The Wingham Advance, 1914-03-19, Page 6WINGHAM ADVA O We honestly believe we have the best remedy in the world for indigestion and dyspepsia. We urge you to try it at our risk. If it doesn't relieve you --as we feel sure it will -we'll give back your money without a word. You know its -your foxily druggist. You know we wouldn't dare recommend anything we didn't know about, nor dare to break a promise. Therefore, when we recommend any remedy it is because we believe it to be better than any other to relieve the ailment for which it is made, and when we prove ourfaith in it and our sincerity toward you by promising, to :give back your money if it doesn't relieve you and in -every way satisfy you, you. have .nopossible excuse for doubt of hesitation. • are, we honestly believe, the best remedy made for Indig`estion, Dyspepsia and other Stomach Ills We Know They're Good Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, in addition to other ingredients, contain Pepsin and Bismuth, two great digestive aids used by the entire medical profession. They soothe the inflamed stomach, check the heartburn and distress, stimulate a healthy secretion of the gastric juice, aid in rapid and comfortable digestion of the food and help to quickly convert it into rich red blood, and thereby into flesh, bone and muscle, They relieve stomach distress promptly, and, used -regularly for a short time, tend to re- store the stomach to a cbmfortable, 'easy -seting, healthy state. They aid Featly to promote regular bowel action. Delays Are Dangerous Don't neglect indigestion, for it fre quently leads to all sorts of ills and com- plications. The pain and discomfort is not the most unfortunate part. The fact that when the stomach is not acting right, the material needed to repair the• wastes that are constantly taking place,. in the body is not being given to the blood either is the proper condition or fast enough is fur more serious, Nothing' will cause more trouble than an unhealthy stomach. The blues, debility, lack of strength and energy. constipation, bil- iousness, headaches and scores of other serious ailments result from the failure of the stomach to properly do its work. You Risk No Money Our willingness to have you use Bexall Dyspepsia Tablets entirely at our risk ,proves our faith in them. We always sell them this way, and it is because we know that they have greatly bens efited scores of sufferers to whom we ,have sold them. There's no red tape about our guarantee. It means just what it says. We'll ask you no questions. You needn't sign anything. Your word is enough for us. We know ' net whet► they help you you will con- sider it money. well spent even if they had cost you ten times as much. If they don't' help you, the money you paid for them is yours, and we want you to have it. - Sold only at the more than 7,000 nexafi Stores -the World's Greatest Drug Stores. in convenient boxes -three sites: 25c, we, *too J. WALTON McKIBBON WINGHAM ,....ate .... LEH1GH COAL Any dealers who say 1 am not selling the Genuine Lehigh Hard Coat, either do not know what they are talking about or else they are not honest. In confoirmation of this 1 hold a certificate in my possession. I also sell the Free Burning Connell Anthracite, Canned and Steam Coal, Wood and Kind- ling. Full weight. Prices right. R. J. Cantelon Boz 127 TRY US FOR,.. Groceries Flour and Feed Vegetable Seeds Flower Seeds Seed Peas, etc. Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson Good Salesman Wanted. For every town and district where we are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices and Nursery Stook is in demand. Make big money this Fall and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not necessary. Free equipment, exclusive territory, highest commissions paid. Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO OVER MS YEARS' IEXPEr3fENC:E ATENTS rnset MAtuc. DEVINtNrt COPvI%IGHTa &C. Anyone sanding s ekoteb and desorlt,tlort May quickly' aecortntn our opinionri ether an tnscntion 1s probable nt@t1tob�e CommnntOk- tlonS ,trial,ieOntldentfal. Her on Patent( tent free."oldest meaner for ecu ngp atedte. Parente taken through blunt . tom*fpwadi issuer, without sae e, lathe `Se ScienllfIc Ji`marlot A 11 a6iomely illestreted [really. Letg¢r�et eh'. emanon of any *dentine Jenne -1. gelate er rCanUla, St.9e k year, postage prepatb. gold by an nenedeaiert. hilif� lititat'0*Iw . lir: fe .10 eeKvresbiposton, . Good Hot Meals Per Twenty-five Celts At the New Restaurant in Field's Bosh. Capital Pard Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,760,000. Total Assets Over 6451000,000. Working for Others mBE matt who looks in- .'.. to the future and pic- tures himself the owner of a business, will live to learn that his visions will always be dreams unless his foresight has shown him she need of eating. Saving Is not a habit that should be Started "sometime," bat One that requires immediate action. As many dot as yen post- pone opening i, batik se - count, Jett that many more dive will you be working for others. One dollar will open a 6avinga a000ant With this blink, and the highest rate of ourrent interest Will be credited every six months. C. P. SMITH AGENT # WINGBA14 $e lyes who lives to God atone, And all are dead beside: r'or tither rolii'de tlarwttiod is [tone, Whew* lib oats br supplied. all HiGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. ' Drivers supplied. .1•1.rrr BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 Aral......,. AUCTION SALE Of Valuab;e Property ui the Town Plot of W inghatn. Pursuant to a pewee of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will bo offered for sale by Publics Auction at the Queen's Hotel in the Town of Wingham on Monday the 16th day of March, A.D. 1911. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by Frank McConnell. -Auctioneer, the follow- ing valuable property, namely: Lots numbers three hundred and twenty-nine, three hundred, and thirty three hu.•dred and thirty-one and three hundred and thirty-two, in the Gov. ro- ntent Survey in the said Town Plot of Wing - ham, Thera are on the property a good frame house and a good Dement stable. • TERMS Ob` 13&LR: Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of the sale. and the balance within twenty days thereafter, Further particulars and conditions of sa'e will be made know at the titne of the sale, or . may be had on applioatt •n to the un•zersfgncd R. VANSTONE, VDated this 24th day of February 1011, 26-28. i Quit Dosing Your Children with strong Cathartics. -- Chamberlain's Tablets are most effective in regula- ting stomach troubles and con- stipation for the little folk -one tablet going to bed means a sunny faac in the morning. Pleasant to take, they never fail. 15c, a bottle, Druggists and dealers er by mail. ) ChArt►berlain Medicine Co. Toronto 4 The Scotch of it, A Scotohman went to a lawyer, laid before him a question and asked him if he could undertake the case. "Certainly," replied the lawyer, "I will readily undertake the ease. We' re sure to win," "So you really think, it's a good Case r "Meet decidely , my dear sir. I am prepared to guarantee that you will secure a favorable verdict." ••Ah, weel, I'm much oblidged tae ye, but I dinna think I'll tae law this time, for you see, the case I've laid be- fore ye is my opponent's," The injustice we have most to fear is from ourselvee. delemessiliesseleesiemMesereigreilliattimiiiiimen Parnas For Sale 200 acres, large brick house. 2 beak barn, one mile teeth of Gerrie, good stook and grain farm, 25 acres of bosh. 100 acre farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles from Harribton, 7 miles from Palm. eraton ; school, church and store eon. vn. nient, good buildings, A snap et $5 600. Por full particulars for these farms, aptly to.* PHILIP HHARDING Clifford, Ont. MACKENZIE AND MANN. Bon. AI, White Hili not give oasis to Mackenzie, Mann and Lash, pro- bably because he is sobered by the, falling revenues of the Dominion and the growing distrust of Canadian fin- ance in England. Mackenzie and Aiken are accordingly to apply, we are told, for guarantee of bonds to thu txtent tf $315,00',.400. as to which the political programme has be04 settled by the daily pretty, The appli, cation is to be granted, to m*iptsin the public credit, and the Liberals in Parliament are to stage a sham battle for information about Mackenzie and Mann's undertakings and obligations, We are not aware that it has been suggested that the Liberals will re. quire to know the destination of'tile proceeda of these bonds or to ear nark them for specified railway con- struction, Nor is it sugggeeted that they will require to know what be- came of the $15,000,000 voted last year. Suck information ought properly to be required. But it le not necerpary, in the meantime, to suspend judge• went on this project. Mackenzie and Mann pretend to ask help mainly to complete a transcontinental line, WO; gaps of which, one from Ottawa to Port Arthur and the other from Ed, mouton to Vancouver, are ander con- . struction. There remains a line froth Montreal to the seas which has riot yet been undertaken, but which the people .will doubtless in due time be called on to nonce, if this- application. succeeds. The Ottawa to Port Arthur road will pass through a country which will not provide much local traffic, for litany years to come at least, The same may be said of the mountain section which parallels the G. T, P. to Yellowhead Pass and there turns down the Thompson and Fraser Rivers to Vancouver, paralleling for a long distance the C. I? R. Excluding' the Indians, the population of British Columbia is not much more than threo hundred tbousand. Its coal and lum- ber go to the coast and the Northwee. tern States. Its farm production is insignificant. Besides, British Colum- bia is a sea of mountains, the develop. meat of which will be enormously ex- pensive. To feed the traffic of the main line, branch tines, clinging to the mountain sides and travereing narrow valleys, will not for a long time be profitable. In short, it seems that, the Aackenzie and Mann line will merely divide with'the 0, P. R. and the G. T. P. the transcontinental traffic, whit h hitherto has not even taxed the ability of the C. P. R. alone. The capital in- vested in three lines will clamor -far adequate reward, which will be aeaur• ed only by levying on the people over the whole country. Since the country was committed to the construction of the National Transcontinental, there has been, frons the point of view of the public inter- est, no good reason for the encour- agement of Mackenzie and Mann's adventure of a transcontin en t al. Whatever may have been the pros- pects five or tlx years ego, it is now quiteclear in view of the stagnation. of the production of farm vrealth; that there is not profitable business f, r thre a transcontinentale. More proof of that is the extreme embai- Farm for Sale. A good 200 aore farm within nine anise of Wingham, good bank barn, good cement house, large orchard, end considerable quantity of timber. Price. $0500,00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham Is, O. Get Tne Best Fence At The Lowest Prices DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid STYLE F g v e W.5 4 5 6 778 88 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 18 20 37 40 48 442 42 47 48 51 48 48 55 48 60 22 22 22 22 22 22° 221 223 223 161' 1' 22 16} HEAVY FENCE No. 9 Page Wire Throughout in 20 30 and 40 Rod Rolls, Freight Paid Spacints of Horizontals in Inches 10, 10, 10, 8, 9, 10, 10 61', 7, 8:, 9, 9 5, 51, 7, 7, Tx, 8 5, 61', 7i, 9, 10, 10 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6,6,6,6,6,6, 6 4, 5, 5T•, 7, 8x, 9, 9 4, 5, 5i 7, 9-, 9 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 5, 51', 7, 81-, 9, 9 4,4,5,5§,7,-&11,9,9 3, 5, 3, 4, 5?., 7, 7, 7§, 8, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5•'�, 7, 7, 71', 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 5t, 7, 81, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5z, 7, 81, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 51', 7, 8.i, 9, 9 PRICES 0 o eH 0. 0 $0.16 .21 .23 8 ..26 26 .29 .31 .31 .33 3 .36 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bottom, Intermediates No. 13. 'Uprights 8 inches apart, 8 Close bars 8 Close bars PAGE" RAILROAD" GATES 48 10 -ft op'ng 4812•![. op'ng 4813 -ft. op'ng 48 14.ft. ap'ng WALK GATE, 48 in, high, 3/ ft. opening,. STAPLES, 25-1h. box, BRACE WIRE 25.1b. rolls . STRETCHING''0OLS, Complete outfit wrri.awwr,r ' w....www ,.. r 4=='•wr = .42 ,47 3.80 4.00 4.25 4.50 2. 75 870 00 IM♦t'ft four Order 10 Dur Nearest Branch 5 Pogo Wire Fence Ce,, Ltd. wrlt+slrer iW-Ptfe Frau Cetttfett cdtrr,at 1240 Kang St. West Walketwil'• r. John, _ ! t)xtiN"i'U WfNtiitsett raavnnent of the Railway Oommiaslon about freight rater. There le, per haps, eoonontic justification for the Mac - 'teazle and Mame railways 04 the prairies debouching at Port Arthur, 'though s'they have reelrlessIy avd improvidently extended setilemest. But there is not at present spy appar. ent $ratlficatiop' f.,r the Ottawa to Port ;A,rthar knd ,Edmonton to Van. Vol -lien roads. It is now doubtful, at hetet, wbetber even the 0, P. It, can ifart.y„'the wheat of the West with profit to the producer to a Canadian port on the Atlantic, ' Tha'►i►liole` situation le extremely grave, The horde of speculators, Land gamblers and empire builders.. who have' beim guiding the country for the past ten years with stupid disregard of . the question whether bust hies ,'could' •be profitably casted on'under'"th4 conditions which they created are now ruehing to the Gov. eenment :ep' sipsenpel the people to carty their enterprises a little farther,, The issue will prove whether Sir-, White is 'the servant of the people or the tool of the men who put the public treasury in his charge, - Slow to ,Anger. A prominent lawyer in' the east end telticaSetney of a falrmer who o mup to him nine and asked him to take his ease»in'rwhich•1he--was -suing a certain party for Heel.• SVhat did' he sty about yen r.:40 attorney quesffbjr . • i= "He called me a Gazelle." "When was this?" ko• "A year a .' ' • -' :"Well, wb d'idn%you start proceed- Ings before ?" the lawyer asked. "[Yell, you see, It's this wap.' 1 didn't know what a gazelle. was until lite circus wine to town, last week," was the answer.' 'I try to mind my own business,* 4aic1'111re. Sloothington. 'I never saw any one, 'rePlied Miss Cayenne, 'who endureid faiinre with greater fortitude.' -Washington ,Star.' • Judge-‘-' What is your age,'? Adam ?' Witness --'Twenty-seven an spine months.' • Judge -'I want ye; 'r exact age, please. How many moieties?' Witness -.-'One hundred andiwenty.' •--Boston 'TrMtiscript.' Roly--'Is yours a select neighbor. hood?' Pols -"I should say it wast 'On one block we've six limousness, four Pekin - ,eat pup,ra.:,nild one baby carriage.'- , arriage.'- c A REAL NERVE AND BODYBUILDING MEDICINE We believe Rexall Olive Oil Erroll - elm is the best remedy made for ton- ing the nerves, enriching the t,lood, building up wasted tissues, renewing health, strength and energy -the best medicine you can use if you are run- down;' tired -out, nervous and de- biliated, no matter what the cause. It• doesn't depend for its good effect upon alcohol or.habit-formi e, drugs,, bScauee it'contains none. It homy not make you feel better in a fear hours, but it will make you feel better, we are sure, just as soon as the tonic and food properties it contains have a chance',to. get into the blood and, through the blood, into the rest of the system. Pure Olive Oil and the Hypo- pboaphit es have long been endorsed by e• ucceaefeslpbyeicians, but here, for the first Urine, they are combined into one preparation; which, as a nerve•food and a builder of strength and health,' we believe, has np •equal, If yon don't fell, well, begin taking Rexall Olive Oil Eloulsion to -day, and build your beyit11and strengthen your system agnirfetillaore serious illness. To convalescents; old people, puny children and all others who are weak, rundown or ailing, we offer Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion with our personal prornian• 6hat,.4fett. doesn't make you well and strong again, it will cost you nothing. If we didn't have the ut- most faith in it, .we: would n't offer it with this guarantee. nor even reenm mend it to you. We are sura that once you have used it you wilt re row - mend it to your friends. and thank us for having recommended it to y, u. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rex - All Stnrsi. and ie this town only by J. W.4M.cK b'nn, 5100. -• THURSDAY, MARCH 12', x914 �.. ,,,#.,Nov,,•,.,1; Hone and CENTRAL Lot -ssrii42.TCprlD rrr Canada's best practical training school. Three department. -Como incrdal, Shorthand npd Teledraplly. Couites are' thorough hull prii tt- tial. 'IndivIduat'''i,istruction iq givers by a strong, eaporien ed etaif. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free ctalogue and see what see can do for yon, b. 4 Isaac/MAI, + Priuctpal Low Rales to California, Florida,. and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT • The Grand Trunk 'Railway is the most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo.. . Full particulars at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or write 0,117, Horning, D.P.A,. • " Toronto, Ont, • .. - H. 13, Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket' 'agent; phono.4. W. F. Burgman, Station Tfoke� Agent ; phone 50. J. h. Roemer, station agent ; phone 7. W. A. Sanderson, Town Agent ; ' phorre'• lei; SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS • Ton sole head of a family, or.any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land iu Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the -district. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on certain conditions, Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of throe years. ' A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homostead,ou a farm of at least 80 acres. on certain conditions. .A habitable houso is re- quired in every case excop'i when residence iserformcd in the vicinity, In (wattle districts a homesteader in good stapdine.may,pre.o,n ptaquarter-section along- side his omestead. Price $3 or acro. Duties Six months' residence kt each of six years from dato of homestead entry (including the time required to earn hom.stoad .patent) and 60 acres extra cultivation. The srreii of qulti- vation is subject to reduction incase of rough;. scrubby or t,tony land after report by Horne; stead Inspoetgr on application fqr patent. A homesteader who has exhausted hiehome- stead right and'oannot obtain u pre-emption may take a purchased homosted in curtain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside six months•in cath of three sears, culti- vate fifty acres and erect a•hollso worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.D.-Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for, ]]M(►►v is lii1 i 11)Aa tit r AI,.. } r•. I Ili, "PAGE FENCE$ WEAR REST" • Nv?• titsPropriearyorl'tteatMeJiciheila a' A11te'etable Fromages forts.. ClmitatinglhefoodandRegular•7 jinelhe 3temaclisand Ilowersof INFANTS SCHILDREN PromoEes Digestion Cheerfil 'less andltesteontaifslteith¢ri 0ppI1'unt.Morphine norNitteral NOT X,AIICOTIC. . .t*eotold l} BFh .. ynSled. kora+ c ",rale+ ;t t �1Fhis14..« �•. • a C eel- Retnedy f ettshpa .lie SourSlomeeht idr(tot�r W e,Convulsiais, s-3 tl h• e: toss and LOSS tit'LSEP. - lite CarrauaCIMPAlrltir 44(INTRI +L841tAws ant t• , , STOilf,r‘ Por Infant and Children. The ;.Kind You Have, Always Bought Bears the Signature of Y, it For Sale, Mr. Wm. Carruthor f ffers for sale Lis fine property on Cath• arine Shiest•, eorusis.tinn of a fievon.ror,rno- (i brick veneered IiOUI'e and tiered lots. There is ait,•iotable on the premises, • • 'oho a variety of fruit trees and berry bushes. A most desira- le property, and will be sold • Agit[. - Enquire on the premises or at our oMice. ,I..et $1 a foot. you 1..••••.iitsarat;,^��pn r. Uu""' s.."�"'",�.... aaad•..ftirniture• $1 pot• hun- dred for 3 years, " We will secure you a ten - .tang f'or your vacant house for '$I. RitohlL& Gosoos REAL ESTII,'it,;AND IfSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL • :qtr, 4II'tE INS. CO. Estesenseerus10, /Road Office . GUELPH, ONT. .. Ris7i s tatien on all classes of in. surable -property ou the cash or pre- mium note system, GEO. SLErisIAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE t;: C0$ENs, Agents.`Vingham, Ont }•DUDLEY IIOLMES • • • Bari sal[ Solicitor, etc. Office : lt[oy, Fee block, Wiegham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR - Money to Loan at Lowest rater. WINGE:AM, A RTIJUR J. IRWIN :.137P.*; L,D.S. D'pctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- ssteryivania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Block- -------•-....,_ G, I, ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Heuer Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Billeting of Ontario, Honor Graduate of 'University of Toronto FAburty of Dentistry. OFFIOE OYER ii E. ISARD .t CO'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B 0 A., F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST • .scuts, add Chronic niseasts treated. -Glasses Scion fifloally fitted. Tuesday 11,30 am, to SVe)Ine day 10.30 a.m , lYlaia St. (over Christie's Store,) W. 4 . tlAMBLY, B.Sc., 1.D,, CC,, • Special attention paid to u`i`otbs of Women and Children, having =taken post):radnate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific) Medicine. !Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the • Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY .& CALDER OF110Es-Corner Patrick and Centre streets Pitmrns- Ofllces Residence, Dr. Kennedy 1.443 Residence. Dr, Calder 131 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery• ofIepsanlitoDiseses the Far Noe nd Tr, a'. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly (tted,• DR. H. J. ADAMS . Late member House Staff Tor- onto Git,neral Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFIrxCE IN MCDONALD BLOCK • DR. RENT•. G. REDMO1JD (Lour Physician and Surgeon, (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) J. MOON VETERINARY simoBON pekoe. os, LATE DR WILSON. a Ae0t). 0tNQPr : IL i'Ai fie R 1ffePhone 1;'3, COItcsidonceTI:ICXI'honc 182B.AFOIS - .x Qov.'V4t. Inspector, . ,1. - ..., •,. . In- .., .:a . ' '' 'GENERAL AGENT S�i , , Tseuer,. of Mitrrtage Licenses. '' +amu . lire, Life,-4.coident, Plate Glass and Weather. Insurance, couple*, with a Real ..Estate and Money . -Loaning business, t. ' ri.�, r e.At RIF FIN FOrber : v01,1..1 Thirty Years. General Hospital. ` hinder'[ iwli `nmet.a Insseetlona Pleasantly oltttated. Peautiftaily furnished. Open to all regularly lae,r.,e.1 tthyeleiatet T ' Rates for�yntlents (which iuoletle board, and nut/dien> 0.' to 1'16,Pr0 roar we,•k_ aeeording Copy oWrapper. tws[ akNYhvi+ d fatwtHV. s,ltw vat.l,s a,rr.hddta•Addrebo tq location of room, eor further informs.. 11 I1188 L. iltalaREws thzperinb rskgeb. Mt Witteavern.. Wit. 11.11111111.1111111.11011111111111111111111011011111111111111111.1111111111101111111111101. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to October 27,inciusive, WinziipeeS and Return 53x.00 Edmonton and Return - 900• From Toronto, and Stations Westwnd North of Toronto, Proportionate fared from Stations East of Toronto, Return Limit two months. • REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND 'APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and effects should take SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 p•ot. train from Toronto Union Station. Settlers and families without live stock should use REGJJLAR TRAINS, leaving: Toronto 10.2U0 p.m. DAILY. Through' Colonist and Tourist Sleepers, - Through traits Toronto to Winnipeg and West. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS. No charge for Berths. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G, Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. J. h. Roemer, station agent ; phone 7. W. A. Sanderson, Town Agent ; ' phorre'• lei; SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS • Ton sole head of a family, or.any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land iu Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the -district. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on certain conditions, Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of throe years. ' A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homostead,ou a farm of at least 80 acres. on certain conditions. .A habitable houso is re- quired in every case excop'i when residence iserformcd in the vicinity, In (wattle districts a homesteader in good stapdine.may,pre.o,n ptaquarter-section along- side his omestead. Price $3 or acro. Duties Six months' residence kt each of six years from dato of homestead entry (including the time required to earn hom.stoad .patent) and 60 acres extra cultivation. The srreii of qulti- vation is subject to reduction incase of rough;. scrubby or t,tony land after report by Horne; stead Inspoetgr on application fqr patent. A homesteader who has exhausted hiehome- stead right and'oannot obtain u pre-emption may take a purchased homosted in curtain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside six months•in cath of three sears, culti- vate fifty acres and erect a•hollso worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.D.-Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for, ]]M(►►v is lii1 i 11)Aa tit r AI,.. } r•. I Ili, "PAGE FENCE$ WEAR REST" • Nv?• titsPropriearyorl'tteatMeJiciheila a' A11te'etable Fromages forts.. ClmitatinglhefoodandRegular•7 jinelhe 3temaclisand Ilowersof INFANTS SCHILDREN PromoEes Digestion Cheerfil 'less andltesteontaifslteith¢ri 0ppI1'unt.Morphine norNitteral NOT X,AIICOTIC. . .t*eotold l} BFh .. ynSled. kora+ c ",rale+ ;t t �1Fhis14..« �•. • a C eel- Retnedy f ettshpa .lie SourSlomeeht idr(tot�r W e,Convulsiais, s-3 tl h• e: toss and LOSS tit'LSEP. - lite CarrauaCIMPAlrltir 44(INTRI +L841tAws ant t• , , STOilf,r‘ Por Infant and Children. The ;.Kind You Have, Always Bought Bears the Signature of Y, it For Sale, Mr. Wm. Carruthor f ffers for sale Lis fine property on Cath• arine Shiest•, eorusis.tinn of a fievon.ror,rno- (i brick veneered IiOUI'e and tiered lots. There is ait,•iotable on the premises, • • 'oho a variety of fruit trees and berry bushes. A most desira- le property, and will be sold • Agit[. - Enquire on the premises or at our oMice. ,I..et $1 a foot. you 1..••••.iitsarat;,^��pn r. Uu""' s.."�"'",�.... aaad•..ftirniture• $1 pot• hun- dred for 3 years, " We will secure you a ten - .tang f'or your vacant house for '$I. RitohlL& Gosoos REAL ESTII,'it,;AND IfSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL • :qtr, 4II'tE INS. CO. Estesenseerus10, /Road Office . GUELPH, ONT. .. Ris7i s tatien on all classes of in. surable -property ou the cash or pre- mium note system, GEO. SLErisIAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE t;: C0$ENs, Agents.`Vingham, Ont }•DUDLEY IIOLMES • • • Bari sal[ Solicitor, etc. Office : lt[oy, Fee block, Wiegham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR - Money to Loan at Lowest rater. WINGE:AM, A RTIJUR J. IRWIN :.137P.*; L,D.S. D'pctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- ssteryivania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Block- -------•-....,_ G, I, ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Heuer Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Billeting of Ontario, Honor Graduate of 'University of Toronto FAburty of Dentistry. OFFIOE OYER ii E. ISARD .t CO'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B 0 A., F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST • .scuts, add Chronic niseasts treated. -Glasses Scion fifloally fitted. Tuesday 11,30 am, to SVe)Ine day 10.30 a.m , lYlaia St. (over Christie's Store,) W. 4 . tlAMBLY, B.Sc., 1.D,, CC,, • Special attention paid to u`i`otbs of Women and Children, having =taken post):radnate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific) Medicine. !Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the • Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY .& CALDER OF110Es-Corner Patrick and Centre streets Pitmrns- Ofllces Residence, Dr. Kennedy 1.443 Residence. Dr, Calder 131 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery• ofIepsanlitoDiseses the Far Noe nd Tr, a'. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly (tted,• DR. H. J. ADAMS . Late member House Staff Tor- onto Git,neral Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFIrxCE IN MCDONALD BLOCK • DR. RENT•. G. REDMO1JD (Lour Physician and Surgeon, (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) J. MOON VETERINARY simoBON pekoe. os, LATE DR WILSON. a Ae0t). 0tNQPr : IL i'Ai fie R 1ffePhone 1;'3, COItcsidonceTI:ICXI'honc 182B.AFOIS - .x Qov.'V4t. Inspector, . ,1. - ..., •,. . In- .., .:a . ' '' 'GENERAL AGENT S�i , , Tseuer,. of Mitrrtage Licenses. '' +amu . lire, Life,-4.coident, Plate Glass and Weather. Insurance, couple*, with a Real ..Estate and Money . -Loaning business, t. ' ri.�, r e.At RIF FIN FOrber : v01,1..1 Thirty Years. General Hospital. ` hinder'[ iwli `nmet.a Insseetlona Pleasantly oltttated. Peautiftaily furnished. Open to all regularly lae,r.,e.1 tthyeleiatet T ' Rates for�yntlents (which iuoletle board, and nut/dien> 0.' to 1'16,Pr0 roar we,•k_ aeeording Copy oWrapper. tws[ akNYhvi+ d fatwtHV. s,ltw vat.l,s a,rr.hddta•Addrebo tq location of room, eor further informs.. 11 I1188 L. iltalaREws thzperinb rskgeb. Mt Witteavern.. Wit. 11.11111111.1111111.11011111111111111111111011011111111111111111.1111111111101111111111101.