The Wingham Advance, 1914-08-27, Page 6'VIEW NMI AM .A.DVAN0 Tut3RSDAY, 19x4 5:1I Term From Sept. l t.2 1 1 The best Cen ni'reiail School In the pro- rinee. Our courses are therougtt and vraetleal while our instructora are better than you will And tleowliore. We do mare tar our students than other similar ReltAele do, Our rates. aro reasonable, Write fcr our free catalogue ant sea what we eau do for you. A. A. nElc#.ACItIAH Prtyclpal I , NH GLASS LIVERY Goal)HORSES NEW RIGS .1, • t,a Quiet horses for lady drivers, Drivers supplied. ,BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 amusmatreesoulsammeasuommouronmarommormam OVER SS YEARS" EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an intention to probably ppaatentable. Communion. Cons strtetlyontldentral, HANDBOOK on Patents dont free. Oldest agency for aocurmg Osteine. Patents Laken through Munn & Co. receive specie( notice, ttitltout charge, in the • $cientti JImerka�. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr. Canadaaof , 5s.7sna Year, Postantino ge prepaid. Terms fory au newadealeIs. MUNN & Co 369Broadway, New York Branch Office. 626 F 8t.. Washington, D.C. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA 1 SASK.ATCIIEWAN Each Tuesday Marclt 3 to October 27,inelusive, Winnipeg, and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.60 From Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toron to. Return Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARMS (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACII TUESDAY, MARCII AND APRIL 5YNOPttils OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS riatiE solo woad of Atatnllg, or any male ever 1 16 scats Old lt,ay onteeteso a smarter - sootiest ot available laonilntun land in ani- tuna, 13atikatoliewau or Alberta, The &peplt- cant must appear tet person et the Dominion i,amle Agency or enb•Ageecy for the eilstrtet hatry hSp Pox may be memo at the wilco ot 611F 1.0041 Avert et RamitIlan Lend* of sub• agent; on orrt 4fu oonditioue. , Duties. -Six menthe' resistance upon and cul- tivation of L e laud lu each of three years. A tunas homoatoo+iertuay lire within nine doe af lets homestead on w farm of et Ie i5t &) acme nit certain conditions. A habitable house is re, gulled in every ease. eseepl when rteidence is performed In the vicinity, Au certain districts a home1leador to good standing may pre•ent t a quarter -section along- side his twmeetcad. pPrice $a per acro. Duties 'Six 1:0) the residence in each of i,tx yeart from date of hotnettle:a catty (including th Limo required to earn homestead patent) and 50 ems t-. mitre, cultivation. The arca of culti- vation is subject to reduction in case of rough, sceubb or atony land Mice report he Ileme- stead I nspegtor ou application for patent. A bomeeteader who has exhausted blehome- eread right and cannot obtain a pre•eotpti0n may take a purchased holneated iu certain dit:triots. Price $a 00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside six menthe in each Of three years, culti- vate Aftyaores and erect a house worth 4300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Inhibitor of the latorior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. Settlers travelling with live stock and effects should take SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves Wert Toronto each Tuesday. during MARCH and APRIL . after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train from Toronto Union Station. Settlers and families without live stock should use REGULAR mines, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers, Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and I West. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No. charge for Bertha. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agentn or write M. G, Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. Farms For Sale 200 acme, large brick house, 2 bank d barns, one mile south of Gerrie, goo stook and grain farm, 35 acres of bush. 100 acre farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles from Harriaton, 7 miles from Palm- erston ; school, church and store con- venient, good buildings. A snap at $8,600. For full particulars for these farms, apply to - PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. temeumetesagosestresseast Mr. Geo. Moir, Wishes to announce to the Citizens of 'Wingham that he is in the old tand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. Farm for Sale. .A. good 200 acre farm within nine Miles of Wingham, good bank barn, good cement house, large orchard, abd considerable quantity of timber, Price $6500.00. Apply to R. ' R. V ?oldene, Wing - bane P. O, RAILWAY TIME -TABLE An Ideal 'Vacation Trip Via Great Lakes Steamships, Trains. leave Wingham stations daily as follows t .At title season of theyyear when so tunny are planning their varation trip the gtteetian "Where To au" natural• ly arises -What could be more de- lightful than it Great L'tketi trip, where the air is pure, the son shines - and cool refreshing breez:ls illocv? Fire sailings weekly from Port Mc - Nicoll for s { lt e Marla, Port Ar. their and Port William. ;Steamship Repress ress leaves Tomato 1230 t.tn, sail- ing ins days, making direct connection. If you are contemplating tt trip, don't, let slip your memory. Canadian Ptecific Steamships make the fastest time, have 1 he hest of a':romodtetion, and the table is unexcelled. Vail pavti('Ulars and reservations on trains and ,•hint, at every Ulenadtart P4cit3e Ticket Office, M. G. Mot•phy, District Passenger Agenc, C. P. R. G:. T. R TO TORONTO and Intermediate Pointe: -Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; passen- ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m. TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.35 a. m.; passenger, 3 30 p m. TO KINOARDINE : •-= Passenger, 11.59 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.; pas- senger, 9 15 p.m. • 0, P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points: --Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen- ger 8.05 p.m. • TO TEESWATER : - Passenger. 2.05 p.m,; passenger, 10.32 p.m. CASTOR I A icor Infants and Chil b e)+. The Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the ;gnatitre of Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show :Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Bay Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits - Goods in Process of,,,Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Band Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks International Peace Tattoo 10 Bands • 400 Musicians Aug. a 1914 Sept. 14 TOB, ONTO TEACHER WANTED ��tAA 11.1.64,1.41.161144.460.4. Arid{t, tsernrid .c ttta certificate eftrate f or B. S. Ni 9. Turnherr , duties to con) ystrace ;Sept. ]. .Apply stating salary n'1red to W. . Vafastonea Sec- �, Oltteeitle, USINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the keivekal4f Y,1K, C. A. Beale.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. let. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt,,l:. 1?iillClpal C'uade:redAcc0ustent 10 ,Ice-Prlbcipal Grand Trunk Railway System. Harvest Help Excursions August 11 and 18. Please Lock at ,.tvolvre 8nrrle f•xtra labour, Itis worth •uany .idles Its Peet, If the seed has has been planted one see. piece id a place, uniformity t f cats be eeoute•i by codling the choice to the anestaik hills le the add. Tbis method can be wooled, however, by s utiug a standar:I in the ratio of not less than tone guys ltaatjketal,1e pots, Goer to a one -stalk hill, seven to it two stalk hill, and ten to a three stalk still. When the ot'op le It elf oe two- thirds ripened, the grower, with a bundle ot twigs or sticks, goes eve r the feud and meshes 0 number of the hills showing exceptional vigour, foe next Ieer'e eet-d.. When the orup reedy for diggiug, these marked !rills can be dug by hand, All of marked plants have shown vigour but all may not produce desirable, tubers. Any marked hill which produces! fewer tubers thea we have set for the stands mei, or is undeslr eble in other respects, should be discarded, Selection in osis to tuner secares vigour, which i 1 of prime importance in enabling; the crop to wlthets•nd insects and desassas. Moreover, the grower is obtaiuing all of his seed stock from 'bills 'that have produced a fair number of marketable tubers thus insuringan increased yield, P. O. N. Your LABEL and unless you are Paid One Year in Advance Kindly Attend to same at Once This Means YOU • Via Ohtcag., and Duluth from all stations in Ontario, 1$ingeton, Ren- freta and west. $12 to Winnipeg plus half cent per mile excursion applies to all points in Manitoba, Second excursion to certain points in Saskatchewan and Alberta and all. points in :Manitoba, RETURNING -half rent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18 frosts Winnipeg to destination in Easters, Canada. 111 The 'Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Is the shortest and quiekest route between Winnipeg Saskatoon -Ed nion1 013. Full particulars at all (I T.R. Wicket 0ffleps or write O. B. Horning, I).P:A., G.T Ry., tinion Station, Toronto, Out ei. Ti. $llfott, "Town Paseettget and Ticket Agent I Tki t'Anted;i 'phoo rgtnwn, station YOUR HAIR NEEDS PARISIAN SAGE Hill Selecting of Potatoes for Seed Good seed is worth all of its cost of production; poor weak seed is dear At any price. Seed of great vitality is of the utmost importance to the grower, and the Iosses due to poor seed would be staggering if fully realized, There is a widespread practice. among farm- ers, of plantiug sccondsize potatoes, regardless of whether tboy c Imo from vigorous hills or net. Tbis is a serious mistake which can have only one re ;nit, the early running out of the variety, The in attire of hill selection should 3:e carried out, for, although it King And Queen Uecame Patrons Of The National Sanitarium Association. Jwst because your hair is full of dm- druff, thin, streaky, dull and never will do up to look pretty, do not de- ';pair, Beautiful hair, thick, fluffy, lustrous absolutely free from dandruff is only a matter of cera. Parisian Sage frerquently applied will work wonders. Just one applic- scion stops itching head, removes dan- druff and all excessive oil. It goes right to the hair roots and furnishes the nourishment needed -the hair be- comes soft, daffy, oboundant and r•tdiant with life. Parision Sage not only saves the hair but stimulates it to grow long and heavy. Get a 50.cent bottle from J W. at once. There is no other "Juss-as- good," "'l have today received a letter from , the IRight Iionerahle Sir William Car- rington informing else that Their Ma. jetties the Xing and Queen are gran- iouely pleased to become patrons (f the National Sanitarium A,:ocl tic n of Tomtitn, I have the honorto uutm youthat 11, R. 11, the Qavernor-ilenernl has rc, esise'd two signed prints of Their ala- je'stiee the Ring and (Omen for the Q'teeu Mary Iso. pital for Consumptive Children, and that by Hie Royal High- ness cotntnat,d I am sending tbe semen to you by Dominion Express. Kindle acknowledge receipt of scale," • These are two letters received from the Secretary,, to bis R'.tyai flighnetts, the. Duke of Connaught, Governor General of tlanada, iby the National Sanitarium Association, operating the Hospital for Consumptives at Dluekoka and Weston. "Canada's Greatest Charity" the name by which this worthy enterprise is so well known, also enjoyed the patronage of His late Majesty I{ing Edward and of Queen. Alexandria, who is still a patron. The Queen Mary Hospital to which King George and Queen Mary now present their signed portraits, was so named by special permission of Their Majesties. The opening ceremony, unique at the time, was performed by Qaeen Mary by continucus cable and telegraph wire connection from Buck• Ingham Palace a year ago, 8000 Consumptives, have been cared for at the various Institutior. s, By far the greater number of these patients were unable to pay anything at all to- wards their own maintenance. TO SELL OR NOT TO SELL, To sell or not to sell ? That is the question. Whether 'tis better to send the goods A.ud take ilie risk of doubtful pay- ment, Or to make sure of what is {n posses- sion, And, declining. hold them. To sell, to ship, perchance to loss - Ayr, there's the rub! Fur when the goods are gone What chasm can win them back From slippery debtor's ? Will bills be paid when due ? Or will the time stretch out till crack of doom ? What of assignments, what of rela- tives, What of uncles, aunts, and mothers- in-law, What claims for borrow e l money ? Wbat exemptions, bills of sale, and the compromise That coolly offers a shilling a pound? And of lawyer's fees That eat up even this poor pittance? RHEUMA VALUE OF HEU � FROM THE COURT If you have many other t'emelies and doctors' treatments for Rheums rism and Iyund they failed do not be eveptical'about trying REIEt7MA, Read the testimony of Judge John Bar - horst of Fort Laramie, O. : "After treatment by three doctors without, result. I have been cured of a very bad eaeo of Rheumatism by using two bottles REI UM.A. It is two years since I used the remedy, and I am still as well a9 ever. Previou-ly, I was a cripple, walking with eruthee. Such testimony should he convinc- ing. 50 cerate of J. W. McKibbon. Coal Near Ilattleford. A member of the local Assembly for Athabasca reports seeing samples of anthracite coal in the vicinity of Meadowlake. It is believed that by Curthor prospecting large fields of coal will be opened up 70 miles north of the city. Temperamental. "Flow is the star actress teday'7 "1 don't know. 'l'he doctor's In het room now taking her tetnpernulent."-i Baltimore American. Too ranch is .worse than want. -Gs' lean Prove'.:). 1 You Get Bilious Because Your Liver is Lazy You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do Its work. The bile does not flow. Yost become Constipated. Food sours instead of digesting. You have that "bitter as gall".taste. The stomach becomes inflamed and inflated-» turns sick -vomiting, and violent headache.•• -,The best preventative end cure for biliousness is Chamberlain's '1 . td. They matte the liver do its work strengthen the ctg. c'iv C gens, restore to perfect health. 25c. a bottle - Alt Demers and Drugsists, or by retail. Charst)crlaia Medicine Company, Toronto. c ,r1 t�(pt Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted FOR' HARVESTING iN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." 1 "RETURN TRIP EAST," $12.00 TO WINNIPEG 1 $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES Au,lust Itib- Drout all Planer tt Iclnsaten, lhnrtwt Lnia lteatrew end heat to Awes end Hie. Mario, nt. pointsin Manitoba. Ltrott SC .. Ma 1 . (i to all a e1 D August l4ttiwk're,n ria alauona (ast, or Kingston, Sharnot Lake and lttt,treit, in the i'rOVlticex of ttntatlo and quake, to Alt pouts in Manitoba. Autlutt 1fth-• From 1111 atatlona Irtntalta Shsrhot Lake, itetrtfrew and west to Asitdrt and Saint Ste, Marie, cast., to sit potato in At,nitoba and to otrtttn petals in Banka,., <hernia and Alberta. t August lite•-Inmriall tesflenaadlatof'Masten.tllli*r tLalleend Itanlrenin the Provinobs o For q. OnlflrIna.tne ty.'lwo, to an polrtit 1e, M&„itto�ba�nmd two ter polnie toeabko.t. F UttaaT1 R �v JlttinEtr Ata 1cAKettetwlb,tllgteN . N1G 1?FIYYtJ ..y .P A.;41, P. lf: pT roftlI. MAY BILA, GREAT BUTTER PRODUCER May Itiitnn, 22701, queen of the dairy world, was dropped Dee. 15, 1900, and is therefore in her eighth year. She was sired by Mars of Wood- erest, and her dam was Ritma of Pas- ta ng, May Rllma is American bred. Wben first entered for advanced registry under the rules of the American Guernsey Cattle club she produced in twelve months 12,145.0 pounds of milk. the test showing 589.07 pounds of but- ter fat. This led to her re-entry for the test just completed. Profit in the careful treatment of May Riima Is shown by the following figures compiled by Mr. Cassatt: May Rilma furnished 19,030.5 pounds of milk during 305 days or the test. The Guernsey cow, May 11.11ma, owned by Captain Edward B. Cas - sett, proprietor of the famous Ches- terbrook farm at Berwyn, Pa., has given in 388 days 19.030.5 pounds Of Milk, which contained 1,009.56 pounds of butter fat. This cow was bred *and raised at the farm, and her year's work has been carefully su- pervised under the regulations for the advanced register of Guernsey cattle conducted by the American Guernsey Cattle club. While offi- cially supervised by the representa- tives of the Pennsylvania experI- ment station, her work has also been checked by six similar institu- tions in other states and by a rep- resentative of the dairy divIelon of the united States department of agriculture. This record surpasses that of any cow of all the dairy breeds in the world. Salm Money! Buy Your New Fence DIRECT FROM M t 3L Freight Prepaid This was sold at 6 cents a pound, so the cow brought in $1,178.37. " The daily feed of the cow was elglit- een pounds of mixed grain ration, three pounds of beet pulp, three pounds of molasses, thirty pounds of ensilage and ten pounds of hay. This sixty-four pounds of feed per day cost $.6995, a total of $2555.31 for 865 days. During ninety-seven days of the test May Ritmo was fed some carrots, the cost being altogether $15.52. So the cost of feeding the cow was $270.83. 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 18 20 447 22 4 22 4 22 4 16/ 47 22 48 22 48 16* 51 2 4$1 22 48 161 51 161 51 22 55 161 48 60 EAVY FENCE No. 9 Page Wire Throughout in 20 30 ane, 4N Ytip � oa O e tat Pai lei d n r Spacing of Horieentale in Rubes 10, 10, 10 .. 8, 9, 10, fo 61, 7, 8i, 9, 9 6, 5i•, 7, 7, 71, 8 5, 6Ii, 71- 9, 10, 10 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6........ .... „ 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6... 4,5,51)7,81, 9,9 4, 5; 5i 7, 8t, 9, 9.,.,,...,., 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6...,.,., 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 6, , 7, 81, 9, 4, 4, 5, 5*, 7) 81, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7. , 7, `71, 8• 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 7, 7x, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9, 3, 3, S", 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 • SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bottom. Intermedial, s No. 13. Uprights 8 inebes a;)wrt I 8 Close bars 8 Close bars PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES 48 10 1 g ,� 48 ft ap'ngF.,....„..,...... ,t � - . C , , :.41319 ft. op'ng O .- ``" `� 1 WAL•K GATE, 48 in. high, 3* ft STAPI ES 25•Ib. box, • BRACE /i�,rIP.E,25.ib. rolls,STI2ETC1-ti;� TOGL1.,S, C.o• I to t':. . opnQty r 48 Ili -it op'ngr ease .a .i":9 .31 .31� .33,33, .31 .3 .471 M*il Your Order to Our Nearest Branch Page Wire Fence et Lfidt Montreal 1240 King St. bloat Walkerville St. John TORONTO Winnipeg Write For 104 -Page Free Catalog CARE OF RUNTY PIGS. Animals May DoFairly Well if Care. fully Looked After. The hog man, no matter how careful tie may be, always finds a few runty pigs on his hands when the time Comes for weaning the litters in the early sttmmer, says the Kansas Farmer. 'The number will depend to same extent Upon the condition of , the breeding herd, but perhaps more largely upon the Care the Sows anti• pigs bare CO- eeived during the suc'kltng period. Every good hog man dislikes to see these runty pigs running around among the outer pigs, and even though they are few in number they always: scent more prominent than the good pigs of the litters. The pig wbielt Is runty et Weaning time will likely remain runty through the season unless he is given some ex tra care and attention. These pig: - should by' all Meting be milled aril front the fest of Inc bimeh ekes pineve. 111 a pasture or lot by themselves They Cant then be given a Mlle bottle feed Anti mare and may possibly d.• felop into fairly decent pies. "flu• re, of the intneli will tool; better nt an rate, anti this le no Shrill 10:11111 t the breeder of pure he'll hogs \t 1t oftentimes: wishes to shoo \ let;,ti:s to stock. (.wine 1l,& rung• n 11111.' tato t4talu'0 1311) (melt tin t:1 :mane ;el 711.1 they oftettt11111S 11111 let' t1l'(It's,41 "i r• 1 the market tamei i y t 1110* < t t the way. "PAGE FENCES WARE BEST" 01, W tLLINGTON RITUAL FIRE INS, CO. Established 1840. Read Oiilee 8VltiLM' R, O NT. Risks taken on all clams of {n• surabla property on the cash or pre mtum note system. QUO. SLEIEMAN, JOHN Damson President. Secretary,. It T.G iICOS r NS Agents. Wingha te, Ont DUDLEY JIOLMES 04r1iatcr, SoIteitof, oto, office t Meyer Block, Wingham. VACATION TRIPS ON THE GREAT LAKES. Summer vacation travel .on the Great Lakes is now in full swing, and the volume of tourist travel attracted to tbe lake routes by the splendid equipment of the passenger lines and for the cool and restless lake trips is even larger than in former seasons. The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE", now running daily between Cleveland and Buffalo, has created a sensation with t he publie who break their rail journey at either city to enjoy a de tigbtfni night's trip on this marvelous steamer. • The "SEEANDBEE" is the largest and most costly passenger steamer 011 inland waters of the world. She has 510 staterooms and parlors accomod- atiog 1500 passengers, equalling in sleeping capacity tbe largest hotel of the country, and she can carry 0,000 people, tbe population of a good site town, Notwithstanding her gigantic size, during the summer season her sleep- ing accomodations are reserved well in advance, and those contemplating the trip should arrange for rooms as early as possible. All railroad tickets reading between Cleveland and Buffalo are good for transportation on C. & B. Line Steamers, and no one should miss the opportunithot sumof mermonths. he hike route during the LEE JIM Hand Laundry No Acids, Lime or 'Chemicals My work has stood the teat of Twenty years in town. I am here to stay and ask for a coatinuance of your patronage. LEE JIM LAUNDRY Wingham, Ontario ' Opposite Skating Rink Ontario Leads Forty per cent. of all the agricul- tural products of Canada are grown in Ontario. There is no better investment anywhere than a good Ontario farm. Take a trip through the country right now and be con- vinced, Never were crop pros- pects better. ' We can sell you a goon farm on easy terms and give you immediate possession. Ill health of owner the reason for selling. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater. WINQFIAM, ARTUR J, IRWIN ».D.$., L,13,t3, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pon nsylvania College mid £.scent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, -Office in Macdonald plook--. We have also two excellent 100- acre farms, good as the best, that we can give possession of after the harvest. These can be bought right, as the owners are anxious to sell, not being in a position to work the farms themselves. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduate of the Royal Oeltge of Dental Surgeons of Dntario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER 13. E. ISARD it 00'S. STORE Tornado Insurance. We are agents for one of the steengest companies in the world. Call and get our rates. They will surprise you. No premium note. Ritchie & Covens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE DR. R. P. PARKER, D. B. D. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPSIC1ALTY-Chronio and Nervous Diseases, Eros eciontifloally tested. Glasses fitted, Office over Christie's store, Wingham. Tno'daytt-11,30 a•m. to 11 p.111. Consultation free. W. R. UAMBLY, B.Sc., ILD., CI. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate , work in Sur- gery', Baoteriology and Scientifo Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Ohnroh. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 GEMITO-URINAR NERVE -S I `-er asE, sktf. t TH E Advance rom now until January 1st. 25c DR. H. J. ADAMS or Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr, Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK: DR. ROBT, C. REDMOND M. R. L. R, C. P. Lg) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. . eJ • MOON' VETERINARY SURGEON 01FIOE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENCE -COR. PATRICK dr S'RANOIS Mee Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector. C. N. GRIFFiN GENERAL .AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Beal Estate and Money Loaning business. W rN OHAM General Hospital. (Under Qovcrnluoi.1 Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Bates for patients (which include board and nursing)4,90 to $15.00 per week, according to Location of room. For further , informa- tion-Addrose MISS L. MATTHEWS Superintendent, Box 923, Wingham, Ont. Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Fare and One Third August 31 to Sept- ember 11th, 19I1. SPECIAL LOW RATES Tuesday, Sept. 1st and 8th Thursday, Sept. 3rd and 10th From Port Burwell, St. Thomas, Hyde Park, St Marys; Goderich, Listowel, Elora, Wingham, Port i\fcNicoll, Tees - water, Walkerton, Owen Sound, Parry Sound, Bobeaygeon, Ivanhoe, Belleville and intermediate stations, also Bertin Waterloo, Preston, }lespeler and I:Iamii- ton. Melrose to Detroit Nobel le Drill, Stations Fest of tweed and Sitannonville, Kingst n and Waltham Subdivisions r0 Fa ltertt 11Visioa Bast of Russell, Smith's Falls and Brockville, RETURN LIytIT•--Original :eluting point st be reached not last r than Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1011. tCe.'At•k any ranndian Pneitle Ticket Agent for l eh ulviRExhibition program, m F L. STUDih, M.4 MTJltPl11', Asst. D.P,A„ Toronto, D.P.A, Toronto. New Telephone Directory. Tho Bell Telepltohe Cont}sanv of (''anada. )q sato to meet a new Issue of ito 'Official Tete phoria Directery for the District of Western Ontario Parties Who rontemplate becoming gttbecri- bete, or those 'who wihh changes in their pres- et retry should place titeir.ardors with the rival Manager at once to Insure insertion in thie fettle. Canlnecting Companies Should also repol't tidditione and changes in p tt r their list of z:nbecrtb re, r hr it) the Local etnnager, or direct to the Special .Agent's tae- parttaent, :tiontr_eal. The Bait Telephone COi Aany of Canada. a Bank of llaimilfon , Capital Authorized - $5,600000 0,000 • Capital, Paid-up - - 8000,000 Surplus } THE MEN BEHIND A. Banking institution gent strength as much from the Ineu who direct its affairs as from two actual capital invested. ?,coney deposited to the Bank of Ilemilion is guarded bymen well known for business integrity, and acu-i tb u high volts. more a p at tett m g mon--mon who value se:meaty To tide poltcyis duo a.aurplus which is one quarter target than its Capitat-the result of over 40 years conservative managetnOOt, . C. Pe SMITH I Agent Wingham • t TH E Advance rom now until January 1st. 25c DR. H. J. ADAMS or Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr, Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK: DR. ROBT, C. REDMOND M. R. L. R, C. P. Lg) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. . eJ • MOON' VETERINARY SURGEON 01FIOE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENCE -COR. PATRICK dr S'RANOIS Mee Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector. C. N. GRIFFiN GENERAL .AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Beal Estate and Money Loaning business. W rN OHAM General Hospital. (Under Qovcrnluoi.1 Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Bates for patients (which include board and nursing)4,90 to $15.00 per week, according to Location of room. For further , informa- tion-Addrose MISS L. MATTHEWS Superintendent, Box 923, Wingham, Ont. Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Fare and One Third August 31 to Sept- ember 11th, 19I1. SPECIAL LOW RATES Tuesday, Sept. 1st and 8th Thursday, Sept. 3rd and 10th From Port Burwell, St. Thomas, Hyde Park, St Marys; Goderich, Listowel, Elora, Wingham, Port i\fcNicoll, Tees - water, Walkerton, Owen Sound, Parry Sound, Bobeaygeon, Ivanhoe, Belleville and intermediate stations, also Bertin Waterloo, Preston, }lespeler and I:Iamii- ton. Melrose to Detroit Nobel le Drill, Stations Fest of tweed and Sitannonville, Kingst n and Waltham Subdivisions r0 Fa ltertt 11Visioa Bast of Russell, Smith's Falls and Brockville, RETURN LIytIT•--Original :eluting point st be reached not last r than Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1011. tCe.'At•k any ranndian Pneitle Ticket Agent for l eh ulviRExhibition program, m F L. STUDih, M.4 MTJltPl11', Asst. D.P,A„ Toronto, D.P.A, Toronto. New Telephone Directory. Tho Bell Telepltohe Cont}sanv of (''anada. )q sato to meet a new Issue of ito 'Official Tete phoria Directery for the District of Western Ontario Parties Who rontemplate becoming gttbecri- bete, or those 'who wihh changes in their pres- et retry should place titeir.ardors with the rival Manager at once to Insure insertion in thie fettle. Canlnecting Companies Should also repol't tidditione and changes in p tt r their list of z:nbecrtb re, r hr it) the Local etnnager, or direct to the Special .Agent's tae- parttaent, :tiontr_eal. The Bait Telephone COi Aany of Canada.