The Wingham Advance, 1915-04-15, Page 8T WIUC E -AM ADVANCE
Readytowear Garments
ti 4
Style, Fit and workmanship, mater-
ials in the Newest Shades.
Prices to suit all
Always have something new to
show you
Highest Prices Paid for Trade
Mail orders promptly filled.
Phone 7o.
Tenders Wanted.
Sealed tenders will be received by
the undersigned up to Nonda . APONth, until I o'clock pan,' for the con-
struction of a sewer on Edward street
Om e to apppo%pt ta near Patrick Stt reeet;
also from the corner of John and Ed•
ward etreets easterly, The contraetor
is to comply with all the provisions of
the Ontario Workmen's Compensation
Act. An accepted eheque for One
Hundred Dollare MVO accompany
each tender, which chFque will be
retained until eatisfaotory completion.
of the work.
Tenders to etate price per lineal
foot, town to furnish tile.
No tender neceeearily accepted.
Plans may be seen at the Town
Clerk's ofllee,
20 John F. Groves, Clerk,
sumiumemommoN 1.11111111111114111111101111111111
Administrator's Sale
Of Laud in the Town plot of Winghatn,
Separate sealed tenders will be received
by the undersigned up to the 1st day of
May, A. D. 1915, for the purchase of the
following parcels of land, namely:
1 Park lots 58 and 54, Government Sur-
vey in the Townplot of Wingham, con
tainibg 12 acres of land more or less.
2 Lot number 228 on the East side of
Alice street, and lot number 270 on the
West side of Helena Street in the said
Townplot of Wingham, Government Sur-
3 The South Easterly portion of Mill Re-
serve "D" in the said Townplot of Wing -
ham, lying between lots numbers 0, 10
and 11 on the South side of McIntosh St.
and the River Maitland, including the
stable on laid premises.
4 The Southerly part of lot number 1, on
the North East corner of McIntosh and
Helena streets in the said Townplot of
The highest, or no tender necessarily
accepted, Further particulars and con
ditions may be obtained from the under-
Dated at Wingham this 13t1i day of
April, 1915.
R. VA•NSTONE, Administrator.
llucle Tom's Cabin
The World Film Corportion will present on
at the IOTURE B OUSN, America's most famous play,
Uncle Tom's Cabin
This immortal drama, from the inspired pen of one of the
world's greatest authors, is interpreted by a wonderful cast or
actors and enthralls all who have the good fortune to see it.
The production is replete with exciting episodes full of
pathos and heart interest. Scenically there is nothing lett
to be desired and the whole play tends to make the spectator
glatl that he has seen it. Few amusement lovers can afford
to neglect this opportunity for enjoyment.
ammoss 41111111111111110
East Wawanosh.
The following is the report of the
promotion examintione in 8. S. No. 7.
East Wawanosh—Jr. to 8r. 4th—Mel-
ville Beecroft, Mary Finleon, Lyla
James, Mary Boyle. Jr. Srd to Jr.
4th—Wilfred Robinson. Jr. to Sr,
2nd—Cecil Obamney. 1•.t to 2ad Read.
er—Almond Jamieson, Clayton Robin-
uou.--Ida H. A. Taylor, teacher.
The following t p
motion exam.. of S. S No. 11, E
Entrance, total 10(0, pa's
600, honors reportE.
Of Valuable Farm Property in the Town-750—Violet McBurney 807, Enpbemia
ship of Turnber.y. I McNeil 750, Jr. 4th, total 800, pass
Pursuant to a power el sale contained in 1480, honors 6'33—Grace Wightman 614,
a certain mortgage, which will be produr.l, Willie Young 641, Alba Walker 531 -
ed at the time of sate, -there will be offer. Rena Deacon 527, Luella McGregor
cd for sate by public auctionatthe Queen's 395, Jr Srd, total 608, pass, 400,
Hotel in the Town of Wingbam, on Sat- honors 601—Donald Young 521. Sr.
urday the First Day of May. 1915, by 2nd, total 723, pass 435, honor. 543—
Thomas Bennett, Auctioneer, at 2 o'clock Dori. Walker 555, Harry Deacon 486.
in the afternoon, the fo:lowing valuable Jr. 2ad, total 735, pass 441, honors 531.
property; that is to say,—
The North half of lot number f .ay -
eight in the First Concession of the Town-
ship of Turnberry, containing fifty acres
of land more or less.
The property is situate about seven mites
fromtkeTown of Wingham; three mi'esfrom
the Village of Bluevale, and three miles
from the Village of Wroxeter.
There are on the premises a good frame
barn, 36x50, with stone stabling under•
Heath, and a frame house 18x24, and ad-
dition 12x10.
The land is practically all grass.
TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent. of
the purchase price at the time of sale, and
the balance in thirty days thereafter.
The property will be offered subject to
a reserved bid. Further times and condi-
tions of sale will be made known at the
time of sale, or may be had on application
to the undersigned.
Dated this 15th day of April, A D. 1015.
St Vendor's Solicitor.
-.Bessie Deacon 486, L'zzie Young 457,
Sr. Pt. 2nd, total 500, pees 300, honors
375—Alberta Walker 404, Janet Rob-
ertson 381. Jr. Pt. Zed—:bred Deacon
845. Primer, total 550. pass 210, honors
262—Jim Deacon 263.—Edna Lyon,
Mrs. J. Ramsay of Guelph visited at
Mr..Jno Wightman's last week,
The death of Mrs. Finlay Walsh on
Sunday, cast a gloom over the com-
munity. Mrs. Walsh was formerly
Mies Annie Dobie, and well known
here. She has been 111 for some time
with heart trouble.
Mr. Kenneth Edwards is spending a
few days with Dungannon friends.
Mrs. F. Carine of Paris is the gueet
of E line friends.
Mies Margaret McCallum spent a
few days with Mrs. J. A. McGill.
00000000000000000000003000 000000000000000000000
One Promise Kept
Our ad last week $fated we would give you some informat-
ion. It is rs follows -
24c for Butteris equal to 26i for Butter Fat
26c " " 314 i'
26c " " 334 • "
30e " a 36 "
We are still buying Butter and Eggs. Bring them to us and
get the highest price. The people who are not afraid to give
you information..
Farm far Rent
A good Pasture Faun for rent, North
Part, Lot 1, Con. 7, Mortis. Drilled
well with sslf•pumping wind mill. For
further Particulars apply to John Will.
lams, 108 Kent St., London, Ont, tf
Apple 8u�tter
Apple butter ie a good substitute for
fruit Our supply is going rapidiy,
secure .a pail now. Still gelling
at six cents per pound.
1 , Meikley & Son,
Por Rent
The Cummings' Souse acid shop on
Victoria Street for' rent. Will rent
separately or together. Apply to Mr,
Geo. Wraith, Wingham, Oat. tf
eon somenom seoreesenno owe en
Store opens 7 a. M.
Our Teas are Ecenomicai
Ounce for ounce our own
special Blends of Tea wilt
give MORE and BETT-
ER Liquor than almost
any other Tea on the mar-
35c, 45c and OOc per Ib
Use Cantelon's Coal
The very best hard coal mined.
We keep �a good supply of Hard
and Soft Wood and Cedar Kindling.
Give us a trial order and, join our
hundreds of satisfied customers.
R. J. Cantelon
Office with Dominion Express Oo.
P. O. Box 127
On Friday of this week
at 4.15 p.m.
62 Pairs of Women's High Shoes -
and Oxfords. All sizes in the
lot but not all sizes in all kinds
Regular .$2, 2.50 and $ .
for .pair
Note the time --Friday at 4,15 p.m.,
Sole Agents
For The
To the People of
Wingham and Vicinity
After giving the matter of credit a great deal of thought
I have decided to go into a stricctly cash business, commenc-
ing on April 15th, 1915. My reasons for doing so may be
briefly stated as follows:
t I can buy cheaper for cash
2 I can sell cheaper for cash
3 l can serve youbetter for cash
4 I can give you a larger stock to select from
5 I can then compete with the wholesale manufacturers
6 1 can supply you with the best goods obtainable at the
lowest prices possible
7 1 can sell you as gtod a suit fur $22 cash as for $25 under
the • credit system
8 I can save bookkeeping and collection expenses and give
my customers the benefit of the saving
9 The most successful stores in the large cities do business on
a strictly cash basis. If the credit system had any ad-
vantages these places would give ,credit
10 .The cash system causes money, to circulate more freely
and make matters better for everybody. When you pay
me spot cash for what you buy, I am in a better position
to pay cash for what I• buy
Did it ever'occur to you that under the credit system .you are
helping to pay for those who are slow to pay and thtsn who never pay at
all. The eustomer,who pays cash in a store that gives credit helps to
pay for the expense of bookkeeping, stationery and all bad accounts. Do
you consider this a fair deal? Yet, under the credit system, it is ex-
actly what occurs. Are not the ten reasons I have given for deciding to
adopt the cash system a statement of facts worthy of your due consider-
If you think 1 am right come and deal with me. If you think
otherwise, come and give me atrial anyway and then decide later on.
All goods will be sold with a guarantee. If not satisfactory, money
will be refunded.
We want you to come and see us, We want your trade. We
thank you heartily far your patronage in the past and trust that the new
system will work to our mutual benefit- Yours sincerely,
Orval E. Taylor
Ladies' and Gent's Tailor
Wingham , - - , Ontario
Nothing Held In Reserve at This
Going.Out. of Business
Every Suit and Overcoat and every
article of Men's wear must be cleared out
The time is short now as 1 expect to be
out of town by MAY 1st •
Men's Overcoats, Youths' Over-
coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's, Boys'
and Youths' Suits, Men's and Youths'
Trousers, Boys' Bloomers and Knick-
ers, all must be cleared out at regard-
less of cost.
Underwear of all kinds, shirts, col-
lars, neckwear! Boys' worsted and
cashmere stockings, Men's half hose,
hats, caps, gloves, braces, Boys. coat
sweaters, Men's fancy vests and every
day vests, overalls, smocks, etc.,
Everything in.athe store is reduced
in this sale.
NOtiM—Aft Accounts must be paid or payment arranged
for by April 15th
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