also, and Jack Is to have hot rolls for break- fast, dinner and supper, whether In har- bor or at sen. Great Britain has tagged considerably behind other sea powers in thus feeding her bluejackets on fresh bread, As to the quality of the food In the British fleet, the statement in the Blue Book on the health of the navy that 13,000 men were medically treated for Indigestion during 1904 awakens certain misgivings. Naval doctors, however, say this is due to the fact chat the blue- jackets aro overfed nowadays. "There was a serious love-affalr on be- tween Jinx and the Minx girl when 1 was her last." "Yes; but it ended un- happily." "You astonish me) 1 was sure they would get marded." 'they did." HE MEANT EVERY WORD HE SAID EX - REEVE'S RHEUMATISM CURED DY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Was so Crippled That He Could Hardly Get Around and Could Get no Relief tram Doctors or Medicines. Dresden, Ont., Jan, 22—(Special.)— "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me of Rheu- matism slick and clean." Mr. W. G. Gregg, the well-known merchant and ex -reeve of this place was the speaker and be evidently meant every word be said. "It was the lnflamatory kind of Rheu- matism 1 had, and 1t crippled me up so that I could hardly get around to do my work in my store. 1 had the best doctors and everything in the line of medicines 1 could hear of, but nothing even gave me relief. "Then i tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and six boxes cured me completely." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheumatism by curing the Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused by Urlc Acid in the blood. If the Kidneys are right they will strain all the Uric Acid out of the blood and the Rheumatism will go with it. SENTENCE SERMONS. Fear is a poor kind of foresight. Every word of profanity is a prayer. Love lasts long after ntty is worn out, Little duties are a school for Larger ones. A tittle modesty often hides a lot of vanity. Ile refects ail rewards who refuses moral responsibility. The login of love convinces more than the love of logic. A golden heart Is not galned by sot - ting the heart on gold. Many a elan is breaking his bank un- der a bag of shadows. Getting on to the ropes of trickery ends in getting into them. No man pays more for a thing than he who seeks it for nothing. Thera Is a remedy for ignorance but none for knowing too much. The Judge may not ask what you have done by why you did IL. Morals to .meny mean only a chance to meddle in other people's affairs. The man who carries a family bible under his arm may carry none in his heart. People who try to get billed to riches on the short line Bnd themselves routed through to ruin. Happy is the man who has a friend who loves htm enough to be willing to seem to be his enemy. It is a good thing to remember that your celestial standing does not depend on your terrestrial tailor. Money has a mighty persuasive tongue but a sadly deficient hand wheh it comes to delivering the goods. Even the man who denounoes capital as a curse never objects if the curse comes home to roost. THE LITTLE 'WIDOW. A Mighty Good Sort of Neighbor to Have. "A little widow, a neighbor of mina, persuaded lie to try Grape -Nuts when my stomach was so weak that it would not retain food of any other kind," writes a grateful woman, 11'oln San Bonnard- filo Co., Cal. '1 had been 111 and confined to my bed with fever and nervous prostration for three long months after the birth of my second bay. We were in despair until the little widow's advice brought relief. "1 liked Grape -Nuts food from the beginning, and In an incredibly short time • it gave me such strength that 1 was able to leave my bed and enjoy my three good meals a day. In two months my weight increased from 95 to 113 pounds, my nerves had steadied down and I felt ready for anything. My neighbors were amazed to gee me galn so rapidly anti still more so when they heard that Grape -Nuts alone had brought the change. "My four-year•old boy had eczema, Very bad, last spring and lost his appe- tite entrely, which made him cross and peevish. 1 put him on a diet of Grape- Nuta, which he relished . at once. Ila improved from the beginning, the ec- zema disappeared and now he is fat and rosy, with a delightfully soft, clear shin. The Grape-Nute diet did It. i Will MI Tingly. answer all tnquirios:"• Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, 'There's a reason, Read the little bot*, "Tile Read to Wollvltle, f In pkgs. THE $UNLGHT RUB ON SUNLIGHT 'SOAP f ea +•�, _� ,club= LEAVE 30 To 60 MI UTES WAY Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps; but is best whets used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things' of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluffy. The reason for this b because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious cheinicals — indeed. nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap. Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by ibo dater from weum yY 0t buy Sunlight Soap if you lend any cause for complaint. r55 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO The Southern California New Train.— Best Route. The Los Angeles Limited, electric lighted, new from the Pullman shops, with all latest Innovations for travel comfort, leaves Chicago 10.05 P. M, dally, arrives Los Angeles 4.45 P. M. third day via Chicago, Union Pacific & North-Western Line and The Sall Lake Route. Pullman drawing -room and tourist sleeping cars, composite obser- vation car, dining cars, a la carte ser- vice. For rates sleeping car •res0rva- (ions and full particulars, apply to your nearest agent, or address, 8.. Bennett, 2 East King SI., Toronto, Ont. She—"Mr, Riche says very bitter things about those lazy sous of his, but his wife is always making excuses for them." He—"Yes, n H e—,.1 es, she makes misses, es, but he has to snake allowances for them; that's what angers him: For Indam unatlon of the Cayes — Among6 the many good qualities which Parmeleu'n Vegetable Pills possess, be- sides regulating the digestive organs, fa their enlciuncy in reducing Inflammation of the eyes. It has celled forth ,u,,, letters of recommendation from diose who were afflicted with this complaint and found a cure In the pills. affect the nerve centrals and the blood In a surprisingly active way, and the re- sult is almost immodlately seuu. Fond Father—So you want to marry my daughter? Ardent Admirer — Yes, sir. Fond Father— What are your pros- pects? Ardent Admirer—She is willing if you are. Whet Is the Best Thing to strengthen weak bnelts/ The D A L" Menthol Plaster. tt win oats? and rheumatism, 51 rolls mato seven 500 plasters. Davis Q Lawrence Co. Montreal, "I'm taking my riding lessons in strict privacy." "Why not In public?" "So as to avoid the fierce light that beats about the throtvnl" There is no meaicine on the market that can compare with iileklo's Antl- Consurnptive Syrup In expelling from the system the irritating germs Abet colds engender in the air .passages, It to suicide to neglect your cold. Try the cheap ex eriment of ridding your - soil of it bby using Bleklo's Syrup, which is a simple remedy, easily taken and once used it will always be prized as a sovereign medicine. "You say your wife doesn't say much to you when you stay out late at night?" "She doesn't say much, but the trouble is she keeps on repeating ill" Have you a Skin Disease?—Either Salt Rheum, Scald Heed, Ringworm, Eczema, Itch, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots, Pruri- go, Poor'lasis, or other eruptions of the skin—what Dr. Agnew's Ointlnent lies done for others it can do for you—cure you. One application gives relief. -35 cents --87 Grayce—"I wouldn't marry Min If 1 were you." Gladys—"Why not?" Grayce —"lie has snoh ugly ways." Gladys— "True, But he also has such handsome means!" 8ufdisht Soap Is better than other soaps, but he beet when used in tbo Sunlight ways: Buy Sunlight Soap aad follow diieetivae. HEAD OP THE Ole SCHOOL. Capt. Ryan, the now British naval at- tache, said at a dinner in Washington: "The strength of the heads of some 9f our old school farmers is quite in- credible. "At a harvest supper, a feast similar In Its way to. your Thanksgiving dinner, there was an old farmer who drank It good deal of champagne. The moment his glass was filled he would toss it off, and then, of course, IL would be tilled again. But the old fellow grew quieter and quieter the more champagne he drank. A frown settled on his forehead. His eyes noshed angrily under his heavy grey brows, "Finally, when the Wafter ailed his glass with wine for the twelfth 01' thir- teenth time, he shook ids head and said: "'Jamas, when are you going to put the whiskey on the table? These Mine- rals are getting tedious.'" TROUBLESOME FEET. If the feet are inclined to perspire un - 1 duly bathe them oecastonally with al - 101101. This restful, besides. Choose easy, but not slouchy shoes tor tie house. The Noels should be low, and you ehotfld force yourself to tread these firmly. Tile best '.alp Is not to bear' the trou> Wes of others a tidal, for but tb ins i thele with courage and anergy to bear their burdens for themselves. AND IT 1S YET. A clever 0141 lady who went Into soci- ety in the days when conversation was more imporianl than cooking, asked a niece on her return from a taunt func- tion if it lute been enjoyable. "Very," re- plied the niece, "Phe menu was great.' "My dear," said the old lady, severely, oil isn't the menu tial makes a good dinner; 11 Is the menu sit next to." Comfort by day and sound sleep by night fol- low the use of weaver's Comte, fur akin troubles, no mutter how turmauttng they be, 'ride obit. meat soothes and cleanses. Jasper—"I say, old chap, can you lend me a fiver?" ,Tumpuppe—"Wholl Aro you broke again?" Jasper—"Oh, no; this is the same old h'acturel" Death Comes to AIL.—slut it need not came prematurely If proper precautions are taken. 'Au ounce of prevention is worth a pound. of cure." and to nave prevention at hand and allow a disease to work Its will is wickedness. Dr Thomas' F,cicctrlc 011 not only 'allays Pains when applied externally, but will prevent lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs. Try it and De con- vinced. Use not to -day what to -morrow may want; neither leave that to hazard which foresight may provide for or caro pre vent A Sour Stomach and a Sour Temper travel hand -In -hand and are the precus- ors of mental and physical wreck, Nine hundered and ninety-nine Limes in a thousand food ferment (indigestion) is the cause. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets keep the stomach sweet --aid i- gestion—keep the nerve centres well bal- anced—they're nature's panacea—pleas- ant and harmless. 35 cants, --88 Bert—"A friend of mine tells me you called me a donkey the other day." Fred —"Yes, I believe 1 did." "Well, 1 think you ought to apologize." "So do I" "Then why don't you?" "Oh, don't wor- ry yourself. 1'11 apologize the first time 1 meet a donkey.' They Drive Pimples Away,— face cov- ered with pimples Is unsightly. It tells of internal Irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not perform- ing their functions In the healthy way they should, and these pimples aro to Jet you know that the Mood nroteste. Parmelecs Vegetable Pills will drive them all away, and will leave the ski, clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. Judge—You are charged with profan- ity. Prisoner—I am not. Judge—You are, sir. What do you mean? Prisoner —I was, but I got rid of it. The Wretched Cohdinen of thousands is due to the foot that they neglect the simplest care of their health. wben in this condition "l/orrorire" will build you up and give you strength, The poorest people on earth aro those who make the most of what they have and the least of what they are. Eighty Years Old—Catarrh Fifty Years. Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cures Want any stronger evidence of the power Of this wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Want' the truth of the case confirmed? Write George Lewis, Shamokin, Pa, He says: -'I look upon my cure as a miracle." it relieves in Len minutes, --89 z "We think baby will make a great politician" "Why?" "Well, he crawls out of everything so easily." Have you tried llolloway's Corn here/ It has no equal for removing these troublesome excresenoes an many have tostilled, who have tried it. WONDERFUL MACHiNErtY. Tho smallest holes; pierced by modern maabino'y are one -thousandth of nn Inch in diameter. They are bored through sapphires, rubies, and diamonds by a mtichino which mattes 22,000 revo- lutions a minute. PARTICULAR PEOPLE LIKE TSA because it is Tightly Sealrbd In lead Packetaft, 1 not lying about loose in all kinds of places tiles ordinary bats tette. ' BLUE. RIBBON Is carefully watched Fle074 PI,ANTA,TION MO UX)MEJ and please, all. ONLY ONE' BEST TEA -BLUE RI138ON TEA Oshawa Steel Shingles Wind, Water, Storm, and Fire PYoOi' - Looked on Ali Four Sides Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2 85 to .$5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Houses, Ilarns, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. , We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FiRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF We also maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, -Conductor Pipe and SAVE TROUGH Etc. METAL SHINGLES, In Imitation of brick or stone. itIETAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHA\VA" Shingles. Write to -day. '$'2301E1 3E011ns rit...A.R 3s1e7E1CO E' 1-413, MONTREAL, 90!. S'TAWA, CRT. 11ree0TO ONT. 108050, On, WINNu'EO, VANCOUVER, 6.0. 767 Craig Bt. 423 Sussex et. 11 Colborne Bt 6D Dundee Sr. 70 Lombard St els Pander e6 Wltilo Y051, NaAa1:sT OFFICs. Nead Otrice and Works, - - -• Oshawa, Ont., Canada 0+0+; + +Kt+D.+D+1:+ +D+ ���►r`�rERS! This is the season of the year when you need to use every precaution with your stook. By the use of our STOCK TONIC and other retnodies you have the best guentntee of health to your steels. Valuable AriytCO Free 4 Use it and become your own veterinary surgeon. The VETERINARY SPEOIALTY 00., Limited 556U A' D N A9 Si`. 'rOlt ONTO ONT. I4:4 +I:E+0+%t+3:t+ t4-0+ t+Xt. NORTH-WESTERN FARMS ON THE Grand Trunk Pacific I have two sections of land for sale entire or in part, on line of Grand Trunk Pacific, now under construc- tion just west of Portage La Prairie. Ploughing in the Northwest will be- gin as early as February. You can tow oats, potatoes and alfalfa on breaking and get big prices from railroad contractors on the spot. Then hire out your teams for rail- road grading at $5 per day. You won't get such a chance for a start another year. Don't waste any time, as there is practically no other land for sale of equal quality In such a situation on such terms and at so low a price. Price $10.50 per acre; six year terms. 1. L. R. PARSONS, 92 Winchester Street, Tornnto, Ont. n,mrn•.M.-ca,,..a...ar� Most men say they intend to do a lot Ings of things never intend to do. they Dropsy is one Positive Sign of Kidney. Disease.—Have you any of these unmis- takable signs? Puffiness under the eyes? Swollen limbs? Smothet'ing feel Ing? Change of character in the urine? Exhaustion after least exertion? If you have there's dropsical tendency and you shouldn't delay an hour in putting your- self under the great American Kidney Cure. -86 "What have you in the shape of cu- cumbers?" asked the would-be customer assistanhot. entered the shop. "Nothing but bananas, sir," answered the new as - A Nagging Cough drives aloep.and comfort away, Aliens Lung Baloatn relieves hard breath. inti, pain to the chest and farltatlon of the Warta Ole. it freely to the children. ELEPHANT -HUNTING IN CEYLON. Every two or three years there Is an elephant "kraal" in Ceylon, when 50 ,or 100 of the hugo beasts are made prison- ers. In 1907 no loss than 104 elephants were captured in n kraal neat' Kurenit gala, the greatest number of captives recorded at any one •tlnle since 1846. Another Inetied..o1 capture is by p11lacing, in the paths Laken by the animals run- ning nooses composed of ropes cf antelope hide, having one end fastened to a tree. By raising a sodden alarm,. the natives try, to scatter a herd of ele- phants and' in their flight some of the animals aro sure to got caught by the nooses. The captives are, imprisoned behind strong palisades, and hold for sale. The hunters are not infrequently killed or terribly hurt, end they enjoy special distinction, under the name of "pennikans." A slcilfui pannikan is is molt admired in Ceylon as a successful matador is 10 Spain. UNDER CONSIDERATION. A noted hernerlsL had often petitioned the counoll ed the town where he resides to fill up a mud -holo near his house, but without result. One night he heard a spluttering noise and Sundry loud ejaculations, and, go - leg to This door, he found a respected member of the town council floundering about in the mud -hole. "Good -evening, sir; I ant glad to see you stirring in this matter at last," and BO saying he Closed the door and left the poor committer to extricate himself as beet Ito doulde Nurses' 'training School The Lady Stanley institute, Ottawa FOUNDED 1890. ¶ Connected with the County of Carleton General Proteotaut Hospital, the Mater- nity Hospital, and the Isolat,on.Hospital, Ottawa, offers to women a tboes years' course of nursing. The work lo practical and thorough, and comprises a course ina dietetics and massage. re The school building ie separate from the hospital • it is comfortable and equip. pod for teaching. This school is regis- tered by the Regents of the University of the State of NewYork. Correspond- ence Invited. For proepoctus apply to THIS LADY SUPERINTENDENT, TON ta0y Stanley institute, Ottawa, Ont CUREDRHsUm,IIN Ia"' 30 DAYS Are you a rheumatic Have you Sciatica/ *1.00 will cure or your money back. we bare cured hundreds, we can euro you. No medicine to take. You eat what you like, You got relief in 48 hours and absolutely cured within 80 days. Our rheumatic cure is an application of the curative principles of electricity and magnetism in the earth. Your system furnishes the acids and salts necessary in conjunction with our Disc to make a complete battery. You mica no chances, we guarantee the purchase money refunded on return of the Diec if it does not cure. /,DINWANTED. ELECTRIO MAO`bsT1T5S RNOUMATIOM OURS 00, Sherbrooke, etre., Canada. CLEANING LADIES' ... WIILKIN. 0R OUTING SUITE Dan be done paxeon1 by me. Perna Prams. 'Try is SWAM AMERICAN 015100 00, KONT*W,. TORONTO. OTTAWA A tHr8BSO, "Before you married me," he com- plained, "you used to say there wasn't another man like me in the world,"Yes'' and now," replied the wife, bitterly, ''1 should not like to think that there wasla Urso the safe, pleasant and effectual worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator; nothing aque,le It. Procure a bottle and take 1t home. AMAZING. "Just think, children;" said the Sum day school teacher, "all this happened more than 8,000 years agol" "Gee," exclaimed a smali boy los 'an audible whisper, "but she's got a good memory l" For 33 Years Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lunt this, has been before the that its thi,, together with the fact that Its sale, have steadily increased year by year, is the best proof of the merit of Shiloh es a crus lot Coughs, Colds, and all diseases of the lungs and air passages. Those who have used Shiloh would not be without it. Those who have naves used it should know that every boulo ie sold with a positive guarantee that, if it doesn't cureou, the dealer will refund what you paidior it. Shiloh Lias Cured thousands of die moat obstinate eases of Coughs. Cold, And Lung troubles, Lei itt cine you. Lau wheat f couched for thio months and sweeti was gain into Conmmetion. I took d aorta of msdi"eoh but noU,08,did me en7 will tad Shgoi,'1 Comunpkon Cure. our boulaceredme. This vdo147 I had every had told wasted aide to peak. my tents word tort eh the de sad b k. sate bellies of Shiloh tbede esewellasolo. 1. avegienitto,sverei Ie, tined.* peb q r� a e (hem I. baso Oil ernY , � have S4,epb, SL f�yeei,ll•e, Qdb." • day HILOK1 250, .. Witte gueeantec rr. ill , i%ilgg%: ISSUE 140. 1--4d.