The Wingham Advance, 1915-08-05, Page 6• •••110,,,
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The "pity the tired oath:tiles — alma. Aa iseele as I receive nly salary
At ailY rate, the United Stat
linowe what Industrial war is.
It is eel 1 tht 'fitaw hag Wet
tenet; te,,,,anee Wee ne %vault it?
leAt liter Etit:eet may Yet Melia a
tileeovely to emoise the German 1 vet
era ef the Kiel Came.
A eloutreal teeing mau wet final
$100 the ether (my for Solaiding fal,Jo
Olurili.; Of lire. Thie le the ease or a
fool raying for his folly.
Teere will lw no more jail for Mre.
l'ankintret. In mobilizing the woman
of ilriittia fur war purpove sbe hae
doue the State e etc.t can
raniciteret veleta with pride to
the fact that tut re !Ia.,' been na tstrik
of women or le eau% melting fur war
leetlusei since it e war began. lnetead
millhess of women are clitinoring fer
tee oppc:rtunity to do something to
we, tile war.
Fur the [het time in. the history et
eillwaulteet Wise awt man has been
elected preeltient of the school board,
AN Welt employe 2,000 tenenere and
epends $4,000,000 a year. ehe is Mrs,
Vetter Berger, wife of the former So-
cialist1c congressman that
trlet: Mrs. Berger was elected to the
hoard en the Sotdallet ticket, getting
6,000 moro voice.; Data nor nearest op.
Dogs are used in Flanders mid
Franco for traction purposes. In Bel-
gium alone, 150,000 dOge are so used,
and the number is not less in France.
The importance Or toe quick -firing gun
in the present war has been proved, as
a ell as the neeessity forlts rapid tits-
olacement. Almost all the tit -tick -Mime
galls at present in use- require four
teen to effete their iransnort. It wee,
usecrtained that a dog weighing 00
Mice is able ou a good road TO drag a
weight of 400 kilos. With a moderate
load of 200 kilos a dog is able tocover
long dletances at the rate of from
seven to eight kilometres, aria for a
distance of several hundred yards he
can attain a rapidity of from ten to
twelve kilometres au hour.
The United States Bareau of Labor
Statistics has been making a study of
the effects of the mhelmum wage laws
which. have recently been adopted in
Oregon. According to the report, the
minimum wage law in Oregon has re-
sulted in an iacrease in the .average
rates of pay of minors and 'experi-
enced women workers, while those to
whom the minimum wage law -did not
apply .sustained 80 lossee, l'he num-
ber of experienced women getting the
minimum wage of9.25 a week in-
creased and So did the number getting
niore than $9.25 a week. It is also
stated no evidence was found of d,1-
ereased efficiency among women af-
fected by the law.
Young men going to the front will
he interested in learning that in the
spring the men turned the trenches
into perfect garden cities, and any-
thing more delightful than the sur-
roundings during Amy it would be i111 -
Possible to imagiae. At one piece
the notice has been posted: "Hydo
Park; keep off tho grass." There'
were gard3n plots with terget-me-nots,
Pansies, wild flowers, and so an; all
carefully tended. Some of the dug-
outs wern singularly beautiful. In
uf the; dug -outs titre were three
chairs anu a table, a:gramophone, a
stivellPannY hovel, a Cat, and three
kittens. It %Nal; extraordinary hew
the villagi UM contiaued to live m.
the edge of these crencnes.
The U. S. National Geographic So-
ciety points out the futility of Ger-
many's blockade of the Britiell coaet.
Lleat Britain, it 111( 5, is a land oi
laabore and highly developed ports.
..toro tuau 120 seaports in tee Britlea
Leo are available tor toreigu tenn-
ee. Tim Engilan eterat.ine etreleniei
a nletalice of 2,35U ranee. To 1.110
mart lie tlie great teat:torts Of I't3'-
u, 0ttUta11ip UM, PortsMoliti,,
liriguton and Dover; to the east Lon -
eon, tiarwielo Great Yarmouth,- Hull
told Newcastle; to the wen
Cardiff, Swansea, and Liverpool. Liv-
erpool is declared to posseae the Leta.
developed harbor in the world. Deem'
Cardiff more coal le shippiel tlaus
from any other eem.ort. tironeby is
the fishing capital of the world. Lon.
doh elijOYe a trade with a larger
member of ports throughout the world
than any other shipping eentre. Scot -
laud, with a coastline of 2,300 eitme„
alone .totild defy the most extensive
attempt at a blockade. Leith, Aber-
deen, rnvernees and Glasgow are (trey
a ft w of her linrbors that .aseennino-
Cute Gni largeet ships afloat. Irelarere
nemerous land-leeked harbors mnet
be taken into consideration. A
Wel coastline of More then 41,:ia0
Miles, dotted with spaelous 1uir1r ",
enables the Mated itingdom to leu
ct any hostile power threatenine
really dangerous. bloCkade.
• et.*
A Rind Wish for Mother.
The five -year -obi found hismother
leaking a bit unhappy.
Mayo you a nein, einvver?"
fel svmpethetically. When rho node, el
hourtht a minute and then ex-
"I wish n fairy would eome and imm
your pain into a pieee Of (hate." Titre'
the small boy asserted Innetelf over
the angel .einid. adding, "And r woad
eat it." ----New York Sun.
• ...--eareen—,
Even the man who is eater blind
km no eiffirulty fl dietingnIelling
the dark brawn taete th0 morning
aft r.
ellop early' cry had Aroused Bennett
te o, settee Of his great reeponsibIlity,
He could thinie oX io greater tattle
than to select a gift for the little
woman wile hea imeome Ins wife just
six months before, All good ease
aanas Po doubt remember (Bette:tie
their own feelleas at suck a time, so
will sympathize with him. During
the three years lie eourtea Miss Eve-
lyn el ThomPson he eent her each
Christmas the very gift s1i had been.
vaulting for eeitre—she had Will lam.
end he certainly eat not want to blune
tier now in thaw early months of.
tole Imppiness. How terrible to
elmose sOinething sae die not want!
He, therefore, began to listen for
SMUG modest hint of some "dear"
thing she had seee teat was perfectly
It came in the morning just two
days after the young husband had 011t1 becalm as soon RS the doors of
been listening. He bed finished his eolete bankettlerdget'aerkeelaonsedlie
tory to a dash foa car when an idea would
ild pr".otdo
prunes, oatmeal, bacon aud coftee end
was folding ais newspaper. prepare-
liut his joy wits sbort livetl, for upon
his return from luncheon Stewart
struck him.
found a brief note on his desk from
"These Chrietatas ads. sure do ham- Haggerty that tirOVe bini into a fit of
mer home the early aeproach of ehe despair. It read:
holidays," he veaured. "I don't want "Jest a eine to tea you that mrs.
'ray little Ore to tha herself out Ibeggerty insists that 1 go with her to
shopping, so why dont you try to get Mouroestown. On my way to the
11 out of the way early before the train. I am writing this note to tell you
rush comes on and the wild crowds thee as I couldn't get Molt O the
mob the stores? I notice the Quaker office for my salary, I'll have to poet -
Jewelry shop announces e fine list of pone returning that little loan until
gifts this morning. All the latest Dec, 26, when. we tvill return, You
styles, too. Why don't you arop iu sure did me a good turn, old chap,
and see them?" and I wish you as merry a Christmas
"011, you dear: How kind you are as yeti have made mine. Stacerely,
to think of me in that way," ex- (*Haggerty."
claimed the bride. "I shall make ev- For a moment the young teller
ery effort to follow your advice and stared at the note and than at tee
will go downtown this forenoon. But Pad an his desk, where he read the
U won't be necessary for nee to take innattee;
in the Quaker Shop's display, as I "Get gift at Qualeeres,"
saw their first 'announcement a week " Merry Christmas' the blazes!" he
ago, and thn Very same day I spent blurted to himself. "Fine chanee' I
an hour there. Really, Stewart, dear, have for a 'Merry Cheisteas' now.
I never saw such pretty pendants in What in the Sam Hill can I do? This
my life, There were two patterns humanitarian game Is 0 K in some
Mr. Quaker opecially wanted me to casese but never again will I play it
see, and they are perfectly lovely. In so near. to Christmas."
the one a cluster of small pearls sur- During the afternoon scores of de -
round an opals while in the other 'Jolters with drew gold pieces for gifts
there was a brilliant little diamond and stacks et currency in use on their
in the centre. The one set with the last shopping expeniditons. And while
diamond is priced fifty-five dollars, Stewart counted out thousands of dol -
and the other is but twenty-five. and added up long columns of
There was but one with the diamond figures, many of his friends, with their
setting and two of the other style. arms full of bundles, shouted a "Merry
Either kind. is simply great," Christmas" to hire as they hurried
"All right, dear, I'm glad you have away wtth their fat rolls. A.Ithough he
been down etleeee, for now you will triea to be Agreeable and return the
have more tram to pend in the other season's greeting, it was with great
stores and there are loads of special effort that he smiled even faintly, and
announcements in the department frequently he failed to hear the words
store advertisements to -day you Will of cheer called to him throtigh the bar -
want to look up. But it is almost red window, His thoughts were with.
880, so I must be oft Good-bye, -that dear little woman who seemed so
dearest, and don't forget to take care happy when he left her, when he knew
was planning to make his Christmas
of my eittie girl' for me to -day."
A hurried hug and a kiss, and then happy by presenting him with a
Bennett dashed to the street, and, house coat she had made with her
by a beautiful flying tackle, managed own pretty hands.
to connect himself with a car as it • "What in the world will she say or
was making full speed near the cen- think?" he asked himself as the hands
tre of the block. When the car reach- of the clock neared the hour of 3 and
ed the. business section the young man the last rush of depositors crowded
called at the Quaker Shop and eat into the bank.
a five dollar deposit 'On a pendant e,et
with a large. opal and several small
pearls, before he ivent to the bank.
Neither of the two Mrs, Bennett had
seen were sold and the one with the
diamond setting was there also. He
yea can count on we dropping into
the bank and retttrang the ramteSe
you Will do this for me, it Will greatly
relieve nay anxietY, Ana I can thee
get a gift e had selected several daye
for Elsie beam elle tepee Owe.
I'll fellow to elonroeStowe on the ear-
ly morning train eo we can be together
for Chrietroae."
It was the first time Haggerty had
ever made such a reepiest, so Bennett
had no reason to doubt hip promise,
Ile reached into his pocket, for e mos
Meet hesitated as his fingers touched
the bills, ad then handed them over
and told Joe Ile was glad to help hint
Haggerty thanked him eevera times,
and then tile two neon parted, and
Bennett began to whistle as he walked
toward the bank, He wile happy be-
cause he had made Haggerty happy,
Several time he was tempted to ash
some of his friends to help him, but
he could not think of borrowing money
to•pay for Evelyn's gift, and, besides,
it was a rule of the bank officials that
none of the employees' ehould either
felt that he tvould have liked to buy borrow money or carry charge ac -
it, but, since it was necessary O use counts with any of the merchants in
extreme care to make his meagre sal- the town. He had never broken this
ary as a bank teller meet his neces- rule, and, although he and Evelyn had
sary expenses, he could not figure out only a small sum left of Bennett's
savings after their house had been
furnished, they managed to scratch
along, andeby care, make their money
reach from week to week, &ways
living in anticipation of the days to
best afford, for ahe was a sensible come when Stewart's honesty, careful
girl. work and courteous, service would be
Less than an hour after Bennett had • rewarded with a. position that would
matte saving possible.
left the cottage on Hazel avenue, Eve
elyn and Mi s. Joseph Haggerty, an- After the depositors had gone the
other young Hazel avenue bride, were bank door were closed, eash was
o thel • h struck and all the coin tend Meeks of
trict. g " • bills were in the vault, Mr. Clark, the
"Oh, Elsie, before we go to the busy metier, wished Bennett a jolly Cbrist-
department stores you must Name with 8188, the clerks filed out in to the holt-
Me to the Quaker Shop. I want to day crowds, and the young teller threw
show you what Stewart is going to hitaself Into a chair and buried his
give me for Christmas," smiled Mrs. head M his hands. 011 the steps he
oul(1 hear the janitor whistling an old
Bennett, when the two women had Mere song as he swept away the day's
finished some hot chocolate, and were acetunulation of paper and dirt. The
ready for shopsseeing. . merry music of sleigh bells drifted
through the transom. But all the joy
minds filled the young matt with great
Finally he arose and walked over to ,
set the time lock and to close the '
heavy doora. Never had they seemed
so heavy before. Never had such a
stack of green backs seemed so large
before nor did money seem to have
such a great value. Stewart would
have cut off his right hand for 20 of
those crisp one -dollar bills. He had
swung one of the big doors into place
and was just about to close the other, !
when a thought struck him.
Yes'sure, this was his last chance.
Cold drops of perspiration formed on
his forehead. Por a moment he leaned
against the steel door, his head hang-
ing down, his heart thumping and his
hands so tightly clenched that the
to save five dollars each week from nails sank deeply into the flesh.
his small spending fend, so he was Suddenly he threw back hie head,
exceedingly haPPY and the next three looked toward the outside door, scan -
days wern joyous indeed. , nod all the corners of the building and
When he arose on the fourth day then grasped the knob of the partly -
and looked at the calendar, the-
oung closed dopr and moaned. He hesitated
a way that would make it possible for
him to save the fifty dollars necessary
before Christmas eve. Of course the
young wife •had spoken of both, so
that he -might choose the one he could
Sure enotigh, .Tust as she had ex-
pected. One of the three pendants was
gone. The one with the diamond set-
ting remeined in the tray. Therefore,
she told Mrs, Haggerty that her gift
was to be like the other one. And El-
sie assured her that the opal settting
was by far the prettiest of the two.
The busa'shopping season passed ra-
pidly, but Bennett was preparing for
Its end. Fach Saturday night he placed
a crisp flve-dollar note under Ws col-
lar nee in a bureau drawer, and when
the last Saturday before Christmas
was gone his heart was very light. AU
was well now, lend Evelyn would have
the very deafen had wanted so much.
ellen he tamed to a little calendar by
the side of his bed where he kept his
daily MEMOS', and e.heeked off Deeem-
bed 24. it had been a difficult task
man took the four bills, from. their
hiding place, folded them neatly and
tucked them in Ws est pocket. At
luncheon time he would run over to
the Quaker :Atop and get the gift.
Just as he left the house and Was
Waving a fareerell to Evelyn, Mr, nage
gerty stepped down off his porch and
the two melt- darted downtown to-
gether. Soinething told Stewart that
lite, companion was worried, He' was
sorry for him, for never had he !vent
Such a happy morning, -and he always
-wanted to see others happy at the
gay Christmas time. He handed Hag-
gerty a licit:eta habana, but it did no
good. Yen surely there was some-
thing distreeeleg Jee, for never before
had one of allege cigara failed to Win
a broad smile of appreciation, Benhett
'could 'stand it no longer. •
"Say, Haggerty, old Mali, for the
lovraof Alike, what hite liappeneCt te
eltase away your ever cheerful Mailer
he questioned, "Ts there anything I
Pan do for yeu?"
"Well, yes, I -T -I'M in hard limit,
Stewart," the neighbor ettutmered,
"We reenived word last eight that ray
brotbereinslaw ia very 111 at his home
18 elonreestoWn, and I'm so badly
'broken* thet t can't Make ends Meet
titan 1 get my pay envelope this after -
neon, 11 Elsle starts away te. Sea hlm
MIS forenoon, as She desires. Sato
YOU have offered to aseiet me, 1 tenet he lieard the tithe look Step ititd afl
Yell will eot be ()treaded if 1 retitled that teinptation Wee tarn Mit forever.
Man of $1.10 or $25 Mail this after- Again he threw 1115 tired body tract
for a moment and then began to
laugh. But the sound of his laughter
seemed to mock him, So he beanie
silent mice. more, but quickly stepped
into the dark corridor behind the
Thousands 'of gold and silver dol-
lars were on either side of him. The
sieltening smell Of the paper neeneY
was plaything but pleasant. Ronne of
it filled the upper drawers of the
t'ault, 'With a single grab ho could
have Dieted im ten thoustiad dollars.
For a second lie hesitated, his hand
resting on a drawer holding a odd -
sized fortune, and looked through the
door into the dimly -lighted comating
room. Prom the vault teneett could
see his desk, and, as his eyes wander-,
ed around the room, they lingered for
a =Went On a little Motto she had
ssent him the Christrias before:
"Honesty and Courtesy Always Win
head dropped ;IOW hie thotights
drifted back to the day he had re-
ceived that eara, and he remembered
how happy he had been becatise Eve -
bet had nlwayst been so confideat Of
his holieety.
e "Nal Not for a athlete will f be-
tray that confidenee!" he eeelaiMed te
ItInlaelf ;and then he Ieft the vault
and closed the heavy doer With a
He was happy for the Iteateent as
Ws chair, end, with 141s load reatieg
ou 2ii Manta, letared atUta motto,. Tha
telephone, bell arousete,hine atua on
litting the receiver, iteetents surprised
te hear hie Wifeet eeleet
"Hello, Stewart, deintie What has
been keeping you?" she tasked, "It
Is alateet o'cloeit!"
"011, I've been blifiee girlie," be re-
plied, "But I'll be Up at once. Pent
worry, lima" And he draw a deep
010 as he timed from the 'phone.
A. Bowie later he was surprised to
hear a rap on the ileor, aud peeping
outside under the Oaten taincls, he
eaw one of the custeMere waiting
with a bank boolt tilled with bills. It
Was not unusual on. Saturday After-
noons, Or on afteruo0ea previous to
holidays for depositore to leave with
the bank a forgotten deposit for the
sake ot safety, 'so Bennett went to
the door mid took the book inside. Af-
ter throwing the bIll iato the colt
drawer with the deposit snip, he ere.
dited the amount in the book, anti
handed it back, 'ellen he hureled into
Ins coat, and started to go out, Ile
must not Reel) Evelyn waiting longer,
As he passed the cash drawer an
Ides steldenly came to him. Why pot?
He could take $20 from the late de-
posit, and, as he usually received, a
gift of $25 from Proident Newcomb
by mat on Christmas, he could re-
turn it when the bank re -opened early
the morning after Christmas. He was
now in a hurry to get home, so, with-
out thinking long, he put four five -
dollar bills into his pocket endleft
the bank,
Not wanting to keep Evelyn Wait-
ing longer, for it, was now after 5
oaleek, he went to his heme, planning
to go to tho Quaker shop for 'the
pendant Atter dinner. It was evident
that something had displeased the
young wife, She Ejeemeddistressed
and talked but little wane the meal
was in progress, and Bennett thought
he could see a faint' stain of recent
tears an her cheeks,
After they had finished eating and
he told her that he was going down-
town, but would return in an hour,
she leaned against the door sill and
Paned if Mr. Haggerty had told him
that he was goiug away. Upon being
told thee he had, she sighed and then
said: Veer Bennett:
"Lefore they left • Mrs, Haggerty
enme in to allow ind the Christmas
gift foe had bought her. It was ono of
Quieter's opal -set peadaata I told you
about." Theit she ,sighed again, and
Stewart understood why she seemed
St hen he had started • Mem the
etreet he began to thluk of the terrible
chances he was taking and what a dis-
'meet thing it was, And to think
Wet Aline Haggerty had been Mean
enough to make lavelya unhappy by
Inivieg her husband select the only
peudant in the town that was a dupli-
cate of the one he hed bought. Wee
maybe he could affect another pattern
bimeelf that Evelyn, would like, and
she could yet be heppy. But somehow
110 eould not persuade almeelf that he
eas not doing n great wrong, and,
while he would be sure to repay the
money and no person tvoald be the
wiser, he continued to argue against
speeding the bilte. if he sheold be
suddenly taken ill and be enable to
get to the hank the morning atter
Christmas, what would Me, Clark and
the ether fellows think wben they
diseovered the shortage in the deposit?
Ito asked himself, And ettopose he
should die and the bank would ask
Evelyn to maee geed the shortage,
wbat sadnees it would give her all the
rest ot her life to think that her hon -
lac Stewart bad stolen from the bank!
Of course, it was not Melling, it was
only a loam, and he could and would
repoy it. But then there remeined a
chance that he could not do so.
"Never!" "Never!" he exclaimed, as
be reach( d the crowded erarauce to the
Quaker Shop. And thee lie crossed the
street, at,d, witit hie head bending low,
he entered thebank. 0Id Henry, the
eolored watchman, gave him a cordial
-greeting as lie opened the door and
admitted him. And he probably Con-
lintles to Wonder what ailed Massa
'Bennett, for he received not a word in
Stewart drooped the bills into the
cash drawer the seeond he etepped-be-
hind the counter, and at the same in -
shalt was startled by a netse in the
directors' room behind the valet.
"Hey. Benny, is that you in there're
came a voice that was none other than
President Newcombe's.
Stewart was struck dumb with
fright, and for several seconds was un-
able to utter 11 snund as he walked
letek toward the room, Not until he
and opened lhe door ar.d
bright glare Of the electric tights was
he able to speak. Then he saw that
Neweenthe was not angry, and And
not noticed the shortage in the drawer
pa be had feared.
eSit down, boy," urged the old man
in a kindly tome, as he pointed to a
chair by his side. "You look till Urea
out rind not a bit IMIM; arld this the
nigla bereft Christina% to. Yonve al -
aye been a good, honest boy, Stew-
art (the young man's lips quivered as
he heard therm words) and you have
worked hard. It's a abeam to think
that you had to come down here to
work on Christmas ele. But len ghat
yOU came to -night, boy, for I have
good newe for yon. I think that you
will agree° when 1 tell you that Mr.
clerk le giving up his positten as
cashier at the end of the Month, and
yea owe' 1111 his place and receive his
salary of three thousand dollars a
/Sennett tried to means his thanks,
but be got no further than "If you
who the aged president
101( Itis hand on the. young mains head
and :mid.
- "Never rated that now, Stewart.
'You've earned the plan and we need
you mole than ever before. Here's a
little gift I was just goims to man
youi" And he handea Stewart a fifty -
dollar note,
Never had. the trolley run so slow as
it did a halt -holies tattle while the
young husband was hurrying tee the
side of his bride, When he arrived and
Evelyn laughed and eried with JOY,
she Mahal on his item mut whispered:
"Any how 1 don't care a little bit if
Elsie Ilaggetty dota aim a pehdant
like Mime"
But the next morning -when she
opened the little plush tame Stewart
handed her, she gave a happy Biwa of
ialepriee, Men Onetime a Sweet title kiss
on the yoang mane lips, exclaimed:
"Ain't you the dole, hottest boy?"
In her bawl she held a pendant nith
11 dfainaid setting.
He Was Unanimously Elected.
When the term ot the old negro- Meade,
er had eXpired he arose and said:
"lereadeen, de time am both fot do dee
leetion oh ye' Dastoh for unudder Yeah.
Ali dose faborne me fo' yo' pestolt will
metes° say 'Aye'."
The old preacher had Made himseit
rather unpopular, and there Was no re.
."Itar, he bald. "Silenee gibs Cotiedrit
*Dice ...Ye' eastelt i& anueidet
yealeaezax name.
IS IDEAL for the growing childlespecially in the
But it must be pure and made inia sanitary plant,
such as the City Dairy. We shipthousand of Ice
Cream Bricks for consumption in the home and
thousands of gallons of Bulk Ice Cream for con-
sumption in the shops of discriminating dealers
everywhere in Ontario.
the Sign,
We want an Agent in every towri,..
Reversing a Phonograph Record.
A remarkablycurious experiment
may be performed with any ordinary
phonograph. The 'sound box is re-
yetsed set that the needle slopes the
other way, enabling the else to be
turned backward by the finger being
placed near the centre. The effect
Produced is extremely astonishing.
You hear the human voice singing
songs backward; you hear the har-
mony of Wagner backward—plate. Eng-
lish sounds like a Chinese language.
The most remarkable effect is -perhape
to play a chime of bells in this revers-
ed nianner. The sound rushes up and
up, but there is never a single strike or
elaSil of a bell. The etrIke on the ear
Is reversed and is nothing but a sbarp
"cessation of sound,"—Strand Maga-
r --
Are diseases, not vices. and there-
fore curable. Patients are under
my nersonal care and receive their
treatment in ordinary hospitals
as ordinary medical eases.
D. 1. ARNOTT, M. D.
226 Queen's Ave., London, Ont.
Evangelist Who Was an Actor,
George Whitefeeld qualitael as a
boy for greatneee 'in more than one
direction. The future evangelist en-
joyed play acting and performed in
girl's clothes before the mayor arid
corporation of Gloucester, while by
the time he was fifteen he had be-
calm an expert ale drawer in the
family public house. These pursuits,
alien to the pulpit, appear, however,
to have been converted into aids to
evengelism. The youthful love of the
stage, says the London Chronicle, no
doubt Lelped to develop the tremend-
ous histrionic glft which made Lord
Chesterfield on hearing Whitefield de-
scribe a blind beggar's fall over a
precipice spring from his seat and
exelaim, "Good heavens, he's gone!"
Minard'a Linitrient Cures tiphtherla.
• • St • *
Our Moral Codes. '
Our meal codes were invented not
to prepare men for heaven or or Uto-
pia, They were invented by men whet
-were none too good theselves to We-
tect themseiveo feom people who Were
net iiiuh worse, There are great dif-
feeenees in human beings as to the
amount of knowledge and wisdom
which they possess. but there Is sman
difference in regale'. to the aniount of
goodness or raseality that they mani-
fest—Mowry Saben in Ponta.
You never Can tell. The girl who
marrier one man In a thousand may
live to regret that she didn't soled One
of the other 909,
A Pretty flood Reason Why the
rowl Wouldn't Lay Any.
Young Arlolphes de Milyuns waseeut
driving his own ear, He was a scorch-
er and believed in going straight
Suddenly a. terrofic clucking under
tee a heels told him some accident had
happened. He pulled up and -glanced
back. Two fowls fay dead in his treat,
wane ail ltiler two were fleeing,
screeching, back to home and safety.
"That'll bo 14tsh1l1Ings, please," re -
Marked a burly/man in corduroys, who
appeared on the scene promptly,
"That's thee:timid six apiene for the
"Pour!" galeedeAdolphus. "But I
cnly killed ewe!"
"That's right,"P agreed the fowls
cwner, "but themsother two will IOWr
lay a blessed egg after tithe"
"I'm sorry," sold the motorize as he
handed over 'the money. "Due to ths
fright, '1 suppose.'
The countryman sheak his head as
he slammed the siteer into his pocket
"Partly fright," he agreed, slowly,
"but mainly, I reckoneit's because they
*tint hens !—L eaten piens e"s.
Montreal, May 29t11, '00.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
YtlmaiLinnus—U-li Nbe.gili
Geno let you know"
that I have used MlNAltfee
MONT foe some time, and I find
the best I have ever used for the,
joints and muscles.
Yours very truly,
The Chempion Clog and Pedestal
Dancer a Canada.
Human Levers.
All man made machinery., runs with
'wheels. Yet there la not alaingle wheel
in the human body. And the human
body 113 th4 most perfect piece of mechan.
ism in the Word, It teema. strange that
man had developed inecharties, along all
litres but those withwhibh hisjown body
works. Praetically every /motion we
make is performed by the direct opera-
tions of levers, and living creatures are
the only machines so built ,AJmost alt
these human levers are of or kind, that
commonly calleol the third. There are
three kinds of levers; (1), that In which
the fulcrum Is between the power and
the Weight,. or resistaace. as In a pair of
scissors; (2) that in which the weight or
resistance is between the fulcrum ,anel
the power, as in an oar; (3) that in which
the newer is between the fulcrum and
and the weight, SS in a 'pair of green
clippers. It is true that each of theist,
fornis of levers is ueed hi mechanics,
but no great machine has ever been built
on the purely level w York
Minard's Liniment tures Distemper.
trilio rules the world. Whatteer betide .1
By xnaldrig the
blood rielt and red
Dr. Chase's Nerve
Flood forms nett
cells and tissues and
nourishes the starved
nerves back to liealth
and vigor.
Dy noting yourcrease hi weight 'while
Using' it you (‚art pro16
ptisitively the benefit
t. 11('I11derived front
this great food ciao.
60 tents a beg, all dealers, or
Edrinnistai, Bate* co„ uninea,
And ever in true worth abides?
A. wohmn. 1-**
Who, ever constant, ever true,
And ever fond, through love, to do C.
.A. kindly duty—just for you V.*
A. Wotnafl.
Who, during all of wifehood's reign,
'WM ever keep. an helloed na.nie,
Like Lustrous gold, without a. stain, ,
And striving for your gain? '
A wonian.
Who bears the brunt of •worldly tearer
Where duty lies is ever there.
And ey'ry pain her heart to share
Should anglith, fall? An angel fah), ,
In kindly tild, her loVe deser,
A. woman,A.nd when life's Work is laid aside,
When hulks of tiMe are In the tide
That sweeps to seaward, ruthlees
Who weeps? and in her heartbob crindt
And breathes the peeler that's neadented
At God's white throne where eitinte
re, aquatint mother, slater. Wife!
Thy Messieg bates the Sweet life;
And Wrough buS battles, eatem anmstrtre
They sweet devotion, ever -rife,
Demand., a Crown of les oVdevice.
Gtt tst-EiNtv OF THAT.
(Xtansas City journal)
"Theleball en ethletie genie* What
ood does it do e -o11 to kit caalbenches
and wateir It?"
"They Yell a geed deal,"
"What tif that?'
"Well, they say lung exertsiii. is the
•Stott ben:gelid there
ISSUE NO, 31, 1915
Things You Ought I
To Know
Pittsburgh is building a new -MY
hall, to -toot $1,500,000. Bend isetie
authorized in 1910,
L. ea Kennedy, Of St, Paul, has
Mantes!. a device for. enebling rifle -
Men to eine eorreetly at a dietance of
A rale or More,
Ontario's 19H. dairy products were
valued at ;103,3811854,
British India's 1914 imports were
valued at $508,000,000,
New Zealand has over 1,000,000
Australia, lias a tree 480 feet eigh,
Bagpipes are eommonly played in
• There Is no capital punishment in
London claims to be the healthe
lest European capital.
Alaska is 14 times as large aft the
_State of New York,
There are ten cartridges in the
magazine of the English Lee -Met -
ford, gene only five in that of the
German Walser.
It has been estimated that nearly
800,000,000 feet, or more than 55,000
Miles, of film are used up yearly to
satisfy the world's demand for moving
Many persons are killed bY animals
every year in India. In Bengal alone
during the past year 15 persons were
killed by wild elephaets, 117 by tigers,
55 by leopards, la by bears, • 4 by
wolves, 4 by hyenas, and 201 by ether
wild animals, or in all 408 persone
were killed by wild animals. Snakes
were responsible for 4,471 deaths.
Brooklyn has 70 playgrounds in op-
Chicago has 6,000 school children
mentally below normal.
Tobacco growing is increasing in
Germany is a large buyer of Co-
lombian tobacco,
Cartagena, Bolivia, has 27 primary
schools and 2,000 pupils.
Victoria, B. C., ,has 200 jitney buses
in operation. Average daily earnings,
What is the difference between a
funny fellow and a butcher? One
deals out wit, the other witt-tles (vic-
Why have turkeys no fear of a fu-
ture state? Because they have their
next world (necks twirled) in this.
Why Is a deceased poor elector like
a dead duck? Because they both
have done quacking.
Why was Shakespeare a good brok-
er? Because he furnished many stock
What instrument of war does an an-
gry lover resemble? A croee-bow
If All Played Out,
Try This Proscription
When that overpowering weariness
and a, never -rested feeling comes over
you, it ShOWS Some zerious disorder
is undermining your health. The cure
Is simple. Build up tbe system awl
nourish the body back to health by
pure wholesome blood.
The one sure means of doing this
is with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, They
are a mervellotts aidno appetite—con-
vert all you eat into nutriment and
tissue -building material. Thus a weak
body is supplied with new nerve fibre,
hardy muscle and firm. flash. Lasting
good health is sure to follow. If you
really want to get eell and stay well,
use Dr, Hamilton's Pills, 25e. per box
at all dealers.
• ---411. • • 4.•
Japan's Hokey Pokey Men,
Japanese children are amused by the
rice jelly molder, or arnezalkuya, al
American children are by the bekeY
pokey ice cream itinerant. Beating a
drum, he goes up and down city streets
with small box on his banboo Pole or an
°Orr dieleoittligplYselOuffait."Invl:riPI:kind
of jelly made from rice, of which all
Japanese children are extremely fond.
The ame seller stops when the children
round him, and he amuses the by mold-
ing all kinds of shapes, from a fish to
.bird, which he sticks on a Pleee of
bamboo and sells to his audience for a.
mere nothing. He can blow up the aine
like a glass blower, making a globe "or
a large sized" animal or fish, as he wills,
and each child chooses the object he
most fancies. Bast object created is
painted with a vegetable coloring in life-
like 'colors, and with each 'purchase he
gives away a paper flag. He is a pic-
turesque feature at all temple festivals.
—Bulletin of Japan Society.
Ye Olde Pirme of Heintzman & Co.,
corner King and John streets, eremite
ton, Ont., aro offering 50 organs at a
greet reduction in price. Instruments
bearing the names of such well-
known makers as Bele Doherty, learn,
botanical and Uxbridge are bang
$3old as low as $15 to $30.
Good practice piano from $50 to
5100. Write for complete list of
prices and terms.
Row to Live One litindred Years.
Le, and behold, a physician comes
orward with the annottecement that it
Is as e8133f as falling off a leg to live
l'to be a hundred years old. He says
,all yea have to do is to avoid alcoholic
.Or malt liquors, don't smoke, go to
bed at 10 1),m, end get tip at 6 a.m,,
sleep iteuedly, dont worry about Mak-
ing money (we don't—we worry about
hot making it), do nothing to excess
(don't marry to excess, of mine—
Mark Twain said than the simple life
all the time, doh t get excited (we
dont over anything accept electIons
or prizefights), eat Only whell yott feel
inelined (or have the Priee—this has
tio reference to newspaper men, who
Mayer eat a regular meal). With the
otteption df the Perenthesele title is
really serious 'advice, and you would
do well to heed it if you wish to make
tthe century mark in Iffees little Mara-
lioWeVer, as for us, we wouldn't
%Wale one hour of golden, glittering
time Oh Pay day hi SOYMis Siteltsone
vine for a Whole century of such simple
eand uaeventall otietenee anywhere
elate—Phil II. Arrastrolue, 1 rlarida
ilif1nard0S 1.1rdirient Cures dads, Et.
A Oonstant Reminder.
"1 hotiee you have Stepped t ailing
Yetir Wife an angel."
"I hid to do It. /t kept reminding
ber that she ((Yenta a pair Of wings for
or UV—Louisville 'Courler4ourtua1.
That is the Usual Condition of
Persons Afflicted With Anaemia,
Anaernia Is tile, medical term tor
poor, watery blood. it May arise
from a, variety of causes, Such as hole
et exercise, hard Allay, improPerle
VSLI4431(041108,ertoco.m_sThoer wchatreltrehoeyra,ptollomoric
are extreme pallor at the feee aud
gums, rapid breathing end palpitee
tIt anl awaosef e; tor! to: leansf gst e eonf dl tg bat 1 to teregrioe,trt '31in:4yr
limbs and a dietaste for foodAll
titeee oymptoraa may not be present,
MIY Of than inalcate alateinia,
which should be promptly treetea
with Dr, Williams' Pink•Pills, These
Pills make new, rich blood, which
etimulatee and strengthens every
organ anti every part of the body, Dr,
Williams' Pink Pilleseteve made teal -
kande of anaemic people bright, active
and stroug. The following 18 one of
tile many cures. Mrs. Phillips, wife
of Hey. W. E, Phillips, Princeton, Ont.,
aaYe: "Some • years ago, whtle livIng
with my parents in England I fell a
victim of anaemia. The usual compli-
cations set in ima soon I became but
a shadow of my former self. MY
mother, who bad been a former nurse
of many years' experience, tried all
that her knowledge suggested; tonics
and various kinds were tried, and
three doctors did their best for me,
but without avail, and a continued
gradual decline and death were looked.
"Later my parents decided to join
me brothers in Canada, and it was
coufidentlY expected that the ocean
voyage, new climate and new condi-
tions would cure me, leer a, time I
did experience temporary benefit, but
W813 soon as 111 again RS ever. I -kVai
literally bloodless, and the extreme
pallor and generally hopeless appear-
ance of my condition called forth
many expressions of sympathy from
friends whom we nide in our new
Mime in Acton, lent. Later a friend
urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pints.
Pitts, and, althoupgh in a -condition
wbere life seemed to liave little to
hope for, I decided to do so. After
tieing three boxes I decided to mend.
Continuing, I began to enjoy my food,
slept almost normally, and began lo
have a fresh' interest in life as I felt
new blood once more running in My
veins. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
brought about a complete cure anti I
am to -day in robust health. My hus-
band is rector of this parish, and I
have recommended the use of the
Pills to a great number of people with
whom we have come into contact ia
the course 01 my husband's mIniStry,
for we bah know valet -Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills can de."
These Pins niav be had from any
dealer in inealeine, or by mail at 50
eente a box nr six boY'es for $2.50 from
The Dr. Williams; ejelleine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
"Dreary Stuff," Said Gissing.
G. B, Burgin in tile Booknean c0)1 -
tributes a, personal recollection of
•George Gissing, whom Ile met many
years Ago at a gaitlen party in St.
John's Wood.
"He was curiously and I should
think unconsciously picturesque,"
writes Mr. Burgin, "his loose, easy
clothes and slouch hat eeeming a part
of his own personality mare than a
studied pose, and looking rather at
variance with the smart "getup' of the
London crowd which filled the little
garden." During conversation • Gissing
alluded to the fact that many auth-
ors wrote with ease and facility,
"but," he adeeld, "I grind it out with
infinite pain and labor." When Mr.
Burgin hinted that most of his mater-
ial was saddening, "Yes," he said
thoughtfully, "it's dreary stuff—
dreary stuff!"
If you are troubled with weak, tired
feelings, headache, backache, bearing
down sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tipation, catarrhel coaditions, pain in the
sides regularly er irregularly, bloating
or unnaturel enlargements, sense of fall-
ing or misplacement of internal organs,
nervousness, desire to ery. palpitation,
hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes,
or a loss of intereat in life, I invite you
to write and asit for my ?Ample method of
home treatment with tett days' trial en-
tirely free and postpaid, also references
to Canadian ladles who gladly tell how
they have regained lie.alth, strength, and
happiness by this method. Write to -day,
Address: Mrs. M. Summers, Box it, Wind-
sor Ont.
Zeppelin Puzzlers.
At what period of its life is a Zeppelin
most interesting to us? —At its wreck-
Why does a choolmaster'm carte re-
semble a Zeppelin? —Because both leave
their mark on tinfortified places,
What is the difference between the
Crown Prince and a Zeppelin? One is
the heir of a pirate, and the other is the
pirate of the air.
Why does a Zeppelin resemble King
Herod?—Becauses it compasses the
slaughter of the innocents.
How does the Crown Prince resemble
a Zeppelin? Because his is at uncertain
Why is a. German sausage Ilke a Zen-
pelin?—Because they have both been
knowe to kill.
What is the difference between a Zep-
pelin and the Kaiser?—One is the big-
gest Her on air, the other the biggest
liar on earth.
MInard's Liniment Cures Garget in
The Seven Wise Men of Greece.
The seven wise Mee of Greece were
Males of Miletus, Periander of Cor-
inth, Cleobultis of Lyndus, Chilon of
Lateriternon, Solon of Athens, Bias of
PrIenne and Pittaeus of efitytene.
Seine fishermen of efiletue meld a draft
of fishee to a bystander. When elle
net was drawn in it contained a golden
tripod, and the- Intechaser eleinted it
was Ws, Nvaille the fishermen contend-
ed that they -sold only the fish that
might be in the net, The Monte was
referred to the oracle of Delphi, who
awarded the tripod to the wisest man
in Greece, Thereupon it was taken to
Threes' who declined it and suggested
that itbe given to Bias. He in turn
refueea to accept it, and thus it was
stieceesIvely declined by all the seven,
and they were thereafter known as the
seven wise men of Oreeee.
Neither the Greeks nor the Hoinans
possessed forks, It was, aceotaling to
that Outlet% book ot travels, "Coryat's
publialiecl tn 1e11, left to
Italy to itiVent them, beeause, as tho
author quaintly observes', "the Hellen
cannot by any means -endure to have
his dish touched with hands, seeing
that all ellene fingers are not alike